alpha-bnha-boys · 2 years
Hello everyone! I'm still alive and doing well, just wanted to give a quick update on what is planned. I will be posting it hopefully soon, I may or may not have gone a bit overboard with this prompt.😅 I'm about 55%done now.
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I also am writing up things I will/ will not do when it comes to writing/characters.~
- Admin Ladyfire ❤️‍🔥
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alpha-bnha-boys · 2 years
Excuse me Ms. Ladyfire, but could you please grace us with some delicious Hawks stories? I do be hungry for some delicious feral bird man 👀❤️
But. Of. Course!~
Oh, I have SO many prompts for this sexy beast. I will be writing a chapter story with him, however someone asked for a certain scene I couldn't pass up (˵ ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°˵)
Currently at about 40% finished, I'm hoping to have it done for you lovelies by the end of the week. Keep your eyes peeled,little birdies 💕
-Admin Ladyfire ❤️‍🔥
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alpha-bnha-boys · 2 years
Okay so i wasn't the only one who was surprised. I hope you both are doing well! There's no rush for mama smutsy to make a return I believe the last thing we heard from here was that she was getting married, so I hope all is well there! I look forward to seeing more from this account!
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Thank you so much! ;v; I'm SO excited to bring back such great sexy content back on here! Glad everyone on here is excited as well, gives me the energy to write!
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-Admin Ladyfire ❤️‍🔥
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alpha-bnha-boys · 2 years
So, here's the full scoop as of right now:
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This is the last time miss Mama Smutsy has posted something, so it's been sometime since then. Back when this blog was going strong, and MHA blew up I love writing romance stories/snippets. So i privately messaged her to see if she needed help, and sure enough that's when I came along! However, not long after that I had to go into the hospital for months. Then dealing with life, full time work, taking care of my parents, etc. I completely forgot about this blog for sometime, after 2 years I FINALLY got back into anime watching but glad I waited. There's SO much development with the boys, and so many new hot ones.🤤
Please note: any of our stories are set to where BOTH parties are of mature age, so 18+ bbys 💕
Now with that being all said... what does everyone want? Bullet points of the different things they'd do to you, or a story with one of them? I have so many ideas I can't pick one! Also, do you guys want them to have a knot or no knot on them? I like getting ALL
The details right~
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-Admin Ladyfire ❤️‍🔥
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alpha-bnha-boys · 2 years
WAIT after two years im discovering that this acc was ran by 2 ppl??????
That's right hun!💕 For all the new people/veterans who didn't know: welcome!
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My nickname around here is Ladyfire
Currently my favorite boy is Hawk's 🤤🤤🤤
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The one and only owner of this account: Mama Smutsy 💖 and as far as I know, her favorite is of course Shinso 🥰
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I will be making a more detailed post separately to talk more about ourselves!
-Admin Ladyfire ❤️‍🔥
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alpha-bnha-boys · 2 years
Hi mama smutsy!! I hope you're doing well! I absolutely love your writing and I was looking for your fic Shoganai on ao3 and I noticed it was deleted, I was super bummed because it's one of my all time favorite fics and I was wondering if you posted it anywhere else? If not, no worries and I hope you have a wonderful rest of your day!
I'm sorry baby's, I really tried. Ao3 has made new rules since I've joined again, and states that the owner "must accept your invite." Miss Mama Smutsy was the one who wrote all of them, so unfortunately until she returns there's nothing I can do... I really hope she will grace us with her presence once more, but most importantly wish she's OK and happy.
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Admin Ladyfire 💕
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alpha-bnha-boys · 2 years
Pls make a masterlist!😭 Your blog is soo good but I can't really navigate through it. And if u already hava a masterlist then pls provide the link couz i have been dying trying to find it 🤧 Thank you ❤️
I will Definitely try to make one for eveyone! I'm unsure if I can even attempt at that given how much time that'll take.😭 I really want to spend more time on answers, stories,asks etc. But if I can find things swiftly and organize them I will do my best bbys!💕
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Admin Ladyfire
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alpha-bnha-boys · 2 years
Wow... I'm alive, are yall??
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Hey eveyone! Admin Ladyfire here after 3 YEARS since I've posted or done anything. I needed to give myself a mental health check, as well as physical. I'm so proud to say I've lost 120+lbs and feel incredible,I also needed to catch up big time because I also went off the radar on pretty much all my hobbies. Got back into it and holy Molly, so much fan service, new daddy characters, new abilities. I'm so stoked for what's to come of this show, and the stories I have planned for you bbys... that's if people still want them.
I really hope miss Mama Smutsy is ok, I'm unfortunately unsure where she is but I'm wishing her the ABSOLUTE best. 💕 hope everyone is doing well, and doing a health check on yea babies too (人 ◕ω◕)
Admin LadyFire
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alpha-bnha-boys · 5 years
That’s right sweetpea! Mama’s gettin’ hitched! 
To her SOULMATE no less! 
And- I might be biased, but... 
