#but i think it’s something about how they work that luffy takes them and goes hmm i actually find it quite simple
crocodilenjoyer · 4 months
here’s the thing. about zolu. puts myhand on your shoulder Here’s the thing. luffy? aromantic. zero interest in romance. zoro? gay. very low interest in romance. has two braincells and they’re both devoted to thinking about swords. they are not dating. it is not romantic. it’s not sexual either because luffy, much like his views on romance, could not give less of a shit about sex. maybe if they both feel up to it at the same time, but that’s rare and when it does happen it’s more of a physicality and, to a lesser extent, affection thing than anything else. occasionally it’s a “hey wouldn’t it be weird/funny/fucked up if we [insert some david cronenberg-type shit]” thing and the other one goes “haha yeah do you wanna try.” but i digress.
however. HOWEVER. they Have A Thing. what that Thing entails is a mystery. luffy is both incredibly straightforward and frustratingly cryptic whenever he’s asked about it and zoro just kinda shrugs. they’re just luffyandzoro and zoroandluffy. the king and his lionheart. drift compatible. partners. captain and first mate. the sailor and the north star. sun and moon. they simply Are. what does that entail? well brother. they hang out
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Is it so hard to ask that sabo follow his dream he had when he was a kid? IS IT??????
Also, his boat was commissioned from Franky! And he did a great job :)
Design talk:
Im gonna start with just sharing his canon designs
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Something i want to call attention to is the blue and black in his design.
When he was young, Sabo wore his heart on his sleeve. He had a dream for himself and was taking steps to complete it. Likewise, that blue on his coat is on full display its bright and vibrant and saturated. But also theres that dark blue, almost black, thats underneath it thats being hidden by that coat, the pants, and his tattered cravat. Likewise again, Sabo is hiding his darker side. He has secrets he doesn’t want his brothers to know of and he lets his aspirations and relationships he has with them outshine his past.
In his present design, that blue that was representative of his dreams, is now the one being hidden. Its covered by a complete black coat, a representative of the darkness in his life that now is drives him. This color switch up is symbolic for how he’s put off his dreams and kept it locked up (belt), while choosing instead to pursue a life of darkness for the greater good.
Also, these pictures of young sabo and young adult sabo, you can visually see how less saturated it is. The blue is duller of the coat/undershirt and even more-so with the pants. You can see how he’s much less vibrant than how he was.
In my Post-Story idea, what happens leading up to it is that Sabo succeeds in taking down the world government and after he’s sure the world can move on without him, he goes sailing alone as a pirate to write a book about the world, like he’s always wanted to do. Also, Luffy returns his straw hat to shanks.
So in my design, sabo wears a vibrant blue coat again. He’s living his dream and has nothing holding him back from doing it. The black is still used, and its not being covered, but its on his pants and his gloves. He still has that darkness, but he doesn’t use it as protection or as something to hide, rather as something he moves forwards and progresses with. He will never forget what pain and hardship he went through and he’s not trying to. However, whats underneath all the layers is not darkness or dreams, and its not necessarily being hidden either, its light. Not BRIGHT, but light. Mellow and calm. The settled true nature of a healed man.
I took more colors from his child design than i did with his young adult (YA) one, too. I wanted to show how he’s reconnecting with his younger self by bringing them through to his Post-Story look!
Also, since his journal is his dream, it is blue, as well.
Items of Clothing:
In both of his canon designs, there is a sense of properness. A top hat, cravat, tailcoat, etc etc.. Its all properness. But more than that, its the idea of responsibility.
Whether he acts responsible or not isn’t what matters in his case, instead its that he wants to look responsible. He wants this because a) he was a little kid who wanted to grow up too fast and be taken seriously, and b) because he has an incredible amount of responsibility being the second in command of the revolutionary army.
To further prove that, I would like to point out his silly little cravat. I love his cravat. But how the hell is that practical for his line of work? Sabo is concerned with being practical, hence his baggy/movable pants and leather gloves. Additionally, just the waist/trench coat, belt, top hat combo would suffice for a proper looking person, but it’s taken excessively with the cravat. The cravat is purely for appearances.
Further symbolism with his cravat, i think, is that this appearance is visually choking him. Its wrapped tightly around his neck when he was a child and when he was most under control of a much higher power. However, when he’s a YA, it’s a lot looser. He’s got some agency, but he’s still being suffocated by responsibilities.
On with my design.
I took away his cravat. Im sorry but it is SYMBOLIC!!!!!!! He is not worried anymore with appearances, he is Free.
I took away his top hat but not his goggles, too. I think that after Luffy gives back the straw hat, Sabo forgoes his hat as well. In solidarity, maybe. If you think about it, the top hat isnt what makes his hat so special, its the goggles. So i got rid of the hat and kept The Goggs. Although it is sad that they are no longer Hatted, as that is one of the beautiful appeals of ASL, they are no longer ASL.
I wanted to keep aspects of his YA design, since even though it is very perforative, its still a style that he’s stuck with since childhood, so he’s gotta like it in some capacity. I just tried to make everything look a lot looser/open on him.
Lastly, i gave him a bit of a beard cuz i think he deserves it.
Alright! If you got this far, thanks so much for reading my insane ramblings!!!! I fr feel like this rn 👇
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Visually, sabo’s design is not too complex, at least not when you look at him next to Ace, but theres a lot of depth to it. I didnt even think of half of these notes before i started typing this up, its just the more time i look at it, the more i noticed!
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marycorcaroli · 9 months
one piece boys as boyfriends.
luffy, zoro, usopp, sanji, buggy.
req ♡: Can I request the one piece boys as boyfriends/ dating them headcanons?
mary ♡: thanks for the request and hope you like it ! english is not my first language, i apologize for any mistakes.
rules ; masterlist.
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— luffy is the sweetest guy ever ! i'm sure he will live up to all your expectations and be the best of the best.
— he's a little awkward around you :( but he's also very loud ! ! he wants the whole world to hear that you're his girlfriend ! !
— he is not the jealous type at all. luffy trusts you with his whole heart and soul, he knows that you will never cheat or betray him and neither will he ever hurt you. you have guy friends and luffy trusts them! he hangs out with them and is not afraid that they will take you away from him. he is fine as long as your friends don't harass you or make cruel jokes about you.
— luffy loves hugs more than anything else! the way you give him your warmth and share that intimate moment with him is all luffy needs. he loves to hug at all hours of the day and night, his arms will always be around you!
— he loves kissing you just as much! he kisses you on the tip of your nose when he goes out and on your forehead so you know he's there for you and won't leave you. he kisses behind your ear when you dance together. he kisses your moles or freckles because they're your specialty and he loves them ♡ !
— ! he's a terrible cook ! he'd rather burn down your kitchen and all the equipment and then make puppy dog eyes: "i'm sorry, please, i wanted to please you, but it didn't work out..." don't yell at him 👊
— sleeps like a baby and holds you close to him so you don't run away.
