amdreammm · 4 years
Welcome back to my blog.👋🏼
1) What is the problem my invention will fix ?
- I like to take care my self and want to know about my health but I have no time and I get sick often.
2) How will it fix that problem ?
-My invention will predict and evaluate your health. You can know about your health all the time and be more comfortable.
3) What is my invention ?
- Anatomy watch.
4) What does it do ?
-When wearing watch, Anatomy watch measure body temperature and pulse. It evaluate your health and tell you.
5) What is if made of ?
- It made from aluminum, titanium and ceramics.
6) Who will buy use it ?
- Everyone that want to know about your health all the time and the person who have unhealthy and get sick often.
7) How do use it ?
- It’s very easy just wearing Anatomy watch.
8) Where can yow buy it ?
- You can buy it at smart watch zone in department store or www.watchseries.com
9) How much does it cost to make ?
-19,000 baht.
10) How much does it cost to buy ?
- 29,000 baht.
11) How long can it be used ?
- It can used for 4 years.
12) How is my invention better of different than anything already available ?
- I think my invention is different , My invention can measure body temperature and predict your health.
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amdreammm · 4 years
Hello everybody in tumblr. 🧤🛹🥑🥬✨ How are you ? I hope you are well.
UNICEF warns that over 800 million children worldwide have lead in blood in dangerous level ⚠️👼🏻
🖇 On 29 July 2020 Unicef revealed report that done with the Pure Earth organization. Found that over 800 million children around the world have lead in blood Which a level that is toxic to nervous system and brain.🧠 It affect the development of learning and perception of children. It is a matter of great concern with IQ problem will happen in the future.☹️
In addition, the report said children under 5 years old the body in that age can absorbs lead better than other age so it’s very dangerous ❗️Children who get lead have aggressive behavior. Experts from Columbia University said “Lead has been a silent threat in the last 10 years”
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People get lead from lead mine, plumbing and the burning of electronic waste. Some people don’t know about dangers of lead and living without careful.
•I think it dangerous news for children and people. Children can get lead easily and lead affect to body and brain very much. There should be explanations and give knowledge for people who don’t know about dangers of lead and they can protect and take care my self. 🙌🏼 ✨🚨
Thx. for reading my blog. 🤍
See u in next blog guys.
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amdreammm · 4 years
Hello everybody in tumblr. 🤍👋🏼 Welcome to my blog again. ✨
Today I go to the cafe. 📍The cafe is AN CAFE 🍰 The cafe is in the everday village in Thung Song. I never know Thung Song have the small cafe like this. I go to this cafe with my mom.
My mom don’t like to eat strawberry cheesecake. She think it can make her fat. 🤣 but I want her to try this with me. Finally, she ageed to eat it. After she try her face look happy she tell me it’s very delicious and she don’t care if it can make her fat anymore. 🥳
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This cafe is small and cute style cafe. Suitable for women who want a cute photo corner or family. The cafe only sell dessert and drink. The desserts here are pie cakes, cheesecake, cup cake and tarts. 🧁 I really like chocolate smoothies here. It's very intense flavour from chocolate. 🥤 The disadvantage of this cafe is little space. It makes me feel uncomfortable and not private because there are many customers then it is very loud.🥶 I love strawberry cheesecake here very much. It was delicious unlike other places I had eaten.
Who likes to eat strawberry cheesecake same me. I recommend to come and try here 😋
I hope you like this blog. 🧁💫✨🤍 Thx. for reading
See u in next blog guys. 👋🏼🍦
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amdreammm · 4 years
Hello everybody in tumblr. Welcome to my blog 🎉 On 3 January 2020 It is my friend’s birth day. He name is Guitar. 🎸 Official 17 years old !!!
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We prepared a birth day party to surprise him. We had party at Im’s house. In the evening on that day me and Im is Guitar’s best friend 🥰she is the girl who wearing purple t-shirt like me. Me and Im went to bought birth day cake at dairy queen for him.🎂 We had dinner party. Im’s mom prepared about ingredient of BBQ. BBQ by her mom is very yummy.🍢 It not big party but it’s very fun. Mook sang a song we danced together. 🎶
It was the best night 🌙 Becaue I spent the time with my best friends and celebrate birth day.💌
I hope you like my blog. Thank you for reading
See u 👋🏼✨
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amdreammm · 4 years
Hello everybody. ⛈ This blog I will share about news of Mexico.
