actual-apollo · 10 months
First Official Meet || Apollo, Maddie, Lottie
Today was Apollo's day to ditch Nathan and return to his own body to make some arrangements. It was important that no one recognize Nathan until the time was right, and after the last time he'd left his pawn alone, he had taken extra precautions to make sure he wouldn't get out of the condo he'd bought. He'd had the locks changed so that you needed a key to get in and out, ensuring that even if Nathan had wanted to run, he wouldn't be able to without making a scene. And he knew he'd pay if he made a scene.
As he walked around Elysium as himself, he carefully watched the people around him. He'd never really stopped and looked or listened to the people that lived on the island. He'd only ever focused on Madelina. The island was so peaceful. Everyone who passed by gave him a nod or a wave. Some people stopped to ask him if he was new here, what his name was. He didn't say Apollo. He couldn't use his real name. Everyone knew it. "I'm Sean." He offered, tucking his hands into his pockets.
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He made his way to the beach. It really was beautiful and picturesque here. He could see where the island got it's name. He stood there, looking out towards the water, unsure how to spend his day. And that was when he saw her. Flying in, with a baby in her arms. The only person on this island who had the wings of an angel. The only person that seemed to exist for Apollo...and she was carrying his child. Instead of landing, she hovered in the air, her head back, the wind whipping through it as the chiild, Lottie, laughed. Both were basking in the sun and the adrenaline of flight.
People gathered around, waving and calling out to the woman. "Maddie! You're home!!" They yelled. Home? Why hadn't she been home? Had he been that out of the loop in his own scheme? Maddie's smile was benevolent, the smile of a true ruler of the island, of someone so loved by everyone that they were lifted up by it.
Everyone's hair and clothes shifted as Maddie's wings slowly took her to the ground. She ruffled them as she stood there, stretching them out before tucking them tightly to her back. One man reached out towards Lottie. "Hey there, bug. It's good to see you, kiddo. How've you been?" He asked, talking to the little girl, making silly faces to make her laugh.
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"Say hi to Jonah," Maddie said, before turning to the woman who's arms were outstretched next to her. "Mandy!!" She cried, falling into the other woman's arms. "Ugh, I missed you." The name was familiar to Apollo, an old dear friend of Maddie's?
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Though seeing the man, Jonah, with Lottie made his heart sink. How could he try to have some claim on a child who had so many people in her life? Maddie would never let him in. Not with all of this support around them. He screamed an internal FUCK, trying to keep his face neutral. Maddie kept her eye on Lottie as people passed the little girl around for kisses or tickles.
That was when a plan started to form. What would happen if Lottie were to go missing? And he happened to be the one to bring her home? What if Nathan could be a hero in some people's eyes by saving the stolen baby? Apollo could take her, and Nathan could defeat him and bring her back. Then they would have to trust him...right?
After Maddie said her hello's, she noticed Apollo off to the side. She picked up Lottie and walked over, giving him a knowing and shy smile. "I know everyone on this island. But I don't know you. Are you new here?" She asked, Lottie making silly noises while inspecting the new comer, no doubt hoping to get more tickles and hugs. "I'm Maddie. And this little bundle of joy is my daughter, Charlotte. Everyone calls her Lottie, though." When he didn't answer she reached out to touch his arm. "Hey. I know being new is scary. And seeing my wings for the first time can be overwhelming...but...you're home now. Trust me. You'll get along fine."
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Lottie wiggled until Maddie put her down. Harlow scooped her up next, giving Maddie a kiss on the cheek. "Oh, remind me, Har, I need to talk to you, Jonah and Mandy, okay? It's about Lottie and her gifts. I'm thinking of having a dinner? And if you know anyone that works with an element, please let me know."
