a-gaggle-of-colors · 3 days
Im thinking of leaving the Fantroll Community.
So I'm selling a LOT of my trolls. Just ask abou which one's. Cause I'm gonna downsize a lot for discord purposes. And if we have something Planned. do NOT worry, I'm not selling the ones we have plans with. Thank you.
I need to make money as soon as possible, as I'm also planning on moving out while I'm starting HRT. (Transphobic family members)
I know it's been a lot of asking from me but I literally cannot do anything without a new laptop. And I am struggling.
Here's the link. I also have designs on my Ko-fi.
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a-gaggle-of-colors · 13 days
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chinese hanfu by 华韵天骄
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a-gaggle-of-colors · 13 days
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a-gaggle-of-colors · 16 days
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the people on twitter really liked this one… twilight link was such a good big brother
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a-gaggle-of-colors · 17 days
hey folara, you believe in luck? got any tips for how someone might improve their own?
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"Hm...I guess I believe in luck. I'm pretty lucky after all, to have Addax Mom, Mother and Father."
>Folara paused to think for a moment.
"Hm. If you wanna improve your own luck, I think you have to do something about it. Change starts with you."
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a-gaggle-of-colors · 17 days
Rhovia, if you were reincarnated, what would you want to be in your next life?
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"I'd love to be a kangaroo, like my mama. They be strong and fascinating."
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a-gaggle-of-colors · 17 days
Rhovia, if Yuluwe was tied to some train tracks, and you could divert the train with a lever to save their life but it would run over five separate trolls you don’t know, would you pull the lever?
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"...Yeah. I would. That be my moirail, my best friend, the one troll I be telling everything to. Nothing against my family, but if anything happens to me, he's the one Baizza will go live with, ya know? So yeah. I'd save my moirail in a heartbeat."
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a-gaggle-of-colors · 20 days
rhovia, it doesn't have to be your favorite but is there a quote, poem, or turn of phrase that's stuck with you?
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"I always liked the phrase "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.". I tend ta follow the philosophy of treatin' others how I want ta be treated."
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a-gaggle-of-colors · 20 days
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Full customs // Blind/Gacha Customs
Please make sure to read the descriptions carefully before ordering
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a-gaggle-of-colors · 20 days
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TOS and Purchase Links Under cut! I will not be updating these to reflect their sold status, you’ll just have to check the link. They’ll show as sold out if they’re sold out.
REMINDER. FOR THE FIRST 24 HOURS, YOU MAY NOT PURCHASE MORE THAN 2 DESIGNS TOTAL. That includes for yourself AND others. Other people may not buy you designs to gift to you if you're buying for yourself either!! Time posting: 10PM EDT 4/28/2024. You can come back for more if you want tomorrow!
By purchasing you will be agreeing to follow these terms as follows. PLEASE make sure you read them in full to understand them.
In the interest of fairness, given how fast these go sometimes: FOR THE FIRST 24 HOURS, YOU MAY NOT PURCHASE MORE THAN 2 DESIGNS TOTAL. That includes for yourself AND others. Other people may not buy you designs to gift to you if you're buying for yourself either!! Time posting: 10PM EDT 4/28/2024. You can come back for more if you want tomorrow!
You MAY change the design/species of any design i've made after youve bought it, but you must leave credit with INDIG0TEA for the design, and the design itself must be recognizable.
Gender/sex/etc is ultimately up to the buyer.
You may NOT resell the design for more than you paid for it, unless it comes with extra art either made by you (listed for your current or historical  commission rates), or commissioned by you. Gift art/free art does not count towards the value of any design I make, ever.  Additionally: You may not ever ask for, recieve, or offer full resale plus non-currency add ons (such as, but not limited to: art, characters, merchandise, games, game currency, etc.). Yes, even if the offer as couched as "free art/commission/character". Partial resale may be negotiated only for designs whose original buying price was 30 or more dollars USD, and split dollar amount may be for no less than 2/3 of the list price to prevent people trying to workaround this TOS to encourage other people to accept their offers. (For example: Partial resale on a 30$ design may be a maximum of 20$ partial + non-currency add on.) This is to prevent overoffering/artificially inflating resale value. I am willing to make exceptions to this clause, but you will have to speak to me directly to ensure my TOS is being respected.
