696levi · 3 years
So for anyone on Twitter who’s confused at the influx of tweets and the #weloveyouaaron that everyone is using, this is basically what’s happening.
TW: Suicide attempt, please don’t continue if it’ll trigger you!
Aaron had tweeted these, before deleting them after shortly,
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Which made people panic a little bit at what they implied, so they started spamming Corey, Elton, Sam, Colby, etc.
The worry continued when everyone started posting these,
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After about an hour of panicking, people started the tag, and we get an update that he’s safe, (not my screenshot)
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And a little bit after that, we get an update from his sister, (I checked and it is indeed his sister) that he’s in the hospital and recovering,
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I’ve read a lot of mixed things about Aaron on Tumblr, some negative, some neutral, but I’m sure at some point he made someone here smile, and figured that if making this would help them figure it out and sleep better knowing that he was still kicking, it was worth posting.
To everyone who has considered this at one point or another, please remember that you’re loved by someone and there will always be another way. Stay strong 💕
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696levi · 3 years
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696levi · 3 years
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i bet you if they only knew, they would just be jealous of us
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696levi · 3 years
slip of the tongue || Mayward
Request:  98, 44, 20 for jjpope please!!! U are the absolute i will take anything u write and i feel as if u are improving everyones day with ur fics
Warning: just some serious fluff
Author’s Note: Thank you so much! This is just some fluff for you. Sorry it’s a bit short. I had trouble with 98, but I tried. 
Pope doesn’t know how his friends convinced him to go out on the boat the day before his midterm. But JJ had given him these big puppy dog eyes, lip jutting out in a pout and Pope had sighed, big and dramatic only to receive a quick kiss in reward as JJ practically pulled him out. So, okay, sue him. He couldn’t say no to his stupid boyfriend, who didn’t care if he passed or failed tomorrow and was sure Pope would pass with the studying he had already done. 
Pope had only agreed to come under the pretense of being able to study, but JJ is distracting. It isn’t even the fact that he always wants to be touching Pope, but he takes his shirt off the second they step on the boat and how can Pope not look? There is water dripping from his blond hair, down his chest and across his abs and it’s distracting. He doesn’t even think JJ is doing this on purpose like he often does. This is just him, hot as hell and full of energy as he runs around the boat. 
It comes to the point where Pope has read the same sentence probably twenty times, JJ drawing his attention each time he passes Pope, which is often. And Pope normally doesn’t mind, but today it has him grabbing JJ’s arm, looking up to meet blue eyes as he says, “I love you, but I need you to go away because you’re really fucking distracting and I have to pass this test tomorrow.”
JJ’s eyes widen at the words, mouth falling open. Pope doesn’t really know what he said to warrant the shock written over JJ’s face, but a glance around at his friends tells him he said something because they’re all looking at him with almost the same amount of shock. 
“Did you just say you love me?” JJ asks, tentative, unsure and Pope has to think back to his words, feels a blush dust his cheeks as he realizes what the hell he just said. Apparently he lets stuff slip when he is frustrated. 
“Yeah, I did,” he says, meeting JJ’s blue eyes. He isn’t going to take it back. It was kinda shitty timing, a weird moment, but he’s been thinking it for a while, just kept chickening out. “I do.” 
Pope’s never seen JJ smile like that, big and wide and lighting up his eyes as he surges forward to connect their lips in a searing kiss. Their friends have luckily gone about their business as JJ falls into his lap, mouth warm and excited as his arms wrap around Pope’s neck. 
“Shit, I love you too, man,” JJ smiles, and Pope lets himself have one more kiss, enjoy the moment for a while longer before he pulls away. 
“I really do have to study though,” Pope mutters, forehead pressing to JJ’s. JJ chuckles and slides off Pope’s lap, situating himself so his head is in Pope’s lap, smiling up at him. 
“But only for a little longer. You gotta have some fun too,” JJ says, and Pope can’t help but nod in agreement, watching as JJ settles in Pope’s lap, pulling a joint out of his pocket and lighting up. 
