#carrot ironfoundersson
snippit-crickit · 6 months
something short and simple i did in blender, 'animated' introduction of Carrot,,,,,its tough learning that you belong to a different species i did some discworld experimental paintings too *throws them at you* !!!!!
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leona-florianova · 5 months
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chechula · 5 months
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Here I go, starting the new year with the most epic "draw this again"(after 17 years!) It is a re-draw of the picture that 13 years old me-a Discworld maniac- started and never finished(cause it was too epic :D ) Back then I never drew more than two characters at once, so you can see that my love for Terry Pratchett's Night Watch was really great ♥ Thank @leona-florianova for reminding me of my love for Discworld ♥
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paragonrobits · 22 days
i was just thinking about how in later Discworld books, even as its an unspoken understanding among everyone in Ankh-Morpork that Carrot is the King of the city and he's probably the last descendant of the original ruling line, not only does Carrot avoid pushing the narrative to exploit it unless absolutely necessary, but it never de-emphasizes the fact that he's a dwarf by adoption
Even in later books Carrot is still regularly writing letters to his family in their mine; he thinks of himself as a dwarf, he is CONSIDERED to be a dwarf by all except the most hardliners of dwarf society (and even they can't outright deny him dwarf status, the best they can do is say he is an anomaly); he might USE his narrative status as the One True King, but in his heart, to himself, he is still the child of the Ironfounderssons.
His human heritage is functionally irrelevant to him unless he needs to make use of it, much like his ancestral sword. And it occured to me, what if he actively chose to distance himself from his human heritage because he learned about them in later books and found nothing worth acknowledging?
Carrot is in a weird place because he is the One True King, a narrative status that makes him the good and wise king who knows only truth and justice and comes bringing goodness to all, and this is quite a contrast to the ACTUAL kings of Ankh-Morpork, who were universally at BEST a bunch of horribly useless and inept absolute rulers that are living embodiments of 'the aristocracy are dumber than a sack of doorknobs' the series leans into, and at worst are implcitly some of the most horribly sadistic and cruel people in the setting.
One particular example is Lorenzo the Kind, the last king of Ankh-Morpork, whose name was deliberately ironic; he was so horrifically sadistic that he spelled the end of the kingship because he's the one who was killed by Suffer-Not-Injustice Vimes, who because no one was willing to judge him because kings were considered Special, just dragged him off his throne, cut off his head, and the surviving family members were exiled from the city.
Lorenzo is the last member of Carrot's biological ancestry we have definitive information on, off the top of my head, and he paints a dark, horrific image. He's painted as the absolute nadir of horror from the ruling classes, and is heavily implied to have been a sadistic pedophile with a penchant for torture (at the very least Carrot and Vimes both note that he was apparently fond of children and was painted with a lot of them nearby at all times, discussing it in a way that suggests a DEEPLY uncomfortable topic neither of them wants them to address, and later in Feet Of Clay Vimes points out that Lorenzo had unspecified but horrific machines in the basement).
Carrot is very strongly implied to, at least starting from Men At Arms (in which he discovers he is the king), have investigated his ancestry, and he's able to elaborate on their actions and history, and this also marks the point where he carefully but firmly emphasizes his dwarf heritage for the rest of the series.
He found out who his ancestors were, and discovered they were horrifically evil people, and that Mister Vimes was fully justified in being proud of his ancestor putting them down like rabid beasts, and it leads to him firmly emphasizing that his family are the Ironfoundersson dwarfs.
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The entire original discworld audio book catalogue
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miroimirage · 3 months
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Guards, Guards fanart very much inspired by @snippit-crickit !! ILIVE for their designs and I wanted to give mine a new coat of paint
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chuthulhu-reads · 1 month
I am drawing a line and it is connecting Laios “We, who have eaten three meals a day and gotten our rest, are taking this much more seriously than you!” Touden to Carrot “Going to take a nap while we’re pursuing the ship that kidnapped my girlfriend so that I’m rested and ready for action when we catch up” Ironfoundersson
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some discworld designs
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inquissien · 1 year
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Vimes and Carrot (and Errol) on the lookout
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sphyrne · 6 months
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disc doodles part... idek! anyways some city watch guys!!
i NEED to decide on my cheery design bc i want to do more art of her
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snippit-crickit · 7 months
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discworld stuff,,, mostly with vetinari and color keys i love doing color keys
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scrabble gamin- oh god no dont putthat x down
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shapes,,,,, i love shapes
this ones unfinished but im stillputting it out there in case i never get around to coloring it properly
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leona-florianova · 11 months
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Carrot on his way to the great city of Ankh-Morpork
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chechula · 6 months
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Carrot Ironfoundersson and his mama and papa for Ari ♥ (he doesn't know that he is adopted yet O_O )
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jesperr-fahey · 27 days
started reading discworld. reading the night watch series first. have now finished guards guards and men at arms. going absolutely insane about multiple things, mostly related to samuel vimes, but right now the thing i can't stop thinking about is the reveal at the end of men at arms that.
carrot is a descendant of the last king. vimes is a descendant of the guard who led the revolution and killed him.
and here they are, the two of them. carrot knows. vimes does too, maybe. but they're not going to mention it, of course, because everyone knows that carrot is a good man. and good men should never be king.
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dimity-lawn · 1 year
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Vimes needs some rest.
I am Carrot. Is the exhibit on a different continent? I'll still be excited about a good museum exhibit.
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