— goes to the bathroom with you because he thinks a monster will take you (he can't watch horror movies).
— gives you presents at the most unexpected times !
— his love languages are touch and words ! he can't take his hands off you and stop saying words of everlasting love.
— luffy is crazy about your smile :( the way your eyes shine and the dimples on your cheeks don't go away makes his heart flutter like it's your first date.
— doesn't like to fight with you ;( even if you have an argument he will try to settle it right away so you go to bed calm, but if it doesn't work out and you go somewhere else.... his heart breaks into little pieces, the fact that it's so bad that you left 😐 will apologize to you a few million times and will do anything to make you forgive him!
— the most needy boy :( he needs you to hug him and hold him several times in a second while he inhales the smell of your hair and draws constellations on your back with his hands.
— that's why his love language is always touching.
— he arranges the most incredible dates for you! he chooses the places himself and afterwards invites you on this little journey where he will propose marriage to you.
— for some people marriage is just a stamp in the passport and rings, but for zoro it's a whole life, so he bound your hearts and souls into one, made tearful vows to you, promising to always be there for you in sorrow and in joy.
— hugs are part of his routine. he hugs you every chance he gets. his favorite is the back hug when you're cooking something and zoro dances a little and sings your favorite song.
— kisses you on the lips in the most tender way to convey his feelings. on the eyelids to give you support and on the cheeks to show you how cute you are.
— he snores like a baby but will wake up as soon as you try to get up, he's used to sleeping with you and snuggling up to you that he won't sleep without you.
— he's a little spoon ! !
— loves to go shopping with you and buy something interesting for your home.
— during arguments, when he can't hear you and makes you talk even louder, and the situation in your house gets heated - he just walks away, leaving you alone. later, of course, he will beg for forgiveness and kiss you, and promise that it won't happen again, it's true. he doesn't want your beautiful and clean place to turn into a dumping ground for quarrels and humiliation.
— jealous often, but he doesn't make scandals, but just stands by you like a guard until your admirer runs away.
— he's so cute ! you want to kiss his cheeks forever and look into those eyes that show endless love for you.
— he climbs into your room through the window, like in the most romantic movies, without fail ! with flowers in his teeth, "did you miss me?"
— his love language is giving you presents and jumping in puddles while it's raining ! ! !
— he loves to lay on you and squeeze you so hard ! he just wants to show you how much he loves you. for usopp, hugging is something normal, he is tactile himself, but with you, it's magnified several times ! ! he is not afraid to be real with you and he shows everything he has.
— we're not done talking about hugs yet ! another one of usopp's favorite hugs is after a hard day of hardly seeing each other and now you're trying to support each other, for him these moments are the saddest, he'll even cry a little because he couldn't give you a minute all day long ;( my boy.
— kisses too hot! his lips are on yours in seconds and his palms on your neck are clenched while your brain is trying to understand what's going on.
— but he also loves sweet kisses, where you kiss him on the cheek and tell him how cute he is.
— sleeping on you ! you can't get up, so you have to literally throw him off you, "wtf? usopp? i can't breathe, get off 😐."
— he likes to watch comedies and ask every minute about what's gonna happen next.
— there is no room for arguments in your relationship, he will quickly put things into a happy environment and give you his beautiful smiles, but if you do have a problem he will listen to you and do everything in his power to make sure you're okay and not worry about anything.
— he's not jealous at all! why would he be? you're together and you love each other, you know he would never cheat on you and usopp knows you would never do the same, that's why you're fine.
— he is such a gentleman ! he opens doors for you all the time, gives you things and does everything to make you feel at ease !
— his love languages are helping each other, supporting you in hard times and spending time together ! all these things are important to sanji as a man who wants to cherish your every moment.
— he loves just holding you close to you and kissing your neck while goosebumps run through your body. sanji also likes hugs where he pats your back and soothes you, hugs where sanji tosses you up and hears your most beautiful laugh.
— he likes to embarrass you so much! to see you blush and cover your face with your hands while sanji mocks and comes over to you ready to destroy you with a tickle.
— he cooks for you all the time, and it's delicious, he loves to surprise you with his new recipes, he doesn't mind if you help him with the cooking, which then turns into a game of survival.
— sanji is crazy about the unexpected kisses from you, he's just sitting there reading a magazine as you come up and give him the most sensual kiss in the world, but he doesn't mind the air kisses where he puts all his desire to kiss you.
— will watch your favorite shows with you, he doesn't care what it is, as long as you like it, he likes it.
— he's a little spoon! he loves it when your nose is against his back and your palms are stroking his chest, sanji gets so calm and he sleeps the most beautiful sleep ;(
— sanji is sometimes unbearable and it hinders your relationship, he likes it when you get angry and show your temper, but he won't let it go too far, you are his favorite, so sanji doesn't really want you to lose your nerve cells completely.
— he can only be jealous sometimes, but then he remembers that you're still his and he doesn't have to worry.
— the most charismatic guy in the world ! flirts with you 24/7 and he is not ashamed. he will make you as red as a tomato and then kiss you on the corner of your mouth.
— loves the hottest kisses when you run out of air but you don't want to let go of each other. will lose his head if you kiss his shoulder or earlobe, BUgGY DoN'T BreAthe ! ! your lips are so airy but leave the wettest kisses.
— jealous quite a lot :( he trusts you completely, but doesn't trust the other people who want to take you away from him. even if you have been in a relationship for a long time, buggy is still afraid that you will find a better person than him.
— big spoon ! loves to hold you tight and smell you ! wakes up several times during the night to make sure you are near, even if he still has a dead grip on you.
— likes to take long walks with you and give you the most delicious drinks.
— he's not the best cook, but he'll learn to cook and get a michelin star for you.
— he doesn't think what he says, and when he realizes it, it's too late. he may accidentally tell you everything he thinks, and then he will kneel down and beg you to take him back. you are the most precious thing in his life and if he loses you, buggy will lose his air and the meaning of life.
— he likes to watch soap operas! absolutely any kind, there is no difference, because he likes everything and later he can discuss it all with you.
