3amcoffee · 2 years
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Play here!
This is the very first demo of The King’s Hound, you will be able to pley the first half of the first chapter for a rough estimate of 10k words plus the character creator.
The UI is very temporary, I definitely plan on refining it in the future, as well as adding the ROs profiles, a codex and a character page. In the meantime, start your adventure as Arthur’s Royal Consort and interact with the first RO.
Note: the game is NOT implemented to run on moble, so please bear with me and play it on browser. I will fix this issue in the next update!
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3amcoffee · 3 years
Golden: Book One - 10th October 2021 - Third Demo!
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After another long wait, here's the updated demo of Golden: Book One!
Synopsis of the update.
You're back in the city for five minutes and Lehsa's most renowned journalist, Erin Donahue, has… used this to her advantage, to say the least. Maybe seeing Tristen again will be a good distraction. An even better distraction would be a party. One full of flirting, befriending and right on the supernaturals' doorstep.
Demo | Choices Forum | Ko-Fi | Instagram | Discord
Total word count: 159,700 (+ 48,609)
Total word count without code: 143,523 (+ 43,515)
Average playthrough word count: 45,866 (+ 14,486)
Extra Notes.
Saves will be broken (sorry about that) so make sure to restart and play from the beginning so you don't come across any bugs or errors! And delete your other saves too.
Also, please tag any spoilers you post on here with 'golden demo spoilers' just in case.
Let me know what you think. Once again, a lot of hard work has gone into this, so I hope you enjoy it. If you fancy supporting a black creator during the UK's Black History Month, then feel free to donate to my Ko-Fi.
Take care <3
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3amcoffee · 3 years
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smells blood demo: tba
Despite the fact that your power sucks, you managed to become one of the most loved figures in the country. 
After an accident that would end your short career as a hero, to keep the secret behind the reason of your retirement under the radar, you were assigned a last mission; To protect the leader of the P.N.S (public national safety) agency by posing as their spouse to the public, while working as a school teacher to monitor a child who shares the same power as you but on steroids.
▪︎Romance a school teacher, your childhood friend turned villain, the young CEO whom you’re in a fake marriage with, their best friend or your common rival.
▪︎ Costumise your main character, including appearance, personality, gender identity etc.
▪︎Choose one of the four powers: 
enhance (you can enhance the power of whoever you touch), 
future vision (you can see a few seconds into the future; it gets triggered every time your life is in danger), 
immortality (a far fetched name. You’re not immortal by any means but a bullet to the head wouldn’t do much damage unless your head got cut off), 
telekinesis (be careful what you wish for).
▪︎Take care of a brat with an attitude.
▪︎This is a character driven game so relationships are important, be those romantic or platonic.
Romantic options:
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3amcoffee · 3 years
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After a brief delay due to real-life concerns, I'm incredibly excited to announce the first half of Chapter 3: the Pariah/Sysba route.
What this includes:
Browse social media, work out, read a database, or watch a super creepy video (so, the typical Saturday)
Who needs energy drinks when you have men trying to kill you?
Dress up for your local club with the team <3
Get gambling with an intergalactic lap dog
Liminal spaces cause sad faces
Boys with glowing eyes are NOT invited to the brunch party
Other house business:
Not much besides some edits to grammar, spelling, and other suggestions made in the meantime spanning from the prologue to the current chapter!
New hairstyles were added as per suggestion for chapter 1
Helios, Pariah, and Deadlock all have character bios in the stats section
Total wordcount: 210, 398 ( 52, 140 added with update)
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3amcoffee · 3 years
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the time has come, there is no looking back after you:
had an existential crisis,
almost died,
kidnapped someone,
and met with your childhood best friend.
certainly, the stars aren't with you today.
✷ DEMO ✷
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3amcoffee · 3 years
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New Chapter Released!
After a lengthy wait, the new chapter is finally here!
Without giving away any spoilers, it features:
A long-awaited dive into the magic system of this world
New characters, new settings, new plot intrigues
Many variations based on choices made, both in this chapter as well as previous chapters
Big and important additions to the codex entries
And finally, you may find out a few secrets about your chosen love interest…
New to the story overall:
The option to insert custom pronouns
Extra save slots and renamable saves
Cute new bullet points!
I would also like to add to please be careful when posting spoiler content, because there are a LOT of revelations this chapter! So, please tag any posts appropriately and be careful when venturing into tags as well.
See the blog page for the link to itch.io!
For those that are unfamiliar with the game
A Tale of Crowns is a high fantasy love story, told in the form of a text-based interactive novel with choice mechanics. The setting is inspired by Kurdish culture as well as other historical settings in the Middle East such as Ancient Persia, but it also draws heavily from other cultures and countries in the region.
