alicnism-a · 6 years
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I will no longer be making use of this blog from this day forth. I have moved over to his new blog -- @alicnism -- yes I’m still using the same URL and info.
You can of course follow me there and I’ll follow back. Hit me up on my fresh start of my OC!
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alicnism-a · 6 years
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[ So this is the first time I’m honestly doing this with any blog I’ve had, but due to how often I leave this blog before even coming back. I’m going to actually ARCHIVE this blog, and start completely fresh with a new blog. He will still be himself, but a few things will change upon the revival of my alien child. I feel as if this’ll give him more a fresher feeling by making this choice. I don’t ??? prefer to make these sorts of decisions, but I feel this is for the best. I will not be doing this today though, possibly tomorrow in my brief bit of freedom for activity or it might not end up being this week at all but in the near future. I will of course leave lil updates and all and announce when I’m actually working on the movement of my blog. ]
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alicnism-a · 6 years
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{ ☁ } ;; “‘M not embarrassed or anythin’. I just prefer t’keep thin’s low when th’time calls for it. Y’know, can’t always be struttin’ my stuff in broad daylight, ‘less ‘m in need of some sustenance. Gotta eat t’stay ‘live.“
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alicnism-a · 6 years
[ archivieren ]
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A voice rose from the mist. It carried soft and gentle through the air as its melody stretched over the moss. A child was in the distance, alone, dancing slowly on dirty and calloused feet. With every note she sang, the earth thawed, the snow melted. She lifted her hands through the fog and called sweetly for the Sun.
The witch sang for Spring. Deep underground, roots twitched and green sprouts rose from pale bulbs. She could feel it. Snowdrops and crocuses began to rise from their sleep. Soon the whole world shall awaken and burst into rich, green forest. Mädchen smiled to herself, touching branches and brambles as she turned on her heel. But a twig snapped in the distance. She stopped. He eyes sharpened to stare off into the misty woods.
“It’s not polite to watch.” She said as she tried to make out a shape in the grey light.
“Come closer…” the witch slipped behind a tree but called out in a sweet voice. “You seem so curious, after all. I’ll show you something interesting.”
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{ ☁ } ;; The kill took not even a minute as claws dug deep into the heated flesh on the back of the squirrel’s neck. Only the desire to stretch its limbs while the once chilly cold let up to a brief spell of light weather, the prey never got the chance to return back to its den with newly collected food. The pads of his palms rested against the woody bark of the branch supporting his weight with the tip of his shoe only just pressing against the rounded surface, back arched in the process. The quiet of the woods kept him calm and collected as he pushed off with a bound to land gingerly upon the matter forest floor below. Hunger gnawed at his stomach, yet what kept him from instantly chowing down was a muffled voice in the distance.
       Perched on the balls of his feet, sharp eyes attempted to figure what may be in the distance, as the scent he picked up on the cool breeze proved to be confusing. Ritoku pushed himself up back into a standing position, strong hold on his prey, as he began to approach the noise. The closer he got, the clearer the voice became. A voice from a human child all the way out here? Something else about her scent told him she happened to be no normal human child, yet nothing made much sense in his line of knowledge.
       Steps gradually inched in closer, peering through the misty morning air at the sight before his very eyes. If he thought people looked at him funny, he only imagined how people might react to what befell this morning. Not paying attention to his surroundings, he suddenly heard the snap of a twig which startled him only to realize it was his own fault. The noise also alerted the child of his presence, cursing himself out in his mind with a hiss sliding out between his teeth.
       Ritoku only desired to see the cause for the disturbance of his serene hunt, not to seem as if he meant to watch the scene without being caught on purpose. Tail twitched in annoyance before stepping in closer ( perhaps he should’ve just made a break for it ). Free hand raised to wave back-and-forth. “Dunno ‘bout curious; just wanted t’see th’source a th’noise. I say whateva y’was doin’ moments ago was pretty interestin’ enough. Y’ave some kind a special thing goin’ on there. Neva seen otha humans do that b’fore.”
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alicnism-a · 6 years
hyacinthsgirl replied to your post: I found this creator through my Brendan blog, and...