"You got it, Mads," the woman said, smiling
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Wanting to gain Maddie's attention, Apollo spoke again. "I'm Sean." He offered, genuinely impressed with the woman in front of him. He'd always known she was special, but now it seemed as if the world did too. She'd come so far from the broken little girl he'd used and abused over and over again. She was strong now. Getting to her would be much tougher. "I can astral project. Nothing fancy. Seems like everyone here knows you. You some kind of celebrity or something?" He asked and to that, she giggled. "I've lived here a long time. And a girl with wings is...kind of hard to miss."
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That was when they heard Amy's voice. Apollo looked toward the ocean and saw the woman running for Maddie. Maddie ran back and they embraced in such an intimate and loving way before pulling away and giving each other the sweetest, most beautiful kiss that showed everyone just how much they loved each other. It had been so easy to tear them apart before...this was different. They were different. Without another word, he excused himself from the crowd. He needed to regroup. Rethink his process. He hadn't expected Maddie to have grown her life in such a way that he might not be able to weasel into it. She'd always been so alone before.
He cursed as he walked away, Lottie's squeals of delight in the background.
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actual-apollo · 11 months
Horrified || Self Para For Nathan
Nathan shifted in his sleep, moving from his side onto his back. Slowly, his eyes opened and he blinked a few times. Where was he? He looked around and vaguely recognized his surroundings. It was the condo Apollo had been able to purchase on the western most side of Elysium Island. Nathan laid there, waiting to feel Apollo’s familiar presence, but he was nowhere to be found. He sighed a sigh of relief and rubbed his face with both of his hands. 
Times like this were few and far inbetween. He was unsure where Apollo went when he left Nathan’s body, he just knew that there were moments where he could, once again, take control of his own actions and not BE controlled by another entity. 
He got up from the bed slowly, savoring every movement as if it were his first...or maybe his last. It was always a little slow going whenever he got to have control of his own body. He had missed the feeling of his muscles, the way he could stretch his fingers or make them into a fist. He enjoyed the feeling of his feet touching the ground and he memorized what it felt like to take each step. He knew it was temporary, that Apollo would be back soon. 
He made a beeline for the kitchen. He was incredibly thirsty and his stomach was growling with intensity. Apollo didn’t tend to feel these types of things, it seemed, at least not when he was inside Nathan’s body. He neglected it, leaving Nathan in the back of his mind begging for Apollo to take care of his body. What did Apollo care? He could have any body he wanted? There wasn’t anything special about Nathan except he had an in into Maddie’s life. 
He grabbed the bottle of water in the fridge and downed it in one go. He grabbed a fresh loaf of bread and shoved it into his mouth eagerly, not wasting any time. Who knew how long he would have with his own free will? He needed to take advantage of it before Apollo came back. 
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He wished with desperate intention that he knew where Apollo went to on the days he went away, but the other man was careful not to let him know those kinds of thoughts. Though he had no problem using Nathan’s in order to weasel into Maddie’s life. By the time he finished eating, he was breathing hard. As he stood there, he contemplated. He remembered the day he’d woken up without Apollo before, looking at Maddie with his own eyes and seeing the danger for her and their unborn child. He’d done his best to convince her he wanted nothing to do with her or the child and to his astonishment, it actually worked. 
But Apollo was furious when he came back and he punished Nathan’s body. He scratched his torso and slammed his head into the wall, knowing that Nathan would feel it and Apollo would feel nothing. 
As he went to the bathroom to relieve himself, he caught a glimpse of his reflection. He didn’t look so much like himself, he was gaunt, dark circles under his eyes. Of course, he was still beautiful, no one outside of himself would notice how different he looked to the eye. Would Maddie notice? 
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He looked around the condo and his gaze landed on the phone. He ran to it, eager to send some sort of warning when he realized it was password protected. He tried as hard as he could to wrack his brain, to figure out what it could possibly be, but Apollo was smart. There were moments that were stricken from his mind, almost as if they’d never been. Nathan supposed it was due to Apollo’s mind control. He felt helpless. He started to run for the door. At the very least, he could get an uber and find Maddie and Amy, warn them of what was to come. But as his hand landed on the doorknob, he felt the hairs on the back of his neck stand on end. FUCK.