Your character is native to Arsur, a vast empire overseen by a single ruler known as the Crown. Unlike traditional monarchies, however, the title is not inherited through blood. Whenever the Crown dies, their famed golden eyes pass on to the one chosen by the Spirits of this world to be the new Crown. In this story, your MC takes on that role.
There are four different love interests to choose from, whose genders will be customized to suit the preferences of your Crown. You can find more info about them on the blog page!
Also note that this current version of the game is safe for those 16 years and older.
Like the premise so far? Download it and give it a try! The entire game is free!
If you enjoyed the game, please reblog! Share it with your friends! Recognition and reader interaction is just about the only thing I get in return for creating it ❤️
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3amcoffee · 3 years
Red Moon: An Interactive Fiction
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You do not remember how you awaken, nor how you came to be in this world. All you remember is a blurry outline of a face, and a single name bestowed upon you. And that you are different from the rest of them, no matter how much you try to blend in.
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Red Moon is inspired by a popular Filipino myth, with splashes of horror and romance. 
Customize your character’s name, pronouns, and gender.
Build romance and friendship with varied cast of characters.
Discover who you are and your purpose.
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Elias (M) - Handsome and charming, Elias moves with an otherworldly grace not belonging to that of a human. He is friendly and playful, but beneath that facade is someone who has mastered the art of deception.
Simon (M) - Brash and fearless, Simon comes from a family of farmers. He is humble, helpful to those in need, but beneath that lies an anger you could not seem to understand.
Isabela (F) - Isabela is one of Elias’s companions. Like him, she is graceful and charming, using her looks to get what she wants, but beneath that facade lies an air of mystery no one is able to read.
Clara/Crisostomo (M/F) - They are kind and friendly, with a desire to enjoy life’s simple pleasures. They live on a small farm in the outskirts of town, out of sight, away from everything.
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3amcoffee · 3 years
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Since I finished everything I needed I was like: "Why not post it now instead of tomorrow soooo" 😌 *Ehm ehm* The first demo of Frostford's Mystery has finally been released after months of writing and coding, I can't even begin to express how excited I am!!!!! Anyhow in this update (prologue + a very small part of chapter 1):
Character customization galore as promised :)
✨Spooky scary nightmaresss✨
Meet the chaotic creatures known as Jesse and Allie :)
Almost hit someone you kinda know who appeared out of nowhere with your car 😌
A rather obnoxious narrator roasting the crap out of you, your apartment and the elevator plus everything in between :)
Two themes that took an ungodly amount of time to design 😌✨
Word count with code: ~20K
Word count without code: ~6K
You can play it right here!
Let me know what y'all think/if there is anything I need to change/if you have any questions etc. :3
What will be done next?
Take a big ol' nap cause I'm TIRED AS HELL!
Chapter 1 writing and Chapter 2 drafting!
Fixing possible bugs y'all found!
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3amcoffee · 3 years
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I made a moodboard for my MC from @milaswriting beautiful work, Golden.
Agnes Sinclair is a Psychology student who love music.
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3amcoffee · 3 years
In light of recent events, I just wanted to make a post to once to make a few things crystal clear about myself, my characters, and my relationship to this community.
The first is that, as a white author, I want to make a public commitment to not only listen to readers of colour, but to decisively take action in addressing any issues that are raised.
I know that I have spoken before on this blog about my issues with ~hate mail~ etc, but I just want to make it absolutely clear that I do not consider valid criticism of my work to fall into this category, and I will always welcome and appreciate readers coming forward with any concerns about the way that I portray my characters or conduct myself on this blog. While I hope that I won’t get things wrong too often, please feel free to call me on it if/when I do, and I’ll do what I can to fix it!
I also want to say that I absolutely don’t vibe with discrimination or hate speech of any kind, and I won’t stand for it on my blog, in my mentions or in Discord. This should be something that goes without saying, but to avoid any ambiguity, I think it’s best that I spell it out!
It also seems timely to provide some more information about the Body Count cast. My lovely pal @whoreromancer​ has put together some skin tone references for me and I hope that they will be useful going forward to anyone who is interested in drawing or making edits for the cast!
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I am so appreciative and frankly still totally blown away that anyone would ever want to draw the little people that exist in my brain and I realise that I probably should have shared something like this sooner, but I didn’t really anticipate the need for it! If anyone who has drawn fanart of the characters and their skin tones are lighter than the ones referenced, then I would be beyond grateful if you get the time to update ❤
This also seems like a good time to restate the characters’ ethnicities, which I know I’ve answered before, but perhaps a little more vaguely than I should have. It’s worth noting that all characters except Charlie were born in the UK and would identify as British, but have a range of ethnic backgrounds.
Arthur, Atticus, Avery, Florrie, Griff, Imogen & Syd are all white. Florrie is Polish and Atticus is Irish-Spanish.
