angelindisguise2007 · 7 months
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Detachment is the feeling that you have of not being personally involved in something or of having no emotional interest in it. I don’t really like this definition of detachment, but its the one which explains it the best. Though this post is basically about how to not let your emotions affect every aspect of your life. And it can improve life/mindset by soo muchh. Heres some little tips for detaching !!
Don’t involve yourself, start observing. You do not have to get involved with everything on the internet, whether it's a debate, discussion, latest trends, political opinions or arguments on social media. Learn how to observe situations, and know when to turn your phone off if something is affecting your emotions negatively. 
Actually start thinking before you speak. It’s a common phrase yet no one truly does it. But, thinking before you say anything risky, whether it's a joke or your professing your love to someone, really think about it. Long term or short term thinking, its up to you. Thinking before you speak will literally help you stop acting impulsively on your emotions and avoid any future conflicts. 
Start embracing change. I know it is hard, but change is unpredictable so we need to start to accept it. It allows yourself to be more open minded to different opportunities which is so important for personal growth + how i did it was by observing my environment much more thoroughly and how i’ll fit in it( i usually journal about this ) and speaking with people/reading about people who’ve been in the same situations i’m in. 
Not just being aware, but understanding that not everyone is going to be kind to you and not everything in life is going to be good or fair. A lot of people are aware of this, but when it actually occurs, they’re upset. Is it reasonable to be upset? Yes. Is it reasonable to be entitled to that everyone should treat you good and everything in life is going to be easy? No. In fact if this is the case, you’re doing something wrong. Being your true authentic self is going to bring haters and challengers, do not let them live in your mind. 
Btw, negative emotions are totally normal and i support them. Be sad, angry, furious, insecure, whatever. Though, learn how to process these emotions in your mind, and grow from them, instead of dwelling and letting it affect other aspects of your life.
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angelindisguise2007 · 7 months
Sorry that was a typo😭 I mean how can I accept my new state since its hard for me to let go of the other state.
okay so, about that:
how can i accept my new state since it’s hard —
lemme stop you right there; only reason why you think it’s “hard” to let go of your old state is because you think you’re stuck there. when in reality, you’re not.
you are not your physical body. you are pure consciousness.
as consciousness, you can become conscious of ANY state to and experience the contents within it.
the only plausible reason why you haven’t “moved on” is because you think it’s hard to imagine something new and accept it as reality. if you can recall, i mentioned that imagining isn’t visualizing.
visualizing a scene over and over again is not imagining. affirming over and over again is not imagining.
imagining = mentally placing yourself in your end results and using your imaginary senses to experience it.
if you had what you wanted, what you be doing? how would you feel? what would you be seeing, smelling, touching, etc? answer that question by placing yourself in that end, imaging what you would want to do, instead of thinking of it. really dwell in that feeling until you accept it as your reality.
if you haven’t grasped that feeling yet, that’s okay! keep persisting (going back) to that state, experience it’s contents until it feels it’s reality, and accept it until you reach the sabbath state.
✉️ note : the sabbath state = knowing that your desires are done and in your possession in imagination.
the only thing you can do as consciousness is just accept your desires as yours now, and go on knowing that you already have what you wanted within.
as within, so without.
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angelindisguise2007 · 7 months
a formal introduction to the law of assumption.
📓 🖋️ 🎀 💭
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୨୧ disclaimer: for anyone who’s entirely new to this law, throw everything you’ve ever known about the world out the window. i guarantee that leaving this post is going to leave you shocked, free, enlightened, maybe all three at once. enjoy ;)
i. what is manifestation?
a word that has been on the minds of humanity since the dawn or time. the meer utter of the word can either cause a twinkle to appear in your eye, or cause a massive eye roll. looking back, what do you think when the word “manifestation” comes to mind?
is it some made up, magical thing that only the most powerful people can accomplish doing? & it’s only because they “made it happen” via endless years of hard work?
something that comes to pass after you “raise your vibrations” thanks to the guidance of the rose quartzes in your room, pages filled to the brim of written words in your gratitude journal & your latest ingestion of moon water?
