Jason not telling anyone about his birthday is just... So sad on so many levels.. and literally nobody in the fandom talks about it (so I will duh)..only Piper had to figure it out and ask him about it, even then, he was embarassed to admit it.. proves how much nobody ever made him feel special about his true self or ever told him that he was worth being born :( He feels ashamed about making his birthday about himself even though that's the whole point of birthdays, because he feels that he isn't important enough :(
he just shrugs off his birthday, a day that is supposed to be about you, because "they have bigger problems". He has been told his whole life, to shrug off his own personal issues to put everyone else above him in the Roman legion, that not even birthdays make much sense for him.
Jason never ended up telling anyone about his birthday in the end either. Only Piper and Thalia knew. And his only known birthday was the day Annabeth and Percy fell into tartarus.
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lilislegacy · 1 day
i think that when annabeth and percy move to california for college, they start having dinner with annabeth’s family once every 1-2 weeks. it’s probably a little tense at first, and annabeth is likely anxious about it. percy could either be pissed off and angry with them about how they treated her, or he could be really nice and trying to diffuse the tension to make things easier for annabeth.
but either way, i think one thing would be abundantly clear: percy is her family. not them. at least, not in the ways that matter.
mr. and mrs. chase have probably only ever seen annabeth with her walls up. never letting her guard down. she’s always tough around them, and never lets herself become trusting of them. because she has to protect herself from letting them hurt her again. as a young child, she felt unloved and resented by them enough that she preferred the cold dangerous streets to being with them. so even if their relationship begins to grow better - and i really do think it gets good eventually - she’s careful around them. she protects herself, and therefore isn’t super warm and fuzzy around them. since she’s grown up, there’s a good chance they’ve never seen her show true emotion. they’ve probably never seen a true smile from her. they’ve probably never seen her lean on someone.
but then she brings percy. they would see that the 14 year old little boy who they once met grew up into a tall, striking, intimidating young man. he has the same look in his unique sea green eyes that makes you know he’s been through horrible trauma. he’s carried the weight of the world on his shoulders. (literally). the rest of him may appear 18, but his eyes look 100 years old. he’s the first person they’ve really known who is like annabeth in that way.
and here’s the thing: percy and annabeth are a team. there’s an unbreakable bond between them. they move and fight as one. they are best friends in the whole world, and it’s clear to anyone who sees them. but they are also hopelessly in love, and that’s also clear to anyone who sees them. so imagine annabeth’s family, who’ve only ever known her to be distinctly independent and closed off, seeing her and percy holding hands. seeing them sit so close together that they’re nearly on top of each other. seeing her put her hand on his arm and kiss his cheek, or seeing him wrap his arms around her and gently kiss her forehead. and nevermind the touches, imagine them seeing her just look at him. a look full of vulnerability and adoration and complete trust. full of love and warmth and emotion. because that’s who annabeth really is. she’s emotional and sensitive and warm. but she’s always had to be someone else around her family, because in her mind, the true her wasn’t good enough for them.
but now they see her, all grown up, and with this young man by her side who is clearly her everything. and i think it would be a punch to the gut seeing them together. because it would be the first time they realize that she doesn’t think of them as her family. percy is her family, and percy alone. annabeth does not regard them - her own dad and step-mom and brothers - as her real family. percy fills that role all by himself. and it’s entirely their own fault.
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suremaybeiguess · 15 hours
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I just wanted to doodle them again tbh
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willthespy · 2 days
I’ve been inactive so have this little doodle I drew on my phone (Will following Nico w his little medkit.)
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Yes, someone looked at me when i drew this.
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demigods-posts · 3 days
One power we don't talk enough about is percy's abilities with boats.
Like, he can control boats, like he did in som and tmoa and has perfect bearings at sea!!
Imagine the possibilities
i recently re-read that scene in the sea of monsters where the boat responds to percy's commands. ropes tying themselves, and all that jazz. i forgot how cool it was that power was, and i'd love to see more of it. glad to see we share the same idea lol
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forrpercyy · 1 day
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mediumgayitalian · 1 day
“I’d pick you up at the airport.”
“If we were normal. I would — have one of those signs, you know. When you came back from your adventures.”
“Oh.” Nico snorts. “I’m still fucking off all the time when we’re normal? And you’re not coming?”
“It is woven within your very soul to fuck off as you please,” says Will sagely. “You get antsy. You know, like a house cat.”
He laughs when Nico shoves him. Less when he loses his balance and rolls into a tree, but he crawls back, anyway, kicking Nico’s ankle as he lies back next to him, folding his hands over his ribs. Nico watches him for a moment, tracing the round edges of his knuckles, until Will’s smile begins to twitch with him knowing, and he looks hastily back to the sky. It’s embarrassing, Will’s snorting huff of amusement, but more than that it’s electrifying, zapping a trail down Nico’s spine and making him shiver.
