11thdoc · 2 years
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tv appreciation week 2022 📺 favorite quote from a tv show [½]
Doctor Who A Christmas Carol
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11thdoc · 2 years
@11thdoc​ said: It can’t be… It shouldn’t be! Yet the vague familiarity gets stronger the longer he stares and the closer he steps. He squints, it’s almost like a hazy dream. Always feels like such; these crazy coincidences! Not that there are too many left in the universe.
“…still not ginger?” If he’s right at all, she’ll understand the complain. If not… well, he’s simply a madman with a bowtie! // hello! i hope this is ok!!    ( unprompted asks / always accepting )
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She sizes him with her eyes, head to toe, nose scrunching in what’s partially enthusiasm but  mostly apprehension  ⸺  coming face to face with herself? Generally not a fan… Yet there is a thrill to it. Hasn’t happened in a while. She wonders how far along their timeline he is…
❝ Still not ginger! ❞    she confirms with an exaggeratedly annoyed huff. Puts her hands on her hips, still eyeing him. Such a babyface. No wonder nobody ever listened to her…    ❝ What are you doing here? Or is it me? Didn’t mean to run into myself! ❞    Is he with someone? She’d rather not come face to face with  heartbreak.
“What a shame! You know, so many years, you think ourselves would grant us that little ol’ thing~!” It’s much easier to focus on the superficial issues he comes to find. Moving on so quickly as if he needs to. The world and time after all, while mixed, can go on too fast and too slow all at once. Traveling alone has never been a good idea. He quite wonders what his Tardis is thinking this time.
[ ― An intervention? A trap? A miracle? ]
Because this big chinny face is meant to be the last - what of Trenzanlor? Their hearts come to ache at the idea. Would they really keep going even long after that? He fixes his bow tie and sizes her up only to wonder how old, how much has changed, and... my my what a shirt! He could never pull that off, how modern! “Oh, that shirt, it’s actually quite cool!” For once he doesn’t dislike the change ― as the other selves may possibly might. His memories are vague on their tastes; they always change each regeneration.
“Not quite sure, the old girl hasn’t been actin’ right since the Ponds have settled down. Bought ‘em the house and everything, dunno what more she could want!” He acts like a child fed up with it’s mother not letting him have what he wants. The pout certainly does emphasize that point. The loneliness of being apart from the Ponds... maybe there’s something to it.  Maybe it’s getting to his head and she thinks seeing themselves will help! No... that’s an odd motive. Maybe he needs to help? He looks around and there seems to be no present danger...
[ ― blimey! Focus, Doctor! Your mind is racing too much! ]
“Pardon my asking...” The temptation, on the tip of his tongue, as he recalls the thoughts stirring from the months and weeks of being alone. Recalling how it’s all still waiting for him; Trenzalor... the forbidden question, the graveyard... yet she stands vibrant and alive. Here and traveling. Might this be fear...? Fear of being unable to finally come to rest and he constantly must go on?
He never likes to get personally emotional in front of others... but this is not a stranger. This is a mirror and she is a mirror that has answers. Answers he knows he won’t recall once he leaves. So the temptation is strong, too strong to resist... After all wouldn’t you wish to know? It’s a morbid curiosity of an old man...
“How...? I mean... How did you survive Trenzalor? I thought this silly big old chin would be the last...” He laughs, but the emotion within the laughter rests heavy within the air and he makes a funny motion towards his chin. Had he gotten too serious? ...Apologies for that! But once a spiral begins, it’s quite hard to stop, no?
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11thdoc · 2 years
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11thdoc · 2 years
Thinking about the rings Doctor would get for himself and River... and realizing that only a star would be appropriate for them. She probably can’t wear it on her hand around him because spoilers but he can and at the least...? It’s also the proof that he knows just who she is and what they are to one another despite their timelines being out of sync. It’s just as useful as their diaries. The Doctor being a hidden hopeless romantic and embracing it with River after not allowing himself to be for so long is beautiful and heart warming. Even if he still sometimes runs because of her fate; he does his best with the time they have.
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11thdoc · 2 years
Heading to bed, but here’s an inbox call. Like this for the Doctor to pop in for a visit!
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11thdoc · 2 years
anya tugs on his sleeve. " uncle, i wanna go on an in-fil-tray-shun to the candy store. join me. "
unprompted, always accepting.
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The Doctor smiles down and squats before her soon after the sensation a tugging. Now that is a very important mission! Who can resist the allure of candy? Who can resist the sweetness of chocolates and sugar, and he smiles at her. Being around Anya has brought nothing but joy. [ And concern, of course, how could a human be so strong with telepathy? At such a young age? His mind races and he his hearts accelerate in an anxiety that constantly rests in the background. ]
“You have the best ideas! We ought to go! I heard there’s a sneaky new bar with a spacey wacey ticket~ Think we can find it and win a free trip to that park up in the stars?”
Spoilers: he’ll plant the bar and ticket for her to find. It’s been a long week of an intense mission; the befriending a jerk mission! He knows she needs a break and some fun. After all he’s been watching this from afar in his own seat - the perks of being a nanny-principal-boss guy! [ Thank you psychic paaaaaper! ]
“Come along, Forger! We’ve got a special ticket to find!” He offers his hand, a bright beaming smile. It’ll be a day and weekend to remember!
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11thdoc · 2 years
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Why does no-one ever listen to me?
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11thdoc · 2 years
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The Eleventh Doctor + anti-heroic tropes
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