dis--parity · 3 years
@unladylikc​ sent: “  are you sure you’re not hiding wings and a halo around here somewhere?  ” [ to alex! ]
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『🔧』 “Hey, hey! The only thing I’m sure of right now is you’re way too kind to me, Vivi! All I did was make us some homemade burritos...” Or, perhaps, she was being far too modest for her own good. She knew her girlfriend was a huge foodie, and that was something she was eager and willing to embrace; she realised that she would probably have been tired of people putting her down for it, or trying to control it, even if it were a harmless habit. She knew she was guilty of eating larger meals at lunch if she happened to not have the spoons to make breakfast one day.
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Though, passing and melodramatic as it might have seemed... she was still stuck on that comment. Wings and a halo... a reflection of what she almost became. Perhaps a facsimile of how another perceived her once upon a time. Or, maybe just her next halloween costume. Heck, maybe she can dress up for Christmas. She could get away with that, right? It might even be a good look for her.
“Besides,” She finally speaks up, digesting the thought in between bites of said meal, stuffed until it was bulging with beef and black beans. “If I am an angel, you’re the one who gave me my halo in the first place. And... I hope one day you’ll realise you’re worth the worship.” Silence follows briefly, as she places her meal down on the plate to wipe some sauce from the corner of her mouth with a grin.
“... that sounded better in my head.”
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katsu-at-the-bottom · 3 years
Continued from here
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“...Perceiving me? If you’re gonna admit to staring at me, just say it clearly.” The dyed-blonde punk leaned against the wall and leered at the awkward bespectacled girl. It was too loud in the club for him to settle down and clear his mind and too early to set up their equipment. However, his alone time would be cut short by some prying four-eyes.
“Not sure I believe you.” Katsu continued to side-eye the strange girl with a quirked, suspicious brow. “...You here for our show?”
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pseudomonacarriea · 2 years
“you cancelled plans for me?” [ for djeeta! ]
A Forgotten Meme -- Not Accepting! -- @unladylikc
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After hearing what happened to Vivian, she couldn't let her childhood friend alone. That guy was going to get a piece of her mind--! Argh! For now, she was more worried about her, wanting to make sure she was OK. After all, she can tell when Vivi's upset over something.
"So let's hang out for the day! Just you and me -- and Vyrn of course!"
The red dragon's name is added after a small huff can be heard. There's a soft chuckle from the Captain, too. There's so much that they could do, and see---! Really, the plans are not limitless!
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floriogrxphy · 3 years
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Around him the air was cold, each breath causing billowing clouds of fog to slip past his lips. Cheeks burning red from a mixture of chill and intoxication as he stares into the dark street ahead, watching cars rush past before - Nothing. Gently he leans himself against the brick wall of the establishment he had swiftly departed. Loud jarring music rung in his ears, albeit muffled but it was far from the silence he had been seeking.
For whatever reason Shinya had let one of his few friends drag him out to a group blind date. Maybe he was longing for his university days again but when they had arrived the girls had been nice enough but the mention of marriage had come up and he had felt the need to get some air. Sober up a little more.
❝Am I really getting to that age?❞
He mutters under his breath, each word slightly slurred while the alcohol still took a hold of him. His head rolls back back against the cool surface and he finds himself staring up into the smoggy night sky. Not noticing the sudden appearance of the stranger and totally being in their way.
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sirsharp-a · 3 years
🍵 [ maybe asexual representation in the rpc?? cause i've noticed people automatically equate a muse being asexual to being 'unshippable' while also ignoring the fact that sex positive and sex neutrals asexuals do exist ]
right, i have a lot of opinions about this one so strap in.  also, before i say anything, i wanna specify that i am ace myself;  in spite of this, i have no bias, for reasons i’ll get into in a moment--
1)  ASEXUALS ARE NOT ALL ‘WEIRD, NERDY OUTCASTS’ WHO COULD NEVER GET A LAY IN COLLEGE.  they are regular people;  some are attractive, some are not.  some do x thing, some do y thing.  some are introverts, some are extroverts.  some have an interest in romantic relationships, some don’t.  stop assigning the ‘shy geeky guy/girl’ as the default to all ace characters, that ain’t it chief.
