angry-toon-link · 7 years
A Long Hiatus
Hey guys, sorry to be gone for a few days, and for posting this out of nowhere, but I should let you guys know since I’m not going to use this website regularly anymore. Before I explain why, I want to let you know that if any of you still want to stay in contact with me or see my art, you can follow me on Instagram at angrytoonlink and on deviantART at angry-toon-link. I also have a Snapchat, but I’m a little picky on who I give that out to. So if you want to add me on Snapchat, you can message me, and if I’m ok with you knowing it and following me on there, I’ll answer you privately and give you my Snapchat name. And as for why I want to leave/take a long break from here….
This website as a whole is just not enjoyable for me anymore because it’s so filled to the brim with negativity and unhealthy posts. I see posts like that waaay more than happy or positive ones every day. And yeah, I know there are serious problems that people on that website are trying to address, and I’m not trying to be oblivious or put my head in the sand, but seeing so much negativity, hatred, and heated debates every day even when I’m not even REMOTELY looking that stuff up, it’s really wearing me down and having a bad mental effect on me. Ever since I’ve been on here, I’ve been more of a negative person. I’ve become very anxious and I have trust issues. I don’t talk about it on here as much because I’m embarrassed about talking about that kind of stuff publicly, and I really don’t want to contribute to the negativity. Bottom line is, this website is just a constant cycle of negativity and drama. Also, I’ve said this before, this website is TERRIBLE for uploading art. The reason why I even made an account on here was to show my art to others. I know that it’s wrong to expect your art to get a phenomenal amount of likes/notes, and I never really did expect my art to get passed 100 notes. But as of late, a lot of the art I upload barely even gets 10 notes. They only even get notes nowadays if it’s fanart from a popular fan base, a meme, or if I reblog if repeatedly. Original art barely gets squat compared to what popular fandom art gets on here. I’ve been working really hard to draw/create more original stuff lately. I’m always usually proud of the original drawings I make because I put even more time and effort into those. And when I post my original art on there, most of the time it gets close to zero notes. That can be really heartbreaking at times. Those are my reasons for wanting to leave. Part of me is sad for wanting to do this because I’m going to miss some people I’ve befriended on here, you guys were honestly why I’ve stayed for a while longer. But I really need to take better care of my mental health, which is why I need to separate myself from tumblr. I’m not deleting my blog, or any other side blog I’ve made because I’ve posted some art and different posts hat I’m really proud of that I’d hate to see get lost. Before I leave, I’m going to upload some art I finished over the weekend, and then that will be it from me. I’m sorry to do this, and I really hope you guys understand. Goodbye.
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angry-toon-link · 7 years
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Pikachu?? Nope! Just a Mimikyu who’s really improved on their art skills!
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angry-toon-link · 7 years
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Amethyst then proceeded to have the worst brain freeze of her life.
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angry-toon-link · 7 years
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Truth be told, I never was yours.
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angry-toon-link · 7 years
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I’m sorry that this meme is all over the place, it just fits them so well 😂
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angry-toon-link · 7 years
Also before I leave, I'm going to delete all of my selfies so that no porn blogs reblog them while I'm gone.
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angry-toon-link · 7 years
A Long Hiatus
Hey guys, sorry to be gone for a few days, and for posting this out of nowhere, but I should let you guys know since I’m not going to use this website regularly anymore. Before I explain why, I want to let you know that if any of you still want to stay in contact with me or see my art, you can follow me on Instagram at angrytoonlink and on deviantART at angry-toon-link. I also have a Snapchat, but I’m a little picky on who I give that out to. So if you want to add me on Snapchat, you can message me, and if I’m ok with you knowing it and following me on there, I’ll answer you privately and give you my Snapchat name. And as for why I want to leave/take a long break from here….