Without warning, Apollo’s consciousness slammed into his body, almost knocking them both to the ground. “What the hell do you think you’re doing?” Apollo asked. 
Nathan fumbled for a moment before lying. “I was going to find something to eat. All we had was bread...you’re not taking care of my...I mean...our body.” Would Apollo believe it. 
He sighed out loudly. “Fiiiine,” he said, like a petulant child. “You better not be lying to me, or next time I will make sure you can’t move or do anything when I leave. I could handcuff you to the bed and then where would you be?” He said, laughing as he walked out and into the sunshine. God, Nathan wished he could remember what the sunshine felt like on his skin. 
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actual-apollo · 11 months
If you could take someone on a date, who would it be? Also, how would the date be like?
I heard there's a girl named Charlie on the island, Maddie had also talked to me about her. Some unrequited love affair on Charlie's part. It seems the girl might still be hanging on...maybe we have some things to talk about, no?
I could buy her coffee or a meal. I would love to pick her brain about the island and Maddie and Amy's relationship or how they are parenting my child.
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actual-apollo · 1 year
What do you think of Amy?
I don't know her directly, of course, but I feel like I know her through Maddie.
Even when we were together, Maddie spoke of Amy. Highly. And with a lot of love. I'm not surprised they are back together now. I just hope that it's not her intention to get in between us...and our daughter. I'm glad she's been another parent to Lottie and I'll always be grateful for that.
Stop using my memories, you asshole.
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actual-apollo · 1 year
Have you met your daughter?
No. I have never met my daughter.
I know. I'm an asshole.
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actual-apollo · 1 year
Would you want Maddie back?
I see Maddie having the "life of her dreams". I don't intend to screw with that. All I want, is the chance to see my daughter. If that happens to come with Maddie attached? Then, so be it.
Please...no...leave them alone. Let them be happy.
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actual-apollo · 1 year
What is your daily routine like?
Ever seen American Psycho?
They must have based Patrick Bateman on me.
I mean...look at me.
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No, but I wake up, take a shower, brush my teeth. I go to the gym. After, I drink a little tea, I like to read. My day to day is normally very different. I have a new goal every day.
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actual-apollo · 1 year
Apollo’s Biography
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Apollo discovered that he could leave his body when he was about 6 years old. One day, he was laying on the grass, looking up at the clouds, trying to figure out their shapes, and the next he was hovering above what was supposed to be his body. He stood there in shock, looking down at himself and realizing he was transparent. His mother walked by him, smiling down at his body as Apollo called out. “Mom. I’m over here.” He said, expecting the woman to hear him. He was terrified. What if he couldn’t figure out how to get back into his body?
He walked around for a bit like that, testing out the feel of it. There was a sense of power in being in a room and being invisible. There are many things people do when they think they are really and truly alone. He overheard conversations that weren’t meant for his little ears to have. He got to really and truly know the knowledge of what it was to be human at a very young age. The beauty of it was, he could simply walk back to his body and jump back inside whenever he wanted. 
He felt like this gave him immense power. And that power, at a young age, could turn anyone to the dark side. Instead of using it to help, or merely spying, he took things to the next level. From ages 6-10 he was a rough and tumble boy, ready and willing to spy on anyone, anywhere. He was also completely maniacal in the way he used people’s secrets. His mother was baffled at the things he knew of her. How she’d been cheating on Apollo’s father. How she had multiple boyfriends in the wings, buying her designer gifts. By the time he hit middle school, he was able to get his mom to buy him alcohol and cigarettes whenever he desired. He wasn’t in with the popular clique due to his bad boy ways, he saw himself as a loner and he wanted to keep it that way. 
As a matter of fact, he was above every single one of them. Was it not true? He could leave his body whenever he wanted, he was starting to be able to let his soul travel as if by flying to wherever he wanted it to be. Most people would call it astral projecting but he wanted it to seem more important than that.
