andromedastarrs · 27 days
Miguel O'Hara - Random Headcanons, All SFW! :)
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Y'all enjoyed the other post a lot so here-- have some more of my brain rot! All of these are just fun things lol, interactions and quirks!
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If he spots you and notices that you have bad posture, he'll point it out and tell you to straighten up. Even if others are around. "Unless you wanna live with back pain till the rest of your life..."
Clean cursive would probably be his preferred font to write in. When he prints his letters it's a total mess.
Definitely does not tolerate people who chew with their mouth open. He will glare at you, grab his plate, and move away.
Takes freezing cold showers. Headcanon because every health nut/gym person that I've met says it's the best for muscle recovery.
Doesn't like to watch TV in his free time, he's in front of screens all day. He spends it instead reading books, cleaning up his living area, putting on music and resting on his couch to let his mind relax.
Loud dad sneezes. Doesn't apologize for it.
Likes his coffee black. On his rest days though, he will add a little milk in there to treat himself.
Will order the biggest burger off the menu and successfully chomp at it with no issue. A part of me also thinks it would be in character for him to order a small meal and eat very... Well, he'd eat like a princess. LMFAO.
Is not religious but very respectful of every religion. I think if he were to have a spiritual S/O and they practiced a religion he didn't know much about he'd wanna learn about it by asking them questions.
I am TIRED of the racist Miguel allegations. I am a firm believer that because he is half Irish and half Mexican, if he were to be present in front of a racist, he wouldn't tolerate it. Also headcanon that he's not the arguing type. He'll just throw them out a window (exaggerating).
He loves cats and dogs, very gentle with both. Knows how to treat both correctly too. Doesn't own any pets though, he's scared of losing it one day.
Silently cries. Even when alone he's very quiet. His eyes get very red and so does his face, very quickly. No puffy eyes tho!
No time for skincare, but he's into biotech... Probably assuming too much, but if he could then why wouldn't he; he probably concocted some sort of "one in all" skin product.
On that note his hygiene is on point! He'd probably be so upset if he ever stunk.
Definitely dyes his hair. I do not believe that he doesn't have a single grey strand up there. If his S/O once said they liked the grey hairs, he'd probably chuckle... And then keep dying it anyways.
I think he'd choose to wear shorts over pants when given the chance to... Even jorts. It's ok, he looks good wearing them!
I think he'd like silver jewelry even though gold looks better on him. (He can pull off both *lip bite*.)
Doesn't like designer logos printed everywhere over his accessories/clothing.
Am i the only one that thinks he works out via Pilates AND weight training? Gotta stay flexible and stretched!
Likes to meditate, almost never has time to do so.
Sleep talker!
Very self aware of his size; hates accidentally coming into contact with other people.
Caught up with modern lingo in most places, doesn't participate in conversations surrounding it. "Have you heard what lingo the kids are using? It's absolutely bonkers--" "Yeah."
Try to talk to him in a silly language (think of that skibidi toilet shit), he'll respond instantly. Don't get the wrong idea, he won't be amused by your antics.
If he doesn't show interest in you then he's not interested in you. I'm a big believer that if you were crushing on him, you'd have to wait for HIM to show interest. Otherwise all your flirting will be rendered useless.
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andromedastarrs · 27 days
Miguel not having physical preferences so being conventional attractive does nothing for him is so real
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Exacto 👌👌 Like I'm not gonna lie, in my opinion, he seems the type to not even be into relationships after *everything*, but I know we all wanna think of the possibility.
Edit (cus someone decided to get smart with me in a repost): this is a HEADCANON, if you want him to be different then use the little spyglass bar and look for whatever your heart desires.
Comic Miguel ≠ Spiderverse Miguel. Thank you!
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andromedastarrs · 27 days
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I got extremely sick over the break and then school started again, I fucked up. The good news is that I took a creative writing course and it re-ignited the creative flame within me.
With this in mind I will now share three announcements:
"Trained For Sin" will have its first few chapters re-written. I just don't think it's on par with my new/current writing level. I cringed really hard going thru the first chapter.
