3xdni · 10 months
So like I can’t stop rereading Ghostin and I was wondering is there gonna be a follow up part 2 cause I was really over here giggling and kicking my feet in the air. It’s ok if it’s not but I needs more of that. 😂😂😭
ofc ofc!! i love hearing stuff like this omg😚😚 but yeah ask and u shall receive
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3xdni · 10 months
Pairings: E!42 x Black!reader
˚. ✦.˳·˖✶ ⋆.✧̣̇˚.
Heads up: Black-coded reader, swearing, kissing, high school age ranged, use of the 'n word, touchy miles, established relationships, rekindling relationships, slight angst, cheating
Summary- after numerous attempts of trying to get Miles to take you serious, you finally meet someone who's willing to do just that. Miles finds out about this and tries to distract himself with someone else but when he sees you and your new talking stage at a party, he can't help but feel like he lost something so precious to him. He can't and won't let you go.
Ding! Ding!
You stirred out of your sleep and opened your eyes, letting a quiet yawn escape from your lips. You sighed and rubbed your eyes, laying in the comfort of Miles' bed. The led lights were set to a low purple and you could see the moonlight peaking through the curtains of the window. You also noticed your boyfriend's sleeping form sprawled out across his side of the mattress.
Being awoken by the sound of Miles phone going off, you reached over to take a look. There was about 54 different notifications coming from a group chat saved ss 'the boys🧟‍♂️'. You felt slight relief having thought it was some girl blowing up his phone or something. However, you were still a bit annoyed by the fact the it was 2:37 in the morning and you would like to be asleep right now.
Shaking him lightly, you called for Miles. "Baby, your folks blowin' up ya phone."
He slowly opened his eyes and squinted as he stretched himself out his sleep. Barely paying you any mind, he immediately turned and opened his phone to a flurry of messages. You just looked at him, somewhat expecting him to say something but he just sat and read through his phone. You just decided to lay back down and pull the covers over yourself until you heard Miles' phone start ringing.
Miles grumbled about being woken up so early but promptly answered the call.
"Yo, what's happenin'?" the tired boy laid back on his pillow while rubbing his eyes.
"Yur, what's good Morales. You doin something right now?"
Miles had given you a side glance before quickly back in front of him. "Nah, i'm just with Y/N. I'm free." You felt slightly hurt by his choice of words. 'Just Y'N'
"Well we finna link up at the basketball court, you gon be there right?" You could hear his homeboy on the phone and he sounded very awake for it to be so late. It wasn't that you cared what Miles did, but you weren't expecting him to leave you alone in his bed to hang with his people.
"Maldito hombre, ya ves qué hora es? It's 2:41 in the mornin' nigga."
"Man ain't nobody tryna hear that shit! You coming or not?"
There was a long pause before Miles gave him an answer. He looked to have been thinking and you silently prayed that he would tell them to get the fuck on. But it's not like him to disappoint you of course so you really didn't know what to expect. All you could do is wish that the bed was too comfortable for him to leave, if you weren't reason enough.
"Who all gon be there?" Miles leaned up from the pillow to sit up. He looked around his room for his dirty, basketball shoes. Not getting up until he got an answer.
"Uhh, me, Jay, Ganke, and the rest of the crew." There was music in the background of the call and you could hear the sounds of laughing accompanied with yelling on the other side.
"OH! And Gwen's coming with her little friends~" Miles was already made the decision to go but he didn't get up yet. Hearing that there were unknown females going, you cringed at the thought of him entertaining them.
You watched for a sign of excitement or a sense of urgency after his friend's words but he was still as nonchalant as ever.
"Aight, I'll be there in about...15 minutes. Déjame vestirme muy rápido."
"Aight bro, see ya in a little bit."
"Yeah, bye."
You sat up from the bed as your boyfriend got up from it. You were beyond pissed by the fact he was just going to leave you there.
"Are you leaving?" The answer was already known but you asked anyway. It irked your nerves the way he disregarded you being there in the first place.
Miles threw on some grey sweats and a white wife-beater. "Huh? Oh yeah, I'm fina go with the boys 'cuz they tryna hoop." He slipped on some nike socks, still looking for his shoes.
You guys had gotten into multiple arguments about this. How he'd leave you at the drop of a hat for anything that wasn't important. It hurt you deeply to see how he seriously he didn't take you or your feelings.
You were obviously disappointed and upset but tried not to let it show. It's not this is the first time this has happened anyway. Y'all's relationship was never perfect.
One time, he stood you up for a date that he planned so he could play the game with his homeboys. You sat in this nice restaurant with your pretty black dress only to walk out with embarrassed tears streaming down your face. Or the time he 'forgot' he was supposed to have a cute little couple sleep over with you. Watch movies, eat snacks, and enjoy each other's company. Instead he made plans to hang out with his crew, completely disrespecting your time. But time always seems to repeat itself.
And yes you were very much aware of his Prowler duties, but more often then not it was just Miles being Miles.
"Damn, you wasn't fina let me know something? That's cool I guess.." Try to be as passive aggressive as possible, you have Miles the stankest face ever which he just returned with an eye roll.
"Ian even know they was going to play. Nadie hizo planes, don't be mad at me I didn't even do anything." He retorted as he moved into his closet in search for these shoes.
You no longer allowed yourself to get crazy upset over Miles actions anymore, his words going in one ear and out the other. However that doesn't mean that it don't bother you as much. "You never do anything, do you?"