When he was 15, he learned of Elysium Island. And he became furious. There was an entire island full of people with gifts? But...how was that possible? He was supposed to be the only special one. He had to visit this island. As soon as possible. 
It wasn’t long before he bribed his mother for enough money to fly to this special island. He wanted to see what it was like to be among his own kind. This was the first time he discovered that he could not only travel in and out of his own body, but could travel in and out of other bodies as well. 
He lay himself down on the beach with a beach hat over his face and had his fun. He’d never tried it before, but what could it hurt? He clocked a man who’d just flown down from the sky and did the same thing to him that he did to his own body. He jumped into the other man and flexed his muscles. He could feel every single thing about the body. How strong it was, how much power it held. He had never been this strong in his life. A small smile settled onto his features. He could hear the man he’d taken over yelling and wondering what was happening but he quickly blocked it out. Now, it was time to play. He spent the day jumping from body to body, trying out different mutant gifts at his pleasure. That’s when he decided he would stay there. 
He’d be incognito. He could have absolutely any life he wanted. As long as he traveled back to his body to eat and relieve himself, he always had a body to call home. No one here knew him. He really could do this as long as he wanted. And what would the person in the host body do? Nothing. 
It wasn’t long before he met Madelina. He saw her on the beach, the feathers on her wings shifting in the breeze looking like they were rippling. He’d never seen someone so beautiful in all his life. But he was average looking. He knew that about himself. He was nothing to look at which is why he spent so much time outside of his body. It didn’t feel like his real home. She would never notice him and there was no way he could have approached her on his own. He stood and watched her interact with the islanders, how much they loved her, how big her smile was, especially when she looked at a blonde boy who’s name happened to be Patrick. He could tell Madelina was flustered around him. 
And that’s when he developed an idea.
Without waiting a single second, he jumped into Patrick. He played it off as a cough, pounding on his chest. “Sorry. Lost my breath there for a minute,” He said, testing his new voice, Patrick’s voice. The winged girl simply smiled at him, her cheeks flushing. 
The rest...as they say...is history. 
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actual-apollo · 1 year
Maddie held onto what Amy was saying with every inch of her sanity as she chewed on her shaking fingernail and nodded her head along with her words. “Yeah…yeah. Your parents won’t let that happen. They know how good we are with Lottie. Yeah. He can’t. You’re right.” She felt her body rocking back and forth but couldn’t seem to stop herself from doing it. 
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She leaned into Amy’s touch. Trying to let it calm her down. She was so confused. Her mind was moving a million miles a minute, she could hear the door downstairs creak open and she called down to her step mother,” Lottie’s in the living room. We have something to take care of. Don’t let her know anything is wrong,” 
“I don’t know why I’m reacting like this…like my world is ending…” She muttered, reaching up to rub her face and the tears that had accumulated there. “Why can’t we ever just be happy without someone ruining it?” She whined at Amy. 
When her phone beeped, she held her breath and opened the message. “He wants us to face time. He wants us to be ‘civil’,” she said it with quotation marks around the word. “I need to tell his fucker to go bury his head back in the sand where he came from.”
Images of every single time that Maddie had left Amy came into Amy’s mind as she watched Maddie holding onto her. Her mind was screaming for a pill. For drugs. For a drink. Anything, anything that could take her away from this. She just wanted something strong, she needed something wrong. She kept thinking about all the times that Maddie had left her to be with other people, and how she was now holding onto her… But for what? Amy knew that soon, Maddie would be running back to Nathan. It was just a matter of time until Maddie and her family were back together. She knew that. But until then, Amy needed to be strong and be there for Maddie… As a friend. Maybe that was all that Amy was to Maddie at the end of the day. “You are right, my parents will not let that happen. They won’t let Nathan take Lottie from you. They won’t. You are the best mom in the whole world, and they know that.” She said softly as she pecked Maddie’s shoulder over and over again.
