there’s only one innocent in the watcher situation and it’s him
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daryl gives true big brother energy with all that attitude
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angel of small death, chapter three
Daryl x OC Slowburn
Summary for entire work: Piper, a 19 year old girl, alongside her 16 year old sister, Dina, are thrust into a dead-infested wasteland of the world they once knew. Having had a difficult home life before turn, will this new world be a sweet release?
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It’s been hours since the group left to go get Merle back and the camp was tense; not sure if they were okay was getting to everyone, especially Lori. Amy and Andrea decided to go onto the water and go fishing for the camp to have later and managed to catch enough to fill everyone’s stomachs and help to distract everyone for a while from the fact that our family and friends could be dead right now. I can’t help but think about the Dixon brothers…I mean what would I do if Dina was chained to a roof by a stranger? Is he alive? He would definitely kill Rick for chaining and leaving him there- what about the others? What if-
 “Hey, you listening to me?” Dina snaps me out of my thoughts as we continue to prep the fish for the fire in front of us, “I said we should ask Amy and Andrea to teach us how to fish like this; we would be set for life!” She half jokes and glances up at me, “Are you alright?”
I stop and think quietly to myself, am I?
“I’m fine.”
After a while as it gets dark everyone is distracted and enjoying themselves with the fish feast, but I cannot bring myself to feel anything but alert as everyone chats amongst themselves. I hear a twig snap behind us in the woods and my head spins towards it, wide eyed, however everyone else seemed unphased and in their own bubbles of conversation to notice that something was wrong. Turning back to the group I continue eating my fish and try to listen in on the conversations around me, but I couldn’t shake the feeling of anxiety.
“…Jeez you try to be discrete around here…” Amy jokes as she gets up to go to the RV and we all laugh. She disappears into the bathroom for a minute, and I chat with Dina, only to be interrupted by Amy reemerging, “We’re out of toilet paper?” she asks in disbelief and as we turn our heads up to her a walker approaches and bites a chunk out of her forearm.
All we hear are screams, and walkers are suddenly surrounding the camp and closing in on us as I get Dina and myself up. I protectively grip my knife with one hand and hold her behind me with the other. It all happened so fast but before I knew it other members of the camp were being eaten alive to both sides of me.
“Get over to the RV, now!” Shane shouts out to everyone. I grab my sister’s wrist and drag her alongside myself, making our way over to him, however as we are running, I feel myself being dragged backwards and the sudden motion has me landing flat on my back, winding myself. Writhing on the ground and gasping for air I smack the ground trying to feel for Dina’s hand but only feeling the dry grass. Then I hear her scream- bloodcurdling. And then a gunshot over my head. I get up onto my hands and knees and fight through the pains shooting through my back.
“DINA!” I cry out and throw my body towards hers, which is covered by a walker that she is holding above herself, watching her arms buckle I try to get to her as fast as my crawling body would let me. I stop in my tracks as an arrow pierces the head of the now dead and lifeless corpse that is now collapsed onto Dina. I look up to see that Daryl, as well as the others that went to get Merle, have arrived without him and are now saving us from being devoured. Daryl makes his way over to us both and holds a hand towards me, seeing me struggling to catch my breath still, and I take it, pulling myself up awkwardly close to his face making both of our cheeks flush shades of pink feeling his heavy breathing on my face. I look down towards my feet and clear my throat stepping back and towards Dina, who is now standing up slowly, helping her stand next to me. All three of us look around at the surrounding carnage as a few people take out the final few walkers. The camp is suddenly silent again aside from quiet sniffles and tears from a few people.
“Thank you.” I say quietly towards Daryl as I hold my now crying sister close. He nods to me but doesn’t meet my eyes, walking away from us and towards everyone else.
I don’t get any sleep all night as I spend the night in the tent with Dina, who is sleeping like a rock. It was so close to her…It almost got her…if it wasn’t for Daryl then she would have ended up like Amy- oh god, Amy. The stress and shock from the attack had distracted me from the gore of Amy dying. She got tore apart in front of us all- in front of Andrea. That almost happened to us.
I decided to leave the tent and to join everyone else in the middle of the camp, trailing off on my own to find Daryl, who is now stabbing the heads of those who were bitten and were now dead.
“Hey, Daryl?” Awkwardly I approach him and he continues stabbing the dead in the head. He just grunts in response. “Thank you, for saving us- for saving her- it means the world to me.” He doesn’t look up and continues stabbing their heads.
“That it?” He asks grumpily, clearly frustrated.
“Yeah…sorry for bothering you…”I turn and begin to leave but feel an urge to say more.
“I’m sorry ‘bout your brother.”
It goes quiet as I hear that he stops stabbing for a moment.
“'Is what it is.”
A/N sorry about the delay guys ive been super busy but i hope you all enjoy this!
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AAAAHHH SORRY GUYS I HAVE BEEN SO BUSY but i am writing chapter 3 now i swear AHAHAHSHS
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angel of small death, chapter two
Daryl x OC Slowburn
Summary for entire work: Piper, a 19 year old girl, alongside her 16 year old sister, Dina, are thrust into a dead-infested wasteland of the world they once knew. Having had a difficult home life before turn, will this new world be a sweet release?