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camembri · 2 months
yeah yeah zoro and sanji are mirrors of each other yeah they have narrative parallels yeah they're the wings of the pirate king. zoro's got the higher bounty but sanji is the only one Luffy's directly said he can't become king of the pirates without. this is all good and well and I eat it up every single time but the truly compelling part of that relationship in a romantic sense is that it's objectively the funniest outcome possible. they'd be so mad if they knew. can you imagine having this coworker who you think kind of sucks even if he's a vital part of the team and millions of people are like. I'm going to write stories about you two having sex. what do you even do in that scenario. and the best part is that it becomes literally everyone else's problem too. clocking in bright and early at like 7:45 and you witness a physical alteration between your two idiot colleagues and then immediately after they somehow manage to dodge their third HR violation this week one of them comes up to you to make small talk and all they talk about is that other guy. "ugh can you believe people think we should get together... that's crazy... how would that even work anyway. what, like he'd take me out to dinner? get all dressed up? hah, as if..." and then they trail off all meaningfully and you're just like. I can tell you're wistfully imagining your future together. it's painfully obvious. I just wanted to refill my coffee. and every day you contemplate quitting but every so often something just goes right and it's like they're resonating on the same wavelength and maybe you catch them smiling all wide and unfettered at each other like they're the only people in the world. like just this once they forgot to hate each other. you left your mug in the microwave but you can't ruin the moment so you just have to suffer in silence. truly the ship dynamic of all time.
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blednokrov · 7 months
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I've been having lots of fun designing random OP fusions for a hypothetical AU where people can fuse... Feel free to drop a combo of any two Strawhats in my asks for me to draw a fusion of them (I'm only reading impel down rn so please no spoilers)
More on these:
Mickey (Nami + Franky) - ultimate Big Sibling fusion. She's very balanced in her sense of responsibility, desire to take other under her wing and general "fun but let's keep it sane and safe" vibe. One of favorite fusions of Strawhats as her appearance often means "supervised fun that is otherwise strongly off limits" and they just love her in general. Overall, Mickey's cool, fun and sexy (and not allowed in many public places because she only wears bikini swimsuits). He fights with electrocution.
Didja miss me? Well, now you can look at my pretty face all you want - we're gonna have so-o-o much fun~
U.V. or just Violet (Usopp + Vivi) - the big dreamer one. She is really sweet and emotionally open - probably one of most child-like fusions, but often gets timid and unsure when it's time for her to to stand up for herself. She loves fantasizing and excitedly ranting about all these ideas on how to make world a better place, but goes into very absurd territory without noticing. They fight with a sling and explosives.
No, wait, but listen. But what if The World Government, like, printed money so that everyone can have some, and- No, wait, i don't think this is how economy works. Okay, what if we all just...
Roro (Zoro + Robin) - arguably the most unhinged fusion of them all. With Robin's morbidly creative mind and Zoro's general disinhibition in most generally dangerous situations, Roro is pretty much unstoppable once he set his mind to do something reckless, dangerous and possibly really violent (as they both don't have any qualms about murdering or causing severe bodily harm). However when not in "focused on following through with an insane idea" mode, Roro is actually a rather pleasant company! They're calm, collected and thoughtful, yet shamelessly silly, especially with Luffy and Chopper who they adore. Most of the crew is rather cautious about them (except for Luffy who whines how he misses playing "multiarmed tags" with Roro) because they can cause much trouble without supervision. On the other hand, they're very strong. They fight combining swordfighting with generating extra limbs (which also means an arm slashing you with a sword can sneak on you from any direction).
Oh. I see. How about we send his head- okay, his fingers in a box to his captain as a warning?
Note: Luffy has the privilege of naming all fusions and usually just smashes names together until it sounds like an easy to remember name... Sometimes inner logic of how the name was made is lost even to him
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cozage · 9 months
Hi. How are you? Congratulations! Can I please have an option 1? How about Law, Zoro, Sanji, Luffy, Sabo and Ace (feel free to pick and choose) teaching a s/o (preferably female) how to fight? Like Zoro teaching the reader to sword fight or Sanji teaching his to use black leg. Thank you 💙🤍💙🤍
Omg girlie hey!!! How have you been?!!? Good I hope <3 
Send me an event request!
Characters: gn reader x Ace, Zoro, Sanji, Luffy Total word count: 650
Teaching Moments
Literally so patient and such a good teacher but works you to the bone. He forgets that you are new at this and he has been training since he was born.
Hand-to-hand combat isn’t necessarily your strong suit, but he figures out you're quite good with a pipe. 
He is also very good at fighting with a pipe (is there anything this man is bad at?!?!)
He won’t pull punches or go easy on you just because he loves you. You will crawl away from your training sessions with bruises and cuts all over your body.
After your sessions, he’ll walk with you to Marco to get healed up, and then he’ll give you a really nice, warm massage to loosen up your muscles. That alone makes your training day worth it. 
You sometimes feel like you’re not making any progress, but when you start fighting people who aren’t Ace, you realize you’re much better than most of them. Fighting the best of the best really has its perks.
Zoro is a good teacher…most of the time. 
He gets frustrated easily when you don’t follow instructions, and expects you to come in with basic sword skills, but you don’t have any. 
You have to remind him that not everyone grew up in a dojo, where they learned about swords morning, noon, and night. After he learns that, he takes you back to the beginning, teaching you in a new light. 
He returns to the bamboo stick and the formations, and suddenly he becomes happier, laughing more with you and telling you about his childhood at the dojo. Every skill you learn is paired with a “Well when I was a kid…” story, and it warms your heart. 
He takes you to a store to get your own swords. He definitely believes that you need to pick your own sword. He gives you pointers and advice, but he mostly leaves it up to you. He knows how important of a decision it is, and he won't interfere with fate.
He takes it easy on you. He can skillfully decipher just how much he needs to pressure you to get you to continue to grow.
Zoro doesn't understand much in his life, but he does understand two things: swords and you.
Sanji. Bless his heart. He is not a good teacher. 
He goes too easy on you and treats you like you’re too fragile.
It actually begins to put a bit of a strain on your relationship because it feels like he doesn’t think you’re capable of fighting the way he does.
In reality, he just doesn’t think a lady needs to fight. And he certainly doesn’t want to hurt you during training. He can’t hit a lady, even to defend himself.
He wants you to learn, and you know he’s not being rude or malicious, but in order to save your relationship, you end up finding another fighting instructor. 
Instead of fighting, you help him prepare meals. And thankfully, he’s more than happy to let you help him do kitchen prep. 
Luffy is…Luffy. 
Your training sessions always start out strong. He’s surprisingly good at giving you pointers (“raise your elbow” or “a right hook would’ve been better than a direct attack right there”)
Sometimes he forgets that not everyone has gum-gum powers. He’ll advise you to fling your body towards your opponents and you’ll just kind of deadpan and wait for him to realize his mistake, which always leads to a fit of giggles from you both. 
Training sessions never last long. You guys always get distracted by someone or something, or you all get hungry or start chasing each other around, laughing and playing another game. 
It’s always fun, you’re just never sure how much you’re actually learning. Sometimes you get irritated and think neither of you are taking it seriously, but Luffy’s way of life is “if it’s not fun, we shouldn’t do it”. 
Little do you realize, he’s actually training you through the games you all play, and the mischief you guys get into. He’s a pretty good teacher overall. 