                ...he’s the best man in the world. ( ∩ˇωˇ∩)♡ 
I’m even more smitten with him now than I was in high school (and I was VERY MUCH head over heels for him in high school). (人´ω`*)♡
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alpha-bnha-boys · 5 years
Here’s the low down:
Working, moving, and wedding planning (that I DEFINITELY DIDN’T PUT OFF UNTIL THE LAST MINUTE - PSHHHHH) are all taking up like 99.9% of my time, so I’m working on requests and such with the  0.01% of time I have left and long story short: it is taking me a small eternity. 
I am so incredibly sorry, but sadly, you little cherubs are probably used to these kinds of shenanigans from me... (´;︵;`) 
However!- Have faith in Mama Smutsy! I will complete and post more of your requests (from the alphabet game), the BNHA fantasy AU stories, and the BNHA Asylum AU stories as soon as I have time!
Thank you all, as always, for you unwavering kindness and support. I am hoping to post SOMETHING within the next week or so, even though I’m not sure what- but it’s LITERALLY THE LEAST I CAN DO SINCE ALL OF YOU HAVE BEEN SO GOSH DAMN NICE TO ME.。゚(゚ノД`゚)゚。
     xoxo,           Mama Smutsy (๑•́ω•̀๑)
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alpha-bnha-boys · 5 years
Retail is trying to kill me, but worry not- I will not be bested.
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*Ron Swanson voice*
I am writing this from the break room of my work. My binding contract with the labor force has killed my posting streak. However, I require currency to survive, so here I sit. I will write more when I’m not at work constructing Halloween/Thanksgiving displays in the burning heat of July, explaining things to customers I’ve already explained five times, and/or being yelled at for not having a product despite that being entirely out of my control. My supervisor says this chaotic hell will end in about a week when our seasonal transition is over... 
...at least I’m getting overtime though, so that’s nice... (•_•)
Seriously though, I will be back to write for you munchkins as soon as I can! Mama loves you babes! ( •⌄• ू )✧
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alpha-bnha-boys · 5 years
AHH I LOVE YOU AND YOUR WORK SO MUCHH!! I’m glad request are open once again and I wanted to request for Midoriya, Todoroki, Shinsou, and Bakugou with the scenario of being drunk! Please and thank youuuuu
Hello my little love bug! I LOVE YOU TOO! And I’m so glad you like my work! (。’▽’。)♡ 
I just want to say that writing this was an absolute blast, and I couldn’t stop laughing as I wrote it! I actually made it last night (I actually had a few drinks myself, so I could get in the right mindset for it, of course), and edited it this morning! I wrote a scenario that involved all of them at a bar together- I hope that’s alright! And I hope you enjoy the tipsy boys and their shenanigans! o(^▽^)o
* Warning: Remember! Do not drink unless you are of legal drinking age! Being drunk seems fun, but it is not good to drink in excess 
 (yes I am a hypocrite).
* Disclaimer: This scenario is written assuming that all characters are of legal drinking age.
                     🍺 MIDORIYA 🍺
This kid has maybe been to one bar in his life, and that’s only if you count AppleBee’s. However, if he and his friends did go to one, he would probably would order a Mojito (he didn’t know what to get so he just went with the bartender’s recommendation and ended up liking it).
TOLERANCE: Slightly Low.
I mean, he can hold his alcohol well, he just can’t hold that much of it.
I mean this is Deku we are talking about.
He isn’t exactly going home and downin’ spirits on the regular.
KIND OF DRUNK: Emotional Rollercoaster Drunk
I don’t mean he’s crying the whole time, I mean: whatever his current state of mind is- it is amplified by the alcohol.
If he’s a little worried, then suddenly he’s in the utmost depths of anxiety and depression.
If he’s happy, then suddenly he’s the HAPPIEST man to have EVER lived EVER!
If he’s upset, then suddenly he’s READY TO THROW FUCKIN’ HANDS, PUNK.
Basically, he’s just all over the place.  
Midoriya: *happy as a spring-chicken*
[Friend]: Buddy! I’m glad you’re feeling better! You were so down a few minutes ago, what happened? Did you get some good news?
Midoriya: *very enthusiastic* Somebody told me the peanuts are free! 
[Friend]: Wha-? What do you mean?
[Friend]: *visibly confused*
                   🍺 TODOROKI 🍺
To Shouto, bars tend to be more of annoyance than anything else, so he tends not to go to them. However, he will go if invited. He would order a Long Island Iced Tea (the ‘give me a splash of everything’ drink).
Drinks at home regularly, but not excessively.
I mean, can you blame him? If I had Todoroki money I’d be splurging on some high quality booze too.  
Crown Royal? Grey Goose? CHILD’S PLAY. How about Remy Martin’s Cognac, Talisker Scotch-Whisky, or Rhetoric Orphan Barrel Straight Bourbon instead?
KIND OF DRUNK: Easy-Going Drunk
If he manages to drink enough to become intoxicated then you are in for a treat.
Because when Shouto is drunk, everything is interesting. Let’s talk about all the things (albeit a little slower than usual, and through slurs).
He wants to hear everything anyone has to say.
You want to talk about stag beetles for an hour? Shouto wants to listen to you talk about stag beetles for an hour.
Would be the one to start talking to the old guy at the bar, and intently listening to his life story.
