study-core-101 · 2 months
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manifesting good grades for this school year!
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study-diaries · 1 month
💌 Send this to the twelve nicest people you know or who seem to have a good heart and if you get five back you must be pretty awesome. 💌 ✨🌹✨
Heyy :)
Thank you, really appreciated! Right back at you <3
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dreamgrlarchive · 1 year
what’s the impoartance of branding and how did you find your brand
Branding Yourself ❤︎︎
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why do you buy lingerie from victoria’s secret and not target? why do you go to starbucks instead of looking for a local coffee shop? it’s the way these entities have displayed their aesthetic, values, and more than anything: THEIR AURA. they’re displaying a feeling that you can only get if you indulge in their goods and services.
when you carry yourself in whatever fashion that happens to be, imagine a logo plastered all over yourself. who’s attention do you want to grab with that logo? you’re showing potential employers, friends, love interests, what they’ll be getting when in collaboration with you. so this. this is what’s important about branding.
My Brand 🎀
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i wanted to feel not only feminine in energy, but hyperfeminine in appearance… but with a cloak of sex appeal, maturity and exclusivity
i recently found and accepted that i am not “cute” aesthetically. i’m far more often seen as “pretty” or “sexy” and unknowingly working against my natural beauty archetype was hurting me badly
my color palette of midtone pink, black, white, gray, and nude/brown convey a feminine look while being grounded in minimalism from the neutral colors
sex kitten, video vixen, and victoria’s secret angel are archetypes/aesthetics i identify and get associated with often
i leaned into my result from vindicta’s feminine archetype quiz (the aphrodite + the diva)
i compiled a list of words i identify with and channeled them in my self expression and how i carry myself
studying my birth chart and infusing my natural traits into my essence with intent
all these things i’ve compiled over time and lots of trial and error to reach what i call #theprissygirlagenda (i can make a detailed post about this in the future)
things my followers said they associate with me, ie. “prissy girl core”:
louis vuitton bags, french tips, fur details, cheetah print, rhinestones, silk presses, fuzzy pens, rap and r&b, sexy over cute, hoop earrings
How to Build Yours 🎀
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how do you wanna feel
how do you wanna be seen
what do you want out of life
these three questions will help you be able to reach a conclusion in conjunction with the resources below 🎀💕💗
What Even Is… #ThePrissyGirlAgenda?
My Guide to Making a Beauty Binder
Discovering Your “Vibe” 1 & 2 by @FILLEFATALE on twitter
She Is So Bougie Checklist by @babyphat05
Quizzes that Helped Me Develop My Brand
Vindicta Feminine Archetype Quiz + System
13 Feminine Seduction Archetypes Quiz
Tips to Enhance Your Natural Features
BabyPhat05’s Bougie Guide 101
Reinvention by @thevirgodoll
Walking in High Heels by @prettyvixenavenue
Pretty Privilege by @2pretty
How to Build Your Personal Brand and Self Concept by @femmefatalevibe
Tips for Self-Discovery by @femmefatalevibe
Understanding Archetypes by @femmefatalevibe
Knowing Yourself by @femmefatalevibe
Your Dream Girl Archetype by @femmefatalevibe
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draxumain · 6 months
It's officially been a week since I've used @adambja self-concept affirmation tape, and oh boy, do I have some news!!
I made a list of all the things I was going to manifest beforehand, you know, to tick them all off.
I followed her instructions, and listened to it everyday for 1 hour. I listened whilst I ate, studied, on the way to my courses and whilst I was chilling. I didn't want to stress and strain myself by finding time and forcing myself to listen to them so I instead mixed it into my busy schedule rather than separating it, because why not?
And oh boy, the results were glorious!
Here's the list of what I wanted to manifest, I wanted them to come In at a comfortable need to want type pace rather than instantly like I did before biggest kisses to shadow work for helping me slow tf down and prioritise both my wants and needs in a healthy manner 🫶🏾
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: Soooo I met this cute girl at school, she ticks so many of my boxes!! She's the talker, physically affection, cute nicknames I love it!! Currently just talking and flirting but I'm excited go see where this goes, ticks off my wlw relationship! I wanted something slow and meaningful, she's a little fast but meaningful I think it's the talking stage exciting jitters we'll see how it goes once she takes a breather. But I'm enjoying our time together.
: Dreams have been a lot more vivid! Dream recall sucks ass cause my sleep schedule and daily nutritional intakes are fucked give me a minute to fix those and lucid dreaming will natural for me I swear you guys 😭 I had such a realistic dream today I mixed it up with real life, everything felt so real it was insanely bizarre
: I feel a lot more direct and open to shifting now in comparison to last week, my mindset towards it has gone from "I need to do x then x otherwise it won't work I need to do everything properly or else I'll fail" to "Fuck it what I say goes"
I no longer pay great attention to the 3D but I still have a healthy view point to this reality which is something I always struggled with, detachment lead to dissociation which lead to hard core depression. We're feeling good right now though!
