The fandom: (looks at Tina Chen)
The fandom:
The fandom: funky chaotic good little lesbian bestie
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It's really wild taking our racism and discrimination perspective and putting on the DBH universe and knowing it's realistic. It begins to be so sad.
Mind trigger warnings about various topics.
1: A young human activist who advocated for android rights, found dead a couple of days after they became famous. The police said it was suicide, the bullets in their back calls bullshit.
The same way white people were targeted for advocating for black people in segregation. And black people being targeted for being friends with white people.
2: Androids going against androids. Androids who had a good relationship with humans being targeted by the anti-human androids.
3: The other way around, pro-android humans being targeted by anti-android humans.
4: Cultural appropriation. Do you all think it would exist? Androids have their God, their own way to connect, probably will create their own holidays, styles, etc. Could if be considered cultural appropriation like... humans putting fake leds?
5: Assassination attempts towards Markus. The government 100% would try to pull a Martin Luther King on him.
6: adultification of the YK models. "It's not ped0.ph1lia if it's an android"
7: over-sexualization. Imagine the amount companion androids being targeted like this, and even with laws put in place, their assault would be justified because they ARE made to pleasure humans.
8: over-sexualization 2.0. SA towards non-companion androids not even being able to pass a report since they don't have any body parts, so it's not an assault.
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The DBH Fandom tends to forget how scary Connor is.
Like, the dude literally can dodge BULLETS.
How insanely scary should've been to Simon when he was desperately shooting, and this guy just casually dodges in 0.0001 seconds of calculation.
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Don't want to be rude
Por qué re chucha te disgusta tanto el hc de que Connor y Hank sean cercanos?
I think my favorite DBH headcanon is that Connor sucks at cooking.
Like, this little mf has a full forensic team in his tongue, but he can't process taste. And somehow, always everything he does is either completely burnt or looks amazing and tastes like shit.
There's no logical explication. He should be able to replicate the freaking recipe, but somehow, he just sucks.
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The popular hc that he starts living with Hank. Or maybe just a quirky hobby, who cares? This is just stupid fun with a 6 yo video game.
I think my favorite DBH headcanon is that Connor sucks at cooking.
Like, this little mf has a full forensic team in his tongue, but he can't process taste. And somehow, always everything he does is either completely burnt or looks amazing and tastes like shit.
There's no logical explication. He should be able to replicate the freaking recipe, but somehow, he just sucks.
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I think my favorite DBH headcanon is that Connor sucks at cooking.
Like, this little mf has a full forensic team in his tongue, but he can't process taste. And somehow, always everything he does is either completely burnt or looks amazing and tastes like shit.
There's no logical explication. He should be able to replicate the freaking recipe, but somehow, he just sucks.
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I was angry at this canon at first. But now, even though I agree that the story might've been better for THE PLAYER if she was a human, it makes sense she stayed an android.
Bear with me. The reason Kara was protecting her was because she thought (or convinced herself) that she was human. Why does it has to be different if she's an android? Isn't like the whole point of this game that the androids have feelings, can love and be loved and feel feelings just as much as humans do?
The point of the revealing is lame, sure, but Kara WAS biased. You literally have the option to abandon Alice once you know she's an android, too. Isn't it a bit hypocritical to abandon her once she isn't what you expected her to be?
"But we already have humans loving/being family to androids and androids loving each other", that's just Hank-Connor, which at most they're canonical friends. Or Carl-Markus, which I guess I could agree with, we have that, but it's a parent human and an android older model. And North/Markus is romantic, not family.
Kara, Alice, and Luther are meant to be the representation of androids can be family between them too. They don't need to be human or love humans to be a family with an android in the mix. Alice doesn't need to be human to want a mom, and Kara doesn't need her to be human to love her as a daughter.
Todd thing. I think it's pretty stabilized in the game that he IS delusional. He bought Alice for the sole purpose of replacing the daughter he lost due to his addiction and anger issues. And he bought Kara to replace the mother role. Think about this kind of men that want a child but not to be a parent, and he makes it worse because he just wanted to play family and be abusing to them since he doesn't have the human ones. The YK models literally have an attachable LED to FEED THESE DELUSIONS humans should have to buy these androids. No sane human would buy these models, I meant it, not one human would.
The price thing. It's established that the androids began to be insanely cheap to buy for the overproduction. Plus, the credit is month to month. It's not weird for Todd or Carlos Ortiz to be able to buy them with that in mind.