the result of something because despite the fact that you’ve accepted that “ “you're the god of your reality”? it lead you to affirm 100k affirmations within the next 72 hours, through your tears. & even though you only got breadcrumbs of what you actually wanted, it was all WORTH IT, DAMN IT.
lemme tell you a little shared secret,
whoever told you that was wrong. 
they had no idea what they were talking about. & by misfortune you believed it. 
now, lemme tell you what manifestation actually is:
manifestation is whatever reality you experience via whoever you assume you’re being.
that’s it. no, really! there’s no catch, or anything else deeper than that. 
that’s how the world works! that’s how we work. it’s the thing that keeps this little, silly thing we call society running. 
don’t believe me? speedrun through your entire life, right now.
that time you got dumped by someone you thought was the love of your life & left you for that one person you were worried about? you assumed that you got cheated on.
that time you failed that test despite the fact that you studied every single day for the past month? you assumed that you’re a terrible student.
that time you always got complimented & later found out it was out of pity? you assumed that you were ugly. 
you see a pattern here? it all came down to YOU. not your sp, not your questionable public education system, it was all YOU. you were the only person who accepted & internalized those things, despite what the world showed you. you didn’t make anything happen, you were just going through the (unfortunate) reality whatever state you accepted. 
🎀 note: just want to make this very, very clear: if you were hurt or abused, it was not your fault. prior to this post, you didn’t know the law of assumption was even a THING, so no, you didn’t manifest that experience. that burden lies on whoever did that to you. please understand that.
now that you’ve come to this massive epiphany, don’t panic! you can still flip your life around, all you have to do is take what i say seriously & apply it. 
ii. the truth about imagination.
unlike what you’ve been told for ages, imagination isn’t fake!
in order to experience the life that you want, you HAVE TO internalize this for the rest of your journey: imagination is the only, true reality. the contents you’re currently experiencing physically is just a result of whatever you’ve accepted as fact within it. it’s impossible to experience anything outside of that 
every single occurrence in your life is just you experiencing what you’ve accepted as fact in imagination. nothing more, nothing less. 
also, imagination is not visualizing. imagining is the action of forming new ideas, concepts or images that aren’t present to the physical senses. this is why you have the ability to experience things that appear to be reality despite the fact that it’s not actually happening outside of you.
“but what about the 3d?” about that, the 4d & the 3d are one. one cannot exist without the other. they were never separate to begin with. how? because the reason you’re aware of your 3d in the first place is because you accepted it as real in imagination first. 
you see how imagination is the blueprint for your whole experience? you’ve always lived in imagination and operated from it before you were even aware of what truly created your life.
“well jay, we can’t live in imagination forever i want my desire in the 3d NOW 🤬🤬!!”
hey remember when you finally got your desires, but all of a sudden they faded away or started “reverting” back to how things were, & you started spiraling? wondering how this could even happen despite the fact that “you did everything right?”.  plot twist: it was because you never accepted your desire as a done fact. you were so dead set on changing what was outside of you, instead of what you needed to change within. 
the 3d never will fulfill you. it’s not your life, or your reality. it’s just a dimension in which imagination is expressed. think of the 3d as clay, despite the fact that its material stays the same, it can morph into whatever you can imagine. your 3d will always follow your 4d, it’s the only thing it can do. as long as you keep seeing your 3d as something outside of you, you’re going to stay in a cycle of manic micromanagement of your thoughts & emotions. making self sabotage your ultimate downfall. 
the 3d will change on its own the second you accept a new truth. even if you don’t see it with your physical eyes, it doesn't matter. when it comes to the 3d, your goal isn’t to change it or ignore it. it's in your face 24/7, ofc you can't ignore that. you’re supposed to not let it have the last word. you understand you do not deserve to live your life via what the outer world says about you. you have always had the FIRST & FINAL word, & deserve to experience that. the only thing that matters is what you’ve accepted as fact & walk in the conviction of it being done.  