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irisintheafterglow · 4 months
way hay, and up she rises! (opla!zoro x you)
summary: zoro leads the crew to an informant from his bounty-hunting days; they don't know his history with the pretty singer in the bar.
wc: 2.6k
cw/tags: swearing, implied fem!reader (wearing a skirt and makeup) but they/them pronouns used, basically singer/bodyguard trope, strangers to lovers, brief guy being an asshole (and protective zoro!), simp zoro, i love zoro, can you tell how much i love this man
note: do i imagine lucy gray baird when i think about reader singing in a bar? maybe a little bit. do i wish i could sing like rachel zegler as lucy gray baird? abso-fucking-lutely. i've been listening to a lot of random sea shanties lately so this is where that came from. hope you enjoy!
likes, reblogs, and replies are much appreciated!
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“You’re sure you know what you’re doing?”
“Of all the times for you to doubt me, cook,” he says, catching the door with the toe of his boot and kicking it open, “I can say for certain, I have this under control.” His feet step through the doorway and he’s bombarded with jolly laughter, drunken singing, and a dancing fiddle. The patrons cheer with flasks and goblets in their hands, liquor splashing onto their neighbors when they slam their cups onto wooden tables. It’s warm like a hearth, not a hell, and the unkempt atmosphere wraps around him like a familiar blanket. Within seconds, he’s not a pirate anymore; he’s back to being a hunter. 
And there, swinging the edge of your skirt with a tambourine in hand, was you. The lantern light catches in your eyes in a way that makes them glow, enchanting him like a spell. You’re just as breathtaking as the last time he saw you, singing clearer than the stars shining on a winter night. When you speak, it’s like invisible ropes extend from your lithe fingers, grabbing each man by the ears and pulling them in to listen further. He’s no different, finding himself drifting toward your stage when a sudden hand tugs him away. 
“Hey, we’re going this way. Luffy found a table in the back,” Nami informs him over the controlled chaos of the bar. Her voice quiets as he follows her to a secluded corner, but her teasing was not lost to him. 
“Pretty interesting place you’ve led us to.”
“That’s one way to put it,” he replies blandly, still slightly awestruck from seeing you again.
“Got a crush on the singer?”
“I don’t know what you’re talking about,” he deadpans, sliding into the booth next to his beaming captain. He gladly accepts the bottle Usopp offers him, taking a swig without so much of a flinch when it burns down his throat and goes straight to his head. 
“What were you guys talking about?” Luffy pipes up and he doesn’t hide his grimace in time. “Did Nami say something to bother you, Zoro?” 
“Doesn’t she always?” An uneasy feeling settles in the pit of the swordsman’s stomach, one he could only explain by not having eyes on you. He was used to being here alone, where he could admire you without distraction. He knew he wasn’t ready for the crew’s interrogation about his history with you. “I just need something to drink.” 
“You’re already holding a bottle, if you’ve forgotten already,” Sanji reminds him. “Don’t make us drag your sorry ass out of another bar.” If looks could kill, Zoro couldn’t fathom the number of coffins the stupid cook would need. 
“Alright, alright,” Luffy interjects. “Zoro’s just been…stressed. We all deal with stress in our own ways.” 
“There are healthier ways to deal with stress than alcoholism,” Nami points out. “For instance, talking it out works wonders.”
“While I appreciate the concern, we’re here for information, not therapy,” Zoro states tersely, taking another gulp from his bottle. “We came a little early, so we’ll have to wait until the band is done with their set before we move in on the target.” His eyes drift back into your general direction, hoping there weren’t any guys giving you trouble. 
“Why can’t we just move in now? There’s enough chaos in the bar to be a distraction,” Luffy asks.
“Sanji and I could start a fight,” Usopp offers in response, holding up the cook’s wrist like he was ready for the first punch. “That worked last time.” Zoro shakes his head. 
“Too risky. The informant won’t say anything if we interrupt the music, especially if it’s a bar fight,” he replies, a fond look blinking across his face. “They’re a little…difficult, sometimes.” The pieces click together in Nami’s brain before he can stop her and the realization dawns on her in no time.  
“Your contact is the singer.” He shrugs one shoulder, not looking any of his crew in the eye and instead watching the growing crowd around your stage. “The singer you have a crush on?” Zoro’s head snaps back to reality and becomes all too aware of the heat growing on his cheeks. 
“I don’t have a crush on them,” he mumbles half-heartedly. 
“Aw, Zoro is in love!” Usopp sighs. “I always knew he had a heart.” 
“It’s not love. It’s just admiration, if anything,” he counters, but it’s no use. His crewmates were already on a roll. 
“I thought you said you had this under control,” Sanji recalls with a taunting smirk. 
“I do have this under control.”
“Your red complexion says otherwise,” the cook replies and Zoro’s frown deepens. It wasn’t part of his plan for the rest of his friends to find out about his relationship with you. In fact, accompanying him to the bar was not part of the plan in the first place. “Look, I’m happy for you. Honestly, I am. If you could do it, then I surely will find someone even better.” 
“That’s enough,” Nami cuts in before Zoro can unsheath a sword. He nods in curt gratitude, but she doesn’t let him off the hook. “However, as payback for not telling us about your little sweetheart, you’re gonna explain how you know them until their set is done.” 
“Says who?”
“Says us,” Usopp answers, holding up Sanji’s fist again and miming the cook punching him in the face. “Or, we’re gonna cause a scene and make them come to us first.” 
“You guys are impossible,” Zoro mutters under his breath. With a deep exhale, he establishes a single rule. “You don’t tell anyone about what I’m about to tell you, understand?” The crew nods. “Good, because if someone finds out about them, I’m gonna shave your heads while you sleep.” 
As with most people Zoro interacted with, you met him because of a fight.
“I didn’t need your help,” you had told him that night, resting your boot on a ribcage for leverage and yanking your sword from the dead assailant’s chest. “So, you can leave now.”
“I thought you said you had this under control,” he remarks, cleaning the blood from his blade and inserting it back into its sheath. 
“I do have this under control,” you reiterate with a glare. “It was just an off night.” 
“Pretty impressive for an off night, though your swordsmanship could improve.” His hand gestures vaguely at the half-dozen attackers lying at your feet, amateurs whose strength depended on their numbers. Numbers, which he'd helped you cut down when you didn’t show up at the meeting spot you’d agreed upon. 
“I can’t tell if you’re trying to insult me or compliment me,” you scoff.
“Doesn’t matter, as long as you keep talking,” he replies without missing a beat, following you through the backdoor of the bar and down a dusty hallway into what he presumed was a makeshift dressing room. “You could make a good career out of bounty hunting if you wanted to.” Closing the door behind him, he settles into a nearby chair and watches you tidy up trinkets on the vanity. 
“I don’t remember letting you come in here, much less telling you to have a seat.” Your guarded nature only intrigues Zoro more, but he’s more than willing to leave if you truly didn’t want him present. Something in his gut told him, though, that you secretly enjoyed the company. “And, no. I’m not interested in the violence of your world, only the information part.” 