<< T W O >>
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Around two hours of work around the camp went by, with Lori suspiciously avoiding eye contact and having hushed conversations with Shane, him glaring at me. I keep staring over in their direction, observing, and trying to figure out what has happened.
“…What’s that about?” Amy asks, making me jump.
“Jesus! You scared me…” I reply, “I’m not too sure… I asked him about his shift last night and he got cagey…”
“Very…” I keep watching them both until I notice Shane walking away out of sight and Lori approaching us, me and Amy pretending we hadn’t been watching them.
“I’m gonna head out and try get some…mushrooms…” She picks up a red bucket from near Amy and we both nod, mumbling out okays as she walks off alone into the woods. Amy and I look between ourselves and then to the woods, pulling confused looks to each other, continuing to gossip amongst ourselves as we keep sorting through food for everyone tonight.
An hour later, meal prep had been finished and we decide to have a much-needed break, walking over towards the slope leading to the water, but we stop in our tracks when the radio starts echoing a strange man’s voice.
“Hello? Hello? Can anybody hear my voice?” Amy takes off towards the sound and tries to communicate with the stranger as everyone in the camp gathers around, with Shane and Lori coming out of the woods together.
“I tried to warn him, he couldn’t hear me.” Amy stresses to Dale as he approaches.
“Come on son you know best how to work these things.” Dale calls Shane over to the radio. He tries to speak and fails to connect. “He’s gone.”
“There are others…It’s not just us…” Lori says, holding Carl near to her, “I’ve been saying we should put up signs on the roads to warn people away from the city.” Everyone’s attention is on her, as she gulps and stares at Shane. The tension between the pair could be cut with a knife.
“We knew that, right? It’s why we left the CB on? We don’t have the time to go out and help others.”
The two continue to argue until Lori storms off, clearly pissed at Shane, and he follows her towards her tent in the camp. Amy and I share a glance and I raise an eyebrow, both of us giggling. We both end up going to the water, putting our feet in and chatting for a while until almost two hours have passed and Dina disturbs us to say that everyone is looking for us to start cooking dinner for the camp. Huffing, we both grab our shoes and make our way back with Dina, them both walking ahead of me joking and laughing with each other as I look out onto the water. It is so relaxing. I take a deep breath and close my eyes, soaking up the view, until my brain break is interrupted by the radio going off again at the camp, T-Dog’s voice rattling through the camp.
“Yo, this is T-Dog- Anybody out there hear me?” I rush up to the camp and see the worried looks on everyone’s faces while Dale asks him to repeat himself.
“W- Tra-ed- Depart- -ore” He tries to get through us as the radio breaks up.
“Trapped?” I repeat, looking around for reassurance from the camp that they heard what I did, locking eyes with Lori, who responds that she heard him say they were in the department store.
“I heard it too” multiple people around the camp agree and chat amongst themselves, everyone looking to Shane for an answer.
“We need to send help-“ Amy pleads to the officer, who shakes his head at her, “She volunteered to go- to help the rest of us!” She continues to try to reason with him but he isn’t listening.
“So she knew the risks, right? See if she’s trapped, she’s gone.” He coldly says staring into her eyes with a frustrated look.
“She is my sister, you son of a bitch.” She runs off upset, Lori shouting after her and following her to try and comfort her while everyone else scatters. You glare at Shane. He is supposed to be our leader, yet he wants to leave half of our group stranded in the middle of the city? He is so willing to let go of people it just doesn’t make sense- he puts himself and his family first when he should be protecting ALL of us.
“What? Got sumn you wanna say?” He asks me, breaking me out of my trance. I pull an irritated face at him, “Yeah actually, I do.” He scoffs at me and walks off, but I follow him, “Who gave you the right to lead us? You are supposed to be keeping everyone safe, but you don’t care that half of our manpower are stranded and in danger!” I rant at him and he suddenly stops in the middle of the tents, turning around to face me and clearly frustrated with me.
“Who else would you have lead us? Huh? You? You ain’t got the first clue on how to lead, so you best stop putting your nose where it ain’t belong.”
“You threatening me again, Walsh?” You stand your ground this time, earning another scoff from him. We both stare each other down until he gets sick of it and walks away, muttering that he has real work to do.
Not too long after the argument, a siren bounces across the mountains towards the camp. Dale looks out towards it, saying it was a stolen car, followed by a bright red car with race stripes speeding round the corner and parking up at the entrance of the camp. Everyone is shouting asking questions as Glenn gets out the car holding his hands up.
“Pop the damn- POP THE DAMNED HOOD!” Shane repeats, getting louder every time he orders.
“Where is she? Why isn’t she with you?” The worry is coloured over Amy’s face as the siren stops and Glenn catches his breath.
“She’s fine- Everyone’s fine!” He looks around as if waiting for someone else to come up behind him, “Well…Merle not so much…”
Shane and Dale continue arguing about how it was dangerous to drive the car to the camp, as it could have drawn walkers to us, but Amy and I are just silently appreciating that everyone made it out of the city.
Not too long after this, a large truck parks up behind Glenn’s car and everyone is reunited with their family and friends. Seeing the heartfelt reunions, my sister grabs my hand and we just smile at each other, and I lean my head on hers.