"Bro what?" The boy turned around from his closest seemingly found what he was looking for. He looked at you with squinted eyes and a slight scowl.
"Nothin' nigga, just don't even worry about." You threw your hands up and let them fall onto your thighs with a smack. Your body language exuded attitude and you could only smile in disbelief. Your boyfriend was so perfect on the outside. Pretty eyes, pretty lips, handsome face, tall, lean with muscle, if only he had the heart to back up his looks.
"Mami don't start that arguing shit, Ian tryna here that."
"You never tryna hear nothing I say though so it doesn't really matter, does it?"
"Y/N, I just wanna hoop with the boys. I do not wanna hear that shit 'cuz if we start arguin' yo ass gon' start cryin'." Miles sat down in his gaming chair to roughly put on his air forces. He was obviously getting annoyed and now he seemed like he was in a rush to leave you even quicker.
"Yeah, it's always the boys, gotta go with the boys, gotta see the boys, but when it comes to spendin' some time with your 'girl' you can't be there." Your hand movements became more aggressive the more Miles talked.
"Yeah well ain't nobody forcin' you to be wit me so do what you gotta do, bro." He didn't even look up from his shoes as he indirectly confessed he didn't give two fucks about you.
There was a silence that fell onto the room. It seemed like it didn't matter how many times you tried to put effort into making your boyfriend reciprocate your feelings, it was just impossible.
Getting up from the bed, you began to dress yourself to leave. "If that's how you feel Morales, consider this shit dead." You grabbed your phone from his nightstand and quickly opened the Uber app.
Miles sucked his teeth and finished lacing his shoes. "Y/N come on, you overreacting." He stood up from his chair grabbed his hoodie, tossing it on over his tank top.
Your face was lit up by your phone screen as your ordered an Uber and ignored Miles completely. "It's 2:57, you better hurry before they start to miss you." Turning your body away from the boy and stuffing your book bag with your stuff, you turned around and made your way to the door.
"So we done, for real? Over some bullshit?" Miles stood in between you and the door, blocking your path.
"It's not bullshit, Miles. You don't understand so just move." You pinched the bridge of nose and closed your eyes in annoyance.
He looked down at you for a couple of seconds then said 'Aight'. As soon as he moved you opened the door and walked out, night entirely ruined.
It pained you to think about how you gave your all to a nigga who could care less about letting you down. You sure knew how to pick them. Miles hadn't even thought about telling you he was going to leave, not that he should have been leaving in the first place. If this was what love was supposed to be, you didn't want it at all.
─── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ──⋆⋅☆⋅⋆──⋆⋅☆⋅⋆───
On the way to the basketball court, Miles' last conversation with played throughout his head. He loved you, but you just did too much sometimes. So what if he wanted to hangout with his friends? Or just changed his mind about somethings. This was just how he was and if you didn't like it, you could leave just like you did. He didn't realize how much of his mind you took up until he was left alone with his thoughts.
The weight of what just happened hadn't fallen on him yet. He didn't feel bad or any regret about what he said or has done. It's not like he did anything wrong, right? Of course not, this is just what happens before you call him and apologize for tripping on him.
As Miles pulled up to the spot, he sent you a text.
- lmk when u done bein mad nd shi
Throwing his phone into his passenger seat, he jogged over to his friends, greeting everyone that wasn't currently playing basketball.
"Yo! What's good my boy?" Ganke dapped Miles up and punched him playfully.
"Yo, what's good Ganke." Miles laughed at his friends antics, still trying to shake off his sleep.
Jay looked around Miles and then behind him confusingly. Ganke doing the same thing.
"I thought you were with Y/N? Where she at?" Jay questioned now looking at Miles' car in search of you.
Instead of questioning his homeboys own interest in you, he shrugged his shoulders. "She got mad 'cuz I was tryna come link up with y'all so she left." The latino leaned against the ragged fence as he watched the people on the court. "We were sleep when ya'll called but I guess she wanted me to stay or somethin'".
Jay and Ganke shared a look and then turned their attention back into Miles. "You know that's kinda fucked up." Ganke started.
"Yeah, ya know you didn't have to come if it was like that. To be honest, if it was me," Jay pushed off the fence and in front of the other too boys to finish his statement. "I'd stay in that bed with her all night long. No disrespect but Y/N is fine as fuck!" Ending his sentence with laughter, Miles could tell he wasn't joking.
"Damn, you must be plottin' on her or something? I know she fine.." Miles trailed off not giving his friends words much thought until now. He crossed his arms and gave Jay a pointed look.
"Nah bro it ain't like that, I'm just sayin if it was me she wouldn't be gettin' mad over nothin'."
The two boys began to walk closer to each other, seemingly trying to size up the other. Ganke stuck a hand in between the boys' chest, trying to keep any altercation from happening.
Jay had a history of sly remarks towards Miles about you, as so did the rest of the group. None of them were blind and could obviously see how bad Miles treated you. They could also see how honestly attractive you were. Multiple attempts were made by Jay to try and get with you, but like the good girlfriend you are, you shit that shit down immediately.
"We came here to chill and play ball, ya'll mothafuckas need to chill out." Miles continued to glare at his so called 'homeboy' until Jay backed down.
"You got it bro." The dread head smiled at Miles and threw his hand up in defense. He just let it go before things escalated into something worse.
