"Wow," Echo said with a frown buried deep in her forehead. "That's so... tragic." She stared into the distance, imagining what it could've been like for herself.
"I never would've been able to tell that happened to you. Me, I don't remember my family much. I lost contact with them years back. But my father was a hunter. Always traveling, never stationary. People used to think my mom was a singe parent."
Meet the huntress | Closed with Echo
Echo nodded her head, somehow understanding this girlā€™s pain. ā€œOne of my ex-boyfriends became a hunter. Never saw him again after that.ā€
Echo stared off into space. There was a sadnessĀ in her eyes. Suddenly it was like she wasnā€™tĀ in that darkĀ place. SheĀ looked at the girl.Ā ā€So whatā€™s your personal story? What got you into the hunting business? Who couldnā€™t you save?ā€
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"Being the mayor you probably get all kinds of discounts from Granny, huh," Echo asked. "Just tell me your favorite pie flavor and I'll see what I can do."
Pet name: Echo storms into the woman's office. "Ok queenie, you got me. Have it your way. This town is strange!"
"ā€¦Queenie? Hmmm, I havenā€™t heard that one before. And what do you mean by strange dear?"
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"Interesting? Like what," Echo said with an ounce of curiosity.Ā "I might just take a look after my shift with Granny. She's teaching me how to makeĀ her most popular item on the menu: her pies!Ā 
Pet name: Echo storms into the woman's office. "Ok queenie, you got me. Have it your way. This town is strange!"
"ā€¦Queenie? Hmmm, I havenā€™t heard that one before. And what do you mean by strange dear?"
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Echo nodded her head, somehow understanding this girl's pain. "One of my ex-boyfriends became a hunter. Never saw him again after that."
Echo stared off into space. There was a sadnessĀ in her eyes. Suddenly it was like she wasn'tĀ in that darkĀ place. SheĀ looked at the girl.Ā "So what's your personal story? What got you into the hunting business? Who couldn't you save?"
Meet the huntress | Open
Echo bit her lip. ā€œUsually they want money, but I guess youā€™re different. And I only carry enough money to get by. I guess it is sort of an odd habit.ā€
"Itā€™s a great thing weā€™re working out here. You can teach me stuff, and I can teach you stuff. Weā€™ll be feeding off of each otherā€™s vibes and it will be awesome. First things first, I have to run to the little girlā€™s room," Echo said scooting off her chair and leaving the room.
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P.S. I haven't completed the Jimmy and Jonny pages quite yet. I still have to add in their stories and then I'm done.
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Echo bit her lip. "Usually they want money, but I guess you're different. And I only carry enough money to get by. I guess it is sort of an odd habit."
"It's a great thing we're working out here. You can teach me stuff, and I can teach you stuff. We'll be feeding off of each other's vibes and it will be awesome. First things first, I have to run to the little girl's room," Echo said scooting off her chair and leaving the room.
Meet the huntress | Open
Echo nodded her head. ā€œOh of course! The big guns are just a front. ThoseĀ spirit suckers wonā€™t know what hit them once we team up.ā€
"And then thereā€™s the subject of paymentā€¦" Echo emptied out her pockets, flashing out a huge wad of cash. "This is for your troubles and also to pay for this glass." Echo placed her cup onto the counter.
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"I'd love to meet he infamous Mr. Gold," Echo said studying the woman's reactions carefully. "So how do you know him besides being the Mayor and having to know everything about everything?"
Pet name: Echo storms into the woman's office. "Ok queenie, you got me. Have it your way. This town is strange!"
"ā€¦Queenie? Hmmm, I havenā€™t heard that one before. And what do you mean by strange dear?"
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"Like the time he turned into a goat. Or was it the girl he turned into a goat. Anyway, good stuff," Echo said. "So why did you end up staying here? Fall in love with a villager and just couldn't get away? Or did your job and responsibilities keep you here?"
"Chimera's Amnesiacs: Who the hell are you??"
"Uhā€¦ The nameā€™s Echo. And you are," Echo asked looking the stranger up and down.
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"Hmm, mythology. That's interesting. So what'd you do? Find yourself in this town and the locals named you some name," Echo asked animatedly. "What myth is it from?"
"Chimera's Amnesiacs: Who the hell are you??"
"Uhā€¦ The nameā€™s Echo. And you are," Echo asked looking the stranger up and down.
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"Mr. Gold?" Echo stared at the ground thinking of where she heard that name before. "Isn't he the one with the cane? No I haven't met him, but I've heard enough. Plus, I've seen him hobbling around from time to time down the street. Why do you ask?"
Pet name: Echo storms into the woman's office. "Ok queenie, you got me. Have it your way. This town is strange!"
"ā€¦Queenie? Hmmm, I havenā€™t heard that one before. And what do you mean by strange dear?"
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Echo nodded her head. "Oh of course! The big guns are just a front. ThoseĀ spirit suckers won't know what hit them once we team up."
"And then there's the subject of payment..." Echo emptied out her pockets, flashing out a huge wad of cash. "This is for your troubles and also to pay for this glass." Echo placed her cup onto the counter.
Meet the huntress | Open
"No. Iā€™m," Echo leaned in closer. "Iā€™m not from around here. AndĀ I brought the big guns. Heavy duty ax. Lasers. All sorts of good stuff."
"Oh, and Iā€™m only staying as long as I have to. Not too long though. Iā€™m more of a wanderer. Hate to stay in one place forever."
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Just saw the season 3 premiere of Once Upon a Time. Now Aadi and Echo can come back to play.
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"No. I'm," Echo leaned in closer. "I'm not from around here. AndĀ I brought the big guns. Heavy duty ax. Lasers. All sorts of good stuff."
"Oh, and I'm only staying as long as I have to. Not too long though. I'm more of a wanderer. Hate to stay in one place forever."
Meet the huntress | Open
"I havenā€™t been a hunter for long," Echo said thinking hard on the next words sheā€™d say. "Itā€™s sort of this thing youā€™re born into you could say or taught at an early age. After college, the "hunting" business found me and Iā€™ve been with them ever since." Echo took a large gulp of her water.
The drink slithered down her throat like it was a clogged pipe. ā€œKeep in mind I have never dealt with a demon or better yet any odd spirit ever in my whole entire life. These towns people are freaking out. They tell me itā€™s a spirit, an angry one to be exact and I jump on it right away. I havenā€™t seen myself because I wanted to make sure and a brightly decorated hunter that knew what they were doing would go with me and help me put a stop to all this.ā€
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Echo chewed at her lip. "There's this thing called free will. I leave when I want to." Echo rubbed her chin. "I get the strange feeling that you want me gone. You wouldn't know why I feel this way would you?"
Pet name: Echo storms into the woman's office. "Ok queenie, you got me. Have it your way. This town is strange!"
"ā€¦Queenie? Hmmm, I havenā€™t heard that one before. And what do you mean by strange dear?"
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"Well then, where did you get it from?"
"Chimera's Amnesiacs: Who the hell are you??"
"Uhā€¦ The nameā€™s Echo. And you are," Echo asked looking the stranger up and down.
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Gotta go to bed! I have class tomorrow!
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"It's all right," Echo said, slightly smiling. "And Chimera, is that a family name?"
"Chimera's Amnesiacs: Who the hell are you??"
"Uhā€¦ The nameā€™s Echo. And you are," Echo asked looking the stranger up and down.
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