It's probably for the best that none of my matches on TikTok are active right now BUT ALSO why be under "free tonight" if you're not free tonight
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“atta boy.”
“gooood boy.”
“such a fucking slut, yeah?”
“dirty bitch. my bitch.”
“keep looking at me.. that’s it.”
“so fucking needy.”
thank you for coming to my ted talk.
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im making baaaaaaad decisions
and not telling anyone bc they'll ✨yell at me✨
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hey bud, would you mind pinning me to something and letting me struggle against your weight for a while? it’s good for my mental health
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I just want to get dicked down again =/
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Danny Johnson x Male Reader “Unflattering Photo”
Danny catches you stalking him basically an uno reverse. This is pre entity btw. When I said I’ve had this written for awhile I mean it. It’s been sitting in my drafts since September. :)
Tw: stalking, Danny being Danny, blood, dubcon, nsfw-ish.
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Walking down an empty street trying not to be seen came like second nature to you. You’ve been watching this person for awhile you think something is up with him. Jumping up you got a head start climbing a tree that was outside his house. A perfect view into his bedroom it was littered with papers and pictures. He had a board on his wall that had pictures pinned to it. You couldn’t get a good look at them but knew something was off. Even with your binoculars you couldn’t make it out. You had a choice break in and prove your point that somethings wrong or give up. You’re to stubborn for your own good.
He’s not home so you’re taking your chance. Taking a thin piece of metal you jiggled it until the door opened. Closing the door you crept inside looking around the house. Creeping up the stairs you opened the first door on the left. “Bingo.” It was his room closing the door behind you. Pulling out your camera you started taking pictures of the room. First everything thing on the bed and floor. Some of it was just pictures of people he knew some of it was his articles.
Hearing the squeaking from the front door opening sent you into a panic. Turning around you took a picture of the board before hiding in his bathroom. You turned up the brightness of your flash just in case he found you. Your hiding spot was the bathtub behind the curtain. Not the best hiding spot but the best you got. He came into the bedroom you hear him walking closer and closer before the bathroom door opened.
Peaking through the curtain you watched him undress. Normally this would be very immoral but the dude was covered in blood. The sudden realization hits you like a truck he’s going to take a shower. You prepared yourself to blind him and run this was going to be difficult. You let out a quiet breath that you were holding but he heard you mid way of taking off his pants. When the shower curtain was pulled back you took a picture blinding him with the flash. Acting quickly you pushed him as for away from you as possible before running to the door. You made it out of the room running down the stairs the front door almost in reach. He was behind you making up the lost distance. He was much faster then you grabbing you from behind.
“Let me go fucker!” He threw you on the ground knocking the wind out of you. Struggling to breath he put his foot on your chest pushing more air out of you. He bent down and grabbed your camera looking through it. “Ah you’re the one that’s been stalking me. I could never get a good look at you.” Your vision was blurring making it difficult to make out what he was doing. Feeling your hands get tied your struggling was in vain. He dragged you back upstairs and to his room pushing you back onto the floor.
“What was your goal with this sweet thing? You just can’t get enough of me?” He was taunting you wanting to get a reaction out of you and he sure did. “You’re the fucking killer you piece of shit!” The amount of anger in you sure gave him something to laugh at. “Aw you know my about my little hobby? It would be nice to have someone to talk to about it.” You had set yourself up so you could breath better. Looking him in the eyes you could tell he was enjoying seeing you like this.
You watch him take a picture of you with your camera. “What’s with the angry face? I thought you liked me?” He stood up stretching showing off his lean build. Watching him walk over to his bag he pulled out a knife. “You see I don’t have a lot of people to talk about my hobbies, and seeing you don’t have a choice you’ll lend me an ear.” He chuckled walking over to you pressing the knife against your cheek. A warning not to be taken lightly a silent promise. He pulled the knife away tilting his head deep in thought.