After a couple rounds of basketball, sleepiness over took Miles' body once again. About 2 hours had past and it felt like a good time to go home and fall back asleep in your embrace. He said goodbye to his friends although leaving Jay out. Once he made his way to his car, he hopped in and checked his phone.
Clicking yours and his conversation, he looked down in confusion.
- lmk when u done bein mad nd shi
read 3:46
Whatever, bro. That's what Miles thought as he drove back to his home. He wasn't gonna stress over being left on read when he knows you'll come back, because you always come back.
─── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ──⋆⋅☆⋅⋆──⋆⋅☆⋅⋆───
It's been 3 weeks since you talked to Miles. You would ignore him in the halls, at lunch, and in the classroom. Even though you and him had pretty much the same classes, it wasn't hard to simply ask for a seat change.
And then a month passes by with no contact from you. When he finally let go of his pride and spammed your phone with messages about how much he misses you and filled your call log with his contact, he couldn't help but feel lost. He wanted nothing more than for you to talk to him again. The girl he started dating was just an attempt to distract himself from blowing up your phone.
He'd heard news about you talking to someone new and he didn't believe that you'd actually move on from him until he saw it with his own eyes. Mrs. Perkins class was the only class that you had to keep your seat next to Miles.
One day Miles couldn't seem to mind his business and kept taking peaks at your phone. He saw messages between you and your friends about a party this Saturday. The desperate boy strained his eyes for more information but ultimately gave up. After asking around the school, he got the date and time for said party. He couldn't get you to meet up with him anymore so he just had to seek you out in other ways.
The school day came to an end and every one could finally go home. On the way to his dorm, you plagued Miles' brain. Thoughts of your sweet voice and pretty smile clouded his mind and left an uncomfortable feeling in his chest. Something was constantly missing from his life now. Whether it be a simple text from you or even just the loving way you would stare into his eyes. He deeply regretted taking his time with you for granted.
Miles couldn't help but scroll through old pictures of the two of you. He didn't smile in a single one and paid you no mind in any of them. It was amazing to you how long you stood up with his bullshit. He studied the ways the couples around his school would embrace each other and share love so easily. Jealousy was the only way Miles could correctly label his feelings.
Saturday couldn't come any faster. Everyone was happy to be temporarily free from there school duties and enjoy the weekend. Most people spent there Saturday preparing themselves for this party. There were so supposed to be drinks, food, music, and all around just a good time. Although for Miles, all he wanted to see was you.
Your friends wanted you to attend this party so desperately. You may have been able to keep a stoic attitude on the outside, but secretly you were trying to deal with the way yours and Miles relationship ended. Sure you were talking to a new nigga but you couldn't help but miss Miles. Even when he would pay you any attention you missed is company. Your entire relationship wasn't 'bad', it just wasn't perfect. To you at least.
The party was going to be an outdoor type of thing. It seemed to be a very warm not so you decided to go with something tight and short. Spinning in the mirror, you admired the way you dress fitted your pretty figure, feeling even cuter with your heels. It wasn't too much but it was better than most.
You took a few mirror pics and posted the best ones on your instagram. It didn't take long for your inbox to be filled with messages from random dudes, friends hyping you up, and some family telling you how good you looked.
A smile planted itself on your face as you red through the messages and replied to most of them. You felt so confident and hoped that the rest of the night would be just a good.
─── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ──⋆⋅☆⋅⋆──⋆⋅☆⋅⋆───
Miles sat in his driver seat waiting outside his dorm building while scrolling through instagram. He would come across the usual food reel or shoe announcements until he refreshed his page and you popped up. You looked so damn good he couldn't believe it. Miles wasn't blind, he knew you weren't ugly but he'd never stop to admire how absolutely gorgeous you are. He stared at the picture for a while until his new girlfriend yanked the car door open and plopped herself into the passenger seat.
Miles quickly liked the photo and put his phone in his visor, feeling somewhat caught. Your curves stayed on his mind while driving to the spot. Lil baby, G herbo, and Gunna blasted through his car speakers as his girl rambled on about how much fun there were gonna have at this party. She wanted to party with him but Miles only wanted to talk to you.
Khelani had nothing on you. She was just some chick who had been thirsting after him ever since ya'll two were together so he'd thought she'd be a descent distracted. The woman just became a hellish annoyance.
He pulled into an empty parking spot and locked his doors on his way towards everyone. He kept his eyes peeled for you, not caring for anyone else at the moment. Khelani clinged onto Miles' arm for dear life yet he kept trying to push her away. He'd much rather hearing you yell at him for being a dick than hear her whine about getting no attention from him.
The boy looked away from the girl out of irritation only to lay eyes on you. He could practically smell your Chanel perfume and taste your Dior laced lips. His mouth went dry as he gazed over your soft curves and pretty curls/braids brought your look together. 'Oh my god' he thought to himself as he eyed you head to toe.
Miles attention was suddenly brought to Khelani as she told him she was leaving with some friends. She attempted to give him a quick kiss but he quickly weaved out the way. Clearly embarrassed, she laughed it off and finally walked away giving Miles the opportunity to go talk to you.
As he made his way closer to you, a familiar face came into view. It was Jay. The same Jay that talked about getting with you right when you two were having problems. The same Jay that would ogle you and make sly remarks about how good he thought you looked. The same Jay talking to his girl right now.