Pope simply rolls his eyes, fingers moving to brush through JJ’s hair as he starts on the book again. He doesn’t get much studying done, not with JJ sitting across his lap, stretched out and warm and in love, but he aces his test anyway and still gets to kiss JJ in the water. 
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696levi · 3 years
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 2.04 “Homecoming”
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696levi · 3 years
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By far one of my favourite wattpad stories!
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696levi · 3 years
what a strange feeling
to be an almost something
not quite anything at all
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696levi · 3 years
General Prompt 3:
When is enough, enough?
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696levi · 3 years
I have this reoccuring dream
In which I am loved.
That is it.
That is the poem.
Because it never lasts
It never lasts.
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696levi · 3 years
«Are you gonna jump?».
«I- don't know yet…».
«Make sure to tell me if you want to».
«What- why?».
«So I can come with you».
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696levi · 3 years
Always || Mayward
Request: ur jjpope fics are just *chef’s kiss* immaculate and if ur still doing reqs can i ask for number 3 “It’s three in the morning.” ? :)
Warning: mentions of fighting and child abuse, smoking
Author’s Note: I like fluff. I’m a slut for it so here is a bunch of fluff. I’m writing a very angsty chapter fic so this is a nice step back to even it out a bit. This does still have some angsty background though. I hope you enjoy! And thank you for the kind words :)
The window tumbles open in its usual fashion. The screen long forgotten as it rests against Pope’s wall. JJ’s hand, bruised and scabbed over, appears on the window sill as he hoists himself up, until he comes rolling into the room. 
It doesn’t startle Pope. JJ has been doing this for months now, climbing through his window to get around Pope’s parents even though his parents have welcomed JJ in time and time again through the front door. JJ seems to like climbing through the window, it seems to give him a bit of a thrill, like they’re sneaking around even though Pope knows his parents have figured it out by now. 
Pope rolls over at the sound of JJ hitting the floor, a groan leaving his lips at the action. He’s usually a little less clumsy when he makes his grand entrance but Pope can see the new blotches on his skin, see the red that JJ tried to wipe away but failed at doing so. He looks like he tried to clean himself up a bit, but Pope assumes he got a bit distracted smoking instead. 
Pope doesn’t mention it, knows JJ will tell him in his own time. It isn’t usual for JJ to tumble through his window with a few new bumps and scrapes, less and less were from his dad, but JJ has never been able to keep his temper in check and Pope knows he’s been getting into a few fights recently. The kooks know how to set him off, get enjoyment out of it and just the thought twists Pope’s stomach into knots. 
Pope glances at the clock, a frown pulling down his lips. “It’s three in the morning,” Pope whispers. It’s later than usual for JJ to be joining him and it leaves Pope wondering just who those bruises were from. He had a bad feeling it was his dad, who sometimes corners JJ on the street when he hasn’t been home in a while just to be cruel for the sake of being cruel. It makes Pope sick, makes him think of getting off this island as soon as possible with JJ in tow so he can get him away from that cruel man. 
JJ looks up at his words and Pope can barely make out his blood shot eyes, sad and aching, in the moonlight fluttering in from the window. Pope’s heart aches as he watches the other push himself up, arms shaky and tired. He’s a little sluggish as he makes his way over to Pope’s bed, not even bothering to comment as he nearly falls into Pope. 
Pope is prepared though, he tugs the covers back as JJ starts to move, shifting a bit so he’s on his back. He knows that JJ likes to sleep on top of him like this, likes to wrap his arms around Pope’s middle and rest his head on Pope’s chest. He knows the other likes to feel Pope around him, holding him, protecting him. It started only a few weeks after they started dating, a run in with JJ’s dad fresh on their minds. JJ has nearly collapsed on him, physically and emotionally drained from the events. Pope hasn’t been prepared and found himself in this exact position, with an arm full of JJ. 
JJ is quick to wrap his arms around Pope, cheek pressed against Pope’s chest right over his heart. Pope keeps his breaths steady, moving to wrap one arm around JJ, his other hand moving to brush thorough JJ’s unruly blond hair. The strands are greasy and Pope is pretty sure there is blood coating some of his bangs, but they can clean up in the morning. JJ needed sleep now more than anything. 