“I’ll keep you alive until you start to get boring or start to be too much trouble.” He gave you a peck on the cheek where his knife was the dent still there. “You’ll be good boy for me right?” He was in your ear practically growling to you. Not really wanting to die at the moment you nodded to him. A sudden hand was gripping your chin making you look at him. “Use your words sweet thing.”
“I’ll be a good boy.” The words felt sour coming out of you mouth. He laughed seeing you swallow your pride. “Suddenly you’re not a fighter? You’re going to be so much fun to break.” The glint of fear in your eyes hearing him say that made him smirk. He started to cut your shirt exposing you to the cold air of his house. You let out a shaky gasp feeling his fingers run over you now bare torsos earning a grin from him.
“You know killing watching the life leave their eyes is so satisfying but this is going to be something special.” You watch him pull back and start to sharpen his knife. Your breathing becomes uneven scared that him might say fuck it and kill you. He took notice of this and smiled not helping calm you down. When he starts to get closer you push yourself further away. He pulled you by the leg making you be underneath him. “Come on I thought you were going to be good for me.”
“What are you going to do to me?” You hear him laugh a little the scariest thing being it sounded so light hearted. “Just having a bit of fun loosen up a bit. You know I’m not letting you out of my sight now.” His breath tickled your face making you squirm feeling he was trying to close the distance. Noticing this he gets closer until he hears a whimper come from your mouth. He smiles a wicked smile he loves seeing the fear hearing it was just the cherry on top.
“Aw sweetheart you can be louder then that. You can do that for me right?” He had sickly sweet tone in his voice making you cringe. Seeing your face contort into one of disgust gave him an idea. He closed the space between the both of you slipping his tongue into the kiss. Shoving him away wasn’t an option he’s too strong to push away besides what would you do after you can’t run away. Your only option was to play long term and hope you don’t develop Stockholm syndrome.
In Danny’s mind you were submitting to him bending to his will. When he pulled away he left you breathless giving him an ego boost. He was satisfied enough for now and got up off you laughing.
“We are going to have so much fun sweet thing. Don’t you think so?”
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subs with voice kink be like "your voice is cute" but their minds are full of thoughts about being degraded and instructed how to masturbate.
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my bestie has been telling me about pain priest from bg3 and sent me a fic and its just making me realize how much i miss having a dom in my life
my ex was SO GOOD at marking me up and it was amazing and i need it again
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boys need to be pushed up against a wall to be made out with and groped disrespectfully, until their knees buckle and they become a whimpering mess
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the trans girl estrogenized puffy nips are some of the hottest things to ever fucking exist and you will never convince me otherwise
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the reason i find stuff like hypnosis and aphrodisiacs so alluring is that they’d just allow my brain to calm the fuck down: no anxiety, no overthinking, no intrusive thoughts, nothing.
just a constant state of aroused bliss, knowing i’m safe in the arms of the person i’m sharing this with and yielding to them.
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if youre a girl with a crush on me i would basically let you hit with less effort than you think
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Tied together featuring pixiebait and adorgeous
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One of my friends asked me the other day if I would suck one thousand dicks for a billion dollars, and I love questions like that because not only are they so demonstrative of the no-homo society we live in, but they also show a fundamental lack of understanding that some people have for the value of money. Like, do you realize just how much money one billion dollars is? Do you realize I could live my life in the lap of luxury buying literally everything I could ever want and still have a fortune to leave to my children?? For sucking some dicks?? We are talking 1 million dollars per dick sucked!! That’s just economical like come on man.
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Man I'm so horny I should be (realizes putting myself down for expressing sexual attraction contributes to a society of sexual repression and need to start to do so without shame) sucked
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fwb just told me that i should never have to use a dildo that "men should be lining up" AND that "people will pay for the shit you can do with your mouth"
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my fwb just told me that i gave him the best head he's ever had shskjsjdji I don't even care if hes exaggerating that makes me feel so 🤤🤤🫠🫠🤗🤗
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