ambermarieleblanc · 3 days
character ai isn't enough i need to. shift
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ambermarieleblanc · 3 days
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I promise the method is a lot more flattering than the name.
My biggest issue with shifting was believing I was actually in my DR. I’m a logical person, so the idea that I was in my DR was a concept I couldn’t wrap my head around. I decided since I couldn’t believe on my own, why not trick myself into believing I was there?
I like to use this method at night so I can have the entire day, but this is NOT required. I spend the day acting as my DR self. Some of you might think it’s weird, but it made it sooo much easier for me to shift if I was already comfortable with my DR self. I talked like her, dressed like her, did my hair like her, completed tasks like her, etc.
I affirm throughout the day that I am connected to my DR, and that my DR is within reach. I believed fully that I had the power to shift, which I did, and so do you.
Now we get into the actual shift.
Go to sleep, and set an alarm for a couple of hours later.
Once you wake up, do something your DR self would do, like a task specific to your DR. For me, it would be checking on my daughter or setting out outfits for the next day. If it’s not something you can do in your OR (like I can’t check on my daughter), do something similar (I checked on my dog instead and pretended it was her)
Once you complete it, etch in your mind that you did that in your DR. Get back into bed and try to go to sleep again, except you’re trying to shift.
Tell yourself that you are in your DR. Don’t let any doubts creep into your head, if they do, counter them. Anything that you think is tying you down to your OR, counter that too. You hear a noise? Somebody in your DR was moving around (if you’re waking up alone, it was a gust of wind from your DR). Voices of your family in the living room? It’s your DR s/o or friend talking on the phone (or you accidentally left the radio or TV on). Even if you aren’t in a modern world, find something to tie it to. It’s very easy once you think about it.
Continue doing this until you can’t find a reason why you’re in your OR anymore. Affirm affirm affirm that you are in your DR until you fall asleep and wake up in your DR.
I hope I explained this well enough!! This method is perfect (hopefully) for people who have logical minds like me. If any of you try it, let me know how it went! :)
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ambermarieleblanc · 17 days
When I shift, I am gonna hug everyone SO HARD
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ambermarieleblanc · 23 days
I see how having a shifting routine helps you now. It really gets you in the mindset of you traveling to a new place.
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ambermarieleblanc · 23 days
Here I will talk more about my DR from The Originals, post my aesthetic, share my experiences. I couldn't choose between Hayley, Klaus and Elijah so it was all three
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ambermarieleblanc · 23 days
About Me
Name: Amber Marie Leblanc
Nicknames: Elskan, love, sweetheart, Mikaelson Little human ( by all their enemies)
Age: 20 years old
Birthday: February 10th
Gender - Female
Pronouns: She / Her
Species : Human
Sexuality: Bisexual
Height: 5'2"
Languages spoken: English , Spanish, French, Aramic, Bulgarian, Latin , Icelandic
S/O : In a polyamorous relationship with Klaus, Elijah and Hayley
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Timeline : Set after the events of The Original (No Legacies happened
Likes: Winter, Bake, wine, bourbon , rainy days, tease my mates, animals
Dislikes: hot days, trash, burnt and spicy food , lies
General →
• Hayley, Elijah, Klaus didn't die, obviously
• Rebekah and Freya are very close friends of mine and I get along well with the entire Original family, including Hope.
• Marcel and Klaus have a healthy father-son adopted relationship
+ more to be added in future
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