Something I tried to manifest before hand finally came up, simple thing but I wanted to wake up with my eyes closed, remain still and instantly remember shifting. This is so I could shift through my most preferred shifting state which required for me to wake up eyes closed and bam! Shift.
But I always woke up with my eyes open, it was a struggle. Not anymore folks!!
: My YouTube video views are increasing, I had a slow recent video that was barely moving its now getting 1k views per day and I'm a few subscribers away to my next milestone goal 30k which I wasn't close to last week
: I made a money review riggght here! It's for her money affirmation tape however the I am in control tape played a role too! Powerful duo 101% recommend using both <3
: My eyelashes are looking a lot fuller and my eyes are alot more sharper and more outlined, hope that makes sense. You, can actually tell the shape of if it's nice and sharp. Nose is also a little more narrow, I didn't want it to narrow gotta love what my ancestors gave me <3 that's on black beauty
: Hair is in twists I can see my roots getting longer which means there's growth that happend after the twists! There wasn't that much growth before hand, so waist length hair here I come!!
OK, that's all now, ily tysm adambja!! <3
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dizzymoods · 6 months
When i started youtube i did a survey of video essays to make sure like what i wanted to do wasn’t already being done.
And i looked at a bunch of black and queer video essayists in particular to see the field.
i did watch james somerton’s knock off Celluloid Closet video and i clocked it immediately like girl that’s everybody’s first intro to queer cinema. the doc was put up in 10 min chunks on youtube since 2006. they put the whole thing up on youtube the same year it lifted the 10min limit back in 2010. you not slick!
but every other queer film person on youtube does it too. they’d be nothing without Vito Russo. And they take from b ruby rich’s new queer cinema reader. that’s the scope of their understanding of queer film. And in the NQC reader there’s an essay on Queer Third Cinema which is just queer cinema of the Third World….which is a complete misunderstanding of Third Cinema. the NQC reader had its share of critics at the time of its publication. but they don’t know that.
And the black film people are hopelessly trying to reinvent Donald Bogle. every black video essayist has their own proprietary trope that is a manifestation of a tom, coon, mulatto, mammy, etc. There’s a reason bogle was, in a sense, generic because how these tropes continue to live change with the times but the core remains the same.
I’ve seen videos about the LA Rebellion as a movement from UCLA. I can’t remember if she said it in spirits of the rebellion or w/e but Julie has a line that goes something like “we weren’t a movement just a bunch of black kids at the same film school” and everybody hated UCLA. The LA Rebellion happened in spite of UCLA. Elyseo Taylor, who headed the program that we attribute to the LA rebellion —the ethnocommunications program— was fired after a year and the program shut down at the same time because the white failsons of producers weren’t getting the special funds the “blacks” were. And the LA Rebellion existed outside of UCLA too. The major actors of the movement studied or worked at The Performing Arts Society of LA (PASLA); Larry Clark taught cinematography there as well.
i know the hbomberguy video is about plagiarism but the other major issue with the youtube video essay industrial complex is that it’s giving “hey guys i’m taking media studies 101 and i just learned something that’s gonna blow your mind! It’s called the male gaze”
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sixofcrowdaydreams · 4 months
Crows Fanfic AU Idea...
With all the Crows college fics that exist, we've been sleeping on the Crows Community AU. Hear me out...
Six very different students share one very common goal: passing a stupid language class at the local community college. They form a study group, new unlikely friendships -- new romances -- and maybe, just maybe, figure out how to pass their class.
Nina speaks six languages already and the 101 class is so easy for her, why would she bother to switch for something harder? The others find out she’s fluent and beg for help. (Lol, not Kaz though. He doesn’t beg, nor need help. He just shows up to the study group because his class partner comes to the study group and he claims he wants Jesper to actually work so that they can both pass.)
Jesper needs help focusing, Wylan needs help reading and writing in a new language, Matthais struggles with pronunciation and speaking. Inej wants to make sure she's learning correctly. Kaz just uses the the time studying to complete his work.
Class partnerships are: Nina and Inej, Kaz and Jesper, and Wylan and Matthias. Their crappy community college may be a joke, but their motivations to succeed are very real.
Kaz: business major, needs the degree to keep his club legal and legally reputable. (It is most definitely not, and he uses it to help the other Crows.) Unofficial leader of the study group despite only speaking one language while everyone else is multilingual. Doesn’t actually need help studying, could do it himself, but there is a lot of group work in the class and he’ll never admit it, but he is entertained by the others and enjoys their company. Especially Inej because she's the only other sane member of the study group.
