agape-philo-sophia · 7 hours
➝ Predatory Mind-Virus of Domination and Slavery.
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This mind-virus of master-slave relationships exists in many forms and varying degrees. For example there is the corporate hierarchy and outright slavery, among others. The system of domination we immerse ourselves into has us develop self-loathing capacities to varying degrees. We are conditioned to envy the person who has “more” of the material wealth, comfort and convenience in life. A conditioning process takes place and submerges itself into our identity construct (ego) and ways of being (behavior), whereby we dislike those who appear to be in elevated positions compared to us.
In direct slavery and other covert forms of domination and fear, there is the aspect of “ratting” people out or turning them in to the central dominators. We turn people into the dominators and turn into dominators ourselves. In outright slavery, Hitler’s Germany, and post-9/11 America, the fear of being harmed is the same and results in similar conditioning towards helping the masters control more people. In outright slavery, some would prefer to be special slaves, house slaves, and they would enforce slavery on others. They would “rat” others out or enforce violations of Natural Law Rights for the reward and privilege they gained in return. In our covert slave system of willing servitude, many people like to be masters over others. These people like trying to command others into falsity to perpetuate the current condition in order to maintain or increase their relative position in the hierarchical slave system. They also punish others with a violation of their rights for not going along with bullshit. There are those who are not in positions of power or of being rewarded by the “mommy” or “daddy” central authority of control, but they look for the opportunity. People are encouraged to turn other people over to the central authority for man’s phantasmic delusion of alleged “crimes” that have done no harm.
“Where once I served, now I have others serving me.” – 12 Years a Slave
Welcome to the current human condition on earth as we have created it: a Hell of the Predatory Mind-Virus of Domination and Slavery. Because we want and choose to be this way in our degenerated, devolved, diseased state of consciousness, our diseased hearts and minds.
Deeper study: Words, definitions, meanings, etymology.
• plunder (goods taken by force) • pillage (from pillier “to plunder, loot, ill-treat”) • prey (earlier praeheda, literally “something seized before,” from PIE *prai-heda)
• dominate (dominari “to rule, dominate, to govern,” from dominus) • domain (from Latin dominium “property, dominion,” from dominus “lord, master, owner,” from domus “house”) • domestic (from PIE *dom-o- “house,” from root *dem- “house, household”)
Dominator relates to ownership of domain. If you view yourself as owning something else, then you have dominion over it, at least in your mind. You view it as your property, to do with as you wish.
You can have dominion over yourself. You can rule yourself. You can rule over your personal space: the house of your vessel for consciousness, the body, or the house you have made for your habitat and survival. We, human animals, are delusional and apply dominion to any arbitrary domain we can conceive of, and claim it as our own to become the dominator over many things outside of ourselves. Vast amounts of land, knowledge, concepts, other animals (even other human animals), etc. We are insane with desires to control and own everything. We can choose otherwise, but we have bought this way of life. We are living their mindset, and helping them create their desired reality. Many enjoy its comforts and rewards, and they will fight to preserve the illusion.
The only Rules are the Rules of Natural Law, not man’s delusional “law”. Self-Governance corresponds with the Rules of Natural Law. It is not a conflict, unless you go against it, in which you are actually acting against others and yourself.
This is how we can identify dominators. Those who view themselves as owners of other domains that are not theirs. You do not own Truth. You do not own other human animals, and you do not own other nonhuman animals. Everyone who thinks they have the right to do what they want to other sentient animate beings is a dominator. People who own land they do not live off of are dominators of the earth. They have claimed dominion over the whole planet, and everyone else who came later has had to engage in slavery of some form in order to survive on this planet. They are even claiming dominion over the moon, mars and space. This is the Predatory Mind-Virus of Domination and Slavery in action, still today. People dominate the slave system we are in, and they live in opulent luxury and convenience, while others toil away in slave society to keep the top classes in their positions.
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➝ Conscience Is The Internal Guiding System — Follow Your Inner Compass.
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Conscience is the internal guiding system humanity is blessed with having. It is literally your compass to living in the Right. Police and Military side swipe their consciences by following orders from their masters. Police make all kinds of justifications and excuses as to why they follow through with immoral orders but there is no legitimate excuse. Justifications for burying the conscience are null and void. As it is the conscience itself that will direct us toward what is moral, right, justified, and true. The Ancient Mystery traditions considered the conscience the home dwelling of the Higher self. To sell your soul means to disobey your conscience.
"Knowledge will forever govern ignorance; and a people who mean to be their own governors must arm themselves with the power which knowledge gives." — James Madison
The Spiritual realm and the physical realm exist simultaneously. Natural law is all about changing our current state of ignorance into another state of knowledge. It is transmuting that which is erroneous and making it Right. It's called the Law of Cause and Effect. The Law of Cause and Effect is omnipresent across all scales, both in the Macrocosm and the microcosm. So not only does it govern the whole Universe, it governs all the individual parts that comprise the whole as well. And guess what? We're one of the individual parts. We are not separate from nature, we are a part of it. The spiritual realm is the realm of causation and the physical realm is the realm of effects. If you don't like the effects you keep getting, you can only change them in the realm of causation. It's like if you want to kill a tree you have to strike at the root. The same principle applies here.
To get right with reason means that we can no longer afford to be an ignorant nation. We need to start paying attention and taking ACTION in the world to turn this system upside down. If we want to stop the corruption, we must stop complying. It's that simple.There are very powerful forces out there banking off of us while we're unwittingly goofing off at the club, or sitting around watching football. We can not afford to put our defenses down and TRUST this government. They are not there to benefit us, they are there to benefit their corporate fascist friends.
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agape-philo-sophia · 4 days
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Many people think they will #vote the world into changing.
Real change will never occur as a result of people voting, petitioning, campaigning, or in any other way playing "politics." Instead, real change will occur only when the people dare to actually disobey, when people stop begging for the politicians' legislative permission to be free and start thinking and acting like free people even when the ruling class has declared freedom to be "illegal." "Authority" is always in the eye of the beholder. When the people stop imagining that a group of parasitical liars and thieves has the right to rule them, only then will the people have any chance of ridding themselves of authoritarian oppression, not through begging and petitioning, but through outright disobedience and resistance.
"A slave is someone who sits down, and waits for someone to free them." - Frederick Douglass
When compliance and conformity are rewarded and any shred of critical thinking is punished, the purpose of education has become to teach how to obey order. You get a society that is helplessly dependent on authority, desperately magnetized by tyranny, and hopelessly afraid of freedom.
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agape-philo-sophia · 4 days
➝ Problem Solving.
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There are a few main steps to solving a problem, any problem at all. It doesn’t matter what the nature of the problem is.
• Recognise that there is a problem to begin with. Fear-based denial must first be dealt with and conquered; because denial will only make the problem grow bigger.
• Recognise that symptoms are merely effects of underlying causes. Instead of treating symptoms, you must make an accurate diagnosis of the cause(s) of the problem. (Diagnosis: from the Greek preposition ‘Dia- (δια)’ meaning ‘Through / By way of,’ and the Greek noun ‘Gnosis (γνωσις)’ which means ‘Knowledge.’ The term ‘Diagnosis’ etymologically means ‘By way of knowledge’) And in doing so, you will come to an understanding of what cause has put certain symptoms into effect.
• Through the knowledge acquired via accurate diagnosis, take the required action(s) necessary to rectify the causal factors which led to the manifestation of the problem.
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agape-philo-sophia · 4 days
➝ The Physiological Expression of the Three Aspects of Consciousness.
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Understanding certain basic structures and functionality of the human brain is part of the discovery of self. Many of us do not understand what the components of the brain are, how they work and what they give rise to with respect to qualities of our personality-identity-ego construct. Understanding the human brain is to understand a core aspect of ourselves and is critical for our understanding of what is going on in the world. Our species is gifted simply by possessing a brain of the order and magnitude that we have.
Symbolism operates on many layers, levels and depth. Rigidly applying rules in one direction will prevent us from perceiving greater revelations through the frequencies of color and shape being used. Taking another symbolic look at the components of a Trinity based on the father, mother and child, we can see how the Christian narrative is represented by the hindbrain, limbic and forebrain respectively. The reptile survival hindbrain is the law-obsessed dominator god from the Old Testament. The mammalian emotional brain is the sacred feminine Holy Spirit. The neocortex higher order thinking brain is the Divine savior and Light of the world.
• The Brainstem “Reptile” Hindbrain
The brainstem can be considered the foundation and hence the oldest and lowest part of the brain. The brainstem and cerebellum are responsible for physical activity, motor skills, and the instinct for survival or the fight or flight mechanism. In a dangerous situation, a decision needs to be made between staying and fighting or fleeing to survive. The heart will pump blood towards the areas of the body that require it. Blood will be pumped away from the vital organs of the torso and brain because a fight or flight response of survival to fight or run away requires blood to be sent to the areas of priority which are the extremities. When we are trying to survive we are not going to be thinking about deep higher order conceptual ideas nor do we need to be doing much digestion or other intensive functions of other organs. Our richly oxygenated blood will be sent to our muscles, such as the arms to be yielded as weapons if we have decided to stay and fight, or to the leg muscles for us to be able to flee the situation.
This functionality is effective for fending off an attacker. However, in our modern society we are not in many dangerous situations where we physically need to make a decision to fight of flee, yet this mechanism is activated frequently because we are often engaged in stressful activities. This beneficial survival technique has become a detriment in modern society because we engage and remain in this modality of consciousness for a large portion of the time. Our lifestyle is hectic and busy, from one thing to the next without having much time in between the various activities we occupy our lives with: a job, children, traffic, other people, and other daily activities. Always being busy and having all of your time occupied is also known as stress. This creates a construct whereby responsibilities of adhering to a scheduled way of living traps a person in a survival modality of being with no standard ability to fight or flee from the situation presented. This causes harm to other structures of the brain.
• The Limbic “Mammal” Midbrain
This is the middle-brain that is responsible for the chemical interactions through which we experience our emotions as feelings, and despite emotions not being derived from here, without this “middle chamber” we would not feel emotions. Mammals display physiological reactions of emotional states that reptiles do not show. Reptiles are more instinctual and based in survival and are where we get the term of being a “cold blooded” person.
• The Neocortex “Human” Forebrain
The Neocortex is the most developed part of the brain containing the most neural activity and manages all higher order thinking. The cerebrum is bilaterally symmetrical being divided into the left and right cerebral hemispheres. The left brain is symbolic of the masculine principle and is related to the thought functionality of logic, analysis, science, mathematics, language and the use of words. The right brain relates to the feminine qualities of holistic thought, intuition, creativity, art, music and all other forms of creative expression.
This triune component of the brain is setup as a hierarchy of three different aspects of being into one, and information is processed in a certain way if the functionality between these layers is operating correctly. Proper functionality means the cerebral hemispheres are cooperating together, balanced, unified, harmonious, coherent, consistent, and integrated, as can be demonstrated through EEG coherence where neural and synaptic activity is distributed throughout both hemispheres. The forebrain is the executive command center of the whole brain responsible for our reasoning capabilities to determine how we use our actions in harmony with our thoughts and emotions. Having a balanced neocortex without one side dominating over the other allows a person to become capable of higher-order conceptual thinking and reasonable behavior which is governed through our ability to recognize patterns and derive meaning. The neocortex is the most advanced computer that exists and the most complex substance we know of in the universe and therefore our greatest gift. The feminine midbrain that governs emotions sends data upwards to the masculine reasoning-processing center of the brain, both to the logical-analytical masculine left-brain and creative-intuitive feminine right-brain, which then sends signals down to the motor centers of the brain complex referred to as the reptile brain in order for our actions and behavior to be based on higher order reasoning and not automated responses based on instinct and survival.
Failure to understand how we function, as a component of who we are, places us in a position where we are susceptible to manipulation and mind control. Understanding the basic functionality of the brain brings us closer to becoming a being that governs ourselves and less subject to the influence of those attempting to commandeer our mind and behavior.
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agape-philo-sophia · 5 days
➝ Be The Change.
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In order for Mankind to free themselves from the suffering clutches of external controllers, what the Holy Scriptures call “Principalities and Powers” and what we’ve discovered to be SORCERERS (i.e. Lawyers, Legislators, Politicians, Banking Families, Bureaucracies, etc.) practicing SORCERY through the manipulation of language, then Mankind MUST find within himself (individually) the motivation, the desire, or the CARE to change their thinking, their habits, their reactions, and their actions.
Anyone controlling us by way of manipulation, coercion, threat of violence, or the breeding of ignorance is effectually a Sorcerer because that is what Sorcerers do. They are selfish little devils primarily concerned with the satisfaction of their egos. The drive for centralized power and monopolized wealth is the stain of a total and complete distorted mind. Blanket statement!
So what shall we do? It would be sufficient enough that Man WILL himself away from reacting to fear in the exact opposite ways as he has been Led to behave. If we truly Desire different results, we must ask ourselves individually, “What am I willing to change about myself?”. Are you willing to stop watching television? Are you willing to begin reading informative books? Are you willing to stop eating processed “foods”? Are you willing to begin filtering your water? These are the types of questions we need to ask ourselves because these are the very things we need to do in order to liberate our clogged up and polluted minds and bodies.
It has been stated that the definition of INSANITY is to keep doing the same behaviors over and over and expect different results. Well you can’t continue to get angry over and over again and expect a different reaction than the one you’ve always gotten. So, it comes to reason that getting angry is foolishness rather than wisdom. And it would be wise to start LEARNING how to GOVERN that emotion using the intellect. Make sense? Because it is the mind that should be the command center rather than the other way around. See?
So what is keeping us back from changing? It’s two things. Our willingness to learn and our willingness to invite change. People are not willing to voluntarily replace their television viewing time with something beneficial like books. Blanket statement. And they surely aren’t willing to learn about how the mind truly operates and how our thoughts literally affect what we do, how we react, and why we do what we do.
But if you personally wish to be a stain on the sidelines of history and do nothing to better your mind, body, and spirit that’s your choice. And I do not pity anyone for making that choice. If that be your conscious choice do not cry “victim”, because you are not any species of victim. Victims, in the sense in which I’m referring to, make their beds and refuse to lie in it; they always have a “scapegoat” (someone or something to blame).
Solely, the blame rests firmly on our own shoulders because the ABDICATION of our own personal responsibility to progress is now our burden. Scapegoats become illusions once we become aware that we were raised and conditioned to abdicate our rightful thrones. Once we become aware of that fact and we begin to understand that knowledge, we can not forget it and de-understand it.