“Covers?” Pope questions, voice quiet and gentle. JJ nods his head, face moving back and forth, clinging to the fabric of Pope’s shirt. Pope tugs the covers over them, leaning forward to press his lips to JJ’s forehead. He can hear JJ sigh at the action, feeling his whole body seem to loosen, tension leaving his system. Pope lets his lips linger, let’s his fingers play with JJ’s hair in a manner he knows the other finds comforting. 
“We’re going to get out of here,” Pope whispers and he can feel JJ’s arms tighten around his waist, the other shifting, like he could possibly get any closer to Pope in this moment. Pope can feel the other shaking against him, he can feel wet tears soaking through his shirt. He simply runs his fingers through JJ’s hair, letting the other have all the time he needs. 
They stay like that for a long time, JJ shaking in his arms and Pope simply holding him, being there for him. JJ settles down after a while and Pope notes that he has finally matched his breathing, puffs of air being released at the same time. JJ finally shifts enough to look at Pope, chin digging into his chest uncomfortably. “You want me to come with you?” JJ says, quiet and unsure. Pope can see the hope in his eyes, can’t believe JJ would think Pope would leave him behind after everything they’ve been through. 
“Always,” Pope answers, simple and easy. JJ smiles at him, soft and so warm, one that is only reserved for Pope, and shifts up enough to peck Pope’s lips. 
“I love you,” he hums, letting his head fall back against Pope’s chest. He has his eyes closed now and Pope lets his fingers slide through his hair again. 
“I love you too.” But JJ is already asleep against him, breath steady and even, soft snores leaving his lips. Pope smiles fondly at him, letting his head fall back against the pillow as he tries to drift off as well. 
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696levi · 3 years
Fluffy KageHina
Sick!Hinata au :) Please enjoy, sorry it took so long to right I’ve been very busy these past three days! Thanks for the request :)
Hinata was more than sick. Honestly if you looked at the boy you probably wouldn’t have recognized him. With his stuffy nose, and puffy eyelids, not to mention the constant blush dusting his cheeks. That being said, the volleyball player still tried to go to practice. Only to be sent home by an over protective Suga, that is. How Hinata made it home was actually a miracle, considering the fact that he could barley ride his bike, let alone in the cold winter air. So here he was now, tossing and turning in bed, trying to get comfortable, as old Small Giant tapes played in the background. Eventually, after half an hour of squirming, Hinata’s eyes shut, and he drifted into a sleep. It was roughly four pm when the orange haired boy woke up to the sound of someone else’s voice.
“Oi. Wake up.” Hinata had recognized the voice instantly, and he found himself realizing that he missed it today.
His eyes fluttered open to see Kageyama towering above him, looking displeased. Hinata sat upright in the bed, cacooned in blanket from head to toe. Kageyama’s previous scowl began to melt of his face, because damn Hinata looked really cute right now.
“Why are you here?” Hinata whispered in his raspy voice.
‘Cute.’ Kageyama thought.
Hinata then began to rub his eyes, and look around the room, as if he forgot his surroundings. An instant tightness in Kageyama’s stomach presented itself, and the taller boy felt the sudden urge to protect the little orange fluffball sitting in front of him.
“Suga told me I should come check up on you.” Kageyama stated bluntly, trying not seem too nervous.
Hinata simply just nodded, before stretching his arms. God dammit this boy is just simply too cute, and Kageyama just simply couldn’t handle it.
“…So are you okay?” Kageyama asked.
Hinata turned, shifting his gaze towards the setter.
“You’re actually here right?” The orange hair boy asked.
Kageyama gulped. What type of question was that?
“I’m not dreaming right?” Hinata asked.
Kageyama nodded.
“I’m really here.” He said.
Hinata nodded, seeming to process the sitaution.
“Then I guess I’m okay.” He responded.
Kageyama brows clashed together at the sentence. Was Hinata okay….now that Kageyama was here?
