#tw calories
pigjournal · 10 days
Today in maths I was putting my thumb and pinkie around my wrist and putting my hands around my thigh and the girl sat behind me said "I know what you are." And I'm petrified 😭
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iconicandpresent · 2 months
In case you forgot ᥫ᭡
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marshm3llow-fluff · 1 month
Me trying not to pass out in school while f4sting:
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ekoyromi · 5 months
Treino cardio 500 calorias | 14 minutos
antes do treino tenha em mente que você precisará de energia, caso estiver em nf tome pelo menos alguma bebida que dê a energia que gastará, se não estiver coma algo leve e espere pelo menos meia hora (vale para os dois).
todos exercícios são 45segundos e descanso 15segundos.
Lista de exercícios:
Calcanhar no glúten
Simulação de corda
Joelhada dupla
Polichinelo palma frontal
Corrida no lugar
Soco alternado
Chute alto alternado
Salto 45 graus
Joelhada alta (direita e esquerda).
Polichinelo frontal
Corrida lateral + agachamento
Deslocamento lateral
Se estiver com dúvidas me pergunte que eu explico, e lembre-se só você fará se sentir bem com seu corpo.
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tryin2bher · 1 year
istg there’s no worse feeling than seeing your friends lose weight and get skinnier and eating loads of food, while you haven’t eaten in days and haven’t lost a pound yet
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xoxohoneymoongirl · 1 month
to the bitch at school who anonymously tiplined me to the school for having an ED
TW: ED, unhealthy eating, a bitch yapping, female rage
count your fucking days. i swear to fucking god when i found out who did it, its over. this bitch has ruined my life, i dont care if its a teacher, a student, A FUCKING FRIEND, i could not care less, i will fucking fight you. thats a promise. its not my fault you are bitter and sad that you have no self control, sabotaging me is not the way to go about helping those feelings. and the thing is like...im not even diagnosed like please just let me live my life and lose weight. smh. there are so many other people who could have been reported who are so much worse than me.
OH BTW, if it was a friend, just know i will never fucking trust or talk to you again because my life has been fucking ruined. summer is coming up and im going to be the fat ugly friend again this year because of you so, thank you for that! im having constant panic attacks because i have absolutely zero control right now.
OH, and get this, i cant even fucking weigh myself because my mom wont let me go on the scale, so not only is she forcing me to eat all my meals, she also wont let me have any form of control at all!! im so fucking angry, i feel like a fucking pig, i didnt even get to my desired weight before the bitch reported me.
im so stressed out rn so if anyone has tips on how to secretly do it lmk
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omgcatboi · 2 months
I consumed 10k within the last 24 hours, which is something I do at least once or twice a week ( not on purpose, I just get really hungry some days ) so I googled to see if that's considered a lot and
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Suddenly, it all makes since
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Also, 10k calorie challenge? This is a challenge for some people?
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pigjournal · 10 days
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(photo from 📌terest)
"What do you want? That junk you've been cr@ving for an hour or the body you've put so much effort into working towards?"
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flourbray · 4 months
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cheerrry · 2 months
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ma3w3n · 1 year
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hi everyone ♡ !!
for my morning i ate homemade pancakes
for 8 pancakes it’s 289kcal ♡
i use :
- 1 banana
- 150ml of vegetal milk Coco
- 1 egg
- 90gr of flour
- cannelle
- 1 bag of baking powder
🍓🍓🍓 it’s so delicious, i add strawberries (35kcal for 100gr) 🍓🍓🍓
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wanna-b-w8lessss · 3 months
why are my th1ghs so f4t what the fuck
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kzvrslive · 2 months
I ate over 1000 cals, god I’m so fat.
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disturbedheart · 4 months
I miss the bliss of eating without the long hesitation of it has so many fucking calories. And side note. Why are some things so many FUCKING CALORIES??? LIKE YOURE TELLING ME THIS SMALL OATMEAL PIE IS 200 CALORIES???????????????????????? WHY??????????????????????? I'm still gonna stuff my mouth full and be sad about it but
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girlbloginterrupted · 2 years
How i lost 50 lbs in 3-4 months
Drink half your body weight in water. For me a minimum of 64 oz.
Exercise is only like 25% of weight loss your diet is key.
It was easy at first being at 200+ lbs, but I had to stay consistent and I didn’t eat candy besides sf gum.
My biggest thing was liquid cals. I cold turkey stopped drinking soda and sugary drinks. At first I drank 10-25 cal drinks until water was preferred and now it’s even hard for me to have diet soda it just tastes bad to me.
Green tea and lemon water were super good detox drinks and just good for the body!
Fasting helps your metabolism also. Try to set a schedule of eating. You look forward to the time but keep it short and consistent this helps with binges and regulates your body to know when to eat. Food is for fuel that’s it.
Have safe foods. I like popsicles I buy 45 cals popsicles and enjoy a few during the week without feeling guilty.
I always try to get 10k steps also to help with exercise and calorie burning.
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