I'm gonna start a Miguel O'Hara series - not sure what it's gonna be about yet, but it's second on my list. And yes, I will get to your prompts now. I apologize for the wait. 😭
My name is Andromeda Starrs. I will be re-branding myself soon, both on here and AO3. I will update my main post to reflect that as well. Thank you!
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andromedastarrs · 1 month
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what i’m ordering
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andromedastarrs · 6 months
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URREGGHHH IM SORRY FOR DISAPPEARING!! College completely took over my life and it's been extremely hard to find passion in my work again, I didn't feel comfortable or confident in my writing but now I'm definitely going to start posting soon. I will get to your asks quickly!!
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andromedastarrs · 11 months
Miguel as a Torero cause I like the pretty suits
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andromedastarrs · 1 year
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i got brainspiders
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andromedastarrs · 1 year
Hey i have a request what would be the type of partner for miguel o’hara ? Thanks if you write this
Miguel O'Hara's Type (S/O) - SFW Headcanons
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Hey Anon!! You're my very first Anon lol this is so very exciting for me, I hope you enjoy my headcanons for Mr.O'Hara's type!!🤞💙❤️
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Miguel doesn't date people for the way they look - so if you're hoping for him to look your way because you're conventionally attractive you're outta luck.
What I mean by this is that he's definitely more of the type to look at someone's actions/inner beauty.
I think Miguel likes individuals that are independent, financially and whatnot. I don't picture him as the type to enjoy babying (I mean this as in taking care of everything for them lol) his partner. However that does NOT mean that he doesn't enjoy getting them gifts and helping them out when they need it.
I think he'd want his partner to be patient. It's no secret that he can be explosive when angry and can sort of act like there's a switch in his head when it comes to his emotions, so having someone that is naturally patient is something that he would definitely look for.
I think he'd look for someone who has different interests/hobbies than him. I feel like he gets bored easily, so having an S/O that has interests he knows little about would peak his curiosity and would sorta act like brain food?? Does that make sense?
In general he would look for someone who is the tender opposite of him, tender meaning that you'd have to be different enough to be interesting but not too different to where you guys have clashing opinions on absolute everything.
Miguel is noooooooot into excessive public PDA, so he'd look for someone who shares that same opinion as him. He doesn't mind hand holding, making each other laugh in public, etc, but he will absolutely never do anything raunchy in public-
Doesn't like pessimistic people.
He'd look for someone who puts effort into their hygiene and general public appearance. AGAIN he is not into people just for their looks, but he IS into people who care about how they present themselves. Does that make sense?? Like he doesn't care if you're Goth, Emo, Coquette, "Basic", etc - he'd be into any aesthetic as long as his partner smells nice and has a cohesive look. (I tried my best to explain but hopefully you get the pic.)
Definitely not into lazy people or people who lack life goals- he wants someone who has a reason to keep going at it in life. Also... don't make him your reason to keep going, he wants you to be independent of him, remember?
I think he'd like people who are into skincare because I headcanon that he's into that 😭🙌. No this does NOT mean he is only looking for someone with clear skin, people can have good skincare routines and still have acne, etc.
He'd look for someone who accepts his past obviously. Also I say this because I think that his backstory is something that's gonna have him traumatized till the end, meaning that idk how he'd feel about kids with his S/O...is it just me that thinks he wouldn't be into it? I think he'd be too scared of losing either you or the possible kid, so instead he'd rather avoid having them again.
(On that note, if you are someone who wants kids I think he'd slowly, but genuinely consider it. He'd probably go to therapy to make sure he's in the right headspace as well.)
Is it a controversial headcanon to say that I don't think Miguel would look for a specific gender to date? I think he'd just genuinely look for a connection.
He'd look for someone who's an early bird like him, he wants to wake up around the same time as his S/O. However I don't think this applies to bedtime, since he has work to do and probably stays up late, he wouldn't wanna hurt his S/O's physical health.