you need to come to peace with the fact that even though imagination is the only cause of reality, you can never change the 3d if you don’t change imagination first. your imagination is not a machine, you can't expect it to spit out whatever you want the second you think of it. if you know that your 3d is WITHIN your imagination, & imagination is the only thing that needs to change, why are you mad at the 3d for not changing if you haven’t changed ANYTHING about who YOU are in IMAGINATION??
brace yourself, this is going to sound extremely corny & cliche. many have reported vomiting rainbows after hearing this, but the inside is really what matters. 
how many times have you heard of people who have a perfect life but they never feel satisfied with having it, despite literally having EVERYTHING they want?? IT’S BECAUSE THEY HAVEN’T ACCEPTED THAT WHAT THEY HAVE IS REALLY THEIRS TO BEGIN WITH. 
changing the 3d was never, ever your goal. it starts changing automatically the second you assume a new state, making your new experience come your way, so don’t worry about it. even though you CAN manifest how you’ll receive your desire, that is not your responsibility. 
if you truly want to change your life, please understand that this is your one, & ONLY goal: become aware of a desire being yours in imagination & accept it as your reality.
that is all you need to do. just assume that it is done, and confidently walk in that conviction.
iii. who are you, really?
you are pure consciousness, aka I AM. you’re never tied to a state, they’re just labels. hence why switching a state is the easiest thing in the world. remove any & all labels you have attached to you currently, & what’s the only thing left?
🎀 note: self = i am, i have = pure consciousness can be used interchangeably. it’s the same thing, y’all.
you are the only operant power who has the ability to change what goes after I AM.
I AM is always in a present tense, it’s always a declaration of current awareness.
the only thing that needs to be changed if you want to experience what you desire is self.
for example, you want to manifest being with your sp. you can affirm on a daily basis for hours on end about how they’re yours, but if your I AM stays intact (I AM still manifesting my sp), the only thing you’re going to experience is being in a state of limbo with hot & cold behavior from your sp to accompany it. 
as i established earlier, it’s impossible to experience anything outside of imagination. anything you do outside of your I AM is never going to make any change in imagination. you need to feel that you are who you want to be in order to successfully manifest. 
“jay we don’t have to feel emotions to manifest. emotions don’t manifest.”
feeling / feel = the confident acceptance of knowing that your desire is a present fact.
you are allowed to be emotional, acknowledge that your 3d sucks, and just let yourself be deflated. i’m not saying that you should ignore that. however, you must bounce back to feeling the wish fulfilled. never let your 3d have the last word. 
the only thing you need to do to change a state is to just change what goes after I AM & accept it. don’t reason with it, don’t reason into it, don’t look for proof 0.3 seconds after changing it. trust that it's already done and walk in that conviction.
for some of you, it’ll feel weird or uncomfortable at first, & you might be super hyper aware of it. but, as long as you keep persisting (dwelling) in that new state, it’ll just become natural. 
iv. breaking down the law. 
alright, now we’re getting into the GOOD shit. 
what is the law of assumption? how can we work with it?
it’s a universal law in which, an assumption though false, if persisted in, will harden into fact.
so, let’s break this down:
an assumption = what you accept to be true about yourself. 
“well, ACKTUALLY 🤓 ☝🏾, that doesn’t make any sense because according to the twitter thread i just read, it’s a thing IN GENERAL that you accept to be true without proof. it’s not necessary to make it about you.”
oh, okay. if that’s the case then how come you only received little to nothing of what you wanted for the past 4 years despite the fact that you were doing “everything right"?
yeah that’s what i thought. 
now, we know by now that who we’re being in imagination is what shapes our reality. it’s all about SELF. 
no matter how many times you affirm that you have big, doe eyes, an hourglass figure & a bmw is currently residing in your garage, if you don’t change self, nothing in your reality will change.
back to the sp example, let’s say, you have commitment issues (like the majority of humanity). you want to make sure your sp has eyes on you and you only. what do you think is the correct approach to solve this internal problem?
assume that you are in a secure relationship with a loyal partner. 
