chironshorseass · 2 years
honestly tragic we never got so see percy fight (and win) against Mars. Imagine defeating the same god in different versions TWICE!
ahh yes. the legendary story of perseus jackson, the godkiller.
percy did not kneel for mars when he was at camp jupiter. mars, the protector of rome, second to only jupiter, and percy!!! did!! not!!! kneel like the rest!!! percy also says something along the lines of "i fought you before" but he doesn't remember, and as mars, the god tells him that he could not beat him. as ares percy could've won in the fight maybe, but he could never win with him as mars. so imagine if percy's like "bet." and challenges him to a duel and they swear on the styx to not go against the other in any way shape or form after if they survive...... and mars laughs bc duh, he'll just kill that little shit who dares go against him. whatever. so he agrees LOL and the romans see all this unfold w horror, but they cant do anything. another LOL.
they fight and percy fucking beheads him and after he regenerates (bc he's a god) he can't curse him LOL. BUT mars doesn't need to bc the romans all attack percy, and he fucking dies, but since the doors of death don't fucking work he comes back from the dead à la centurion gwen. so, funny story. That Happens, and still frank asks him to join his quest to return the eagle or whatever, reyna and the senate discuss this, and percy's like "uhhhhh did y'all just kill me and now y'all want me to help rome survive?? ok awkward. i'll only do it because i like frank and hazel and they'll probably die without me xo u can all go to hell." off they go on the quest. hazel tells percy first about pluto's curse and that she's from the 40's bc she just trusts him a lot and also because he can relate since he also died and came back. frank is a bit scared of him but they quickly reconcile.... like it's ok. u beheaded my dad, but he can be a dick i get it :) and the funniest shit ever is that, when the eagle is retrieved, the romans make him praetor.
*camper voice* then he steps down from his role as praetor because "eh, it's no biggie" and proceeds to fall into tartarus with his girlfriend. even funnier story..... the primordial goddess of misery tries to kill him but he flips an uno reverse card and kills her instead by making her choke on her own tears. haha. yeah that's what i heard, anyway. they don't call him perseus jackson the godkiller for nothing. um so yeah i think even monsters and gods are scared of him and yeah he could've already died and started another war in the process, but nepotism is strong and so is his daddy. also, who knows? maybe he's impossible to kill. maybe he's a god himself. oh!! rumor has it that poseidon and sally jackson had another baby together. yeah i know what u think, but she's hot. i saw her with mine own eyes. let's pray for the future of mankind, amiright?
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monumental-darkness · 2 years
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st0rmy-fr · 2 years
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would you like some horrific dragons in this trying time?
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txchikaze · 2 years
🖊 owo?
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--- you know.. i know i reblogged this meme and i KNOW that is a pen emoji but this coming from Gin i thought it was a knife for a sec
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agaybloodhunter · 3 years
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oh, sweet godkiller.... what ARE we going to do with you?
Temperance (they/he) is my PC for the upcoming Godkiller podcast (& ttrpg game 👀?) but in the meantime, they just get to float around in their ambiguous, bloody mistakes 🤗
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midnightactual · 3 years
Working off of (and just being a nerd getting excited over) your post about uncalled Kido, Gin uses Sentan Hakuja twice without ever saying it out loud / no incantation. Once, to transport him and Aizen to Rukia during that arc, and a second time to grab Rangiku and carry her away from Aizen, though that instance is blink-and-you-miss-it details in the manga, even less obvious in the anime.
There's also the matter of Hakufuku with Rangiku. I'm still wondering how the fuck Gin managed to hide her reiatsu from Aizen's perception.
Though Gin's listed as a Kido Practitioner on the Bleach Wiki -- simply because there's no other instances of him using Kido -- I think it's notable that the only times he has used Kido are instances in which he never says a word to indicate he's casting one. Kinda goes hand-in-hand with the unspoken Shikai moments he has, too, where Shinso's invoked after its already been shot. I'd love to hear your thoughts on that, or if I've maybe missed something? I dunno, I always love your meta posts and the worldbuilding and research you pour into your writing is a personal goal of mine to achieve. I also just got all excited like a dog when I saw this latest post because hEY MY MUSE'S DONE THAT HEY COOL --
Anyways, don't mind me, have a great day.
I think the idea that Gin is way more skilled at Kidō than he lets on is pretty substantiated and believable. From how Kenpachi's (lack of) proficiency in Hohō and Kendō is treated as an exception, it'd make sense that others be highly proficient in Kidō.
With regard to Hakufuku, we also see Aizen being unable to see into the barrier which Isshin puts up to shield himself and Ichigo in Fake Karakura, so I could envisage Gin doing something similar that Aizen simply can't see through—Aizen is very clearly treated as finite in his abilities and other people routinely confound his senses and outperform his expectations. (He was, for example, unprepared for Shunkō, had no idea what was up with post-Dangai Ichigo, and so on.)