Inej: social work major, wants to fight for others rights and help the most vulnerable. Like most of the Crows, speaks another language, but it’s not the one being studied in class. Honest and sweet, she (and Jesper) are the emotional core of the group, given her ability to care about the Crows' well being more than studying. 
Jesper: agricultural major, hates his major – is pretty sure he’s going to drop out because he doesn’t care about school, a bit of a slacker. Still incredibly smart when he applies himself. The Crows convince him to switch to a trade which is much better for him, now he just needs to tell his dad. (Yikes.) Immediately sleeps with Wylan and they both get awkward about it because they both thought the other wanted something casual, but they definitely don’t. Lets Wylan move in with him. 
Nina: nursing major, is only going through the motions to get a degree because the one she already has doesn’t count because it didn’t transfer correctly when she emigrated, which is total bullshit in her very strong opinion. Speaks 6 languages and the group comes to her with help studying – actually in charge of the studying part of the study group. Shamelessly flirts with everyone and is driven crazy taking a relationship at Matthias’s pace. 
Wylan: music major, homeless and stealthily living on campus because he technically doesn’t qualify for financial assistance (given his family’s wealth even though he has zero access to it). His father enrolled him in a community college instead of his family’s alma mater in order to embarrass him and expects him to flunk out. Wylan is determined to succeed. Works in the cafeteria, can speak class language very well, needs help with the reading/writing elements. Kaz forges some documents to get Wylan financial assistance and into campus housing. The Crows help him (and Jesper) get academic accommodations. Learns how to get help without being embarrassed.
Matthias: criminal justice major, arrested and released from jail, innocent and falsely accused, but having a difficult time getting back on his feet. He has a difficult time letting go of what happened to him and that it effects/limits his career opportunities. Hates how much he needs Nina’s help to pass the class, but he enjoys the one-on-one tutoring with her more than he wants to admit. He would rather slow down a relationship to court. Nina convinces him to let go of his anger and switch to a lit major, which makes him happier. 
I want to read it so badly ... wait, what do you mean that I have to write it first?
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journalofanoldsoul · 1 year
Numerology 101
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Numerology is the study of the symbolism and significance of numbers, and how they relate to our lives. It is based on the idea that everything in the universe has a vibration, including numbers. By understanding the energy of numbers, we can gain insight into ourselves and the world around us.
In numerology, each number has its own unique energy and meaning. For example, the number 1 is associated with independence, leadership, and innovation. The number 2 is associated with balance, harmony, and diplomacy. The number 3 is associated with creativity, self-expression, and communication.
Through the study of numerology, we can gain insight into our personality traits, life path, and destiny. By understanding the energy of the numbers associated with our name and birthdate, we can gain a deeper understanding of ourselves and our purpose in life.
Numerology can also be used to gain insight into relationships, career choices, and major life decisions. By understanding the energy of the numbers associated with these areas of our lives, we can make more informed choices and find greater fulfillment.
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Here's a brief explanation of each concept in numerology:
Life Path Number: The life path number is a core number in numerology that is calculated based on a person's birthdate. It represents the path or journey a person will take in life and is considered the most important number in a person's numerology chart.
To calculate the life path number, you need to add up the digits in a person's birthdate (month, day, and year) and reduce it to a single digit or a master number (11, 22, or 33). For example, if someone was born on September 25, 1985, the calculation would be: 9 (September) + 2 + 5 (day) + 1 + 9 + 8 + 5 (year) = 39, and 3 + 9 = 12. Since 12 is not a master number, we reduce it to a single digit: 1 + 2 = 3. Therefore, the life path number for this person is 3.
Expression Number: The expression number is also known as the destiny number and is calculated based on a person's full name. It represents a person's natural abilities, talents, and potential in life.
To calculate the expression number or destiny number, you need to assign a numerical value to each letter in a person's full name (including middle and last names) and add them up. Then, reduce the number to a single digit or a master number (11, 22, 33, or 44). For example, if someone's name is John Smith, the calculation would be: J (1) + O (6) + H (8) + N (5) + S (1) + M (4) + I (9) + T (2) + H (8) = 44. Since 44 is a master number, we don't reduce it further. Therefore, the expression number or destiny number for this person is 44.
Soul Urge Number: The soul urge number is calculated based on the vowels in a person's full name and represents their innermost desires and motivations in life.
To calculate the soul urge number, you need to assign a numerical value to the vowels in a person's name (excluding the letter "y") and add them up. Then, reduce the number to a single digit or a master number. For example, using the name John Smith again, the calculation would be: O (6) + I (9) = 15, and 1 + 5 = 6. Therefore, the soul urge number for this person is 6.
Personal Year Number: The personal year number is calculated based on a person's birthdate and the current year. It represents the energy and opportunities that will be present in a person's life during a specific year.