Found Ancient mine of human in underwater cave in Mexico ⚡️
On 8 July 2020 International archeology team found traces red clay in underwater cave that called Sagitario at the Yucatan Peninsula area in Mexico. They think ancient mine have 12,000 years.It’s very old. 🔦 In the cave found traces of a fire in a cave camping in the cave of prehistoric miner. Including they found old drilling hole, stone tool and stones that made the direction symbol. ↔️ ⛏They used this mine for 2,000 years before they abandoned it. High sea level make the cave flood since 8,000 years ago until now.🌊
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The research team think that they use red clay as a color to make art crafts or use some red clay it has arsenic mixed apply skin to protect against insects.🦟
I think this is interesting news its creates new knowledge for me. I never knew that in Mexico there was an old cave and have story of ice age human. ✨
Thx. for reading my blog & See yaaaa in next blog.❣️
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amdreammm · 4 years
Hello everybody in tumblr. 👋🏼🥺 Today I will tell you about lover news in England.
British man holding hand of girlfriend with final cancer get married.💐
She name is Tash. She 25 years old. She is a patient of soft tissue cancer. 😔
After she fight with cancer for 6 months. She received bad news from doctor. Doctor said her body not responding to heal and she will live for a few weeks. At that time, her boyfriend is Simon he think about for proposing her to marry. 💍 But when he know bad news from doctor. He hurry to proposing her to marry quick! To make her and him dreams come true before is too late
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He said “ Tash’s dream is to get married and my dream is married with her ”
Both have received help from the family. They use 4 days to prepare the wedding in hospital. Tash married with Simon for only 1 month. She died.
• It's a sad news for both of them but I appreciate that they can make their dreams come true. Even if lover is sick but man didn't leave her. He has always loved and take care her. On the wedding day, the man's face was only happy. He smiled. He was very happy to marry the woman he loved. It’s true love.🤍
I hope everybody like my blog. 💐 Byeeeeee
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amdreammm · 4 years
Hello everybody in tumblr!!!!
Today I go to do group work with my friends. We are serious about this work very much. I am hungry very much, so I haven’t eaten shabu for a long time. I want to eat it !!!! We go to eat shabu at Pung Glom Shabu near Sahathai Plaza. 😋🥓 We are happy when we eat my favorite food. It make me relax from group work. 🥳
I hope you like my blog
See u guys🤍🦋
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amdreammm · 4 years
Hello everybody 🌷👋🏼✨
🇯🇵 Today I will share news of Japan.
40 dead in Japan floods, as more areas warned of heavy rain. ☔️🌊
TOKYO (AP) — The death toll from three days of heavy rain and flooding in southern Japan rose to 40 on Monday, including 14 who drowned at a riverside nursing home, as rescuers searched for 10 missing people and rain threatened wider areas of the main island of Kyushu, officials said.
Army troops and other rescuers worked their way through mud and debris along the flooded Kuma River, where many houses and buildings were submerged nearly to their roofs.
The Meteorological Agency issued the highest weather warning for three prefectures in northern Kyushu after heavy rain hit the island’s southern region over the weekend.
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More than half a million people were advised to evacuate across Kyushu, including riverside towns in Kumamoto city where 40 bodies were recovered. The evacuation was not mandatory and many people are believed to have opted to stay at home because of concerns over catching the coronavirus, even though officials said shelters were adequately equipped with partitions and other safety measures.
The dead included 14 of the 65 elderly residents of the nursing home next to the Kuma River, which is known as the “raging river” because it is joined by another river just upstream and is prone to flooding.
The river rose abruptly and its embankment gave in, causing floodwaters to gush into the nursing home, where most of the residents were bedridden or wheelchair users.
