alittlebookoflove · 7 months
[Review] You Beautiful Thing you by Saffron Kent
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“You Beautiful Thing you” is Saffron Kent’s first book in her spin off /new series on the Boys of Bardstown.
This book follows a much anticipated couple, Tempest and Ledger and their tumultuous relationship.
For readers familiar to Kent’s previous series where in which Tempest and Ledger have had many frosty interactions with each other you could tell that their relationship if it ever eventuated was going to be explosive.
In YBTY we are taken back in time initially to see when they first met each other, and rather satisfyingly get to see the beginning of their relationship/tension from both view points.
But to bring us back to the present we realise that Tempest’s actions in life as an adult and with impending nuptials that have been arranged for her are governed /forced by her father. Who , to put it lightly, is selfish and evil.
This whole storyline of how manipulative her father is requires just a bit too much logic to be suspended to actually seem believable.
Why wouldn’t Tempest just tell her brother Reed? Ok the dad threatens to ruin Reed’s life- but he literally went through this before and managed to sort out the dad?
And then Tempest wants a baby? Because Reed and Callie have one? And she’s clucky? But she wants revenge on Ledger for…. Using her all those years ago and then ignoring her. But halfway through she doesn’t actually want that much revenge on him. And by then she’s pregnant.
I felt like the premise of the book had a lot of promise but when reading about it I couldn’t back any one character.
I normally love enemies to lovers the most as a romance trope, and I think I was hoping for something a little like The Hatesick diaries, one of Saffron Kent’s previous masterpieces.
I don’t quite think this book delivered that for me. What was great to see as always was Kent’s world building in this book as she sets up future couples- most being Ledger’s older twin brothers and the respective girls they are involved with.
Looking forward to those books for sure!
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alittlebookoflove · 8 months
[Review] Emergency Contact by Lauren Layne and Anthony LeDonne
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Another brilliant book by Lauren Layne with her trademark wit and hijinks.
I can’t remember the last time I read Layne’s book, but it feels like it’s been a little while. “Emergency Contact” was just the book to remind me of how much and why I’ve always loved her writing.
This book isn’t steamy, and yet it’s still really satisfying to read of the story between Katherine and Tom , two ex’s who still really love each other despite the disaster that was their marriage.
Also more interestingly Layne wrote this book with her husband Anthony Ledonne a comedian. There’s no distinct parts of this book that stood out to me as being anything other than Layne’s signature banter and comedy which I suppose is a compliment to them both.
They clearly have a knack for writing together and I for one can’t wait to read more books by them both, or more books by Lauren.
Would be really interesting to see the authorial breakdown of this book. And to interview them both!
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alittlebookoflove · 8 months
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alittlebookoflove · 8 months
[Review] Claiming Carter by Jennifer Bonds
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Claiming Carter is the first book I’ve read of Jennifer Bonds, and incidentally the first in her Waverly Wildcats series.
This was a fresh take on the sports romance genre of romance and includes tropes of forced proximity and forbidden romance but with a lighthearted take on it all. It follows the story between Austin and Kennedy who in a weird twist of circumstance end up playing on the same D1 football team, despite Kennedy being a soccer player.
The great part of this of course is that she also happens to hate football players.
Everything about the concept of this book intrigued me from the beginning and Bonds really delivers in this story.
I enjoyed the chemistry between these two and really felt the story was well written. I most especially look forward to readingy about the other characters in this series that Bonds sets up well in this book.
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alittlebookoflove · 10 months
The Summer I Saved You- by Elizabeth O’Roark
Releasing September 14th 2023
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alittlebookoflove · 10 months
Elizabeth O'Roark has revealed the gorgeous cover for The Summer I Saved You!
Releasing: September 14, 2023
I came to the lake to be left alone, to lick my wounds. I wasn't counting on neighbors and I especially wasn't counting on her.
Lucie was a little kid the last time I was here. Now she's grown—and God, did she ever grow up—with two young kids of her own.
She's everywhere I look, no matter how hard I try to avoid her. I'd forgotten all the things I used to want, used to dream about. She's reminding me...and making me want every last one of them again.
From the moment I first saw Caleb when I was six, I knew he belonged to me. And I knew I'd have to save him—because how else does the girl nobody wants win over the boy beloved by all?
Nothing about his life or mine has gone to plan. He's isolated and miserable. I've got a vindictive ex and more problems than I can count.
But what hasn't changed is this: it still feels like he's mine.
And I still think I may need to save him.
Pre-order your copy today!
Amazon US: https://bit.ly/43ADgu8
Amazon CA: https://bit.ly/3qg50Ha
Add to Goodreads: https://bit.ly/44yL3do
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alittlebookoflove · 1 year
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alittlebookoflove · 1 year
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Landlord Wars Release day !!
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alittlebookoflove · 2 years
[Review] Untying the Knot by Meghan Quinn
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This is a “ marriage in trouble” book, that follows the story of Myla and Ryot Bisley. It is, I think, the first book I have read of Meghan Quinn’s work.
