Akushima Week Day 7: Happy Birthday Akushima!!
It’s been a full week full of Akushima, and what a better day to end it off on than November 30th, the day of Akushima’s Birthday. We’ve been through a lot the past week, learning about his past, seeing him at work, seeing what he does in his downtime and finally seeing what would have happened if Nitro+Chirial would just respond to my Emails about an Akushima Route.
So Happy Birthday Akushima, keep on screaming at teenagers in our dreams.
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#akushima route tbh
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Akushima Week Day 6: Post Scrap/Endings
Seeing as yesterday was Akushima Route Day, it only make sense that today we get to see how things work out for Akushima.
If you made the right choices throughout the route you have nothing to worry about. Akushima gets his happy ending and we can all rejoice.
Or maybe you’re a glutton for pain, and you made the wrong choices because you wanted to know what his hell was really like.
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Another entry for Akushima Week!
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Akushima Week Day Five: Akushima Route
This is the day everything happens. This is his story. What do you do, you gotta make the right choices or it’s off to the slammer in this Route.
Three games and an anime, but still no Akushima Route.
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Akushima Week Day 4: Akushima’s Day Off
If there’s anything we truly know about Akushima, it’s that he needs to take a break.
Today he gets the entire day off, congrats to you Akushima.
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Akushima Week Day 3: AU/Crossover Day
We know why you’re always reblogging those AU Master posts.
It’s for him. It’s for Akushima.
Today’s the day where you can do literally anything you want with Akushima, because it’s AU/Crossover Day.
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Akushima Week Day 3: AU/Crossover Day
We know why you’re always reblogging those AU Master posts.
It’s for him. It’s for Akushima.
Today’s the day where you can do literally anything you want with Akushima, because it’s AU/Crossover Day.
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Akushima Week Day 3: AU/Crossover Day
We know why you’re always reblogging those AU Master posts.
It’s for him. It’s for Akushima.
Today’s the day where you can do literally anything you want with Akushima, because it’s AU/Crossover Day.
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Akushima Week Day 3: AU/Crossover Day
We know why you’re always reblogging those AU Master posts.
It’s for him. It’s for Akushima.
Today’s the day where you can do literally anything you want with Akushima, because it’s AU/Crossover Day.
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Akushima Week Day 3: AU/Crossover Day
We know why you’re always reblogging those AU Master posts.
It’s for him. It’s for Akushima.
Today’s the day where you can do literally anything you want with Akushima, because it’s AU/Crossover Day.
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Akushima Week Day 3: AU/Crossover Day
We know why you’re always reblogging those AU Master posts.
It’s for him. It’s for Akushima.
Today’s the day where you can do literally anything you want with Akushima, because it’s AU/Crossover Day.
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I wanted to have something to post for every day of Akushima Week but I suck and got busy, so I won’t have much to contribute OTL
But please, enjoy this fic that takes places after an Akushima Route that only exists in our hearts.
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Akushima Week Day 3: AU/Crossover Day
We know why you’re always reblogging those AU Master posts.
It’s for him. It’s for Akushima.
Today’s the day where you can do literally anything you want with Akushima, because it’s AU/Crossover Day.
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Akushima Week Day Two: Akushima’s Work Day
Considering the mean streets of Midorijima, Akushima’s bound to have an exciting work day. Or maybe it’s a slow day and he’s stuck at his desk. Or maybe he just lies on the floor and groans until the police station gets a call. Who knows!
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Akushima Week Day Two: Akushima’s Work Day
Considering the mean streets of Midorijima, Akushima’s bound to have an exciting work day. Or maybe it’s a slow day and he’s stuck at his desk. Or maybe he just lies on the floor and groans until the police station gets a call. Who knows!
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Akushima Week Day Two: Akushima’s Work Day
Considering the mean streets of Midorijima, Akushima’s bound to have an exciting work day. Or maybe it’s a slow day and he’s stuck at his desk. Or maybe he just lies on the floor and groans until the police station gets a call. Who knows!
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