assume that your sp only has eyes for you & will physically vomit if they look at another human being. 
if you answered a., congratulations on actually paying attention to what i was saying. 
if you answered b., congratulations on not losing your sanity with how many times you’ve committed this error. 
notice how i said,  “what do you think is the correct approach to solve this internal problem?”. you need to change self, not your sp. “jay, free will isn't a thing, right?”. yes, and no. whatever you assume about anyone, they only operate freely according to the role you gave to them in imagination. remember when you used to assume someone in your class was an asshole, & then they just happened to operate as one by dogging on you for no reason? you didn’t assume that they’ll do that specifically, but it happened because their behavior falls into the role you assigned to them. 
people aren’t puppets. you can’t control how they’ll act 24/7 or what they should do 24/7. because a. that directs your attention to controlling the 3d which you’re not supposed to do, & not to mention, you’re just straight up treating them as your property lol. no matter how hard you try to make them do something in the 3d, it’s gonna drive you insane because you’re not changing self. thus, explaining the lack of change in your 3d. 
i am dating my sp = ✔ sp is my partner = 🚫 i have a loyal, loving partner = ✔ sp is obsessed with me = 🚫
neverrrrr give your energy towards changing whatever is outside of you, always prioritize changing self!
though false = despite what the 3d is currently showing you. 
this one is self-explanatory. it doesn’t matter what the 3d shows you, keep being persistent in the fact that you already have what you want. remember, what you feel to be true will triumph your physical senses. 
if persisted in, will harden into fact = returning to of your desired state until you confidently feel your desire to be a fact. 
contrary to popular belief, persisting isn’t affirming on loop. it’s continuing being aware of the fact that you already have what you want. 
despite you feeling super sad, it doesn’t strip you of your identity. you just don't stop being you everytime you feel like shit. that's dumb, lol. whatever you’re doing in the 3d, unless you allow it, can never strip you of who you’ve accepted to be in imagination.
do you think rihanna is out here suppressing all of her negative emotions in fear that her entire legacy will crumble because she let a tear slip? no! 
every state you keep being aware of (returning to) is what manifests. 
if you’re going back to dwell in a state so much to the point where you can confidently accept it as fact, that’s the experience that’ll be expressed. 
it doesn’t matter if you’re ignoring whatever you're currently accepting, affirming against it isn’t enough. self is the only thing that needs changing. not your neural pathways, or your "subconscious". you literally need to direct your awareness to what you want to feel. that's it!
the only job you need to fulfill is to keep persisting in your desire until you accept it as done. 
v. final thoughts + reminders!
take this information & actually apply it if you wish to work with this law to its fullest potential. reading about it all day, every day isn’t going to help you change. even if you’re reading source, what’s the point if you’re not putting it into practice?
so, as this series continues, please take what i say seriously & practice it. i believe in you, so you should yourself a favor and believe in yourself. 
💭 reminders!
imagination will always be the only casual power. everything you're experiencing is just a result of imagination and what you've accepted as done within it. there's no outersource aside from you! tap into your power and use it to the fullest!
time & circumstances do not matter! the second you shift your state, the 3d will instantly match it. everything can (& will!) change in an instant. 
who you’re being in imagination now is the only thing that matters. your reality is only shaped by that, anyway. 
never settle. practice brazen impudence. you already have what you want in imagination. never take no for an answer. you have the final word, not the 3d. 
when in distress, turn to imagination. need confirmation? always turn within. want to experience your desire? always turn within. 3d got you stressed out? always turn within it. inner fulfillment above everything! do it because you can and because it makes you feel better. with this knowledge, why go back to feeling miserable when you don't have to?
always go to the end. be honest, do you really want to affirm for the next hour to get a text from some guy? clearly not. you want that wholesome, fairy-tale romance that'll make every k-drama cower in shame. you want the end result, not the in-between. next time you have a desire, jump to the end and claim it as done!
fall in love with your new state. have fun with your imagination. i mean, you are going back to it consistently, you might as well make it fun every time you return, right? do whatever you want in there, and accept it as done when you're satisfied!