Old guy: *goes on for an hour about his time in the war*
Shouto: So… what did you do? After the war ended?
Old guy: Well, it’s funny you should ask…
Old guy: *goes on for another hour*
Shouto: *completely content*
                    🍺 SHINSOU 🍺
He really doesn’t like bars, and will do everything in his power to avoid them. Bars are expensive and everyone is annoying. But if dragged to one by his friends, he will order a Black Russian.
Drinks at home regularly, but not excessively.
He likes to keep it simple by just adding vodka to whatever is in his fridge.
Orange juice and vodka, lemonade and vodka, RedBull and vodka, the possibilities are endless.
KIND OF DRUNK: The Cuttin’ Loose Drunk
If he gets drunk, he’s still himself, just more fun-loving and care-free.
“Everyone probably thinks I’m a villain” Shinsou turns into “Guys, there’s a cat outside!” Shinsou.
In addition, he is a bit gigglier than usual.
Drunk Kaminari trips and Shinsou just cracks the fuck up and doesn’t stop laughing for like 15 minutes.
Also, he kinda just wants to go do something fun (subconsciously still trying to get out of the bar).
Shinsou: *with hazy child-like excitement* Guys, we should go play mini-golf!
Everyone: *Proceeds to go play mini-golf for 5 FUCKING HOURS before finally getting their drunk asses through the course ONCE.*
                    🍺 BAKUGO 🍺
In his opinion, bars are stupid, but he does enjoy watching or participating in the fights. As you might have guessed, he would order a Bloody Mary, but he would also order Flaming Dr Pepper shots for everyone later on.
Doesn’t do a lot of drinking in his down time, but has done enough to have a standard tolerance.
Basically only really drinks at get-togethers or social events.
In his defense, it’s hard to drink much of anything when you’re yelling all the time.
KIND OF DRUNK: Force of Nature Drunk
Is an unstoppable force.
Takes bold and boisterous to a whole new level, saying whatever is on his mind (like he normally does, but with less hesitation, and without holding ANYTHING back).
Will say with unwavering sincerity whether or not he hates someone or loves them.
Also asks everyone to fight him, and gets frustrated when no one does.
Is the one that starts fights with inanimate objects.
Bakugo: *trying to square up, but swaying a little bit* YOU THINK YOU CAN IGNORE ME, BITCH!? YOU WANNA FUCKIN’ GO!?
The Bois: *half of them laughing their asses off, the other half dead serious* You tell that fountain statue, buddy! Kick its ass!
Bakugo: *Proceeds to power smash the fountain statue to smithereens*
I hope you all enjoyed the shit show, and that maybe it made you laugh! (*≧∀≦*) And I hope it was all you hoped it would be Anon! (*^v^*)
     xoxo,          Mama Smutsy  ✾(〜 ☌ω☌)〜✾
 ~ P.S. I am going to get to as many requests as humanly possible as efficiently as possible, so please don’t think that if I don’t respond right away that I’m not going to fill your request! MAMA WON’T LEAVE YOU HANGING (It just might take a while for her to get to it). Thank you all for your patience! ♡ ~
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alpha-bnha-boys · 5 years
Hello is it possible to DM you personally ;v; i'd really like to send you something in private.
*GASPS* ABSOLUTELY honey bun! ヾ(@°▽°@)ノ
Please feel free to DM me anytime! 
           ~ MAMA LOVES TO CHAT WITH HER BABIES o(*≧□≦)o ~
     xoxo,          Mama Smutsy (ᴖ◡ᴖ)
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alpha-bnha-boys · 5 years
Are requests still open? If they are could you do A,C and F for shigaraki please. Also your writing gives me life.
Sweetpea... ♥... YOU give ME life. (   ͡° ͜ʖ  ͡°) 
I’m so honored that you are a fan of my work, and I hope that these Tomura HC’s live up to your expectations! (≧∇≦)/
I know a lot of people see him as an unceasingly confident and diabolically sensual being, but I can’t help my tendency to imagine him being a little more tender than that (considering his past). If you don’t like the way I wrote him then please let me know and I’ll write a more aggressive version of him for you! 
But hopefully you still like this one! (*≧∀≦*)
* Warning: This work is about 80% SFW I’d say (but does feature implied sexual content, and language- beacuse Smutsy).
* Disclaimer: I haven’t written anything for Tomura yet, so I apologize if this one seems a little wordy. 
                    • Tomura (A for Affection) • 
He’s always been very cautious about showing physical affection to anyone.
If all 5 of his fingers make contact with any portion of your skin, you’re turned into a lawn ornament.
So needless to say, touch is not his preferred method for expressing his feelings to you.
At least, not until he is completely comfortable you; when he can fully predict the patterns in your movements (which can take a long time, but does eventually happen).
That being said, he still won’t let a little touching anxiety keep him from showing you he cares. Hell no.
Tomura figured out pretty quickly that he best displays affection through acts of service and quality time.
It turns out, Tomura Shigaraki, the notoriously ruthless villain- is actually a very compassionate and thoughtful partner.
Well I’ll be darned.
He is definitely a tough egg to crack, but once he truly falls for someone- he gives them everything he possibly can.