Jealousy and irritation clouded his thoughts as he watched from a distance. He didn't like the fact that Jay had the nerve to talk to his girl. 'His girl'. It didn't matter to Miles if he himself had died, you were still of limits to anyone. He glared at the dread head, diminishing any feelings of friendship that he had left for him.
The closer Miles got, the easier it was to read the situation. Both of you were arguing about something and it seemed pretty heated. You were calmly retorting to whatever Jay was yelling at you about, talking more with your hands than you were your mouth. He quietly stood in front of you two with his hands in his pockets and without being noticed.
You and your new talking stage had been having problems with consistency. He had been busy with school and you had your own responsibilities to deal with. Most of the time the both of you would go without texting each other for days on end.
Whatever it was y'all were arguing about, Jay stormed off mad as fuck leaving you all by your lonesome. This is where Miles swoops in so to save you from your thoughts. He stepped closer to you until you finally looked up and noticed him standing in front of you.
"Oh, Miles.."
"What's good, ma?"
You shifted your weight onto one leg and promptly poked out your hip. Miles couldn't help but do a double take on your body.
"Nothin' much, how you been love?"
Although you felt a bit reluctant to talk to Miles again, this being the first time in a long time, you were aching to have a conversation with him.
Miles smiled at the cute pet name. Even though you called everyone love because of it being part of your southern lingo, it still made his heart beat fast. He had leaned in even closer to you now, your scent taking over his senses.
"I've missed you so I ain't been doing to good, ya feel me?" Miles placed an arm behind the little bar behind you, trying to infiltrate your personal bubble as much as you'd allow.
You didn't really focus on how fast Miles was closing in on you. You were solely focused on the fact at how fine he looked with his freshly done braids, gold jewelry, and tight fitted shirt.
You took a sip of your drink and gave Miles an amused look. "You missed me? Are you sure?" You nodded your head in the direction of Khelani. Miles rolled his eyes and shrugged his shoulders.
He pulled up a stool and sat directly in front of you, longs legs caging your own.
Miles studied your face for a second until he couldn't help the smile that ripped through his face. "So that's the type of niggas you like now? You and Jay cute, I guess."
You laughed softly and sighed. "Just trying something new, I guess." You rolled your eyes and shrugged your shoulders, mimicking Miles' earlier actions.
He chuckled before stopping and studying your face once more. His expression slowly changed to a happy one to a frustrated one.
"So you miss me or nah? I've been thinkin' about you a lot, Y/N."
You didn't exactly know how to feel in the moment. On one hand Miles was sweet and loving when he wanted to be, but on the other hand he was only sweet and loving when he 'wanted' to be. Mixed feelings is what you would describe your relationship as.
"I don't know, Miles. I'm not angry at you anymore but.." You decided that it'd be better to not hold grudges but you weren't going to ignore your personal feelings. That's just the way he is and if he wasn't willing to change for you then you weren't gonna force him.
"But what?" Miles looked you deep into your eyes. He had hooked his fingers onto yours and started toying with them absentmindedly. The physical touch and eye contact slightly made your walls crumble.
"I just don't think your ready for a relationship, at least not with me. I don't want to be treated like a side hoe." You took a deep breath to try and calm your beating heart from jumping out your chest. "That's fine if that's what you want, but you not getting it from me."
He stayed quiet for a second and bit his lower lip while he thought. "Mami... listen, I'm sorry okay. I should have treated you better... it was stupid of me to let you go. I just didn't want things to go too fast... I loved being with you, you know that. I'm not like the old me. I want you back..." He started rubbing his thumb across the back of your hand.
"But you not understanding where I'm coming from, Miles. How can I what you say when we've been through this so many times? I don't want you to keep breaking my heart, love." You looked up at the lovestruck boy with sad eyes accompanied with a sad smile.
Miles looks hurt by your response to him. "I'm just hurting mami, I miss you. I miss the good times you and I had together. I miss the good mornings and the good nights. I just want you back and I'll do anything for you,"
He leaned closer, brushing your hair out of your face. "You know I never meant to treat you bad, right? It's just..." He thought for a moment on how to tell you the truth. "...My own insecurities got the best of me. If I let all that go, if we try again... this time there won't be any games, no dumb things to ruin us."
Your eyebrows furrowed and you went into a deep thought. It seemed like you not being there has really made him realize how much you really were. There was no denying that you had also missed Miles, you had just wanted to be appreciated.
"Ok," you sighed and closed your eyes.
"Ok? Whachu mean ok? Y/N I just told yo-"
"You got one more chance. If you fuck it up, you blocked forever." Looking up at him with a pleased expression, you brought his hand to your face and placed it against your cheek.
"Damn I missed you so much."
Miles smiled and caressed your cheek, having miss the warm feeling of your affection for to long. He leaned in and placed a desperate kiss onto your glossy lips. He wrapped his arms around your hips and placed his hands on your ass, slowly rubbing in large circles.
You broke away from the kiss with worried look on your face. "What about Khelani? Have you talked to her yet?"
Miles reached for his phone and opened it to his contacts. He promptly deleted Khelani's contact and conversations from his phone. After he was done blocking her on everything, he passed you his phone.
"We weren't exclusive, but it's just you and me now."
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3xdni · 10 months
Taglist for priest!Miguel part 4.