Out of nowhere, a new guy dressed in a sheriff’s uniform steps out from the cars and Lori and Carl run to him screaming “DAD!”. The man, Rick, begins sobbing and holds them both close, making everyone smile.
The reactions of Lori and Shane, however, were ones of guilt and shock, and even some resentment from Shane. He catches me watching him and snaps out of his trance, contorting his face into a fake smile with eyes glaring daggers into the back of Rick’s head and then at me. I look away from him but keep him in my peripheral.
As everyone made their way back into the camp to get back to business as usual, I get grabbed by my arm and roughly dragged behind the RV out of the view of everyone else and slammed against the vehicle with a hand over my mouth by none other than Shane Walsh. Heavy breathing from shock and anger, he keeps the hand over my mouth for a while longer pulling a serious face and lifting a finger to his mouth to tell me to stay quiet. Glaring at him I nod; he slowly removes the hand from my mouth and glares right back at me.
“You’re gonna listen to me an’ listen good,” He traps me in place with his arm leaning against the RV next to my head, “Whatever you have against me, Ima need ya to keep that mouth of yours shut. If you don’t, people will believe me when I tell them you got bit or tried to kill me. I know how to get rid of you without people finding out.” My eyes go wide and confused. What the fuck is he talking about? Were me and Amy right about him and Lori? Does he really think I would spoil her husband and child’s family reunion based on a hunch…? This is worse than I thought…
“You understand, darlin’?”
“What’s in it for me? Your word you won’t kill me?” Squinting at him I cock my head while he continues glaring a hole into my skull. We keep staring at each other intensely until we both jump at the sound of Dale asking what’s going on and saying that he needs to talk to me. Without missing a beat, Shane is now forehead to forehead with me, “I meant what I said, girl.” He whispers into my face as he caresses my cheek. “All yers, Dale.” He shouts to him and walks away without looking back at us.
I look up at the elderly man and ask what’s up, embarrassed, only to be asked if I have any tissue paper or wrapping paper, explaining that it’s Amy’s birthday in a few days and that Andrea has a gift to give her. “I’ll have a look round mine and Dina’s stuff for you.” I say with a fake smile and leave. What am I gonna do about this? If Shane is that worried about me spilling his secret, then surely he will try to get rid of me regardless of if I keep it or not…
That night we all are listening to Rick’s crazy story of survival before the subject of Merle Dixon comes back up. I feel some guilt towards him, I mean I told him that he should get lost out there…I put that out there, people heard it, now I feel awful- yes he deserved to not come back to the camp, but not chained and stuck to the roof of a building in the middle of the city full of the dead.
“…That’s on all of us.” T-Dog finishes telling everyone about his guilt as well and walks away from the fire after a long day.
“I’m gonna turn in.” I say quietly to Dina to which she nods, and I say goodnight getting up and walking away, falling asleep as soon as my head hits the pillow.
What a long day.
I awaken by the sun shining through the thin tent material and hitting my face. Dina is still sound asleep, so I quietly get dressed and slip out to start my chores for the day. Glancing around, I see that there are only a few other people awake and up. I go down to the water in the quarry and seeing that it is void of other people, I get out of my socks and shoes and dip my feet in the water, sitting just out of it to wake myself up and reading a novel that Glenn got me from his run into the city.
Walking up after time to myself I see that everyone is up and around the camp, and see that Glenn is desperately pleading his case and trying to stop Dale and Jim from stripping his new car, only to fail miserably, earning a pitiful pat on the back from me as he complains about it.
“You never know, you might find a better one next time.”
“It’s the coolest car I’ve ever driven…” he mutters to himself as they start to take it apart, “Look at them…vultures…Yeah, go on, strip it clean!” suddenly Rick appears behind us both. “Maybe we will get to steal another one someday.”
I leave them both to it and go about helping Amy, Andrea and Lori with putting wet clothes out to dry and folding others. Lori and Rick end up getting into a conversation about Merle and he says that he wants to go back and save him, only to get cut off by the children of the camp screaming for their mothers. Immediately everyone drops everything and sprints towards the wound into the woods, Lori and Jaqui holding them close as the rest of us run towards where they were coming from. There was a walker feasting on a deer with arrows in its body. Standing back from the action with Amy and  Andrea, we watch as Dale beheads the walker.
Rustling from the bushes startles everyone.
“Son of a bitch- That’s mah deer!”
“Easy son…”
“Whaddaya know abo’ it old man? Take that stupid hat and go back to On Golden Pond!” Everyone is silent as none other than Daryl Dixon rants on, kicking whatever undead life was left in the walker out of it and shooting the reincarnated head with an arrow.
“Gotta be the brain, ain’t yall know nothin?” He collects his arrows and glances up at us, glaring in disbelief at everyone’s stupidity, until locking eyes with me for a second but then immediately putting his head back down.
“Yo Merle! Get yo ugly ass out here! Got us some squirrel” Everyone in the camp tenses, waiting for the inevitable argument to ensue. Which it does. Between himself and Rick Grimes.
“Lemme process this- You sayin’ ya handcuffed mah brother to a roof- an’ you left him there?!”
