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[ID: A digital piece of fanart showing pre-timeskip William, James and Fred from Yuukoku no Moriarty. James stands in the middle, smiling brightly with his hands over his friends' shoulders. He has the trans flag painted over his cheek. William and Fred are both looking at James with a smile. William holds a small trans flag and Fred holds a nonbinary one. There's a progress pride flag at the bottom of the drawing. End ID]
trans solidarity! i wanted to post this last month, but i didn't finish it in time gdjbklfhs
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[ID: Three digital drawings of Louis James Moriarty from Yuukoku no Moriarty over a white background. The two bigger drawings are colored and show him from the shoulders up, looking at the viewer with a serious expression. In one of them he has his pre-timeskip appearance and, in the other, his post-timeskip one. The third drawing is a small doodle of pre-timeskip Louis holding a knife with an angry expression. End ID]
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Ohmyword hiiiiiii
I've seen your art and it's beautiful. I also love your james bond fanart! There is hardly any fanart of him so to me it's like precious gems lol
Anyways just happy to find another fan on here😊
Hello!! Thank you so much for your compliment, that's very kind of you to say! And yeah, it's hard to find any James fanart (which is why I have to draw it myself hfjskgfv)...
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Moriarty The Patriot S2E6 → Albert James Moriarty
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[ID: A digital piece of fanart depicting William James Moriarty from Yuukoku no Moriarty. He's standing in the corner of a room with dark brown wooden flooring and light blue wallpaper covering the walls. The floor, including the area where William is stepping on, is partially stained dark red. There's a window to his right from which white light enters the room. In front of him are a small wooden table with a flower vase on top of it and a painting of him, Louis and Albert hanging on the wall. William is smoking a cigarette while staring at the painting and his expression can't be seen. He's holds a revolver behind his back. End ID]
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“I am in blood stepped in so far that, should I wade no more, returning were as tedious as go o’er.”
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How to Make Your Art Accessible
A guide for artists on Tumblr
There are lots of things artists on Tumblr do that, if tweaked just a little, could make their art more accessible to those with disabilities. I’ve outlined some of those things below. This list doesn’t include everything, of course, and as always, I’m open to more suggestions/ideas!
Add image descriptions to all images
Y’all knew I was gonna start with this, right? I have a separate post here all about writing image descriptions but for now I’ll just say…
Image descriptions benefit blind or low-vision folks who may rely on screen readers to access online content; neurodivergent folks; those with slow internet connections (so especially poor and rural folks) where images may just not load; and many more groups! (more on why)
Adding a description takes just a few minutes. The description can be long or short, but ANY description is better than none. Even if you just write, “This is a painting of a blue fish”, hey! You just made that image accessible.
Don’t put them under a readmore! That makes it so people who need the descriptions have to click through to individual blogs and can’t just scroll through their dash. Image descriptions are best when put directly under an image, before any additional commentary that you add.
Add video descriptions to all videos
For similar reasons to why you should provide image descriptions. I have a brief post here on how to write video descriptions. 
The main thing to keep in mind is to summarize quite a bit. You don’t have to describe a video frame-by-frame and include every detail, but try to describe enough that the narrative makes sense!
Add captions to videos / animatics
This way, deaf and hard of hearing folks can enjoy your content.
If you absolutely cannot caption your videos, and your video is on youtube, you can adjust your settings to allow for audience-submitted captions. At the very least, you should do this so that maybe a volunteer can swing by and add captions!
Include non-animated versions of images when possible
In addition to always including image and video descriptions, if posting an animated image/gif:
Tag it as such so that those with epilepsy or sensitivity to moving images can avoid them.
Post an unanimated version! Including a link to the unanimated version within the post of the animated version is helpful. (I see lots of artists including unanimated versions in the same post as the animated one, but it’d be better if they’re in separate posts so that someone with sensitivities can just reblog the unanimated one!)
Again, this guide isn’t all-inclusive, but can serve as a good starting point for making your art more accessible. Let me know if you have any questions/suggestions!
>> all about image descriptions | MBMBaM Transcription Project | buy me a coffee | accessibility tag <<
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[ID: A digital piece of fanart showing William, Louis and Albert from Yuukoku no Moriarty. They all wear dress shirts, vests, pants and ties.