“The information part you didn’t show up for,” he recalls with a scowl. You hum in fake sympathy at his displeasure. 
“And my sincerest apologies for getting attacked while on route to our meeting place,” you bite, shaking your head when he rolls his eyes. “Look, we’re here now, so just ask your questions and get out.” Zoro does ask his questions and you give him the answers he needs, but the lingering feeling of disappointment when he bids you farewell stays with him even after he collects the head you helped him find. So, with the reward money sitting heavy in his pocket, he returns to your run-down little bar the following week. 
Without the pressure of fulfilling a hunt weighing on his chest, he catches himself enjoying your performance a little too much. It was mesmerizing, the way you danced across the stage and blew kisses to drunken audience members. Zoro even found himself smiling when he was able to catch your eye. 
“I take it the hunt went well,” you say in greeting when he appears in the doorway of your dressing room. It’s after your band’s last set and you’re visibly more relaxed than the previous time he saw you. Instead of barging into your space, he simply leans a muscled shoulder against the doorframe, arms crossed and observing you remove your makeup. 
“It did. Your little tip about the maid worked wonders.” 
“She’ll always turn a blind eye if it means a little extra money.” 
“She also knew the place better than the maps I was reading,” he adds. “I wouldn’t think to talk to her if it weren’t for you.” You dismiss his compliment with a wave of your hand. 
“The Lady of the House’s true right-hand is not her husband, but the one that cleans up after him,” you muse with a satisfied smile. He’s still standing in the doorway, you notice from the corner of your eye. “You can come in if you promise to explain why you’re back again.”
“Consider the promise made, then,” he replies, shutting the door and taking a seat the same way he did the week prior. “I wanted to apologize for getting off on the wrong foot.”
“The Demon of the East Blue apologizing to me? What a world we live in,” you quip and he chuckles. “For the record, I wasn’t mad at you. Well, not entirely.”
“What do you mean?” 
“Yeah, I was mad at you for interrupting the set to ask your questions, but I can’t blame you too much. It’s your first time here, after all.” He listens to your explanation intently, like there was no other voice he’d rather be hearing. “But for future reference, interrupting me while I’m singing will make other clients I serve a little jumpy.”
“They think you’re conspiring against them?”
“Exactly. I try to keep the same after-the-show policy with everyone, so if I give priority to one person, they’ll question my reliability.” He nods, your irritation suddenly making much more sense. 
“And when they question your reliability, they attack you outside the bar,” he concludes. 
“Mhmm, which was why I was late for our meeting. For that, I am sorry.” Your voice is softer than the candlelight illuminating the small room and he finds himself being drawn into you again, like a magnet. An idea pops into his mind, one that was sure to cost him a few hunts, but he’s sure you’re worth it.
“Ever think about hiring stage security?” 
“For a dirty-ass bar like this? Definitely not,” you laugh. “Maybe if I were playing for the general of the Marines, but here? That’s funny.” You thought that would be the end of your conversations with Zoro, but decided not to question his intentions when he showed up the following night. You spied him sitting in the same dark corner with a glass in his hand, watching you like you were the only being that mattered in his world. As the songs pass, your eyes find him on instinct and you’re rewarded with a rare grin that makes your stomach float. No sooner did you start your last set of the night, though, did a new client come storming into the bar. 
He was a Marine defector, one that was trying to make it onto some pirate’s ship before the government found him. In the second drawer of your dressing room vanity, you had a list of ships and ports that would guarantee him a smooth disappearance into the sea. He desperately needed the list and, being a new client, was clueless about your after-show policy. 
“Alright, give me the list. Let’s go,” he hissed once he reached the front of the stage, his words barely audible over the sound of your band. You attempt to smile and play him off as another drunk, but your amiable expression disappears when he tries to grab the edge of your skirt. “I’m not fucking messing around. Give me the fucking list.” As expected, your regular clients started to shift uncomfortably in their seats, looking at you and the greenie suspiciously. In their minds, you were giving special privileges to a new guy. “Stop being a bitch and give me the list.” The man reaches out to grab your skirt again when a strong hand shoves him away from you. 
“Get lost. They’re in the middle of performing.” You steal one glance at the swordsman in front of you, the one resting his hands menacingly on the hilts of his swords. His broad shoulders become a wall in front of you, impossible to pass without risking instant decapitation. The new client scurries away and you release a shaky breath, sending Zoro a grateful look when he’s back at his seat. Please stay, you mouth wordlessly. I’m not going anywhere, he mouths back.
He stays with you during your official meeting with the ex-Marine, arms crossed and stationed in the corner of your dressing room like a guard dog. When the meeting is over and Zoro’s all but thrown the man out of the building, he walks you home and waits until he hears your door lock before leaving. He’s back the next night, and the next, and the next, and all the nights afterward for nearly a year. You start to ask him about his past, his hunts, and his dreams. Little by little, you both start to take down your defenses and trust each other with vulnerability. He’s late, sometimes, when he gets caught in a hunt; but, you always end up finding him waiting for you in your dressing room. 
After he kisses you for the first time, you start inviting him in once he’s walked you home, impatiently locking your door before pulling him to your room. It’s little things that make you fall in love with him: waking up to find him hogging all of your blankets, resting on his bare chest and relishing in the feeling of his skin against yours, running a hand through his hair until he wakes up with a sleepy smile. He falls freely, hopelessly, and completely in love with you, too. 
He knows nothing has changed when you rush into his arms as soon as you see him in your dressing room. 
“Hey, songbird,” he mumbles while his arms lock around your waist. “I burn from missing you.”
“I’ve missed you more.” Your voice sounds muffled against his shoulder as your arms wind tightly around his neck. He buries his face into the crook of your neck, pulling you as closely to him as humanly possible. For the first time in what felt like an eternity, Zoro felt at ease. “I thought I saw you walk in, but you didn’t go to your usual spot.”
“I know, I’m sorry. I have some…friends with me,” he says slowly, nudging the door open to reveal his crewmates eavesdropping from the hallway. You smirk knowingly, running the pad of your thumb over his cheekbone. “Alright, alright. Just say it–”
“I didn’t know you could make friends,” you tease and he prevents you from saying anything else by pressing his lips against yours. “Wanna introduce me to them?”
“Give me a second, baby,” he murmurs against your skin. “I need you to myself for a bit.”
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if you enjoy my writing and would like to support me, you can buy me a coffee on my ko-fi! you can also check out my full masterlist here :)
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shima-draws · 3 months
OK, so thinking about a Sanlu au where Luffy is a Pirate King who gets so many marriage requests but does not want to get married. And so he instead insists that he gets to choose his partner through a contest where all the princes and princesses of like the countries around them or other pirates can like bring him a meal and if he likes it, you get married. The problem is that whenever people bring him food he'll just eat it and move on.