Then, Daryl lunges at the officer with a knife, getting taken down and held in a chokehold by Shane. I watch in disbelief as he continues holding the distressed man on the ground, shaking my head and covering my mouth. Daryl looks around at everyone watching the violence and his eyes seem to avoid me, face flushing and closing his eyes.
Once everyone has calmed down, he lets him go and a small group of men build a rescue team for Merle and a mystery bag of guns and a radio. Watching him sharpening his knife, my mind winds back to the squirrel left outside of my tent, and I want to ask him about it but it doesn’t feel like the right time, so I sit alone with my own thoughts, hearing everyone argue and volunteer for the rescue team.
I wonder if everyone would send out a search party for me life this when Shane gets rid of me.
A/N its been a few days since an update, so this chapter is extra long- not too much daryl content yet but i promise there will be soon guys
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hey guys sorry about the inactivity this week, ive been mega busy, should upload some more this week (hopefully today)
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Beltane (May 1st) we celebrate spring being at its peak and everything around us being in bloom. The sun is shining bright again, and the days are now longer.
Beltane correspondences: Symbols | bonfire, lots of candles, sun, flowers and flower crowns, maypoles, colored ribbons Colors | yellow, white, green, pink, reds Spells | fertility, love, cleansing, spells for creativity and beauty Crystals | rose quartz, carnelian, jasper Herbs and flowers | tulips, violets, mint, rosemary Foods to make | salad, cake or pie, dishes with honey, breads and nuts. How to celebrate | Light a bonfire, go out in nature for a walk, make love, dance, make a maypole
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guys i posted the prelude and first chapter of my daryl fanfic im so nervous i hope you all like it, ive never written a full fanfic before AAHHAHSHSKSKFKAFK
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angel of small death, chapter one
Welcome to my Daryl Dixon slow burn fan fiction, I hope you enjoy!
Summary for entire work: Piper, a 19 year old girl, alongside her 16 year old sister, Dina, are thrust into a dead-infested wasteland of the world they once knew. Having had a difficult home life before turn, will this new world be a sweet release?
<< O N E>>>
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It’s been a month since the day my mother was murdered and so much has changed. Riots broke out on the highway we were stuck on after we all watched in horror as the city was bombed and that was the moment we decided that we needed to get off that highway. Shane and Lori were cautiously speed walking back to their car and as they did so, Shane knocked on the passenger window making myself and Adina jump. He was telling us that they were going to leave, and he was inviting to bring us with him to safety. I nodded to him and said that we would go with him, so we got our bags and left the car, meeting up with Shane, Lori, and her son Carl, as well as meeting Carol, Ed, and Sophia Peltier.
Now, we are all in a larger group of survivors tucked away in a quarry; most of the people I have met since being here are decent and friendly enough, like a young man around my age, Glenn Rhee, who offers his help to everyone around the camp. However, some are…not as great. Ed Peltier is an abusive husband and father, and no one is ever able to forget it with their tent not being soundproof, and Ed having no shame in covering them in bruises.
I’ve managed to make some friends here despite the circumstances- Andrea is the member I have become closest to because of how similar our situations are with having to be the older sister/parent substitute.
There is one however who I can’t quite tell what type of person he is. Daryl Dixon. The younger brother of the loudmouthed bigoted Merle Dixon. Although they are brothers, they are practically polar opposites, in terms of volume at least, with Merle’s mouth spouting off enough for himself and his brother, who for the most part keeps to himself, going hunting on his own to provide for the group and earn his keep. In fact, their hunting is most likely the only reason that Shane, the self-proclaimed leader of the camp, hasn’t put his foot down more and gotten rid of them both.
As a woman in this camp, my jobs are mostly to just to cook and clean, because apparently the end of the world means the reverse of women’s liberation. I don’t mind it though; I mean sure it’s boring but at least me and Dina aren’t dead or putting ourselves on the front line going on runs into the city and getting up close with the dead.
I was tasked with going around the tents and collecting their laundry. Great. Every tent goes by smoothly until I get to the furthest ones from the middle of camp- the Dixons. I approached the area awkwardly trying to figure out if they were nearby or if they had gone hunting, and unlucky for me Merle emerged from the treeline with a few squirrels in hand.
“Wo-ho-hooo there darlin’” I freeze as he addresses me, “Whatcha think ya doin’ snoopin’ ‘round mah shit?” He dramatically waves his hands in the air as he speaks, taking large strides over towards me, “Weren’t tryna steal nothin’ were ya?” He at this point is getting in my face and lowering his voice to try and intimidate me, pushing his body against the basket full of dirty laundry that I was trying to use to put some space between us. “Cuz ya know I can’t let that shit slide, right honey?” As he speaks he keeps pushing himself closer, as I clench my jaw and turn my head to the side so I’m not forced to stare at him, which he doesn’t like one bit. “SPEAK WHEN YER SPOKEN TO!” he suddenly shouts, making me jump as spit sprays at my face.
“Hey! What’s goin’ on back here?” I hear Shane shout as he approaches, seeing Merle still standing in front of me refusing to move. I move my head to look him in the eyes and straightening my back, standing my ground. “Someone needs to put this bitch in’er place,” He says loud enough for Shane and the crowd of onlookers that have gathered around us, “I know what’ll sortcha out, girl.” The second part he leans in towards my ear to say quieter before leaning back to check my face, now full of disgust. He goes to open his mouth again, so I spit at him and push him backwards with the basket, making him trip and stumble over himself from the surprise.