2)  ASEXUAL MUSES ARE NOT STRICTLY ‘UNSHIPPABLE’.  okay so to me, even the notion that somebody wouldn’t write with me because they can’t ship with me is fucking ridiculous and honestly, good riddance, but asexual =/= aromantic?  a lot of asexuals are still in perfectly healthy, functional relationships, whether with other asexual people or not.  though to be honest, this isn’t all the consumer’s fault;  i feel people in general should do better at splitting sexual orientation and romantic orientation, because they are separate things.  what makes a character ‘unshippable’ is if they’re aromantic, not asexual.  and even then--  does there need to be a ship to write something worthwhile?  idk, sounds very small-brain to me.
3) ASEXUAL MUSES CAN STILL APPRECIATE SOMEBODY’S LOOKS.  i’m so tired of seeing people write ace characters that express complete revulsion towards the way people look in general.  that isn’t how it works.  you can still think somebody is attractive/appreciate somebody’s aesthetic without wanting to have sex with them.
4) ASEXUALS ARE NOT ALL ‘SAD PEOPLE’ THAT LACK AFFECTION/INTIMACY SO DENY THEMSELVES IT.  some asexuality stems from trauma ( i know some of mine does, personally )  and some is just to do with a person’s natural disposition.  some people just aren’t interested, dude, and it’s fine to write an ace character without some deeply scarring backstory and instead just have them say ‘nah’.  i acknowledge that trauma can shape that sort of disposition, but sometimes trauma--  especially on this hellsite, where ‘the more damaged, the deeper they are!!!’-- feels exploitative and unconstructive.  it isn’t a necessary component to write an ace character.
5)  IF YOU’RE GOING TO WRITE SEX-POSITIVE ASEXUALS, PLEASE RESEARCH IT.  listen.  i, AS AN ACE PERSON, had to search that up and read about it because it didn’t make sense to me at first.  to me, i was confused how somebody could proclaim they were ace but then engage in sex anyway.  then i read.  then i researched.  and only then did i understand.  please read.  i’m begging you.  it isn’t enough to attach a ~quirky lgbt~ label to your muse and then write it disrespectfully/inaccurately.
6)  also, @ those rotten few within the lg/bt community, whether in character or not:  please stop fucking excluding asexual people.  we are part of your group and we are important.  whether we date/have sex with the same/opposite sex is honestly none of your concern unless we’re dating/sleeping with you, don’t tell me i’m ‘not gay enough’/’not oppressed enough’ you dumbass.
but honestly, my main critique about ace rep is the same as ANY REP and that is:  if you make an ace character JUST to write an ace character, it’s going to suck.  i’m sorry, but it isn’t interesting to have a sexuality/race/gender be the SOLE FACTOR about a character, and that’s just it.  nobody should be making a huge song and dance about it;  it should just be treated as normal, because it is.  it ultimately comes second to your writing ability / your ability to tell a story, and if the story is solely ‘they’re ace’ then i just don’t care.  it’s not interesting to me.  arguably to anybody excluding a very small group of very insecure/easily pleased people.  character first, then plotlines/trait exploration.
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cosmicdreamt · 3 years
@unladylikc​ [[ x ]] 
“Oh well you see....”
The container is pulled out and lid opened to reveal a wide array of the homemade desserts. And my, those were some CHONKY boys. The filling was almost as thick as the shells themselves.
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“I’ve got salted caramel, white chocolate raspberry, taro, white chocolate MATCHA, fudge brownie, and maple. Sound like anything you’re interested in?”
Yeah, she’s got a bit of a bad habit when it comes to baking. The amount of extra she ends up with is honestly ridiculous and this is AFTER she’s given some to her housemate downstairs. She’s not sure how it always ends up happening.....actually she is. Even when she tries to cut the measurements of the ingredients it looks like ‘too little’ to her, and so she ends up making more and....well you get the idea.
“Really, take as MANY as you’d like. I still have some at home I’ve gotta get through, too.”
