If there’s anything Jews can learn from the Holocaust, it’s that some goys will turn their backs on us and even cheer for our destruction.
When we say “never again”, we don’t mean you will never again try to make attempts to destroy us, because history has shown that you just won’t stop.
We mean “never again” will we let you.
Apparently, according to goyim, we as Jews need to "learn from the holocaust".
I too was baffled when I heard this blatantly bullshit antisemitic statement. What do we have to learn from the Holocaust? Nothing.
If anyone does need to learn about the Holocaust, its the goyim who keep attempting to repeat it, October 7th being the most recent attempt. If we have to teach goyim not to kill us, so be it.
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"If I was a German in the 1940s I.." girl ur an antisemite in the 2020s its ok u didnt miss ur shot!
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Jews rlly popped off when we chose a religious symbol
like look at her: ✡︎
she’s such a vibe
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what happens when you comment free palestine on a video of a jew making challah
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The report showed more than 14,500 child deaths on May 6 but then changed it to 7,797 on May 8. It also revised its figure for women fatalities from more than 9,500 deaths to 4,959 deaths. The UN attributed its original, higher figures to the Hamas-controlled Government Media Office (GMO) in Gaza. The UN gave no source for the lower figures in its May 8 update, but the figures precisely match those from the Gaza Ministry of Health, also controlled by Hamas. (This begs the question, how can we accept the new numbers as being any more accurate than the old ones?)
I mean Hamas has every reason to lie about these figures. We've been saying it from the start.
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You didn't pay attention when "hospital bombed by IDF killing 500" was fed to the news by Hamas and by the next day the story had changed to "Palestinian Islamic Jihad rocket falls short and hits parking lot of the hospital, possibly killing dozens".
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Can I sprinkle some goy joy in your inbox? I'm not jewish but I am with Israel all the way. I want the palestinian and the jewish people to be okay. People can coexist. Fuck Hamas.
Thank you kindly, anon 🇮🇱
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Update on more deranged things that have been floating around:
- The feud between Drake & Kendrick Lamar is an attempt to “distract” the world from Rafah
- The Met Gala is also a distraction orchestrated by the Jewish-controlled media to steer public attention away from Palestine
- Israel controls Eurovision and that’s how Israel placed so high in the finals
I’ve seen some people say the Mossad and CIA are behind the terrorist attack in Russia, AND the ship accident that caused a bridge to collapse in Baltimore, in order to “distract the world”.
Can’t wait to see what’s next.
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Well well well…
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Unusually proud of my country for once - we gave our highest public vote to Israel.
For a fleeting moment, we said bollocks to propaganda and said "We see you in your grief when it's been entirely ignored and we aren't here for the hatred." 🇮🇱🇬🇧
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Every time I see a pro-Israel post in the wild, I take somewhere between $200 - $1k out of my trust and donate it directly to a Palestinian family or place a large order to a pro-Palestine business. Just spreading the word :)
Thanks for sharing! Do you get tax write-offs? 🤭
עם ישראל חי
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What's it like being a terrible person? I imagine you might know, deep down, how brainwashed you are. "Israel" is stolen land. You deserve nothing.
Well, honestly, it’s tiring at times, but as a professional Terrible Person™️ , you get used to it.
I can also imagine that deep down, you might know that sending a cowardly, anonymous message to a stranger doesn’t achieve anything at all. But you still do it anyway, right?
עם ישראל חי 🇮🇱
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Me sleeping knowing that I’m Jewish and proud of my people culture and religion and that we’ll still be here even after every other civilization crumbles and disappears:
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to my fellow jews: this is violent.
i am only posting this because what happened to her has been erased from the narrative. news outlets aren’t even investigating to see if she’s okay.
california pro palestine protestors already killed a jewish man this year. will this assault not be seen as a hate crime either?
if anyone finds out her name, please let me know. i want to see if she’s okay. sending refuah shlema to her. if i find it, i will post an update on how she is doing.
let’s all pray for her.
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fuck-hamas-go-israel · 2 months
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If this meme upsets you, it was meant for you
have the day you deserve
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fuck-hamas-go-israel · 2 months
Preaching to the choir here but many of these boycotts have nothing to do with Israel. They’re hypocritical and plain antisemitic in many cases, like when people wanted to boycott Dune 2 and the new James Bond films just because Timothee Chalamet and Aaron Taylor-Johnson are Jewish.
That being said, the spate of boycott lists and apps have been so helpful in telling me which brands and products to support 🤩 makes shopping so much easier.
Boycotting 620 companies is not going to work
I saw this list which has 620 companies to boycott.
Firstly, there are so many companies on the list which are there for stupid reasons, example:
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Guess you cannot condemm mass rape without being deserving of a boycott.
Not to mention Justin Beiber is on the list for an instagram post he made on Oct 11th giving his support for all those affected by Oct 7th in Israel. I guess not wanting innocent civlians to die is bad as long as their government does bad things
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This time straight up antisemitism in the next example
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World Jewish Congress (WJC) whilst are zionists, they want a peaceful two state solution and their main focus is on stopping antisemitism. I didn't know that preventing and stopping antisemitism was boycott worthy.
Now that we have the straight up stupid examples out the way, boycotting 620 companies and brands is simply not doable. Sorry to break it to ya, but it is not possible for a person to avoid 620 different brands and companies.
Going for 620 different brands and companies makes this boycott weak and unsustainable. If you want a sucessful boycott, you go for one or a few brands and companies at a time.
If anyone wants a laugh, i reccomend going through all the companies and brands to boycott. Youtube and Vidcon are also on the list.
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fuck-hamas-go-israel · 2 months
it's "don't let yourself be radicalized" until you tell them to not support terrorist organisation or wish death onto people they see as evil.
if you think death threats are good when the person "deserves it", you're radicalized.
if you think supporting an organisation that have committed multiple crimes and is known for being terrorists, you're radicalized.
if you dehumanize the other side and believe they're evil/bloodthirsty/animals/brainwashed, you're radicalized.
if you think blind violence against regular people and small businesses is good when it's for the "right" cause, you're radicalized.
if you think children and minors are monsters for being born into a world that taught them to support the opposite side, you're radicalized.
even the most vile person on the planet is still human, if a movement tells you some people are less human because of their race, religion, gender, sexuality, or political beliefs:
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fuck-hamas-go-israel · 2 months
I’d like to give a shoutout to our allies, people and countries alike 🇮🇱
We see you, and we appreciate you 💙🤍
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