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[ He’s my precious child, and I’m loving him all the more since I got the chance to do this. I’m thinking I might stick with the fluffy ears because I like the look it gives him overall. ]
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alicnism-a · 6 years
I found this creator through my Brendan blog, and instantly I thought of Toki. So, I decided to do the best thing I could since my artistic abilities are highly lacking at the present.
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Because of this creator I liked the idea of giving him more like fluffy ears instead of my original headcanon that he has just pointed ears - like humans - just elevated a little higher up on his head.
Also I wish they had a better WHITE skin color - not like fleshy pinkish/peach white skin color, but more WHITE. So pale will have to do for the time being - he’s just technically more WHITE - which is why if someone didn’t know better they’d think he’s sick or something.
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Roughly about the size of his wings when he’s walking around rather than flying - except they wouldn’t be out to the sides, they’re resting against his backside since his actual wingspan isn’t exactly meant for land travel - so you’re just seeing the top half of his wings as the rest is folded comfortably against his backside beneath his clothing.
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alicnism-a · 7 years
[ hyacinthsgirl ]
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     it was odd to see how Chris, always reckless in everything she did, was now nervous to lie her hands on Toki. She had never really taken care of a sick person, and the fact that she did not know what illness or sickness was making him suffer did not help. It was almost as if she expected him to crack like a porcelain doll as soon as she touched him. Nonetheless, she would ignore her fears and doubts and do what seemed the best option at the moment. She could ask her tarots for more information, but there was not time. They had a very small  span of time  to enter Chris’ house and bring Toki to her bedroom; wasting minutes was not acceptable. She was already running a risk, and it would not be wise to run one more at the same time.
     Despite his state, the boy managed to sit up on the grass. It took him a lot of strength, and to aid him Chris placed a hand on his back, silently letting him know she would hold him up if he felt too weak. Thankfully, he managed to stay (seduto), and Chris inwardly sighed in relief. Now, onto the hardest part.
     Grabbed one of his arms by the wrist, she put it around her shoulders and turned to him. “I’ll help you stand up, okay? I’ll count to three, and at three push yourself up. I promise you you won’t fall.” She meant it. She was not completely sure whether she could help him stand without stumbling, but it did not mean she would not try anyway. She had never left anyone in danger on their own and would not start on that day. Especially not for someone she cared about.
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{ ☁ } ;; He searched around in the back of his mind for the true sensations he felt tearing away at his mind momentarily. Sure, pain was one way to put it as his organs and fluids once more needed to readjust to his surroundings, a body not meant for this light of atmosphere as he was indeed created for a slightly more thicker one. It’d take some time, he knew; it always did. This just so happened to be the one time where his timing was extremely off, and that.. Oh yeah! That frustrated him as he preferred when these bouts hit to be inside some abandoned building away from human life forms as no one would entirely understand the painful situations he found himself within.
He knew Chris wouldn’t understand, yet he knew her help was very much welcomed as who knows what would become of him if he continued to lay beneath a large tree in the middle of the woods. Something dangerous always had a chance to come by? Something he knew burned deep within his soul that he wished to never once again happen to him. He strove for freedom and not a single fiber of his being wished to give that freedom up. Toki hardly wished for her to take any risks on his part, but no part of him could refuse the help either.
Cracked lids gradually closed over green orbs as he took in a rasping breath of air, feeling as if it clogged in his throat unable to get down to his air sacs. It didn’t matter, he thought desperately, almost missing the sensation of her placing his limb around her shoulders. Counting to three -- a part of him understood the point of such actions, yet he desired this get done and over with. The sooner he got up on wobbly hindlimbs, the better he felt about traversing away from this spot in which he sat at right now. The alien gave a small nod to his head as it felt as if it were getting heavier while at the same time lighter. “ If I fall -- it’s fine, “ he rasped out eventually. Not that he didn’t trust her, it was just something that hardly bothered him presently. He already fell once before, so he’d be just fine.