The way he sees it, the least he can do is try to help and make your life easier.
I mean, you love him despite his ‘personality issues’ AND you let him touch you.
With his hands.
On your body.
…Sexually, even.
Because you want him to.
That is unbe-fucking-lievable .
Hell, he’d become best friends with All Might if it made you happy (thankfully you wouldn’t let it come to that, but the fact remains- he’d do damn near anything for you).
If you had a stressful day, he might run you a warm bath or cook you your favorite meal. He won’t do your laundry though, he doesn’t want to risk all five fingers touching your favorite hoodie and disintegrating it.
But spending time with you is probably his favorite thing to do…
Sometimes it’s just the two of you in the same room doing your own thing, with you reading or browsing the internet and Tomura playing video games or working on puzzles (I feel like he would probably really enjoy chess).
Sometimes both of you will play a game together, or watch a movie, but more often than not the two of you find ways to talk for hours on end.
Tomura is highly intelligent, and values your mind and your thoughts greatly. He loves to hear your take on things, even if you’re just talking about insignificant on silly things- he loves every second of it.
                    • Tomura (C for Cuddling) • 
Like I sad, he is a little antsy about touching his partner (especially at the beginning of the relationship), but that doesn’t mean he won’t do it at all.
Actually, cuddling is probably one of the most relaxing ways he can make physical contact with you. He really enjoys it.
He has a kind of gauze that he wraps around his finger (usually his pinky) and back under his wrist. It’s a an odd setup, but he fixes it that way so there is no possibility that the gauze will slip off during your cuddle time.
Also, on a side note: he gets embarrassed saying ‘cuddle,’ since it’s such a cute and fluffy word (and Tomura is definitely not cute and fluffy, definitely not a cinnamon roll, no, not him).
So instead he just says, ‘curl up.’
“Hey, we should curl up on the couch after dinner,” basically translates to “I want snugs, woman.”
He likes to spoon, since one arm can be sprawled out over your waist and another can be tucked under your head (giving his hands somewhere to relax without having to worry about them constantly making contact with you).
Don’t get me wrong, he may be a little shy about touch, but he loves wrapping his arms around you, and holding his little angel in his arms.
He just doesn’t want his hands in a bad spot if you both happen to fall asleep.
He also likes spooning because he gets to be right up against your neck. Your hair just smells so pretty, and that little spot between your neck and your shoulder is so warm and soft.
He also likes when you’re both laying down and you rest your head on his chest. He can usually just tuck his hands behind his head and enjoy the sight of his sweetheart. Seeing the person he loves so much so eager to be beside him makes his heart flutter.
Every time.
                    • Tomura (F for Flirting) • 
Tomura isn’t exactly the “flirty,” type. He didn’t really know love growing up, much less any kind of playful affection or teasing.
And with his lifestyle, he has no time to get any practice in (and honestly, he can’t really be bothered to fuck with any of it).
So when Tomura took interest in you, his way of expressing that was a little… uncoordinated.
He may be cocky and confident in other facets of life, but not in love, or seduction, or really any form of flirtation.
Love especially, that’s one of the things he always had the hardest time understanding. The one puzzle that always perplexed him.
While it might sound like he has no flirting abilities at all, his lack of ability actually gives away his intentions, and thus unintentionally becomes flirting.
So he’s no Casanova, but he makes the awkwardness work somehow.
His face beginning to reveal a blush- his hands wandering up to scratch his neck, with his eyes pointedly avoiding yours; coupled with his nervous and jittery way of speaking, it makes it kind of obvious.
However, once you’ve been together long enough, he gets a little more confident in himself. Managing to make teasing quips at you despite still maintaining the blush on his cheeks.
Its really quite adorable.
Exhibit A (featuring play-by-play with commentator Smutsy).
Tomura: “You- you look cute today…”
Smutsy: Alright ladies and gentlemen, looks like he’s starting off shy, not even trying to hide the blush on his cheeks. Let’s see how S/O responds…
S/O: “Aww, thank you honey! You like my new outfit?”
Smutsy: Ohh-! S/O exhibits a beautiful receive, responding with a solid but mild counter, and twirling around to strengthen the cuteness of their attack. Tomura takes 20 damage, after being stunned by S/O’s beauty. Can Tomura still gain the upper hand? What will he do?!
Tomura: “Yeah, well- haha, I think you look better with nothing on at all~”
*  I thought the play by play thing was funny…
* Additionally, once he gets in the bedroom. His flirting does twice as much damage is incredibly more seductive.
* Since no one is around, he feels comfortable being a little more saucy.
* He whispers sweet things into your ear, which then take a seriously dirty turn, and then effectively turn you into a puddle of arousal. It’s Game Over for your composure.
I hope you enjoyed it cutie pie! And I apologize if it seemed kind of all over the place! (´∩ω∩`) Thank you so much for your request! ♥
     xoxo,          Mama Smutsy (๑^ں^๑)
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alpha-bnha-boys · 5 years
 @creativebluegalaxy​ ~ Your words are TOO KIND my love!!!