As each of us comes to understand that something is "off" in the world, it becomes apparent that NOW is “the” pivotal time in which to initiate and complete a journey of transformation. It has become obvious that there is not a moment we can afford to waste in the final hours of this episode. If we are to end this chapter in the history of planetary manipulation, those who have chosen to mock the creator’s plan must not write it. We cannot leave this change in the hands of others; it is too great a responsibility to be left to a few brave souls. We must make our contribution in order to be assured that it shall be accomplished and that we are included in the multitude that make this a reality.
To accomplish this, we must first open our eyes and see what is happening all around us. Then, we must come to the unpleasant understanding that we have allowed this to occur because overwhelming methodologies of deception influenced us and we resisted becoming involved through taking any personal responsibility in changing it.
We have been aware that something sinister has been present but, in all honesty, we lacked the courage to look at what it might be because of the implications of what it could involve personally. The magnitude of the implication of what the planners of this situation are capable of doing to our personal future (and that of family and friends) has allowed our desire to know to overwhelm our reluctance. This then leads to the necessity of considering the larger implications for the planet and its inhabitants as a whole.
This process has brought us to the point of looking directly into the face of truth. Unfortunately, it is not some religious or esoteric concept that is the “truth that will set us free” but what has been our desire to avoid at all costs. What we must understand is that this truth is about a situation that could end our earthly experience in extremely unpleasant circumstances, and places our eternal existence in jeopardy. The stakes are extremely high and the circumstances are dire!
This is not a time to hide in our usual excuse of “what can one person do?” A large number of “one persons” can accomplish a great deal and remaining to be "cannon fodder” is not the solution. It is required that we become a much more subtle influence.
Learn one truth now. Subtle energy is powerful and the most powerful energy is subtle. The bible says, “In the beginning was the word” but words are merely thoughts spoken out loud; therefore a more accurate translation would say, "In the beginning was thought"! That is the subtle energy that we are to employ. We simply change the focus of our thoughts. We mustn't allow ourselves to dwell upon the horrors of what is planned for us, but instead turn our thoughts to what it is that we would prefer to experience and begin now.
We are trained by their methodologies of deception to think only about the programmed thoughts of acquiring things, the opinions of others, self preservation among thieves and murderers, and escape from self directed thoughts of loathing through addiction to TV, movies and Soul jarring music. Oh, and the pursuit of sexual encounters, be it in or out of monogamous relationships.
There is also the mind- boggling profusion of religious entities further leading us away from the personal quest of understanding the connection to the source of our presence on this planet in the first place; and it's a safe assumption to state that Jesus, Buddha and Mohammed had nothing to do with it. It is not that these beings did not exist, nor that they weren't here to attempt to give us guidance in getting through this dilemma, but the messages they brought were distorted long ago. Neither did they come here to “get us out, rescue, or save us” by our belief in their existence, past or present. They came to teach us that we must get ourselves through this by accepting or taking personal responsibility and creating through thought a new planetary experience. In this way only, will we be able to move through this painful experience.
We may accept this responsibility by making a personal commitment between ourselves and the creative energy that focused us through thought into this existence. We'll know how to participate in creating what will replace this living nightmare with a new experience! How? We search for it through our desire to know and participation in its creation. Then through seemingly miraculous coincidence or "synchronicity", how to participate shall become known. The critical point of the process is in making the commitment within our own awareness that the most important thing is participating in the creation of an experience that is 180 degrees opposite to what is now planned to be our final earthly sojourn.
The evidence of the necessity to do this surrounds us in irrefutable profusion. We need only to open our eyes (see), consider the changes in our personal freedoms that are happening in quick succession and listen to (hear) the researched evidence in both spoken and written presentations on the internet and in books. Very soon those will no longer be available to us, leaving only word of mouth, so it is imperative that we respond to this information immediately.
We are encouraged to react only through our change of attitude and in our commitment to become a part of this subtly powerful movement. There will not be an Armageddon as suggested in their version of our bible. It shall be a replacement of their planned world through shifting the focus of the awareness of mankind toward that which is desired rather than that which is being forced upon us. It shall be individual INNER change that shall conquer the OUTER forces that plan to control our very essence of self-awareness. Upon the acceptance of this clarion call of individual responsibility lies the future of our survival and the experiences that wait for us within eternity.
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agape-philo-sophia · 7 days
➝ Abdicating Personal Responsibility. 🔑
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The sovereign ruler of the self vs. the sovereign ruler of the collective. Guess which one is based on Truth and justice?
Freedom begins with a concept — a state of mind. The mind, once freed, then goes on to pursue physical freedom as well. In John 8:32, Jesus states: “And you shall know the truth, and the truth shall set you free.” Freedom comes from truth, and cannot come from central government — itself being a fraud, and its methods primarily lies, tricks, and deceit.
Freedom for man is expressed perfectly in God’s law as it sets guidelines to protect one’s own freedom without violating the freedom of others. God, by teaching us His law (truth), gave us the means for freedom. Jesus reiterated it. Truth leads us towards freedom and away from slavery.
Freedom, like truth, is not inherited. It must be learned and preserved by each generation. The pursuit of truth, freedom and happiness is every man’s birthright and individual responsibility. It cannot be transferred or deferred to another or to a government. People who don’t accept individual responsibility, and won’t strive for their own freedom, are known as slaves.
In this physical world of matter. you either matter or you don’t. You are either an individual or you are part of the group. You are a freeman OR you are a slave. You are either a sovereign monarch on this planet or a subject, which is it? You either believe in absolute freedom, truth, and all it offers or you resonate with the fear of chaos and succumb to literally being an insignificant speck of mud.
I am here to inform you that you have been fashioned. Your thought processes have been steered, your emotional responses preyed upon, and your various worldviews have been MANufactured.
“But by whom and for what end?”, you ask. And I declare, “Wake the hell up!” Stop being a weak, timid sheep who has the capacity to be the ferocious lion which is your birthright. This world, in all it’s splendor, beauty, and magnificence has been HIJACKED by MANipulative, EGOmaniacal, SOPHISTicated sorcerors whose only ambition in this life is the furtherance of their personal power. Call them psychopaths, sociopaths, narcissists, or flat out [pigs – I don’t care; they are what they are, they exist, they are in control and you are not. That’s the bottom line.
They use their vast resources, wealth, and power (which you literally give to them via income taxes, estate taxes, property taxes, etc) to restrict your consciousness from expanding to ever greater and higher horizons. The antithesis of Love is fear and the wealthy power brokers, lawyers, and unsuspecting shills aggressively promote this idea as a progressive policy when it is nothing of the such. Much like prestige and sophistry, their policies have the surface “appearance” of beneficial” but the inner heart of deception to the core.
It is fallacious to “believe” we can accept “part” evil mixed into “part” good; the evil spoils the whole thing. This corresponds to part healthy diet to part unhealthy diet – the unhealthy portion spoils the whole basket.
So, it all boils down to either the acceptance of personal responsibility (our sovereign rulership of our own thoughts, emotions, and behaviors, both internally and externally) or the abdication of that personal responsibility to an authority outside of ourselves (an external sovereign ruler – aka: a collectivist governing body).
We are either going to cry victim-hood from being duped and hoodwinked or come to understand how it is, exactly, that we are too blind to see that we are hoodwinked by investing our beliefs. We are blindfolded from understanding our true dominion on this physical plane. And coming to the understanding of that truth requires focus and attention on the spiritual plane; the realm of causation where the binding of our minds into the control grid is presently taking place.
It is the abdication of our personal responsibility, from understanding that our complicity with “the system of control” in which we are “buying into” is what legitimizes it. We are the one’s shining our lights into that dark world giving it life. We’re the one’s purchasing the story line and accepting it as a viable path. We’re the one’s investing our energy and lives into this graven image of reality. But who’s doing this to us again?
We are born into this world with the responsibility to learn the operations of nature’s laws, understand the balance between the laws and our free-will choices, and then consciously grow from that interplay in a positive, expansive way. Our purpose is to learn what is good and true by removing the wrongs from the equation. Period. And if you have read any of my posts, you can come to understand quite clearly that it is your PERSONAL RESPONSIBILITY (as an individual) to do this TASK with determination in your personal life IF YOU EVER wish to cultivate any actual freedom from authority.
Number 1 is to STOP believing in authority out there somewhere. You are an individual with specific talents, skills, traits, personality, etc. And you are extremely valuable. Not as a human resource to this control grid chained around the Earth but to your fellow human being. We literally need you to come out of your induced stupor of football, beer, and pizza to take up the most noble cause life has to offer – that of cultivating personal integrity, honesty, purity, sound reason, courage, conscience, care, empathy, compassion, and dominion over your thoughts, feelings, and deeds.
Number 2 is to STOP operating on your feelings. Okay, so you feel bad about yourself sometimes, and I would suggest that if you don’t you’re very good at lying to yourself, and you’ve convinced yourself that you can not possibly cultivate any relevant change on this Earth. I submit that that is a negative belief you keep buying into. The pattern of failure deserves your immediate attention because “poor me” is not making you “great me”. What comes around goes around and we perpetuate our own feelings of dismay, dissatisfaction, and disappointment by feeling helpless. In a world, right now, of unlimited data, the answers are at your fingertips to helping you discover your demons and conquer them so there is no excuse for this behavior any longer.
Number 3 is the notion that action is required if change is going to occur. You literally have to move your mind into thinking about an outcome you would personally like to achieve and then do it. Laziness and procrastination are by-products of helplessness and you are not helpless. You may “think” you are and that’s the issue… your thinking. It’s so easy to not think that it becomes habitual, just remember if you are not thinking you are being dominated. And if you are being dominated, you are part of the problem with the world. Knee pain, back aches, neck aches, without any physical damage are resultant from helpless thinking and can be changed. It takes effort, persistence, and a vision to alleviate those ills.
We are born into this world with unlimited power. It’s true. Just seek and find this out for yourself. Our free-will is precious indeed. But to limit our power/ possibility, past generations of humanity have instituted restrictions on free-will. And as a result of being born by Parents who were conditioned their whole lives into the habits of staying within the parameters of that box, fear of the chaos is driven home to the progeny, generation after generation. It is a system of control on exactly where the free-will can extend to and this is morally wrong. We are, as a result, coerced into blindly accepting this box as reality when it is not. This box is a mental construct that imprisons consciousness from expanding into greater beyounds of imagination and possibility. Adherence to, and complicity with human laws that promote this restriction of free-will is an individual choice. There is no “common good” that restricts free-will by way of coercion, threat of violence, or duress. It’s just a matter of fact.
The Imagination of Man and the Possibilities of where that CAN take us as a species is RIGHT NOW being controlled. It is being controlled by the varying degrees upon which restrictions are placed upon us by Government and it really hits home because the jobs we go to work at everyday of the work week are under the command of this giant institution. And WE OURSELVES enable that restriction by complying with those restrictions on an individual basis. How are we ever to understand what is possible if we are mentally driven down the same road where we repeat the same mistakes over and over in a wash, rinse, repeat cycle? People are so worried about things within this construct, this illusory system of control; sick over struggling to survive that they do not literally have the time or energy to seek after that which is genuine, authentic and true – that of which can literally save them from the clutches of tyranny, KNOWLEDGE.
We are not to abdicate our personal responsibility, in this regard, as individuals. If we can sense grips of control that are opposite to what we know is right, it is our duty to not comply. We are born to come to understand the operation of how nature actually operates and the laws that govern the whole also govern the individual component parts. We are to learn by making mistakes INDIVIDUALLY to comprehend this. If we are going to continue to create restrictions, say this is legal or that is legal because we fear chaos erupting, we are essentially stagnating the natural growth of the evolutionary possibility of where consciousness itself can transcend to. Why is this not common knowledge?
abdicate (AB duh kayt”) (verb), abdicates; abdicated; abdicating 1. To renounce formally, which is commonly done by a monarch of a throne; to vacate a throne, to relinquish, to abandon: Edward VIII of England abdicated the throne so he could marry a commoner whom he loved. A king who abdicates, renounces, or swears away his kingly privileges and duties.
This is YOU. You are the KING/ QUEEN. Here in America, the founders instituted the universal law that all human beings are sovereign kings/ queens over their own lives. It is a universal truth and people are just now beginning to discover this truth very deeply. You are only a victim so long as you bury your head in the sand leaving your buttocks exposed to the raping and pillaging it is going to get. And once they are done with your rear-end and have no further use after it’s obliteration, it will be burned to ashes and forgotten. The time is nigh to pull the head out of the proverbially sand and start paying attention to the barbarians tactics, tools, organization, strategies, and implementation.
To refuse to accept an obligation or responsibility: When the author agreed to edit the book, she was abdicating her contract when she suddenly quit without notice.
This is where we have given away, for free, our personal responsibility that we are bound to fulfill with the cosmic intelligence which underlies the evolution of consciousness. Think about that! We have become so consumed with our own little vain individual egos that we have completely forgotten, and overlooked, as a species, that the parts are not greater than the whole. The whole herein described is not the “collective” in some “group” of humanity itself but is the creative will that is the evolution and furtherance of consciousness which beget the human race into manifestation.
To proclaim or declare to be no longer one’s own, to disclaim, disown, cast off; especially, to disown or disinherit children: Gary Brown abdicated his responsibilities as a husband and father and never returned to be with his wife and children.
To no longer accept responsibility for your actions. To identify yourself as a victim. To blame others for as to why you are behaving irresponsibly is still the total abdication of your rightful and true throne of Sovereign.
To give up (a right, trust, office, or dignity); to leave, to lay down, to surrender, to abandon; at first implying voluntary renunciation, but now including the idea of abandonment by default: Governments, both national and local, seem to be abdicating their responsibilities to provide a good education for all of their citizens by greatly reducing the financial expenditures that are needed.
When you do not possess the capacity to ACT responsibly, someone is going to step in and FORCE you. For instance, if you cause harm to other sentient beings as you move through life, that is a selfish act and it is the responsibility of those of us who can see that for what it is, to correct that action. Theft, murder, rape, invasion, violence… all acts of a puny little mind that has not grown up and in some cases, can not grow up. Just because people like this do exist, such as in the case of born psychopaths, does not mean we must all lower our standards to accept this behavior as the norm. It is not the norm, it is pathetic.
To abandon, to surrender, or to give up: Tom abdicated his responsibilities and left town.
You can not escape your duty. You can believe that you will be leaving your responsibilities behind but you will be lying to yourself. We are BOUND to this obligation to the universal will whether anyone sees that clearly or not, you will ALWAYS relive that lesson no matter where you try to run and hide or escape to – because there is no hiding from it. It’s always knocking at your door. It’s called the natural law of attraction.
To leave one’s position, office, or power: Yielding to the pressure of public opinion, the president of the country is abdicating his political authority. The outraged citizens forced the talk-show host to abdicate his radio program.