Ellis is mixed race; their mother was mixed Colombian, and their father was Welsh.
Rowan is mixed race; her father was Mongolian, and her mother is Scottish.
Adegoke is Yoruba.
Vinh is Vietnamese.
Nyra is Tamil Indian.
Charlie is mixed race; his father is Māori, and his mother was mixed race (white British and Zulu South African).
I hope that this will be a useful resource, but I’m happy to take any questions that anyone, particularly readers of colour, might have xoxoxo
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3amcoffee · 3 years
I feel like people are unfollowing because they don’t want to hold her accountable. They don’t want to have to face the facts that POC are either not represented, or represented incorrectly and being honest BOTH of those hurt POC and the POC community. If we don’t speak out and stand up for ourselves who will? -🍓
I agree! And it’s not about “let’s be mean and make drama”, people are genuinely hurt, and from what I gather, this isn’t the first time these claims have happened. An apology post just feels like brushing the issue under the carpet, there needs to be change.
It’s not about trying to ‘cancel’ someone, we just want them to be held accountable. And to move forward sensitivity readers can be hired, ones that are POC, from the LGBT+ community etc.
We do have to stand up for ourselves and we can’t be silent.
~ xXx
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3amcoffee · 3 years
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play the prologue for the golden harp here!
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3amcoffee · 3 years
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What was supposed to be a simple job has spiraled into something far greater than you. After receiving a strange, gut-wrenching message from your brother, you embark on a journey through space on an old ship, alongside wanted criminals. Somehow, in an attempt to save your brother, you become entangled in a heist bigger than the galaxy has ever seen.
But not everything is as it seems, and it looks like you may have accidentally started a revolution.
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Customizable MC (play as a female, male, non-binary or trans, choose your appearance, craft your personality and hone your skills)
Save your brother (or at least try to save him)
Fall in love with one of the four unique RO’s, two of them with customizable gender
Rob the rich
Overthrow a government or two
Attend a Alice in Wonderland themed party
Found family trope, because who doesn’t love that?
Adopt an alien pet – a space dog, bird or a rat
And remember, arson is okay
The demo is finally here! 
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3amcoffee · 3 years
Honor Amongst Thieves
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For as far back as your memory can stretch, you’ve been running the streets of Lower Cusmo, the underbelly of Hashind’s jewel of a capital city.  In these dark corridors you have grown from a lowly locust, just another street child, into a full fledged thief belonging to a well established guild.  
But things are shifting in the city. Guilds are going quiet and reemerging under new leadership, nobles are becoming more flagrant in their corruption under the eyes of a young king, and merchants tell harrowing stories of the unnatural beasts in the service of a ravenous empire.  
You, now caught amidst the machinations of the city’s most influential and supernatural, must decide how you will act.  The city, your honor, and your very life are all up for grabs.  
Honor Amongst Thieves is a text-based fantasy interactive fiction game, full of political intrigue, romance, and of course thievery! 
You play as a thief pressed into the employ of a mysterious nobleman. With the your life, the fate of your guild, and your honor on the line, you’ll have to navigate the perils of the royal court and combat a more mystical threat. The story is set in Cusmo, the naturally fortified, desert capital of Hashind, and will showcase the much praised Upper Cusmo, the crime ridden Lower Cusmo, and much more.
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3amcoffee · 3 years
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the Starborn, Sunborn and Moonborn, children of the wild blue yonder. hunted, wanted dead. but why?
by the tales, you three are someones who were waited for since ancient times, when Delys' nations were at war. they believed you could save them from despair; from the anger of the Red God.
now you are being chased by the Eye of the Rising Sun, an organization that desperately wants you dead. you would believe that the Red God already has his pawns, however you can't help but feel that there is more to this story.
the void within you answers to your thoughts, longing for something that is awaiting to be claimed.
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play as male, female or non-binary [separate from pronouns, pronouns are customizable]
customize your MC [hair, skintone, tattoos, freckles, piercings, personality and many more!]
detailed worldbulding: explore the eight kingdoms of Delys and its secrets on your journey
make friends or enemies along the way
what's your fighting style? how connected are you with your magic?
canonally lgbtq+ characters, ROs
two gender-selectable [male, female, non-binary] and two gender-locked [male and female] ROs
take the first steps towards being a savior... or a villain?
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[romancable by any MC]
some nights, they fall onto their knees beside their bed, praying for a road to walk on. murmuring their mistakes, the bleeding hearts they tore apart, begging for forgiveness.
they aren't the same anymore, everyone knows that, but you don't. you saw just one side of the moon.
and so did them.