Amy knew why Maddie was reacting like this. Like it was the world ending. Because it was. Maddie was experiencing something that she knew was going to happen, but at the same time, she was not expecting it to happen. “It’s normal, angel. You are about to go through a giant change. And it’s normal that you are scared.” She whispered softly, hoping that somehow she could calm Maddie down. Amy did ask herself too many times, why they couldn’t be happy. Maybe because… What if… They were just not meant to be together? If only Maddie could read her mind right now…
Amy took a deep breath and took the phone from Maddie’s hand, “I’ve got this. Relax.” She said as she took another deep breath and then, she answered the call. “Nathan… Is that correct? I am Amy. I am Maddie’s wife. She is not feeling too good right now, I was wondering if we could talk?” Amy was trying to look as friendly and professional as possible. “I was wondering if we could, possibly, have a meeting with our lawyers. You are in Elysium? Our lawyers can be here in a couple of hours… If you are interested?”
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Apollo tried not to show his distaste when the phone rang and the person on the other end wasn’t his Madelina. “Amy...” He said by way of greeting, using Nathan’s face to give what he hoped was a friendly smile. “I would really rather talk to my ex-wife if that’s alright with you, though I understand that you are both parenting my child, so this does concern you as much as it does Maddie.” He answered to her question. “Why isn’t Maddie able to come to the phone?” He found himself asking. 
It was almost like the woman knew he was already in Elyisum. How did she know? He’d flown both himself here and Nathan here separately and bid his time. He knew they were planning a wedding, and since he broke up the last one, how fun would it be to ruin this one as well? What he didn’t expect was how close Amy and Maddie had grown, he wasn’t aware that there was no breaking them up. Not this time. He lived in blissful ignorance and inside his head, Nathan was laughing. He, himself, knew just how much Maddie loved Amy. It had been a topic of discussion loads of times between the two of them. Nathan was rooting for Amy and Maddie. He always would. 
“Fine. I’ll gather my lawyer. Let’s meet later today at...3 pm?” He asked, checking his watch. “Madel--Maddie, better be there.” He said before hanging up. 
“FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUCK,” He screamed, hearing it reverberate around his apartment. “That little fucking Amy is always in my goddamn way. But I can’t get rid of her yet...I need her...”
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actual-apollo · 1 year
Maddie held onto Amy’s voice and used it to calm herself down from hyperventilating. She’d been dreading this. The day he would decide he couldn’t run from Lottie forever. Surely he’d been watching her social media posts, he’d seen her becoming more of a star in the public eye. Did he feel entitled to some of her wealth? 
She whimpered as Amy read the text out loud. It was her worst nightmare. “We can’t let him see Lottie, can we? I mean…he is her dad, but he left me when I was pregnant! He left me to go through everything by myself.” She was rambling now, all her thoughts leaving her lips without her thinking to stop them. “We are her parents. WE have been here.” The more she spoke, the less despair she felt and the more angry she became. 
“I want to talk to this fucker. Face to face. I want to tell him to fuck off.” She said, taking her phone from Amy’s hands. “He can’t just do this.” Her hands were shaking as she typed. She could barely hold the phone in her hands. 
TEXT: TO NATHAN: You have no right to Lottie. She’s perfectly happy with Amy and I as her parents. Your presence will only confuse her further. YOU pushed ME away.
A shriek left her lips when she read his latest message. “Amy…he could take her from us. He could paint me as unfit. What do we do?” She begged, tears in her eyes. 
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Amy arched an eyebrow. A lawyer? Clearly, Nathan knew nothing about who Maddie was with. If he had known, he wouldn’t be saying that. Amy’s family were all lawyers. They were even lawyers of American Presidents. They were trusted by the government, by rich and wealthy people. Amy’s family was considered one of the most powerful families of lawyers in the whole world. And Nathan was asking if they wanted to have a lawyer involved.
She did not know this guy, but she was starting to hate him more and more. First, he fucked Maddie, fucked her enough to get her pregnant. Second, married her, third had her… And forth… He was trying to take her away from Amy again? Damn, Amy hated this Nathan so much, it was almost like Apollo second.