Now this is where we are calling on those who are currently in positions of so called “authority” to abdicate their “perceived” thrones and get with the program of equality of individuals rather than the common good of the “perceived” group.
Etymology: from Latin ab-, “away” + dicare, “to proclaim”. When people abdicate their positions, they “proclaim away” their authorities.
abdicate (AB duh kit) (adjective), more abdicate, most abdicate A descriptive term for a person who has given up a right, a trust, or an office; either voluntarily or under pressure: The abdicate congressman resigned his position after his party urged him to leave when he finally admitted presenting himself inappropriately on an internet social-networking site.
abdication (ab” duh KAY shuhn) (s) (noun), abdications (pl)
The act or fact of giving up a high office, a throne, or an authority; resignation: The council denied that their decision represented any abdication of responsibility.
The action of formally renouncing, disowning, or casting off. Now only applied to the disowning of a son in Roman Law: In choosing the abdication of his son as his successor, the landlord broke the line of succession of ownership.
Resignation, surrender, abnegation: Following the abdication of Joy Little’s position as judge left her with a sense of relief.
Resignation or abandonment, either formal or virtual, of sovereignty or other high trust: Theabdication of Gerald Room’s position as Chief Executive Officer surprised everyone.
A formal yielding or relinquishment of the ownership of goods by an insurer to the underwriters: The insurance company determined that the abdication of ownership of the ship was the only way to cut their losses when the ship was wrecked. It seemed like a long summer of abdications; first the prince’s abdication of the throne to marry the woman he loved, then we had the CEO’s abdication of his position as head of the company.
Etymology: from Latin abdicationem; from ab-, “away” + dicare, “proclaim”.
abdicator (s) (noun), abdicators (pl)
Someone who gives up a high office, formally or officially; especially, a royal throne: The duke, by giving up his title, was seen by many as an abdicator; but he was happy to retire to the country and since his younger brother also chose to abdicate his position, they were referred to as the ‘Brother Abdicators’.
Anyone who fails to fulfill a duty or responsibility: The manager of the store lost his position because he was accused of being an abdicator of his duties.
abduce (verb), abduces; abduced; abducing
To lead or to draw away by some act or a persuasion: The Pied Piper was able to abduce the children to run away from home. The ditch abduces the flood water off the street. The children were abduced from the proximity of the barking dog by their teacher. By abducing the kitten to move from the ledge of the window with a bowl of milk, the woman saved the kitten’s life.
To draw away or to move away from a median plane: The doctor had to abduce the patient’s right arm from its midplane to the side and back again.
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agape-philo-sophia · 8 days
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Chronic left brain imbalanced living will draw one towards the dominator tendencies and develop into the “Master” consciousness of wanting to control other people’s actions, behavior and the decisions they make with physical aggression as a result of disobedience. The right form of chronic imbalance creates obedient tendencies and develops a “Slave” modality of consciousness where someone can follows orders, have addictive tendencies, and have feelings of unworthiness or self-loathing. One imbalance develops a slave-driver dominator; the other develops a dominated slave. This is how most of the world is currently functioning, or dis-functioning, and experiencing.
• Left-Imbalanced - "Master":
Rigid Skeptic
Moral Relativism
Social Darwinism
• Right-Imbalanced - "Slave":
Blind Belief
Willing Slave
The manner in which the brain functions greatly influences how we behave and what we experience. There are people that understand how we work and they are using that knowledge as a weapon against us because most of us are completely uneducated and ignorant about how methodologies of mind control really work. We have to take care of the ‘Temple in Man’ and understand how we work, operate and function in order to take care of this great gift and not fall into the negative consequences that our ignorance creates.
The left and right cerebral hemispheres are not completely separate because they are connected through the corpus callosum, a bridge in the midbrain allowing information to flow in either direction. An imbalance or predominance of one brain hemisphere over another disharmonizes and disrupts the neocortex in its intended role of being the executive command center of the whole brain complex — the forebrain, midbrain and brainstem.
Someone that mostly spends their time and pays attention to the physical world of events, physical life, and daily occurrences through what they do and the information they receive — what they look at, what they read, what they hear, both in the media and with interactions in the world with others —will spend less time or not care about deeper thought to anything holistic, creative or spiritual and the chronically engaged left brain will come to dominate the neocortical functions of the brain with the right brain diminishing as a result. The reverse occurs with right brain imbalance. More people are imbalanced towards the left side but most people are imbalanced to one side, the other or both.
Chronically living in the right brain modality of thought — nurturing, creativity, imagination, feelings, etc. and always in a spiritual state of mind, not being grounded and considering the physical domain important by always thinking of the world to come, living for basic pleasure and to feel good, not wanting to look at anything that is so-called dark or negative, not wanting to engage in problems, engaging in escapism — will destabilize the whole-brain complex as well with the right brain becoming dominant to disrupt the balanced neocortical executive command functionality.
A left brain imbalance leads to the R-complex dominating over the proper functionality of the limbic emotional brain by not sending certain chemicals that allow us to experience emotions as feelings in the body the same way that a person with a healthy, holistically functioning brain would. The R-complex essentially becomes the executive controller of the whole-brain with the consciousness fundamentally governed and living in the reptile part of the brain (survival, stress, fight or flight). Conversely, chronic right brain predominance has the limbic emotional brain run haywire; instead of dormant it is hyperactive and out-of-control. A person becomes a slave to their feelings and emotions unable to discern truth and believing whatever suits them according to how they want to feel. In extreme cases the emotional dominance leads to someone becoming far too passive and not standing up for themselves, as opposed to the left brain imbalance of someone becoming far too aggressive.
A left-brain imbalance can get someone obsessing over material worldly matters and survival, but a right-brain imbalance can get someone living in a fantasy delusion believing whatever they want.
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agape-philo-sophia · 9 days
➝ The Main Three Paths to Walk — Truth is the Cause and Power is the Effects.
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Truth and Power are basically the two things motivating all actions of all beings, but the way they relate to these two things varies a lot, which determines which path they are on at the moment. Truth is the cause, and Power is the effects.
• Seeking only Power : The Dark Path:
Beings who seek only power without any regards and care for the Truth serve the dark. They only want satisfaction based on lower planes, physical etc, without any care for the higher truths which are the basis for the lower planes. They may seek knowledge, for example occult knowledge, but they have no regards for the real Truth behind the knowledge, they only want to use it for personal power. They may not be part of dark forces officially, but they serve the dark agendas one way or the other.
• Truth in service of Power : The Grey Path:
Many beings realize, in some way or another, that to know the Truth is ultimately the Source of all power. So they seek to know some Truth, but more or less just to give themselves more Power. Here there are many variations and different paths, different nuances of grey, from darker to Lighter, depending on how much the focus is on Truth or Power. Some people may have various amounts of Truth, and they use it for various other purpose : political power, occult or psychic power, fame and recognition, power over others, financial and career, etc It may appear on the surface that they serve Truth and Light, and many of their actions may really serve the Light, but they can serve both dark and Light at different moments, more or less without realizing it themselves.
For example they may care more about personal enlightenment despite of the interests of healing all of creation, not realizing that they are a part of the whole. The underlying reason for this is various fears, traumas, fear of survival, etc, which push people to try and compensate, to save themselves. Deep down it is not really their main concern to know if they serve dark or Light, no matter what they tell others and themselves, what they care most about deep down is their other aims.
• Seeking Truth, Power in service of Truth : The Light Path:
This is the only path which is really towards the Light. All power is readily placed in service of Truth, regardless of various other personal interests. There is a willingness to make tough choices which may not serve personal interests at least in the short term, if it will benefit the advancement of Truth. Truth in the end is what will serve all the most, because the highest Truth is Oneness, Love and Peace, so that is what is served, the Love and Peace for all beings as One, as much as possible.
This doesn’t mean to reject Power, on the contrary, the more Truth there is, the more Power will be available, because Power is only an effect of Truth. But all greater Powers will be placed in service of the Truth which created them.
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agape-philo-sophia · 10 days
➝ Sovereignty And Responsibility. 🔑
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Sovereignty is all about expanding freedom. Freedom is the expansion of consciousness. Consciousness will, when people destroy the restrictions/limitations/ errors they invest their “belief” into, expand to ever greater heights of realization/ actualization. Currently, however, there exists no place on Earth for the free exercise of sovereignty to be expressed where it will not be confronted by dominators/ controllers/ elitists/ statists/ archons who believe in authority outside the Self being legitimate.
Right now, our consciousness, on a level concerning the group aggregate (collective consciousness) is locked in a very low vibrational frequency. Collectively, humanity is buying into the deception that authority is actually legitimate through the fear of violence, coercion, and threat. Since birth, humanity have been spoon-fed the deception that “some men” are greater than and more suitable to rule the collective, according to natural selection and good breeding. Ultimately, this boils down to the idea that man thinks he is God; the “Pontifex Maximus” God-King.
Sovereignty means serving no masters and taking no slaves. All were given the “gift of life” to make up their own minds without being coerced or forced. No one can take your sovereignty unless you give it away and allow anyone to make decisions for you or your children.
Until human beings return to their own individual sovereignty, there will be one dictator, totalitarian puppet after another who will continue to claim “sovereignty” over other free beings and we will continue to have the most egregious, outrageous, inhumane, and insane “policies” that the complicit media will keep saying is the “new normal”.
Reclaim the gift of life, reclaim your sovereignty, take responsibility for every decision that makes up your life, and NEVER allow anyone to force you or anyone else to do one thing you know to be wrong or against your will.
I have never given up my individual sovereignty because I know that my soul is responsible for the decisions I make, and I will NEVER participate in plots, schemes, “pandemonics”, or anything else that harms my fellow human beings.
To be sovereign over one’s self is to be free of the control or coercion of others. To truly have the freedom to direct one’s own life requires an accurate assessment of conditions which affords the right to apply informed consent to our individual decision making. We extend that belief to include freedom of self-determination in the direction of one’s consciousness which connects with the Soul, Spirit and the higher Avatar intelligence, the spiritual bodies which form into the powerful forces of protection that form the Spiritual Immune System. Self-Sovereignty is inherently a human right given through God Source and the Universal Laws, expressed through the Law of One which describe these laws that direct the complex quantum mechanics governing the movement of consciousness throughout time and space.
Our ability to respond is enhanced by becoming more of a sovereign being. A sovereign, self-governed, self-ruled and self-controlled person takes personal responsibility over their thoughts, emotions and actions which are the only things we have a right to control. Creating institutions of power and control to govern our lives and do things for us is abdication of personal responsibility. Taking personal responsibility for our thoughts, emotions and actions is the basis for discovering and understanding Natural Law. We have to be honest with ourselves to face what we are currently choosing to be through the three manifestations of consciousness.
To practice Sovereignty, one has to be active in:
��� Practicing the Law of Non-Contradiction, ● Studying occult knowledge and corresponding it to the Self and the world around oneself, ● Questioning authority figures, ● Treating others how you want to be treated, ● Causing no harm to sentient beings, ● and Actively Utilizing gained insights to manifest more freedom in the world around you.
we have a serious problem where people do not understand, nor do they respect the sanctity of the property rights of others. The masses are under a great delusion of entitlement. And the elitists are “drunk” on their “illusion” of authority to promote/ prolong and feed that entitlement.
Clearly creating a mass division/ crack right in the center of a society desperate to survive. Belief in entitlement becomes a vacuum that drains energy away from charity/ compassion and love because entitlement is based on the scarcity of mind, resources, and the capacity to “do”. The reasoning is that by being born in this Country, one is “automatically” registered as property of the State, at which the currency of the nation is backed by the future value you contribute to society through the taxation of your labor.
Being property of the State, in this context, you have no inalienable, inherent Rights… you have privilege.
Sovereigns recognize that taxation is theft as it is robbed from people by threat of violence, coercion, & intimidation. We come to understand that it is paying for the dissemination of ignorance, apathy, and the mind control of insecurity, abdication, and weakness. These very forms of mind control is exactly what Sovereigns are actively working to destroy.
It is a known moral virtue not to steal from others, yet it is justifiable because Government gave themselves the Right to subvert the law of Laws. Government claims this supposed “Right” by the “consent” of the people, another questionable basis founded on moral relativism.
Theft is never “justifiable” and is a complete contradiction for government to steal from billions using tactics of fear: Fines, violence or imprisonment. This contradictory behavior is but one of the many evil fruits we consume that infect our reasoning with viruses that dampen our evolution.
Cognitive dissonance, Mental schisms and emotional mind control are the enemy of Sovereign Men and Women everywhere!
Sovereigns have a major burden on their backs. Being Sovereign involves “work”, however it is the “great work” as described by the medieval alchemists and “the great commission” as laid out by Christ.
With knowledge comes responsibility to understand and with understanding comes responsibility to act in accord with that knowledge.
It becomes the sovereign’s responsibility to remove the contradictions within himself, thereby removing contradictions from his environment as a result. When a sovereign undertakes this work, society bites back and will not stop at dragging a Sovereign through the mud.
They must filthy up the cleanliness of a Sovereign to drag them back down to the societal “norm” level. This cannot be done, however, because once a person has undertaken the study of uncovering the truth of how things actually have been and are operating today, it is a complete abandonment of all the growth a sovereign has endured. Sovereigns will not “tolerate” evil just to get along, will not go along to get along, and will not abandon a real diamond fora cheap imitation.
Any collaboration with evil is, to a sovereign, the support of giving credence to the foundation upon which evil rests. Evil is not going to be banished following that line of reasoning. This is why sovereigns stand their ground and why they are the hot topic inside police stations.
Once a sovereign has destroyed their beliefs in illusory concepts and completely shed themselves of the poisonous conformity which tied them down, the only place to go from that point is up.
Aligning oneself with correct knowledge/ true principles/ truth seeking acts as food for the spirit which nourishes it to grow larger.
When this happens it is akin to a lion that has gotten too big for its cage, you must mature, grow, and move forward. The system/ status quo is no longer a suitable habitation and dwelling for the Self and separation from it is not only desirable and necessary but also imminent and consequential.
Very powerful, financially set people have a “vested interest” in keeping consciousness in a prison/a box/ caged up because they profit from that paradigm; A paradigm of overtly polarized fear. The only concern of those in control today is handing over to their children tomorrow a more efficiently milkable society that goes along with little to no resistance. The Party line being; “Resistance is Futile; Accept, Trust, Follow Orders”.
Man erroneously thinks himself not bound by nature and capable of behaving contradictory to nature’s laws and not pay a penalty, paying no mind to the Law of cause and effect. Those, who call themselves elite, are locked down in this low vibrational consciousness themselves as a result of this law. Reaping what you sow and it continues in a cyclic nature until the Force of Will intervenes to stop it; which is where sovereignty is playing the greatest role right now. In short, the elitists are high on their own stash and are propagating the sale of this drug to support their own habits.