Thank you so much for drawing this! I absolutely love the eerie vibe it gives off, especially the glowing eyes and the bite mark on the neck!(๑✧∀✧๑)Not to mention the horror-text (such a nice touch)!
You have no idea how much this means to me, and how happy I am that you enjoy my work! I am so blessed to have such sweet baby children who are so talented! Keep up the good work my darling sweet pea! Mama loves you bunches and already has your art printed and hanging on my closet door. 
         ♡〜٩( ╹▿╹ )۶〜♡
P.S. I hope you don’t mind that I shared this, I was just so excited! WHAT CAN I SAY? I’M MAMA SMUTSY ≧ω≦ I WANNA SHOW OFF MY BABIES’ WORK! But if you want me to take it down, then just message me and I will! Thank you sooo much again honey bun! (∩˃o˂∩)♡
     xoxo,           Mama Smutsy 
There is your art my dear! @creativebluegalaxy
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"Ỳ̯̥͐o̮͕̊̾u͚̣͗̀ ͎̥̈̈́m̠̊͒͟a̟̗͌̿y̥̌̃ͅ ̮̅̏͜t̢̛͎͋h̲͙̐̒ị̐̒ͅn̟̜͐͆k̯̤̀̈́ ͍̲̄͊ṫ̳̻͐h̡̖͊̊a̺̟͐̎t͍̻͆̇ ̧̞̅͊í̭̰̂ ̬̲̐͡ă͉͉̊m͖͍̒͗ ̹̫̽̉g̳͉̓͊ö̜̘͋n̟̙̾̅ẹ̤͋̇ ̧̜̀̆f̦̥͋͊ó̬̥̚r̲̗͑͘ ̗̘͗͆ģ̳̾̔ö̖̘̈ō̤̻̑d̡̟́̆,͎̝̋̈ ̳̙̀͡b̳͕̅͛ṷ̺̔͒ţ̲̑̐ ̣̙̏͗i̺̫̾͆ ̛̗͓͐a̝̮͊͗m̻̟͋̿ ̦͕͌͝ā̯̃͜l̡̹͘̕w̞̫͂͑ä̢͎̾y̧̱͗̈́s̤͕̏̕ ̜̝́͠g̳͌̓ͅọ̠̿̂n̛̑��̤n̟̟͛̅ă̩͌�� ͉̂͢͡b̲̺̂͞e͈͔̎͝ ̛̗̻͝r͉͆́͢i̳̻͐͝g̪̼̃͂h̨͇̿̋t͙̬͂͐ ̡͖́̽h͉̝́̕e̹͎͂͛ṛ̿͘ͅḙ̦̿̈́ ̬̆́͟w̘̩̒̂i͍̠̒̄t͚͉̉̏ḧ̪͓́͠ ͎͓́͡ÿ̭́̓͢ó͕͜͠ų̣̿̒ ͓͍̾͘a͓̐͌͟n͍̱̽͠d̳̲̀̃ ̗͍̿͊ớ̼ͅn̻̣̄̚c̩͘͢͞e̝̦̽̿ ͕̃͋͟m̢͓̀̿y̼̳̒̎ ̡̂͟͠t̠̗̓͠i̛̠̇͟m̧̆͡ͅe̙̣͛̓ come ̛͖͓̾i̡̤̎͛ ̤̝̿̀w̞̖̍͋i̡͎͆̉ĺ̳͖͆l̢̼̀̄ ̣̤͋͞d̨̲̿́o̞͋̚ͅ ̫̔̎͜ư̠̎͜n͓̣͑̊s̙̄̓͟p̤̦̏͊e̪̼͋̚a̻͢͝͞k̩̭͑̚a͍̥͗͡b͚̪́͌l̦̣̕͡e͉͔̾́ ̯̖̀͑t̮͙̐͑ẖ͙̎̅i̡̳̎̽n̩̘̈́̓ğ͓̤̚s͉̽̐ͅ ̖̖̔̕t̰̮͌͑õ͍͚͐ ̖͎̆͠y̪̬̏͘ó̡͍͠ǜ̝̖.͎̎̕ͅ.̠̥̆͘.̺͉̀̅ ͇͍͑̋à̫̪́n̗̰̾̽d̨̘͛̄ ̧̥́̈m̰̳̈́̉ä̛̦͈́y͇̙͂͋b̙̰̆̒ē͇͓͡ ̧̼̿́y̗̥͛̈o̡̝̔͘u̝̥͌̎ ̯̟̈́͂ŵ̖͖̄ö̥̞͒ǔ͓̱͂ľ̪̘̓d̨̥͑͊ ̠̩̂̇l̛̠̠̀į͇̐͐k͎̆̄ͅë͖̠́̄ ̣̐͐ͅt͎̆͡ͅh̘̺̓̈́ȃ̮͈̕t̫̯́͘,̣̭́͆ ͕̞̑̾h̩͖̚͝u̱͇̓͌h̰͎͋͘ ̫̖̉͠ķ̨͋̾į̥͛̓ẗ̳̤́͑t̙͐̍͢è̬̞̾n̜̦͒́?͉̺͑̚"
Okay that was by far the hardest thing i ever done in my life. But i have a little present for @alpha-bnha-boys ! I just love her writings and stories and they are really inspiring, Especially shogani. So i hope you like it 😊
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alpha-bnha-boys · 5 years
I feel like it would be cute to request a scenario for shinsou as a kid or 🍼 thank you so much!!!