Interact with this somehow so I can try to tag more readers for the next part. If anyone knows how to streamline this please let me know. I’m going to do my best to tag everyone who has already asked, but if I miss you it’s not on purpose I promise. It’s just that the taglist is a tough part for me 😅
Part 4 at 2.1k and still going
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3xdni · 10 months
girl breakfast lunch dinner supper brunch etc
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3xdni · 10 months
「 ✦ Me U & Hennessy ✦ 」
Pairings: Miguel x fem!reader
☆ ★ ✮ ★ ☆
Heads up: drinking, tipsy!miguel, tipsy!reader, suggestiveness, established relationships, friendly Y/N, jealousy
summary- Miguel watched as you became touchy with other spider-folk. Offering hugs and snuggling up to anyone who was willing to take one. Of course you didn't mean anything by it, you were just in a good mood (tipsy). He was also under the influence of alcohol, which is why he seemed to not have any self control when he walked up to you, just a little desperate for your attention.
The ' Spider Society' collectively put together and decided that it would be a great idea to have a corporate get together (party) with everyone invited. All adult spiders brought drinks, food, and entertainment for the event while the younger spiders just enjoyed their time.
Miguel watched as you dragged yourself across the room floor, excitedly reaching for Gwen and her friends, clinging onto them for dear life like an overbearing mother. He had never seen this side of you before, you were usually stoic and very serious. It was hard for even peter to get a simple chuckle out of you, but now you were laughing and giggling nonstop.
Conversation with people kept you busy as everyone was starting to become attracted to this new attitude of yours, although under the influence of alcohol. You would constantly slur your words, beaming smile never leaving your face. He couldn't help but find this side of you, somewhat cute?
After sometime, you made your way over to the 'older spiders'. This including Jess, peter, and Miguel.
"Hi everyone, what's goin' on?" you clung onto Jess with a warm embrace, which she gladly accepted.
Peter looked at you, clearly amused and somewhat concerned. "Hey, Hey Y/N! You doin' good there?" He tilted his head and tapped the side of your own.
You gave him a soft laugh before explaining that you weren't drunk, just a little buzzed. Miguel glanced at how gently your breasts pressed against Jess' arm, feeling a bit jealousy.
"How much have you drank?" Miguel couldn't help but wonder how much alcohol it took for you to make a drastic change like this. He always admired how professional and head-strong you were, finding it very attractive.
You waved your hand in dismissal and gave him a lazy smile. "Not much really, probably 3 drinks." Looking down at the drink in your hand, Miguel raised an eyebrow. "This being my 4th however."
Peter and Jess laughed at the interaction, it was so weird to see you this giddy and carefree.
He took the cup of fruity alcohol from your hand and downed the rest of it. "I think that's more than enough for you, your already seem to be enjoying yourself." Miguel sat the empty margarita on a near by table.
Peter and Jess were already well off into their own conversation, so that left just you and the big spider.
You had let go of Jess' arm and started dancing to the music that started playing. Although you weren't a 'teen' anymore, you still knew every song Miles played as he was chosen to DJ.
You were absolutely intoxicating for Miguel. Your sweet tone and the way your hips swayed side to side almost instantly had Miguel feeling himself.
"Are you sure you're fine? I've noticed you've been very... touchy with others."
You closed your eyes and started feeling the music still paying attention to Miguel's words. "Of course, why wouldn't I be?" You looked at the man over your shoulder, turning your body in a slow circle still dancing to the music.
As you danced, Miguel felt like all his bones were just...melting. Every single word you said, he listened to so attentively. You were like some ethereal creature, someone he was just drawn to. He found himself just staring at all your movements and watching your hips moved. His eyes wandered all over you, and he wasn't sure how your curves were holding your suit so well.
Miguel could feel the alcohol that was already in his system screaming at him to sway with you. To place his hands on your moving hips and wrap his arms around your waist. He wanted to enclose you in his arms from behind and just lay his lips onto that pretty neck. Your tight spider suit didn't help much either, he just couldn't get enough of you.
The way you looked at Miguel was incredibly seductive in his mind, your sweet words accompanied by your eyes were nearly too much for Miguel to handle. He was suddenly brought back to reality when your voice caught his attention.
"Miguel, are 'you' okay?" You stopped dancing to turn his previous question against him. He had been staring at you very hard and he seemed to have dissociated.
You walked closer to Miguel, looking up at him with an innocent, worried face. You were gonna be the death of this man. The way your pretty eyes looked up at him through your lashes, the way your plump lips shaped to form his name, and the close proximity all went to his head.
"Yeah, I'm... I'm fine."
It was obvious to Miguel that he shouldn't have drank the rest of your beverage. The alcohol started clouding his better judgement.
"Sabes lo bonita que te ves en este momento?" Miguel's words were slightly slurred.
You gave him another perplexed look. "Miguel english please."
"Estás tratando de burlarte de mí, tan delicada con las demás."
"Look, I don't understand what you're sayin-" You we're cut off by a large, rough hand on your cheek.
"You look so gorgeous when you smile." Miguel leaned in and closed the gap between you two. He rested one hand on the small of your back and the other holding the back of your head.
Miguel didn’t want the evening to end so quickly, if at all. He started to whisper in your ear, making your cheeks burn as the words left his mouth. A hand wrapped around your waist and pulled you in close.
"And you smell good too."
You wrapped your arms around Miguel's neck, having to stand on your tippy toes just to reach it. "You must be in a good mood" i let out a soft laugh "I've never heard you compliment anyway this much."
There was a look of lust behind his eyes as his lips found their way to your neck and kissed gently at the spot. One hand left to his side, the other went around to grip your rear.