Sorry guys I do not think Miguel likes pets, I think he likes his home tidy and clean. I think he'd lose a sense of control after everything that happened to him, and having a clean home gives him back some sense of control of his life. Maybe a few years into the relationship (after you've moved in) he'd be ok with pets but definitely not at the start.
Also, just because he doesn't want pets doesn't mean he isn't good with animals.
He'd look for someone who is a foodie, I think Miguel is one himself, so he'd look for someone that has the same eating habit of trying new foods. He'd also want this because I think he'd like making them try out recipes. :')
He'd look for someone who doesn't mind quiet days where the both of you barely talk but enjoy each other's presence.
It's no secret that Miguel has an erratic schedule, so he'd love to find someone with a very flexible schedule so that they could always make time for eachother. :')
Unless you are genuinely mature for your age (21+ acting/behaving 26+, don't be weird, thanks) I don't think he'd go for someone significantly younger than him. 🤞Also I think him being 27 makes sense but idek how old this man is because I can't find a certain answer anywhere.
He'd look for someone who can make him laugh. 🥹 He needs more happiness in his life.
On that note he definitely likes people that are optimistic and happy, people who just radiate warm energy. People that are genuinely kind.
Does not like people who try to purposely annoy him, sorry folks.
Also, yes he's handsome. But I headcanon that he wouldn't want someone who's just into him because of the way he looks. And he can always tell.
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andromedastarrs · 1 year
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… so... there’s this set of pixels…
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andromedastarrs · 1 year
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what is with this mans dedication to jumpscare entrances
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andromedastarrs · 1 year
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peaceful negotiations…
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andromedastarrs · 1 year
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Yeah, I’ve seen it.
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andromedastarrs · 1 year
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Miguel O'Hara x GN Reader Relationship (How It Develops)-SFW
Miguel O'Hara's Type ❤️💙🫡 (S/O) - GN Reader, SFW
Miguel O'Hara As A Father Figure - GN Reader, SFW
Miguel O'Hara - Brat Taming, GN Reader + NSFW
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Miguel O'Hara -
Abby Anderson -
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andromedastarrs · 1 year
Miguel O'Hara SFW Headcanons (x GN Reader) How The Relationship Develops!
Because there are almost none that I see and agree with, and too many are NSFW and uncharacteristic.
(no hate /gen, do whatever tf u want idc)
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Miguel O'Hara x GN Reader because I said so.
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When you meet:
You try talking to him: He gives you blunt and short responses.
When you first meet it's all cold, no instant spark for him anyways. Ofc you've seen him and you're like "Wow he's handsome!" But all he sees is another person, nothing special. It's not your fault, this man is just closed off for his own reasons.
You try to joke with him: If it's funny he'll smile... Maybe even exhale through his nose while doing so. If it's crude or not his type of humor, he won't even turn to look at you and instead will give you something to do to make you go away.
What's his type of humor? I like to think it's the "smartass" type of humor but not in an overbearing type of way. The type of humor that comes naturally-- I picture this: you respond with a little snark when he's bossy, or something, and if it's clever he'll sarcastically compliment that. It's often a hit or miss with him too. He'll start smiling more the more you guys know eachother.
If you get his number for whatever reason and you try texting him, he WILL leave you on read if you text him about stuff outside of missions/work. If you bring it up, he'll just tell you that it's not personal and that he doesn't like texting.
If you compliment him he will say thank you, he's cold but not mean. Something like "Thank you for helping me with this, I like coming to you for 'x' because you're really smart and explain stuff nicely." However if the compliment has some sort of ulterior motive (think catcalling) he'll definitely glare at you and either not respond or say "Okay." (Just don't flirt right away...he literally does NOT KNOW YOU.)
Keep your gaze respectful, I don't care if he's a man, you don't eyeball someone for fun if they show discomfort. And he would, if you were caught doing so and he didn't even know you personally. Eugh... Let's be civil!
With that in mind, if you try to pry into his personal backstory too early he will most likely not open up to you about it until wayyyyyyy later since he'll trust you less for being so nosey. Let HIM open up naturally.
