amiablearcher · 5 years
Me: *has a dream about people coming to terms with the world ending* Me: *reads a comic about suicide first thing in the morning* Also me: *decides to buy the 3DS remake of Majora's Mask and replay that for the first time in like 20 years*
If I'm gonna start the day sad I guess I may as well C O M P O U N D T H E S A D N E S S
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amiablearcher · 6 years
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Thank you so much @amiablearcher​ for the skin! This is what I have going on with the character, Vanarji, right now. She’s from the thieves guild and I always thought of the Ohmes-Raht as something fluffy, probably because I tried Nuska’s version of it at some point. However I wasn’t managing to make a very interesting face myself, so I resorted to RaceMenu presets found the skypresets site, and doing some tweaks here and there. This one is called Remilia I believe. Not very original but meh, I’ve been playing more than taking screenshots for once. Lots of new mods to try out and updates to ones I had before. That and fiddling with using ModOrganizer, I can definitely see the benefits after a while.
I do have to mess with the other textures and the PDN files,but this is how she looks using the stripped version, after swapping the previous textures the Eiries Ohmes-Rath mod came with.
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amiablearcher · 6 years
No problem. Best of luck with the new job, I hope you enjoy it! I sent it not too long ago, maybe two or three days :D I'm interested in giving the textures a try if you don't mind sharing. Would be great.
Couldn’t get my Dropbox page to work, so here’s the link on MEGA:
The folder includes both a spotted set of hand/body textures and a set with regular Khajiit stripes. It also includes my old project files (they’re in .PDN format, but I believe GIMP can open them as well) since the textures aren’t entirely finished to begin with, you’re welcome to pick at ‘em as you see fit. I also tossed the specular and skin files I was using in there too - you’ll probably have to rename them to suit whatever race you’re using, though.
With that in mind, enjoy! And be sure to show me what you make of ‘em! ;)
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amiablearcher · 6 years
Hey, how are things? Did you ever finish the Dagi/Ohmes-Raht textures you were doing? I'd love to try it on a new character idea I have.
Hey, hello! Sorry, I don’t know how old this ask is - a bunch of things have been going on, including starting a new job, so I haven’t really had a lot of Tumblr time.
I don’t believe I ever ‘finished’ my Ohmes textures (honestly, though, when do I ever finish anything?...) but I do still have the ‘fluffy’ texture files used in this screen. They have some seaming issues, particularly in the hands (although I believe part of that was a pathing issue in the race I was using?), and they might look a little awkward in places if not used with Khajiit-based race, but they are workable if anybody wants ‘em.
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amiablearcher · 6 years
so I start a new job tomorrow, have a 9-day workweek and I'm giving myself stress ulcers sooooo I'm just gonna ramble out a Beauty and the Beast concept story I cooked up a while ago:
in most iterations of the beast's curse, breaking it involves having another person fall in love with the beast, seeing past their physical or emotional flaws. so, for mine, I wanted to do something a little different: the only way for the curse to lift is for the beast to love himself.
isolated from society with nothing to remind him of the man he once was, the beast can no longer remember his name, his face, how long he's been this way, or even the reason why - the only thing he's certain of is that he deserved it, and the fact that he's forgotten his sin only serves as proof.
and so he stays, for years - decades, maybe even centuries - never changing, never dying. self-inflicted scars on his throat remain to remind him of that. no, he decides, he is to live in penance, for whatever wrong it is that he's done. sullen. solitary.
until, one day, he spots a young girl slumped over in the snow. left alone in the dead of winter, the child will die... if it hasn't already. initially, he thinks to leave it as it is - the lives of others are not something to concern himself with. and besides, if it's that child's fate to die, who is he to defy it?
but... what sins could a child possibly have to answer for? surely, someone so young couldn't deserve such a fate.
and so, he takes her in, giving her shelter and food for the winter, all the while taking care to hide himself away while doing so. but a child's curiosity isn't easily sated, and she eventually catches sight of him - and isn't nearly as terrified as she rightly should be. after all, she insists, he was nice! he gave her hot food and a nice bed! sure, he's big and hairy and his house is shabby and really, REALLY dusty, but he hadn't given her any reason to be afraid, so she wasn't. her father always told her to help those that help you, so she set herself to work, cleaning and mending what she could in return for her stay. when questions came, the beast would only call her brave and kind to show concern for a soul like his. and so they lived, until the first day of spring, where the girl found herself back in her village, soon surrounded by her relieved family.
but when she told them of the beast, they only shook their heads. a child's fantasy, she was told. a fever dream, said others. and as she grew, she began to believe them. she survived the winter and made it home - in the end, wasn't that was all that mattered?
as the years passed, she nearly forgot all about the beast and that winter's stay. but, when she lost her father and her family broke apart, and she found herself struggling to face life on her own, she remembered his kind words once more. surely - surely, that couldn't be a dream. it just couldn't!
and so, she set out to find the beast once more. to prove to herself, once and for all, that what she she knew wasn't false.