William is sleeping with a peaceful expression on a red sofa with a dark blue blanket over his legs. There's a flower crown on his head and he's holding a white envelope in his right hand. There are two other white envelopes, a red gift box, a small pink box and a dark blue book scattered beside him.
Louis and Albert are standing behind the sofa, smiling and bending down slightly as they look at William. Louis holds a tray with tea and sweets with both hands, while Albert holds a bouquet of roses behind his back.
The background is light pink, with small hearts and flowers drawn in white near the characters. The text "Happy Birthday William J. Moriarty 2023.04.01" and the artist's url (@/ryuusea_) are written in dark pink on the upper right corner of the image. End ID]
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happy birthday william! ❤️☕️🌹🎉🍰
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[ID: A digital piece of fanart showing William, Louis and Albert from Yuukoku no Moriarty in the "rough day for mom" meme. Louis is sweating worriedly and contorting himself so that he's able to hold two leashes tied to William and Albert's waistcoats. William is trying to run away while Albert lies on the ground. The background is light gray. End ID]
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Average day in the Moriarty household god bless Louis' patience with these two
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[ID: A digital piece of fanart showing pre-timeskip Albert and William from Yuukoku no Moriarty. They’re drawn from the waist up, back-to-back, with Albert facing the viewer. Albert is crying with a pained smile, but his tears are replaced with red rose petals. He's clenching a red rose over the left side of his chest and thorny stems grow from it, wrapping around his body. William's silhouette has flames coming out of it and his face is hidden. The background is composed of pieces of old burnt paper partially covering a dark gray area. The text "burnt into one's memory" is written over the paper in a typewriter font.
The second image is the same as the first, but with a plain crimson background. End ID]
constantly thinking about all the guilt albert carries in silence for years. and also his connection with william
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[ID: A digital piece of fanart showing William, Louis and Albert from Yuukoku no Moriarty as children. They're drawn from the waist up in a chibi style. There's yellow, blue and pink paint all over their skin and clothes. William is looking down at his paint-stained clothes with a surprised expression while Louis and Albert laugh merrily with paintbrushes and palettes in hands. Behind them are large yellow, blue and pink rectangles over a light gray background. End ID]
based on the first anime ending <3
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Moriarty The Patriot → William James Moriarty
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[ID: A digital piece of fanart showing William, Louis and Albert from Yuukoku no Moriarty as kids. They wear dress shirts and pants, suspenders and socks. Albert is sitting in the middle, gently holding his brothers as they lean against him. William is also sitting, while Louis is lying down. The three of them have their eyes closed and are presumably asleep. The background is white. End ID]
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"A family I could truly call my own" what if I ended it all what if chapters 62-65 were my last straw please....
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also taking chibi comms!
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hiii- commissions are open again :D
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yuukoku no wormiarty
[ID: Three digital pieces of fanart showing Yuukoku no Moriarty characters as worms on a string.
First image: William, Louis and Albert standing in a circle with serious expressions. William is a red worm wearing a top hat and tie, Albert is a green worm wearing the same accessories and Louis is a blue worm wearing glasses, a bowler hat and a bow tie. The background is white.
Second image: A copy of the previous drawing, but with a black background, darker colors and dramatic lighting coming from above. The text on it reads, in all caps: "Worms off the string / What crimes will they commit".
Third image: William and Sherlock as worms on a string. William is a red worm wearing a black tie and Sherlock is a blue worm with his classic tuft of hair standing up. William is posed in the shape of a "W" and looking at Sherlock, who stares back at him and is positioned like an "S". There's a thread tied to each of their snouts and they're connected to each other at the end. There's text on the image that reads: "connected by the thread of fate". The background is yellow. End ID]
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Moriarty The Patriot S2E7 → ”I bring news.”
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[ID: A digital piece of fanart showing Louis and William from Yuukoku no Moriarty. William, who has the asexual flag painted over his cheek, is painting the aroace flag over Louis's. They're both laughing. End ID]
asked people on instagram what characters they viewed as ace (for ace week)! aroace louis and ace william were some of the replies :D
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