“Do your own damned laundry.” I mutter as I walk away towards the other women already at work by the water.
“You alright?” Shane quietly asks as I walk past him.
“Just fine!” I shout back, not stopping until I’m by the water.
What an asshole.
With Merle feeling emasculated by the whole situation earlier, by the time I get back up to camp he has volunteered to go on a run that some people in the group are going on tomorrow morning, to the dismay of everyone else going with him.
That night I spend staring up at the top of the tent lost in my own thoughts until Dina speaks from the entrance of the tent.
“You alright? You hardly had anything to eat before coming in here.” She asks me whilst zipping up the tent. The truth was that you didn’t want to eat any food brought back by Merle after what had happened that day, especially with him glaring daggers at you from where he was sat eating alone.
“Yeah, just peachy.” I say sarcastically and scoff, sitting up to look over at my sister om the other side of our new home.
“I heard what happened with Merle…such an asshole- I heard ya got him back though” she says the last part with a giggle and we both start laughing.
“Yeah I did, almost sent him flyin’ and landin’ on his ass. Too bad he just tripped.”
Dina snorts, “Yeah well, you’ve made lifelong enemies now with the Dixons, sleep with one eye open or else.”
We both lay down and continue talking quietly to each other like two friends at a sleepover until I hear footsteps outside the tent. I hushed her and slowly got up, quickly opening the tent to catch the culprit, finding a dead squirrel outside the entrance.
“What the…” I say as I pick it up and scan the campsite, not seeing anyone around. Who would do this? Was this Merle apologising? I’m so confused right now… but it’s too late to worry about this, so I go back into the tent and show my sister what I found before we both settle down and go to sleep.
The next morning when I wake up, I get dressed into my cargo pants, a black cami top and boots, then head out to start my day, seeing everyone preparing for the run into town. I make a point to go over to everyone as they are packing supplies and wish them safe travels- that is everyone except Merle Dixon, who right now cannot take his eyes off me, full of hatred and watching my every movement as if he wants to punch me in the face. As I was hugging and saying goodbye to Andrea, he started to make his way over to me, only to be stopped by his brother putting a hand on his shoulder, “C’mon man…” he mutters to him to try and nudge him away from us, and now Andrea and I have shifted our focus to Merle.
“Woah now- I ain’t tryna stir the pot baby brother, jus’ wan’ a hug an’ kiss goodbye of my own from lil miss sunshine over here. Ain’t nice to exclude, missy.” I roll my eyes at him and glance behind him to look at Daryl’s expression, which is one of sheer embarrassment as he avoids eye contact with me and his face flushes.
“Try to not get eaten out there, asshole,” I glared at him, “cuz that would be a damned shame.” I look between them all once more, hugging Andrea one last time before leaving them all, making my way over to Dale who is sat atop his RV.
“Hey, Dale?” I look up at him and get his attention, “Who was on watch last night? Straight after dinner?”
“Uhhm…Not too sure, might’ve been Shane, why what’s up?” He asks with some concern. “Oh alright, was just wondering if you had seen who left the little gift I got last night? Got a squirrel left outside mine and Dina’s tent, is all…” I trail off and glance around the camp trying to spot Shane to interrogate him next. Spotting him chopping some firewood, I say goodbye and thanks to Dale and make my way over to the officer.
“Hey, were you on watch last night…?” I ask him awkwardly, feeling like a nuisance. He glances up at me for a second before going back to chopping wood, having a guilty look on his face. “Yeah, why? Somethin’ happen I don’t know ‘bout?” He chops the wood more aggressively than before- weird, is he hiding something? Sure seems guilty enough…
“Someone left me a squirrel outside my tent last night and I didn’t see who it was…was just wondering if you knew who in case a certain redneck left me poisoned food,” I joke, “You didn’t see anything, right?” He chops one more piece of wood and then leaves the axe in the tree stump, straightening his back and walking over to me.
“Listen here darlin’,” He lowers his voice with an intense look in his eyes, “I ain’t see nothin’ ‘bout no damned squirrel…Ain’t no one gotta know ‘bout me not bein’ on watch last night, so I suggest ya keep it to yerself.”
Woah. What is going on?
A/N AAAAHHH IM SO NERVOUS TO POST THIS I HOPE YOU ALL ENJOY IT, i have not written any more of this as of posting this so please lmk what you think!! <3
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angel of small death - prelude
Welcome to my Daryl Dixon slow burn fan fiction, I hope you enjoy!
Summary for entire work: Piper, a 19 year old girl, alongside her 16 year old sister, Dina, are thrust into a dead-infested wasteland of the world they once knew. Having had a difficult home life before turn, will this new world be a sweet release?
[this is just the prelude to meet the OCs at the beginning of the apocalypse, you do not need to read this if you want to get straight to the story!]