To calculate the personal year number, you need to add the digits in a person's birthdate (month and day) to the digits in the current year. Then, reduce the number to a single digit or a master number (11, 22, or 33). For example, if someone was born on July 7th and it's currently the year 2023, the calculation would be: 7 (July) + 7 (day) + 2 + 0 + 2 + 3 (year) = 19, and 1 + 9 = 10. Since 10 is not a master number, we reduce it to a single digit: 1 + 0 = 1. Therefore, the personal year number for this person in 2023 is 1.
Stay tune for more numerology posts.
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sorcerous-caress · 7 months
I had two thoughts that I can't stop thinking
First was like the obvious like girl dad male drow and Minthara. Cute, Intense TM couple and their warrior daughters. But the second thought was like would it get angsty if Minthara had a son?
Dude i literally had this exact same thought when i answered the ask.
Minthara in-depth Character study + Media literacy 101 below cut.
[Tw: themes of abuse discussed]
First of all
Characters are tools.
All characters are not real, Minthara is not a real person. She is pixels, Minthara can't abuse or be abused because she isn't real.
What she can do, is be a tool or a puppet to tell a story about abuse.
Second of all
Evil characters are not bad characters. Morally wrong characters are not bad writing.
A character doesn't have to be good, moral or have a redemption arc. A character only needs to be compelling, interesting and dynamic.
Third of all
The writers aren't horrible people or freaks for putting a character through trauma or shitty events. Their job is to make an interesting story and not a life guidance manual for newborns.
These shitty events happen to real-life people. Go direct your energy to helping them instead of fictional characters depictions that allow safe exploration of dark themes where no real people are getting harmed.
I'm so proud of you for understanding this. Here is your complimentary media literacy degree. 🎊
Minthara was written to be a typical drow, she was never meant to be the good drow that stands out or rejects the brutality of drow culture.
The drow twins in sharess caress are the unique good drows that completely opted out of drow culture.
Minthara was never meant to be that, no matter how much you twist her or try to look for a deeper meaning. At her core, even after abandoning Lolth, she still abids by drow culture rules for her own personal life.
She is aware of how cruel it is, she accepts and likes it.
Sure, some aspects she hates, she isn't really a huge enthusiastic fan of it. But she likes it enough to still apply it even when she is outside of the underdark, it shows in how she treats Gale or the other people who aren't companions.
Now a final thing to keep in mind.
Minthara adores us the most, as in us the player, not Tav, not Durge, not anyone. Doesn't matter who you end up picking or if you even pick an origin character, as long as you follow her questline, she admits to you being the person she admires the most.
That child is ours too, the player.
Because of that, we can never truly see Minthara as she really is. All of our view of her are wrapped and biased Because she is literally being her nicest self around us. We can only get glimpses of how cruel she is to strangers in stray conversations or throw away lines. Even if you have low approval with her, she still admires you the most.
She is a lawful evil character.
As in evil evil and not Astarion grey evil.
Astarion approves of bullying a child, Minthara approves of killing a child.
And that to me makes her a very compelling and interesting character, I love her dynamic and personality. Much like how I think Cazador is an amazing character because of how good he is at being a tool in a story about cycles of abuse. He more than fulfilled his role which makes him a great addition that shouldn't be changed, redeemed or watered down.
So about the child.
In Minthara's datamined lines, it is clear that she plans to enforce drow culture rules on her child no matter what.
They are abusive by nature, yes.
While some might think a son would have a much worse time than a daughter, I disagree.
While Minthara would resent having a son for how useless she deems males, at the end of the day he will meet her expectations of being a complete waste of space and pregnancy. Kept there for breeding for the bloodline.
But if a daughter doesn't meet her expectations? Do you realise the implications of that. Minthara a previous Baerne princess birthing a weakling of a female drow that can't even yell at someone without crying? Minthara would rain hellfire upon her.
It's more than a shame, a complete disgrace.
Her daughter is supposed to grow to be strong enough to kill her and take her place, that is the cycle of life.
Also about the child itself, you would still be the other parent.
The relationship with Minthara in the game can be controlling and possessive at times. And to remind you, that is the toned down version of her flaws because again, she adores us.
But i don't think it's far fetched for her to do most of the work when it comes to actually raising the kid, she likes to be in control.
Also side note, i have been only talking about her evil side and flaws so far and I wanted to remind you that she isn't just that. Her personality has so much more and there is depth and genuine love in her, it's something that we are also her first ever romantic love. And let's not forget on how she even encourages Gale in act 3 to leave Mystra. Minthara isn't a black or white character, she is a fully flushed out and filled with many complex concept tool.
She doesn't want to break the cycle of abuse, that's her major flaw. It's not something she seeks or even attempts to do. It's not even a debate to her, she simply acknowledges it and lets it be.