Firstly, I’ve really become a sucker for marriage in trouble romance. The trope lends itself to so much interesting plot/animosity between the couple and it’s about as close to enemies to lovers as you can get with a couple that is already together. But it also shows you a lot of growth and the behind the scenes/uncut version of a couple’s would be happily ever after. I would argue that the HEA of a marriage in trouble romance is almost more satisfying than most other romance tropes because of how much harder the couple must work to get there and the angst they must overcome.
Quinn’s iteration of this particular trope is no different. Myla is the wife of ex- Major League Baseball player Ryot Bisley and the story essentially starts with Myla serving a befuddled Ryot with divorce papers. Throughout the story Quinn flips between present day and memories from over the 12 years the couple has known each other to tell their story.
This helps the reader understand the complexity of Myla’s background- one of abuse (emotional/physical) from a parent, and how supportive Ryot has been throughout it all. Essentially the marriage breaks down because she feels like Ryot has been so selfish in being consumed about his own job, and she has sort of found her calling in design work but feels her husband doesn’t listen to/care about her at all.
To be honest the feeling undervalued aspect of this trope is far and away the main complication of every marriage in trouble romance. And I guess it makes sense, because little else would enamour romance readers to eventually root for the hero again. But it really drags in this particular story. I found Myla too whingey and a little too pathetic for my liking. I couldn’t fully back her story as a heroine. And I felt Ryot really had to go above and beyond 200% to win her back. Some grovelling is ok, but it’s kind of like she did nothing wrong at all.
This just wasn’t the marriage in trouble book for me. But I would still recommend readers to give it a go. There are some hijinks in here between the couple and steamy scenes that were actually great to read.
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alittlebookoflove · 2 years
[Review] The Devil you Know by Elizabeth O’Roark
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This book is sublime. Furthermore this series is exceptional. I don’t know how I stumbled upon it, or why it took me so long to discover it! I had read ONE book of Elizabeth O’ Roark’s before now, “Waking Olivia”, again just stellar writing-great tension between the H/h, and a little scary).
But the Devil you Know- is just enemies to lovers (workplace) romance at it’s finest. Gemma and Ben are bickering and cut throat from the first pages and it was magnificent. O’Roark builds so much tension between these characters that doesn’t simply fizzle after they kiss for the first time. She has you so invested in these characters and the tumultuous but heated nature of their relationship.
Sure at times you feel like Gemma might be whinging about a situation of her own creation, but just the way Ben comes to his own defence or proves his love for her is so swoon worthy!
They’re both lawyers that work at the same firm, except Ben is a partner and Gemma is -? A senior associate.
The steam on this book is something else. Open door, and so hot. And boy, does it do justice to the tension between this E2L couple!
This is a great series, full of stand-alones in my opinion, but this book for me, is by far my favourite of the series. I return to read this couple so frequently since I finished the book and I can’t imagine anyone could be done with them after reading them once.
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alittlebookoflove · 2 years
COVER REVEAL: The Devil You Know by Elizabeth O’Roark
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Elizabeth O'Roark has revealed the cover for The Devil You Know!
Releasing: June 23, 2022
There's a devil on my shoulder, and every Monday morning she announces herself. She's this delicious flame in my chest, a flurry of whispered suggestions in my ear. Suggestions I ignore...because every single one of them is about Ben Tate.
Ben--Stealer of Clients, Evicter of Homeless Women, Nemesis. Sitting across from me every damn Monday with his lovely, smug smile and his too-perfect teeth, the living symbol of everything I hate.
It's been my policy to avoid him, but when a case comes into the firm--one that could change his career and mine--I make an exception. It means weekends and evenings by his side. It means enduring his smirk and his smart mouth and never taking the bait.
Until the night Ben says "Beg"...and that devil on my shoulder decides to make a few demands of her own.
Pre-order your copy today!
Amazon: https://amzn.to/3vM3ooW
Amazon Worldwide: mybook.to/TheDevilYouK
Add to Goodreads: https://bit.ly/3HJtZ8g
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alittlebookoflove · 2 years
[Review] Munro by Kresley Cole
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What a return to the IAD universe! This story follows lykae Munro MacRieve and Kereny the Transylvanian blade huntress.
To say this book was eagerly anticipated is the understatement of the century.
Kereny is a mortal and initially seems like the most unlikely mate for an immortal like Munro. Throughout the story Munro grapples with trying to convince Kereny to become an immortal. There seems like alot of easy ways/outs in order to achieve this but they are all rife with dire consequences.
Even during the complication within the book, the ultimate impetus for Kereny’s change to immortality (which realistically isn’t a spoiler because duh) seems a bit easy? Implausible? Convenient ?
Because Kereny is a mortal this story telling lends itself to a lot of explanation—even though as a hunter of immortals Kereny actually knows a lot about all the factions. This seemed like more of an emotional book between the main characters with a lot of emotional growth for them that doesn’t show quite as much enemies to lovers in physicality as previous books. That’s not necessarily bad, but just different.
Overall Munro and Kereny’s love story may not have been my favourite IAD book in the series but it was certainly a welcome return to Cole’s elaborately written IAD world.
Thank you kresley for welcoming us back with open arms.
