agw14 · 2 years
Wait a second…what if Wiglett is actually a regional Shuckle?
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agw14 · 2 years
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agw14 · 2 years
Scooby Doo villains really be like “the rubber mask stays ON during sex”
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agw14 · 2 years
I’m A Believer is SUCH a Chip Skylark song.
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agw14 · 2 years
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agw14 · 2 years
It’s always nice to see an awesome idea inspire so many people. I can’t wait to see Danny explaining Dani.
AU where everything is normal except Danny has woken up from the weirdest dream about ghosts.
Danny: Mom, Dad, do you believe in ghosts?
Maddie: No son.
Jack: There's no such thing.
Danny: Right... Of course.
Jack: Well time to go to our job of science in the basement.
Maddie: But not ghost science!
Danny: Hey Jazz, would you still love me if I died, but only half?
Jazz: I'd love you no matter what. Wait... Half?
Danny: I had a dream you half killed me.
Sam, horrified: I what?!
Danny: No it's cool I got superpowers.
Tucker: Lit.
---Later again---
Danny: Hey, do you hate me?
Dash: Why would I hate you?
Danny: Idk... I had a dream where my parents were super weird and I was pegged as a loser and you beat me up all the time.
Dash: Dude... Your parents are weird. But I'm not beating up my study buddy.
Danny: Thanks man...
---Even later---
Jack: Kids, this is my super mega best friend forever and all time, Vlady.
Vlad with poorly concealed contempt: Idiot says what?
Jack: Hmm?
Vlad: Curses foiled again.
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agw14 · 2 years
every time i listen to “you’re a mean one mr. grinch” i can’t help but sit there and think “what did the grinch do to hurt you?” because dude just stands there for 2 minutes and 58 seconds and drags the grinch into the dirt
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agw14 · 3 years
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agw14 · 3 years
MHA X Joker
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agw14 · 3 years
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agw14 · 3 years
Okay, so I have a theory: Gohms are part of the train crew. I know, I know, everything about them says otherwise, from their agression to the fact they suck people's life out of their bodies, but hear me out. First off, why would the train be somewhere with such dangerous creatures? Its true we don't know a lot about the train, like who the engineer is or where it is, but I feel like there are 2 possibilities for why it is in the wasteland: either the engineer is from there or it is a pocket dimension designed to hold the train. With either of these options, it wouldn't make sense for the Gohms to be there naturally: the engineer proabaly wouldn't be able to survive long in the wasteland with the Gohms around if they are from there, and if it is an artifical world, why create the Gohms in the first place?
Also, back in B1E8 when Atticus is turned into a Gohm...how does that happen? Again, two possibilites: either Atticus was originally a Gohm and the blast reset his programming or the Gohm had their own programming orb. For sakes and purposes, lets say the latter is true; if it is, why program such a dangerous creature for the train?
My guess: they were made to keep order on the train, almost as if they were the original stewards. As we see in the show, Gohms only attack people when they start to break the rules or become irredeemable, i.e. Tulip leaving the train and Simon...well being Simon. I think that maybe whenever a passeneger isn't learning their lesson, thats when they attack and suck out their "life-force". Why do I use quotation marks? Beause I also think this isn't actually their life force.
What if that force is actually the equivalent of "I need you to return to your seat." Here's what I think happens: the Gohm sucks whatever out of the passeneger. The time it takes to turn someone to ash depends on how bad they are on the train; for example, Simon went pretty quickly while I swear that Gohm from Book 1 was on Tulip the exact same time. Then whenever a person is turned to ash, it is actually resetting them to where they first came on the train with only their memories up to getting onboard. That way whenever someone becomes too far gone, i.e. Simon, they aren't just killed; they are given another chance. Because isn't that what the train is about? Getting another chance to become better?
TL;DR: Gohms reset passenegers once they become too far gone
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agw14 · 4 years
Alright everyone, theory time. So if you have read the latest MHA chapters, you'll know that in All Might's notes on past OFA users, the fourth user is scratched out. And from this weeks chapter, we learn that the reason the OFA vestiges exist is because transplanted Quirks carry the consciousness of the previous owners. What do these two things have in common. Well hear me out...
