aidenhollow ¡ 4 years
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Aiden Holloway as Persephone, Goddess Of Spring & Queen Of The Underworld:
“A nightingale flies nearer the roses. A girl blushes. Pomegranates ripen.”
mask & dress
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aidenhollow ¡ 4 years
Aiden was curled up against Miles before she draped her leg over his legs and rested her head on his shoulder. They were watching a movie, which she checked out a while ago and paid attention to the guy next to her. She started to draw a small circle onto the back of his hand, with a small smile starting to form on her lips and bit down before she hummed a bit. “Hey,” She asked softly before looking up at him. “Are you hungry?” @yourshellofgrief​
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aidenhollow ¡ 4 years
“Do you realize that some people don’t like staring?” Aiden said, not looking up from her notebook and at the person who was currently looking at her. Her airpods died an hour ago, and she was in a big hurry that she forgot her charging cable. “Perhaps you should look at a picture, I hear those last longer.” She looked up and flashed them a small smile as she twirled her pencil in between her fingers. “Are you going to be standing there all day or are you going to have a seat?” She tilted her head off to the side. @yatesstarters​
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aidenhollow ¡ 4 years
       having fallen asleep in the library, mia felt her head pound as she started to wake up. honestly, it felt like it was going to explode. hearing a noise, she turned her head around and that’s when she realized that she wasn’t alone. ❛ oh dear god, please tell me i didn’t snore, ❜ she pleaded quietly, before rubbing her hands against her face. a yawn fell from her lips as she sat up and looked around, before stretching her arms above her head. school & dance had been kicking her butt lately, especially as she had to try and be social with her friends as well. ❛ what time is it? ❜ she asked groggily.  
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Aiden was busy writing her creative writing assignment, running on three hours of sleep when she noticed someone started to wake up.  She gave the girl a soft smile before she saved her document and closed her laptop. “It’s a quarter after eleven,” She replied, as she slid her laptop back into her backpack, since she had ran into a creative block and knew it would be the best if she quit writing. “I didn’t want to wake you, since you looked rather peaceful, laying there.”
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aidenhollow ¡ 4 years
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aidenhollow ¡ 4 years
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#captain sass
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aidenhollow ¡ 4 years
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Wonder Woman (2017) Captain Marvel (2019) Birds of Prey (2020)
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aidenhollow ¡ 4 years
( KAT MCNAMARA, CIS-FEMALE) - Have you seen AIDEN EVELYN HOLLOWAY? EVIE is in her SENIOR year. The Journalism Major is 24 years old & is a SCORPIO. People say SHE is CARING, COMPASSIONATE, JEALOUS and SARCASTIC. Rumors say they’re a member of WINTHROP SOCIETY. I heard from the gossip blog that EVIE has a two-year old daughter that is back home with her parents and she hasn’t told the dad about the child. She makes money by being a burlesque dancer .  (KT. 21+. PST. She/her.)
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Hello! My name is KT, Im 28 and currently awaiting a transplant! Im pretty chill, whenever Im at appointments or anything, Im always lurking on mobile and I also have discord! Which will be a better way of getting a hold of me, because I don’t ever log off out of that thing. Uhmmm, Im getting ready to get a bone marrow transplant but I have my computer with me and will bring it to the hospital once I go in. Also, feel free to message me and hit me up for plots! Here a few things on Aiden <3
Aiden Evelyn Holloway was born to Jackie and Hank Holloway, making her the youngest child and made her younger than her twin brother, Adam by five minutes. Their older three brothers Jack, Kinsley and Felix were excited to have a pair of twins in the family.  You can say that the Holloway house was filled with laughter, crying, screaming, cursing and they got hurt a lot. Aiden and Felix were known to be double trouble when they were younger, since Felix was the youngest boy and Aiden was the youngest, the two of them bonded rather quickly. They would chase each other in the yard, while Jack and Adam worked on their cars in the garage while Kinsley worked on his motorcycle and the two youngest sometimes would climb their parent’s apple tree. In which, resulted Aiden getting her hand split opened and the four boys rushed their sister to the hospital, where their mom found out that they were climbing the tree after her and her husband told them not to. All of them ended up grounded, the three oldest brothers had to take the youngest ones to school and picked them up from their after-school activities and had to come straight home.
You can say that the Holloway family had the perfect life, until one rainy night where their father was coming home from his office when a truck rear-ended his car. Jackie was working twelve nights straight that night and had to see her husband on a stretcher. Throughout the night, they didn’t know if he was going to be able to make it.  That December, they had to bury their father, and nothing was the same again. Aiden noticed that her mom worked overtime a lot more, her older brothers picked up other jobs and her double trouble buddy ended up distant and cold. She knew that Adam was struggling, she was struggling herself. As she grew up, Aiden often turned towards superheroes, skateboarding and anything that would catch her attention more than five seconds.
