#kate laswell
sprout-fics · 2 days
I saw a butch Laswell post and now I’m ridden with thoughts of Laswell topping a sweet, shy reader who’s never been with a woman and making her question her entire sexuality 😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫
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nanagloom55 · 1 day
Breaking my silence, happy pride month Kate Laswell
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cod-dump · 2 days
Nik: You know, when I met the captain, he looked like a prince.
Laswell: *snort* Through your blood-loss and mild concussion?
Nik: Well yes. Not a Disney prince. Like an actual European prince.
Laswell: Slight inbreeding included?
Nik, grinning: Hush, Katya, you are so mean. No, I was simply pointing out that somehow he ended up from prince to grouchy fisherman in 10 years.
Laswell: It happens in our line of work.
Nik: Somehow, it's a vast improvement.
Laswell: Well, that's just you being in love with him.
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dante-mightdie · 1 day
so, in the cult au, what does laswell do? does she also have a sweet wife that welcomes her home every day with a hot meal? has anyone in the cult ever disrespected her because of her sexuality? i’d love to hear your thoughts :3
laswell my love <3
c/w: mentions of loss, cult!au, mentions of bigotry but none actually occurs
i’m torn on what I want kate’s role in the cult to be. part of me wants to make her price’s contact on the outside. I imagine at some point john came onto the feds radar, making them wonder what actually happens behind those gates, why so many people have gone missing near those woods yet they can never find any real evidence. every once in a while they show up with some bullshit warrant and rip his compound apart, even going as far to trash his home whilst he comforts his crying wife :( shaking his head disapprovingly at them for making a pregnant woman upset. they never find anything
she uses her position in the CIA to give john warnings when they plan on raiding his community. she knows it’s technically wrong but she knows johns community isn’t a threat to anyone really. she knows if he’s left alone, he won’t bother anyone and she has bigger things to worry about in her line of work
she’s actually a part of his community, perhaps she even runs the cult alongside him. they worked together for years, broken down by all the hate in the world. no matter where they stomped it out in one place because it always popped up in another so they just decided to create a sanctuary on earth away from everyone else
john and kate have no room for hate within their community, they have a strict screening process for anyone joining their family. kate and his wife are very well known and well loved in their community, in fact her wife can often be found contributing to the community in anyway she can
they have their own little family of rugrats too :( taking in the few children who had unfortunately lost their parents in some way or another
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milf-murdock · 2 days
Well, I’m about to hop out of the bath, and unfortunately I did have to stop just before things got ~juicy 😔 but here’s a lil WIP to hold ya over
Kate Laswell x Wife!Reader
Warnings: gross men being creepy, but Laswell comes to your rescue 😘 canonical swearing, and just a lil nsfw (I might keep writing if there’s an audience for it lol) I do owe you some Top Laswell, anon
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Truth be told, you hated coming to base. It was all so rough and rugged, a veritable Good Ole Boys Club that smelled like cigars and gunpowder. You keep your head held high as your step across the gravelly terrain, the small heel of your shoes adding a slight wobble to your step. You catch the eye of a couple of soldiers and ignore their thirsty gazes as they stop to gawk. Picking up the pace, you hurry to your destination: the bar. Just past the far edges of the base, it was obvious the foul-smelling, secluded establishment was less intended for civilian patrons and catered more to offering a place for military officials to take the edge off. You hated this place even more than you hated the base itself, but you know Kate loves a beer right after a job, and John had texted you to meet them here, which could only mean one thing—Kate was back.
The pungent smell of stale beer and cigarettes floods your nostrils as you open the heavy door. It takes a second for your eyes to adjust to the dim lighting, but you find your way to the bar. Once again, you keep your head held high, pointedly ignoring the men who don’t even try to pretend they’re not checking you out.
You adjust the hem of your skirt as you take a seat on the bar stool, anything to keep your hands busy. It’s only a matter of moments before a slurred voice comes from behind you, and your shoulders stiffen.
“Well what’s a pretty thing like you doing in a place like this?”
Despite your better judgement, you glance over your shoulder to see a tall, older man in uniform. You can smell the beer on his breath, and you don’t even bother to hide your grimace.
