#islamic terrorism
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Of all the countries in the world, the Iranian people and the Iranian regime might be the most divergent. You have the barbarous, murderous, genocidal regime on the one hand, and you have the Iranian people cheering on Israel on the other hand.
This is the flag of the Iranian people.
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The flag of the Islamic regime is not.
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fuck-hamas-go-israel · 8 months
“The attack by Hamas is just revenge for the years of oppression that Israel has inflicted upon Palestine because Israel is occupying their land.”
Okay. If it’s a territorial conflict, then tell me why across the worlds, protestors are literally chanting “F**k the Jews” and “G*s the Jews”.
Tell me why pro-Palestine students from university campuses across the world are attacking Jewish students.
If it’s a purely territorial dispute, why target the Jewish people across the world?
Stop trying to spin the terrorist attack by Hamas into something justifiable when Hamas themselves have called for the eradication of Israel and the Jewish people themselves.
Call it what it is. Antisemitism.
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eretzyisrael · 2 months
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mightyflamethrower · 8 months
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lifeisnowx · 8 months
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✡️❤️ The artwork with the Star of David on the Berlin Wall in the East Side gallery has often been the victim of antisemitism and is regularly desecrated. The painting has been there since 1990 and there have been more than 61 anitsemitic damages since then. It's still happening in 2023, and it shouldn't be! ❤️✡️
To celebrate and be happy that innocent people are being killed and kidnapped is disgusting. If anyone from my mutuals rejoices in this, please unfollow me. I find it disgusting that so many anti-Semites are using the "Pro-Paelstine" movement to blatantly spread antisemitism. Shame on you!
Hamas is a radical islamic terror organisation that aims to eliminate Israel and establish an Islamic state. Israel has to defend themselves.
Free Israel from Islamic terror!!! 🇮🇱
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forgotten-bharat · 4 months
The Martand Sun Temple, Kashmir
Dedicated to Lord Surya, Hinduism's principal sun god; Surya Dev is also recognized through his Sanskrit name Martand.
It was made by King Lalitaditya in around 5th Century A.D. and it was destructed by Muslim ruler Sikander Butshikan, under the advice of Sufi preacher Mir Muhammad Hamadani. It is believed that the was so strongly built that it took many days for its destruction.
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The temple has a colonnaded courtyard, with its primary shrine in its center and surrounded by 84 smaller shrines, stretching to be 220 feet long and 142 feet broad total and incorporating a smaller temple that was previously built.
The primary shrine is located in a centralised structure (the temple proper) that is thought to have had a pyramidal top - a common feature of the temples in Kashmir. Various wall carvings in the antechamber of the temple proper depict other gods, such as Vishnu Ji and river goddesses, such as Mata Ganga and Mata Yamuna, in addition to the sun-god Surya Dev.
How it must’ve looked ->
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snarkleharkle · 6 months
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This video is for everyone who supports Palestine. If you don't support Palestine, you can scroll.
What's Palestine? I am dead ass requesting you to tell me what's Palestine. Do you know who you're chanting for, and what you're chanting?
When you say "free Palestine" you are not talking about Gaza. Do you know that? Gaza is not Palestine.
"From the river to the sea, Palestine will be free." It is calling to end the existence of Israel. From the Jordan River to the Mediterranean Sea, which includes the West Bank and the Gaza Strip, and the entire state of Israel. The only Jewish state in the entire world.
7 million Jews and 2 million Arabs live here in peace. With your "free Palestine" idea, where do you want us to go? Where do you want us all to go? What do you think is gonna happen the day Israel stops existing? Do you not think that if Hamas takes over, if the damage they are already doing, having full control, full complete control over the tiny area that is Gaza, what do you think is gonna happen the day they have full complete control over the state of Israel?
What do you think is gonna happen to you? Chanting "free Palestine" in the streets right now. If you want freedom for the people of Gaza who, by the way, you guys are categorizing together as Palestinians, you have no idea who lives there. If you want freedom for these people, you stand with Israel to end whoever is actually occupying them.
Israel has never attacked Gaza unprovoked. Israel has never, ever, ever targeted the Gazan civilians during any war or any attack that we have inflicted upon Hamas and their terror targets, the places they hide their rockets and guns and ammunition, which are civilian homes, hospitals, schools.
The people of Gaza can't speak themselves against Hamas cause they know they'll be killed. You, from the comfort of your home in your Western country think that you can speak for the people of Gaza about who is inflicting terror on them.
500,000 Gazans cross to Israel every single day to work. Let me make something very, very clear. Since Israel left Gaza in 2005, Israel does not owe shit to Gaza. "The electricity, the water..." Why isn't Hamas providing those things to Gaza? Where is all the billions of dollars they are being sent constantly? We don't have to let Gazans come and work here. We don't have to give them food, electricity and water. We don't have to warn them to go out of their houses when we attack Hamas targets. We don't have to do anything. And somehow we are held to the standard that we do?
Hamas kills their political opponents. They have not held elections since they've been elected in 2006. Even after they have GoPro'ed a massacre of 1,300 people, not people killed by rockets - massacre by hand - you still don't know who they are. You still don't realize they do the same thing to the people of Gaza. You still support these people.
If you want Gaza to be free, you support Israel annihilating Hamas and freeing them of the people of Gaza. Once Gaza is free of Hamas, there will be peace.
Don't you think that if Israel was truly controlling Gaza and occupying Gaza, this wouldn't have happened. We would know what was going on there.