About three years after Hank’s death, Aiden started to notice that her mother would wear makeup and bring a duffel bag to work. She started to follow her with her bike, until she saw that her mother was going on secret dates and seeing someone new. She sped home and told her twin brother about what she had seen, and j was asleep in front of the tv. She would go onto the roof to look at the stars, hoping that they would some kind of answers and then she would go on a search for a party, knowing that she can get score some drugs and alcohol. Nothing would help her cope with the loss of her dad, but that didn’t mean she gave up trying. She met a guy named Roman, who you can say is the “bad boy” of the school and had been living with his grandmother. She wouldn’t say it was love at first sight, it was more of a toxic relationship and she was addicted to it. They would often fight for two days and make up like they never said hateful words to each other. However, that all stopped when Aiden spotted Roman with another woman and turned out that he was also dating the girl. So, that kind of made her straighten up a bit, along with her brothers holding an intervention for her to get help to cope with their father’s death.
Two years later, Aiden graduated from high school with a GPA of 4.0 and full ride (Thanks to George for helping her out a bit) to Yates. Aiden didn’t want to leave without her twin, so she asked Adam to tag along and he got accepted into University of Vermont-Johnson, that way she wouldn’t get home sick. Aiden also got accepted into the Winthrop Society, where she felt that she belonged and called home for the next four or five years. However, one thing that Aiden didn’t plan for, was having a daughter at twenty-one. One night, during a heavy make out session in the parking lot of the Sugar Shack, a burlesque club where she was working, she snuck away with some guy after her shift and ended up having a one night stand. She quickly slipped out of his car when she noticed that he was on the phone and headed straight to her car, with her clothes in her hands. Fast forward nine months later, she welcomed a beautiful baby girl named Odette Evelyn Holloway and promised that she was going to give her a great childhood like she had when she was younger. She never contacted the father, since she doesn’t remember the name and figured that it would be a waste anyway, she accepted that she would be a single mother and knew that she could do it. Especially with the help of her brothers and friends. However, she knows that Yates has a reputation to uphold, she made a deal with her brothers that they act like Odette is their baby sister in public but behind closed doors and to close family & friends, she’s Aiden’s daughter.  Recently, Aiden’s been sending money to her brothers and Odette, to make sure that they’ll keep a roof over their heads while she’s studying Creative Writing. She also thought of a book idea, which can be considered as a Young Adult novel.
sex money feelings dies - a one-night stand but on top of that a frequent hook up. every time they say that they won’t hook up with each other again. it’s not healthy, you both want past the relationship and let it go, but the moment y’all see each other from across the bar or at a party you just know you’ll end up in each other’s bed again. -OPEN
 i saw you in a dream - they were close. so close. thought there would never be a time they wouldn’t talk, but one thing lead to another and Aiden’s left thinking about them when it’s just her and her thoughts. without them in her life really hasn’t been the same, but is it worth getting past what happened to pick up the phone and call them?- OPEN
painkiller  - best friends forever. literally. this person knows Aiden inside out and she can’t see a day without them. they’re essentially her painkiller. She tells them everything and them back to her. they can tell if she’s feeling down just by the way she send her snapchat streaks that morning. She can’t see a day without them.- OPEN
 call your girlfriend - this one is pretty messy. one of them is in a relationship, but there’s a huge flirtationship between the muses. the flirtationship essentially becomes to both of these people attached to each other and maybe... even in love. but there’s still that relationship that’s in the way... YIKES- OPEN?
Looks a lot like a tragedy now- details will come soon <3- Miles
perfect places- party buddies but make it you guys just getting lost in the vibes because you don’t want to deal with life. it’s a good friendship. you guys get the thoughts in your head to go numb, but at a point it’s like what’s the point ?- OPEN
will add more if needed <3
Interesting Facts on Aiden:
Wears a leather jacket, along with sometimes combat boots but she’ll wear tennis shoes.
Has been working as a Burlesque dancer for three and a half years, goes by the name Cherry Bomb. Her parents doesn’t know that she’s been getting her money from there.
Has a two-year old daughter named Odette Evelyn Holloway, born on the 9th of December. She makes sure to Facetime her every night and ends up reading her favorite book to her, which she has a lot of favorite books.
Has a rough time trusting people right away because of past trauma, but has a few people who she trusts with her secret and her life.
Sometimes skateboards to classes or to her brothers’ house, learned how to skateboard back in her middle school days.
Won’t pass up the chance to put someone into their place, though she comes off timid when you first meet her. 
Has a rose tattoo on her right hip, wanting to get a sleeve on her left arm, but isn’t for sure.
Wears wigs when she’s working and covers up her tattoo with makeup. 
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aidenhollow ¡ 4 years
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