<< P R E L U D E >>
My relationship with my mother had been a complicated one my entire life, but that didn’t make saying goodbye any less heartbreaking. About a day ago she had been bitten by some homeless man in a sort of drug-induced mania- usually this would not be as big of a deal as it is now, however with the strange “Wildfire” virus going around, we thought it would be best to go to the ER to get it checked after about 2 hours as she started to suffer the dreaded fever- a telltale sign of this mysterious plague.
Sitting next to my mom in this chemical scented room made me reflect on life with her; a life with a blended mixture of extremes of enjoyment at one moment, but also the emotional turmoil that comes with having a vain and abusive parent. Although most of the time that I received physical beatings was from a slew of her ex-boyfriends including my own father, the abuse that damaged me the most was her emotional insensitivity- to her I was not to be admired as an ever-blooming piece of her, but rather as a rival garden that needed to be conquered and put in her place with as many chemicals and weeds as possible. I was not a child, never to her and therefore never to anyone, classically “mature for my age” from the moment I was born. I had to grow up fast to protect my sister, Adina.
The goodbye was not intended to be the final one when we had arrived, however when we heard the gunshots begin to echo throughout the hospital hallways we stared each other in the eyes like deer in headlights.
“Go. Before they stop you- Go get Dina. Be Safe. I love you both.”
I froze.
Then I cried. Hard. Slobbering over my mother’s chest as I embraced her. She loves me.
“I have to get you out of here- I can’t leave you here like this!” I frantically shout over the gunfire growing closer by the minute, grasping my mother’s arms trying to get her out of the hospital bed. She stops me, holding my hand and squeezing it tightly, “You need to go, Piper. I love you so much. Go- It’s okay- Just don’t get caught- Go!” shouting the last bit at me I nod quickly and begin to turn towards the door when just then the handle turns and clicks. My eyes go wide as I lunge to hide behind the door as it opens, holding a hand over my mouth to mask my heavy breathing as the soldier in the riot gear inspects my mother, and once he sees the bite mark on her forearm and her pale, sweat soaked sickly skin he shoots without hesitation.
One shot in her brain.
I jump and clasp my hand tighter over my mouth, fearful of what might happen to me if he realises that I am cowering behind the door. My crying however was not as quiet as I thought, as the man turns around to face me and aims his rifle at my face.
“Hands up!”
I oblige, moving both of my now quivering hands away from my face, hyperventilating.
“Please! Please don’t shoot- I’m n-not bit- I just wanted to say g-goodbye to my mom-“
The soldier stares me down and looks me over, not moving his gun out of my face or saying a word. We make eye contact for a few seconds before he silently lowers his gun, looking between me and my mother guiltily and then he leaves without saying a word, jogging down the hallway to the others.
I glance back over to my mother’s now deceased body and flinch as she comes into my eye line. It all happened so fast; it hasn’t settled in my mind that she was murdered in front of me. I grab a white bed sheet and drape it over her lifeless body.
“Goodnight, Mom. I love you.”
Leaving the room and gently closing the door, I glance down the hallway towards the exit and after scanning for danger I make a beeline for the stairwell. As I turn a corner in this desolate maze, I lock eyes with a police officer, barricading a hospital room door with a gurney. For the second time today, I have another gun pulled in my face.
“Who are you? What are you doing here? Everyone was evacuated!”
I put my hands up “They…They killed my mom- I need to go- I need to get my sister!” I shout down the hall as I slowly begin to lower my hands as he lowers his gun. Once we nod at each other that we aren’t going to hurt one another I bolt out of the hospital and into my car in the parking lot. Wasting no time, I speed down the roads to get home and hopefully find my sister alive and well, watching as fully loaded cars of families are packed up and driving in the opposite direction of me and out of town.
As I pull up to the house my sister runs out to greet me with a hug, which is only short lived as we both head inside to pack up things to bring with us to evacuate. I go to my room and grab a backpack, filling it with clothes, hygiene items like deodorant and sunscreen, a mini photo album, some other random bits and pieces, my converse and two books. I grab my granddads over-sized leather jacket, the one given to me when he passed, and put it on, then grab another bag and head to the kitchen to start clearing out the cupboards full of canned goods. As I continue scraping through the cupboards for any food we can take, I holler out to my sister,
“Dina! We gotta go- you got your shit?”
“I’m coming!” She shouts back as she emerges into the kitchen, backpack fastened to her back and ready.
We load our things into the car as Adina asks me about mom. If she is okay. I just freeze and glance up at her briefly, telling her through my eyes that it was in fact not okay. She goes quiet herself and we continue to load up the car with old camping gear and food in silence. Then we hear a car pulling up the driveway. Shit. It’s our mom’s latest boyfriend, and he does not look happy that we are filling up my mom’s car.
“Hey! Whaddaya think yall doin’? Best not have cleared out them cabinets, girl- half that shit’s mine!” He yells as he approaches us aggressively. We continue to pack the car but only faster, getting into the front and slamming the doors behind us. Backing up off the drive and scratching his car as we peel off down the road with me shouting “Fuck you” and flipping the bird out the window, he is now shouting and trying to chase the car only to give up after we turn the corner. We look between each other concerned and we stay silent until we hit the traffic on the highway.
“Shit.” I mutter to myself as I turn off the car engine, “We’re gonna be here a while.”
“…Piper? What happened to mom…?”