I do believe YK models should be one of the easiest androids to deviate for the exact reason of being made to feed delusions. Imagine being made to love a family, and that family just sees you as a toy.
We see Alice being in constant fear, mute, walking on eggshells around Todd, hiding under the table, crying over the screams. Almost all the other older models deviated due to mistreatment, and she was SEVERELY mistreated by an addict that broke another model just because. Why is it weird for her to be deviant? The only other child model we see is in Jericho, and he was thrown out to the trash. The reason she's still there is because of her kind of model. She literally CAN'T escape alone as much as a model without legs and arms can't. She's crippled in the android sense, especially with all the features to make her as much as humanly appealing. The hunger, cold, heat, sick, sleep features which are canon to the game.
Uncontroversial take, Alice being an android is a bad decision but the more you think about it the worse it gets. Todd who is poor and living in a shit hole buys not one but 2 androids??? Alice is fed food she doesn't need?? Alice is described as having homework, is she in school or is Todd delusional??? Neither seem great. Why does Alice act like that?? Are yk200 or whatever programmed to disobey direct orders like Alice does?? Or is she already deviant?? What are they going to do in Canada??? None of them will age they have a passport and no other paperwork. Are they going to move all the time to stop being detected????
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RK brothers inspired in my own bickering with my siblings pt.2
Nines: (easily picks up Markus by holding him under the arms)
Markus: let me try.
Markus: (Tries to pick Nines up the same way)
Markus: (frozen in place)
Nines: um... Mark-
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Oh, I like it when Markus is included in this RK brothers thing. So RK brothers it is. He's just not included in this part
RK brothers inspired in my own bickering with my siblings pt.1
Nines: Why the fuck didn't you answer my calls? I thought you died or something.
Sixty: Aww, you were worried about me?
Nines: No, Connor and I agreed to split your things between us when you ever die, I wanted to get ahead and get your PS5 before him.
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RK brothers inspired in my own bickering with my siblings pt.1
Nines: Why the fuck didn't you answer my calls? I thought you died or something.
Sixty: Aww, you were worried about me?
Nines: No, Connor and I agreed to split your things between us when you ever die, I wanted to get ahead and get your PS5 before him.
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Isn't this like the plot of Shrek 2 or am I tripping
i hate hate hate hate hate hate hate when a monster is loved and that love turns them human I HATE IT I HATE IT SO MUCH. tell that thing that goes bump in the night that you love the way its fangs glimmer in the moonlight and the way its horrible gnarled claws are so gentle with you or GET OUT OF MY HOUSE!!!!!!!!!!
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It also makes you think what happened to those YK500 kids in the pirate cove. Did they deviate? Were they transported? Recycled? The Jerry's weren't recycled, so maybe... they let them die there? We know that the YK models are made to imitate cold and heat. What if that makes them more sensible even when you deactivate that? Did the Jerry's saw a bunch of YK kids die, and that's why they deviated? That's why they were so happy to see another child (Alice) alive and were so freaking cute with her?
It's just sad the more you think about it.
Being created with the sole purpose of being innocent and loving the family you're gifted or bought to, just to be a toy to play house.
Just thought of something
How much it would suck to be a YK500. Like… do these kids go to regular schools with humans?
If they do, they don't age, so if you make any friends, they go up to different grades and your still stuck in what…. 3rd grade. Repeating the same stuff each year. Forever???? I can't imagine
Are there special schools? With androids for teachers and students?I mean in the Detroit universe they segregate busses and stairs and things so… maybe? But that's such a weird idea
If YK’s don't go to school. Then they’re stuck at home all day. And if the parents work all day the kids home alone. That'd be so boring, Kids need to socialize and stuff
In that case do you get a nanny? Do you get another android to take care of your android kid? That seems like such a waste of money! Or not… since Todd seemed just fine
Just seems like a sad life for YK android.
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Oh, I've been thinking about this long ago.
In pirates cove, there's some YK500 boxes, so it's probable that the families could literally RENT a child android for their child to play with.
Considering androids are commodities, the idea of making them might've been born out of the idea of "healing parents with trauma" like that video of a mom who lost her little girl and used freaking AI to help her heal.
The whole android idea initiated to help humans and then evolved to be this fucked up shit of buying "things" that look like people to be fucked up to them instead of humans. Ex: Eden Club, android companions, and these android kids.
