happyheidi · 1 day
。゚゚・。・゚゚。 ゚. June will bring blessings.
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You do not need to give your all. If you always give your 100% then you will crash. It is okay to rest, to have days you give less effort, and to have days when you struggle. You are always doing your best.
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doghowto · 1 day
Seal and dog play fetch together! 🦭 Follow me for more dogs making friends!
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slfcare · 3 days
♡ things about people's bodies that i admire (as someone with a physical disability who cannot relate) ⌁ the way you take your steps so easily. you want to go somewhere and you lift your foot and put it down and move without too much thought or being Overly Aware of how to do it? that's so cool
⌁ when you move not just individual fingers but bend them a certain way. how fluid your movements are. also how much control you have. you're telling me you pick up a plastic cup like no problem and you never accidentally squeeze or put too much pressure?
⌁ typing with ten fingers. again, hello???? you can move ALL of them individually like that? and so fast? huh?????
⌁ rushing down stairs is insane to me because you just keep your balance and also watch your step and also move your legs that fast
⌁ nothing is impossible. you button the world's smallest buttons. then you walk to a cafe and order something in a full cup and carry it to a table without spilling, then you write on paper with a pen for more than 3 seconds at a time and the strokes come out exactly as you intend and that’s a regular day for you!!
⌁ you speak to people and have no problems with the muscles in and around your lips. you probably don’t even think about them. they don’t pull to the side or jerk when you pronounce your vowels – they’re as fluid as your fingers (amazing) and people take your words seriously because of this
you have a lot to appreciate, just as I have a lot to admire in you ♡
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neuroticboyfriend · 2 days
hey you. are you frustrated with yourself? are you beating yourself for not coping better? for not doing things you know can help you? for being afraid, angry, or depressed? ask yourself that, honestly.
if the answer is yes, i want you to know one thing: you're gonna be okay. it may not feel like it, but you're doing your best. you can't hate yourself into knowing better, and hating yourself still won't help you with the things you do know. knowledge and awareness and willpower can only get you so far.
you're not a computer. you're not a textbook. you're a living breathing being. you have feelings and beliefs, and it's going to take some time to work through those. it's okay to be scared. it's okay to be frustrated. it's okay to not be okay. no one can be good and fine all the time, and many of us can't be so often.
so, this is your sign to meet yourself where you're at. keep your head where your feet are. you're exactly where you're meant to be. you can't force yourself to be someone you're not, and the only way this gets better is if you accept yourself first.
so just focus on that. what you're experiencing right now will pass. future you will figure things out. for now, just be. just be. that's all you have to do. you exist and that's good. you're doing great. keep going. you'll be surprised at what you're capable of. ♡
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anniespositivity · 2 days
What if I am never loved?
You are loved, always. It might not feel that way, but trust me. Love is in the littlest of things, in the littlest of moments. People who you might not pay any attention to, people who you pass on the street, people who you think don't even like you - they all love you. You might have made someone smile and they love you for that. You might have helped someone in need and they wish you nothing but the best. The thing is, darling, we often think that only the "big" love from friends, family and significant others matters, but that's not true. There is so much more love in this world, you just have to see it, you just have to feel it. You're so loved. I love you.
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chipsy · 2 days
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support-ponies · 3 days
Raritwi with a theme of lesbian pride/acceptance?
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lesbians are awesome! if youre a lesbian i love you! - mod applejack
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ozgur-ce · 3 days
Hayat sizi şımartmıyorsa, siz kendinizi şımartın...
Şuan 25 bile değil 10 yaşında falan ben 🐥🧡😁
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ootpositivity · 2 days
Good job, It's Out of Touch Thursday!!
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happyheidi · 6 hours
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to everyone who feels underrepresented, misrepresented or unrepresented; everyone who can’t express themselves, their gender and/or sexuality in a manner that feels comfortable to them; to everyone who experiences dysphoria, who is misgendered and deadnamed every day; to everyone who’s closeted because they’re not ready or they don’t feel safe; to everyone who’s flag isn’t on this post: I see you. You are loved!
𝙩𝙝𝙞𝙨 𝙢𝙤𝙣𝙩𝙝 𝙞𝙨 𝙛𝙤𝙧 𝙮𝙤𝙪 !!
Happy Pride! 🌈
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coelii · 1 day
Hi I’m Coelii, and I’d like to take a moment to talk about BDD and Dysphoria. You may remember me from photos such as this posted a couple hours ago:
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Or these over the last couple weeks
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But did you also know that sometimes I walk my dog and take 23 photos of myself and not have a single one that I like?
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Or that over the last 60 days I have 809 photos that’s I’ve deleted because I hated how I looked in them?
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The vast majority of the time I take a photo I feel like I look grotesque, or masculine, or ugly, or hideous, or embarrassing.
This isn’t a cry for attention or anything, I’m just sharing because I know there’s a lot of you like me out there. Sometimes you get a photo that looks great and you really like it, but it took dozens or hundreds of “bad” photos to get there. You’re not alone.
Don’t let it discourage you. Don’t let it get you down. It’s not easy struggling with your brain lying to you and telling you you’re gross when you’re really not. I promise, you look great in every shot you take. ♥︎
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doghowto · 10 hours
Good reason to stay in! 🏡 Follow me for more giant best friends!
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thyming · 2 days
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Source: freespiritloveshop on Instagram ♡
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loveyourlovelysoul · 3 days
I think the goal is not to be perfect and try to change everything of us (or others too, as we project on them our "dark" sides) but to accept ourselves despite our imperfections and "flaws". No matter how much we try, we'll always end up doing or saying something that can be considered wrong or bad, even unconsciously. And that's completely okay. We interface with different people, and we cannot please everyone or we'll just go crazy. But we need to please ourselves and give us a break. Be kind with ourselves as we're just trying. Appreciate who we are, light and dark. We'll always make mistakes, we'll always make a wrong choice... Sure we can try to change what we really do not appreciate, the coping mechanisms that are hindering and making us suffer (the ones we're not even aware of), but we need to remember there's no recipe to be perfect as there's no real perfection. We can always try to be better but we cannot reach that perfection we aim to as it doesn't exist. We cannot be that to feel accepted and included, to feel seen and valued, to feel less alone: people change their mind as the wind anyway. But we can see all of who we are and welcome our darkest side and try to feel more content and... not make us feel alone by abandoning and neglecting a side of us that still exists and needs our love, even if we accuse it to not let us be accepted by others. Maybe if we accepted it, accepted our whole self, and knew us... maybe we'd feel less alone, more apt to see our light within without having to compare to others and more open to others too.
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simplymarge1974 · 2 days
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