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Here’s an author who has staunchly refused interviews and publicity since 1960, who hasn’t breathed a word about her interest in publishing another book to either family or friends, but who is suddenly fine with releasing her decades-old Mockingbird prequel, despite the fact that it doesn’t sound like anyone at her publisher has actually been in touch with her about it?
Mallory Ortberg, Questions I Have About The Harper Lee Editor Interview, The Toast
I’d heard some rumblings about the possibly exploitative nature of the publishing To Kill A Mockingbird sequel, announced yesterday. I’m glad to see that suspicion has made its way into some media.
(via yeahwrite)
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"To Kill a Mockingbird" will not be Harper Lee's only published book after all. Publisher Harper announced Tuesday that "Go Set a Watchman," a novel the Pulitzer Prize-winning author completed in the 1950s and put aside, will be released July 14. Rediscovered last fall, "Go Set a Watchman"...
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i love that charles dickens got paid by the word. like i cant even be mad when he’s boring and long-winded bc i would do xactly the same??? i wouldnt use contractions or colours at all. want to say the word red? too bad. we r now only using “the colour of freshly-spilled blood on snow; the hue of the horizon when the sun sets over the deserts of sub-saharan Africa” BOOM guess who can afford 2 eat now: me and my boi dickens 
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Here’s a thing that is helpful and free! It’s a plugin that uses a dyslexic-friendly font and color coding to make reading easier for everyone, but especially for those of us with dyslexia, ADHD, or other learning disabilities.
Above text reads: “Make reading easier and faster with BeeLine Reader! BeeLine uses a color gradient to guide your eyes from the end of one line to the beginning of the next. This seemingly simple tweak makes reading substantially easier and faster because it allows you to transition between lines quickly and effortlessly. Thousands of people have taken our online diagnostic test, and over 90% of them saw a benefit from BeeLine. Many people are able to read 20% or 30% faster with BeeLine, even on their first try. 
Our Chrome extension works great on news articles, wikipedia pages, and other text-heavy websites. You can choose between several different color schemes, and more features will be coming soon.”
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It is almost February, but challenges aren’t just for new years, months, weeks or days… So I’m doing this reading challenge, along with a couple of friends (who will turn it into a competition, because it’s always a competition - any suggestions for prizes are welcome!).
I’m going to read a different book for each one, which means I need to get a wriggle on as I’ve only finished two books so far this year…  I’ll update each time I’ve ticked one off, with a little about the book.
A book with more than 500 pages
A classic romance
A book that became a movie
A book published this year
A book with a number in the title
A book written by someone under 30
A book with non-human characters
A funny book
A book by a female author
A mystery or thriller
A book with a one word title
A book of short stories
A book set in a different country
A nonfiction book
A popular author’s first book
A book from an author you love that you haven’t read yet
A book a friend recommended
A Pulitzer Prize-winning book
A book based on a true story
A book at the bottom of your to-read list
A book your Mum loves
A book that scares you
A book more than 100 years old
A book based entirely on its cover
A book you were supposed to read in school but didn’t
A memoir
A book you can finish in a day
A book with antonyms in the title
A book set somewhere you’ve always wanted to visit
A book that came out the year you were born
A book with bad reviews
A trilogy
A book from your childhood
A book with a love triangle
A book set in the future
A book set in high school
A book with a colour in the title
A book that made you cry
A book with magic
A graphic novel
A book by an author you’ve never read before
A book you own but have never read
A book that takes place in your hometown
A book that was originally written in a different language
A book set during Christmas
A book written by an author with your same initials
A play
A banned book
A book based on or turned into a TV show
A book you started but never finished
Wish me luck, join in, tell me what you think of any or all of the books I talk about, or anything else you’d like to tell me, here!
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That stupid fucking book.
Everyone who has cried because of a book. (via thebooklands)
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Edinburgh University has given a library card to their faithful feline patron.
This cat knows what’s up.
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With an unexpected five figures to work with, the director of Ferguson Library has big plans to serve his ravaged community.
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When people look down on modern literature in favor of the classics, they forget the classics were once modern literature that was looked down upon by people like them.
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The Penguin book archive has every penguin book ever published in chronological order.
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theodora: actress, empress, whore
{a mix for the baddest bitch in the byzantine empire}
+listen @ 8tracks
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Catalog card art by Vickie Moore. @IArtLibraries (via Library as Incubator Project)
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