If the design is gifted/traded at any point, all financial value up to that point is lost and it may not be resold until further art is made/commissioned for it.
You may not include my designs in resale bundles. Period.
You may not EVER feed ANY of my art into an AI interface of ANY kind.​​​​​​​​
If you resell, trade, or gift this design, please inform me that it has been traded/resold/gifted so that I may update the TOS to reflect that and so future buyers cannot be scammed.
You may not resell, gift, or trade this design (or any of my designs) to anyone on my blacklist, which is linked below for your convenience. Doing so will result in immediate  blacklisting/blocking of your accounts.
You may not ever edit the original artwork(s).
You may not repost the original artwork to deviantart, instagram, or other social media/portfolio sites.
You may not use this design for the creation of license-able media such as (but is not limited to): books, animated shorts/shows, Vtuber/twitch streamer  sonas,  comics/webcomics, and video games (free or otherwise). If you  would like to use this design in anything like this, we can negotiate a one time licensing fee which covers use in all of the above. This can be anywhere form an additional 150-500$ depending on your intended use.
You MAY use your design for any other purpose, so long as you are not profiting financially off of my work nor passing it off as your own.
You are allowed to store it in your deviantart sta.sh, post it to tumblr profiles, or upload it to websites like toyhou.se with proper credit.
However, you may not reupload to toyhou.se, to keep the ownership log intact, and to keep the original tos consistent.
For my personal comfort, you may not delete original listings from toyhou.seand resell it separately. This is again to keep the ownership log intact, and to keep the original tos consistent. If the person you wish to resell it to does not have a toyhou.se, I have plenty of invite codes I can give out as necessary.
Please credit to INDIG0TEA the first time you post art of them to websites other than toyhou.se 
Violation  of many of these terms will result in permanent blacklisting/banning  from buying or owning designs by me in the future.
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a-gaggle-of-colors · 20 days
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I wanted to make a backstory for the time I found this in pokemon Violet XD
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a-gaggle-of-colors · 20 days
Folara, what was your favorite subject in school?
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"I rather enjoyed art classes. I loved playing around with clay and making different shapes."
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a-gaggle-of-colors · 21 days
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Requested by anon
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a-gaggle-of-colors · 22 days
Hello! This is the bulk ask anon. Sending here because I don't want to reveal my identity ;) i just picked a random inbox I know has a lot of reach, in the hopes this message will be passed on! I'm really grateful for everyone's overwhelming support on this silly little endeavor! It has done wonders for my ego. The first few questions were most definitely all me, but since this morning a couple copycats have shown up, and I couldn't be more thrilled! I just wanted to offer the list I've complied of ftc blogs as a resource! In the hopes of making sure nobody is left out. Most of these blogs were added with no real rhyme or reason as I saw them on my dash. If anyones missing, leave it in the document comments! [https://docs.google.com/document/d/17bgv0S46sGSKj5Oge6-1ApyhPRDJrIvk/edit?usp=sharing&ouid=117665068599676533733&rtpof=true&sd=true]
thanks everyone! And I love this community.
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I was totally expecting you to inspire other people to start doing it too, and I'm so excited to hear you did!!! You like. Singlehandedly went n strengthened the sense of community around here 🥹 anon our beloved
Edit: anon's link for easier clicking !
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a-gaggle-of-colors · 22 days
Here’s a story about changelings: 
Mary was a beautiful baby, sweet and affectionate, but by the time she’s three she’s turned difficult and strange, with fey moods and a stubborn mouth that screams and bites but never says mama. But her mother’s well-used to hard work with little thanks, and when the village gossips wag their tongues she just shrugs, and pulls her difficult child away from their precious, perfect blossoms, before the bites draw blood. Mary’s mother doesn’t drown her in a bucket of saltwater, and she doesn’t take up the silver knife the wife of the village priest leaves out for her one Sunday brunch. 
She gives her daughter yarn, instead, and instead of a rowan stake through her inhuman heart she gives her a child’s first loom, oak and ash. She lets her vicious, uncooperative fairy daughter entertain herself with games of her own devising, in as much peace and comfort as either of them can manage.