Her good ending is starting a new noble drow house with durge for fucks sake.
She cherry picks which areas she "breaks" from. Lolth worshipping for example, and she only extends respect and love to her companions. While the rest of the world gets the same treatment from her that they'd get from a typical drow Matron.
Okay note over, so proud of you for still reading btw, you're an excellent student. Have this imaginary star sticker on your brain.
I have so much to say about her that this post barely even scrapes the surface of what I think about her.
As long as you, the player, intervene and show her that parenting is both of your responsibilities, then I think you can really smooth down a lot of her sharp edges.
I mean the same argument could be said for Laeze, isn't training a child to fight at 12 also a form of abuse?
Not a single one of the companions is equipped to be a parent, not at their current states. Maybe Halsin tho, he has the best potential to be a parent stand in. Tho he has a major flaw of not realising that having too many kids means your attention will be spreadthin and that is a form of neglect abuse. Goodmeaning or not, he won't be a very good parent because he underestimates his capabilities in favour for naive optimism.
I've side tracked a lot ngl.
But yeah that's the jest of it, Minthara would be a shitty mom. Like it or hate it, it doesn't matter because she isn't real and she isn't a mom. She is a tool to tell a story about a shitty mom and she is succeeding at it.
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respectthepetty · 1 year
Reading the (Visual) Rainbow 101
Lesson 2 - Colors
Because I get so many asks about colors, I decided the best way to celebrate Pride is to educate anyone who is interested in how to better Read the (Visual) Rainbow and simultaneously allow myself to appreciate queer media.
Ready to go on a colorful adventure?
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There are two groups of knowledge regarding colors: Color Theory and Color Psychology.
Color Theory <- I don't do this
Color Theory is a core element of art. It has three fundamental components: the Color Wheel, color harmony, and color use. The basic purpose of Color Theory is to determine which colors are best for which visual situation based on color mixing and color combination.
The Basics
There are twelve colors on the Color Wheel
There are three Primary Colors - Red, Yellow, Blue
Every color is a mix of these three colors
The three Secondary Colors are created from the three Primary Colors: Orange (Yellow + Red), Green (Yellow + Blue), Purple (Red +Blue)
The six Tertiary Colors are a mix of a Primary Color and a Secondary Color. They have various names, but these are the basic names: Orange-Red, Yellow-Orange, , Yellow-Green, Blue-Green, Blue-Purple, Red-Purple.
Warm Colors are Red, Orange, Yellow. These are also known as Advancing Colors.
Cool Colors are Blue, Green, Purple. These are also known as Receding Colors.
This is a basic Color Wheel.
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The Next Level
Each color has four hues on the Color Wheel
The first hue is the main color we saw above.
The next hue is a Tint. This is the main color mixed with white.
The third hue is a Tone. This is the main color mixed with grey.
The final hue is a Shade. This is the main color mixed with black.
This is an advanced Color Wheel.
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What about Black and White?
In Color Theory, Black is the absence of color, and White is all the colors.
Color Psychology <- I kind of do this
Color Psychology is the study of colors in connection to human's emotions and behaviors. Carl Jung, the most prominent psychologist to develop modern-day color research, believed that people's personalities were connected to four colors: blue, red, yellow, green. Those colors were the basis for everyone's personality, but some people were more of one color depending on the situation. He also believed there were negatives and positives to each color.
These are the basic color personalities.
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Over the years, Color Psychology has expanded on Jung's work to include other colors. These colors do NOT relate to personalities in the way Jung created his four, but they do show what characteristics people tend to associate with each color. Black and white are included in this wheel.
These are the expansive color personalities.
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Color Symbolism <- I do this
Color Symbolism is the use of colors as symbols in literature, media, art, and other mediums. This combines Color Theory with Color Psychology in order to make associations between colors and their meanings within that medium. In Color Symbolism, colors are visuals we can see that stand-in for an abstract idea that we cannot see.
The Basics
We have to use our knowledge of the color wheel and color personalities to interpret the colors we see. Think about your favorite color. Does it state something about your personality? Do you feel it represents you somehow? My favorite color is yellow, so what can you assume about my personality?
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If you did the activities, you were asked what color you associated with SCIENCE. If you picked green, you probably were thinking of biology or another science that deals with life and Earth.
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If you thought SCIENCE was blue, you might have been thinking of space or a data-driven/number-driven science.
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Because trees are green and space and computer prompts are blue, we associate those colors with science even though those are general colors for trees, space, and code.
So what color did you think was associated with LOVE. Hopefully, you picked red (or pink), but why?
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Because we associate hearts with love, and since hearts are red, we think of red being the color of love.
What color did you pick for HATE? Probably red again. But why?
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We think of people's faces becoming red when they get upset because of the rush of blood to their cheeks. Therefore, when we think of hate, we think of red.