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@pollaplous replied with:
@unladylikc replied with:
[ THIS IS A VERY GOOD TAKE... i approve — ]
@savedgames replied with:
— *stamps this with a bright red APPROVED stamp* PREACH
But real talk, I just? It’s really disheartening to see, and it is admittedly why am I genuinely just so tentative about posting shipping calls or shippy memes? I’m worried someone’s gonna go rabid, or it’s gonna be a ship that seriously makes me tear my hair out. 8C;;;;
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caeruleis · 4 years
❝ Let’s have a toast. To the incompetence of our enemies! ❞ [ for lancelot -- ]
The Cruel Prince Sentence Starters || Always accepting (feel free to turn into threads)!
                                         ★ ☆ ✮ ✯ ― ☽ ― ★ ☆ ✮ ✯
    Tournaments were commonplace at the Officer’s Academy - held weekly amongst the numerous students to taste the extent of their training and the ability to apply the knowledge they had gleamed from hours spent studying or attending lectures. Or so, that was how he had always approached them. Eager to pit his own skills and stratagems against the other others. Always willing to improve and learn. Wholly dedicated to the information he was given and the weapon at his side. He would have been the model student if not for one small detail that had a way of constantly hindering him. He was, despite all of his promise and talent - even the way he carried himself, a commoner. And though the divide between himself and those of higher birth should not be as apparent as it is within these walls, he often finds it difficult to find a partner, thus making it impossible for him to take part in these events more often than not. And he tried to not let it frustrate him, but he so often recalls his home - a small village deep into Kingdom territory that was so far removed from the world around it that it would take a month for soldiers from the Capital to arrive at its borders. A Small village that had faced beast and bandits on its own because help would be useless by the time it came. And, so, he was, perhaps a bit too eager to prove his own worth. The fact that he had even made it into the academy in the first place should have been proof enough, but the reality remains that it isn’t. 
     But today lady luck had chosen to shine on him in the form of a nun from an equally out of the way village. Though he couldn’t say he had expected Vivian to volunteer as his partner so they could both take part in the tournament, he was more than happy to accept her offer. Admittedly, he only knew her in passing - seeing her in the library from time to time to time and at the training grounds. Perhaps they both had something to prove, if the rumors about the young lady were to be believed. And, perhaps, they had come out swinging a bit too strongly for that reason. Gloved fingers are still wrapped about the pole of his lance where he wants - dust kicked up by armored boots that have seen too much use for the short time since he had donned them just starting to settle against the tepid breeze that rustled dark locks against his smooth skin. Brows pulled into a line as blue eyes gaze down at the pair of students sprawled out uselessly on the ground before him. A burly man a good head taller than himself alongside a lanky boy who groaned in misery. Both nobleman from the empire who had rolled their eyes at them when they had entered. 
      It had all gone down hill from there - Vivian had shouted something about the need to out-manly them, and he has rushed in to cover her; the wooden training lance he carried finding their weak spots with ease thanks to her distraction. Er - well, he’s not actually certain if she had been trying to divert their attention away from him or if she had really just rushed headlong into a fight with nothing but magic against weapons. Training weapons, of course, but weapons regardless. He lets out a sigh of relief as they two roll on the ground with no sign of getting up, and lowers his lance to turn his attention back to Vivian. The victorious grin on her features as she cries out those words makes a smile come to his own lips despite his earlier trepidation. One hand loosens from the splintered wood to brush through silky locks, damp from sweat as he leaves the two where they lie on the ground to join her. 
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       “Indeed, it appears our strategy proved superior to whatever they were plotting.” They, probably, weren’t actually plotting anything - of their insults and sneers when they had entered were worth anything, and he was giving them far too much credit. “You made for an excellent decoy, fair maiden, thanks to your quick thinking I was able to best them without issue.” He might have been giving Vivian a bit too much credit there, as well. She might have actually been intending to hurl a fist at them. She might have even connected that fist with their heads had he not stepped in as quickly as he had. And normally he would have been a bit more sympathetic to the losers, but the pair had been leering and gawking at them all day. Somehow, their current condition was deserved. “You have my thanks for agreeing to partner with me for this bout. Without you, I would have not been able to take part. Perhaps we should find a way to celebrate our victory?”  
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Alex: Vivian, are you-- are you reading a romance novel?
Vivian: Yeah? I've been looking at all this love and affection stuff and it's, like... the kinkiest shit I've ever seen?! Have I been going about this all wrong?
Alex: W- well... are you saying you wanna go on a date sometime?
