abused-by-katlyn · 3 months
Due to the consist amount of messages from victims, please check out the support from here: https://discord.gg/utwUuenyBR
Additionally please avoid contacting her family as they refuse to help hold Katlyn accountable. Specifically it seems the mom (Karen) and the sister (Kasey) are proactively defending her. As well as Kasey being another confirmed abuser.
I will still check my messages, it’s just there are so many victims so I can’t get to everyone. Please hang in there, there is hope.
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abused-by-katlyn · 3 years
So apparently it never ends...
I didn’t want to have to post again but Katlyn seems to be back again gathering victims. This time tumblr is not her platform but Discord. She has been known to use different accounts/change her name. AFAIK the current Discord names that are confirmed to be her are:
The discriminator (#number) has been removed for privacy reasons. This post is only up so people can refer to it if she is trying to message them under the guise of someone else. Again, please stay safe everyone.
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abused-by-katlyn · 3 years
I’m happy to report after years of her escaping justice it has finally caught up to her.
She no longer has a tumblr that we are aware of.
That being said, the world still has to deal with her outside of tumblr and people like her. Remember to be careful around strangers. Hopefully this is the last time she will be on tumblr.
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abused-by-katlyn · 3 years
Heads up everyone thecheshirekittykat has changed their username to on-hiatus8.
She’s still at large.
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