Mary grows up strangely, as a strange child would, learning everything in all the wrong order, and biting a great deal more than she should. But she also learns to weave, and takes to it with a grand passion. Soon enough she knows more than her mother–which isn’t all that much–and is striking out into unknown territory, turning out odd new knots and weaves, patterns as complex as spiderwebs and spellrings. 
“Aren’t you clever,” her mother says, of her work, and leaves her to her wool and flax and whatnot. Mary’s not biting anymore, and she smiles more than she frowns, and that’s about as much, her mother figures, as anyone should hope for from their child. 
Mary still cries sometimes, when the other girls reject her for her strange graces, her odd slow way of talking, her restless reaching fluttering hands that have learned to spin but never to settle. The other girls call her freak, witchblood, hobgoblin.
“I don’t remember girls being quite so stupid when I was that age,” her mother says, brushing Mary’s hair smooth and steady like they’ve both learned to enjoy, smooth as a skein of silk. “Time was, you knew not to insult anyone you might need to flatter later. ‘Specially when you don’t know if they’re going to grow wings or horns or whatnot. Serve ‘em all right if you ever figure out curses.”
“I want to go back,” Mary says. “I want to go home, to where I came from, where there’s people like me. If I’m a fairy’s child I should be in fairyland, and no one would call me a freak.”
“Aye, well, I’d miss you though,” her mother says. “And I expect there’s stupid folk everywhere, even in fairyland. Cruel folk, too. You just have to make the best of things where you are, being my child instead.”
Mary learns to read well enough, in between the weaving, especially when her mother tracks down the traveling booktraders and comes home with slim, precious manuals on dyes and stains and mordants, on pigments and patterns, diagrams too arcane for her own eyes but which make her daughter’s eyes shine.
“We need an herb garden,” her daughter says, hands busy, flipping from page to page, pulling on her hair, twisting in her skirt, itching for a project. “Yarrow, and madder, and woad and weld…”
“Well, start digging,” her mother says. “Won’t do you a harm to get out of the house now’n then.”
Mary doesn’t like dirt but she’s learned determination well enough from her mother. She digs and digs, and plants what she’s given, and the first year doesn’t turn out so well but the second’s better, and by the third a cauldron’s always simmering something over the fire, and Mary’s taking in orders from girls five years older or more, turning out vivid bolts and spools and skeins of red and gold and blue, restless fingers dancing like they’ve summoned down the rainbow. Her mother figures she probably has.
“Just as well you never got the hang of curses,” she says, admiring her bright new skirts. “I like this sort of trick a lot better.”
Mary smiles, rocking back and forth on her heels, fingers already fluttering to find the next project.
She finally grows up tall and fair, if a bit stooped and squinty, and time and age seem to calm her unhappy mouth about as well as it does for human children. Word gets around she never lies or breaks a bargain, and if the first seems odd for a fairy’s child then the second one seems fit enough. The undyed stacks of taken orders grow taller, the dyed lots of filled orders grow brighter, the loom in the corner for Mary’s own creations grows stranger and more complex. Mary’s hands callus just like her mother’s, become as strong and tough and smooth as the oak and ash of her needles and frames, though they never fall still.
“Do you ever wonder what your real daughter would be like?” the priest’s wife asks, once.
Mary’s mother snorts. “She wouldn’t be worth a damn at weaving,” she says. “Lord knows I never was. No, I’ll keep what I’ve been given and thank the givers kindly. It was a fair enough trade for me. Good day, ma’am.”
Mary brings her mother sweet chamomile tea, that night, and a warm shawl in all the colors of a garden, and a hairbrush. In the morning, the priest’s son comes round, with payment for his mother’s pretty new dress and a shy smile just for Mary. He thinks her hair is nice, and her hands are even nicer, vibrant in their strength and skill and endless motion.  
They all live happily ever after.
Here’s another story: 
Keep reading
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a-gaggle-of-colors · 23 days
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Donate to help get my friends out of jail here! Posting from this blog may be sparse as the protest continues.
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a-gaggle-of-colors · 29 days
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Requested by anon
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