Vivian, flushing: I always knew you were a perverted degenerate, Lexy...
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dis--parity · 3 years
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Just some girls bein gay // @unladylikc
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kaerenebrainrot · 3 years
[ 👀 if you're feeling up to it... please gimme the percival and aglovale nsfw headcanons -- ]
You wouldn’t think it looking at him, but Percival will highkey spank you if you really have been getting on his nerves. And he’s going to look incredibly smug if you squeal.
He might tease getting caught, but he’s a pretty private guy. Likes having you all to himself, won’t risk someone else getting a glimpse of your erotic expressions.
God help you if you tease him, he’s pretty merciless. The Grandcypher will hear you screaming from the other side of the ship.
He’ll try to pull out. Emphasis on try, but you’re really just too tight and with your legs around his waist--You’re making it way too difficult for him.
If you think Percival is merciless though, you have not met his older brother. Significantly less yet more patience. Don’t tease him, just don’t.
“How dare you. Know your place beneath your king.”
He will rail you with every intention of getting caught, people should get to know his queen and know that she is highly off limits.
Also don’t expect him to pull out even once, he needs to up his chances of knocking you up. He needs an heir or three from you? Better get comfortable.
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@unladylikc​ like for a starter
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“Ah--Sorry about that..”
Guess he was a little too eager about getting back. Then again, he couldn’t help himself--Layla was a little more fun to talk to than Kiyoshi, after all. Still, that hardly pardoned this instance of bumping into the young woman and causing for her to drop her coffee, but at the very least--The steaming hot beverage failed to fall upon either on them, by some minor miracle. Carefully setting aside his own cup on the nearby ledge before they have another incident, he’s already glancing her over to make sure she’s unscathed while grabbing a handful of napkins from the dispenser to clean up the mess before one of the staff members of this little cafe does.
Already, he’s shooting her an apologetic smile.
“Are you alright? --If it makes up for it in any way, I’m happy to buy you another cup.”
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pseudomonacarriea · 2 years
“i believe you.” [ female president from the caligula effect ]
A Forgotten Meme -- Not Accepting! -- @unladylikc
She doesn't seem to react at first, only a brow raising at Vivian. Not at out of confusion, but relief. With the tension of the Go-Home Club pressing harder and harder on her shoulders, and with tensions even rising between their members, she was figuring out just what to do. Soon, a smile comes to her face as the phrase repeats in her head a few more times.
"Thank you, Vivian."
Simple reminders can make a world of difference.
-- That is until Aria can be heard squeaking from the other room. The President turns her head towards the door, and quietly, begins to laugh.
"Kotaro and Aria are up to no good again. Let's go back."
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aaetherius · 3 years
♥ [ /sweats ...BE GENTLE WITH ME PLS ]
Send me a ♥ for me to gush about you || Accepting!
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Livi!!! Gosh I’ve known you for so long that time doesn’t even feel real anymore and, somehow, we’ve stayed in contact through all of my blogs and hiatuses since we met on June/my YOI oc to the point where if I don’t have some sort of thread going on with you it’s weird because I’ve gotten so used to you being here and writing with you and having you on my dash just feels right! That aside!!! You’re such a fun and kind person! You’re easy to talk to and super understanding when one of us forgets to reply which makes it easy to pick up a conversation with you even if it’s been weeks or months since we last spoke! When we do chat it’s fun and it feels like hitting up a long-time friend because that’s exactly what you are to me!! A long-time friend that I’m blessed to have in my life and to have met in the first place! Not to mention you’re just understanding in general! When something doesn’t work out or things go south for whatever reason (like when our plots with Therion didn’t go quite as we had hoped) or whenever I move around always take it in stride! You have a fun and chill (that might not be the right word, but you just leap into things easily and so the conversation flows and also I know we can both take our time responding to ooc messages and know that we’re chill/we’re just forgetful or distracted fhdjkgj) vibe about you that makes talking with you a joy! I’m honestly still sad the con I go to where you are (I don’t want to just say where you live but you know what I mean hfgdjghuil) is nowhere near where you actually live so we weren’t able to meet up that one time we talked about it because it would have been a blast to hang out with you no doubt! You are a wonderful person and I am so proud to be able to call you my friend, and I love you lots!!! You deserve good things and many threads and I hope things go well for you this year! This is me right now telling GBF that is BETTER give you summer Percy or I will fight!!!