Don't call him moody.
How do you become friends? It depends on him, he definitely chooses (and is picky with) who he wants to get close to, so, really you have no say and can't do anything to make him like you. Even if you're conventionally attractive it won't affect how he feels about you LMAOOOO. IMO he has a sort of switch in his head that goes "...Okay, I like this person, I should try being friends with them."
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When you guys are friends:
I'd like to think the friendship is made official when he vocalizes that he cares about your safety. Hmmmmmmmm, I'd imagine him being like "Hey, take care of yourself out there." Something sweet and short, and he'll make eye contact with you through it. And for once, his expression is calm and his eyebrows aren't furrowed.
Speaking of which, you will definitely see him smile more and you will occasionally catch his expression soften when you show up.
You two will start talking about how your days went. He never did this in the beginning when he didn't know you.
He'll tell you some non-personal stuff about him like his favorite coffee and lunch, his favorite color... Only if you ask though. He's not the type to just say that stuff on his own. (Might seem contradictory, let me explain-- If he doesn't know you, don't force it. If he wants to get to know you, feel free to start making moves. That way he feels comfortable, a sort of mutualistic pique in interest.)
Before, he'd rather be alone than be with you. Now that you're friends, he'd like to listen to you talk about yourself while he stays quiet and listens. Perhaps you ramble on about something you're passionate about and he's typing away. And when you pause for whatever reason, he'll say that he's still listening.
You have now unlocked the ability to have conversations with Miguel 🙌
They're short convos but they mean a lot to the both of you, even if they're about what you'll be having for lunch that day.
Speaking of food lol, if you bring him coffee he'll smile and give you a thank you. If you treat him to lunch he'll probably say yes. Probably. If he's overstimulated or overwhelmed from work he'll say "No, thank you." Also, no need to be shy and stuff, just ask him out genuinely.
Not a fan of self-deprecation; if you're friends he will try his best to cut it short and provide some comfort, "That's not true..." and will give you reasons as to why. However if it's overbearing (like you do it CONSTANTLY) he will try to pull away from you. He is constantly stressed about the multiverse, talking to a friend should be his time to relax a little.
Friendship bracelets... I think he'd think they're corny but he would wear one if it's not too funny looking. Like the ones made from threads of matching colors... De wouldn't wear the ones with the BFF beads.
If you're both working in the same space and it's too quiet, he'll probably start a little convo, hearing your voice is comforting. That being said though, sometimes he likes the quiet. In this scenario I'd say let him decide.
Give him self care tips in a nice way and he'll genuinely appreciate it. I think if you're well put together he'll even ask you, lol!
Text him and he'll respond, it'll be short but it'll be a response. He'll also reach out first sometimes to check in on you too. "Hey how's your day been?"
On that note, it's safe to say that Miguel is up to date with current memes, again he's not dumb. If you send him those funny cat videos/pics he will find it amusing, will probably not laugh irl but will smile because he finds it funny that you find it funny.
He will download Pinterest (you told him that's where you get your memes from) and will scroll on it during his free time, if he spots some meme he knows you'd like he'd send it to you, saying it reminded him of you.
Playful banter is welcomed, encouraged only when he is the one starting it. You can start the banter yourself, but just make sure he's in the mood for it.
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The spark ignites inside of Miguel:
He'll be the one initiating conversations a lot more often, and you'll notice it.
He'll surprise you with lunch! He'll know your fave foods from all the chats you guys had as friends, and has some sort of keen sense as to what you are craving that day specifically.
This one is a bit more funny, but if you tease him by being a little mean (you can now that he has that little spark ignited), he'll turn away from you, but keep himself in view enough for you to see his signature pout. He will look down at the ground and smile before coming up with a comeback, which always usually beats your initial jab.
He'll teach you some words in Spanish if you want him to, but be warned that he'll take his job as your Spanish teacher very seriously. He will randomly speak in Spanish to test you, and if you don't understand him he'll tease the absolute shit out of you. One sentence turns into three, turns into a whole conversation starter.