your only job is to keep being aware of creation being finished. you're not creating your desired from the ground up, you're just becoming aware of the finished product. keep doing so until you can't deny it anymore and accept it as done. nothing more, nothing less. 
your desire is a solid guarantee! as long as you accept it as done, there’s literally nothing that can get in your way to prevent it from happening! 
prioritize yourself. even though manifestation sounds great, you can’t (consciously) revolve your whole life around it. do what you gotta do in the 3d, don't neglect it in hopes of something happening. have fun, relax, LIVE A LITTLE. your acceptance has you covered, your desire will unfold in the best way possible. but for now, be aware that your desire is a present fact & done. 
and with all that being said, chapter one of my new series is finally done! yay! also, i've always been the one to not force whatever i'm sharing down people's throats. you can either take it, or leave it. just don't go onto a burner to cuss me out in hopes of raising my blood pressure, it's not gonna work. if you have any questions left after this post, i'll link @edwardartsupplyhands 's channel here! he is the one who inspired me to make my own series on the law too! (after i disappeared for months). you can also go onto his reddit page if you don't get what neville's saying, lol. chapter two will be out soon! promise! until then, log off and apply. you won't regret it! ;)
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angelindisguise2007 · 7 months
heyyy, can you tell me the steps i should do to manifest? like ik it all but im having trouble putting together im kinda spiraling
1. Define your objective (not the manner of obtaining it) – but your objective, pure and simple; know exactly what it is you desire so that you have a clear mental picture of it. 2. Take your attention away from the obstacles which separate you from your objective and place your thought on the objective itself. 3. Close your eyes and FEEL that you are already in the city or state that you would capture. Remain within this psychological state until you get a conscious reaction of complete satisfaction in this victory. Then, by simply opening your eyes, return to your former conscious state. This secret journey into the desired state, with its subsequent psychological reaction of complete satisfaction, is all that is necessary to bring about total victory
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angelindisguise2007 · 7 months
this is kitty.
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kitty is a curious white cat who loves the law of assumption and testing the limits of her power in manifestation. kitty was having her typical day, when she stumbled upon the concept of states.
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a state is the state of mind a person has when they implement a certain belief about themselves or the world. so, kitty though, why not manifest a new stuffed animal through the states?
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so, kitty thought, “my new stuffed animal is the best toy ever!”! she just thought what she would think if she had her desire; she got into the state of having her desire. then, kitty went about her day.
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she played, ate, and hung out with her friend cupcake. she didn’t think about her desire much, and if it came to her mind, she would just remind herself that she already had it and that she loved playing with it.
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she got her new stuffed animal so soon it almost startled her! kitty was so happy, she immediately started playing with it.
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angelindisguise2007 · 7 months
feeling over desire.
i'll tell you something and you need to promise me you won't be disappointed, shocked or discouraged, alright? here we go: you don't want your desires. technically. well, you still want something but it's not the desire itself. you want the feeling. you want it mentally in the 4D rather than physically in the 3D.
desiring fulfillment from within.
when your inner man (you) is desiring something, it's desiring to feel. it's desiring the feelings that come along with having that desire. the happiness, the calmness, the joy, the relief, the confidence, the stability, ... it wants fulfillment. it wants to feel fulfilled. those are the feelings that you actually long for rather than that desire's physical existence.
attachment to the physical.
the only reason why you want something physically or think that you need it is because you make your feelings dependent on it. it's because you won't allow yourself to feel happy, calm, joyful, relieved, confident, stable or fulfilled in general unless you have physical proof of it in the 3D and won't claim it until it's "really" or "truly" yours. again, this is also a form of conditioning your desires as you are waiting for things outside of you to change but refuse to change on your own.
reliance on outer change.
see, this is the problem. when you prevent yourself from feeling the feelings of contentment due to already having your desires you will never be able to manifest them into the physical. what you won't experience within, you can't experience without. the 3D itself can and will never fully satisfy you. it has no power of its own, things cannot exist outside of you, so, how can you expect things to fall into place for you when you keep on accepting reality — from within and without — as it is?