“This is just me telling it how it is.”
It wasn't like he had just garnered these feelings for you right this second, he'd been holding back for a while now. You were so intelligent and superior compared to your peers. It didn't help that Miguel had always found you beautiful. He was so enamored with you, his own mind telling him to keep it professional.
Many of your coworkers could tell there was a tension between you two, each of you just wanting to be mature adults and not act on desires.
You redirected Miguel's lips onto your's and deepened the kiss while pressing yourself into his chest. You weren't worried about anyone paying attention to you as they were all busy in there own world's.
And you were in yours.
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3xdni · 10 months
Pairings: E!42 Miles x Black/Mixed Reader
☆ ★ ✮ ★ ☆
Heads up: Black-coded reader, swearing, kissing, high school age ranged, use of the 'n word, touchy miles, established relationships, toxic ex, neck holding, slight blood, slight violence
summary- you go to a party with your best friend post-breakup with your cheating boyfriend, only to see miles and end up 'thanking' him when he protects you from your ex after he presses you for ghosting him
You and your group of girls walked aimlessly down the halls of your school, chatting it up with your best friend who was rambling on about her new boyfriend. She went on and on about how fine he was and how he paid for everything she wanted.
"Girl, is this your man or your sugar daddy?" You snarked with a soft chuckle, lightly punching her arm.
"Oh god no," Y/B/N rolled her eyes and crossed her arms in disgust. " this my man for real, like we're getting married and everything!" She said smiling as you listened to the southern drawl roll off her tongue.
You and your friends couldn't stop yourselves from letting out a loud set of giggles as Y/B/N chanted throughout the halls about her delusions.
The way she talked about her new boyfriend reminded of the way you used to talk about your ex. So happy and oblivious to the asshole who you were hyping up. Always there for him when he was never there for you.
Once all of you made it to your respected lockers, Y/B/N suddenly came to a stop about her 'new husband' to give you a somewhat sad look.
"But anyway, how have you been since, ya know... the breakup?" You closed your locker with a sigh, planting your forehead against the cool metal. "I been aight I guess," you paused to look up at your best friend with an annoyed look. "but this nigga will not leave me the fuck alone!" Y/B/F let out a loud wheeze as you shut your eyes and dramatically wiped down your face with both hands.
"Ganke must still be tryna get back with you or sum?" You simply gave her a hard 'mhm' which she couldn't find more hilarious. "You know there's a party this saturday at Gwen's, you should come with me! We gon find you a new man, sis!" A couple of your other friends agreed with the idea of you going, just wanting you to have some fun.
You snickered at Y/B/N's remark. Giving it some thought, you wondered if you should make an appearance at this party. It had been awhile since you went to one and were actually able to mingle with who ever you wanted to.
Ever since you broke up with Ganke, you felt a since of new found freedom. Of course you loved and adored him when y'all were together, but you weren't stupid enough to stay with him after finding out he was texting other girls and trying to link with a mutual friend's girlfriend, miles. You rolled your eyes at the thought of him begging for you back now.
Solange chimed in from behind her locker to add that there were supposed to some many fine dudes there. Jacky gave you a firm nod to back up Solange's statement. "I bet if Miles was there you would say yes immediately." Your best friend teased and you just responded with the most lethal side eye you could muster. "Hey, don't look at me like that! You know Ian lyin'" She chuckled before finishing getting her bags completely out her locker.
Solange and Jackie were making a team effort to coax you into joining in on the party. They only wanted to see you happy, and all they knew was to dance and mingle their own problems away. They made multiple comments about how you're so young and 'We gotta enjoy it while it lasts'. Of course they wouldn't push you against your will, but a little convincing wouldn't hurt anyone.
"Girl it does not take that fuckin' long to think, come on please! We don't wanna go without you!" These poor girls were practically begging on their knees for you to attend this party with them. All you could do was look at Y/B/N with an amused smile on your face. Simply shaking your head in disbelief at your little group's excitement when you agreed to go.
‎・┆✦ʚ♡ɞ✦ ┆・
Saturday rolled around and you sat as your best friend picked out what you thought was your best outfit.
You felt excitement bubbling in your stomach as continued putting on your last accessories and shiny lip gloss. The music that blasted throughout Y/B/N's room giving you a pregame effect sorta gave you a feeling of what tonight was gonna be like. You put on your favorite perfume and body lotion. Y/B/N squealed as she exclaimed how bad you were and quickly whipped out her phone to take pictures.
As your best friend held her phone up, a notification slide onto her phone.
• Solange👽💚hey... just found out ganke's at the party.. might wanna let y/n kno!!
Y/B/N quickly turned to look at you after the disappointing news. You sighed and gave her a half assed smile. "It's cool, Ian trippin and Ian finna let it bother me either." you shrugged you shoulders which released tension from Y/B/N's own shoulders.
You sat in the back seat of the car on the way to the party. Staring through the windshield, lost in thought. 'What if Ganke was there?' multiple thoughts like this flooded into your head. 'What if he asks why haven't I been talking to him? What do I do if he tries to hurt me-' Your thoughts were immediately cut short by Jacky's pink acrylics wrapping around your hand. "Hey, it's gonna be okay, girl! We wouldn't tell you to come if we knew you wouldn't have a good time." She gave you a kind smile and you gave her the same.