In nature, there exists zero contradictions. We live in a non-contradictory Universe. It is non-contradictory, that is, until we begin to analyze the mind of man. Using the principles of sound logic, we begin to understand that the very “chaos” that man himself fears, is where all the chaos literally begins. Chaos exists nowhere outside of the little bubble mankind has created for himself. In this bubble, man invents ideas and uses persuasive speech to sell it to the other people. The proper term and definition to describe this is called sorcery. Sorcery is the manipulation of others to get what you desire to fulfill the superficial wants of your ego and subside the fears of your insecurities.
So, within this bubble, the concept of authority is considered “sound”/ “legitimate” yet it is not sound in nature. Only, giving the appearance of sound.
A Sophist can persuade a deception so cleverly to cause the people to buy their rhetoric, sound or not, because they are performers.
The quality of the information is not of the utmost importance, only the “prestige” that follows the delivery of their information. Sophisticated and sophomore derive from the root Sophism… get the hint? The sophists were rhetoricians/ wordsmiths who prized perfect speech delivery/articulation over truth. They cast “spells” of delusion over their unsuspecting audience. The advertising industry today uses this same exact science of Sophism to “sell” you on “ideas” you do not need nor would you want in your “sanity”…
“Ideas” that are antithesis to the progression of life, freedom, prosperity, justice, and righteousness, etc… If they could persuade someone to buy their premise, whether the information was pure or poison did not matter, the only thing that mattered was the articulation of rhetoric as a method.
● Sophism – A clever & plausible fallacious argument; fallacy or sophistry. Professional philosophers who were expert in and taught the skills of rhetoric, argument, and debate. (adj.) of or characteristic of sophists or sophistry; clever & plausible, but unsound and tending to mislead. ● Fallacy – Synonymous with sophistry. ● Prestige – Illusion/ trick/ conjuring; The Transference of meaning occurred by way of the sense “dazzling influence, glamour” at first depreciatory.
If the masses were actually educated about the methods of etymology, logic, and rhetoric in a constructive way, the masses would see right through all the misdirection, poisonous information, unsound arguments being proposed and it would propel them to being a questioning people. But currently that’s not the way it is. Currently, mankind has been gradually, over a long distance of time, conditioned to become passive, accepting, tolerant, and critical only toward their long held beliefs. Being that the people are encapsulated within this bubble of limitation, it becomes apparent from the outside that the war against mind control can only be fought on an individual level. Individually, we must inquire within, come to terms that we have been deceived, move to correct that error, and stop behaving in opposition to what is good and true. We should all know what is good and true.
Anything that facilitates the ushering in of more freedom, prosperity, and peace without restricting freedom, prosperity, and peace. Because evil comes to us packaged in bright & beautiful wrappings, we must cultivate awareness, discernment, & the faculties of reason to be able to see from all perspectives rather than the limited view we currently cling to.
Society, as a whole, has been deliberately dumbed down by those who wish to mold mankind into a more easily “standardized” mass group who will go along to get along and never question why it is the way it is. For those who peer deep into the truth of actual historically documented events and see clearly the “occultation” of knowledge being used a THE power differential… it is our responsibility to act on that knowledge. Chinese philosopher Yung Ming said, “To know and not to do is actually equivalent to “not knowing after-all”.
Government attempts to intimidate us to just accept the contradiction because it is our duty, and they are succeeding at it. Why should they stop? They have a 100% accuracy rating in moving forward with their agenda of control. You name it, we “need” the Government: safety from terror, protection from psychopaths, liability against invasion… the very acts the Government itself imposes. If your playbook guaranteed you a win 100% of the time, why would you change it? “What’s in it for you to change it?” the Sorcerer asks himself this question and reasons that if you’re that stupid to fall for his tricks then you deserve to be fooled. And he is correct IF we shrug it off and go along to get along.
We have no duty to defend deceptions like this. We do, however, have a duty to unveil the truth and stake our rightful and true place in the world. And that is what Sovereigns are doing.
Self-governance, autonomy, personal growth has increasingly been steered away from and manipulated against. It was happening then, when the people were not as directly mind-controlled as they are today. Back then the people had more integrity, were closer to nature, had a more spiritual enlightenment and were courageous and active. That, in and of itself, should give you a reference point of just how much strength we have to develop among ourselves to defend against tyranny in our age.
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agape-philo-sophia · 11 days
➝ Universal Cosmic Natural Moral Law — The Golden Rule. 🔑
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Natural Law is Hermetically sealed. Nothing can touch it. It is always going to be in operation and will not change, sealed forever. There are consequences to our actions. If we choose to align ourselves with dogma, false beliefs, lies and deception we will create suffering. If we choose to recognize truth and unite with it by embodying principles of Universal Cosmic Natural Moral Law we will create freedom, peace and order in our lives. Doing what is false, wrong or bad creates more falsity, wrongness and badness. Doing what is right, good and true creates more of the same. We can choose to align with the forces of creation in reality as it is, the truth, or align with the fantasy illusions of man-as-god dictums of believing whatever we want.
We are part of Nature, and every physical Law in effect – gravity, electromagnetism, thermodynamics, etc – governs the 3D world. No one can change them, and they apply at all times, all places, eternally. However, those aren't the only Laws at work. There are occult (hidden or unseen) Laws in effect, as well, which govern human beings (or any other intelligent being in the universe). Those hidden Spiritual Laws are what we're calling Natural Law.
"True liberty is an essential property of objective truth and morality. Therefore there can be no true liberty in a civilization that enshrines moral relativity."
Natural Law, in simple terms, can mean "whatever you do comes back to you," or "you shall reap what you sow." It has been known as many different things in history such as Universal Law, Cosmic Law, Karmic Law, God's Law, Consequentialism, the Law of Cause And Effect, and The Golden Rule.
The word ‘Natural’ is derived from the Egyptian word ‘Neter (Ntr)’ which translates to ‘Spirit/ God’ and the suffix ‘-al,’ which, just as in English, means: ‘Related to / Of / Having come from.’ Therefore, it can be readily seen that the word ‘Natural’ (Neter + -al) means ‘Related to- or, having come from Spirit / God.’
"A free people claim their Rights as derived from the Laws of Nature, and not as the gift of their magistrates." – Thomas Jefferson
How we think (based on the information we've either taken in or ignored) and feel (about what we know or believe we know) determines how we act in the world. Therefore, as a species, we manifest the reality around us. Just look at the world today. Is the majority of humanity living in harmony with Natural Law? Are we a moral species experiencing the condition of Freedom? I'd say not.
Natural Law – again, whether you want to accept it or not accept it – is real. It cannot be proven just by reading about it, though. It has to be observed. It is a Science. The Laws of Morality are discoverable and knowable. We are able to discover their operation through observation and study, and we are able to understand how they work over periods of time. It requires taking a long view of human history to understand the consequential results that we receive as a species. If we don't figure that out, history will repeat once again; and the consequences will get worse and worse.
Natural Law does not apply to the animal kingdom. It applies to human beings because we have a higher complexity of thought and logic and are able to reason out which behaviors are moral or immoral (and WHY they're moral or immoral). Again, human beings have the capacity for holistic intelligence. That means there's no excuse for our ignorance and wrong behavior. We are not constrained by instinct. We are free to choose any behavior which can go in any direction. But we are NOT free to escape the consequences of the behaviors that we choose to take in this reality. That is governed by Law. There is nothing we can do that can take these Laws out of effect.
As we continue to ignore and violate Natural Law, we will continue to experience negative consequences. Those consequences must be experienced. Because of our aggregate immoral behavior in the world today, we ARE manifesting and experiencing those consequences.
Natural Law: Universal spiritual laws which govern the consequences of behaviour for intelligent species; meaning, beings that are capable of coming to an understanding of their own existence, and their consciousness. And also capable of understanding the objective difference between harmful and non-harmful behaviour towards themselves and other beings. This does not include the animal kingdom. For the very same reason you wouldn’t attempt to teach mathematics to your cat or dog, this same goes for animals understanding natural law. This is because we don’t share the same level of consciousness. There are differences in levels of consciousness, and a being’s abilities to comprehend information. Not every being has the ability to come to an understanding of how something like natural law works. Therefore, we are held to different standards when it comes to us understanding natural law.
Sadly, within the human population such knowledge also isn’t commonly known, because it has been deliberately hidden in order to create and maintain a power differential between those who know that information, and those who are ignorant of it. The knowledge of natural law and the way it operates constitute some of the most deeply occulted information on Earth, which the powers that be seek to keep hidden from the people, because the understanding of this information would level the playing field and put an end to the currently operating systems of control.
“The Liberty of man consists solely in this, that he obeys the Laws of Nature, because he has himself recognized them as such, and not because they have been imposed upon him externally by any foreign will whatsoever.” – Mikhail Bakunin
Natural Law or Law of Nature does not mean the “Law of the Jungle” of our environmental condition. Natural Law is not the imitation of the functionality of plants or animals in nature. Each species has its own Nature to follow, not to imitate the Nature and evolutionary development of other species (more on this truth later). Neither is Natural Law the “natural law” from early 15c or natural order as ‘apparent order in nature’, from 1690s. Natural Law is based in principles of truth about the reality we live in. Principles are first and foremost, at the root, the most necessary and important, a foundation to build upon. The word “principle” expresses Natural Moral Law in the very way we use the word itself, such as “in principle” and “on principle”. Natural Law is an essential property of existence; it is born into being and is forever there in our reality without human causality. Our goal is to put these principle first-things first in our lives, to recognize and align with them because they are based in truth, not belief. Man’s society is not putting original, generative, beginning, foundational principles first, but trivialities, lies, and deception. Therefore, Natural Law is not man’s law.
“Every Cause has its Effect; every Effect has its cause; everything happens according to Law; Chance is but a name for Law not recognized; there are many planes of causation, but nothing escapes the Law.” – The Kybalion
Understanding Natural Law means truly having Conscience. Conscience is the definitive knowledge of the objective difference between morally right behavior and morally wrong behavior. The word 'conscience' comes from the Latin con meaning "together" and scio, sciere meaning "to know." Therefore, when combined, it means "to know together." In other words, common sense.
Acting in accordance with Natural Law means exercising Conscience, or willfully choosing morally right behavior over morally wrong behavior once the difference is clearly understood. It is to do what is Right because it is Right... unwaveringly.
When human beings live in accordance with Natural Law (and are therefore Moral Beings) they become and remain Free, and their society exists in a state of Order. When human beings live in opposition to Natural Law (and are therefore Immoral Beings) they become and remain Enslaved, and their society exists in a state of Chaos. This is where we're at today.
When you understand Natural Law, you also understand your Sovereignty and that there is absolutely no moral legitimacy to "authority" and "government," that these are only euphemisms for slavery. A Sovereign Being is the ruler of the Kingdom of Self, no external control or governance. No one has the "right" to rule others or to impose their will onto others.
If a society is Moral, in the aggregate, then the consequences of that manifest as Peace, Freedom and Order. If a society is Immoral, in the aggregate, then the consequences of that manifest as Suffering, Slavery and Chaos. And when the majority of a society is not in harmony with Natural Law, those consequences manifest for ALL of humanity, not just the majority. Therefore, the immoral behavior of the majority is a perpetual act of violence against everyone else.
Natural Law brings us the consequences of our aggregate behavior over an extended period of time. It is not instant. There is no"instant karma." It's accumulative, over time. All of the things we do as individuals build up. When the majority of people are behaving immorally in some way (causing any amount of harm to other beings or their property such as their life, rights, body, etc), Natural Law responds accordingly as those behaviors continue. It's a build-up of consequence; and those consequences come down upon ALL of us. This is where the Law of One comes in. If one is suffering, ALL are suffering. If the majority of society is immoral, ALL of society suffers.
To Know Freedom is to Know Nature. Living in Harmony with Nature leads to Peace, Prosperity, Knowledge, Truth, Action, and Freedom. Nature Reflects the Order of the Universe. Living in Opposition to Nature leads to War, Control, Ignorance, Fear, Stagnation, and Enslavement.
In this world, most follow man-made laws. These are subjective and totally irrelevant to Natural Law. Any Karma is received whether one decides they are legitimate or not. One is not the Source of Creation, but a being within Creation and therefore is subject to Natural Law. The majority cannot decide what right and wrong is. That really is an absurd and a very damaging way of thinking.
This is why other people's ignorance of Natural Law is our responsibility. People are so conditioned to the notion of short-term consequence. We have to observe things holistically, looking at the big picture. If someone's ignorance of Natural Law is resulting in harmful behavior, they have no right to that ignorance. Being ignorant of how to bake a cake is one thing, but ignorance of Truth itself carries immense blame. So when you know the Truth, that places you in a position of moral obligation. Just as that person has no right to be ignorant, you have no right to hoard your knowledge. We're all in this together. We're all co-creating the reality we share together. If the majority of people are creating chaos, that chaos affects everyone. If the majority of people are condoning slavery, everyone becomes enslaved.
"The True God neither rewards nor punishes, for He has established the Law whereby each man decrees his own fate. The future destiny and circumstances of the soul are shaped in the earthly body. When, in the hour of its release, the soul takes flight, freed from its earthly container of flesh, it assumes the form moulded by its desires. In that awesome day of reckoning the wicked shall be revealed in hideous shapelessness, but the upright shall step forward in splendour... Therefore, give due respect to the Law of God, walk in His ways and bow to His decrees. You are placed on earth that His purpose may be fulfilled. Therefore, fight not against His Will, nor rebel against his Laws, lest you bring about your own destruction. God will not destroy the transgressor of His Law, for he will destroy himself. Each man ultimately decrees his own fate and receives his reward or punishment according to the Law." – The Kolbrin Bible, 'The Nature Of The True God' - 2:20-2:21
Again, creating a truly free world cannot be done by turning the blame around to all the external factors of control and influence and trying to change things on that level (the Plane of Effects). What has already happened cannot be changed. There's nothing new we need to be doing nor any new systems we need to create. We have to be looking within (the Plane of Causality), doing the inner work, so that we can raise our consciousness and align our perceptions with Truth rather than clinging to erroneous beliefs. We have to align our behavior with Natural Law and have True Care for all humanity. We need Courage, Persistence, and Willpower to do what's Right, to say NO. Only then can we begin to manifest True Freedom. As we change within we, in turn, change without.
Natural Law is the secret of secrets of all ancient and esoteric traditions. This is what the dark occultists don't want you to know so they can rule in its place as gods. It is what the Justice card of the Tarot represents: Natural Law on its throne, with the Scales of Justice in one hand and the Sword of Truth in the other. The Law Is King.