“I’m waiting for someone,” you respond curtly, turning back around.
“Hey now, don’t be like that. Just give me a smile and I’ll be on my way.”
You ignore him, busying your hands with a stray thread at the edge of your skirt, tugging to pull it loose.
You hear a scoff from behind you before you feel a rough hand on your shoulder. “I’m talking to you, bitch,” he growls.
Your breath catches in your throat, completely frozen under his touch.
And in the next second, you hear another voice—a female voice, low and full of a threatening malice.
“I suggest you take your fucking hand off my wife.”
Relief floods your body, your eyes fluttering close as the weight lifts from your shoulder.
“Shit, I- I didn’t—“ the man stammers, hands raised as he takes a step back.
Laswell steps closer. “And if you ever call my wife a bitch again, you will find yourself on the fucking street with nothing but a dishonorable discharge to your pathetic name. Is that understood?”
Without a word, the man turned to flee the bar, not even passing a glance to his group of encouragers, who all found themselves instantly fascinated by their pint glasses in hand.
“Katie!” You exclaim, leaping from the bar stool to throw your arms around her neck. Her laugh fills your ears, and it sounds like rays of pure sunshine.
“Hi, bun,” her voice is low in your ear as she holds you close. “Told you I’d be back before you know it.”
You squeeze her even tighter, standing on your tiptoes to match her height. “Every minute apart from you feels like an eternity, Kate.” You can’t stop the slight break in your voice as tears well up. “I’m so happy you’re home.”
Kate pulls back just enough to press a fierce kiss to your lips. Your mouth parts in surprise at the passion; typically Kate’s kisses are on the more reserved side in public. Kate uses your parted lips as an opportunity to slide her tongue into your mouth, immediately taking dominance. You melt like putty in her hands, falling into the kiss. All too soon, Kate breaks the kiss, leaving you breathless and your lips swollen.
She smiles down at you with a tenderness only reserved for her wife, one hand coming up to brush your cheek. “Let me take you home, bunny.”
You struggle to put together a coherent thought after that damned kiss. “But don’t you want—you usually like, uh,” you blink furiously, trying to think past the rising need taking over your body. “Beer?” You finish lamely, feeling the flush in your cheeks as your gaze bounces between Kate’s lips and her bedroom eyes.
Kate chuckles, leaning in close to whisper in your ear. “Fuck the beer, sweetheart. I have better plans.” A shiver races down your spine and you can feel the wetness pool between your legs.
Kate pulls back just a bit, her lips hovering above your own. “Does that sound ~good?” She’s teasing you, her sweet breath fans over your face, and you can’t help but imagine that breath elsewhere. Your cunt clenches, and you bite your bottom lip, holding back an audible moan as you nod your head eagerly.
Kate has you eating out of the palm of her hand. And she fucking loves it.
“After you, my love,” she coos as she steps aside and lets you lead the way back to the car. You stumble across the bar, looking for all intents and purposes like you were the one to overindulge, though you hadn’t had a sip of alcohol. But Kate knows how you get when she’s gone for long periods of time. She knows how you get when the need is absolutely eating you whole, that fire of desire coursing through your veins. It turns you into a puddle, nothing more than a weeping mess entirely at her mercy. Kate clenches just thinking about it as she watches your ass sway in that perfect fucking dress she knows you wore just for her.
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flowersnbunnies · 16 hours
Moon-eyed and honeysuckles
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A cod dark fantasy au that I've been working on. .Ghost is secretly a healer, and thinking he is the odd one out of the 141, for in human society, having abilities like these are rare but not unheard of, it's either they get praised like a blessing or casted out like a curse. Little did he know, there was more to his task force than it seems. Captain Price, Sergeant Garrick, Sergeant MacTavish and most of the team are monsters, beings that are dangerous as much as they are smart, they can swiftly change from human to their beastly forms, and they house soldiers who are like them. Monsters and Humans co-exist in this world, but they have their own realms, societies, culture, and such, different and same in a way. The average monsters are just as intelligent as the average men. You wouldn't tell that you entered a university for young fledgelings unless you see a girl with a floating head walk by or if you only noticed that the school is literally in the Appalachian mountains. By physical means however? Entirely different.