You were hyped up the whole way over to the party, your best friend saying things like 'Girl you look good as fuck!' or 'You gon be taking everybody nigga'. However, when you were finally there you started to feel a little nervous. It had been a while since you were in the party scene but you knew you'd feel better once inside.
You walked through the big, glass door's of Gwen's home and it already reeked of underage drinking with an overpowering amount of horny teens. After giving your friends the green light to go dance and have some fun, you gravitated towards the kitchen. It was only slightly less crowded than the rest of the busy house.
You felt a hand grab your shoulder and felt Y/B/N yell in your ear over the loud music that she was gonna go look for her man, but she'd be back. You laughed and told her don't worry about it and you understood. After she ran of with her little boyfriend, you smelled a very familiar scent. You looked around the kitchen island you were currently leaning on and your eyes landed on you and Ganke's mutual friend, miles.
He was nose deep in his phone, ignoring the girls that would come up to him and quickly shooting down any interactions with his bluntness. You chuckled as you watched the failed attempts of even the prettiest girls in your school try to talk to miles. Making your way over to him, you hopped on the part of the counter right beside his arm.
You couldn't deny the attraction you felt for Miles, even when you were with your ex, but you could never let it be known to anyone. You had a man and he had a girl, you both were off limits. Although, Ganke couldn't understand that much. Y/B/N would always poke fun at the fact that you picked the wrong friend throughout your relationship, and you couldn't help but feel she was right.
When Miles looked up at you, you noticed how close you two actually were. Taking in how handsome he was, looking at his lashes, the diamond studded ears, his signature braids, gold chain dangling on his chest, and those pretty lips that always caught your attention, you became lost in thought.
"Yo, Y/N what's good ma?" Miles cocked his head at you with slightly surprised face. He also seemed to notice the close proximity of you two, however not moving at all. Miles always felt that there was tension between the two of you. His girlfriend wasn't shit but his mom didn't know that and liked her, so he kept her around. That was done though, so Mr.Morales started making moves. He been plotting on you for a little minute now anyway.
You gave Miles and small smile and leaned back on your palms. "Shit, I been good, how you been though? I seen you and ole girl broke up." You asked giving Miles a knowing look. He gave you an amused 'mhm' and watched as your body stretched atop the counter, paying close attention on how your thighs seamed to squish against the cold marble. Miles looked you up and down while licking his dry lips.
"Nah man, we not together no more, but what about you and yo nigga? Thought y'all was cute and shit." Miles shrugged his shoulders, obviously returning your teasing. You rolled your eyes at the comment, not really caring about the subject anymore. All that mattered was that you were single, and he was single.
"So whachu doin' here? This doesn't really seem like your scene." You asked Miles while taking a sip of the drink you had just poured. He watched intently as your lips wrapped around the side of the cup and drank from it.
"A couple of friends wanted me to come, Ian really studyin' this party though." Miles responded, taking large gulps of his own drink.
You watched Miles' adam's apple bob up and down as he drank the alcohol, causing you to shift your focus and forget that you needed to project your voice. When you tried to tell Miles that it was the same for you, you spoke in a low, quiet voice.
He looked at you for a second, trying to put together your words but ultimately failed. The boy moved increasingly close to your neck and you shivered as you felt his breath fan against your ear.
"Que dijiste bebe? I can't hear you, speak up." You could only hope that Miles wasn't aware of the effect he had on you. He just couldn't hear you over the music and loud voices, that was all. Right?
You tried to play it off with a simple 'My bad' and repeated yourself louder this time. Miles smiled at you as he backed up just a little bit so you were face to face.
Even then, Miles couldn't help himself from continuously stealing looks at your outfit. You seem to just have popped out after Ganke fucked his girl. He started paying close attention to your lips, wondering why they looked so soft, why they just looked so..good?
You and miles moved well on into good conversation, catching up on each other, a couple of flirty remarks, and the inconsistent brushing of hands against thighs, hands touching hair, and just enjoying being in each other's presence. All was well until an unwanted but familiar face came into your side vision. You continued your conversation now looking at Ganke making his way over to the two of you.
You gave an exhausted sigh and dramatic eye roll as the one person you wouldn't let ruin your night apparently make it his mission to do just that.
"Yo, What's up Miles, Y/N?" He yelled loudly over the music, attempting to dap Miles up which he ignored. Ganke put up a friendly front but you could tell he had alternative motives. You just sat and stared at the boy while Miles replied with a dry 'Yo'.
"So this what we doin now, Y/N" Ganke looked at you with a stank face, motioning to you and Miles. Mood quickly switching just as you thought would happen. "Youn wanna answer my text or calls but you can come to parties with my homeboys now?" Your ex threw his free arm up in the arm in exasperation while his other one held his drink. "My mans, you was the one that cheated, not me? Ian even tryna talk about this right now, I'm havin' fun." You explained motioning to Miles which he returned with a sly smile.
"Oh so you having fun fuckin' on my homeboys?!" Ganke started to get louder, gaining more attention from the now forming crowd. "We not homeboys my nigga, you fucked that shit all the way up for you." Miles corrected with a deadpanned face.
Ganke was obviously drunk because there was noway anybody in there right mind that would come up to you like this. You weren't necessarily scary but people knew not to disrespect you. When he attempted come stumble closer to you, Miles quickly straightened up and put himself between the two of you. Leaning back on your knees while giving him a warning.