I think that uncalled casting makes particular sense for Gin given his focus on quick strikes without warning, so I could easily believe it was something he particularly focused on. With regard to his Shikai, it's not clear if casting in advance is a thing or not, or how the declaration needs to be timed vis-à-vis the effect. Like for example, I believe Ichigo is often charging up Getsuga Tenshō before calling and firing it? Gin's Shikai might work similarly if so...
(I'm going on about this stuff because how Shunkō works is weird and I'm trying to build up a base understanding before addressing it.)
Anyway, thank you for taking the time to read that and send in your thoughts! Knowing this stuff is useful and appreciated is always nice to hear!
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gingerly-writing · 4 years
Prompt #2578
“Hey, killed any gods yet this week?”
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epireancrusade · 3 years
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Not 40K related, but...
Do you have a moment to talk about a huge troll woman? No? Too bad.
Thurinn is a troll berserker living in Alwoerin, a fantasy world of my creation. She’s a pretty important character in my on-going web comic God-Killer, and it can be found behind this link: https://godkiller.alwoerin.com/
She was originally created to be a minor character in the first comic I made about Alwoerin, but her straightforward way of dealing with life captivated both me and many of my readers, and she is now one of my best known creations. She’s a mercenary who quite often ends up in the middle of big events and it usually leads to a pretty violent showdown. The reasons behind her creation were that I had (and still have) a mighty need to create adventure comics with shamelessly powerful woman as their leads.Thurinn does not exist for the male gaze and although she’s a very sexual person, she’s not sexualized, it’s more the opposite. She takes what she wants and kills what she doesn’t like.
About she being a troll: My view of these hairy and lovely creatures comes from Finnish folklore. In those stories trolls are not the lumbering idiots of Tolkien’s books, but intelligent and partly feral creatures who are part of the forest folk (metsän väki).
I love grimdark as a genre, and I’m known in Finland as the sole artist who oes it in here, but I just never understood the amount of sexism in a big part of the fiction surrounding it. Therefore I have been doing the thing that led me to creating comics in the first place: If I want to see and read something, it’s better just to do it myself.
I would love to see more strong women in sci-fi and fantasy stories, and I would happily see and hear about other people’s creations as well. Show me your barbarian queens, space mercenaries and the women who kick ass.
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just-short-stories · 4 years
Dark Percy Jackson | The Godkiller
After the war Percy turns seventeen and he just... understands.
Luke was right all along. He might not have taken the right way to achieve his goal but he was right.
The gods are selfish and they don't care for their kids, not even in the slightest. They don't care for promises either. The last two wars are great examples for that.
They broke the oath, knowing that their children would have ro deal with the consequences. Zeus even broke it twice.
They didn't free Calypso.
They didn't acknowledge their kids and help them in the war against Gaia until the very end.
They didn't become better rulers.
All that Percy started ro realize. But he shoved these thoughts deep, deep down into his own mind. Trying to forget seemed like the easiest way to cope.
But they haunt him. Percy knows, one day he'll snap and he doesn't know if he will survive it.
Because of that he breaks up with Annabeth so she doesn't feel the guilt of not stopping him.
He says goodbye to camp and the rest of the seven through little gifts. A new dagger here, a way to contact the mortal family there,...
It takes him a while to make a decision on what to do but when two ten year olds are send on a quest to find Aphrodites mirror and don't come back, he finally gives in.
He marches up to Olympus, alone. He doesn't want to drag anyone else into this. He stands before the 'mighty' Olympians and doesn't bow or beg, he demands.
'Look after your kids, be their parents, and don't let them die if you can help. Stop behaving like children and act like kings and queens, like the rulers of kingdoms you are. Acknowledge the minor gods, all those you claim beneath you, and give them a voice.'
That's all he asks. Common sense is what he calls it, they say it's not in his place to decide what they do. 'Leave now', they tell him and go back to bickering.
But Percy didn't come all this way to be ignored. No, he was going to be heard. And so he screams, lets it all out.
His last thought is about Annabeth. 'I'm sorry', he thinks, 'for breaking my promise'.
That day 3 Olympians faded out of existence as their own ichor fought against them. 24 minor gods died and it would take years for them to return because of the massive earthquake that rattled Olympus.
That day Percy Jackson died. It took the power of the big three combined to take him down.
The camp was told he died on a quest and the earthquake was Poseidons anger. Everybody knew that wasn't the truth, that Percy Jackson wouldn't have died because of something so insignificant. That even Poseidon isn't strong enough to cause such an earthquake.
But in the end, it changed nothing. The years went by and people forgot. There were several more rebellions, but none were successful. The demigods were nothing in comparison to the Olympians.
The story of Percy Jackson, Hero of Olympus, Godkiller, was forgotten.
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monkifuraibo · 2 years
❛  are  you  here  to  try ' n kill  me ?  ❜ ask prompt; questioning minds.