"We live in this world, governed by the laws of nature. Under these laws we must live and work, and we are powerless to change them. If we know them and intelligently cooperate with them, these nature-forces become most valuable servants... If, on the other hand, we do not understand them and in our ignorance work contrary to them, they become most dangerous enemies, capable of terrible destruction. Therefore, the more we know of the working methods of nature, which latter is but the visible symbol of the invisible God, the better able we shall be to take advantage of the opportunities for growth and power; for emancipation from bondage and for elevation to mastery." – Max Heindell, Rosicrucian Cosmo-Conception
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agape-philo-sophia · 12 days
➝ The Big Lie.
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Lies and Deception are the enemy of the Truth. They are put forward into the minds and hearts of the people of Earth by those who rage against what is. They are spoken, propagated and acted upon by those with a vested interest in keeping the understanding of the Truth from reaching the Consciousness of each individual.
Lies and deception are insidious, for once they have been believed and accepted by well-meaning individuals, these individuals, in their ignorance, become agents for the spread of these falsehoods. This is how lies and propaganda are spread from generation to generation. A parent is indoctrinated into the lie, and then the parent indoctrinates their children, who in turn indoctrinate their children, and so on, down through the generations.
Speaking about the most effective way to propagate the spread of lies and disinformation to as many people as possible, Adolf Hitler, the Führer of the Nazi Third Reich, stated that one should "make the lie big, make it simple, keep saying it, and eventually they will believe it." This statement clearly shows that the real goal of those who are bent on the attainment of totalitarian power is to actually control the minds and belief systems of those upon whom they impose their rule.
If there is anyone who ever live who knew ever more about how to spread lies and propaganda than Adolf Hitler, it would be Paul Joseph Goebbels, the Minister of Propaganda of the Nazi Party during the Third Reich. Goebbels ordered countless book burnings while he was in power in an attempt to crush even the discovery of any dissenting ideas. Almost every form of communication possible in Germany during the Nazi regime came under the direct control of this mentally ill being. Goebbels made a profound statement regarding lying, an activity at which he quite obviously excelled. He claimed that "the bigger the lie, the more it will be believed."
This statement touches upon a very important factor to consider that Geobbels well understood. Most people are very prone to a condition that is the equivalent to a state of deep psychological denial. No matter how insane or destructive a lie that they have accepted may be, if the lie is deeply enough embedded within a belief system, people will be loathe to challenge it, for doing so would require them to step out of a rigidly-defined comfort zone and begin to challenge their belief systems themselves. Sadly, relatively few people ever venture outside of this comfort zone and make these challenges to established beliefs in the name of the discovery of Truth.
One could spread a lifetime listing and analyzing all the lies that have been disseminated by systems of institutionalized thought throughout the world. But there is one lie that is bigger and more insidious than all other lies that have ever been told. This is the lie that contends that there is no Truth, or that even if there is, that it could never become known or comprehended by human beings. This is The Biggest Lie that has ever been spoken, written, bought or sold by anyone. If one believes this lie, one's spiritual journey comes to a halt before it has a chance to begin. Many, many people throughout our world are stuck at this point in their evolutionary development because they have bought this poisonous lie, hook, line and sinker.
The Truth is knowable. You can know it. It it weren't, nothing would have ever existed, for the realization of Truth is the very purpose of existence itself. This is not a belief. This is simply what is. Truth can never be destroyed. The Biggest Lie, while it may be capable of dissuading some people from embarking upon a discovery of the Truth, can never, and will never, destroy the Truth itself.
When we begin to challenge our own established belief systems, the discovery of Truth emerges into our own lives and we begin to experience its power. Overcoming of The Biggest Lie is the only stage in this process for which faith is required . One must first have faith in the fact that we are capable of discovering the Truth. From that point forward, faith and belief become no longer necessary, only the Will to go forward and discover the Truth of that which is.
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agape-philo-sophia · 13 days
➝ Propaganda Army and Techniques — Psychological Operations.
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"Propaganda Techniques" is based upon "Appendix I: PSYOP Techniques" from "Psychological Operations Field Manual No.33-1" published by Headquarters; Department of the Army, in Washington DC, on 31 August 1979.
Knowledge of propaganda techniques is necessary to improve one's own propaganda and to uncover enemy PSYOP stratagems. Techniques, however, are not substitutes for the procedures in PSYOP planning, development, or dissemination.
Techniques may be categorized as:
Characteristics of the content self-evident. No additional information is required to recognize the characteristics of this type of propaganda. "Name calling" and the use of slogans are techniques of this nature.
Additional information required to be recognized. Additional information is required by the target or analyst for the use of this technique to be recognized. "Lying" is an example of this technique. The audience or analyst must have additional information in order to know whether a lie is being told.
Evident only after extended output. "Change of pace" is an example of this technique. Neither the audience nor the analyst can know that a change of pace has taken place until various amounts of propaganda have been brought into focus.
Nature of the arguments used. An argument is a reason, or a series of reasons, offered as to why the audience should behave, believe, or think in a certain manner. An argument is expressed or implied.
Inferred intent of the originator. This technique refers to the effect the propagandist wishes to achieve on the target audience. "Divisive" and "unifying" propaganda fall within this technique. It might also be classified on the basis of the effect it has on an audience.
Appeal to Authority. Appeals to authority cite prominent figures to support a position idea, argument, or course of action.
Assertion. Assertions are positive statements presented as fact. They imply that what is stated is self-evident and needs no further proof. Assertions may or may not be true.
Bandwagon and Inevitable Victory. Bandwagon-and-inevitable-victory appeals attempt to persuade the target audience to take a course of action "everyone else is taking." "Join the crowd." This technique reinforces people's natural desire to be on the winning side. This technique is used to convince the audience that a program is an expression of an irresistible mass movement and that it is in their interest to join. "Inevitable victory" invites those not already on the bandwagon to join those already on the road to certain victory. Those already, or partially, on the bandwagon are reassured that staying aboard is the best course of action.
Obtain Disapproval. This technique is used to get the audience to disapprove an action or idea by suggesting the idea is popular with groups hated, feared, or held in contempt by the target audience. Thus, if a group which supports a policy is led to believe that undesirable, subversive, or contemptible people also support it, the members of the group might decide to change their position.
Glittering Generalities. Glittering generalities are intensely emotionally appealing words so closely associated with highly valued concepts and beliefs that they carry conviction without supporting information or reason. They appeal to such emotions as love of country, home; desire for peace, freedom, glory, honor, etc. They ask for approval without examination of the reason. Though the words and phrases are vague and suggest different things to different people, their connotation is always favorable: "The concepts and programs of the propagandist are always good, desirable, virtuous." Generalities may gain or lose effectiveness with changes in conditions. They must, therefore, be responsive to current conditions. Phrases which called up pleasant associations at one time may evoke unpleasant or unfavorable connotations at another, particularly if their frame of reference has been altered.
Vagueness. Generalities are deliberately vague so that the audience may supply its own interpretations. The intention is to move the audience by use of undefined phrases, without analyzing their validity or attempting to determine their reasonableness or application.
Rationalization. Individuals or groups may use favorable generalities to rationalize questionable acts or beliefs. Vague and pleasant phrases are often used to justify such actions or beliefs.
Simplification. Favorable generalities are used to provide simple answers to complex social, political, economic, or military problems.
Transfer. This is a technique of projecting positive or negative qualities (praise or blame) of a person, entity, object, or value (an individual, group, organization, nation, patriotism, etc.) to another in order to make the second more acceptable or to discredit it. This technique is generally used to transfer blame from one member of a conflict to another. It evokes an emotional response which stimulates the target to identify with recognized authorities.
Least of Evils. This is a technique of acknowledging that the course of action being taken is perhaps undesirable but that any alternative would result in an outcome far worse. This technique is generally used to explain the need for sacrifices or to justify the seemingly harsh actions that displease the target audience or restrict personal liberties. Projecting blame on the enemy for the unpleasant or restrictive conditions is usually coupled with this technique.
Name Calling or Substitutions of Names or Moral Labels. This technique attempts to arouse prejudices in an audience by labeling the object of the propaganda campaign as something the target audience fears, hates, loathes, or finds undesirable.
Types of name calling:
Direct name calling is used when the audience is sympathetic or neutral. It is a simple, straightforward attack on an opponent or opposing idea.
Indirect name calling is used when direct name calling would antagonize the audience. It is a label for the degree of attack between direct name calling and insinuation. Sarcasm and ridicule are employed with this technique.
Cartoons, illustrations, and photographs are used in name calling, often with deadly effect.
Dangers inherent in name calling: In its extreme form, name calling may indicate that the propagandist has lost his sense of proportion or is unable to conduct a positive campaign. Before using this technique, the propagandist must weigh the benefits against the possible harmful results. lt is best to avoid use of this device.The obstacles are formidable, based primarily on the human tendency to close ranks against a stranger. For example, a group may despise, dislike, or even hate one of its leaders, even openly criticize him, but may (and probably will) resent any nongroup member who criticizes and makes disparaging remarks against that leader.
Pinpointing the Enemy: This is a form of simplification in which a complex situation is reduced to the point where the "enemy" is unequivocally identified. For example, the president of country X is forced to declare a state of emergency in order to protect the peaceful people of his country from the brutal, unprovoked aggression by the leaders of country Y.
Plain Folks or Common Man: The "plain folks" or "common man" approach attempts to convince the audience that the propagandist's positions reflect the common sense of the people. It is designed to win the confidence of the audience by communicating in the common manner and style of the audience. Propagandists use ordinary language and mannerisms (and clothes in face-to-face and audiovisual communications) in attempting to identify their point of view with that of the average person. With the plain folks device, the propagandist can win the confidence of persons who resent or distrust foreign sounding, intellectual speech, words, or mannerisms.
The audience can be persuaded to identify its interests with those of the propagandist:
Presenting soldiers as plain folks. The propagandist wants to make the enemy feel he is fighting against soldiers who are "decent, everyday folks" much like himself; this helps to counter themes that paint the opponent as a "bloodthirsty" killer.
Presenting civilians as plain folks. The "plain folks" or "common man" device also can help to convince the enemy that the opposing nation is not composed of arrogant, immoral, deceitful, aggressive, warmongering people, but of people like himself, wishing to live at peace.
Humanizing leaders. This technique paints a more human portrait of US and friendly military and civilian leaders. It humanizes them so that the audience looks upon them as similar human beings or, preferably, as kind, wise, fatherly figures.
Categories of Plain Folk Devices:
Vernacular. This is the contemporary language of a specific region or people as it is commonly spoken or written and includes songs, idioms, and jokes. The current vernacular of the specific target audience must be used.
Dialect. Dialect is a variation in pronunciation, grammar, and vocabulary from the norm of a region or nation. When used by the propagandist, perfection is required. This technique is best left to those to whom the dialect is native, because native level speakers are generally the best users of dialects in propaganda appeals.
Errors. Scholastic pronunciation, enunciation, and delivery give the impression of being artificial. To give the impression of spontaneity, deliberately hesitate between phrases, stammer, or mispronounce words. When not overdone, the effect is one of deep sincerity. Errors in written material may be made only when they are commonly made by members of the reading audience. Generally, errors should be restricted to colloquialisms.
Homey words. Homey words are forms of "virtue words" used in the everyday life of the average man. These words are familiar ones, such as "home," "family," "children," "farm," "neighbors," or cultural equivalents. They evoke a favorable emotional response and help transfer the sympathies of the audience to the propagandist. Homey words are widely used to evoke nostalgia. Care must be taken to assure that homey messages addressed to enemy troops do not also have the same effect on US/friendly forces.
If the propaganda or the propagandist lacks naturalness, there may be an adverse backlash. The audience may resent what it considers attempts to mock it, its language, and its ways.
Social Disapproval. This is a technique by which the propagandist marshals group acceptance and suggests that attitudes or actions contrary to the one outlined will result in social rejection, disapproval, or outright ostracism. The latter, ostracism, is a control practice widely used within peer groups and traditional societies.
Virtue Words. These are words in the value system of the target audience which tend to produce a positive image when attached to a person or issue. Peace, happiness, security, wise leadership, freedom, etc., are virtue words.
Slogans. A slogan is a brief striking phrase that may include labeling and stereotyping. If ideas can be sloganized, they should be, as good slogans are self-perpetuating.
Testimonials. Testimonials are quotations, in or out of context, especially cited to support or reject a given policy, action, program, or personality. The reputation or the role (expert, respected public figure, etc.) of the individual giving the statement is exploited. The testimonial places the official sanction of a respected person or authority on a propaganda message. This is done in an effort to cause the target audience to identify itself with the authority or to accept the authority's opinions and beliefs as its own. Several types of testimonials are:
Official Sanction. The testimonial authority must have given the endorsement or be clearly on record as having approved the attributed idea, concept, action, or belief.
Four factors are involved:
Accomplishment. People have confidence in an authority who has demonstrated outstanding ability and proficiency in his field.This accomplishment should be related to the subject of the testimonial.
Identification with the target. People have greater confidence in an authority with whom they have a common bond. For example, the soldier more readily trusts an officer with whom he has undergone similar arduous experiences than a civilian authority on military subjects.
Position of authority. The official position of authority may instill confidence in the testimony; i.e., head of state, division commander, etc.
Inanimate objects. Inanimate objects may be used in the testimonial device. In such cases, the propagandist seeks to transfer physical attributes of an inanimate object to the message. The Rock of Gibraltar, for example, is a type of inanimate object associated with steadfast strength.
Personal Sources of Testimonial Authority:
Enemy leaders. The enemy target audience will generally place great value on its high level military leaders as a source of information.
Fellow soldiers. Because of their common experiences, soldiers form a bond of comradeship. As a result, those in the armed forces are inclined to pay close attention to what other soldiers have to say.
Opposing leaders. Testimonials of leaders of the opposing nation are of particular value in messages that outline war aims and objectives for administering the enemy nation after it capitulates.
Famous scholars, writers, and other personalities. Frequently, statements of civilians known to the target as authoritative or famous scholars, writers, scientists, commentators, etc., can be effectively used in propaganda messages.
Nonpersonal Sources of Testimonial Authority:
"Institutions, ideologies, national flags, religious, and other nonpersonal sources are often used. The creeds, beliefs, principles, or dogmas of respected authorities or other public figures may make effective propaganda testimonials."
Factors To Be Considered:
"Plausibility. The testimonial must be plausible to the target audience. The esteem in which an authority is held by the target audience will not always transfer an implausible testimonial into effective propaganda.
False testimonials. Never use false testimonials. Highly selective testimonials? Yes. Lies (fabrications)? Never. Fabricated (false) testimonials are extremely vulnerable because their lack of authenticity makes them easy to challenge and discredit."