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alicnism-a · 7 years
pokes cheek
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{ ☁ } ;; The sudden poke to his cheek startled Toki only ever so slightly as he made sure to withdraw himself away from the child just enough to hopefully not be poked once again. Forelimbs rested against his sides as eyes nested on the much smaller human. “ C’n I help ya? “
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alicnism-a · 7 years
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[ I said I would get online over the summer and do replies and that like... never happened. Well, the new semester has begun, and it’s gonna be both a lax one as well as a difficult one. I plan at least once a week to get on and do stuff if I’m not feeling overwhelmed. Plus... I’ve been like on a Pokemon craze and let’s just say I might be thinking of deleting some rp blogs and gaining a new muse instead... ]
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alicnism-a · 7 years
impulse control ?????? idk her she blocked me
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alicnism-a · 7 years
[ nadiwayagari ]
It was a beautiful day outside and the brunette found herself unable to stay inside. Dressed in a floral printed dress to match the spring weather, a simple backpack, her trusted pink camera and sturdy shoes the brunette headed out. She decided to keep her little troublemaker, aka her dog, at home. Otherwise he’d run all over the place and demand the attention she wanted to spend on taking photo’s today.
The walk to escape the city and enter the realm of nature was a short one. Faint sounds of a busy city slowly died away as Nadiwa made her way further into the forest. The air felt more fresh and she was able to relax. Being a frequent visitor the young woman was pretty familiar with the layout of the forest and set out to hike until reaching the small stream. Stopping a few times to snap some photo’s of how the sunlight shined through the branches of the trees above.
She panted faintly upon reaching the stream from the heat, placing the camera in the backpack before taking a seat on some rocks nearby. Retrieving a water bottle she took a big sip but nearly choked upon suddenly spotting another person by the stream. Coughing a few times she cursed herself in thought for making the other aware of her presence now. Once most of the water had seemed to have left her windpipe she looked in the other’s direction again. ‘‘Hi there.. Lovely day isn’t it?’‘ Nadiwa gave a nervous laugh.
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{ ☁ } ;; All it took was one small sound and the youth knew very well he was no longer alone by the stream bed. It didn’t bother him one bit, as being around other beings was nothing new to him in the slightest bit. The scent he picked up on quickly informed him enough that it was a human being, not a creature he could potentially snatch for a quick snack ( he never hunted for sport, only to eat ). Pupils slid to the side of his eyes to get a sideways glance at the other human in his vicinity. Seemed she also came to enjoy the fresh, cool water under the heat of the day sun.
           Leaning down, he began to untie his shoes as he leaned back on his heels enough to balance himself out in the process without needing to sit himself down on the ground below. His capris were high enough to his knees that it wasn’t a problem for him to at least wade through the water. If he felt up to it, though, he’d not hold back from stripping when he found a deep enough pocket in the stream to soak his fur and clean off his feathers. Only a nod came at first to acknowledge her until he stepped out his boots and kicked off socks to get down to his bare paws.
           “ It’s definitely a lovely day; better than days previously, “ commenting as he set his socks and shoes off to the side. Not longer afterward, he bounced right into the stream with a light splash as feet hit the sediment along the bottom. “ These days ‘r much better than the cold. “ Of course he could still go without any extreme heats that made him lethargic and wish to soak himself constantly in water.
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alicnism-a · 7 years
[ hyacinthsgirl ]
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     it had been so long since she had danced with someone. It was rare for her to dance during the feasts organized by her parents or another Aniusch family, because no one would ever ask her to join them on the dance floor. She was a delicate crystal flower, a precious object but just an object anyway; she deserved a lot of respect and care, but little attention. Thus, she knew well how to dance yet had had little occasions to show her skills in public. The only person who had seen her dance the most was her father, who had been her teacher quite some years before, but Chris did not know if he had actually enjoyed that time spent together or if he had given her those lessons just because it was his duty. She believed the truth to be the latter. It fit his nature and personality, after all.
     Therefore, finally being able to dance again made her truly happy, and she was glad her companion was as joyful as her, despite his embarrassment. He seemed scared to hold her hand, and to help him she did not move as he took it in his. His palm was much harder than hers, but it did not bother her. They were hands which had seen the world, she thought, and she reminded herself to ask him about the places he had visited one day. Not tonight, though. Tonight was reserved to dancing and having fun only.
     His laughter was greeted with a warm, motherly smile. Don’t worry, it was telling him. You will do fine. You have nothing to worry about when you’re with me. “Just listen to the music and move to its rhythm. It’s easier than thinking of what step to take next all the time.” For how much she liked all the complicated dances Father had taught her, Chris kept preferring moving her body freely to the music. Her feet would move to their own pace and her eyes would stay closed as she let herself drown in the melody, note after note; the sweetest way to drown. Behind her mask, her golden eyes shone as she looked at Toki, silently telling him to go on. Let yourself go with the flow. It might be hard at the beginning, but it will all be better once you are in it.