A wonderful request my dear!! ヾ(*´∀`*)ノ
“oH, sMuTsY jUsT dId A sHiNsOu rEqUeSt-”    ヘ(。□°)ヘ
Yes, Yes I did. Don’t act like I didn’t give y’all full disclosure of my incurable and damn near crippling Shinsou-bias. ALSO I’m trying to post something here on Tumblr everyday, and this is the one I finished first because it was so hella cute and fun and I couldn’t help myself! 
 Am simple smutsy. I see Shinsou, I write...  (´;ω;`) 
Honestly though, I’m sorry you guys... I’m gonna do more than just Shinsou, I promise. 
I hope none of you are too upset with me, and that you will still be able to enjoy this little fluff piece! (*´・∀・)
But I meant what I said @negansnumberonewifie​ - this is a wonderful request, thank you so much! I loved writing it, and I hope you enjoy it too! 
                                             • Shinsou : 🍼 •
* No warnings! Pretty sure this one is like 99% SFW! 
Except for language, but that’s a given...
However I did hold back this time. Note the lack of f-bombs.
I surprise even myself, sometimes. 
Nearly all the heroes had been called to the inner district of the city; as a hoard of villains were wreaking havoc on the general public. You and Shinsou had been partnered up, and you used both of your quirks to take down as many villains as you could. By the time the battle was over, the heroes had triumphed and the villains were detained and escorted away from the scene.
Medical units were being called in by the dozen. One of the villains had a peculiar quirk that had left several civilians reverted to their child-like selves. Only a few had been affected, but the emergency response teams were doing their best to corral them up and comfort their panicked cries.
                                                 - - - - - - - - -
After a moment or so, you scanned the area, your face dawning with panic.
“W-Where’s Shinsou?!”
The other heroes heard your distress, their gazes shooting over to you.
Suddenly, you felt a small tug on your shirt.
Looking down, you saw a child, what appeared to be a five year old boy.
He had wild indigo hair, and clothes that were entirely too big for him, baggy on his small little frame…
‘Oh… Oh shit.’
“Sh-Shinsou?? Is that-??”
The little boy nodded, toddling closer to you as the other heroes dashed over with an emergency response team in tow.
You felt Shinsou nuzzle up against you, clinging to your leg shyly.
Your mind was dumbfounded.
‘Oh my God… he’s so cute…’
The medical units tried to coax him away from you, but he wouldn’t budge; silently shaking his head at every attempt to coerce him into their arms.
You knelt down to Shinsou’s eye-level, and he was quick to rush into your arms, wrapping his own around your neck and hiding his face in your shoulder.
“Shinsou, s-sweetheart, these people are trying to help you. They just want to take care of you until you go back to normal.”
“Nuh-uh.” He shook his head again, burying himself further into your neck, his little legs scrambling to wrap themselves around your waist.
“I wanna stay with Y/N.”
Kaminari was there, and he knelt down beside you, chiming in with a big smile on his face;
“Hey buddy! Don’t you wanna come hang out with your best pal Denki?”
Shinsou shook his head again.
“I wanna be with Y/N. I like Y/N.”
Denki smiled, scratching the back of his head.
“Aw don’t you like me too, buddy?”
Shinsou peeked out from your neck, looking Kaminari in the eyes with a pout.
“It’s diffwent.”
A blush creeped up your face, but you smiled softly, scooping the child up in your arms.
You patted the back of his head, pressing a sweet kiss to his cheek.
“I’ll look after him until the affects wear off, is that alright?”
The first responder scrambled for words, a little surprised you’d be willing to do such a thing,
“W-w-well sure! T-that’s fine, if you want to! The effects appear to only last 12 hours, so he’ll be back to normal by tomorrow morning!”
It was only a little past 1PM, so you decided to enjoy every minute you had with the Little Shinsou, utterly enchanted with his adorable disposition.
However, his lack of filter was an added bonus you had not anticipated.
After trading in his massive adult shoes for some kids’ shoes at a nearby store, you took him to the dessert parlor you were both regulars at.
Shinsou looked at the menu and shook his head.
“What’s wrong? You normally come here all the time, Shinsou.”
Shinsou crossed his arms, “Everything hewre is too sweet, I onwy come here because you’re always hewre getting tea.”
You made a mental note to start visiting another snack/beverage location, one that Shinsou might like too; as the child’s confession had made your heart flutter.
After grabbing pretzels from a nearby stand, you saw a sign for a petting zoo that was currently operating in the park, and asked Shinsou if he’d like to go.
Shinsou nodded his head vigorously, pretzel crumbs all along his mouth.
“Yes pwease! I wanna go to the petting zoo, pwease!”
As you made your way to the park, he wrapped his hand around your fingers, dragging you along behind him.
“Come on Y/N! Wet’s go!”
You giggled, reveling in his excitement as you approached the animal pens and bought a baggy of food for each.