acting from lack.
something many people do is to try methods thinking that it will make their manifestation come faster to fruition. that's actually when you know that you are lacking the feeling of having or being the thing desired and try to attain it. but the thing is, what you need internally cannot be given to you externally. that's why your aim should never be the outer world. you shouldn't do techniques thinking that they will bring you closer to your desire physically when you're lacking it mentally. what you don't have in the 3D, you also don't have in the 4D.
fulfilling self in imagination.
we have already established that you want the feeling. now, where do you get that feeling? where can you enable it? the answer is in your own wonderful human imagination (neville‘s words). see, you desire the feelings that would follow if you already had what you were seeking, if you already were in possession of your wants and needs and if you already embodied who you wish to embody. so, what do you do? you give yourself what you have been physically looking for, mentally. you become who you want to be and identify with the state of mind aka the version of yourself who has it all. you start to live in imagination.
power of imagination.
you can genuinely, fully trust your imagination. you can dare to live freely and unlimitedly in your imagination. you can give yourself permission to be and to have whatever you desire and trust that it'll materialise. it's the unchangable principle, the law that imagination has to create your reality based on your mental activity. your 3D has no choice but to conform to it.
  ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀love and light, ella.
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angelindisguise2007 · 8 months
Hi hera ❤️❤️first of all i just want to say Ilysm and i have a really small question but i've been wondering it for a while. (Sorry if this question seems a little pointless)
However, i am just wondering if i am manifesting many desires at once, how should i imagine the end? for example, appearance and and fame and sp, or something like that: during sats,how should i imagine the end? should i imagine one scene that implies its all done or one by one? and how should i go about it, if you could provide an example to clarify, or explain how to approach this, i would appreciate it so much. thank you for everything Hera, I love you.
My love, anything that aids you in calling the feeling forward is more than enough. If you can confine it to a single scene or affirmation, do that. If you prefer multiple scenes for each desire, you can do that as well. I mention this often, it doesn't matter what you do, what matters is the ability to accept it and fully identify with it.
Let's say I would like straight A's and my phone screen to finally work again (I'm aiming to go for two really different example to show that feeling boils down to the same exact way [acceptance]) So I would then ask myself, how would I feel after seeing my report card and knowing I got the grades I wanted? How would I feel if my phone was fixed? I'd feel great, I'd feel relieved, I would no longer be frustrated about either situation because they've been resolved. That is acceptance. So when you induce the SATS, let yourself bask in the feeling of acceptance. How would you feel if you knew your wish had been granted? How would you feel if you already were you who you wanted to be?
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angelindisguise2007 · 8 months
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what helped me shift to my marauders dr
i’ll be straightforward: i was delusional.
what i mean by this is that i acted as if i already shifted and was in my desired reality.
how i did?
i’m currently on a trip to the mountains with my family but i kept acting as if i’m with the marauders instead.
for example:
i’d be going to the bathroom and say to myself “oh there are the other marauders in the other room, they’re waiting for me to get ready”.
i’d be sleeping on the bed with my mom but instead i say to myself “i’m sleeping next to my brother sirius, weird that he’s not making any noises like usual”.
every thought had to be related to my desired reality. like thinking “i need to do my potions homework later, i hope i don’t forget” or “i can’t wait to go to the library with remus later, i want to buy new books” or “i want to go back to hogwarts to play quidditch, it’s been a while” and so on.
so to sum it up you have to adjust to the mindset of already being in your desired reality, so basically darling you have to use the law of assumption.
i think this is the biggest thing that helped me together with affirming throughout the day.
have fun with your journey !
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angelindisguise2007 · 8 months
How do I focus on feeling?
think about what it feels like to have your desire. like truly, truly have it where it's right in front of you. sometimes that feeling may be an emotion, like gratitude or happiness, but other times it might just be emotionless and just being aware. try and experience that feeling as often as you can. the more you experience it, the easier it gets. <3
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angelindisguise2007 · 8 months
operation: revive the loa community.
hear me out please ! let me cook, i beg you.
literally throw the void away it is TIRED. How many challenges are y’all gonna make to achieve one state ? no really think about it. It’s not the challenge it self, it’s the faith you put in the challenge so put that faith in YOURSELF.