If you respected the backstory thing, by now he'll open up about it with you privately. The spark being ignited means that he sees something between the both of you he wants to pursue, and that means that he wants to be fully honest with you from now on.
That being said, if you decide to lie about something to him and he finds out during this stage, he'll throw the relationship back to just friends for a good time... I'd say the bond is broken forever but hey you never know right? I think it depends on the lie tbh.
If you're shorter, he'll pat your head once before you go away from him, maybe even mess with your hair a bit (if you're okay with that ofc, shout-out to my curly haired ppl, taking care of our hair is not for the weak and even if it was Miguel O'Hara messing it up I'd be pissed off). If you're taller, he'll swipe his hand up on your back or maybe even pat it. (Hopefully you can picture that sorry lol.)
He will appreciate hugs from you in this stage! Ofc you need to ask him first, don't wanna catch him in a bad mood, he'll feel suffocated if you hug him while he's angry.
On that note, if you're leaving and say "...What, no hug goodbye?" He'll definitely smirk and cross his arms... Will playfully pretend to ponder while looking at the ground, and will respond "...Fine, I guess you can have one." He will hug you tightly to tease you back.
Remarks about how he looks will now be appreciated, and I think he'd put more effort into how he looks for you. Keep it sweet though. 🙄🫰
If he's quiet because he's upset/angry, he'll avoid you. He just doesn't wanna explode around you.
Will take you out on an official date (yippee!) and depending on the type of person you are (whether or not you like restaurants as a first or a picnic) he'll do his best to dress accordingly (restaurant = suit, picnic = nice t-shirt and jeans).
Will ask what you think about his outfits. Be honest with him, honesty is the best policy.
Will ask for advice regarding work, he never did this as friends. He likes to think his way is the best way, but he's starting to care a lot about you and what you think too.
Will get you a gift occasionally, not randomly. I think during holidays and on your b-day. He never did this as friends. He even asks to hang out with you on these days. :3
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The relationship:
He will be the one to make things official, he'll do this by getting you a nice piece of jewelry and planning a date somewhere he knows you'd love. Definitely the type to say "Can I be your boyfriend?"
Every time he sees you he'll smile, unless he's angry. If he's angry his eyebrows will just relax (expression softens in general) but he'll still be frowning. You'll always be able to soften his heart, but it'll be like a meter, you know?
When you gotta go, if you're shorter he'll hug you and press his cheek against your head, will give you a forehead kiss depending on the mood, will always tell you to stay safe and that he loves you. If you're taller he'll hug you and press his forehead against your chest to feel your heartbeat lol, in this scenario I see you being the one to kiss his forehead and he lets you.
Texts you updates, and in general more often. Will call you, he never did this before now.
Will hang out with you more, I think he'd even take days off routinely to spend them with you. Like Saturdays and Sundays he leaves and lets someone take care of his work-- But he'll occasionally pop in to check in on them via text to make sure stuff at work is alright.
Every breakfast, lunch, and dinner is now between the both of you. A nice break from work.
Will let you touch him, for example running your hand up and down his arm, holding his hand, giving his face kisses/quick pecks. He appreciates all of your touches.
In general you will see him soften up more, he's less angry (still has his days, T-T), and is seen smiling more by the people around him too.
After some time (1/2 yrs) he will ask for you to move in with him.
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Thanks for reading, imma do another post that has random headcanons too and not relationship based ones :3
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andromedastarrs · 1 year
fanfiction: edited.
sorry to anyone who didn't read cus of the colored dialogue, I'll make sure to avoid that for all future chapters.
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andromedastarrs · 1 year
WAHHH. I recently discovered that colored text is a nono for some readers on here so I will be fixing that shortly. :'(
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andromedastarrs · 1 year
Second Update
the next chapter is officially over 4k words so, ive been taking breaks when writing. I haven't even really edited it by far I am just now finishing up the conclusion of chapter 2 lmaoooo ah.
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