     He took one step forward and Chris took one back. She was his guide for the first seconds, then gradually let him take the leading role, so naturally that to a stranger it might seem he had always been the one to tell her how to move on the dance floor. People and lights swirled around them, mixing in a golden and noisy chaos. Her smile never left her face as they danced and danced. A great night this one would be; she was sure of it.
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{ ☁ } ;; Her advice to him came welcoming. Listen to the music. Toki never once thought of that -- sure it was nice against his ears to listen to, yet it never occurred to him how the music synced up with the movements of the other dancers. Eyes darted around once more as ears twitched back fully against his head to also listen to the music with ease. Everything began to click into place within his mind. She made a good point, how their twirling matched up with the notes filling up the entire room with the masquerade ball. It felt more free to him to be able to simply move to the music than follow along with a set movement as he’d been attempting to do as the dance began to go underway.
           He much preferred freedom over a strict set of the rules. If it weren’t for his free spirit, he knew he’d never have been able to come into contact with Chris that very first day when he hadn’t been on this planet for a very long time --- felt alone and confused, yet that never once stopped him before. If it weren’t for that he’d have never learned to be able to communicate with the human race. He began to feel that Chris became the only norm truly within his life, everything else was new and bizarre as he flew to different places and came into contact with so many others.
           Eyelids closed to consume the rush of the tunes, deeply breathing in the aromas surrounding him as he pulled himself together. She had followed along with his first steps, leading him momentarily until he got the feel for the very moment. It hardly took long for his feet to feel light on the ground as if he began to lift up without even maneuvering his wings from the nestled spot against his backside. Sure he knew fully well people were still straining their eyes upon his figure, but that hardly bothered him at all. Right now this was just a time for the two of them to enjoy some time together; forget about anything else: him, his troubles on the planet, and her, her troubles at home.
           Pressure applied itself only a tad more upon her delicate hands as if to let her know he was becoming far more comfortable at present. Eyes reopened to stare straight ahead at her. No longer would he look at the other dancers as he’d take things into his own hands as he knew he’d gotten the chance to lead her along now. Twirling her to the side as he stepped to the left, it began to feel to him as if he’s danced many of times before even though clearly he truly didn’t know what steps he should be taking all the time. Toki full on accepted Chris’ advice without a second thought. He move to the rhythm and care less about the true steps.
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alicnism-a · 7 years
[ unladylikc ]
     What a peculiar situation she ended up in. Then again, Vivian supposed she only had herself to blame for initiating contact, even if Toki’s appearance was distracting enough to ensure the fact ignoring him would be impossible. Perhaps in the end, every angel possessed their own unique quirks? Either way, his next words nearly had her  RAISE  a limb to take a whiff of her own armpit. After all, it was possible her scent could have contained a foul odor without her knowing. Instead, however, she just gazes inquisitively towards him while scratching the back of her head rather absentmindedly.
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     “ Hm, really? You sure are… something else, captain Toki. ” Vivian comments. “ What sort of smell do I give off anyway? A super manly one? It wouldn’t surprise me all that much, you know. ” Sure enough, she proceeds to flex, as if seemingly demonstrating the fact she had muscles… or to be  MORE  accurate, a lack thereof. “ See? I’m so strong. ” Vivian adds almost triumphantly. It was a miracle she also resisted the urge to puff out her chest with over-exaggerated pride.
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{ ☁ } ;; One second he swore he understood human beings, the next everything took another step back as brows creased inward, watching her closely. Briefly he meant to answer her back only to be thrown off from his statement as he proceeded to suddenly flex ( or well he truly didn’t know what she was attempting to do presently ). Silence befell him as lids blinked over light green eyes a multitude of times. He guessed it had something to do with strength --- he decided eventually he’d look up about it to get an idea before attempting what she was doing. Toki glanced down at his own arms, holding back an urge to try such an action himself. Now wasn’t the time.
