0range-eccentric · 2 months
When making D&D things, I always end up thinking about the things that developed my taste in fictions. But, I've learned to live with my plagiaristic tendencies, I've accepted that everything I make will be inspired by something else, so I like to analyze what I'm stealing from and figure out how I can play with the ideas presented, to keep it fresh and fun. For example, if I steal a plot point from a minecraft roleplay from a multiple of years ago, I take a look and see what I can use and still be original. The overthrowing of a democratic state leading to unrest and rebellion? Cool, we can steal that story. Let's see if the characters could fit. Do they? If yes, shake the names up and call it good. Do they not? Well, is there a historical parallel from an Era of British history that this character could work as a surrogate for? Yes? Sorry, big guy, your name is now Jonathan Wild, but spelt Wilde because that's slightly more fantastical. And then, after building the story, building a fun playground for this story and the players to meet, some guy who speaks like a 40k Ork walks up, throws some brilliant element into the story that I love a lot, but redefines so much of what I've already done. Thanks Henry, I love you and all, but sometimes it feels like I can't live by the standard you set by being a good DM.
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0range-eccentric · 2 months
Random BS go
I have never really used any mass social media before, and I wanted to confront that social anxiety, so here I am. I'm just going to try and spread out my random musings about, usually related to whatever piece of media I'm consuming. If anything, I hope it is better than allowing myself to fester.
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