alirien · 4 years
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Happy Halloween and Fairest Samhain wishes to you all (a day late)!
I was honored to be chosen as high priestess for my two very good friends’ hand fasting last night, and I could not be happier for them!
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alirien · 4 years
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#fallforcostume Unfinished: I have way more ufos (unfinished objects) than I’d like to count or admit, and if I’m honest, it makes me feel quite inferior to all the other costumers on Instagram and YouTube... I just have to remind myself that all of you have ufos, too! What’s the oldest ufo in your stash? https://www.instagram.com/p/CG7yJESBZNg/?igshid=b24p3i9r4hwx
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alirien · 4 years
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The result of tonight’s #runewednesday reading! The rune- X - Gebo, symbolizes partnership at hand and reminds us that in true partnerships, we remain true to ourselves. We may compromise without forfeiting and being consumed. Separate souls must remain separate and whole even in union. Only then can we be one with our Higher selves. Midnight reassures us that despite the darkness, light will come again, and soon. It also reminds us not to shun the darkness in each of us. Instead, we should embrace it and accept it as a part of ourselves, equal to the light, to reach our full magical potential! 🔮🎃✨ (at Baton Rouge, Louisiana) https://www.instagram.com/p/CG6Vf4aBztg/?igshid=3z7i4fb22al7
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alirien · 4 years
🦇Saturday🦇 ••••• Link in bio (at Baton Rouge, Louisiana) https://www.instagram.com/p/CG6O1q-hHJS/?igshid=10nzcqdcq03um
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alirien · 4 years
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More #fallforcostume catchup: Space; next project is getting this space the way I really want it so I can crank out all the projects I dream about with ease. Right now, this place just stresses me out (this is the tidiest part of the whole room... 😬) (at Baton Rouge, Louisiana) https://www.instagram.com/p/CGyJXy7hElk/?igshid=usz8yyem7odr
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alirien · 4 years
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I fell behind again! Oops! Here’s my “Past” entry for #fallforcostume from @redthreaded - That’s me on my first Halloween, 25 years ago, in the first costume my mom made for me! I even won a contest! I still have the little plush elephant they gave me ☺️🎃 (at Baton Rouge, Louisiana) https://www.instagram.com/p/CGyJIJ7hcrC/?igshid=17jr708bl2rdc
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alirien · 4 years
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Rune Wednesday with backup Tarot pull Laguz - Flow - suggests a need to immerse oneself in life without the need to analyze it. Cleanse and recharge, awaken intuition, and satisfy emotional needs. Inverted Ace of Swords points to confusion and chaos - things that are often solved by cleansing and recharging! They seem to line up to me! 🔮🌊🗡🔮 https://www.instagram.com/p/CGoO91-h83M/?igshid=1ug9gfrzr6x53
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alirien · 4 years
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This is my submission for #fallforcostume day 20/21: Glamour/Changes. When I think of glamour, I tend to think of its meaning in witchcraft and magic lore: an illusory spell to make you appear to others however you desire. I was going to post something yesterday of me in my favorite makeup look and clothes, but i was too tired after my day job, and I’ll be honest, it’s been hard to like my clothes lately anyway. A lot of changes have happened this year, and that’s not going to stop for a while. I had a big breakup, started a new relationship, finished college, survived the total shutdown, finally got a new job, gained weight, and am now fighting the urge to give in to desperation over things. So here is me, stripped down, no glamour save my goofy smile. I took this to send to my aunt, as I’d just received the quilt in my lap that she sent for my graduation (thanks Aunt Jenny!). I’m slowly making the changes I need to, however comfy or uncomfortable they may be, to get to the life I really want. Here’s to the fruit of that manifesting soon! (at Baton Rouge, Louisiana) https://www.instagram.com/p/CGn_s-8hAxg/?igshid=qjyjl36xklxy
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alirien · 4 years
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An evening cuppa with a touch of nostalgia... I’ll be back one day! https://www.instagram.com/p/CGgog5ehr3T/?igshid=7keek5explxj
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alirien · 4 years
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I’ve skipped the last few days as I haven’t really *made* very many costumes yet, so I didn’t have good examples. I do have a great examples for today’s #fallforcostume , which is Accessories. One the first costumes that was created on my journey to becoming cosplayer and costume designer was the blue taffeta pseudo-Victorian/#steampunktrash ensemble that I’ve definitely posted a few times on the Instagrams. To this day, 8 years later, I am still both very proud and very saddened that I didn’t make the whole thing, my mom actually did most of the work. I did add some buttons and other finishing touches, and I made these: a drawstring bag and a cameo necklace to complete the look. They are currently the only accessories I’ve ever made, apart from this year’s most necessary masks, but I hope to change that soon. One of these days I’ll beat the last few obstacles and #dothething and properly join the ranks of my fellow costumers here and on YouTube... one day 🤞🏻 (at Baton Rouge, Louisiana) https://www.instagram.com/p/CGfb1R6B_jb/?igshid=yxixi1pp72k1
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alirien · 4 years
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#fallforcostume Dark & Light (days 13 & 14) I present you with more Wednesday Addams and a shot of the cosmic bride I became for a local salon’s promotional photo shoot Wednesday Addams 📸: @bro_andyyy Cosmic Bride 💄: @beautiful_disaster07 Cosmic Bride 📸: @a_brignac_photos (at Baton Rouge, Louisiana) https://www.instagram.com/p/CGWepCNhkop/?igshid=1gt192omr93tk
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alirien · 4 years
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#fallforcostume by @redthreaded day 12 is Friends, so here are some of mine, most of whom I haven’t known very long, but that’s okay. Here’s to actually going to Dragon Con next year! P.S. did you 👀 the Marriott carpet?? 😂😂 https://www.instagram.com/p/CGRNm6nhj-L/?igshid=ogtxo4y34fgi
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alirien · 4 years
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#fallforcostume Details - something at which I’m slowing getting better, and since I’m not quite there in my costumes, have some of my sketches (at Baton Rouge, Louisiana) https://www.instagram.com/p/CGRGsEJhP_S/?igshid=1bt4feed1o576
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alirien · 4 years
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This weekend was so unreal! I can’t wait for next year ✨🧚🏻‍♀️🧜🏻‍♀️✨ DISCLAIMER: we wore masks and social distanced as much as possible while on the Festival grounds, the lack of masks is merely for the picture (at Texas Renaissance Festival) https://www.instagram.com/p/CGQ9Q_EBg6T/?igshid=1iuixeth0nker
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alirien · 4 years
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#fallforcostume day 10 is ✨Fantastical✨so here’s my little fae for Texas Renaissance Festival (yes we were masked and social distancing all day) (at Tomball, Texas) https://www.instagram.com/p/CGMLJutBvi_/?igshid=bom8wvtj5ih7
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alirien · 4 years
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#fallforcostume day 9: metallics (at Tomball, Texas) https://www.instagram.com/p/CGJ8dzZhejh/?igshid=1sizunidiuyni
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alirien · 4 years
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For #fallforcostume Day 8, I submit this darling hat that I picked up last summer and am absolutely planning a steampunk ensemble around ⚙️❤️ (at Baton Rouge, Louisiana) https://www.instagram.com/p/CGIQfkNBk0k/?igshid=ovg33wt598rv
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