Incredible truths. There are times when the unbelievable (incredible) truth not only can but should be used.
Among these occasions are:
When the psychological operator is certain that a vitally important event will take place.
A catastrophic event, or one of significant tactical or strategic importance, unfavorable to the enemy has occurred and the news has been hidden from the enemy public or troops.
The enemy government has denied or glossed over an event detrimental to its cause.
A double-cutting edge. This technique has a double-cutting edge: It increases the credibility of the US/friendly psychological operator while decreasing the credibility of the enemy to the enemy's target audience. Advanced security clearance must be obtained before using this technique so that operations or projects will not be jeopardized or compromised. Actually, propagandists using this technique will normally require access to special compartmented information and facilities to avoid compromise of other sensitive operations or projects of agencies of the US Government. Though such news will be incredible to the enemy public, it should be given full play by the psychological operator. This event and its significance will eventually become known to the enemy public in spite of government efforts to hide it. The public will recall (the psychological operator will "help" the recall process) that the incredible news was received from US/allied sources. They will also recall the deception of their government. The prime requirement in using this technique is that the disseminated incredible truth must be or be certain to become a reality.
Insinuation. Insinuation is used to create or stir up the suspicions of the target audience against ideas, groups, or individuals in order to divide an enemy. The propagandist hints, suggests, and implies, allowing the audience to draw its own conclusions. Latent suspicions and cleavages within the enemy camp are exploited in an attempt to structure them into active expressions of disunity which weaken the enemy's war effort. Exploitable vulnerabilities. Potential cleavages which may be exploited include the following:
Political differences between the enemy nation and its allies or satellites.
Ethnic and regional differences.
Religious, political, economic, or social differences.
History of civilian animosity or unfair treatment toward enemy soldiers.
Comforts available to rear area soldiers and not available to combat soldiers.
People versus the bureaucracy or hierarchy.
Political differences between the ruling elite, between coalitions members, or between rulers and those out of power.
Differences showing a few benefiting at the expense of the general populace.
Unequal or inequitable tax burdens, or the high level of taxes. The audience should be informed of hidden taxes.
The scarcity of consumer goods for the general public and their availability to the various elites and the dishonest.
Costs of present government policies in terms of lost opportunities to accomplish constructive socially desirable goals.
The powerlessness of the individual. (This may be used to split the audience from the policies of its government by disassociating its members from those policies.) This technique could be used in preparing a campaign to gain opposition to those government policies.
Insinuation devices. A number of devices are available to exploit these and similar vulnerabilities:
Leading questions: The propagandist may ask questions which suggest only one possible answer. Thus, the question, "What is there to do now that your unit is surrounded and you are completely cut off?" insinuates that surrender or desertion is the only reasonable alternative to annihilation.
Humor: Humor can be an effective form of insinuation. Jokes and cartoons about the enemy find a ready audience among those persons in the target country or military camp who normally reject straightforward accusations or assertions. Jokes about totalitarian leaders and their subordinates often spread with ease and rapidity. However, the psychological operator must realize that appreciation of humor differs among target groups and so keep humor within the appropriate cultural context.
Pure motives: This technique makes it clear that the side represented by the propagandist is acting in the best interests of the target audience, insinuating that the enemy is acting to the contrary. For example, the propagandist can use the theme that a satellite force fighting on the side of the enemy is insuring the continued subjugation of its country by helping the common enemy.
Guilt by association: Guilt by association links a person, group, or idea to other persons, groups, or ideas repugnant to the target audience. The insinuation is that the connection is not mutual, accidental, or superficial.
Rumor: Malicious rumors are also a potentially effective form of insinuation.
Pictorial and photographic propaganda: A photograph, picture, or cartoon can often insinuate a derogatory charge more effectively than words. The combination of words and photograph, picture, or cartoon can be far more effective. In this content, selected and composite photographs can be extremely effective.
Vocal: Radio propagandists can artfully suggest a derogatory notion, not only with the words they use, but also by the way in which they deliver them. Significant pauses, tonal inflections, sarcastic pronunciation, ridiculing enunciation, can be more subtle than written insinuation.
Card stacking or selective omission. This is the process of choosing from a variety of facts only those which support the propagandist's purpose. In using this technique, facts are selected and presented which most effectively strengthen and authenticate the point of view of the propagandist. It includes the collection of all available material pertaining to a subject and the selection of that material which most effectively supports the propaganda line. Card stacking, case making, and censorship are all forms of selection. Success or failure depends on how successful the propagandist is in selecting facts or "cards" and presenting or "stacking" them. Increase prestige. In time of armed conflict, leading personalities, economic and social systems, and other institutions making up a nation are constantly subjected to propaganda attacks. Card stacking is used to counter these attacks by publicizing and reiterating the best qualities of the institutions, concepts, or persons being attacked. Like most propaganda techniques, card stacking is used to supplement other methods. The technique may also be used to describe a subject as virtuous or evil and to give simple answers to a complicated subject. An intelligent propagandist makes his case by imaginative selection of facts.
The work of the card stacker in using selected facts is divided into two main phases:
First, the propagandist selects only favorable facts and presents them to the target in such a manner as to obtain a desired reaction.
Second, the propagandist uses these facts as a basis for conclusions, trying to lead the audience into accepting the conclusions by accepting the facts presented.
Presenting the other side. Some persons in a target audience believe that neither belligerent is entirely virtuous. To them propaganda solely in terms of right and wrong may not be credible. Agreement with minor aspects of the enemy's point of view may overcome this cynicism. Another use of presenting the other side is to reduce the impact of propaganda that opposing propagandists are likely to be card stacking (selective omission).
Lying and distortion. Lying is stating as truth that which is contrary to fact. For example, assertions may be lies. This technique will not be used by US personnel. It is presented for use of the analyst of enemy propaganda.
Simplification. This is a technique in which the many facts of a situation are reduced so the right or wrong, good or evil, of an act or decision is obvious to all. This technique (simplification) provides simple solutions for complex problems. By suggesting apparently simple solutions for complex problems, this technique offers simplified interpretations of events, ideas, concepts, or personalities. Statements are positive and firm; qualifying words are never used.
Simplification may be used to sway uneducated and educated audiences. This is true because many persons are well educated or highly skilled, trained specialists in a specific field, but the limitations of time and energy often force them to turn to and accept simplifications to understand, relate, and react to other areas of interest.
Simplification has the following characteristics:
It thinks for others: Some people accept information which they cannot verify personally as long as the source is acceptable to them or the authority is considered expert. Others absorb whatever they read, see, or hear with little or no discrimination. Some people are too lazy or unconcerned to think problems through. Others are uneducated and willingly accept convenient simplifications.
It is concise: Simplification gives the impression of going to the heart of the matter in a few words. The average member of the target audience will not even consider that there may be another answer to the problem.
It builds ego: Some people are reluctant to believe that any field of endeavor, except their own, is difficult to understand. For example, a layman is pleased to hear that '"law is just common sense dressed up in fancy language," or "modern art is really a hodgepodge of aimless experiment or nonsense." Such statements reinforce the ego of the lay audience. It is what they would like to believe, because they are afraid that law and modern art may actually be beyond their understanding. Simple explanations are given for complex subjects and problems.
Stereotyping is a form of simplification used to fit persons, groups, nations, or events into readymade categories that tend to produce a desired image of good or bad. Stereotyping puts the subject (people, nations, etc.) or event into a simplistic pattern without any distinguishing individual characteristics.
Change of Pace. Change of pace is a technique of switching from belligerent to peaceful output, from "hot" to "cold," from persuasion to threat, from gloomy prophecy to optimism, from emotion to fact.
Stalling. Stalling is a technique of deliberately withholding information until its timeliness is past, thereby reducing the possibility of undesired impact.
Shift of Scene. With this technique, the propagandist replaces one "field of battle" with another. It is an attempt to take the spotlight off an unfavorable situation or condition by shifting it to another, preferably of the opponent, so as to force the enemy to go on the defense.
An idea or position is repeated in an attempt to elicit an almost automatic response from the audience or to reinforce an audience's opinion or attitude. This technique is extremely valid and useful because the human being is basically a creature of habit and develops skills and values by repetition (like walking, talking, code of ethics, etc.). An idea or position may be repeated many times in one message or in many messages. The intent is the same in both instances, namely, to elicit an immediate response or to reinforce an opinion or attitude. The audience is not familiar with the details of the threat posed. Ignorance of the details can be used to pose a threat and build fear. Members of the audience are self-centered. The target can take immediate action to execute simple, specific instructions.
Fear of change. People fear change, particularly sudden, imposed change over which they have no control. They fear it will take from them status, wealth, family, friends, comfort, safety, life, or limb. That's why the man in the foxhole hesitates to leave it. He knows and is accustomed to the safety it affords. He is afraid that moving out of his foxhole will expose him to new and greater danger. That is why the psychological campaign must give him a safe, honorable way out of his predicament or situation.
Terrorism. The United States is absolutely opposed to the use of terror or terror tactics. But the psychological operator can give a boomerang effect to enemy terror, making it reverberate against the practitioner, making him repugnant to his own people, and all others who see the results of his heinous savagery. This can be done by disseminating fully captioned photographs in the populated areas of the terrorist's homeland. Such leaflets will separate civilians from their armed forces; it will give them second thoughts about the decency and honorableness of their cause, make them wonder about the righteousness of their ideology, and make the terrorists repugnant to them. Followup leaflets can "fire the flames" of repugnancy, indignation, and doubt, as most civilizations find terror repugnant.
"In third countries. Fully captioned photographs depicting terroristic acts may be widely distributed in third countries (including the nation sponsoring the enemy) where they will instill a deep revulsion in the general populace. Distribution in neutral countries is particularly desirable in order to swing the weight of unbiased humanitarian opinion against the enemy. The enemy may try to rationalize and excuse its conduct (terroristic), but in so doing, it will compound the adverse effect of its actions, because it can never deny the validity of true photographic representations of its acts. Thus, world opinion will sway to the side of the victimized people.
Friendly territory. Under no circumstances should such leaflets be distributed in friendly territory. To distribute them in the friendly area in which the terrorists' acts took place would only create feelings of insecurity. This would defeat the purpose of the psychological operator, which is to build confidence in the government or agency he represents."
Logical Fallacies
Fallacies of Distraction
Ignoratio elenchi: Latin, meaning "ignorance of refutation". From the Greek ἔλενχος elenchos, meaning an argument of disproof or refutation. Also known as irrelevant conclusion or irrelevant thesis the informal fallacy of presenting an argument that may in itself be valid, but does not address the issue in question.
False dichotomy: False dilemma. Two choices are given when in fact there are more than two.
False presumption: Because something is not known to be true, presume it to be false.
Slippery slope: Claim that a small concession is total surrender.
Complex question: Unrelated points conjoined as a single proposition.
Framing fallacy: Posing a question in a misleading way that if accepted, steers the conclusion. Also called "loaded question".
Kafkatrapping: Accusing someone of something that can't be falsified, then taking protestations of innocence as confirmation of guilt. Term coined by Eric S. Raymond from the novel, The Trial, by Franz Kafka.
Appeals to Emotions instead of Fact or Logic
Appeal to fear: Target is persuaded to agree by threats or force. Argumentum ad baculum ('veiled threat', "to the stick"), or argument based on threat. Argumentum ad metum, appeal to fear.
Appeal to pity: Target is persuaded to agree by sympathy. Argumentum ad misericordiam.
Appeal to envy: Target is persuaded to agree by envy. Argumentum ad invidiam.
Appeal to hatred: Target is persuaded to agree by hatred. Argumentum ad odium.
Appeal to pride: Target is persuaded to agree by pride. Argumentum ad superbium.
Appeal to greed: Target is persuaded to focus on the gains and ignore the risks or costs. Argumentum ad edacitam, rapacitam, avaritiam, greed, rapacity, avarice.
Appeal to ignorance: Target is persuaded to agree if can't prove the contrary. Argumentum ad ignoratium.
Appeal to hope: Such as "What ought to be, is". Quod debet esse, est. Variations include "Dumbo effect" (encouraging belief that holding a feather can enable one to fly) and "placebo effect" (encouraging belief that receiving a treatment will make one feel better).
Consequences: Target is warned of unacceptable consequences.
Prejudicial language: Value or moral goodness is attached to the author or his position.
Bandwagon: A proposition is argued to be true because it is widely held to be true. Appeal to the safety of the herd. Argumentum ad populum, or appeal to the mass opinion of the people.
Fallacy of Authority
Authority: Argumentum ad verecundiam. A proposition is argued to be true because it is supported by experts or authorities. This is widely accepted as a method of argument, but strictly speaking, it is a logical fallacy. Also ipse dixit, "he said it himself".
Recognition: Everyone recognizes the person as an authority, therefore what he says must be true.
Production: The person has done a great deal of authoritative work, therefore he must be an authority.
Power: The person is powerful and successful, therefore he speaks with authority, if only by virtue of his position.
Need implies Have: I have the need to do it, therefore I have the (legal) authority to do it (Necesse ergo praesto). Basis for legal doctrine of "inherent" powers.
Changing the Subject
Attack the Person (ad hominem, "to the man"):
(1) Attack the person's character.
(2) Attack the person's circumstances.
(3) Argue the person does not practise what he preaches. Tu quoque, "You also".
(4) Attack a person's identity (race, gender, religion), sometimes called Bulverism (named for C.S. Lewis’s imaginary character: Ezekiel Bulver).
Attack the Authority:
(1) Claim the authority is not an expert in the field.
(2) Claim experts in the field disagree.
(3) Claim the authority was joking, drunk, or in some other way not being serious.
Anonymous authority: Cite an authority not named
Chronological snobbery: Ad annis, "to the years". Appealing to the age of something as proof or disproof of its truth.
Style over substance: The manner in which an argument or arguer is presented used as argument to the truth of the conclusion.
Inductive Fallacies
Hasty generalization: The sample is too small to support an inductive generalization about a population. Also called apriorism.
Unrepresentative sample: The sample is unrepresentative of the sample as a whole.
False analogy: The two objects or events being compared are relevantly dissimilar.
Fervent denial: The conclusion of a strong inductive argument is denied despite the evidence to the contrary.
Exclusion: Evidence which would change the outcome of an inductive argument is excluded from consideration.
Fallacies Involving Statistical Arguments
Accident: Apply generalization when circumstances suggest that there should be an exception.
Converse accident: Apply exception in circumstances where a generalization should apply.
Causal Fallacies
Post hoc ergo propter hoc: "After this, therefore because of this". Because one thing preceded another in time, it is held to cause the other.
Joint effect: One thing is held to cause another when in fact they are both the joint effects of an underlying cause.