He can feel the heat Will is always throwing off, blazing every centimetre from his shoulder to his heels, a hair’s breadth away, a millimetre of distance.
“What else would it look like?” He clears his throat. “Our, um. Our normal?”
Will hums. “New York, probably. Big-ass penthouse with your trust fund.”
“I’m a trust fund baby?!”
“Hey, Nico, how much does dish soap cost?”
Nico opens his mouth, and closes it again. Will’s snickers get louder. Is it considered bad etiquette to banish one’s significant annoyance to the Underworld? Only permanently, probably. If he only keeps him there for a couple weeks it should be find. A couple weeks would be appropriately humbling.
“And what do you contribute?” Nico asks, instead of answering. (Not because he doesn’t know. Obviously. Because he is dignified, that’s why.) “Your dimples and boyish charm?”
“Yes, obviously.”
“…Okay, fair.”
Will snickers triumphantly.
“You still a doctor?”
“Mhm.” Will shifts, mouth curled in amusement. “Paediatric in Mount Sinai. We live close, by the way. You said it’s cause it’s close to Central Park but really you like to hide my lunch in the mornings to have an excuse to come see me.”
“Sounds like you forget your shit a lot, actually.”
“That, too.”
He looks over and smiles at Nico and for a moment he is convinced, wholly genuinely and truly, that the sun that’s been hiding behind the clouds all day has finally peeked out, because he can actually feel his whole body warm, in that slow-rising, penetrating way; he can actually smell the surge of sunshine in the air, feel the red glow in the backs of his eyelids, taste the brightness of the light. Every one of his neurons sinks into his system, sighing, cells reacting to thousands of years of memory of the gentle warm of the Earth’s closest star.
But the sun is not shining, and there is only Will, and his too-big teeth brush against the bottom of his lip, and his dimples show, and his eyes crinkle, and he is more radiant in even his old stained camp shirt and fraying jean shorts than his father has ever been and could ever hope to be. A thousand planets could thrive under a hundred blazing stars and none could come close to him. He knows it, how those ancients felt, the drunken surety as they stood and challenged the gods, swore up and down that their beloveds outshone Venus, Diana, Juno; Will does, Will does, and Nico understands intimately the hubris in a way he scoffed at as a child, because the words bubble and boil and threaten bursting inside of him now. What claim have the Olympians? Over sunlight? Over beauty? Over Will?
“We’re happy?” he says instead, choking hoarsely over the veneer words, over the blocked desperation, truth. “In our normal, we’re happy?”
“Always,” Will whispers. He twists onto his knees, crawling the two inches over to press close, close, closely, hand gentle on Nico’s stomach when he tries to sit up, and presses his lips to Nico’s cheek, dry, twitching with his smile, shaking with his laughter. Nothing is funny, and he isn’t joking, but Nico can feel the giddiness bubbling up and out of him the way sadness flows out in tears; when Will is giddy he giggles, constantly, hiding it barely in his hands, and now he presses it into Nico’s skin, because he knows how Nico aches to hear it, how he watches him like he’s burning it into the ridges of his brain. “I am always happy with you, Niccolò.”
“I love you,” Nico says, fiercely, and it will never be enough, not in English, not in Italian, not in Greek, but he will try. “Te amo. Capiscimi? I love you, Will, I —”
“I know.” The tiny little vibrations of his laughter are — intoxicating; Nico is drunk, ascending. “I know, di Angelo. Sap. I love you, I know.”
He dissolved into giggles into the crook of Nico’s neck, and Nico is lying, still, facing the clouds, and he is warmed, and he is warmed, and he is warmed.
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modawg · 1 day
i feel like no one aside from the reader truly understands how insanely loving percabeth is
the amount of trust and knowledge they have of eachother
they’re truly obsessed
gave up immortality from artemis
searched for percy for 2 weeks when he exploded in the volcano
took a poison dagger for him
punched his bully in the face
gave up immortality on circe’s island
searched for him for 6+ months and regularly checked on his family while he was gone
gave up immortality on calypso’s island
hijacked a quest so he could go find her instead of just waiting like everyone else
stood infront of her multiple times to keep her safe
gave up immortality and a place in olympus by the gods
searched and only thought of her when he was on the run for 2 months and she was the only one he remembered
grabbed and fell into tartarus for/with her
and this is just stuff i thought of off the top of my head
like OBSESSED there isn’t a world where they aren’t together and they truly are like romeo and juliet taking bullets for eachother they simply just refuse to die
also idk why but i keep seeing ppl talking abt if annabeth had fallen into tartarus without percy and i genuinely don’t think there’s a universe where he would’ve allowed that to happen and he would’ve gone ape shit fighting whoever to jump down that hole to go with her
same with annabeth but i think it would’ve been easier for them to like chain her to the argo in comparison to percy but she would’ve actually hurt people trying to help him
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libbyfausett · 2 days
Underrated Percabeth moment: “if I had to pick someone to reattach my head, I’d choose you”
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freddie-77-ao3 · 3 days
will: *showing cecil a pic of nico wearing a ring and looking fab* he said yes!!! cecil: Said yes to what? What was the question? will: Will you marry me? cecil: ??? no
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normal people ending an iris message: *sweeps their hand through the image and it disappears*
these lovesick kids: *elaborate ritual where they lie down, roll towards each other, fantasise about the other person (who they saw an hour ago) till the image disappears*
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i love them
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Whenever I think of Camp Jupiter.. I just get so.. mad. Knowing that even after 11 years of Jason's sheer service, even after the fact that he dedicated his whole life to Rome at the age of 2, a ripe CHILD, a BABY, nobody even cared to look for him even 6 months after his disappearance..??