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These are one of Ghost's entries from his sketchbook/journal when he encountered an injured fox from one of his walks in the woods.
Ghost's backstory here will be similar to 09's but his famly never died because he managed to get them in time and some aspects. But he still got buried alive, causing him to quit military, left his family for their safety, and became a solo 'mercenary' (the closest thing to be called for his... occupation) for money, for a few years. Laswell and Price where the first to meet Simon during one of his 'missions', and they already became fond of him on how he carries himself and his blunt attitude then their interests second when they smelt such a sweet scent wafting off from him, like rain, rich earth, and honeysuckles. Ever since, Price would try to subtly be in the way of Simon's, like, ended up having the same target, sam intel, and their own missions would sometimes end up in the same location. Until Simon got rescued from a near-death experience one day, and that's when he got recruited. (Price made sure to note how Simon's blood was on his clothes with no wounds, as if he didn't got injured in the first place) The Task Force was wary of their new member, but Ghost proved himself, and now he is their respected commanding officer and reputable lieutenant, strict, protective, and there when you need. Of course, despite the years working with the team, he still hides his ability to heal and such, due to the exploitation of magic holders like him. So when really needed, he would numbify or heal his or his team's injuries during missions. He didn't want to scare his team out, he was already wears a freaky skull mask, and he didn't want to be seen as a freak. Oh, if he knew, how much the team treasures their healer. Monsters can heal their injuries way faster than human does, but this healer is a pearl, diamond in the rough. Already so protective of him even before knowing he was one. And they too was subtle on using their abilities as monster shifters, they didn't want to scare their treasure, and they would do so much for him. (So- basically, healer! Ghost doesn't know how much he got the task force wrapped around his finger. All are platonic except for Soap's ofc)
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worms-for-brains · 22 days
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Kate loves her wife’s cooking you cannot change my mind.
Kate: Have you ever seen a grown woman smile?
Kate: *smiles because her wife made her pot roast*
Kate: Now you have. Whenever I show emotion it shocks most of you-
The 141: 😨
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mindie-arts · 26 days
More cod ponies✨
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With pony ghost lore drop🫡✨ + Laswell
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bluegiragi · 25 days
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limitations (part 1)
early access + nsfw on patreon
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bigguyenthusiast · 3 months
141 and their captain’s assistant
- it all started with a comment made by Laswell, she mentioned to John how tired he seems, how his eye bags are growing heavier each day passing
- she recommended him to get an assistant, John declined the offer and tried to get back to work, but laswell already made the call, she knew how annoying John can be when it comes to getting help
- then enters a pretty little thing, your hair in a messy bun, glasses neatly resting on your pretty face, short pencil skirt hugging your curves perfectly
- John couldn’t help himself from staring, gawking at you like some horny teenager
- the boys began seeing you scurrying around the base more often, the first to approach you was Johnny of course
- his deep voice partnered with his thick Scottish accent made you subconsciously bite your lip, staring up at him with your big doe eyes, you don’t even mean to, it’s just that more than half of the people in here were 6feet+
- Johnny’s flirtatious nature made you giggle, lightened up your day, but not your boss’
- every time the Scott decided to drop by your desk to accompany you, he’d get scolded by his captain
- “don’t need you distracting her from her job”
- “it’s her break, cap, plus, she’ a good lass, I’m sure she’s on top of…all her work” the scott would throw you a wink before his captain orders him to run laps around the base
- next came gaz, since he’s always visiting his captain’s office for reports, he saw you at the new desk in the captain’s office, the aura around you not matching anything in the dim, old and boring office, you gave him a slight smile before returning to your paperwork
- but gaz wasn’t going to let that be the end of your interactions no no
- he’d walk up to you in the mess hall, as you’re loading your plate up, striking a conversation with you, making last long enough for him to lead you to a table with his other teammates
- you shyly but politely sit down and introduce yourself to the masked man who sat opposite of you, his brown eyes staring into yours as his arms stayed locked, he just nodded and replied “ghost”
- you figured he’s not a social one, the Scot and the Brit both kept asking you questions, some may have been a bit intrusive but maybe they’re just being friendly !