Insignificant: One thing is held to cause another, and it does, but it is insignificant compared to other causes of the effect.
Wrong direction: The direction between cause and effect is reversed.
Complex cause: The cause identified is only a part of the entire cause of the effect.
Overlooked cause: A cause that will greatly change the effect is ignored.
Overlooked latency: The cause may be correctly identified but is separated from the effect by too long a period of time to support the surrounding argument.
Overlooked change: The effect occurs too slowly to be deemed important. Sometimes called "boiling the frog slowly" (incorrectly, because real frogs will try to get out).
Overlooked nonlinearity: The cause-effect link is nonlinear and is affected by complicated feedback loops.
Treating chaotic system as mechanical: Attributing the effect to causes as though it is predictable, when in fact the system, while parts may exhibit seemingly predictable patterns, cannot be generally predicted in principle from initial conditions.
A common variety of these fallacies is the Rooster Syndrome — giving credit to the rooster crowing for the rising of the sun — but applied to giving credit or blame to leaders for events that occur on their watch to which they made little if any contribution. It may also be called Canute Syndrome or Deification Syndrome, attributing godlike powers to the most powerful figure on the scene.
Missing the Point
Begging the question (petitio principii): The truth of the conclusion is assumed in the premises, or in hidden assumptions. See "complex question", "framing fallacy".
Irrelevant conclusion: An argument in defense of one conclusion instead proves a different conclusion.
Straw man: Misrepresentation. Attack an argument different from (and weaker than) the opposition's best argument.
Fallacies of Ambiguity
Equivocation: Use same term with two or more different meanings. See polysemy, taking advantage of words that have different meanings in different contexts.
Reification: Treat an abstraction as though it were something concrete.
Amphiboly: Use sentence the structure of which allows two different interpretations.
Accent: Emphasis on a word or phrase to suggest a meaning contrary to what the sentence actually says.
Category Errors
Composition: Argue that because the attributes of the parts of a whole have a certain property, therefore the whole has that property.
Division: Argue that because the whole has a certain property, therefore the parts have that property
Non Sequitur
Affirming the consequent: Argument of the form: If A then B, B, therefore A.
Denying the antecedent: Argument of the form: If A then B, Not A, thus Not B.
Inconsistency: Assertion that contrary or contradictory statements are both true.
Syllogistic (Deductive) Errors
Fallacy of four terms: Use a syllogism with four terms.
Undistributed middle: Argue that two separate categories are connected because they share a common property.
Illicit major: Reach conclusion with predicate about all of something when premises only mention some cases of the term in the predicate.
Illicit minor: Reach conclusion with subject of the conclusion about all of something when premises only mention some cases of the term in the subject.
Fallacy of exclusive premises: Use a syllogism with two negative premises.
Affirmative conclusion from negative premise: Reverse the negation.
Enthymeme: Omission of an element of as syllogism as presumed or obvious, which may be logically correct but may also be deceptive, used in persuasive or informal reasoning.
Existential fallacy: Reach particular conclusion from universal premises that don't include an existence premise.
Analogic "syllogism": Reasoning that if A is similar to B, and B is similar to C, therefore A is similar to C. Of course, the relation of "similar" is not transitive, but if the target can be induced to presume it is, this ruse may succeed in persuading. This is a favorite method in the "informal reasoning" used by lawyers.
Fallacies of Explanation
Subverted support: The phenomenon being explained doesn't exist.
Non-support: Evidence for the phenomenon being explained is biased.
Untestability: The theory which explains cannot be tested.
Limited scope: The theory which explains can only explain one thing.
Limited depth: The theory which explains does not appeal to underlying causes.
Fallacies of Definition or interpretation
Too broad: The definition includes items which should not be included.
Too narrow: The definition does not include all the items which should be included.
Failure to elucidate: The definition is more difficult to understand than the word or concept being defined.
Circular definition: The definition includes the term being defined as a part of the definition.
Conflicting conditions: The definition is self-contradictory, an oxymoron.
Ignoring context: Use of language taken in isolation when the meaning is changed by context. See polysemy.
Mismatch: Use of language with either greater or lesser rigor and precision than was used by the original author. common cause of legal misinterpretation.
Fallacies of Misdirection
Red herring: Changing the subject. Claiming an argument is irrelevant when it is, or presenting another argument as relevant that is not.
Misassociation: For example: A is evil because he did a lot of evil things, and he also did B, therefore B is evil and anyone else who does B is evil. Also a kind of hasty generalization.
Misidentification of cause: For example: The law is being violated, therefore it is defective (violata ergo vitiosa), rather than attributing the failure to the lack of public virtue.
Donkey inference: The proposition is provoking vigorous attacks from the bad guys so it must have merit. From the children's game, "Pin the tail on the donkey."
Fallacies of Miscognition
Compartmentalization: Alternating among multiple, inconsistent concepts with little or no attempt to recognize or reconcile the inconsistencies.
Kripkean dogmatism: Refusal to engage arguments or evidence inconsistent with one's preferred position.
Confirmation bias: Seeking information that confirms one's position.
Reductionism: Insistence on concepts that are too simple to account for all the evidence.
Dichotomic bias: Insistence on recognizing only two alternatives when there are more.
Misforecasting: Insisting that an alternative future flowing from one's decision is available, likely, or desirable, when it is not.
Avoidance of rigor — Sometimes called "generalized logic"
Reductio ad nauseam: One denies the result he is trying to prove, and lists all the consequences of this denial he can think of, and finally announces the result to be established when it actually wasn't.
Reductio ad erratum: One denies the result he is trying to prove, and lists all the arguments he can think of, burying an error in the collection, and finally lifts out the error which appears to have proved the argument but didn't.
Proof by Misdirection: Pretending to prove "A, therefore B", when actually proving "B, therefore A". May be extended into Proof by Convergent Irrelevancies.
Proof by Definition: Defines S in a way that the proof works but avoids establishing that S is non-empty.
Proof by Assertion: Asserting the proof is obvious and moving on.
Proof by Admission of Ignorance: Asserting something must be true but does not know why.
Proof by Non-Existent Reference: Citing to something that cannot be found.
Proof by Example: Proves for one instance, but neglects to prove for all instances.
Proof by Assignment: Leaving the proof as an exercise for the reader.
Delayed Lemma: Announces that proof will be provided later, then moves on. If the proof is never provided it becomes Proof by Infinite Neglect.
Proof by Circular Cross-Reference: Creates a chain of reasoning that may be an infinite loop.
Proof by Osmosis: The proposition is never stated, and no hint of its proof is given, but by the end of the discussion it is tacitly assumed to be known.
Proof by Aesthetics: "This result is too beautiful to be false".
Proof by Oral Tradition: Asserting there is a proof, perhaps reported by another, but not having it available.
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agape-philo-sophia · 15 days
➝ Responsibility to Learn and Care.
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When you are young you require a person of wisdom to educate you. At a certain point we have to educate ourselves on our own to develop our own self-determined, self-governed, sovereign understanding of reality, to develop wisdom and no longer be led by the hand with people spoon feeding us what to accept about reality. It is especially concerning when we realize what hands have been leading us in life. Personal responsibility in the search for knowledge and truth must be developed. Otherwise, you are simply a robot going through a program you have been fed and bought into, completely oblivious and ignorant to the actuality of reality.
That standard social engineering construct of self that is created, produces a consciousness that is limited from the potential it can be. It creates a robot, a zombie, under various degrees of mind control to produce conformity to the collectivist hive mind. This is the docility to authority and the gargantuan system we find ourselves immersed in and let continue, growing, cannibalizing the world. We simply remain content with our ignorance, apathy, cowardice and fear of truth and knowledge that catalyzes us towards change.
The reality of evil needs to be faced. True Care, Care for Truth and Morality, needs to be developed, care for right over wrong, good over evil, truth over falsity, reality over unreality. If we ignore reality, we can live in continued contentment, comfort and convenience that our particular geographical zone of living provides.
Anger is a powerful catalyst for action, and it can be harnessed when we see evil wrong-doings go on around us. Anger is required at first at least, to connect and get in touch with morality and feel the evil in reality. Feel it deep down, in care, compassion, empathy, conscience and morality, and get righteous about this evil that is being created! The beginner must face reality and get angry to get motivated to do something. We need a catalyst for change to move and make things different.
Knowledge is required, Truth. A force is required to change an inert object or an object going along a specific velocity and direction. To change the direction, the force of knowledge is required to empower one with the ability to change direction. Quality knowledge and Truth is required to produce quality, effective, meaningful, proper, accurate, optimal, correct, right-action. Knowledge, care and anger can get one fueled to actually do something about what is going on. If you are not angry at the horrors and evil when you first learn about them, something is wrong inside of you. Wrongs are supposed to be felt in order for us to do something about them and stop them. This is part of being a Natural Law Causal Agent.
People don’t know what is going and don’t care. Some people think they care. People don’t want the responsibility to Care for Truth, the learning that it involves, the work on our selves to change and help others change. This is why people fear truth, and therefore ignore it, are apathetic towards it, are cowardly and run from it, and in the end are lazy and ineffective in producing actual goodness.
Many people offer lip service to Care for Truth. Do you speak like you Care for Truth, or do you act like you Care for Truth? Caring for Truth, to learn and educate out of darkness with knowledge, to live by what is right, good and true. This is a huge part of life that most people ignore. Care for Truth. Embrace Truth. Truth is ONE way, go all the way for the rest of your life. Service to Truth, or compromise of Truth. It is a hard path to walk, and we often stumble and don’t always stand up 100% of the way, but we have to keep developing our integrity and unity with the Natural Laws of the universe, to evolve and better ourselves.
With Knowledge Comes Responsibility; to Understand; and with Understanding Comes Responsibility; to Act; In Accord With That Knowledge.
A large part of who we are as an ego-personality-identity self-construct, is socially engineered through our environment. Conformity to the standardized norms of acceptability imbues a certain pattern of thought and behavior. Our conditioning into a certain pattern and way of living produces a level of consciousness. Are we living responsibility if we continue to live through our unthinking, programmed and conditioned way of life?
With society and the world lacking self-knowledge and greater understanding of various important truths that establish the quality and condition of our lives, we are in a lower level of consciousness which limits the potential higher, truer and realer self we can be.
We are docile to authority and the gargantuan system we are immersed within. We look at the short-term gains we have in our individual lives, and don’t look at the long-term consequences for ourselves and everyone else. The authoritarian system continues to grow and cannibalize the world by our own actions to let it be so. Instead of learning, we remain content and happy in our ignorance, apathy, cowardice and fear of truth that holds the potential to catalyze us towards change.
To be ignited within by our care for truth into learning more, we first need to receive some information through learning. Knowledge is required at any level in order to affect change.
A force is required to change an inert object, or an object already on a specific trajectory or velocity. To change the direction of our way of life, either individually or collectively as a people on this planet, the force of knowledge to empower us is required. Knowledge of what is true and what is false will empower us with the ability to change our direction in life.
If you’re not angry at the horrors and evil when you first learn about them, something is wrong inside of you where your capacity to feel has been deadened because you have a deadened “heart”-center, care, compassion, conscience and morality. If you can’t feel the evil and recognize it, then you’re not going to care to do anything about it. Wrongs need to be felt. Wrongs are supposed to be felt by consciousness in order for us to do something about them and stop them. That’s why we have emotions to motivate and drive us to do things. We have emotional salience, to value and apply an importance and weight to motivate our behavior in life.
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agape-philo-sophia · 16 days
➝ Are You a Ruler Over Your Own Kingdom Of Self?.
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Do you want to be free? Do you recognize the current condition is slavery? How much do you actually want to be free? Are you willing to act to fulfill the requirements to get True Freedom?
A sovereign is being a ruler over no other but our own kingdom of self. Our thoughts, emotions and actions are in unison, harmony and non-duality. Our thoughts are in a state of intelligence. Our emotions are in a state of care. Our courage has given us the will to act in proper moral ways in the world. We become united, whole and one within ourselves so that we are not in internal contradiction, opposition, conflict, etc. A sovereign exists in degrees as well because it is difficult to become a being that is completely unified with truth and act in harmony with it and themselves. Society is currently constructed to ensure we are not fully capable of uniting with the truth and ourselves by having us agree to live in a certain way that is contrary to principles of truth in order for us to survive in this current modality of living.
Morals are qualities of behavior, manner, character, disposition. Morals are an arrangement, order and create a state of being from the will to control and regulate ourselves. Placed apart from the unregulated passions, desires, whims, wants of the carnal, beastly, lower base animalistic consciousness. To affirm ourselves into a position and situation of higher order living in alignment with the Will of Creation, Higher Self, True Self. Beings who can discern morals are of a higher order consciousness and this sets them apart from others who are not capable of harnessing this force of Good to such a degree of potential manifestation. With this higher order consciousness, comes higher order creative capacities, for Good, instead of evil. This is the ultimate personal responsibility we have, to Truth and Morality, the force of Good. Failure to understand reality and navigate it with humility under Natural Moral Law will result in the creation of evil and devolution towards chaos.
The degree of Truth and Morality embodied in each of our choices, actions and behaviors will determine the degree of True Unity, Freedom and Peace we can achieve collectively. Morality is the foundational baseline for True Unity. All other differences are less significant. Violations of Universal Cosmic Spiritual Natural Moral Law do not result in the production of True Freedom, Peace or Unity.
monarchs, governments, highest in rank or power, rulers over others, placed above the rest.
masters over slaves.
superiority to control others.
deception of being responsible for others, of taking care of others, of being a guardian.
representative politics; allow others to represent you; abdicate your responsibility over your own sovereignty and self-ownership; try to make yourself a slave.
ruler, master, superior of yourself; self-mastery, no other is master of you.
responsible for yourself; don't give away your responsibility to others.
represent yourself.
know what rights are for sovereign individuals.
highest responsibility to morality.
not a master of others or slave to others.
right to be free from the initiation of violence (NAP)
right to defend yourself (SDP) against the initiation of harm (NAP violated)
Most action comes from the hands. They are the tools for the body to manipulate reality with. But we grasp the most with our minds, even more so than our hands. We are talking about physical actions here. Be is not the ‘to be’ verb. Be-have is to thoroughly and completely have, grasp, possess, own, hold, etc. The only thing we have completely and thoroughly in each case, and forever, are actions and behaviors that we create and manifest of our own free will. No one owns or possesses our actions but us.
We have, own and bear the weight of our actions and behavior.
Contradiction can show us the unreality and false harmony conceived of in our “minds” or “hearts” that led to false or wrong actions. Those who are so, inured, enamored and entrenched into the false self and false living, have a diminished capacity to recognize and feel wrongs demonstrated in reality.