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alittlebookoflove · 2 years
[Review] Enemies Abroad by R S Grey
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“Enemies Abroad” is the latest romantic comedy standalone release by author and frankly romcom queen R S Grey.
It follows the prank filled antics between teaching rivals Audrey Cohen and Noah Peterson as they embark on a school trip overseas to Rome.
The story is told in the perspective/person of Audrey who is, simply, a hilarious nutjob.
Through her eyes you get to see Noah and Audrey interact at school and the hijinks that follow pages of witty banter.
The setting of Rome helps establish a little jealousy amongst both Audrey and Noah that acts as the impetus for them eventually admitting their feelings for each other and calling a cease fire.
Refreshingly, you kind of don’t have to deal with that pesky third act complication. I mean it’s there in a slightly less dire form of disclosing their relationship with their employer but nothing more dramatic than that.
And I say this not to spoil the book-which it absolutely doesn’t- but just to give readers a heads up, for something to look forward to.
For long time readers of R S Grey and for those particularly, like myself, who consider her earlier books “Anything you can do” and “The Foxe and the Hound” as some of my all time favourite books ever, then welcome home. This book, this couple, the banter and the premise are -chefs kiss- so so good. I loved reading, laughing and highlighting entire passages of this book, the writing was just that good.
If you’re looking for a lighthearted hilarious romcom, then look no further than R S Grey as an author, and in particular this bit of brilliance that is her latest release in “Enemies Abroad”.
Then go and read “Anything you can do” and “Foxe and the Hound” and thank me later.
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alittlebookoflove · 2 years
Enemies Abroad by R S Grey -out now !
Genre: Romcom
It’s simple: Noah Peterson and I are enemies. Our fellow teachers know it, our friends know it—even the Starbucks drive-through lady knows it since every Monday she scrawls the name A. Hole for me on Noah’s cappuccino when I pick up the weekly group order.
The shrill whine of the school bell announces the start of each day’s no-holds-barred grudge match. Since neither of us is looking to get fired or thrown in prison, we war with our words and our wits. We prefer banter that bites. All day, I’m on edge, looking around every corner, expecting him to do his worst. Just when I think I can’t take the sight of his (regretfully) handsome face for one more minute, the school day is done.
Summer usually offers the sweetest relief—a two-month Noah detox—but not this year.
“We need two volunteers to chaperone a group of eighth graders in Rome” becomes a game of chicken neither one of us is willing to lose. We both want that bonus check.
“Back out,” I tell him.
“Scared?” he taunts.
No one thinks it’s a good idea for us to go to Rome together, least of all me. Taking this battle abroad will only lead to mayhem and misery.
DING. Ladies and gentlemen of flight UA447 with service to Rome, fasten your seatbelts.
We’re bound to have a bumpy ride.
Buy Links:
Amazon: https://amzn.to/33LZyzQ
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alittlebookoflove · 2 years
Enemies Abroad by R S Grey Release Day
Out now!! New enemies to lovers romance by R S Grey
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alittlebookoflove · 2 years
[Review] Cream and Punishment by Susannah Nix
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Cream and Punishment is book two in Susannah Nix’s King Family series. This book follows the second-chance romance between Tanner, introduced in book one, and Lucy as they work together.
I actually hadn’t read this series before -so I did start by reading book one before getting to this ARC, and yet I would still recommend that this is in fact a standalone book, and it isn’t necessary to read book one of the series.
Tanner- as set up in book one- is actually a lovely, hard working and attractive guy. Which kind of begged the question why Lucy dumped him in the first place?! Lucy, takes a little more time to get to understand and like, but she is equally as likeable in the end. Frustratingly Lucy’s family is a real drag in this story, but equally Tanner’s overbearing dad is the same.
Adjust all the family drama it was a great story to see this couple find each other and their love again.
But like book one, the King family and the troop of half siblings don’t come without drama.
Still looking forward to catching up with them again in book three!
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alittlebookoflove · 3 years
[Review]Sweet Devil by Becker Gray
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“Sweet Devil” by Becker Gray is the latest release from this author duo and the fifth book of the Hellfire Club series. This much anticipated book finally follows the story between Rhys Huntington and Serafina Van Doren.
This book packed a real twist, in the sense that the vulnerability of a character like Rhys was quite unexpected.
For readers familiar to the series already, Rhys has been established in prior books as a rogue, dark/mysterious character who is strangely protective and yet constantly bickering with Serafina.
Serafina likewise was pictured as a strong/classy, ruthless leader of the girl group counterpart to the hellfire club.
In “Sweet Devil” Gray uncovers the vulnerability of both characters. None more startlingly so than Rhys who is the first to confess his feelings to Sera and also battling his own issues throughout the book. It’s refreshing that he wasn’t just another male character with a massive chip on his shoulder from his rich parents neglecting him.
A little bit unsurprisingly is Sera’s story of being that rich girl who is constantly striving for the approval of her parents.
Theirs is an interesting HEA for two prickly characters. And whilst I didn’t feel like this was my favourite book in the series, definitely Lennox & Sloane remain at the top, it was a steamy but emotional conclusion to this couple/the series.
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