The fourth user got his first Quirk from All For One. This would explain the reason why All Might doesn't want Izuku to know about this user yet: that Quirk not only has the fourth user's consciousness, it may also have the consciousness of the original user and, this part is a bit of a stretch but hold on for a minute, AFO himself. The latter is less likely since AFO said once he gives a Quirk away he no longer sees the past vestiges, and honestly I'm just adding that idea because it could be cool, but the thing about the original user is a lot more viable.
That does raise the question on why the fourth user got help from AFO in the first place. My theory is that maybe he worked for him, but in the fight with the third user had a chhange of heart and got OFA so he could bring it to te future, but there is very little evidence to support that.
Anyway what do you all think? Possible? Dumb?
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agw14 · 4 years
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Based on that one post about the dream fish with teeth
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agw14 · 4 years
Okay, so I have a theory: Gohms are part of the train crew. I know, I know, everything about them says otherwise, from their agression to the fact they suck people's life out of their bodies, but hear me out. First off, why would the train be somewhere with such dangerous creatures? Its true we don't know a lot about the train, like who the engineer is or where it is, but I feel like there are 2 possibilities for why it is in the wasteland: either the engineer is from there or it is a pocket dimension designed to hold the train. With either of these options, it wouldn't make sense for the Gohms to be there naturally: the engineer proabaly wouldn't be able to survive long in the wasteland with the Gohms around if they are from there, and if it is an artifical world, why create the Gohms in the first place?
Also, back in B1E8 when Atticus is turned into a Gohm...how does that happen? Again, two possibilites: either Atticus was originally a Gohm and the blast reset his programming or the Gohm had their own programming orb. For sakes and purposes, lets say the latter is true; if it is, why program such a dangerous creature for the train?
My guess: they were made to keep order on the train, almost as if they were the original stewards. As we see in the show, Gohms only attack people when they start to break the rules or become irredeemable, i.e. Tulip leaving the train and Simon...well being Simon. I think that maybe whenever a passeneger isn't learning their lesson, thats when they attack and suck out their "life-force". Why do I use quotation marks? Beause I also think this isn't actually their life force.
What if that force is actually the equivalent of "I need you to return to your seat." Here's what I think happens: the Gohm sucks whatever out of the passeneger. The time it takes to turn someone to ash depends on how bad they are on the train; for example, Simon went pretty quickly while I swear that Gohm from Book 1 was on Tulip the exact same time. Then whenever a person is turned to ash, it is actually resetting them to where they first came on the train with only their memories up to getting onboard. That way whenever someone becomes too far gone, i.e. Simon, they aren't just killed; they are given another chance. Because isn't that what the train is about? Getting another chance to become better?
TL;DR: Gohms reset passenegers once they become too far gone
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agw14 · 4 years
Hey, so the biggest argument I've seen for hating the finale is that simon didnt get a redemption arc, and alot of simon stans are hating on grace because, "its not fair that she should get a chance at redemption and simon doesnt. Its partially grace's fault he's even like this."
Lets set aside the fact that simon and grace were both children and understandably confused about the train's system or how it works. Lets say it WAS grace's fault simon ended up the way he did. That still doesnt mean simon wasn't given just as many chances to be redeemed as grace was.
But lets put it a different way. Lets say grace got her and simon lost in a desert. No food or water for several days. Eventually they stumble across 2 glasses of water. Grace drinks from one glass, feels better, and hands the second glass to simon. Simon refuses to take the water. He doesnt think they need it because they'll be able to find more water once their out of the desert. Grace leaves the water for Simon. Simon fucking kicks the glass over. Simon dies of dehydration. Grace survives another day.
Grace can take responsibility for getting them lost, and she has. But she CAN'T take responsibility for the actions simon took once they were there. She can't take responsibility for his refusal to understand the situation. And she can't take responsibility for his death when another avenue was clearly presented to him.
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agw14 · 4 years
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Based on that one post about the dream fish with teeth
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agw14 · 4 years
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So I just finished Wizards: Tales of Arcadia and I thought what if Luz had something like Douxie's gauntlet? This is just a quick sketch I did (hope you guys like it) that is of the gauntlet, Luz using it, and her activating the spells. The way it works in my head is that it's powered by the glyphs on the gray stone cuffs and Luz mixes and matches the various lines and circles to form glyphs which she then can shoot out to attach to objects or use it by hand.
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