Many of us are conditioned and programmed into falser versions of ourselves. We are conditioned into secondary psychopathy, into falsity, in order to create falser selves, to live the false way of life the controllers want us to perpetuate. This takes us away from alignment, harmony, unity and connectivity with the truth. Knowing important quality truths, like moral truth, is the Way and Path to becoming a higher, realer and truer version of ourselves. Moral truth is part of self-knowledge, self-actualization and self-realization.
Until we learn how to be responsible for our choices and actions in alignment with Natural Law, we will keep repeating the same mistakes and creating more collective self-inflicted suffering through our choice to be ignorant, apathetic, lazy cowards, living in a trance-like fantasy reality. We need to admit wrong so that we can learn how to solve our problems and get things right. We can’t force anyone to change their way of thinking, but we can influence others to help them gain an understanding of the many truths, so that they may in turn choose to change themselves in alignment with it. Most people are trapped in ego-personality-identity correlations with lies. Perhaps an increase in negative results for everyone (chaos) will bring us to a point of realization, to accept we are the problem, and point the finger at ourselves, to realize that thinking the same ways and doing the same things will not achieve the expected different results than what we are currently getting. In the end, institutions fool us and destroy consciousness.
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agape-philo-sophia · 18 days
➝ Right and Wrong. 🔑
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Understanding Natural Law enables a deeper level of comprehension of the objective difference between what is right and what is wrong, between what is true and what is false. Unfortunately most people have a hard time distinguishing the difference because of the degree of moral relativism in our civilization.
➝ Right = Correct = True = Moral = Natural Law = No harm done = Good
➝ Wrong = Incorrect = False = Immoral = not Natural Law = Harm done = Bad
What is right is correct, accurate, true, moral and based in Natural Law with no result in harm. What is wrong is incorrect, inaccurate, false, immoral and not based in Natural Law which does harm. Right, good and true brings the clarity of understanding. Wrong, bad and false brings the obfuscation of confusion.
Something based in truth can be represented through the words right, correct, accurate, etc. 2+2=4 is true, right, correct, accurate, etc. Right is also used to represent moral action: “that was the right decision to make.” A decision or action is right and moral when it is based in Natural Law and not harming another living being. Actions are right to take when they do not result in harm. Conversely, wrong is associated with what is not true such as 2+2=5 is false, wrong, incorrect, inaccurate, etc. An action someone does not have the right to take is a wrong action because they result in harm to other living beings. A right is most easily understood in the negative apophatic sense to demonstrate what we do not have a right to do because there are far too many actions which do not result in any harm to bother listing them all. Understanding what we do not have a right to do enables us to understand what we do have a right to be. Defining what we do not have a right to do enables us to understand and affirm what we do have a right to do.
It is simple to understand once you have all the pieces to construct the puzzle or paint an accurate picture. Something based in truth is based in principles, Natural Law and will not result in harm. Something based in non-truth or falsehood is not based in principles of Natural Law and will result in harm. The simplicity of how this functions can only be expressed and spoken about, we cannot force anyone to accept it if they are not at a level of conscious awareness to be able to understand it.
To test if an action is in compliance with Natural Law, imagine this scenario where there are only two people, such as the previous law and tax example. An action that is wrong for one being to take against another is the same as one person or group of people having the right to take that same action in a world of 7 billion people.
A conscience is the ability to distinguish right from wrong. From the Latin com meaning ‘together’ and scire ‘to know; to understand’. Conscience is to know together, to be mutually aware of. In other words it is common sense knowledge, a sense of right and wrong that we all share in common. We’re supposed to recognize right and wrong by having a developed conscience, but our conditioning into falsehoods, deceptions and believing fantasy as reality distorts our innate capabilities to align ourselves with what is right instead of what is wrong.
“Under analysis a person discovers that situations consist of elements, some of which are wrong and others right. If he sorts out and examines those elements, truth is easily separated from error. Some tasks of sorting are more difficult than others, but only because they are more complicated. They have more elements; therefore, they take more time to analyze, or perhaps the individual lacks knowledge of how to deal with them.
Often it is hard to collect all the pertinent facts. Some facts must be filled in by speculation, and here it is important that the speculation be done by a scrupulous person. If those analyses are continued long enough, there finally emerges a clear pattern of distinctions between right and wrong. Those who act before a clear pattern emerges are the persons whose irresponsibility is causing much of society’s trouble.” – Right is Might by Richard W. Wetherill
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agape-philo-sophia · 22 days
➝ Natural Law is Freedom: Man's Law is Enslavement. 🔑
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Natural Law is based on principles of truth while man’s law is based on beliefs and claims to authority. Embodying, harmonizing, complying, aligning and living according to principles of Natural Law has been done by people like Gandhi who had recognized this knowledge, while most of us are living in the illusion of a myriad of law volumes that we are expected to understand. They fabricate nonsense into existence with rules and regulations to confuse and complicate our lives. We comply for fear of punishment if we do not.
We can choose to become enlightened through an understanding of the forces of the universe as they are, or we can stay out of the prison cell of punishment by complying and basing our actions from the lowest modality of consciousness: fear. Man’s law is based on the dictates of men given power to create rules of conduct. These laws can be different from one time to another or one place to another, so how are they supposed to be based on right and wrong if they are always changing? Choosing what is right and wrong instead of recognizing right from wrong is moral relativism. Universal Cosmic Natural Moral Law is sourced from the cosmic forces of creation. Which force do you want to align yourself with?
Natural laws define universal truth that transcends all race, color and creed while man’s laws attempt to restrict the right to sovereign freedom based upon one’s race, color and creed. If all men are created equal, then the creation of man made laws to suit the bias of locales or conditions is a violation of natural law. Human beings do not possess the authority to dictate written laws under the guise of moral relativism that utterly destroys one’s sovereignty and freedom. Our moral sphere is determined by our alignment to the laws of creation, not by the moral relativity bound within man’s mutable laws. We cannot trade our internal self-mastery to know right from wrong for the moral whims of external authority to dictate moral correctness from immoral incorrectness. Our ethical guidance is embedded within the eternal and immutable laws of the universe that supersedes the limitations of ever-changing moral relevancy. Natural law grants us the morally correct principles as trustworthy guidance to prevent our enslavement within immorally incorrect governance. We must heed the lost generative principle of care by which to say NO to moral relativism, and YES to the immutable laws governing the universe and all creation. Mankind has a moral obligation to check and correct the dogmatic beliefs being imposed upon them so as to defend our sovereign freedom, and to maintain the harmonious and natural order at the heart of our existence. Our moral accountability demands that we understand the difference between natural law and man made law.
Our historical past is a repetitive story for the rise and fall of empires and kingdoms whose successes and failures have predominantly relied upon the efficiency of mental constructs by which to rule and steer humanity’s destiny. The established beliefs in which the natural world was to be dominated, feared and exploited have rendered mankind isolated and disconnected from the guiding principles innate to creation. The truth of our moral compass has been usurped in favor of a false authority whose immoral domain has left us drowning in a turbulent sea of dramas and dogmas. It should be clear by now that man’s laws are inferior to the supreme laws of creation unless man made laws are created in harmonious alignment with the truth and knowledge of natural, universal and spiritual laws. Mankind must begin to discern the difference between natural law and man made law if we are going to restore and preserve our divine evolutionary path.
Natural law is a gift from the source of creation. All creation is governed by the innate guiding principles of natural law designed to help us understand the world in which we live, and to live harmoniously and successfully upon the Earth. Natural laws are not limited to the natural world, but rather the wisdom we find in nature unlocks the secrets to the universe and the unseen realms. Thus, natural laws are also universal and spiritual laws; they are the laws of creation. Nature’s wisdom reveals the cosmic and vibratory forces flowing throughout all of creation with a harmonic resonance, and to which we must align and attune in order to find our creative fit upon our planet. We do not live upon a pile of rocks subjected to haphazard and meaningless events; rather we are here to become conscious co-creators in harmonious cooperation with the sentient, cosmic intelligence of a living planet. Natural laws are dynamic, fluid and immutable; man made laws are limited, fixed and mutable. We cannot override the power of natural law with mere mental constructs within man made law that attempts to define and control our existence. We are energy beings governed by the laws of a vibratory universe; we are spiritual beings governed by the mysteries of spiritual law; and we are Earthlings governed by the guiding principles of natural law. Our willingness to embrace the truth and knowledge of these natural principles will insure our return to living harmoniously with nature, the cosmos and one another.
Natural Law is based on principles of truth while man’s law is based on beliefs and claims to authority. Embodying, harmonizing, complying, aligning and living according to principles of Natural Law has been done by people like Gandhi who had recognized this knowledge, while most of us are living in the illusion of a myriad of law volumes that we are expected to understand. They fabricate nonsense into existence with rules and regulations to confuse and complicate our lives. We comply for fear of punishment if we do not. We can choose to become enlightened through an understanding of the forces of the universe as they are, or we can stay out of the prison cell of punishment by complying and basing our actions from the lowest modality of consciousness: fear. Man’s law is based on the dictates of men given power to create rules of conduct. These laws can be different from one time to another or one place to another, so how are they supposed to be based on right and wrong if they are always changing? Choosing what is right and wrong instead of recognizing right from wrong is moral relativism. Universal Cosmic Natural Moral Law is sourced from the cosmic forces of creation. Which force do you want to align yourself with?
We have the free will to choose to integrate with the current system we are living in or to refuse to cooperate with this system that is enslaving people. We either do not follow Natural Law or we follow Natural Law regardless of the deception people are living in. The responsibility lies on our shoulders, each one of us as an individual is the way out of our current condition of suffering. We need to understand principles of Natural Law, right and wrong, claim personal responsibility and stop making excuses in order to develop true sovereignty and self-governance. The answer is in the mirror. We are the answer through the expansion and evolution of our consciousness in true education. Spending our time and paying attention on raising ourselves because we were not properly raised, to raise our conscious awareness and understanding of ourselves and reality. This is the requirement for us to advance, change and evolve as a species up the ladder of consciousness and breaking the chains of our current condition into a new world peace, harmony and prosperity.
Natural Law is Hermetically sealed. Nothing can touch it. It is always going to be in operation and will not change, sealed forever. There are consequences to our actions. If we choose to align ourselves with dogma, false beliefs, lies and deception we will create suffering. If we choose to recognize truth and unite with it by embodying principles of Universal Cosmic Natural Moral Law we will create freedom, peace and order in our lives. Doing what is false, wrong or bad creates more falsity, wrongness and badness. Doing what is right, good and true creates more of the same. We can choose to align with the forces of creation in reality as it is, the truth, or align with the fantasy illusions of man-as-god dictums of believing whatever we want.
Look at your lives, its quality, its potential. Is it based on the Spirit of Truth, Love, Oneness, God's Law, or is it directed by unseen divisive forces of evil based in opposition, struggle and conflict?
Yes, the energies which rule your consciousness are that shockingly simple and obvious, for Truth is always self-evident. It requires no study, no belief, no imagination to make itself known: IT IS. Each of you are co-creators of you life. Your life manifests itself by consent -- YOUR CONSENT. But to whom do you give such consent? Is it to Godly Truth, or to Satanic Illusion.
Natural Law, Infinite Intelligence is access by unbounded non-dualistic Awareness.
Satanic Illusion is accessed by dualistic Intellect.
Natural Law Trumps All Others!
Even the Satanic Courts of America will acknowledge that immutable Truth.
My question of each of you reading this is: Why would you, or anyone else for that matter chose to live in the thrall of slavery and conflict of man's dualistic law when the natural state of being, that of living in God's nondualistic Law is Freedom, Sovereignty and non-conflict?
The problems of today's society are traced directly to the state of consciousness possessed by civilized men who "have chosen" to follow man's law for the sake of personal power. They have been seduced by unseen Satanic (opposing) forces who control their lives through never-ending reinforced, remote mind control. They have been blinded to their rightful estate of Truth which is evident all around them, and thus, have been trained to rely upon remote programming for an un-wholistic (unholy) compensatory feeling of security. That is the quantum step which has caused man to relinquish his God-given Sovereignty and accept the chains of Slavery which has bound him to a Hell of his own making.
The NEW WORLD ORDER is a SATANIC ILLUSION. It is illusion because it requires YOUR CONSENT to exist. After all, you ARE THE CO-CREATOR of your life. Through your consent you create the life you lead, either knowingly or unknowingly.
The antidote to the poison of the NEW WORLD ORDER requires a simple act of introspection. Do you want to be Free or do you love your slavery? Which have you personally CONSENTED to?
If you feel you have consented to slavery, and acknowledge that you have made a mistake, you, as cocreator of your lives can change anytime you want, but YOU MUST DO IT. No one can do it for you. What you have consented to, you can NOW remove such consent. No one is damned eternally without their unwitting consent - NO ONE!
Know who you are! Know what you want! Then set into motion the True Estate of God's Law which no man's law and its courts can compete with.
How do you do that? You withdraw your consent from all government's contracts entered into without full disclosure having been made at the time the contract was entered. It is that unholy contract which has reduced you to spiritual and physical slaves, human resources, collateral commercial instruments bought and sold on the world market.
You assert your Sovereignty. You walk away from the relationship you have experienced with the Satanic government. You withdraw your support, financial and psychological. You BOYCOTT, BOYCOTT, BOYCOTT your previous slavemasters and through your personal lack of refueling the Satanic machine of Government, it inevitably runs out of gas and grinds to a halt. Yes, it IS as simple as that. It is the Spiritual act of RESIST NOT EVIL. It doesn't take an ounce of your energy to accomplish this monumental change in your life. JUST WITHDRAW!
➝ Right = Correct = True = Moral = Natural Law = No harm done = Good ➝ Wrong = Incorrect = False = Immoral = not Natural Law = Harm done = Evil
In society there are some who are punished and lose their freedom for not having harmed another, while others who engage in harm against another are never acted upon and stopped. In order for someone to violate Natural Law, another must be violated or harmed, and then action can be taken against them to stop this harm. No imaginary rights can be invented or granted to individuals or groups where they did not exist for every other individual.
For example, can you imagine giving someone a right you do not possess? If one person can’t steal from others, who then can take from the labors of others? No one. No amount of people collected into a group can assume or grant such a right that does not exist. If 1000 people don’t have the right to take the labor of others by threats (which is what taxation is), then a group of those 1000 people calling themselves “government” can’t invent or assume a right that does not exist. Granting something you do not possess yourself is an illusion. A right cannot be assumed if it does not already exist. So why can’t we write laws into existence? Because we are not “God”.
Man’s law is irrelevant in light of the revelation and recognition of Universal Cosmic Natural Moral Law. If man’s law is in contradiction with Natural Law, it is false and immoral and not binding upon anyone, otherwise it is in harmony with Natural Law and is redundan.
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