Bring back “challenges” that focus on mindset and state sustainment.
no rude questions or responses (some of you guys have no empathy when dealing with your anons and it makes me question your successes because happy people aren’t bitter).
progress reports !!!!
understand the key principles. once this is done the community will be OVERFLOWING with success stories. Blogs, i encourage you to push principles. the questions you get will decrease trust. The principle is that CONSCIOUSNESS is the only reality and whatever you believe to be true is true regardless of illusionary circumstances in your 3D reality.
Neville. Y’all 😟- This whole community is built on his philosophy and I guarantee nothing you guys are saying is revolutionary and beyond Neville. You probably didn’t understand the text. I mean that with love.
Let’s work on feeling the Law. I’ve understood the law on an intellectual level for so long, i understand it perfectly. I recently starting FEELING it. You’ll just know when you do. Sometimes i don’t feel it and that’s okay it’s a journey.
There is also an illusion of separation. We separate realities for teaching purposes but you are ALL of it. Your mind is the center though, so change it.
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angelindisguise2007 · 8 months
Been burnt out lately..
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angelindisguise2007 · 8 months
how did you enter and maintain the state if the wish fulfilled?
how to maintain the state of the wish fulfilled:
guess what? it’s not something that you can always jump right into. and by jumping i mean, HAVING FAITH in the knowing (=know that your wishes/desires have been fulfilled aka manifested).
it’s a natural feeling that comes from within you. sometimes i didn’t feel as if i had my desires, but that didn’t stop me from manifesting my desires. because, the second I ASSUMED & ACCEPTED my desires as fact, they manifested. in my 4d, they existed.
your desires don’t just run away and come back. they’re always there. if you don’t FEEL like they’re there, it doesn’t mean that they’ll magically disappear.
tapping into the state of the wish fulfilled is something that you naturally do with PRACTICE. practice=persisting. so whenever you have those outbursts of confidence (=are positive, don’t let negative thoughts affect you, believe in yourself), take in the feeling. take a moment to relax and feel yourself drown in your imagination. look at your desires as if you’re holding them with your hands.
when you’ll feel low or insecure and will let your negative thoughts overtake your beliefs and confidence, try to mimic the feeling you experienced when you were once confident. music is a great help! and see how fast you’ll get back into the “confident state” (=wish fulfilled) where you’re chilling and believing in yourself.
that’s how i personally like to do it and think of it.
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angelindisguise2007 · 9 months
sorry to disturb you again but I can't find the 3dolc x roe challenge can you please link it if you can?
The 3dolc
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angelindisguise2007 · 9 months
How did you do the 3dolc x roe challenge?
Go to the people i tagged in the post they have a step-by-step on how to do it!
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angelindisguise2007 · 9 months
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angelindisguise2007 · 9 months
how fulfilled would you be if you started doing sats nightly a week ago? a month ago? 3 months ago? 6 months ago? 9 months ago? a year? stop procrastinating and get started. why are you denying & depriving yourself of something you actually want?
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angelindisguise2007 · 9 months
4dbarbie remix: How to let go of Vanessa
My notes: This is basically a TLDR version of my first 4dbarbie remix post How to realise Self. My original intention for that post was actually to make something like this, a really straightforward (and short lol) practical guide on how to let go of the ego in order to realize Self that I could refer to and apply on a day to day basis. It ended up being a long essay (it was over 3000 words aha) as I decided to go through all her posts and answered asks and found a lot of important information to include so it sort of became more of an educational post (which I'm glad to have made and it helped me understand everything better too!). So anyway, here it is. Pretty much all of the below information was taken from my How to realise Self post (besides the suggested exercises section at the bottom) - I just extracted the more practical guidance outside the explanations to make it. As always, my personal notes and highlights are in purple text.
