amethysts-sideblog · 1 year
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Saints! Prepare your ships: Shadow and Bone season two is launching soon, and the cast will be answering some of your burning questions during their Answer Time on March 16th at 12pm PT / 3pm ET. 
Submit questions here.
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amethysts-sideblog · 2 years
Do you do any hidden injury snippets?
"You're wounded."
The protagonist glanced over at the comment - pitched low, so nobody else would overhear them. Their throat locked tight.
There was no question in the ex-antagonist's words, nor in their stare. They knew.
The protagonist tried to think when the ex-antagonist might had seen, when they'd been so careless. Did everyone know? Did their friends know? They tried to think of a good way to deny it.
The antagonist shrugged at them, over the campfire. "I know when you're in pain," the little sadist said, peaceful enough, though with that glint in their eyes. "You can't hide it from me."
The protagonist's jaw clenched.
"Don't worry," the ex-antagonist said. "I won't tell anyone. At least, not unless I think you're going to get in the way of the mission."
"I'm fine." It came out sharp.
People glanced over at them.
The ex-antagonist raised an eyebrow, somewhere between amused and judgy. The protagonist was many, many things. Stubborn, practical, especially skilled at compartmentalising. They were not fine.
"I'm fine," the protagonist said, a little quieter. Their cheeks would have heated if they had enough blood in them. They pressed a protective hand over their chest, over their injury.
"You will be if you let me take a look at it."
"And why would you want to do that?"
"So I can poke where it hurts and watch you try not to scream."
When the protagonist didn't particularly react to that statement, except to give the ex-antagonist a withering look, their ex enemy sighed.
"I'm an expert at dark magic. The wound itself isn't that bad, or you wouldn't still be standing, but you're also clearly..." The ex-antagonist trailed off.
"Clearly what?"
The ex-antagonist shrugged again. "I'm an expert at dark magic," they said, once more. "It would be very inconvenient if, having been nicked by a tainted blade, you hallucinated in the night and slaughtered our entire party. Well. Your friends, anyway."
The protagonist's heart stuttered. "Because I wouldn't be able to take you?"
"Not in your current state."
The protagonist wanted to snarl, but to snarl was to admit too many other things, so they glared at the fire instead.
"Do the others know?" they asked, eventually.
"Because you're just that observant."
The antagonist smiled, scalpel thin. "Only when it comes to people being hurt, love. To you. Being hurt."
The protagonist swallowed. The hidden injury in their chest gave another nasty throb beneath the bandages.
Was the ex-antagonist right, when they spoke about dark magic? It was true that the protagonist had felt...off, since they'd received the wound. The wound hadn't seemed infected or anything though. And it wasn't large enough to kill them. Right?
"I'm fine," the protagonist said, again, and pushed to their feet. "Mind your own business. I'll get the job done."
"Mm," the ex-antagonist said, watching them. "I give it about twenty four hours."
"Then we don't have time to waste, do we?" It came out a definite snarl. A hiss. Some wild, dangerous thing at any rate. It was true, though - they had no time. If they stopped to rest, to recover, then they might miss their chance. The villain would win.
"You are planning to survive this battle, aren't you?"
The question was quiet. It was, through some terrible miracle, a question.
The protagonist looked back at the ex-antagonist, and feared what their old enemy might see on their face. The ex-antagonist stared back at them, something odd on their face.
The protagonist opened their mouth to speak. Closed it. Then, in the end, they walked away.
When they woke up, their party's healer was sitting next to them, looking unbelievably cross.
And they knew, then, that for whatever reason the antagonist had tol, after all.
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amethysts-sideblog · 2 years
Not sure if this is existential but if you turned into a piece of bacon and the world ran out of edible things do you think your loved ones would eat you to survive
Pretty existential if you ask me…
Let’s see…My cousin once had a dream that there was a field of cow Dee’s. They ate grass and stared at her. She found this to be very humorous and did not wish to eat the Dee’s.
With that said, if I turned into bacon, I think she, specifically, would cut pieces of paper into clothes and make sure I wasn’t naked.
I cannot speak for the rest of my family. If I were a peppered and crispy strip of bacon, I don’t think they could resist. Especially my boyfriend.