This website as a whole is just not enjoyable for me anymore because it’s so filled to the brim with negativity and unhealthy posts. I see posts like that waaay more than happy or positive ones every day. And yeah, I know there are serious problems that people on that website are trying to address, and I’m not trying to be oblivious or put my head in the sand, but seeing so much negativity, hatred, and heated debates every day even when I’m not even REMOTELY looking that stuff up, it’s really wearing me down and having a bad mental effect on me. Ever since I’ve been on here, I’ve been more of a negative person. I’ve become very anxious and I have trust issues. I don’t talk about it on here as much because I’m embarrassed about talking about that kind of stuff publicly, and I really don’t want to contribute to the negativity. Bottom line is, this website is just a constant cycle of negativity and drama. Also, I’ve said this before, this website is TERRIBLE for uploading art. The reason why I even made an account on here was to show my art to others. I know that it’s wrong to expect your art to get a phenomenal amount of likes/notes, and I never really did expect my art to get passed 100 notes. But as of late, a lot of the art I upload barely even gets 10 notes. They only even get notes nowadays if it’s fanart from a popular fan base, a meme, or if I reblog if repeatedly. Original art barely gets squat compared to what popular fandom art gets on here. I’ve been working really hard to draw/create more original stuff lately. I’m always usually proud of the original drawings I make because I put even more time and effort into those. And when I post my original art on there, most of the time it gets close to zero notes. That can be really heartbreaking at times. Those are my reasons for wanting to leave. Part of me is sad for wanting to do this because I’m going to miss some people I’ve befriended on here, you guys were honestly why I’ve stayed for a while longer. But I really need to take better care of my mental health, which is why I need to separate myself from tumblr. I’m not deleting my blog, or any other side blog I’ve made because I’ve posted some art and different posts hat I’m really proud of that I’d hate to see get lost. Before I leave, I’m going to upload some art I finished over the weekend, and then that will be it from me. I’m sorry to do this, and I really hope you guys understand. Goodbye.
66 notes · View notes
angry-toon-link · 7 years
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born to make history
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angry-toon-link · 7 years
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Happy Valentine’s Day! enjoy this bad sketch
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angry-toon-link · 7 years
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Best ship coming through.
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angry-toon-link · 7 years
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It’s international rabbit day!? I had to draw Panne with small flowers in her fur!
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angry-toon-link · 7 years
How to get over past mistakes
1. Remind yourself that everyone makes mistakes, does things wrongs, and has moments of regret. There are no perfect people out there. In that sense, you are just the same as everybody else.
2. Remind yourself that “that was then, and this is now”. You can’t turn back the clocks and change what you did, but you can be a different person in the future.
3. Allow yourself to experience and name the feelings you are struggling with (regret, guilt, shame, disappointment, embarrassment, sadness, etc.) – then make the decision to let those feelings go. In the end, it’s unhealthy to become attached to them.
4. Ask yourself what you can learn from the situation. What would you do differently if you found yourself in that situation again? How can it change the person you are now (so that you feel better about yourself)?
5. Recognise that failings and mistakes are part of the growth process. It’s inevitable that you’ll encounter obstacles, challenges and failures throughout life. Don’t let that stop you from really living life.
6. Remind yourself that “it was what you did, it’s not who you are.” Don’t allow any single event or experience to define you. You are more than – so don’t let that become your identity. Don’t let it determine your destiny.
7. Give yourself the gift of a new start. Forgive yourself, let go of the past, and with confidence move on with your life.
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angry-toon-link · 7 years
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Sample pictures of Victor Nikiforov’s Nendoroid! Preorders start tomorrow for a release in August!
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angry-toon-link · 7 years
AU where you’re a normal human until you hit puberty and you start turning into a monster.
Literally a monster. Like a harpie, a werewolf, a semi-snake (sorry forgot the name) or even a mermaid, a centaur, a vampire, a fawn, ect …
Like you get this very awkard phase between human and monster where you have only certain parts covered in fur or feathers and growing your werewolf teeth hurt like hell and learning to walk in all fours now. Growing mermaids suffocating in class cause they’re starting to need their water, growing vampires starting to take the night classes and wear sunglasses and umbrellas and gloves and hats on daytime. You think you’re the most awfull thing on Earth until you finally reach the end and everybody’s a fab monster. All the awkwardess of puberty. But with monsters.
oh man I need to draw this.
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angry-toon-link · 7 years
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cartoon meme: [1/30] characters: amethyst
“I never asked for it to be this way. I never asked to be made!”
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angry-toon-link · 7 years
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angry-toon-link · 7 years
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