“Well Suga told me to ask you if there’s anything you need.” Kageyama said.
Hinata hummed in response.
“Cuddles.” He rasped.
“Wh-what? Cuddles?” Kageyama repeated.
Hinata nodded, giggling childishly. Oh god was this boy really sick. Hinata laid back down on his bed, as if he was waiting for Kageyama. Meanwhile, Kageyama’s left eye was twitching. Hinata wanted him to do what?? But nonetheless, he found himself slipping his winter coat off. And within in the next minute he was laying next to Hinata in the shorter’s bed. At first, Kageyama figured that maybe this wasn’t the end of the world. Hinata will just fall asleep, and then he can slip out of bed and walk back home. When Kageyama heard the sound of the world’s cutest snores coming from the opposite side of the bed, he thought he could put his plan into action. But when he went to move, an orange fluff ball flopped on its side, and on to Kageyama’s chest. Kageyama swallowed, Hinata’s head was resting peacefully on his chest. He was more than fucked. But then he noticed the way Hinata’s hair looked just do damn fluffy, and he couldn’t resist running his fingers through it. So he did. More than once. And more than twice. Because it was really fluffy, not because Kageyama had beeing harbouring feelings towards the shorter or anything. And soon Kageyama found himself drifting asleep to the sound of Hinata’s quiet snores. It was around nine pm when Kageyama woke up, only to find that Hinata hadn’t moved from the spot on his chest, but was looking up at Kageyama with wide open eyes. When Hinata realized Kageyama had woken, he snapped his eyes shut, hoping the setter hadn’t noticed. He didn’t want Kageyama to think he was creepy. Come on, everyone loves to stare at their crush right? Okay maybe not when they’re sleeping… But Kageyama had more than noticed. But there was something else on the taller’s mind.
“So you dream about me?” Kageyama whispered into the darkness of the room.
He could feel Hinata squirm against his chest.
“Sometimes.” Came the long awaited response.
“Actually all the time.” Was added on, not too soon after.
Kageyama swallowed. He wanted to tell Hinata that he would do the same, but he couldn’t. He wanted confess right then and there. He wanted to tell Hinata that his smile was amazing and his-
“I hate you.” The cold sentence erupted Kageyama’s thoughts faster than a rock dropping to the ground.
Kageyama instantly found his heart beating 10x faster, and his stomach twisting itself into knots.
“Why?” Kageyama managed squeak out the word.
“Cuz I like you.” Hinata confessed.
Hinata still hadn’t moved from Kageyama’s chest, he figured he would be pushed away after his confession, easily rejected. So he wanted to stay in this spot for as long as he could. Before he lost Kageyama once and for all.
“Then I hate you too.” Kageyama responded. Hinata blinked twice, trying to understand what just happened. He propped himself on his elbows, getting off of the setter’s chest.
“So does that mean-“ Hinata began.
“When im sick you better take care of me.” Kageyama said, cutting off the other boy.
“What-“ Hinata tried to ask, but he got cut off once again.
But this time, it was with a pair of someone else’s lips on his own. It took him a second to realize what was happening. But as soon as he made the connection, his lips were responding eagerly. As sick as Hinata may be, all the energy that had faded from his body, instantly returned. He found himself smiling into the kiss. Kageyama returned his feelings. He couldn’t ask for more. Kageyama broke the kiss, both needing air.
“Kageyama-“ Hinata started.
But for the th time tonight he was cut off.
“Go to bed, you’re sick.” Kageyama said, turning on his side, blushing furiously.
Hinata snuggled into the covers, smiling. But his smile grew even bigger, when a pair of arms wrapped around his waist.
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696levi · 3 years
Why is this me and my friends-
Dream and George’s texts…
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696levi · 3 years
shut up they were laying in bed talking to each other alone 
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696levi · 3 years
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Cleaning wounds trope but with dnf bc I’m weak <3
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696levi · 3 years
Soulmates 🥰
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696levi · 3 years
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“even if the world ends today…                               ….its fine by me”
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