“Shhh, shhh.” Amy said sadly as she heard Maddie whimpering. It was breaking her heart. This guy had broken Maddie’s heart once, and now, he was doing it again. “I am going to call my parents, ok? Please, relax. Please.” Amy said sadly as she grabbed her phone and started texting her mom and dad, back and forth. She needed them to know what was happening, maybe they could help the two of them to figure all this out. “The truth is that, yeah, if he proves to be Lottie’s dad, he can have… Power over her. But the thing is, you also have all the reasons to want him away from her, from you. And that is why we need my family to help us. Tell him that if he wants, he will get a fight.” Amy said with a know it all tone. She knew how good her family was.
“I know, I know you want to have him face to face, but… Let’s wait to see what my parents say, ok?” Amy suggested again as she fixed Maddie’s hair, trying to calm her down. She knew it was rather impossible to calm Maddie down, but she was trying. “You are shaking, love. Look at this.” Amy sighed out as she took hold of Maddie’s hands and rubbed it gently, hoping to calm her down.
Amy wrapped her arms around Maddie, and pulled her as close as possible, “Shhh, don’t say that. He could take her from us, but we need to trust the law, we need to trust the good sense.” The brunette said softly. “You are not unfit, don’t say that. Please.”
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Apollo was starting to get impatient. He damned Nathan once again. After all, it had been him that drove Maddie away from them. Apollo couldn’t live in someone forever, he had his own body to think about from time to time. He had to make sure it was semi healthy or he would cease to be altogether. His body was the thing tethering him to life at all. He’d been going back and forth when Nathan had decided to go rouge, ignoring every threat from Apollo and choosing to save Maddie instead. He hadn’t cared what Apollo would do to him, he wanted Maddie and Lottie safe from whatever and whoever Apollo the Intruder was. 
He had to stifle the urge to throw the phone. WWND? What Would Nathan Do?
An incoming text came from Maddie before he could reply.
INCOMING TEXT: FROM MADDIE: You have no idea who Amy’s parents are. They are the best lawyers in the country. They will not allow you access to Mine and Amy’s child. I will make sure of it. 
He fought the urge to scream and break every glass in the house. 
Text:To MADDIE: Let’s talk on face time. So we can have a civil conversation about this.”
The key to being in Maddie’s life, was to win over her little girl. If he could do that...he could do anything. He sent Maddie a link, opened his laptop and waited. 
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actual-apollo · 1 year
Coming Together || Nathan, Maddie and Amy
I don’t want to do this to Maddie, Nathan intoned inside his head, hoping Apollo would listen. “Shut up, you insignificant idiot. Haven’t you learned by now that what I want is what I get? And I want Madelina. This is the proper way to do it and I’m going to use your body to get what I want.” Apollo gripped Nathan’s phone in his hand, trying to decide the best way to go about texting Madelina. He wanted to see her, he’d wanted to simply show up like he’d done before, but this would take finessing. Lottie was, after all, not just Nathan’s child, but technically Apollo’s as well since he’d taken residence inside the man shortly after they’d been engaged. There was a teeny tiny part of him that felt a pull towards the little girl, but mostly he just cared about Madelina. He could see it now, they would be the perfect family.
TEXT: TO MADDIE: Hey...I know we haven’t talked in awhile, but I would really like to see Lottie. I’ve thought about it a lot, and she needs me to be part of her life. She needs her dad. Let’s talk this out, okay? Please.
There. That sounded perfectly pathetic enough to be Nathan, didn’t it? This was going to be way too easy. Madelina would never deny her child the chance to know her own father, after all. Apollo knew her too well to expect otherwise. She would gladly welcome him back into Lottie’s life, then back into hers, and he’d push Amy out...or maybe she’d have another accident while surfing, this time one that she couldn’t come back from? It would be easy, wouldn’t it? Though Nathan himself had no abiltiies, Apollo had gained quite a few over his long years of jumping in and out of bodies. 
