#friendly reminder
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created using picasion glitter maker
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erraticprocrastinator · 4 months
A reminder to all my lovely fellow writers: progress is progress, even when it isn't. Writing four thousand words in a session is progress. Writing a hundred words in a session is progress. Removing an entire scene because it doesn't flow well is progress. Rethinking your plan for the plot in order to get unstuck is progress. Development looks different for every writer and every story.
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albino-whumpee · 2 years
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emilysdiaryofficial · 8 months
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Just a potato princess ready to serve~♡
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chellychuu · 2 months
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Your health is important! (*´ω`*)
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anniespositivity · 10 months
Friendly reminder that you do not have to be on adventures and experience new things all the time. You might feel this pressure to do "cool" things every day just so you can tell other people what you did. But darling, you should live your life for yourself, not for the stories you might be able to tell. All you really need to do is be. Be in the moment. Be kind to yourself. Be there for yourself. Listen to your soul, listen to what it craves. Go on adventures and explore the world for the right reasons. Rest and recover when your body tells you to. I know that sometimes when you stand still, there can be a lot of uneasiness, because you think you have to go somewhere and do something amazing. But remember: It is absolutely okay to have days where all you do is breathe and take it easy. There is so much meaning in the slow days as well, my love.
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heywriters · 7 months
Everyone who was/is dedicated to tagging Goncharov as "unreality" pls do the same with AI images.
Untagged fake photos are permeating the art, interior design, and now writing prompt areas of tumblr. It gives me uncanny valley ick, so there's probably others who it stresses out more.
Please tag your auto-generated images!
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dumb-aro-dude · 2 months
reminder to my fellow aros,
being attached to someone ≠ being romantically attracted to them
have a good day!!
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thyming · 1 year
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They detected a person that didn't drink enough yet!
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xray-vex · 11 months
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(via this interview)
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positivelypositive · 3 months
here to remind you...
...that starting again is a sign of strength.
a failed attempt is not a failure. every new beginning is an indication that you refuse to give up.
you're willing to start again & again. you're strong, resilient, and brave ✨
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yourfriendlyengineer · 5 months
This is Grunkle Stan's daily reminder to drink some water
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Please go drink your water.
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zibiscusloon · 2 months
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Made this for myself but here if you need to see it
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justporo · 6 months
I'm desperately trying to get things done before the end of the year and thought: man, I'd like Astarion telling me to concentrate and keep going. So I quickly wrote this as a reminder to myself that Astarion would believe in me and tell me to keep it up - maybe it helps you too...
Astarion is watching you and he'd much rather you focus again, love!
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“You’re distracted again, love”, Astarion whispered to you and softly squeezed you where his hands were on your hips.
“Oh, am I?”, you snarled and tried to turn around - but the vampire wouldn’t let you. So you only turned your head to glower at him.
You sat comfortably on his lap and tried to get writing done you desperately needed to get finished. For hours you had tried but it just had been an uphill battle the whole time.
Not wanting to just keep listening to your complaints, Astarion had come over and softly nudged you to get up so he could sit down and gently place you down on his lap. You had let it happen with a soft sigh, already feeling a bit better with his presence surrounding you.
“My love, if your writing is as colourful as your curses that must be a masterpiece already”, he had said in a low teasing tone.
And you had chuckled hysterically and then almost started to cry. When you had wanted to bury your face in your hands, Astarion had caught your wrists and leaned as close as possible to gently whisper to you.
“I know you can do this, my heart”, he had whispered directly into your ear, making all your hairs stand on end. “You’re brilliant, my sweet, utterly incredible - this stack of paper just doesn’t know it yet”, he had continued while his hands had reassuringly massaged your arms and shoulders.
“I’ll try to keep that in mind”, you had replied still not fully convinced.
Astarion had made a low noise of disapproval, then he had wrapped his arms completely around your waist and pressed a kiss to your cheek.
“Be a dear then, remind me again, how clever and amazing you are”, he had demanded of you. And then he had went on to talk everything through with you. Making you spell out all of your concerns, what you had planned, what you wanted to achieve.
And in talking about it with him you already felt how the knots in your stomach and in your head seemed to loosen, if just a little.
When you had reached a point where you had felt motivated again to jump back into writing, Astarion had smiled victoriously to himself and had kept watching you work. Evenly stroking down your back in a calming, steadying manner he had leaned his head on his hand, propped up on the side of the chair, and admired how beautiful you looked when you were so deep in your thoughts. How you furrowed your brows, how you tapped the quill against the paper in impatience when a word didn’t come to you immediately.
And he made sure you wouldn’t distract yourself more than needed by calling you out whenever your mind seemed to wander. Just like he had just done.
“Maybe you are distracting me”, you pouted at the vampire while he tapped the tip of your nose with his index finger with a grin.
“Exactly the opposite, darling”, he replied and you saw the sparkle in his red eyes. Softly but with determination he grabbed your chin and turned your head away from him and angled it down: towards your stack of papers and the unfinished writing.
“Focus now and write, my dear, I’ll reward you for it later, if you’re going to be a good girl now”, Astarion promised in a low, almost rumbly voice and pressed a kiss directly behind your ear, making you shiver.
You took a deep breath and took up your work again - you needn’t be told twice now.
Your vampire proudly kept watching you: “Keep going, you beautiful thing!”
~~~ And now I really need to get back to my own writing - abdwelfqwdwg...
(Sorry, forgot tags, ah): Tag list: @spacebarbarianweird @sunfire-ancunin @tragedybunny @dependsonthedream @tallymonster @magazzne @micropoe10 @aoirohi @my-bunny-prince @lumienyx @fayeriess @darlingxdragon
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theoculus124 · 11 months
Here's ur friendly reminder that we don't need to substitute words for disabled. Disabled isn't positive or negative. Disabled is disabled. I'm disabled <3
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art-appreciation-dog · 6 months
Reminder: You can draw and write things that can't exist in real life.
You can draw a dog in space if you want to, and you don't owe anyone an explanation for why it's in space or how it can survive without a space suit.
You can draw perspective that doesn't make sense. Your art is allowed to defy reality and canon. You can change chronological rules, write crossovers that break spacetime, and make AUs that don't make sense without having to explain how or why. You can draw characters in nonsensical scenerios, doing things they'd never do and saying things they'd never say, and you don't have to apologize or justify yourself. You can draw heroes being unusually angsty and irredeemable villains being soft and cuddly with NO regard for whether it would "actually ever happen in the story"
You can do that if you want. You are allowed to.
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