- “so why ar’ ye here?”
“Kate laswell requested that I work for John price for a few months to ease the paperwork load on him”
- “I’m sure there’s a different kind of load he’s trying to get you to ease off of him”
- the three of your heads snap to the silent man, his brown eyes seemed to be crinkled, suggesting he was grinning or smirking underneath that mask
- “OI! LT’s got jokes, but he doesn’t mean anything by it” Johnny tried to reassure you, glaring at Simon as you looked down at your food
- you excused yourself as you made your way back to price’s office, you saw him still there, no signs of him moving at all “captain ? Did you eat today?” You asked sweetly
- oh what this man wouldn’t give to have the honours of eating you for every meal of the day, to have you sprawled on his desk, papers sticking to your sweaty skin, your chest rising and falling as you try to quiet yourself so nobody hears what your captain is doing to you
- “captain” fuck he’d love to hear you moan his rank, begging him to be gentle, but he knows deep down you’re a dirty girl and you want your “captain ?!”
- John snapped out of his daydream, he looked up at you, you were leaning to the side trying to check on him “have you eaten today?” You asked again, a worried look in your eyes
- John nods, not looking you in the eyes “yeah yeah” he cleared his throat as he tried to get back to work, but your soft, smaller hand stopped him from grabbing his pen, his brown eyes looked up, ab eyebrow raised as if to ask ‘what are you doing?’
- “I’m sorry, captain but I can’t allow you to get back to work if you haven’t had food” you stated, your body trembling as you stood your ground
- truthfully, price can easily launch you across the room with one arm, he knows his limits, and you’re nowhere near it, but you were right, he does need to eat, and although he wishes he could order you to spread your pretty thighs for him and let him have his fun, he doesn’t want to lose such a pretty sight so fast
- he let go of the pen, leaning back on his office chair “I haven’t brought any food”
“The mess hall still have some food there”
- “I don’t eat that rubbish”
“Well too bad, you need to eat”
- ooh… I guess his little kitty got claws now
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stinglesswasp · 4 months
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Home (is where the heart is) - pt. 2/2 ❣
Bonus: Taxpayer Dollars lore
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Reader who joins the 141. (I.e something silly)
They take one look at you and laugh.
Soap tries on the usual charming disarming flirtation.
Gaz tries to ease you in, being sweet as pie.
Ghost fucking glowers at you.
Price just observes you from afar.
You have to stop yourself from smirking at their behaviour.
It’s like they don’t see anything but for the fact you have breasts.
But you disarm ordinance faster than Soap knows is possible.
You outshoot Gaz on the range and in tactical scenarios.
You sneak up on Ghost in the Sennybridge tunnels.
None of them can figure you out.
Price knows what kind of person you are yet you still one up him with your management skills.
You’ve managed to get the team to fight amongst themselves over who could beat you in X or Y contest.
You chuckle as you place tender little kisses to Kate’s lips.
“So, when are we telling them I’m your wife?” You ask as you dip your fingers below the waist of her sweatpants.
“Never,” Kate responds as she lets out a soft sigh as your fingers ghost along her clothed cunt, “I like to keep them guessing.”
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lights-on-the-ridge · 4 months
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my brain is so filled with the Siberia outfit
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thinking of his heater
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no seriously why did he do that creepy smile…..Kate PLEASE keep him on a leash😭🙏
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+ obligatory realism because i cant help myself… look at him
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shkretart · 6 months
some sketches
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Ghost forgets he wears a mask sometimes.
The remastered version of the OG prompt because that ending REALLY sets the fucking scene.
I'm sorry Gaz.
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shadow4-1 · 2 months
I'm just imagining getting so fed up with the 141's bad behavior that you threaten them with the line:
"I wonder if Laswell needs an assistant."
I'm sure this would 100% make the boys nervous because honestly, she does. And she'd be happy to take you on as her newest protégé.
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