actuallyuniversal · 6 hours
When I made this post just ten days ago, it was about mass graves discovered at Al Shifa hospital and now we have learned that the same had happened at Nasser hospital in Gaza. The same genocidal pattern: a hospital is put under siege, patients and medical staff are abducted, tortured and buried in mass graves.
But to build on the last point I wanted to bring attention to in the previous post, it is very crucial to also keep in mind is that the Palestinian Civil Defence have reported that Israel had deliberately concealed the identities of those it killed and buried in these mass graves. Close to 400 bodies have been buried in these mass graves, 58% of the recovered bodies have not been identified.
In a press conference, a spokesperson of the civil defence in Gaza said that Israel had intentionally disfigured the bodies postmortem in order to remove any identifying markers such as birthmarks. He also mentioned that they suspect that the bodies have been placed in body bags that expedited the decomposition process, destroying any possibility of them being identified.
One of the main and only ways families have been able to identify the bodies of their loved ones is through the clothes they remember them wearing the last time they saw them. I saw a video of a mother identifying her son by his striped jacket. You can see the grief mixed with relief that she will be able to give her son proper burial.
Remember when months ago I said that to be identified and buried in Gaza has become a luxury? This is very much still the case.
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actuallyuniversal · 6 hours
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actuallyuniversal · 6 hours
hey um are you guys seeing that columbia is threatening to bring in the national guard?
for those of you who don’t know, there were protests in the 1970s on us college campuses against the Vietnam War. At Kent State University, they called in the national guard, who massacred the protesting students.
This is an eerily similar chain of events. It’s mind-boggling that the US is so committed to imperialism that they would rather kill their own citizens than stop killing foreigners. More than that, that they would do so multiple times over, decades apart.
I hope I’m wrong and that the students will be okay. My thoughts are with them, just as my thoughts are always with the people of Palestine.
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actuallyuniversal · 6 hours
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actuallyuniversal · 7 hours
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my man is just along for the ride huh?
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actuallyuniversal · 7 hours
Imagine being a patient of Hannibal’s but you just received actual therapy and then took his advice and you’re thriving, but then it comes out that almost all his patients killed at least one person I’d start wondering what was so wrong with me that he didn’t try to harness the dark urges within me, why wasn’t I worth shaping into a furry killer or some unsettling little freak with psychosexual tendencies? I’d need extensive therapy after.
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actuallyuniversal · 7 hours
I cannot believe there's absolutely no way to watch free shows and movies anymore, there are too many paid streaming platforms and pirating websites have viruses and ads preventing you from watching it uninterrupted((.)) id rather follow the rules and purchase media moving forward because it is too inconvenient. Seriously, free and no ads or viruses with 1080p streaming is DEAD.
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actuallyuniversal · 7 hours
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TikTok has absolutely rotted peoples mind. I’m sure you’ve seen this trend of mainly cis women posting what they look like without cosmetic work done in response to the rise of plastic surgery and facial filler becoming more of a norm. Everyone who has participated in this trend has gotten utterly ripped apart and bullied in the comments.
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This was the top comment and like.. what are you talking about? Have we forgotten what real people look like?
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actuallyuniversal · 7 hours
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actuallyuniversal · 7 hours
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Doodles from Insta, thank you to everyone that gave me ideas!!
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actuallyuniversal · 7 hours
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LESS THAN THREE HOURS AGO: zionists were taunting a comrade at ucla's gaza solidarity encampment with a severe (possibly anaphylactic? with the context clues of "can go into shock" im leaning towards assuming it's anaphylactic) banana allergy by bringing bananas near the camp. i am genuinely of the belief that taunting someone with anaphylaxis like this should be considered attempted murder. this is fucking evil.
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actuallyuniversal · 7 hours
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I made this at 1 AM last night and forgot about it
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actuallyuniversal · 7 hours
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can someone pls help me pay for this my computer just fully died and i accidentally bought the wrong battery and this is the right one!!
im a solely virtual worker so not having my computer is literally fucking my ability to survive if u can spare it i would really appreciate it
v: avibb
z or pp: please inbox me but pls b patient bc im on mobile !
c: $avibb
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actuallyuniversal · 7 hours
Species Dossier: Tawny Grey
Note - Everything listed below is for entertainment purposes only, and is a part of a research/self identity project.
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(Fig. 1; a picture of a tawny grey female, specimen ID TN-26, holding out her arm and speaking.)