           Hand raised to scratch at the side of his head thoughtfully. “ Not manly... I tell ya are female from scent, “ he corrected. Half the time he hardly knew how to describe the specific scents these beings gave off to him; there were a lot of words he was still learning that might be able to explain it better than the limited vocabulary he had at present. Hand dropped as he shook his head suddenly. “ I memorize by natural scents. Though ya ‘ave slight scent of... wash products... ? “ Clearly he wasn’t quite entirely sure himself, but at least he attempted at the moment in time.
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alicnism-a · 7 years
[ radiantdescender ]
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Rias was blushing, it was as simple as that. She’d heard a lot of things about herself from other people, but somehow this was the most flattering one by far. Smelling like nature, fresh leaves, young grass… It was the most flattering thing she’d ever heard, and all because she could clearly imagine that scent in her mind.
“Thank you… Seriously, it’s hard to explain why I appreciate hearing that so much, so… Just trust that it makes me very happy.” She told him, looking up as he moved over to sit down. Part of her was a bit relieved. Toki seemed slightly more comfortable around her, after all. The rest of her? Well, she was nervous she’d mess up. She wanted to befriend him after all, and one wrong move now might ruin that.
He was definitely some sort of predator, that was for sure… Rias washed the blood from her hands with a bit of water and herbal cleaner, then turned to face him, sticking a finger in her mouth to pull her lips aside to show her teeth. They looked roughly human, other than being too white, too even, too straight… They were unusually perfect, the centers of her molars looking as if the shape of a flower had been pressed into their centers, the product of being made and having very little real wear since her time outside of her tree would probably only roughly equate to a decade.
She pulled her finger back out and started talking again. “I was made to mimic humans, so I don’t have the kind of teeth designed to tear into skin and fur and raw flesh like that…” Rias didn’t seem too bothered by what he had been saying, merely shrugging. “I don’t think I like the taste of blood much… Thinking about it makes me frown… I think I’ve done it before and it didn’t sit right, so I’m turned off of the idea now.”
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{ ☁ } ;; He accepted the thanks with a nod of his head, but he simply couldn’t understand how that made her as happy as she appeared to be. It wasn’t like it was his fault he hardly understood, but guessed it had something to do with a human aspect of things. Flattery... was that the word? He momentarily fell back on his heels, raising a hand to scratch at the side of his head gently. He needed to look at that again as he wasn’t entirely sure if that was right. Never mind that though, the smell of the meat turned him right back around to his original thoughts. If his mouth watered like he noticed from some animals, he’d definitely be doing that right now.
           Dropping his hand back down to his side, Toki cocked his head enough to get a better look at her as she pulled back the flap of skin in front of her teeth to clearly show them off to him. Eyelids squinted to restrain his vision on the sight. They definitely were nothing like his own teeth that was for sure. They almost appeared entirely perfect to him, something he guessed came from the fact that she was made to be like a human in this form, purely of creation and not from wear and tear from birth up to her age.
           Once more hand moved to copy her motion as he pulled back his lips, widening out his mouth to clearly show off his teeth. They formed from the years of feasting on food handed to him in the room he was given at the laboratory. They were not perfect and clearly chipped in certain areas. His canines were long and formed to sharp points, incisors much smaller in comparison yet cut off at points rather than flat across. A few molars could clearly be seen toward the back of his mouth, not many with gaps in between as the defined edges also pointed at yet were somewhat more flattened than the rest of his teeth.
           He decided it was only fair considering she just suddenly showed off her own. Pulling his finger away, he crossed his arms over his chest this time around as he picked up from humans. “ I s’pose it ain’t somethin’ fer ev’ryone. I d’n’t r’lly taste the blood majority o’the time. Guess it just adds t’the juiciness o’the meat. Flesh makes it more chewy ‘n’ tickles down m’throat. I d’n’t eat feathers, though. If I catch a bird, I like t’pick off the feathers; not like birds ‘ave much meat on ‘em t’begin with. “ He preferred eating voles and rabbits honestly.
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alicnism-a · 7 years
[ hyacinthsgirl ]
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     she would be bluntly honest with herself: she did not have a real plan to make him feel better. She did not even know what had caused his current state. Not for the first time, she hoped there was still a family with healing powers, but unfortunately that was not the case. Its last member had died around a century before, and the noble ( and powerful ) ability of curing someone with herbs and laying on of the hands had been lost forever. Even if it was not in her power, though, she could help him in other ways anyway. A better place where to rest would be a good start in her opinion. Once in her room, she could ask him what illness or sickness was affecting him and then proceed to find a solution. It was a quite patched up plan, but definitely better than leaving him on the ground.