... and this is getting much longer and less summary-esque than I'd intended for just the set-up, so I'm gonna try and abridge it from here. I haven't gotten the rest as hammered out yet, but it mainly focuses on the girl's interactions with the beast; her attempts to get him to see himself the way she seems him, and not his own, warped sense of self. she does genuinely fall for him, but that itself is not enough to make him recognize his virtues - if anything, it only makes him feel guilty for having "fooled" her into thinking he was anything other than the beast he resembled.
I wanted both characters to suffer at least somewhat with their self-image, with the girl being pushed by society into thinking her own memories are mistaken, and the beast essentially being his own echo chamber of self-loathing and defeatism. if you hear the same thing, day after day ... someday, you're gonna start to believe it, right? and once you believe it, is just one voice enough to convince you otherwise? it's not always enough to have someone tell you you're valid, if you've conditioned yourself into finding reasons you're not in everything you do... you have to change your way of thinking, of seeing yourself and the world around you.
... of course, how you actually write those concepts into a story and also make it, interesting and subtle and not boring as hell when it’s basically just two people talking a lot and all the conflict is internal is a bit beyond me, but hey - I’ll never know if I don’t try, yeah? ;)
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amiablearcher · 6 years
single-strand replied to your photoset: Remade the Mature Skin / Real Women of Skyrim mix...
I love the name :D
Haha, thanks! Most modders name their projects after something in the lore, or maybe something that sounds appropriately Scandinavian, but me? My titles are stuff like, “Yet Another Texture,” “Keep It Simple, Stupid” and, “Oh, Real Mature!” :p
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amiablearcher · 6 years
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Remade the Mature Skin / Real Women of Skyrim mix in 4k, which I’m affectionately naming,“Oh, Real Mature!". Seems to look better in exterior lighting, surprisingly - much drier, too, but that could be the ENB. The nord is using matching normalmaps here, and the dunmer some old customized EEO ones. Fighting off a cold at the moment, so body textures and seam fixing will probably come a little later.
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amiablearcher · 6 years
Hi ! :) I've been using your textures for quite a time now, and I was wondering if there's any chance you could do some 4k ones ? Also, is there any update concerning them ? I must say you're very talented; your textures are the only ones that match my game perfectly !
Hey, there! I’m glad to hear that my style suits yours; especially since I’m not 100% sure what it is, myself! ;)
Ha ha, to be honest, I haven’t really looked at my Skyrim textures in a while. I usually stick to 4k for the body textures and 2k for the hands and face, since my textures are blends of others and that ratio usually prevents me from having to scale anything up and risk losing some definition, but I wouldn’t be against making 4k versions all-around. I think my most recent project, using Gearhog’s textures, did use a 4k face?…
At any rate, if people are still interested, I can take a look at my current set and see if I can make it release-worthy. It’s not doing me much good at the moment, after all - and if I set myself to just spiff up what I have, I might be able to avoid the inevitable trap of re-making everything every few months and never actually releasing any of it.
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amiablearcher · 6 years
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amiablearcher · 6 years
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althought I wanted to finish these while it was winter , it’s still snowing here so  here, some warmly dressed folks!
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amiablearcher · 6 years
Spyro Reiginited Trilogy trailer. Coming to PS4 and Xbox One worldwide on September 21, 2018,
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comparison screenshots with original. 
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amiablearcher · 6 years
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In which a certain wolf goddess gets drunk, steals a horse, and leaves a path of mayhem behind her.
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amiablearcher · 6 years
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amiablearcher · 6 years
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Let’s just be honest here, OK?
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amiablearcher · 6 years
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A product image for these adhesive hooks on Amazon. I have my doubts, but... damn if the look on that kid’s face doesn’t crack me up.
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amiablearcher · 6 years
And now, an ode to the spider on my desk:
Hello again, my eight-legged friend. Your purpose is one I commend; You rid my house of flies, Surely, a reasonable compromise.
But when I see you there upon my desk, I can't help but find you grotesque; So, please don't think me a boor If I rush to show you the door.
I bid goodbye to you, my eight-legged friend, It is you, to the dirt I send. I would like to say it causes me pain - But honestly, I never wish to see you again.
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amiablearcher · 7 years
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I like to use Noel to test diffuse textures, since her facial structure and normalmaps are otherwise very specific and I thought variations in the diffuse would show up better as a result - but to be honest, I’m not sure the differences are as noticeable as I’d hoped. On the plus side, at least she still looks good no matter what I do. :p
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