If you picked another color, that's okay, but think about why? It's because you associate that color with a tangible item, and that's why the color is symbolic of that abstract idea.
LOVE/HATE shows us the positive and negative of red, so when we see it in a show, we have to interpret if it's positive or negative.
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But red just doesn't mean LOVE/HATE. According to Color Psychology, it could mean freedom, desire, or serve as a warning.
Another question asked what were the colors of the country's flag. In case you didn't know, the colors of flags have meaning. If we raise a white flag on a ship, it means we surrender. If someone is a green flag, they are a good person. If someone is a red flag, they are bad. If you are American, the red means hardiness and valor.
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So in a black and white world, what does it mean if red emerges? How do we interpret that? Does it mean valor and hardiness? Does it mean hate? Does it mean love? Does it mean life like the red means on the Pride flag?
If you watched any of the videos from the previous lesson, Sam Smith & Kim Petras' "Unholy," Jessie Ware's "Free Yourself," or Troye Sivan's "My, My, My," the first color to emerge in their black and white worlds was red.
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All the songs dealt with desire and freedom of sexual expression. Desire, sex, and freedom are all associated with red, so red would be the natural color to use to visually demonstrate this transition from a repressed world (black and white) to one with color. In the videos, once the initial red pops up, the red starts to seep into the world, tainting everything within reach.
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This makes sense even in at its most basic structure. If red represents love and hate, in a black and white world (a world lacking color, therefore lacking emotions), the first color to emerge would be one that captures the strongest emotions = love and hate.
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The Next Level
We must interpret what the basic colors mean, but remember that there are layers to Color Theory, and the next level is where Color Theory and Color Psychology get really exciting!
Primary Colors
When Primary Colors (red, yellow, blue) appear, they could mean one person is passionate, one is loyal, and one is happy, AS WELL AS they are the foundation to everything we are about to experience.
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Warm Colors versus Cool Colors
Colors include lighting, so when we see warm lighting and colors, we can assume that situation or person is loving, kind, and warm. When we see cool lighting and colors, we can assume that situation or person is cold, isolated, and lonely.
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And if we see a transition between them, we can assume that situation or person is evolving.
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Color Mixing and Combining
Once again, color includes lighting, so when we see two colors merge like red + blue = purple, we can conclude the personalities, or the love they share is also merging.
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Color Hues
What happens when we start mixing the main color with black, grey, and white to get different shades, tones, and tints? In Color Psychology, if black is negative, white is positive, and grey is neutral, then those hues would reflect those meanings. Let's see it in practice!
We must start with the main hue.
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If we see this TONE (base color blended with grey), we can assume changes in emotions are happening, BUT the characters are unsure of those emotions (grey is in between black and white = neutral).
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If we see this TINT (base color blended with white), we can assume something positive is happening with the character's life or emotions.
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But if we see this SHADE (base color blended with black), we can assume something negative is happening with the character's life or emotions.
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I could write twenty more posts about this, but we have to move on to the next lesson.
Activity 1 - Next Lesson
Watch both of the following videos. Try to apply the colors lesson to the first video, but focus on all the items you see in both videos: clothing, posters, environment, and additional items.
George Michael - "Freedom" - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=diYAc7gB-0A
Hayley Kiyoko - "She" - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=anIqZSfxOQU
See you for lesson 3 on Tuesday - Other Visuals
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crystallinejellyfish · 9 months
What I think Darkley's Boarding School for Bad Boys would teach. PT 1: CORE CLASSES
pt 2: here
First, DBB is a school of villainy. They want to bump out good villains (sorry Lloyd) that are actually SMART and KNOW what they're doing.
So! I think these would be the Core Classes they would teach. (Grade 9-12)
9- Algebra 1 & 2 | Algebra is the base of many classes, and like I said, most villains have brains.
10- Statistics & Probability | Honestly, Statistics & Probability is really useful in your day-to-day life. For villains, they would need this for basically everything.
11- Pre-Calculus & Calculus | Pre-Cal & Cal is the base of a lot of advanced classes, and in this list, there are a lot of them.
12- Engineering | Villain would USUALLY build their own things. Even then, engineering is a good skill for a villain.
9- Lit/Comp | Decoding different types of literature. OR puzzles and such.
10- Humanities | Learning the rise and falls of Empires, ancient languages, and such.
11- Rhetoric | Learning how to think critically and write efficiently to persuade. For a Villain, this is a key factor.
12- Debate | Using what you learned last year to communicate your point of view to others. In a villainy context, knowing how to win arguments is important.
9- Government | Learning that your government is fucked up. Learning the origins, development, and structure of a government. In the context of Ninjago, whatever its government is they will learn (as well as other types of governments).
10- Sociology | Studying social, political, economic, diversity, religion, crime, etc. Basically studying society in every good and bad way.