Also, we see parts where you can literally park your android, so the idea of an adult buying an android child just to play house and the child to be in stasis in a corner until the adult comes home it's not that stretched.
ALSO, it's not a stretch that some couples might buy an android child to see if they want to be parents. Just like when you buy a toy just to get rid of it because you got bored.
I firmly believe that the YK series are the most likely to deviate (talking about the percent of the ones created vs deviants, bc the caretakers are much more common) because they're literally made to act like children, to love or act as if they love their guardian. This wouldn't be "I clean for you and you hate me, why?", it would be "I'm scared, I love you, but you don't love me", they also wouldn't have the strength to actually defend themselves if they even deviated.
What if the child deviates but still loves their guardian? Just like an abused child would always forgive the parent who gave them life because it's what they're conditioned to do.
Just thought of something
How much it would suck to be a YK500. Like… do these kids go to regular schools with humans?
If they do, they don't age, so if you make any friends, they go up to different grades and your still stuck in what…. 3rd grade. Repeating the same stuff each year. Forever???? I can't imagine
Are there special schools? With androids for teachers and students?I mean in the Detroit universe they segregate busses and stairs and things so… maybe? But that's such a weird idea
If YK’s don't go to school. Then they’re stuck at home all day. And if the parents work all day the kids home alone. That'd be so boring, Kids need to socialize and stuff
In that case do you get a nanny? Do you get another android to take care of your android kid? That seems like such a waste of money! Or not… since Todd seemed just fine
Just seems like a sad life for YK android.
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hades explaining that he’s the god of the dead, not the god of death
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Hank dad, that. Connor, adoptive kid this. Carl father there. Markus being a Manfred that.
Rose Chapman adopted Kara the moment it was legal, bite me.
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Okay. But. Imagine that North might be distrustful with Connor, but he then offers her to be completely honest and actually show her.
North by this time knows that Connor is probably against touching if you're not Hank. (I just like the headcanon that he's so used to violence he can't really answer well to touch)
She accepts the interfacing and FEELS the fear Connor felt when Amanda essentially violated his body and took away his free will. And then the posterior fear and guilt he felt, how terrified he was to be a danger again, to be violated again.
The interfacing stops, and Connor is expected for her to be upset and angry. Hell, he was prepared to be executed just like that time in the church, where he was willing to die just because he didn't believe they would trust him after all.
So, North hugs him.
It wasn't like Hank's.
It wasn't a hug of happiness.
It was a hug full of pain and understanding.
No words were exchanged. Just the two holding each other for as long as they needed to.
After that, they became insanely close against anyone's understanding because none of the two were willing to share why they became friends from one moment to another.
Extra kudos if North just comes and goes to Hank's house to see Connor without being invited, since Connor isn't that comfortable going to New Jericho yet. Hank stopped asking and just let the kids be kids, especially after North showed him she can be trusted by threatening the living hell out of him if he ever dares to hurt Connor.
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Another brainwave.
A parallel with the John android that sacrifices himself if Markus sacrifices himself in the very first demonstration.
Like, imagine a human arriving with a really injured android to Jericho. And just like with John's case, Markus can choose to trust them or not.
If you choose trust and you have public opinion in the most positive way, humans will fight alongside the androids. And there will be a scene of that human sacrificing themself to save either Markus or his closest companion of the Jericrew.
It wouldn't change much for the story and still would be pretty damn powerful.
Still mad at the wasted potential of pro-android humans being in the demonstration with the androids, or at least close to it, and throwing stuff at the cops.
Like, a bunch of Gen Z, Gen alpha, and Gen beta people who practically grew up with the androids being their trusted adult or best friend.
Like, a 17 yo guy throwing rocks at the cops yelling that they killed his Nana. An AX400 who took care of him.
A 26 yo woman crying that they won't take her best friend and that she deserves to be free.
A 31 yo man throwing balloons full of painting to the face of the soldiers.
A bunch of teenagers and young adults make a human wall against the cops, surrounding the barricade the androids made with the same fierce stance the older ones did in the 2020s in the protests against systematic racism.
Perkins talking to Markus, Markus says no to the truce. While he goes back and in the silence around you hear a guy screaming "Robo-Jesus told you to fuck off so FUCK OFF!" (Cue a balloon full of painting in Perkins' face)
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