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--- "We're prolly past that.." He replies, watching Ichimaru closely, as though he may suddenly transform into something more bestial. Something wickeder even than what Renji already knows him as. The place they find themselves in might be considered a good murder spot. Just outside the bounds of the seireitei. The Rukongai rolls off both their mothertongues, so he supposes Ichimaru is just as familiar with the lurking dangers here. The shelter of trees both treacherous and blessed. A hide-away and a cover for sinful deeds. Though, that is not what Renji is here for. And in all reality, he hadn't meant to run into the reinstated traitor.
"I ought to." Try, at the very least. Succeed, he isn't sure, but he ought to try. For Izuru's sake. It just feels terribly futile now. And if anyone were to be allowed to do such a thing, it should be him, shouldn't it?
But here they were, in reality. And there was no use going against someone that had been considered pardoned.
"Won't be callin' ya cap'n, though." He doesn't care if that is considered insubordination. Gin can report him, if he's offended. Renji has long since decided he will not bow for rules he does not agree with anymore.
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kingsmakers · 3 years
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Maddie writes too many original stories
Arryn Birkett knows the story of the Godfall. Hell, who doesn’t? Three hundred years ago, the demi-gods rose up against the Titans and Olympians. After a long war, the demi-gods stole their immortality and stripped them of all but a spark of their power, sentencing them to a drawn-out mortal existence as punishment for their crimes. One by one the gods were hunted down and killed, and the demi-gods reigned supreme, no less callous than their predecessors.
What’s kind of bullshit is that Arryn has grown up knowing she’s the last of the demi-gods, a fact that could get her captured or killed by her ambitious half-siblings and cousins. So she does her best to blend in, pretend to be mortal, live her best life. But when you’re born to stand out, something’s gotta give, and Arryn has to kiss her normal life goodbye and decide: will she run from her destiny, or accept it?
But even as Arryn descends into the decadent world of the demi-gods, she learns maybe Godfall isn’t what she thought. As centuries of truth and lies become harder to tell apart, and the secrets of the past unfold, Arryn realises she might be more dangerous than even the demi-gods could have anticipated.
Forever tag: @poe-tato-dameron @drbobbimorse @itsjustgracy @prophecy-grrl @thanksbutnoshanks @ocfairygodmother @dakotajohnsom @perfectlystiles @darkwolf76 @villanele @foxesandmagic @oreostars @moirei @princes-jasmine @butcherofblackwater @fiercefray @papergirlverse @lostiintheocean @mystic-scripture @misshiraeth98 @a-song-of-quill-and-feather @booty-boggins @randomfandomingwrites @stareyedplanet @randomestfandoms @delicateblackrose @eddysocs
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wayfarersblog · 3 years
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Do you have a moment to talk about a huge troll woman? No? Too bad.
Thurinn is a troll berserker living in Alwoerin, a fantasy world of my creation. She’s a pretty important character in my on-going web comic God-Killer, and it can be found behind this link: https://godkiller.alwoerin.com/
She was originally created to be a minor character in the first comic I made about Alwoerin, but her straightforward way of dealing with life captivated both me and many of my readers, and she is now one of my best known creations. She’s a mercenary who quite often ends up in the middle of big events and it usually leads to a pretty violent showdown. The reasons behind her creation were that I had (and still have) a mighty need to create adventure comics with shamelessly powerful woman as their leads.Thurinn does not exist for the male gaze and although she’s a very sexual person, she’s not sexualized, it’s more the opposite. She takes what she wants and kills what she doesn’t like.
I love grimdark as a genre, and I’m known in Finland as the sole artist who oes it in here, but I just never understood the amount of sexism in a big part of the fiction surrounding it. Therefore I have been doing the thing that led me to creating comics in the first place: If I want to see and read something, it’s better just to do it myself.
I would love to see more strong women in sci-fi and fantasy stories, and I would happily see and hear about other people’s creations as well. Show me your barbarian queens, space mercenaries and the women who kick ass.
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agaybloodhunter · 4 years
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poor temm, I always forget to draw their glasses smh
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struppi017 · 3 years
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So this one is a slightly bit more loose prompt. But swords slice ok 😂
So today I present you Wonder Woman's Godkiller
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Here are your doggos @unicornaffair 🐶🤣
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momxku · 3 years
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--- If Hisagi cannot hold his own, perhaps it had been a mistake, bringing him here..
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sharemycosplay · 4 years
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#Cosplayer @realqueenofthejungle standing strong as #WonderWoman. #cosplay #dceu . . Photo @alantijerina . . . . #wonderwomancosplay #wonderwomancostume #wonder #woman #dc #dccosplay #dccosplayer #fanexpodallas #dallasfanexpo #fanexpo #amazonian #amazonwomen #dianaprince #justiceleague #justiceleaguecosplay #godkiller #demigod #sexycosplayer #sharemycosplay https://www.instagram.com/p/B-9o19NDbvP/?igshid=1bslqz0j4g814
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