11- Economics | Learning about the economy and policies. For A villain, this would be pretty damn important.
12- Psychology | Learning about the human mind. Manipulation 101.
9- Biology | Studying life processes and how organisms live in their environment. The only reason I put this one down is because it's a base class of other things that would be useful for a villain.
10- Chemistry | Studying atom, molecules, and their interactions. For a regular villain, this isn't really needed. But it's background information for classes.
11- Physics | Studying everything in physical existence. This Class is needed for engineering and other thing.
12- Forensic Science | Crime scene investigation and reconstruction. Learning what went wrong and how to prevent it.
All these classes are really advanced, but you have to think about the teachers in Darkley's. (Literal Skeletons) and their dumb dumbs. This could be used as an AU of some sort but honestly, I just got hooked on the idea of Darkley's Boarding School being an efficient school with actual classes that kids can learn to be villains.
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study-core-101 · 2 months
Friendly Reminder
that you dont need to study everyday to be "productive" or "studyblr". You are allowed to have entire days for yourself. Not more toxic productivity aka driving yourself to burn-out
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study-diaries · 1 month
♥️ love train! send this to all the blogs you love! don’t forget to spread the love! ♥️ (no pressure only if u want to ofc)
Hey! :)
Thanks <3 Right back to you!
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Study reveals violent material ejection process of a dying massive star
A research team led by Dr. Zhang Jujia from Yunnan Observatories of the Chinese Academy of Sciences and Prof. Wang Xiaofeng from Tsinghua University has revealed the stellar mass violently ejected from a progenitor at the end of its life by observing the once-in-a-decade supernova SN 2023ixf. Such mass loss processes can provide essential information for understanding the final evolution of a massive star.
The study was published in Science Bulletin on Sept. 14.
Type II supernovae (SNe II) are the most common stellar explosions in the universe, for which the final stage of evolution of their hydrogen-rich massive progenitors towards core-collapse explosion is elusive. The final stage evolution and the resultant circumstellar environments have led to a rich diversity of such explosions.
To establish a link between the explosion of SNe II and the late-time evolution of massive stars, it is necessary to capture the first-light signals of the SN explosions, i.e., the flashed spectra, due to the ionization of the circumstellar material (CSM)/stellar wind by ultraviolet/high energy photons from shock breakout cooling.
The recent explosion of SN 2023ixf in a very nearby galaxy, Messier 101, provides a rare opportunity to address this long-standing issue. Timely, high-cadence flash spectra taken within one to five days of the explosion allow researchers to place stringent constraints on the properties of the surrounding circumstellar material surrounding this supernova.
It is estimated that the progenitor of SN 2023ixf lost material at a mass-loss rate of 6 × 10-4 M⊙ yr-1 during the last two to three years before the explosion. The nearby material, moving at a velocity of 55 km s-1, accumulated a compact CSM shell within a radius of less than 7 × 1014 cm from the progenitor.
Considering the high mass-loss rate and relatively high wind velocity, together with the pre-explosion observations made about two decades ago, the progenitor of SN 2023ixf could be a short-lived yellow hypergiant that evolved from a red supergiant shortly before the explosion.
"The observation and investigation of SN 2023ixf is ongoing. A series of works on this SN will make it a milestone in the history of SNe II and will then help to reveal the fate of massive stars in the mass range from 10 to 20 M⊙," said Dr. Zhang.
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A long, long time ago I wrote a skeletal curriculum for FPPP's school of kink and hypnosis.
It's popped up again in conversation so I decided to share a couple of entries from the course bulletin:
Our core introductory curriculum is mandatory for all students in the department, regardless of intended program.
HYP-101 - Introduction to Hypnokink
In the first semester, all students will take HYP-101, a survey lecture series giving an overview of hypnokink practices and varieties.
This course will also include optional lessons led by guest lecturers from throughout the department on more niche or specialised topics. Students are encouraged to attend as many of these lectures as interest them, but are required to attend at least three over the course of the semester.
Finally, the course is split into smaller discussion sections in which students will, depending on the week, engage in guided discussion or activity.
HYP-101 is a 5 credit hour course.
HYP-111 - Exploring the Self
Typically taken concurrently with HYP-101, HYP-111 is a studio course with a minimal lecture component. Most weeks will feature exercises and discussions meant to help students develop a necessary foundation both in communication and consent skills and to help students identify and articulate their own aspirations in the study of hypnokink.
This course culminates in a final presentation in a format of the student's choosing in which they will present their discoveries to their classmates. Final presentations are held over several days: past students have taught their own sections, led skills tutorials, given formal lectures, and put on a dizzying variety of artistic displays and other performances.
HYP - 111 is a 4 credit hour course
(Why yes I am structuring around a 12-hour standard courseload and this is room for exactly 1 elective at the normal load kind of you to notice.)