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amethysts-sideblog · 2 years
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amethysts-sideblog · 2 years
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Sometimes I look at my art and I’m like, yeah… I actually kinda like these
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amethysts-sideblog · 2 years
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Noooo don't get a tattoo it's so permanent blah blah blah my tattoo is whatever I want it to be and today it's an octopus
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amethysts-sideblog · 2 years
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Shadow lady, the keeper of your secrets.
This is my art and my character, please don’t tag it as any other character.
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amethysts-sideblog · 2 years
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Sphinx by Anato Finnstark
This artist’s Instagram // Linktree
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amethysts-sideblog · 2 years
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Dongni Hou on Instagram
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amethysts-sideblog · 2 years
I ate three markers yesterday 😊😊😊
I’m missing three markers 🤨
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amethysts-sideblog · 2 years
well now this is cool
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Painting some devils <3
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amethysts-sideblog · 2 years
Prompt 109
“-And then I will take over the city! But anyways, let’s talk about what I’m going to do with you…” 
“Anyways isn’t a word.” Sidekick articulated. Villain furrowed their brows at their kidnapee, who was currently tied down to a chair. They weren’t given a chance to respond before Sidekick continued, “The correct word would be anyway. Also, it seems you have strange ambitions. Why only go for the city? Why not the country or the world? Do you just think you’re not powerful enough to manage something bigger than the city? If that’s the case, how do you expect to keep control of the city? If you can’t face the combined forces of the country, why would you try to take over a city? Did you expect the country wouldn’t retaliate and try to take the city back?” Their eyes squinted in question. Villain lowered their arms slowly.
“Uhm- I- I mean, well…”
“You didn’t think this through very well, did you?” Sidekick tilted their head.
“I guess not,” the villain sighed. 
“You want some help with planning?” Sidekick asked.
“…You’d… help me?”  
“Sure. I don’t get paid enough to not jump at the chance to do something that’s actually fun, even if it’s a bit illegal.”
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amethysts-sideblog · 2 years
Narrative Town
Summary: You don’t ever want to be the main character. In your town, that’s deadly. Someone has to warn the new kid. 
Someone has got to tell the new kid in town the Rules.
“Hey,” you say.
The new kid looks up at you. He’s sitting at his desk in the back corner of the classroom, right next to the windows. It’s a chilly day, but he’s got the window open so that the breeze ruffles his curly, black hair. “What’s up? Fern, right?”
“Don’t call me by my name,” you snarl. Then, realizing what you’ve done, you look over your shoulder. The other teenagers are still looped around the teacher’s desk, trying to get Ms. Slauson to move the test date so they could organize a welcome part for the new kid. “I need to talk to you. Privately.”
The new kid leans back in his chair and studies you. You know what he sees – a completely average high school girl in jeans, a sweatshirt, and a ponytail. There’s nothing remarkable about you. He tilts his head. “You don’t look like a bully.”
You frown. “I’m not.”
“You’re being awfully threatening,” he says in a drawl.
The accent is going to be a problem. It’s southern and sounds really cool. Honestly, it might be too late for him already.
But you still have to try.
“Meet me on the rooftop—no!” You press the heel of one hand against your eye. Fight it, you tell yourself. Fight it! “Meet me at the supermarket on Western Street. The dairy aisle. After school.”
You spin on your heel, head throbbing. Meeting on the rooftop is against the rules. You glance up at the ceiling uneasily. You’re not usually affected by the compulsion so badly. Are you being targeted?
If you were smart, you wouldn’t show up to the meeting. You’d just let the guy get sucked into the madness on his own.
But you also really need to buy some milk.
Keep reading
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amethysts-sideblog · 2 years
I’m getting an excessive amount of boxer brief ads and Draco Malfoy x Hermione Granger fanart and I don’t know how to get rid of either. 
Good for your tidy-widies,
and great for your impressive anatomy drawings,
but please-
I don’t want to see it.
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amethysts-sideblog · 2 years
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Misty mornings
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amethysts-sideblog · 2 years
Give me something existential to think about before I sleep so I can have cool, third-eye dreams about it <3
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amethysts-sideblog · 2 years
Hmm the penguin anon person... Lol when they said I have a nose the only thing I could think of was voldemort haha
Anons never cease to amuse me and I am very grateful for it.
On another note, I kinda want to photoshop a penguin without a nose, for I am a curious thing.
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