I avoid her gaze and stare into my lap uncomfortably, “She’s gone.” I say quietly.
After a while of the uncomfortably heavy silence, something catches my eye from a few cars behind us.
The man I saw in the hospital.
“Stay here a sec…” I say as I get out of the car and shut the door, making my way over towards the police officer and his family.
“Hey…did I see you earlier?” He turns around at the sound of my voice and is visibly surprised to see me.
“Yeah, you saw me…” He states and sombrely reflects on the events from earlier on in the day.
“I uhm, never introduced myself earlier- I’m Piper, my sister in that car back there is Adina. Thank you for not uhm, you know, firing at me…” I gulp and nervously introduce myself to the muscular man as he takes a step closer to me. “Not a problem darlin’, ‘m Shane. Officer Shane Walsh,” he sticks his hand out for me to shake, which I do, and his hand lingers on mine as he looks me up and down, before gesturing over his shoulder to the people near the car next to his, “That’s Lori and her son, Carl…his dad, my best friend, was the one I was visitin’ today…He passed.” Hearing this I squeeze his hand apologetically, “I’m so sorry for your loss…” His attention is pulled back to me as he scans my face, “Me too, sorry ‘bout your mom.” We both give each other the same devastated look before I speak up again.
“I’d better get goin’ back to my sister, but we’re only a few cars ahead of you if you need anything.”
“Will do, darlin’.”
A/N: AAAAHHHHH i havent written properly in so long i hope you guys enjoy it, chapter one will be uploaded today as well <3
also i wasnt sure what to title the general story but was listening the the hoizer song "angel of small death and codeine scene" and thought that would be cool LMAO
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Till THE DEAD do us part Masterlist
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A/N: This story will take place in all the seasons, but it’s not exactly a rewriting cause I’d have to re-watch everything to use the exactly lines of the characters, also I think it’s better if I tell a side story without changing the main facts of the story. I’m not good with synopses, so sorry about that.
This story has a Female Reader, but I don’t describe her appearance, so anyone can identify with her.
Summary: Y/N Grimes is Rick’s younger sister, when the world ended she had Lori, Carl and Shane. But did she really have them? Her brother was dead, her sister-in-law was sleeping with her brother’s best friend and her nephew was just a small kid. She had him, Daryl Dixon was no knight in a shining armor and she was no damsel in distress, but maybe they were exactly what each other needed.
Warnings: swearing, death, violence , blood, injuries, sex, smut. Minors do not interact. 18+ (with the time I’ll add more to the list).
Pairing: Daryl Dixon x Grimes!Reader
Smut - 🥵
Chapter 1: Vulnerable ~ Moodboard Chapter 1
Chapter 2: Anything that reminds you of me ~ Moodboard Chapter 2
Chapter 3: I’m sorry and Thank you ~ Moodboard Chapter 3
Chapter 4: Pinky Promise ~ Moodboard Chapter 4
Chapter 5: We’re all gonna die ~ Moodboard Chapter 5
Chapter 6: Are ya blind? ~ Moodboard Chapter 6
Chapter 7: Chupacabra ~ Moodboard Chapter 7
Chapter 8: Because it’s you
Chapter 9: I ain’t yer bitch, Grimes
Chapter 10: I’d carry it proudly 🥵
Chapter 11: I ain’t playin’
Chapter 12: You already have me 🥵
Chapter 13: This group’s broken
Chapter 14: We’ll not lose each other
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Chapter 15: We’re definitely Lucky
Chapter 16: Ya know I hate lies, don’t ya?
Chapter 17: Of Kisses and Chapsticks
Chapter 18: I ain’t sleeping with Hershel
Dividers of the chapters by @cafekitsune , for now it’s only on Chapter 17, but I’m thinking about going back and using in the olds too.
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i have just written the prelude to a verrrrry slowburn daryl x OC fanfic because i love season 1 walking dead fanfics but i am so picky about what i will read
should i upload it?
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Hi I love your writing and I’ve noticed you write for Chris Manawa, who I feel is under appreciated. There’s not a lot of writing on him so I was wondering if you could write something with him and reader on the boat and having a sweet moment together, like maybe messing around and play fighting? Just some fluff maybe some suggestive flirting. Thank you!
Sorry if my writing is a little messy English is not my main language.
Chris Manawa
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GIF not mine, credit to @yanxidarlings
AUTHORS NOTE: hi guys so i havent written a fanfic or anything in like 3 years and my writing style may have change, lmk though if you would like me to write any other stories! requests are always open, and i have a few ideas for stories in the future as well. also after revisiting my only other chris oneshot i have realised that these are both set after his mom gets to walk the plank whoopsie
Although the boat saving our lives from being snuffed out by the apocalypse was a luxury that it seemed no one else could afford, it had its downsides…such as the constant close quarters with everyone on board, as well as the boredom. It feels like such a selfish thing to admit whilst knowing about the fates of those we knew and loved that we couldn’t save, but at the same time I didn’t ask to be thrown into this hellscape, surely I should be allowed a pass on my lack of gratitude.