And so obviously the vinsmokes are like. Oh s***, we should get in on that. New Ally? And so they try with some of Sanji's others brothers, but none of them like work because they just made their cooks make their meals and everything.
Then eventually sanji, who wants to escape hears about this. And he knows that he can cook so he makes this amazing meat dish He is ready to present his meal towards the Prince in hopes of like maybe escaping his country and living there with Luffy. But like as he's on the way there, there's like this little girl who's starving, and so he gives her the meal instead. It was a one in a million shot anyway.
Anyway, either Luffy sees him doing this or if this was like the true test for kindness for all his partners, and sanji passes the test. Luffy's like get bring this man to me! So sanji goes before him, and luffy asks if he has a meal for him. All sanji has is like, this old sandwhich that he made for himself for the journey here, and sanji tells luffy that. Luffy tells him to bring it to him anyway, and after a lot of protests, he does. Luffy finally eats it and says that its delicious. He and sanji definitely get married.
Sorry for dumping this on you, but your artwork made me literally fall in love with sanlu so I wanted to share this middle of the night idea with you lol.
SCREAMING CRYING THROWING UP ANON THIS IS EVERYTHING.......I'm a SUCKER for AUs like this, ones that kinda give off that Cinderella vibe? The whole 'Well if I have to get married to a random stranger I'm gonna do it my way' trope is always so fun to explore
Luffy's one requirement for a spouse being that they have to cook well is SO on brand for him tbh. I feel like that's something that would be canon too. (Thinks about a situation like that in canon where Luffy's like well nobody can cook better than Sanji so I'll just marry Sanji! And Sanji double takes like wait what hold on a second--)
Even funnier would be if Luffy just met Sanji's brothers and was like. I don't like their vibes they seem mean. And all three of them being SO offended at that lmao
SANJI GIVING HIS DISH TO A STARVING GIRL THO AAAHGFHFHF THAT'S SO. CLENCHES MY TEETH he's so selfless and giving he would absolutely give up all of his dreams just to make sure someone doesn't go hungry I am GOING to cry. And Luffy immediately noticing that, pointing at Sanji and going "Him. I want that one" AGHHH 😭😭😭
ALSO YES THE CALLBACK TO WCI with Sanji's little lunch basket...the food is a total mess it's been rained on and dropped and looks awful but Luffy eats it anyway and says it's delicious...and Sanji's like oh oh oh I think I'm in love with him. Uh-oh.
DON'T APOLOGIZE THIS IS SOOO ADORABLE I'm so glad I got you hooked on Sanlu they are so underrated!!! Going slightly off topic here but I think it's really funny how predictable I am when it comes to getting into new media. Step 1 I watch a show and slowly discover who my Favorites are. Step 2 I end up shipping those favorites together. Step 3 I make that everybody else's problem. Also that ship almost always ends up being the less popular one for some reason?? Which is SO funny to me. Looks at Trustedpartner/Diode, Yujikiri and Tododeku as the most obvious examples of this along with Sanlu
ANYWAY anon I really want to write this can I write this. No guarantees to me actually finishing a full blown fic but oh my godddd this is such a cute idea and is so in character for both of them I'm weeping real tears
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wayward-imp · 17 days
I feel like Zoro's three sword style and facility with counting would be a very transferable skillset when it comes to making socks.
So now I headcanon that whenever he's got downtime not training or napping or bickering with Sanji, Zoro settles in to make socks for the crew.
The first pair he ever makes is actually for Nami. They are a little too big in that way that is actually perfectly slouchy and comfortable, and she secretly adores them and wears them on chilly nights while map making.
...I think he probably learned knitting from Perona, actually? So maybe he has socks for the whole crew when he gets back to Sabaody. Except Luffy, and Frankie, who obviously wouldn't wear them. And Brook, whose sizing he couldn't figure out (what would you even measure??). Those three get scarves.
He honestly tried to still make socks for Chopper, but... Well. There were obvious challenges to making socks for something furry and with hooves. He wound up making leg warmers. They have little snowflakes on them.
Usopp's socks are basic, with a bold horizontal stripe pattern in goldenrod yellow, reminiscent of the color of Sogeking's mask. Perona INSISTS on making some cute little felted sheep bobbles to go with them because the socks are Not Cute, but Zoro is too embarrassed to attach them. They become a bag charm. Zoro specifically tells him it's from Perona and smirks when he goes pale.
Robin's socks are better fitted, and slightly more elegant than Nami's, since he started on them so much later in his learning process. They have a whimsical floral motif, and are made from a yarn Perona picked out for her. It is quite possibly the softest thing Zoro has ever touched, and the socks feel like clouds when they're finished.
The real challenge turns out to be making socks for the cook. Sanji is fussy about his clothes, and Zoro knows how hard he is on his feet. He ends up making a very basic pair of suit socks in a deep, rich blue so dark it's nearly black... It takes him three times as long to make them as any other pair he's made, because he keeps starting over.
In fact, he's still working on them on the boat back to Sabaody. He finishes just in time, and Perona steals them away and wraps them up like everyone else's gifts before he can start over again. The first time Zoro sees Sanji light his own foot on fire, he winces and reconsiders whether he should even give them to him. But in the end he does anyway.
(Of course he also made socks for Perona and Mihawk. You think Perona taught him to knit for no reason? Hers are THIGH HIGHS, for fuck's sake! They took FOREVER.)
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Welcome back ! Would it be ok if I request Yan Luffy for the yandere alphabet? Y , X , S , N , M please 💗
Mask: Are their true colors drastically different from the way they act around everyone else?
No, not at all. This man is very open and proud about who he is. The Luffy that you see vs. the Luffy that everyone else sees is the same exact person. He has no shame about what he's doing, nor does he think it's wrong, so he doesn't care to hide anything from other people.
Naughty: How would they punish their darling?
I've touched on this in a different post discussing the Straw Hats punishing a darling, but his go to method is isolation. Luffy hates being alone and knows how painful it is, and while he isn't happy about it, he knows that this will work to get his point across. Oh, you want to be left alone despite having such a loving boyfriend and crew? Alright, let's see how much you like it after having several days of seeing no one. It takes a lot to push him to this point, but once he's there, there is no amount of backpedaling that you can do to get out of the punishment. After you're out, you'll be so desperate for human interaction that you'll eagerly soak up every bit of attention that he gives you.
That's the only big thing that he does, everything else he does mainly boils down to exposure therapy and ignoring your behavior. If you try to run, he just grabs and yanks you back without even looking up from what he was doing. If you try to escape his affection, he's coiling around you like a damn snake. If you try to vocalize that you don't like what's happening, he shoves some food in your mouth to shut you up. It's possible to get him to hit you, but he strictly only does that in retaliation of you hitting him first. He'll only hit you as hard as you hit him, so you won't have to worry about getting the same treatment the people he seriously fights get. Afterwards, he won't apologize until you apologize for hitting him first.