     Toki nodded, and Chris’ mind ran to the next step to take. He was as tall as her, more or less, but even so she did not think she was strong enough to carry him in her arms to her house. She took a moment to think, then spoke again. “If you sit up, you can put an arm around my shoulders and I can help you stand up.” Her smile was a silent apology. “I’m sorry I’m not strong enough to pick you up.” In theory she could make him levitate with her telekinetic abilities, but she preferred not to. She loved making objects float and dance in the air as much as she did not like the idea of doing the same with living creatures. Moreover, she had never tried it before and did not want to try it on someone so weak. She would never forgive herself if she happened to hurt him, even if unwillingly.
     “Go slow, okay? There’s no need to rush.” There is! a voice screamed in the back of her head. A reminder that her parents would not be out all day and would not be pleased at all to see Chris taking a stranger ( to them ) into the house. She did not care about the danger. She would find a solution when and if she had to face that situation.
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{ ☁ } ;; To be frank, Toki knew fully well that there was no way Chris could exactly help his situation out. It came from the differences between the planet his body truly was used to compared to this planet surrounding him now. She wouldn’t understand the feeling of the pressure against his chest from the thinner atmosphere surrounding him when she was born on this planet, body meant to survive under these conditions. It wasn’t anything new to him to feel this pressure, yet today it felt as if it was the worst he’d ever had to before. Did it really have something do with these changing seasons? Probably not, but who was he to say? Lips parted as he began to cough, frame shaking. The alien hoped that soon enough this were to pass and he could go back to his everyday ways of living.
           For now, he needed to figure out a way to follow along with the young girl and get himself up off the ground just enough for her to help him along. They both stood roughly at the same height, Chris just a little taller than him, yet it wasn’t as if he truly was as light as the feathers attached to his wings. There still was weight to his frame that kept the liquids flowing through his entire body, giving life to him, and allowing his muscles to move and keep him going. It had taken him long enough to get used to how significantly lighter his body felt on this planet, but it wasn’t like he thought he’d be an easy weight to carry, especially for her. He shook his head back and forth, hoping she understood that he didn’t blame her. At least she was willing enough to give him a hand. How would he have acted in her position? The same probably for her, at least, but to someone he hardly knew? Most likely he wouldn’t do a thing...
           Arms slipped from where they laid limp at his sides to be able to press his palms against the ground beside him. Toki felt the muscles in his arms begin to shake as he added pressure to the ground, trying to use his shoulders to ever so slowly lift his body up from off the ground. There’s no need to rush. The extraterrestrial hardly believed that statement, not for what was on her mind, but in his own regards. He wouldn’t give up this life without a fight he knew ( he didn’t think this would kill him anyways ), but there wasn’t all the time in the world to not do something about this. Whatever her home was like, he figured it was better than laying out here feeling sorry for himself.
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alicnism-a · 7 years
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{ ☁ } ;; Honestly he wasn’t in the mood right now.
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alicnism-a · 7 years
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My mood kinda took a nose dive.... I was actually looking forward to after my final tomorrow. Since my last final goes from 3 to 4:50, my fiance gets off work at 4, so I figured with him that he’d be able to come up with her, whether he rode with her or drove up in his own car... But of course there’s always SOMETHING that cuts in...... His mom just sO BADLY needed buns that he couldn’t do his shopping when he needs stuff, and since we planned for me to spend the night since he’s off work on Thursday, we wouldn’t have anything. He also pointed out that I’d be able to take back more since we wouldn’t be sitting in the back seat, so of course I pointed that then he could just ride up behind her.... BUT oF COURSE he heard some weird noise in the car and now he won’t be driving anywhere and just....
I know I’m being selfish by getting upset about it, especially since he’s thinking about the better good because he does need to shop to get stuff for us, but...... I really just hoped he’d be coming up...........
I’ll get over this.... I always do when I get upset over something selfish, but... it just kinda hurts right now because I was really looking forward to it. I know I’ll see him when I get home.....
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