Wake up already. These terrorists are using your values against you. They are hiding in their terror tunnels right now alongside 199 hostages. These are not freedom fighters, these are bloodthirsty monsters.
Stop chanting these empty, empty slogans and wake up to see what is right in front of you.
"The siege, they have a fence around Gaza..." Have you seen what happens when they make one hole in the fence? Have you seen what happens in less than five hours to 1,300 people when they break through this fence?
This will never fail to amaze me. "Gaza's under siege! The fence around Gaza!" Do you mean the border? Somewhere that is not our territory? Same border that 500,000 Palestinians cross to make money here in Israel? The same border they can easily cross if they don't affiliate with Hamas or carry any weapon? The same border they have with their Egyptian brothers who do not allow them anywhere near their country?
And if after everything I said, you still support Hamas, there is no other way to say it: your values align with Hamas. And I'm being very, very gentle.
If you truly want peace, you stand with Israel.
Hamas is Gaza's Taliban. Hamas is Gaza's ISIS. Hamas is Gaza's Boko Haram. Hamas is Gaza's Iranian Regime.
Oct 7 was Israel's Mahsa Amini moment. Israel is doing this not just for the Israelis, but for the Gazans, who live in a terrorist regime.
If you rooted for the collapse of the Iranian Regime with #WomanLifeFreedom, then you root for the extermination of Hamas. Because they are the same exact problem.
How have people gotten so confused after only one year?
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secular-jew · 2 months
Muhammadsobir Fayzov, one of 4 Islamic Jihadis who murdered 137 at a concert in Moscow, wheeled into court (unconscious) after spending 2 days being interrogated by Russian authorities.
Meanwhile in the US, Dzhokhar A. Tsarnaev (Boston marathon bomber) enjoys the comforts of air conditioning, cable TV, a recreational yard and fan mail...
Maybe Russia's on to something.
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deborahdeshoftim5779 · 4 months
When then-Prime Minister Ariel Sharon ordered the unilateral withdrawal from the Gaza Strip, he and his associates promised that free from Israeli control or presence of any kind, the Palestinians would turn Gaza into a Singapore. The Association of Rape Crisis Centers’ report served as yet another reminder of how deluded they were. Rather than build a mini-Singapore, the Palestinians chose to organize themselves around the doctrine of jihad and its call to annihilate Israel. The Palestinians chose this path and continue to support it in Gaza, Judea and Samaria because they are a jihadist society. Jihad, meaning Islamic holy war for global domination. It seeks the extermination, subjugation and humiliation of its perceived enemies, starting with the Jews. The Palestinians have never hidden their jihadist sentiments and convictions. They call the Oct. 7 invasion and the current war “The Al-Aksa Flood.” Likewise, then PLO chief Yasser Arafat called the terror war he initiated against Israel in September 2000 the “Al-Aksa Intifada.” Palestinians view Al-Aksa, the mosque that stands at the center of the Temple Mount—Judaism’s holiest site—as the epicenter of their jihadist war to destroy the Jews and the Jewish state. Every aspect of Palestinian society is directed towards Al-Aksa.
Israeli-American commentator Caroline Glick in her latest column, Israel is both traumatized and sober-minded. Glick is one of those who saw straight through the fiction that offering the Palestinians a state would result in peace. As she says elsewhere in the article, Israelis understand today that October 7 was 'the outcome of Palestinian statehood'. Only those clinging to fashionable delusions and with a feeble understanding of the Middle East can continue to advance such a plan after October 7, 2023.
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mightyflamethrower · 8 months
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wanderrnest · 7 months
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Bin Laden would have been so proud of you guys 💞
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liberalbartokas · 2 months
For me it is clear the ingrained Antisemitism of people that attack and insult Israel and its Armed Forces actions in Gaza, while at the same time NEVER acknowledge and condemn Hamas for the horrific Oct 7th massacres, rapes, maimings, and kidnappings, of Israeli citizens, nor they demand the IMMEDIATE release of all the Israeli hostages. The war could stop tomorrow if the hostages were released by Hamas and its fellow terrorists, and if Hamas terrorists surrendered, instead of cowardly shielding themselves behind civilians in hospitals, schools, and tunnels that cost hundreds of millions of euros to build and maintain. This huge amount of money was diverted from civilian purposes, that could have tremendously improved daily life in Gaza. But Hamas and its masters in Teheran decided otherwise.
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woodrowwood · 6 months
Why is my feed flooded with Hamas propaganda? It's really annoying. Tumblr can do better than this.
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dianabletter · 7 months
Celebrating Life in the Midst of Hamas' War Against Israel
Why we will never let Islamic terrorists destroy the spirit of the Jewish people.
Here’s an update on Hamas’ war against Israel and a spark of light in the middle of all this darkness! If you want to read the article on the Times of Israel website, look here. The Times of Israel is one of the best sources of news. Every morning at dawn, I ride my bicycle to deliver coffee and tea to the soldiers stationed along the beach near where I live in Israel’s Western Galilee. I’ve…
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munaeem · 8 months
French President has condemned the "barbarity of Islamic terrorism" after a teacher was stabbed to death and two others were injured at a school in northern France.
In a tragic incident that has sent shockwaves across France, a teacher was brutally stabbed to death and two others were injured at a school in northern France. This horrifying act has prompted French President Emmanuel Macron to strongly condemn it, emphasizing that it is a manifestation of what he referred to as the “barbarity of Islamic terrorism.” It’s important to note that President…
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