NOW IT’S WRITING TIME!! I love Vivian so much gosh. She is such a fun and unique character. I love the way she speaks and how she interacts with people and her personality in general. She’s just a riot all around, but in a good way! But she’s deeper than just her fun personality! She struggles with a lot and has a lot of depth to her character that just further adds to her charm! Of course, Kensuke is great too even though he’s such a little troll!! And your writing suits her perfectly as well! You really bring her to life and make me feel for her (Kensuke too, but it’s OC loving hours here right now)! You use the perfect words to get across her personality and nature to others. Even just one reply in and she’s already shinning with character! You cater your writing to fit your muse, and I love it so much! It comes off as unique and fun when you write for Vivian and really serves to highlight her as a character. You’re also super good at keeping people on their toes and making interactions interesting! Your replies are always a treat because I’m like WHAT HAS VIVIAN GOTTEN HERSELF INTO THIS TIME? And you’re a blessing on the dash! You already know I read your threads with other people and how she interacts with everyone just shows how much thought and care you’ve put into making her! I adore Vivian as a character. She reads like the protagonist of a book and one that you sometimes want to shake because you care about her and want her to make good choices in life when she stumbles, but you also want to have a happy ending and get good things! You should be proud of the character you’ve created, she’s wonderful and I love her, but I know many other people love her as well! She’s charming and wonderful and so are you!!!
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caelumsaltator · 3 years
@unladylikc​ sent: ☆ Other: ( I HAVEN'T REALLY SEEN A MEME I WANNA SEND YOU YET, so i'm kinda biding my time until you finally reblog one that would be ic for my muses when i'm actively lurking on the dash, but yeah, i do intend on interacting with you at some point!! I JUST HAVEN'T REALLY FOUND THE PERFECT OPPORTUNITY TO DO SO; still, do know it's something i'm planning on eventually carrying out! ) ||  If you want to interact with me and don’t, tell me why -- Accepting!
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I totally get that, and please take your time! Tbh I do plan to do the same with you. I want to interact with you as well, also because I keep seeing your OC pop up on my dash from some of the others and I--!! I love her so much already. ;w; and your Kensuke once I get to play the game. Or Kae screams over it, ehe. But aaahhh!! I can’t wait for us to do so!! <3
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caeruleis · 3 years
@unladylikc​ also chose violence: 
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" Oh, hey, Gran-gran! Do these new glasses somehow make my face look less uglier? To tell you the truth, I had been bored and decided to try these out on a whim, but I discovered I couldn't actually see with the lenses shrouding both my peepers... " [ adhsjkadhkjsahdkjsa I'M SORRY, NOISE, I COULDN'T RESIST... ]
Unprompted || Always Accepting (feel free to turn into threads)!
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    Okay, so that was a new one, but he’d be lying if he claimed the biggest grin hadn’t lit up his features at the sight of her stumbling around with those ridiculous glasses covering the vast majority of his face. He’s also be lying if he claimed it hadn’t made him let out a wheezy, hoarse laugh that got caught in his throat, and made his lungs burn horribly. Forcing him to pause for a moment to beat a fist against his chest before straightening himself out once more, but the second he makes eye contact with those things again out comes another a painful wheeze, and he’s back to some uncomfortable coughing again as he tries to regain himself. And he’s not proud of the fact that it takes him a solid few minutes to actually collect himself long enough that he can look at her without bursting his throat in the process. But, well, staring at her isn’t really going to do either of them much good, so he reaches out to pluck the glasses from her face because, well, if she can’t see actually see anything with them on, he also can’t exactly communicate with her. Well, he could, but it was an extra step he wasn’t taking at the moment because if he looked at those things any longer he was going to take his lungs out along with his already sorely abused throat, and, secondly, he maybe he wanted to try them on himself. ‘Okay, first of all, you’re not ugly to begin with. Secondly, they do look good on you, regardless, but you not being able to see is a bit of a problem for me. And, lastly, I’m pretty confident they’d look better on me than you.’ He signs the last part with a wink before putting those absurd things on his own face.  
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