"Aye man you need to chill out with allat, you doing way too much." You felt as if you could handle the situation yourself, but it made your attraction towards Miles grow to see him so protective. "Nah bruh, youn tell me what to do, that's my bitch-" And as soon as he let the word slip, Miles damn near knocked his tooth out.
Ganke fell to the floor with a dazed look and blood dripping from his mouth. Miles was raised by his mama, he knew not to tolerate disrespect towards women. Audible gasps and a collective 'Damn!' was heard around the kitchen.
You looked into the crowd and spotted a drunk Solange and sober Jacky rushing to the front of it. Solange let out a load, obnoxious laugh. "You just got knocked the fuck out!" Jacky laughed uncontrollably trying to steady her friend.
Your 'knight in shining armor' turned to you after spitting on the already hurt kid. He walked over to the counter and started to gather his belongings.
"Man fuck this shit, you tryna get outta here." The tall boy patted his pockets for his keys and pointed a thumb towards the door. "Yeah let's go." You quickly hopped off the counter to walk with Miles, barely sparing a glance at Ganke.
・┆✦ʚ♡ɞ✦ ┆・
10 times outta 9 I know your lyin' but 9 times outta 10 I know your tryin' to be there
You rode down the highway, windows down and 'Love Drought' by Beyoncé playing on the radio. You were lost in your thoughts about the previous events until you felt a large hand lay across your thigh. The action felt kinda familiar. Looking from out the window, to the hand, and then at Miles you couldn't help but smile and blush a bit.
You were a bit confused as to how he manage to act like he didn't just almost knock someone out. That's not to say you didn't mind the extra attention. Feeling his grip on your thigh just made your stomach turn in the right way. You wanted to talk but there was so much to say and nothing to say at the same time.
Before you could even mutter a word however, Miles broke the air. "So what's up with him, man? Why he trippin' on you so hard, ma?" His eyes stayed on the road but you knew you had his full attention. He was a somewhat responsible driver after all.
"He just got an attitude 'cuz I won't talk to him no more. Ian tryna deal with allat for real." Shrugging your shoulders, you gave Miles a side glance. Now that it was just the two of you, you couldn't help but see how good he looked in his tight black T-shirt, khaki cargo pants, and fresh pair of jays. His jewelry shined in the street lights. He just looked so damn good right now, you could practically feel yourself drooling.
"You sum special, ya know?"
"Hm? Whachu mean?"
"Nah Im just sayin, Ion go around bussin folks in they shit like that for random girls." Miles smiled with his eyes still on the road before him. You just adored the way he was showcasing his dimples off to you right now.
"But you would do it for me though." You giggled at the end of your sentence, appreciating the compliment.
"Anything for you, mi corazón " Although you knew it was a bit of an exaggeration, as this was only the beginning of y'all's relationship, you still felt comfort by his words.
Feelings grew between you two as you watched each other silently over the years. He fell in love with every little thing you did, as so did you with him. You noticed every tiny quirk and habit he had, and just thought he was so fine. It was crazy to everyone that you two didn't start dating each other instead of your ex's.
You felt his hand brush farther into you skirt and squeeze a little harder, all you could do was sigh into his touch. Miles let a deep chuckle slip from his lips and you could feel your face heat up. "Ni siquiera puedo creer que saliste con su lamentable trasero, you know you could do better right, mamas?" You squeezed your thighs slightly at the nick name, which Miles very much noticed.
Of course you didn't want to give in to him just yet, so you beat around the bush. "Yeah I guess, I mean Ion really talk to anybody though. Ian really met a lot of real niggas." You faked oblivion to Miles obvious attempt to get at you.
Suddenly turning down a back road, and driving into an empty, grass area atop a hill, Miles turned to look at you. "That's 'cuz you ain't been talkin' to me, my heart." His accent rolled off his tongue and into your heart. He couldn't help but stare into your pretty eyes, and glance at your pretty, glossed lips. They looked so plump and full, all he wanted was a little taste.
Miles grabbed you by top of your neck softly, causing you to let out a breathy 'Miles'. He couldn't help himself. You just looked so gorgeous in your little outfit tonight, he was grateful to god that he sent an angel like you to him tonight. The two of you tilted your heads in unison closing the gap between you.
Your gloss smeared across Miles' lips as he pressed into yours roughly. When he pulled you closer by your neck, you had no choose but to place a hand on his thigh to help you balance yourself. This caused him to groan which gave you an opportunity you had to take. You snaked your tongue into Miles' sweet mouth, moaning into the kiss as his grip on your neck tightens.
Miles started moving his free hand down your back and onto the cusp of your ass, giving it a firm slap. He broke away from your lips to move his face into the parts of your neck uncovered by his large, rough hand. After leaving multiple kisses, licks, and hickies on your neck, he pulled you over the middle console and onto his lap.
Miles rubbed your ass through your mini skirt, like he was touch starved. His lips returned to yours as he muttered the words "Let me treat you right, baby. Fuck these other niggas."
You just look this boy deeply in his eyes, trying not to fall for him even harder in that moment. You leaned down to plant a kiss on Miles' lips but he held you in place by your neck. "You gon' gimme an answer, pretty girl? Ian solo tratando de joderte, te necesito mala, mi hermosa.." Miles trailed off seemingly entranced by you.
You swear you could die with all the pet names he was giving you. "You gotta promise though, we gotta keep it together, baby"
"Oh we gon stay together, I promise."
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