amestargazer3 3 months
Hey yall! I'm going to be writing a book on an online app(I will tell everyone which app once I've decided which one). I have a few name ideas created by an ai, and I'd love for everyone to vote on which one once I release further news today. This book will be an ancient Chinese bl(boy love). Please wait for further information!
Name ideas:
Eclipsed Moons: A tale of Devine love
Moonlit Whispers: The Fox's echo
Moonlit Whispers: The tale of the Albino Fox and the Coyote
I will send the plots and information created by an ai. Please vote over these! I will send further information about the plot and stuff.
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amestargazer3 7 months
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amestargazer3 8 months
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amestargazer3 8 months
For all the CoS(Creatures of Sonaria) players out there.
THIS NEEDS TO STOP. I'm going to keep ranting until the kosing stops.
Yes, I know kosing(Killing On Sight) is a major thing that helps our community keep its balance on the food chain, but, STOP TARGETING PEOPLE WITH ADULT CREATURES!! Not only does it take up my time, but it also forces me to wait until the next day because of school, homework, sleep, AND spending time with family just to grow another creature that takes up two hours of my day! C'mon people! This is starting to get ridiculous. Semi-equatics can't go in the water, land animals can't even go on land without being attacked, flyers can on go on the ground for food and water not rest! I can't even hunt anymore without being called a koser! This is honestly getting annoying and I might just leave the community because of it.
Anyways, that was my rant! Please note this and STOP KOSING FOR YOUR 2 SUBS OR JUST FOR ENTERTAINMENT!! Thank you everyone for reading my rant lol.
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