Order: Oculara
Family: Ocularidae
Genus: Oculos
Species: O. fuscus
Population status: Data deficient
General description:
The tawny grey, also known as “fuscus greys” are a subspecies of grey in the Oculos genus, usually seen visiting earth near humid forest edges; and particularly around coastal towns. While not as common as their more well-known counterpart, the common grey; they share many similarities with few key differences. Firstly, is the color of their skin, which unlike the former, is more of an ashy taupe or tawny brown; rather than silver or grey. Out of most recorded sightings, they can be seen wearing dark baggy clothing that covers most of their body except for their feet, hands, head, and neck. Both have very large black eyes fixed in the skull, with their nictitating membrane not visible unless blinking. Also noticeable unless far away, is their small and soft filament-like vibrissae, located between the eyes, mouth, and slit-like nostrils. They sport long arms and torso, with disproportionate legs. Each hand has four fingers, and each foot has four toes; both described with sharp keratin-based nails or claws.
Species description:
Tawny greys have a few specific characteristics differing from their common grey counterparts. The chest plate, or rib cage of the tawny grey is much more pronounced. It is hypothesized that this feature comes from having large lungs, or perhaps another organ(s) that aid them in holding their breath, which may stem from a possible semi-aquatic lifestyle. Even so, they spend just as much time on land if not more.
Because greys are a sentient and elusive species, it is often difficult to watch or observe them. Common greys in media are supposedly responsible for human abduction, but no hard physical evidence has supported this. What they do have, however, is technology; which has been proven over time with few recovered devices and artifacts. Unlike common greys, it seems as if tawny greys may use it less, and whether it is from cultural or evolutionary differences, remains to be seen. It is hypothesized that both species could be inter-dimensional, originating from a different plane of existence than ours.
Overall, tawny greys differ from their common counterpart by few physical differences as well as minor technological and possible cultural differences. It is unclear if they are aware of each other’s presence, or perhaps they choose not to interact.
The diets of both tawny and common greys have yet to be observed, but considering the shape of their teeth, it is likely that they may be omnivorous. Because tawny greys are known to wander near coastal bodies of water, it is thought that perhaps some of their earthen-varied diets could potentially consist of fish, shellfish, crustaceans, etc. They may also eat and use plants and other fibrous material, but more research is needed. Diets of their homeworld or home-dimension are not yet known.
Height, weight, and lifespan:
Without more conclusive data, it is unclear how much they weigh and how tall they are. Possible estimated measurements have been made, and It is believed that tawny specimens may reach an adult height of around 140 - 145cm, as neither sex are sexually dimorphic. Based on height, it may be assumed that an average weight could be around 70-90kg. Lifespan is also not known, but some stories and media references say that they could possibly live longer than humans, at around 200 or 250 years, however this is based not on scientific evidence but of citizen account.
Reproduction and development:
No conclusive data has been recorded for either sexual or asexual reproduction in this species. It is thought that, because of their estimated long lifespans, that reproduction rates could be slow, similarly to humans and dissimilar to other earthen animals. Courtship, offspring, and gestation periods for this species have yet to be seen or recorded.
Communication and social interaction:
Both tawny and common greys vocalize in a similar way with slight tone and pitch differences. Language seems to be complex like that of humans, although it is difficult to say how and in what way. They communicate through a series of mixed trills, clicks, and grunts, often accompanied by low growls. There have been few instances where certain “words” have been repeated in ways that suggest clear and coherent conversation, even as far as song, arguments, or specific phrases regarding the repetitive nature of these sounds.
Though familial connections have yet to be seen or described, there have been a few circumstances in which is was revealed that they travel together in groups of two or more, although more often than not, they primarily travel alone.
It is difficult to comprehend what cultures, religions, or values they might have. Knowing that they are an incredibly intelligent and sentient species, it is most likely that they indeed have some form of culture, perhaps even multiple. More data is needed to add new details.
Data log: Behaviors and Notes
- Reflective Eyes: During the day, these greys will often squint, perhaps because of their possible light-sensitive retinas. At night, photos and video show that their eyes will glow when light is reflected off of their photoreceptors- making them appear as two large white-yellow orbs.
- Locomotion: Greys in general are primarily bi-pedal, although will not hesitate to use a form of quadrupedal locomotion.
- Clothing: Most greys will wear clothing, although there have been few recorded cases in which they don’t, and perhaps they may choose not to. Clothing has been seen to consist of a singularly attached baggy uniform, mostly in dark colors. They do not wear items like shoes or socks. Protective eyewear is also occasionally used.
- Athletics: Both grey subspecies are very adaptive, and have been described climbing trees, swimming, diving, and sprinting. Having such a small stature, it is safe to say that they are relatively athletic, using their stealth and speed to avoid being seen.
End of Log - xx/xx/xxxx
Note: Data is always being received and accepted, this Dossier is susceptible to change or growth, and is always being updated. More to come in the future.
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actuallyuniversal · 7 hours
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sam going "hey max check this out ;)))" is way too funny to me
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actuallyuniversal · 7 hours
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actuallyuniversal · 7 hours
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