Stigma: What brought about this side of them (childhood, curiosity, etc)?
Oh, it was 100% his childhood. Between being abandoned by his entire biological family and his crippling fear of loneliness, it really isn't surprising that he's so extreme about keeping a significant other around. He doesn't want to be alone or abandoned again, and he'll do anything to make sure that you can't do that to him. All of his behavior feels normal and justified to him. In this world, you have to fight for what you care about. Why wouldn't he do that for his darling?
Xoanon: How much would they revere or worship their darling? To what length would they go to win their darling over?
He loves you dearly and would do anything for you, but I wouldn't necessarily call what he does worship. His obsession for you makes him extremely loyal and supportive. No matter what, he's got your back, and he'll go through hell to keep you safe and happy. Same goes for your goals in life, he wants to do everything he can to help you achieve them. You're on the same level as anyone else in the Straw Hat crew, you just get extra affection and kissed sometimes.
Yearn: How long do they pine after their darling before they snap?
It's a combination of fast and slow, if that makes sense. His initial interest in you happens quickly. You do something the piques his interest and makes him want you on his crew, and you will be before the end of the day. At that point, he's already yandere for you, but only platonically. As time goes by, the romantic feelings very slowly start to grow. He starts seeking you out more than the other Straw Hats and is even more touchy than usual.
It doesn't click for him that he's in love until someone else points it out to him. Then he goes back to moving very fast. Once he gets it, he gets excited. This is like a new adventure to him, and he's eager to explore every facet of it. I wouldn't really call it snapping, he just suddenly starts suffocating you in his love.
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Grand Line Crew Modern Au Gang!
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i hope yall enjoy, this took a while to get all together, here
ASL post
East Blue Crew post
Friends we made along the way 1 post
Friends we made along the way 2 post
i dont have many additional headcanons for this lot, but i did write a short story with them :) enjoy
Brook only wears the absolute grooviest of clothing at all times.
Brook only wears the absolute grooviest of clothing at all times.
Brook only wears the absolute grooviest of clothing at all times.
That’s just gonna have to be there 👆 tumblr likes to glitch out my posts.
Dont give chopper caffeine. He’ll either have a heart attack or operate on 5x speed, its a gamble every time.
robin and franky love watching home improvement shows, house hunters, how its made, myth busters, and other technical shows together.
When Luffy shows robin memes on his phone, she takes out her reading glasses and holds the phone like a mom does. Ya know that squint. You know.
Jinbei used to be a trucker and had a convoy with s bunch of his truckin’ buddies. They had matching leather jackets with “the sun truckers” embroidered on the back
Franky has a wig closet. It is vast. If you went in there you'd think you were in Narnia or something
Chopper is BEYOND CONVINCED that Sabo is a vampire.
One day, sabo volunteered as an assistant in a medical class chopper was taking. He was acting as chopper’s patient as he was learning the patient procedures of a checkup.
It was all going fine, chopper got all the patient identification out of the way and next was to acquire blood pressure, breath count, and heart rate. But the stethoscope and pressure monitor wasn’t working, and it make it seem like Sabo,,, didnt have a pumping heart,, or blood,,, or really breathed at all(he doesnt take very visible breaths).
Chopper was stricken with fear at this and assumed the absolute worse as he looked in horror at Sabo’s naturally pale complexion and long canine teeth. Chopper simply jotted down the average count of each recording instead of getting new equipment, and tried not to think about it, but
“huh, all of those numbers are usually lower than that. Maybe all that Special Concoction™ i drink is finally catching up to my heart rate.”
“how much have you.. drunk?”
“like for today? Or since I woke up.”
Chopper is fucking horrified. Sabo woke up to being a vampire and drinks blood as a special concoction. He cannot believe this.
”Never mind, I don't need to know, its all normal, you're normal.”
“Wow… that's the first time a medical practitioner has called me normal. My brothers are gonna get a real kick outta this.”
CHOPPER IS FUCKING HORRIFIED. HE HAS BRETHEREN??? Chopper just keeps his head down and finishes up the check up practice as Sabo remarks he has another class in the blood bank, which was lemon in the paper cut for chopper.
For a month or so after that day, Chopper didn’t see Sabo at all, and he forgot about his fear for a little while. However one night as chopper was hanging with Luffy and a few others in the straw hat friend group, there was a knock at the door. Chopper happily said “I’ll get it~” as the rest of the group continued in conversation.
Chopper skips over to the door and when he opens it, he sees the figure of Sabo standing in front of him. Tall and opposing, smiling a big toothy grin with bright blue eyes shining from the overhead lighting. He’s wearing a long trench coat with the collar popped and an ascot was wrapped around his neck.
What chopper was seeing before him.
Was the vampire.
He let out a scream right out of a horror film and promptly fainted.
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A minute or two later, he awoke laying on the couch, feet elevated and vest unbuttoned, to his friends looking at him from the foot of the couch.
He goes to stand up, but a strong gloved hand stops his movement and guides him back down
“Don't get up too quickly, little man.”
Chopper looked next to him and saw The Vampire. What was he doing in his house?!?!?
“Are you alright, bud? You opened the door for me, screamed in my face, and then passed out.”
“I’m fine, thank you,” Chopper said with the highest voice-crack to word ratio in his entire life.
“Right. Well again, dont get up too quickly, if you need water or anything let your friends know. I just came here to pick up Luffy cuz some family stuff came up. Have a good night!”
“…you too, and thanks for taking care of me…”
“No prob!”
“One last question?” Inquired chopper.
“What's up?”
“Did someone invite you in?”
the end
PS: Sabo's "special concoction" consists of Red Bull and Espresso. He hasn't slept in 72 hours. This will have lasting effects on his health.
thats all for now! thanks for reading~
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miyu-d · 8 months
Hi! New follower here!
Can you do something about being Ace's childhood friend and ended dating or confessing their feelings as teens or adult?
Hi! Thank you for following me. This is my first time writing for a request. I am so happy that you requested a fic from me. I apologize if this isn't exactly what you imagined. Hope you will enjoy it.💕
Love Blossoms
( Ace x Reader )
Warnings: Editing up ASL brothers' back story
(1.5k words)
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Love is something magical. You didn't know when you fell for this man. As long as you remember, he is the only man in your heart.
You first met him when you were wandering around in the forest where Ace's and his brothers' treehouse was. You were in the village nearby, and you loved to sneak into the forest when you were a kid. One day, you saw three kids taking down a huge tiger. You got scared at first, but you decided to approach them for the better or worse.
Sabo and Luffy quickly became your friends, but you still remember the cold shoulder Ace gave you on that first day. He didn't want anyone else besides his brothers. You were just an intruder to him.