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omegaverse-guide · 12 days
Omegaverse 101
So you've encountered the term for the first time - maybe you're 12 or very offline, or you've heard it before but heeded someone's advice to not look it up - either way, you're here, wondering. What is omegaverse, or alpha/beta/omega dynamics, as AO3 puts it? Here's a brief overview for you!
What is the omegaverse?
It's a trope mostly used in fanfiction, that has been spreading into published fiction, manga, and recently even into anime and tv shows. It can appear confusing to outsiders, since there is no unifying canon a/b/o authors draw from, and the details vary wildly between each story. The core is simple: On top of your gender, which is still identified at birth and works the same as it does in real life, you're also assigned to be an alpha, beta, or omega, though this tends to happen later in life, usually around when puberty happens. Whether you're male, female, intersex, non-binary, or any other sex/gender does not determine what you present as.
Alphas can sire children, even if they're afab. They tend to be seen as aggressive, competitive, and natural leaders. Whatever you associate with stereotypical, hypermasculine behaviour in the real world, that's now associated with alphas. They can go into ruts, a period of time where they get extremely horny and often aggressive/protective, and they may or may not be able to control themselves during that time. They generally have big dicks, though exact measurements are rarely given. Those dicks can swell at the base during sex, to lock them and their partner together for a while, which is called knotting.
Betas are essentially just baseline humans. They can have sex and feel horny, but only in the same way a real human can. Sometimes they're infertile, but other times they reproduce the same way actual humans do. Storys are rarely about betas, but they tend to be seen as rational and calm, good to have around to diffuse whatever the alphas and omegas have going on.
Omegas can bear children, even if they're amab. They're generally seen as submissive, caring, and weak. Women, basically, just more exaggerated. They periodically go into heat, which makes them horny and extremely appealing/irresistable to alphas in their vicinity. This is also the time period where they're fertile. Male omegas tend to have small dicks. Sometimes they have a pussy on top of that, other times their asshole self-lubricates and is connected to their uterus, whichever the author prefers.
How did we get here?
The terms originate from behavioural studies of wolves, and so does some of the biology (yes, wolves do have knots. in real life. if you didn't heed the warning to not look up omegaverse, at least heed mine not to look up wolf dicks. or any other animal dicks). Parts of the trope are pretty old - what's a heat if not a Pon Farr (Star Trek) for werewolves? Then, in 2010, a request was posted to the supernatural kink meme, requesting J2 smut with what became the basic tenets of the trope. It fit the already popular werewolf fic in the massive spn fandom, and spread like wildfire in just a few years far beyond spn or werewolves, and here we are.
Almost all omegaverse is m/m. Het omegaverse has found success (and a lawsuit) in original books, though I can say I haven't read any. The only het omegaverse I've ever read was fic with a female alpha and male omega, so don't ask me about this. Rare brave fans do write f/f omegaverse, and they have all my respect and gratitude. However, they're the exception, so for the purpose of this and any further discussion on this blog, please assume all parties are male unless specified otherwise.
Omegaverse can be abbreviated as A/B/O, or A/O if you don't have/don't care about betas. Some people simply use abo without the slashes, but abo is also a slur for aboriginal people in australia, so proceed with caution if you insist on using it.
There is NO one true way to write an omegaverse story. Nobody has the copyright to it. People will expect some of the above framework if you classify your fic as omegaverse, but you can do whatever you want forever. If you've read published manga, many of them share an explanation graphic that gives some base rules, but you don't need to stick to those, nor should you expect others to. It's a wild west out here. Write and read stories that do the trope how you like it, and don't read the rest. It's that easy.
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lifeasahistorymajor · 3 months
I've done it!
When I was a senior in high school, I wanted to major in history.
But as my plot would have it, my parents would not support it (and they are the ones paying :') I was told to study business, so I went from undecided to a pre-business major over the summer before freshman year.
Business is important to learn, but business classes made me miserable when I stepped foot in Introduction to Business 101. All my peers had great reasons and inspirations to study business, while all I could ever say with shame was "My parents told me to..." I tried. I genuinely did. But with every class, I became unhappier, the only good term I had was when I took only core-ed classes and no business classes. I have excelled at all my classes except business, those classes keep dragging my poor GPA down. And now I've had enough as I take my second accounting class. I can no longer do this. Leaving accounting early, walking towards the cemetery with phone on hand, I called my father to *inform him* that I was switching out of business, going into a double major in history and medieval studies absolutely terrified yet... relieved at the same time.
It is scary to take this leap of fate, as it is easier to get a job straight out of college with a business degree, but law school was always on the horizon no matter the major. So with this, I start my journey as a sophomore switching from business to history to my heart's content and my parents' disappointment.
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