A caregiver on night duty told the Asahi newspaper that he saw the river rising in the early hours of Saturday and he and three colleagues woke everyone up and to prepare them for evacuation. But then he heard a window break and saw water pouring in and quickly rising to his knees, he said.
He heard voices calling for help and grabbed two people to lift them above the water, which continued to rise until his arms grew numb and he was no longer able to hold them and they died, he said.
“I’m so sorry. I really wanted to help them, but I couldn’t. I had no strength left,” the newspaper quoted him as saying.
Shunji Ogawa, a village assemblyman who regularly volunteers at the nursing home, said he joined the caregivers in helping move the residents but the water rose suddenly like a tsunami, the newspaper reported.
📍I was shocked and very sad about the situations. There have many people dead from flooding in Japan. I hope everything will better and really sorry for the deceased relatives. ☹️
I’ve read this news from website of AP NEWS.
Thx. for reading my blog. 👋🏼💗
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amdreammm · 4 years
Hello everybody in tumblr. 🕊👋🏼
Do you like lemon tea? 🥶 Today I will share about how to make lemon tea!!!
• Ingredient 🍯🍋
- 5 cups ice + more for serving
- 4 cups water
- 1/4 cup sugar
- 5 black tea sachets
- Juice from 3 lemons + lemon slices for garnish
STEP 1: Juice 3 lemons.
Use a citrus juicer to make juicing the lemons easier. Make sure to strain out the pulp and seeds.
STEP 2: Bring 4 cups of water to a simmer and turn off heat.
STEP 3: Put tea sachets into pitcher and add hot water.
STEP 4: Steep for 5 minutes then discard tea sachets.
STEP 5: Stir sugar into the hot tea until completely dissolved.
STEP 6: Add ice to pitcher and close with leakproof lid. Shake for 15 seconds.
STEP 7: Add lemon juice and shake. After pouring in the lemon juice, close the lid again and shake to fully incorporate the lemon juice with the iced tea.
STEP 8: Pour tea into cups with ice lined with lemon slices.
And done!
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amdreammm · 4 years
Hello everybody in tumblr. 🙌🏼
I hope you are well. 🤍🤍🤍
Today I have gone to school for 3 days. But I can’t see all of my friends in my classroom.
School tell we must study with half of all students in classroom. It was ok because I can see my bestfriend. 🥰 But I really miss other friends. I want to see everyone in classroom.😫
I hope the situation of covid-19 will be better🦠 and we will study together again. 🤩
Thank you for reading my blog. 💗🧸✨
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amdreammm · 4 years
Hello everybody in tumblr!!!
Today I will share news of Iran 📍
I’ve read from a website of The thaiger.
Gas explosion at clinic in Iranian capital kills 19 people. ❌
TEHRAN, Iran (AP) — An explosion from a gas leak in a medical clinic in northern Tehran killed 19 people, Iranian state TV reported Tuesday.
Authorities initially said 13 people were dead, but Jalal Maleki, spokesman for the Tehran Fire Department, later told state TV that the toll had risen to 19. State-run IRNA news agency also quoted Maleki as saying the dead included 15 women and four men. Maleki added that firefighters had rescued 20 people. Video posted online appeared to show more than one explosion and thick black smoke rising from the flames. Hamidreza Goudarzi, deputy Tehran governor, told state TV that a leak from medical gas tanks in the building was the cause of the explosion and fire.
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People in nearby Tajrish Bazaar rushed to the scene, impeding a rescue operation, authorities said. Videos on social media showed people gathered outside of the building. State TV said there could be more explosions because there were a number of oxygen tanks remaining in the medical center. Witness Marjan Haghighi told The Associated Press that police blocked roads to the neighborhood.
• I think this news is so scary and sad because have many innocent people that died. 😢
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amdreammm · 4 years
Hello everybody!!! Welcome to my blog.🤍
Chocolate milk is my favorite milk. And I think many people like chocolate milk. 🍫
There’s no denying that chocolate milk is a fan favorite, and for good reason – it’s delicious! But the benefits of chocolate milk extend far beyond taste. In fact, when it comes to chocolate milk nutrition, you’ll find the same nutrients found in unflavored milk, plus additional benefits that have made it the secret weapon of elite and every day athletes who are looking to perform at the top of their game.