Now the ball was in Maddie’s court. This was going to be epic. His best plan yet. In the back of his mind, he could hear Nathan whimpering, pleading for him not to do this.
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actual-apollo · 1 year
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actual-apollo · 1 year
What is the best thing in your life?
Hopefully soon, it will be my daughter.
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actual-apollo · 1 year
Favorite person in the whole world?
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actual-apollo · 1 year
Are you in love?
I don't know about "in love". I still have love for Maddie, I have love for my daughter.
I've come for Maddie. She can't get rid of me.
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actual-apollo · 1 year
Now is the Moment ---- Self Para with Nathan and Apollo
Nathan walked through the lobby of his hotel, whistling as he walked. He and Maddie had been visiting Washington DC on behalf of the island of Elysium and the mutants that inhabited it. He'd decided to go back to the hotel while she had a business meeting. She was just going to be discussing things that would go over his head anyways. It wasn't like he could participate in the conversation. He was, after all, a perfectly ordinary human.
When he got into his room he noticed a presence. It had been there all the time recently. The man was hardly superstitious, so he shrugged it off as best he could and kept on moving. Maddie hadn't seemed to notice. His green eyes scanned the room before loosening his tie and sitting down on the edge of the bed.
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Nathan was planning on proposing on this trip. It was such an important one for Maddie and what was important to her was important to him. He took the ring out from under his clothes in the chest of drawers and imagined the life they would have together. He loved her. Body and soul. They'd stayed up all hours of the night, sharing their most intimate secrets. She had told him of Amy and their love story. How she hoped one day to have a new one. They had discussed marriage and possibly a child or two. His mind got lost in the future and that's when he heard it. The voice in his head. It sounded like it was all around him. The presence was finally making itself known.
"I have been waiting in the wings," it said. "After the way Madelina got rid of my last body, she could have sworn she left me behind. But it's not that easy. Surely she would have realized that I had jumped a body once...so there was every chance I would jump into a body again."
Nathan found himself turning in circles, his breathing ragged, trying to find where the voice was coming from. Very vaguely he could see the outline of a person. "Don't fret," it said. "You aren't losing your mind. I have the gift of mind control, you see. I can make you hear and see whatever I want."
"Who are you? He said as his voice trembled "What do you want with me? What do you want with, my Maddie?"
Maniacal laughing filled the room, so loud it seemed to shake the furniture. "What don't I want with you and my precious Madelina? She has always been mine after all."
Had he ever heard about an ex boyfriend from her? He'd heard of a war where they'd fought a very bad man.... "OH God. You're him aren't you? The man who tried to take over the island? Maddie was sure she had ended you once and for all. If you hurt her, I swear to God I..."
"You'll what?" He cut in. "What is it you propose to do? After all, I'm just a voice in your head. But I'm about to be much, much more than that." Nathan watched as the shape grew closer. "I was waiting to see if things got serious with you two. Now that I see the ring...I think it's time the two of us got to know each other a bit. My name is Apollo. And I'm about to take over from here on out. You see...I've always longed for our Madelina. From the first moment I laid eyes on her, to the moment our bodies met, I knew I would make her mine. I never told her about how I can jump my spirit into people like spirits can posses a person. I guess that is what you would call it. I do possess people. I can still hear you in there...begging me to leave. But once I'm in, you no longer matter. I do. Taking people, as I like to call it, gives me the body with which I get to live."
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Nathan had tears in his eyes now. "Please don't. I have a family. My mother and father need me. Maddie needs me. And I need them. You can't just impersonate me. Maddie will know immediately that something has changed."
The voice laughed. "I am Apollo. I am a God. I can do anything I please. Besides, haven't you felt me watching? For how long have you felt eyes on your back and didn't think twice? I have been watching you since I realized the two of you were getting serious. I know your ins...your outs...your quirks. I know the way you like to kiss her, and hold her, and touch her face. I will make a better you than you did. And the best part is...she will finally be mine. Now close your eyes...it gets a bit cramped and uncomfortable when I enter a new body."