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Just let go of the ego, that’s how simple it is. All you need to fix is your wrong identification. There isn't anyone who couldn’t materialize anything right now if he or she would just let go of identifying as the limited body. 1
Stop thinking you are Vanessa, the thoughts of needing this or that drop away. To change, you need to give up this conviction of being this person. You need to disbelieve. 2 A lot of beliefs are subconscious. "I am a body", "I am Vanessa", "There is a world" are all subconscious, automatic beliefs. Upon investigation you can get rid of any belief (by making them conscious and then dropping them). 14 How do you drop a belief? (see part 1 and part 2)
All you need to do is detach from this form during the day, let life happen as it happens while reminding yourself it's a dream, a dream that doesn't have to be yours. 3
What I recommend you to do is bring your self into focus, become aware of your own existence. See how you function, watch the motives and the results of your actions. Study the prison you have built around yourself because of credulity. By knowing what you are not, you come to know your self. The way back to your self is through refusal and rejection. 4
Leave your mind alone, that is all. Don't go along with it. 5 Thoughts will keep on coming for a while, just now you know they have nothing to do with you. Get into a habit of watching, letting them be but not identifying with them. If you can observe them, it means you are not them. 6
Step away and look (observe). The physical events will go on happening, but by themselves they have no importance. It is your mind alone that matters. When you identify yourself with them, you are their slave, you think you have to act on them. When you stand apart, you are their master 7
Just stop taking the thoughts you don't like for truth or reality. There is no convincing involved, it is all letting go. 8 Doesn't matter what the thought is, leave it alone, ignore it BUT not by force of will, just indifference 9
Start letting go bit by bit, just to see what happens. You won't start "acting crazy" just because you become uninterested in thoughts, I promise 10
You don't need to convince yourself they're unreal, just dismiss them (your thoughts) as not yours. They will disappear more and more through your newfound indifference, then their physical counterparts will, too. Detachment is by doubt and indifference. First you start doubting "the facts", then you become indifferent to the facts, lastly there are no facts anymore and you can establish your own. 9
Your next step will be realizing there is nothing to learn in a dream. You'll find yourself having less and less thoughts, then none at all. Then, only if you want, you will be able to reinstall the mind, now of your choice, and change the dream. 3
All you need is to get rid of the tendency to define your self. All definitions apply to your body only and to its expressions. Once this obsession with the body goes, you will revert to your natural state, spontaneously and effortlessly. 4
Be patient with yourself because you don't lose any time, just get to that place I'm telling you about and then you can just go back in time if you so wish. All worry is pointless! And there is nothing to fear, things just happen, do not claim them as yours for a while. Unclutter your mind, it becomes your servant after you've freed it enough. 11
Reminder: This body and this world are not forced onto you, they exist through your identification with them. Not yours, remember? Repeat. Not yours. You won't lose your mind, you'll only lose your misery. After you've detached, you'll easily shift to as many realities as you want - don't put any on a pedestal of desire, they are equal. See this world and the body as not real first. What is true is only what I AM is identified with, right now this body which is not in that TV show (referring to anon's desire). Correct this first by letting go of thinking it's you. 12
Suggested exercises (not required if you don't want to do it!)
1. Sitting in silence & just being with no thoughts - The whole point of sitting in silence is to realize what you are, pure beingness. Awareness only becomes consciousness when it has an object. The object changes all the time. In consciousness there is movement; awareness by itself is motionless and timeless, here and now. 4
2. Start doubting you'll wake up as Vanessa tomorrow - Not to get it, but consider it actually… What if… I wake up tomorrow and I realize an entire life has been just a dream?! Equal to the one I dreamt last night?! What if you wake up and realize it all was a nightmare that you THOUGHT went on for years and it's just been a few hours... even get scared and terrified about that thought. Better than getting scared about non-reality.
WHAT IN THE WORLD?! That never was... but I felt it so real, I swear I was her?! Yet here you are, awake, and the dream never was.
Do it like that. Doubt that it's anything but a dream as much as possible. 13
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Citations: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14
In-text links: 1, 2, 3, 4
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