[romancable by any MC]
even if healed, the memories are as sharp as a blade, glinting in the sun. the metal is hot, the light too intense, the iron is bending.
but to what form?
finally, they step out of the light, watching two shapes from afar.
a hand sits on their shoulder. no glance is needed, they know her touch.
a silent promise blooms beside their heart. "the sun will raise it strong."
[romancable by female or non-binary MCs]
bloodline is dutiful, every step she takes is for the sake of it.
the words she speaks are old like a dusty vinyl record, however, now a beat is missing from the melody that awokes a question inside of her; long known, but never heard.
she grips the record, hiding it in a drawer. afraid of it, but never disposing of it.
it waits for her.
[romancable by any MC]
the past always stays with him, chaining his resentment to himself — it's a burden that survival craves.
only he has the key to free himself, but it unlocks a cage too; an ornated one. for him, there is no treasure, but he knows it should be open.
cursing under his breath, he wishes upon the sky.
content warnings: description of violence and blood, abusement, death (potentially gore), mild swearing, potential sexual descriptions, near-death experiences, unhealthy coping mechanisms. (i will update this list later and it can be found within the game. if you think of something that can be added, free feel to send a message or an ask! <3)
|| DEMO: TBA (release around late july) || RO DESC. || PINTEREST ||
Reblogs are greatly appreciated! <3
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3amcoffee · 3 years
Nai has brought to my attention that there’s been some stuff going on with horrible messages being sent to other interactive fiction authors and it has something to do with Wayhaven.
I don’t look at social media except to answer asks, so I haven’t been up to date with what’s happening at all but Nai’s tried to explain it as best as she can.
I absolutely cannot stand the idea that my work, my passion, is being used as an excuse to send hate to other people! Why? Why would anyone send horrible messages ever, for any excuse?
Creators are putting their hearts out there through their work. They are laying themselves bare. How dare anyone treat anyone brave enough to do that in this deplorable way.
Just no. 
There’s no excuse for being horrible. Ever. Bullying should never be tolerated.
I do not tolerate it.
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3amcoffee · 3 years
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Launch: 1 June 2021 (Intro to Chap 3 [81k]) | Next: 8 July 2021 (Chap 4 [approx. 36k]. Moved the update date earlier due to your support. Thank you! 💚)
{Random Word Teaser for Chap 4: cabin exploration, the (partial) Truth, carving, ‘let’s split up’ said no one ever, cake, searching x 2, and into the woods you go.}
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>THE DEMO!< | COG Forum |  FAQs | RO Aesthetics
Check the Announcements tag: here for ongoing drawings, timeline updates, etc.
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[ Fernweh Saga is a character driven, romance focused interactive fiction with slow-build horror elements that unravel as you move deeper into the plot.]
~Some homecomings feel more like rude awakenings, but this one will become a waking nightmare…~
You return to the small town of Fernweh after the death of your grandfather, which is ironic because you were explicitly sent away from the town by him following the tragic death of your parents in a house fire. It’s been several years since you left. Returning isn’t something that you had considered, but the vague letter you received about tying up loose ends was on fancy stationary and looked official enough.
What was supposed to be a quick trip to collect personal belongings and sign some legal documents soon spirals into a grim mystery when you learn of the odd circumstances surrounding your grandfather’s death and start experiencing vivid nightmares.
Familiar faces are all around; you know some of them as former childhood friends, rivals, or neighbors, but they may become current allies as you all try to unravel what exactly is going on in this small, seemingly idyllic, forested town.
A feeling of unease grows with each sleepless night spent within Fernweh’s borders, but you can’t leave yet…
It won’t let you.
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Play as a man, woman, or non-binary person with the ability to customize your sexuality, fashion style, physical features, room theme, etc.
Allow your personality, habits, decisions, and relationships to influence how you face-off against what lurks within Fernweh like in a horror film/book.
Experience different types of romantic burns and tropes (rivals to lovers, friends to lovers, unrequited love (or is it…?), no strings attached, and more) alongside different types of horror (dread, cosmic, supernatural, survival, and more) as you progress through the series.
Develop ‘something’ (the choice is yours) with the 4 romance options; there are 5 romance routes that are fully integrated into the plot.
Create friendships and relationships with the main cast of characters that are tracked by different point systems.
Understand your past, your parents’ death, and what really happened to not only your family, but to you.
Add to (or take away from) an inventory system that will impact/unlock certain choices later in the game. Clues, weapons, odd items, etc.
Discover that there are more than just small town politics at play; factions will remember how you treat them and may help or hurt you in the future books. (Book 1 is about hints/discovery, while we learn more in Book 2.)
Fight, resist, flee, struggle, or adapt to face whatever is invading your nightmares and the town; there is more to it than a boring ole’ monster…Much more. 
Reblogs are greatly appreciated; thanks for your support! <3
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