american-of-color · 30 days
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american-of-color · 4 months
Netanyahu, America & the Road to War in Gaza (full documentary) | FRONTLINE 
 the king of Portugal had hired Zurara to write a biography of the king’s uncle – Infante Henrique … better known as Prince Henry the Navigator -1st major to exclusively enslave & trade continental Writing in 1453, Zurara chronicles & glorifies Prince Henry’s voyage, a decade before. In describing resulting slave auction back in Portugal, in 1444…Zurara lumped together different-looking captives So Zurara portrayed slavery as an improvement over freedom in Africa, where, he wrote, “They lived like beasts.” They “had no understanding of good, but only knew how to live in bestial sloth.” Zurara’s writings were widely circulated among the elite in Portugal…& their ideas about continental Africans…led the way as human trade expanded among west Asian countries like Spain France & England west Asian Africans [post Zeus' mistress Europ] slave traders [military order of Christ] commissioned the invention of this sort of codified racist idea, of Black people [from south of the Sahara, Africa] 1450s - pink-beige west Asian European Africans fashioned 1682 white in the colonies that became US 
In 1682 … the first legislative body in colonial America The Virginia House of Burgesses passed a law limiting citizenship to Europeans - making all non-Europeans – “Negroes...” aka in English "BLACKS"  as the law put it – quote, “slaves to all intents and purposes.” 
the 1682 law included the first documented use in the English-speaking colonies of the word “white” [vs English European or Christian] to describe [brown to lightest pink-beige west Asian Africans aka Europeans] considered full citizens.
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american-of-color · 4 months
The Fall of Russell Brand Linkedin corporate personhood network of west Asian African Christians and Jewish passing light pink-beige skin off as "white" and further passing as a separate race from the rest of the African human race reflects the christian and semitic racism Western Asian African Americans and Europeans practice on and off Linkedin... that critics like Brand speak of
REGULAR people evolved in Africa, from one common ancestor, a couple hundred thousand yrs ago Over time, some people walked out of Africa and spread across the world. 
All living humans descend in an unbroken line purely through their mothers, & through the mothers of those mothers, back until all lines converge on one woman -- mitochondrial eve 
Racism is racial prejudice that "regular people" have incorporated into the activities and procedures of major institutions, corporations, social systems (such as those related to housing, education, and health), and other arenas of major social activity (such as politics, the media, finance, and banking) 
Racism serves "regular people" by both discriminating against ethnic minorities [e.g. by using defamations such as "black"..] and by maintaining advantages and benefits for west Asian Africans by passing pink-beige skin color off as "White" - a racist colonial government invention We incorporate in our American media ~ descendants of the mitochondrial "eve" mt-MRCA -the most recent common ancestor of all living humans 
Russell Brand speaks honestly
LinkedIn's Chief Executive Officer is Ryan Roslansky discriminates against workers in favor of corporate personhoods on Linkedin - money is speech corporations deprive American workers of
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american-of-color · 4 months
Politician: Elon Musk Messed With The WRONG People
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american-of-color · 4 months
LinkedIn User Agreement | Who owns your content? You do
Linked in to maintaining defamations [e.g., "Black"] in the workplace LinkedIn's Chief Executive Officer is Ryan Roslansky. YouTube allows Linkedin misinformation "speech" that is "money"endorsing the separation of the African race into "black people" and jewish [non-brown defamed "black"] or "white" [symbolically] people serves both to discriminate against darkest brown to lightest pink-beige continental, middle & east Asian African Americans and to maintain advantages and benefits for west Asian African Americans who via American Racism pass as a "white" race separate from the human race of AfricansLinkedIn's Chief Executive Officer Ryan Roslansky is NOT "respecting what is yours"people evolved in Africa, from one common ancestor, a couple hundred thousand yrs ago Over time, some people walked out of Africa and spread across the world.https://youtu.be/CJdT6QcSbQ0LinkedIn's Chief Executive Officer Ryan Roslansky is using corporate personhood to discriminate on the basis of ethnicity & skin color, economic class "speech", & political speech [if you can politically pass "white" and or willing to identify darkest brown to lightest pink-beige others or self as "black" plus only support Israel's right to genocidal "defense" speech of the corporate personhoods on Linkedin "support", you may not be targeted with "security""identity" prompts that don't work and keep non "white" christians and jewish people from being LinkedIn to "the Community"
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