Shinsou’s face grew worried for a moment, and he fiddled with his baggy clothes, reaching for something in his back pocket.
He pulled out his wallet, the leather bound pocketbook looking so large in his tiny hands.
“Hewre! I don’t want you to have to pay fowr it!”
You laughed, “Shinsou, I don’t mind! It’s my treat!”
Shinsou shook his head defiantly, a stern pout on his face.
“No Y/N, a gentwlmen is suppowsed to pay fowr his date.”
You blushed, bending down to give the child a kiss on the forehead.
“How about I take out the $6 for our tickets, okay?”
Before he could protest, the petting zoo worker opened the gate for the bunny pen, and Shinsou went rushing inside along with a few other children.
You opened his wallet, deciding to humor him and take out the $6 you had agreed upon.
Aside from usual wallet items; IDs, receipts, credit/debit cards and etc., the wallet was quite obviously Shinsou’s.
It had PetSmart member’s card, a punch-card from a coffee shop (2 punches away from a free coffee, by the way), a library card, a member’s card for a bicycle shop.
You couldn’t help but smile at it all.
You saw a photo poking out of a pouch in his wallet, the corner pointedly worn from use; curiosity getting the best of you, you pulled it out.
It was a 4 paneled photo the two of you. Its edges more worn than the pouch that held it.
You and the class went to the fair in your last year at UA, and you had all decided to go to a photo booth.
Once all the photos were done, everyone started leaving, but Shinsou said he accidentally put an extra token in the machine.
You happily offered to take some photos with him.
And he had… kept it… after all this time.
4 panels of the two of you; one of you giving each other rabbit ears, one of you making funny faces, another of you sticking your tongues out, and the last one- you surprising Shinsou with a kiss on the cheek, his face blooming with red.
Your thoughts were interrupted by a small voice calling out to you, “Come on Y/N! You gotta pet the bunnies!”
You slid the photo back into its pouch and tucked the wallet into your bag, deciding to hold onto it for safe keeping.
You knelt down beside Shinsou in the pen, watching with soft eyes as he gently petted one the rabbits, its nose crinkling and eyes closing happily at his gentle touch.
You saw the other children, hastily chasing around the rabbits as their parents scolded them.
Shinsou was so loving, so tender with the creature, easing his hand in front of it with food and smiling as it ate from his hand.
‘I bet he always was mature for his age.’
After the bunnies, you visited the goats, and you and Shinsou laughed at how goofy they were. Then the ducks, where Shinsou made a friend that decided to sit in his lap. Finally you visited the chickens, where Shinsou pointed out a particularly scraggly looking black one asleep in the corner, saying it looked like Aizawa.
After wiping the tears from your eyes from laughter, Shinsou grabbed your hand, yawning.
“Hey Y/N, can we take a nap? I’m getting sweepy.”
You smiled, scooping the child into your arms and letting him rest his head on your shoulder like he had earlier.
“Alright honey, let’s go back to my house; then we can take a nap. How does that sound?”
You arrived home, Shinsou having fallen asleep before you’d even left the park.
You laid him down gently on the loveseat in your living room, sliding a pillow under his head and tucking him in with a fuzzy blanket. You removed his scarf and brushed the hair out of his face, marveling at his angelic face as he slept.
‘I wonder if we ever had a baby- would they be this cute?’
You blushed at the thought, but decided you were in need of a nap too, getting yourself situated on the big couch beside him.
It wasn’t even 10 minutes after you’d closed your eyes before you felt a familiar tug at your shirt.
There was Shinsou, sleepy-eyed as ever and clutching the fuzz blanket in his arms.
“Can I sweep wif you?”
You smiled, scooting over as you made room for him.
“Sure, come here sweetheart.”
Turns out the petting zoo as well as the battle from earlier had worn both of you out.
You held the child in your arms, humming at the warmth from his tiny body. Not long after, you both fell asleep.
You awoke the next morning to a simultaneously awakening Shinsou groaning beneath you.
       ‘Beneath you? You had been the big spoon, what-?
                     Oh shit.’
Shinsou had changed back overnight, and now you were laying on his chest, half-sprawled out on top of him.
You fought back the wince as his eyes fluttered open, realizing you had no time to retreat or feign ignorance.
You were about to have some serious explaining to do.
                    Dee End! ;3
     xoxo,          Mama Smutsy ヽ(。• ω•。)ノ
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alpha-bnha-boys · 5 years
Mama!!! I have a request! Dabi for the letters A, F, K, S! Preferably nsfw, where applicable! Thank you!!
My sweet baby little honey bunny baby child!! ♡(.��ω◝.)♡ YES I am more than happy to write for our burn-scar boy!! I hope you like it, and that you enjoy reading it as much as I did writing it!! (´⌣`ʃƪ)
* Warning: NSFW because this is Dabi we are talking about, people. 
                    • Dabi (A for Affection) • 
He is a very physical person. He really likes needs PDA.
Kissing you, hugging you, holding your hand, smacking your ass.
Seriously though, touching you recharges his soul.
I mean…
He never thought anyone would ever want to tough him.
So you accepting those touches and being all flustered over them-?