Suddenly Nathan doubled over...and when he stood back up, he was Nathan no longer. Apollo stretched his neck, rolling it around slowly, relishing in finally being corporeal again. His eyes traveled down the length of his arms, the muscles that were now his, the hands he would now used to hold his Madelina. He turned to find a mirror and studied his new face. He was beautiful. No doubt about that. A face like this could fool anyone. He reached up and touched his face, his lips, the lips he would kiss his love with. Finally a maniacal smile settled into his features. "Now this time...she is mine." He said, reaching for the engagement ring that would now be his to give Madelina.
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actual-apollo · 7 years
Amy was scared. She would never admit that, but yes, she was really really scared, she could die right now, die with fear. Seeing this psycho right there, holding her, and ready to kill her. That was scary. “AMY!” Someone screamed, and when that same person screamed, everyone looked at their side, and that was when Amy’s sister, Kensi showed up. “AMY!” She screamed again. But now, people already knew who that person was. “It’s Amy’s sister. The lost one.’, some people whispered as they watched the full scene. “I don’t know you, but please, don’t kill my sister. Don’t let that person kill my sister.” Kensi said to Maddie. Amy was simply watching everything confused. Was she already dead? She probably was already dead. “Kens….” She murmured but when she tried to move forward, Apollo kicked her and made her fall down. That was when she realized Maddie was speaking with her through their connection. ‘You have to pick him. He is your father, love. I will be alright, I promise.’
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Before Maddie could open her mouth, she heard the screams of her little sister. She twisted in Mandy and Charlie’s arms, her own arms outstretched for the girl to run into. “Andrea Hastings!!! What did I tell you about staying put?!?!?!?” She screamed into the girl’s face before pulling her forward into a hug. “Maddie…he can’t kill our daddy. Please, Maddie.” She said, tears flowing down her cheeks. She looked up at Amy, tears in her eyes. Then they turned to Apollo. “Look at what you’re doing.” Her eyes were pleading begging him to stop this. She shook her head at Amy’s reaction. “No. I choose you. I will always choose you.” Her father hadn’t said a word, which must have been because he knew if there was a competition between Amy and him, he would lose every single time. He did have tears fall on his cheeks, his eyes closed, almost like he was waiting for the final blow. Maddie looked back and forth, from Andrea, to Amy’s sister, to her father, back to Amy, then to Apollo.” She found herself falling to the ground, her eyes burning because she couldn’t blink. “I pick Amy. Amy lives.” She said out loud, turning to Andrea. Andrea screamed and hit at Maddie slapping her in the face. “HE’S OUR DADDY!! NO!!!” Tears were falling freely and she couldn’t believe how hard it was to breathe. Her mind went to Amy, but she couldn’t look at her. “How can I do this to my little sister?” Andrea ran over to Amy, bravely ignoring Apollo. “Amy…don’t let him take my daddy away…”
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Apollo watched in surprise as Andrea came out of the alley and ran into Madelina’s arms. That was not something he expected to happen. But an evil smile broke out on his face as she pleaded with Maddie to choose their father. This was going exactly as he planned and he had to stop himself from doing an excited spin the middle of it all. Amy would die, he would take her place, and everything would be exactly as it was supposed to be. But then he heard her say she chose Amy. His head whipped toward the winged girl and he raised his eyebrows in disgust. “No...no, this isn’t what was supposed to happen.” He found a sick satisfaction in seeing Amy’s sister in the mix. Good. They would be there to watch her die. He didn’t intervene when the little girl came past him and to Amy. He knew exactly what was about to happen, and if she would facilitate that, then so be it. He smiled smugly, waiting on bated breath just as everyone else was for Amy’s decision. It appears Madelina had made hers...
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It’s Time || Amy & Maddie
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