Chocolate milk delivers 9 essential nutrients everyone needs. From 8 grams of natural, high-quality protein to bone-building nutrients, including calcium, vitamin D and phosphorus, choosing chocolate milk is good for your approach to a nutritious diet. Here’s how the chocolate milk nutrition package supports your health:
•Vitamin A supports a healthy immune system
•B vitamins (Riboflavin, B-12, Pantothenic Acid and Niacin) help convert food into energy
•Calcium, vitamin D and phosphorous help build strong bones
•Natural, high-quality protein helps to build and maintain lean muscle
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amdreammm · 4 years
Wow! Look great😳
Hi guys 💗
Welcome back to my blog again!!!
Today I would like to recommend the popular dessert called Basque Burnt Cheesecake.
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This dessert has the same flavor as cheesecake but has a burnt cake face. I like it texture. It soft and fluffy. It has smells cream cheese. I love it,this is my favorite dessert.
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“EAT GOOD FEEL GOOD “ enjoy it
❗️Beware if you eat a lot you will fat.
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amdreammm · 4 years
It’s so yummy! I want to try this.
Hello guys 👋🏻
I think you're hungry. So today I will recommend Japanese restaurant again .This restaurant are very cheap and appetizing. The name of restaurant is SushiMai (ซูซิมั้ย). This restaurant is located at In front of the train station, Pak Phraek, Thung Song, Nakhon Si Thammarat Province.
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There are many menus to choose from and very delicious. I would recommend are salmon burn with salmon egg on top is very good smell eat with fresh wasabi. And other is Salmon Sashimi is very fresh
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I want you to try this restaurant!!
I hope you like my blogs.❤️💗
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amdreammm · 4 years
Hello everybody in tumblr.
Welcomeback to my blog. In this blog I will review about my favorite dessert. 🧁🍨🍰✨
That is Bingsu.
Bingsu is shaved ice, finely blended into small cubes in Korea (Bingsu means "shaved ice") is a national dessert in Korea. It will get cold and refreshed every word traveled. Therefore making Bingsu is a popular dessert in Korea in the summer and it is becoming popular in Thailand. The highlight of Bingsu is Shaved ice. In addition to the delicate texture of the tongue. Will have a sweet flavor Most of them contain milk, chocolate and green tea.
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I hope everybody love dessert because you can relax with it. ❤️🧡💜💚🤍
Thank you for reading my blog.🤟🏽
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amdreammm · 4 years
Hello everybody in tumblr!!!!
Today I would like to recommend tourist attraction
You can call this place is “Na Mae Tao” 🍃
Is an agricultural tourism destination that develops agricultural areas into interesting and beautiful tourist attractions Located at Khanom District Nakhon Si Thammarat Province📍
Is a concept that develops agricultural areas + tourism To add value interestingly There are arranging and decorating the place beautifully and interesting. Especially with a beautiful corner To take a lot of photos Each day there are many tourists to visit. Especially on holidays
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Na Mae Tao is an outdoor tourist attraction. So if going during the day time, the sun is strong and a little hot. The ideal time to see and take good photos is in the morning and evening. Admission fee is only 20 baht per person. It is considered a new and exciting tourist attraction of Nakhon Si Thammarat.
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This photo from last week. I went to Na Mae Tao with my friends.
I hope you like this blog.💗
See u🍃
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amdreammm · 4 years
Hello everybody in tumblr.🤩✨
Do you like to go to the beach? I like very much.💗Today I would like to show you about the beautiful beach in Nakhon Si Thammarat📍
Khanom Beach🌊✨
Khanom Beach is well-known for its long white sand beach that stretches into the sea and rows of pine trees in Nakhon Si Thammarat Province. There are beautiful coral reefs making it the perfect place for scuba diving, snorkeling and swimming. There are many resorts and activities for you to do.
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This photo last year. I went to khanom with my friends. 🤟🏽
It’s very excited!!!!
See u in next blog.🥺💓
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