That’s a mother fucking miracle from the heavens above, and you better believe he’s cashin’ that check in every day, baby.
But oddly enough, he really just likes holding your hand.
Why? Well for 3 reasons.
1. Its a way that he can stay close to you, and it shows everyone that you, the angel, are with him, the staple faced guy.
2. Your arm is good leverage when he wants to pull you in for a hug or a kiss, or when you’re about to walk out into traffic.
3. Your sweet little hands are so soft compared to his calloused ones, and damn it, he just really likes it okay?
BUT… don’t let his cute intentions deceive you.
Not all of his PDA is pure.
He’s a sneaky devil, and we all know that.
So, surprise, surprise: he really REALLY loves to smack your ass in public.
Because that is how the Dabi do.
Its an act that says, ‘Yeah, this gorgeous babe here is dating me AND letting me fuck her.’
You’re walking down the sidewalk-
You’re picking up your bag-
You’re on the phone with your grandma-
You’re trying to order at Subway-
Dabi has literally zero fucks to give.
That ass is his, and it’s kinda his way of blatantly stroking his ego in public.
You’re hot, he’s staple-faced, and he’s smacking your ass.
That’s called a damn supernatural phenomenon, ladies and gentlemen.
                    • Dabi (F for Flirting) •
Hello, this is one smooth operator, can I get your number, sweetheart?
You probably could’ve guessed, but- the man is a legend.
He isn’t a player by any means, but he’ll have you guessing until you muster up the courage to ask if he is.
Before he became Franken-face, he was really good-looking guy. I mean- of course he still is devilishly attractive, but in his opinion, he looked better without the purple patch-work.
Either way, he knows how to play the flirting game.
But since he doesn’t get the chance to play it like he used to, when someone does catch his attention and in turn show interest in him- well, he goes ALL OUT.
He starts with the nicknames, just a little something to get your heart a thumpin’, because he’s suave like that.
Then it’s the coy teasing and the sexy smiles…
The sexual innuendos to get you thinking about him in ‘certain ways…’
The bottom line is, he is very straightforward when it comes to flirting.
No if’s, and’s, or but’s about it.
If he’s flirting with you- you know.
However, while he is persistent, he won’t harass you if you decide you aren’t into him.
He may be a villain, but he’s not a tactless creep.
                                        • Dabi (K for Kinks) •
*Smutsy takes a long, slow sip of her sweet tea vodka*
*Well, here we go.*
This man… this mAN…
Has absolutely no limits.
You wanna fuck in the shower?
On the wall?
In an abandoned building?
In a public park?
Don’t test this man.
He will fuck you in a fucking tree.
Despite his damn-near obscene sexual deviance, he won’t even discuss having kinkier sex unless you bring it up first.
He doesn’t want you thinking that you have to do it to make him happy.
He doesn’t want the idea even popping into your sweet little head.
As kinky as he is, he’s happy if you are, and he would never pressure or guilt you into doing something you weren’t 100% comfortable with.
Hell, if you wanted nothing but vanilla sex, he would make sweet, tender love to you every day; a happy man.
He really does just want you to be happy.
Having an angel like you all to himself, and her being happy is all the sexual satisfaction he needs.
There is no denying he gets really lusty-eyed when you call Daddy, and he straight up drools when he comes home to you half-tied up in bed, waiting for him to finish what you started.
When it comes to oral, he is content giving or receiving.
Though you tend to like giving it to him, if only to see that power-hungry look in his eye when you glance up at him with his cock in your mouth.
He prefers to be in control of things, and feels more in his element when he’s being dominant.
That being said, he also happily let you take control if you want.
As long as your eyes are screaming that you want him, he’s completely satisfied.
Because the most crazy thing about Dabi (sexually) is that: aside from bondage, he doesn’t actually have any crazy kinks.
What’s scary is that he is game for LITERALLY anything.
                    • Dabi (S for Sexual Style) •
Takes sex very seriously, but also doesn’t.
He sees it as a sacred act that you both take part in, but he also knows it is a biologically compelled action- one that isn’t as important as the trust and feelings behind it.
He’s not a softie, he’s just A TOTAL SOFTIE deep like that.
During sex, he has this uncanny ability to just go with the flow, maintaining that air of confidence the entire time.
So there is almost no way you’re gonna get him begging or overtly needy for you.
Even if you ask him to, he can’t help but do it in a very ‘I’m obviously still in control’ kind of way.
It’s not his fault, you’re the one looking all adorable trying to be so dominant and demanding.
It’s like trying to watch a kitten roar like a lion.
It’s too preCIOUS.
So, sorry, but when it comes to sex- you’re always the one flustered.
However, there is one exception.
That being if you were to try and drag out the foreplay, getting majorly aroused and needy for him but refusing to indulge yourself.
Keep holding yourself back like that, and he might just beg you.
Seeing you needy for him is kind of the only thing that’s going to make him desperate.
I hope you enjoyed my love! Thank you for the request (and I will get to your other ones soon, don’t worry)! (ɔˆ ³(ˆ⌣ˆc)
     xoxo,          Mama Smutsy ɾ⚈▿⚈ɹ 
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