Nobody went "I miss Jason!" Like everyone did in Camp half blood for Percy, even the hunters of Artemis went out of their way to look for him. Jason's "friends" Dakota or Gwendolyn never spared a glance at his direction, his friendship with Reyna was fractured because of communication issues, etc.
Camp Jupiter was, realistically NOTHING without Jason (and Reyna duh) yet they have the audacity to neglect him.
And then they cheaply "made up" for it by giving him some grand state funeral. What's the point? His body was wrapped in an expensive silk, but his soul left that world feeling useless and unwanted. An expensive fancy funeral isnt going to change that.
His funeral was dark and empty, because not a single one of his Greek friends could make it.
Jason Grace was doomed to be chained to the clutches of the soulless camp of Rome till the very end. Like Michael Varus said "born a roman, die a roman"
Camp Jupiter was more or less a dystopian society covered up with beautiful architecture. Like shiny fake gold that wears off its glow.
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percexe · 3 days
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oc train keeps on goin
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stressedanime · 3 days
thinking about nico, who should be weary of thunderstorms bc of the big man upstairs, sitting outside in the rain and watching the lightning because it reminds him of jason
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Hi, if you want to do it I would really appreciate it, you can do an imagine Percy Jackson x Female reader daughter of Hades where she is very close to her godly Father (Hades best father) they are very close and she and Percy are dating and Hades finds out, Can you tell me what their confrontation with Jealous Hades would be like with his daughter and Percy with that affronting and sarcastic way of his?
*inspo from b99, jake meeting amy's dad*
Get. Away. From. My. Daughter.
[percy jackson x f!reader]
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" Or I will. skin. you"
" So you can just control your daughter's life?"
"No-, ugh you, Perseus Jackson, are so infuriating."
You love Percy, of course you do, but when he asked to meet Hades you freaked. He was hurt, sadly, but he quickly understood why after this.
Though, unfortunately for you, your man is a very, very, maddening person.
A large bang caught your attention as Percy leaned in, a mischievous grin crossing his face. You both snapped your eyes toward the door while the dark energy surrounding the Underworld crawled close to you.
The guilty sighs coming from both Nico and Will helped you discern what was going on.
" We tried, [Name]. I'm sorry..." Will apologized. You smiled and shook them off as you placed your focus on your very angry father.
"[NAME], why would you even think about dating this mediocre, dense, child?"
You groaned but before you could say anything, your, mediocre, dense, boyfriend, interrupted you.
"Maybe it's because she likes my, mediocre, dense, brain!"
Hades nearly lost it...
So, of course Percy made it worse by twirling you to face him and kissing you on the forehead knowing full well that your dad would lose his shit.
"Get. Away. From. My. Daughter, Or I will skin you alive."
"So you think you can just control your daughter's life?"
"No- ugh, you, Perseus Jackson, are an infuriating person! [Name], are you sure this is the person you want to spend a while in your life with?"
Percy got increasingly offended.
"A while? Why can't she spend a lifetime with me?"
Hades laughed in your boyfriends face, before retorting. "My daughter has the ability to gain men much better than you ever could be."
That was when you butt in. "How dare you say that Percy isn't a man that deserves me?"
"It's alright, Rosie, he's not wrong." Percy chuckled, antagonized by the truth he could see your dad's words.
"No, you deserve me and I deserve you, and my father doesn't have the right to call my romantic choice 'mediocre' because this isn't the 1800s and he can't sell me for two sheep."
Percy smiled gently towards you as you scolded your surprised dad just for him.
Hades sighed, looking at the gaze that your lover held for you. He could see the love that he had long ago refused to believe that Poseidon's demigod son could hold for someone that wasn't himself just like his father.
But that moment was what helped Hades realize that he can't control the fact that you are your own woman who can choose who you want to love...
hope you like it!
sorry it took me so long (ノへ ̄、)
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neo-kid-funk · 2 days
stop your Leo makes me giggle and kick my feey
O yah everybody loves Leo!!! He's baby gurl fr
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