One of those who were not able to survive long enough to see life on the boat was Liza, Chris’s mother- the boy would not let us forget his grief and her loss, with it being written across his face as if it was stuck in a permanent frown. Most of us if not everyone aboard tried to avoid him and his snaps and cold tone, however as one of the only other teenagers on the sea with him I felt it was my duty to at least try to connect with him, especially after he had saved my life during the city riots at the start after I had lost my own parents in the chaos and the dead.
Chris was sat looking up at the stars on the outer deck of the boat alone. The day had been a rough one, with Liza’s sea burial not going so smoothly, tensions were high between him and his father Travis.
“Hey stranger” I said warmly as I emerged from the inner boat wrapped in a blanket, making my way over to the troubled boy.
“Hey..” He replied solemnly glancing over to me, his eyes following me until I was sat cross legged next to him. I held a spare small blanket out to the boy who declined the gesture by pushing it gently back towards me. Rolling my eyes playfully, I sat up on my knees and wrapped it around his shoulders, making him blush and stiffen for a moment, only to relax once I had sat back down again. The silence between us was deafeningly awkward.
“Soo.. Whatcha doing out here?”
“The stars are so peaceful tonight..” He quietly replied as he gazed up into the moonlit sky.
“Yeah, that’s one good thing about life nowadays.. you can see all of the stars you wouldn’t be able to with all the big city lights back at home.” I smiled gently at him and he glanced down at me before going back to star gazing. He was in deep thought and holding back tears as he kept his head held high trying to stop them from spilling out, eventually failing as I watched one stray tear roll down his cheek.
“Chris, we don’t have to talk about it if you don’t want to, but I am here for you and can be a shoulder to cry on if you need it…I really care about you…” After a few moments he lowered his head to look at me and his eyes were bloodshot and glossy. He stared into my eyes as if searching for something lost, and eventually raised the corners of his mouth into a weak smile to tell me,
“Thank you.”
After a few moments of silence and us smiling at each other he looks to the side out to the water, “I feel like… no one understands what I feel here… my dad doesn’t care that she is gone, he didn’t care about her he’s too busy with his new family… you are the only person that I think cared that she died.”
We sat in silence for a while, thinking about what he had said, before Chris broke it again.
“Sorry…That was pretty heavy…”
I let out a soft chuckle and reassured him, “Hey, I can handle anything you know… I’m superwoman but for like…listening to people I care about” attempting to lighten the mood a bit and nudging him on the shoulder, which seemed to work as I caught him smiling to himself and playfully nudging me back.
“Yeah yeah don’t get cocky…” He smirks at me and I mock offence, dramatically putting a hand on my chest and joking back to him, “Me? Cocky? I could never- How dare you even THINK that…” I giggled watching him roll his eyes at my dramatic outburst.
“You are so immature,” he starts, “Sometimes I wonder why we are friends…” He stares at me for a moment as if he were analysing my every movement, before his eyes land on the blanket wrapped around me like a burrito and he decides to quickly snatch it from me, laughing and saying “Maybe it’s because you’re so generous for giving me your blanket”
“HEY!!” I shout as I sit in shock for a split second before lunging at him, wrapping my arms around his shoulders in an attempt to get the blanket back around myself. We are both wriggling around at this point trying to reclaim the blanket, as we forgot that the couch had a limited space, so when he eventually tried to get me off of him we both rolled down the steel drop from the couch to the deck, landing with a thud onto my back and physically wincing at the sudden pains shooting through my back. I was more shocked however to feel Chris landing on top of me, and when I opened my eyes he was there leaning over me, his hands either side of my head. We both just stare into each other’s eyes for a few seconds too long, getting lost in his dark coffee coloured eyes; this then led to me scanning his face and admiring his undeniably handsome features and plump lips that he had begun to nibble into nervously. Feeling the blood start to rush to my face I decided to break the silence.
“Okay okay I didn’t realise that it was that serious to you…keep the blanket Manawa!” I giggled and poked his sides to shock him, which worked and his cheeks began to flush. He picked me up and I gasped, grasping onto his shirt incase he dropped me, but instead he put me onto the couch and sat next to me, opening up the blanket inviting me to sit wrapped up with him, which I accepted and crawled into his side, getting comfortable next to him as he settled the blanket over us both.
We sat awkwardly close to each other in silence for a few minutes, neither one of us wanting to scare the other away, but then Chris grabbed my hand underneath the blanket and without looking at me he said, “Thank you, Y/N… I needed this distraction from..everything…” he glances over at me “…you mean a lot to me…even if we have only just met, I feel like I have known you a lifetime, but it’s only been a month.”
I smile warmly at his words and glance at him before engulfing him into a tight hug, which he takes a few seconds to return.
“Chris, you mean a lot to me too. I would risk anything and everything for you, you are all I have left…” I feel the tears start to well up as i pull out of the hug and look him in the eyes, “…so you better not do anything stupid” I laugh and wipe my tears off of my face. He sits with an arm over my shoulders and laughs quietly about what I said.
“Maybe you aren’t ALWAYS immature and crazy… At least you aren’t boring.”
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ive been writing up the request i got for chris manawa the other day and i accidentally made it angsty…might have to have two separate stories who knows
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i havent written fanfic since 2021, i have gotten a request……
comeback era?!🤭🎀
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in my mind i'm one of them
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