As time goes by, you make it your daily routine to sneak out of your home and go play with them. You weren't as athletic as them, so Ace always said rude things to you. Luffy was in his own world, and Sabo was the only one who helped you.
But when something dangerous happened, all three brothers protected you as your own personal bodyguards. Even though Ace had been rude to you, he never let anything happen to you. Even though he didn't admit it, he cared about you secretly.
With time, you became a part of them. That's when an uneasy feeling started to grow on you. Even though many people give you compliments or good comments on things, none of those touched your heart as Ace's awkward and simple "...Thanks, I guess."
Little by little, Ace started to become a polite boy with Makino's teaching. That only made things harder for you. When he said polite things and treated you with manners, your heart started to beat like crazy. You had to hide those feelings and act normal in front of him, which was so hard to do.
When Ace turned 17, he left the island to become a pirate. You vividly remember the way he happily waved his hand at you and everyone when he left in his boat. You were happy for him. He wanted to become a pirate since he was little, so you were really happy for him. But... the feeling that he was no longer with you... hurt so much that words had no power to describe it. It was... so lonely...
But after some days passed, you decided to get back on your feet. He followed his dreams. So you also wanted to follow yours. You knew that you would meet him someday. So, until then, you wanted to work on yourself.
But he was always in your heart. There was no space for anyone else.
Every day you read newspapers, hoping to catch something about Ace. You were so proud and happy to see how he became a well-famous pirate.
After some years passed, you had to go to another island for your work stuff. When you were passing by a restaurant, you heard a commotion.
"Is he dead?"
"Yeah, I heard he was eating when that happened."
"Oh god..."
People were talking about something, and you were curious. So you peaked inside the restaurant, and your eyes widen when you see the man with the tattoo on his back who is now sleeping on his plate.
"A-Ace," you whispered to yourself in surprise. You quickly ran to him.
"Ace... Ace wake up."
You grabbed his shoulders and shook him.
Suddenly, he sat up straight. Everyone got silent.
"Oh, sorry... I slept," Ace said without care in the world.
Everyone in the restaurant was shocked.
"Geez... You haven't changed a bit." You couldn't help but chuckle.
Ace didn't recognize you first. He suddenly grabbed your dress and wiped out the food on his face. A scream came out of your mouth. You blushed head to toe, and you grabbed your dress back from him.
"hmm?..." Ace looked straight at your face, thinking hard. "Do I... know you?"
You collect yourself and let out a sigh.
"Try to guess," you said with a smirk, and you sat on a stool beside him.
He looked at your face intensely, making many weird, confused, and thinking faces. Suddenly, his eyes widened.
"Y/n...?" He said it with a surprised tone. He is surprised and confused.
You got butterflies in your stomach when you heard him call you by your name. A bright smile appeared on your face, and you were so happy that he didn't forget about you. You nod repeatedly.
"It has been a long time... Isn't it?" you asked with a smile.
He suddenly grabbed your hand and pulled.
"Run as fast as you can," Ace whispered to you, and he ran out of the restaurant, pulling you along with him. After getting out of the door, Ace shouted, "Thank you for the food" and chuckled. The owner followed to catch you two cursing loudly for not paying. But you and Ace managed to ditch him. Ace slowed down the pace and stopped running. Then he turned around and looked at you. You were panting hard. Trying to catch your breath.
Ace chuckled and teased you, "Still, can't run. Huh?"
You got annoyed, but you didn't have the energy to talk back. You panted, hanging on Ace's hand.
He suddenly pulled you toward him and hugged you.
"Oh my god, y/n... I missed you so much."
You hugged him back. Feeling the warmth from him.
"You have no idea how much I missed you, Ace."
The hug tightened, and slowly both of you broke the hug.
After that, Ace took you to see so many places in the town. And went to more restaurants. Talked a lot. About the past, about Luffy and Whitebeard. He even showed you his devil fruit powers.
In the evening twilight, both of you came to the beach. You knew this was your only chance to tell him about your feelings. You collected all your courage.
He was looking at the sea. He turned around to see your face when you called him.
For a few seconds, your eyes locked with his. Your heart was pounding so fast.
"What is it, y/n?" He was curious.
You looked away from his eyes. Hiding that you are flustered.
"Um... I- I have something... to tell you," you muttered.
"Hm? What is that?" He walked closer to you. That made your heart pound faster.
"I- I..."
You were so scared. You didn't know what would happen after confessing your love to him. Will he accept it? Will he get disgusted? Will he get angry? Will everything between you two get awkward? Will you... lose him?
Ace didn't rush you. He waited patiently. And yeah. Ace wasn't dumb. He got the idea of what this would turn out to be. He was also confused and lost in his own thoughts.
"H- have you ever seen me... as a... woman?" You slowly asked. But you still didn't have the courage to look at his face.
There was an awkward silence between you two.
"Y/N, do... Do you have... feelings for me?"
Your whole body heated up. You feel the heat in your ears.
The pressure made your eyes tear up a little.
You nodded slowly. "...yes, I... do." Your breaths were heavy.
"I... um... for a long time... I loved you, Ace. As long as I can remember, I... loved you." You took a breath.
"Everything. Everything about you. Not only your good things, trust me... I love every flow in you too... When I am with you... God... how do I explain this...? When I am with you... I feel... so safe, so happy, so excited... When I am with you... I just want to keep talking to you... And I just want to spend time with you... I am so in love with everything you do. Ace... I- I can't imagine my life without you. Everyday. Every single day, I think about you. You have no idea how much I care about you and how much I... love you." Your voice got weak when you said the last part. Tears fell from your cheeks while you confessed everything to him.
Ace listened to every single word you said in silence.
"Y/n..." he finally woke his voice. But his voice was so painful.
"I... don't... deserve this... You can find som-"
You hugged him tightly without letting him finish. Ace was surprised and stopped talking.
"Don't ever say that... You deserve so many things. You deserve soooo many things, Ace."
Ace calmed down after hearing your words. He slowly hugged you back. His eyes got teary too. It's like at any moment he is going to cry like a baby.
He sniffed and said, "I love you too, y/n... I love you so much."
Both you and Ace giggled through happy tears while hugging each other.
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sporesgalaxy · 9 months
PLS.. share thoughts on zoro n sanji relationship........ i dont ship them but they are so. SOOOOO.
THEY MAKE ME CRAZZYYYYY. and honestly the way their dynamic make me insane doesnt even HAVE to be read as romantic. But i feel so much crazier when i see them shipped and its not even capitalizing on all the shit theyve got going on.
So anyways here's my Zoro and Sanji retrospective I spent several hours on I guess. As if it's my fault.
When Zoro and Sanji meet, Sanji has given up on his dream to see the All-Blue in favor of supporting Zeff.
Zoro is still throwing himself at his dream to be the greatest swordsman with all his might, and nearly dies to Mihawk for it.
Initially, from Sanji's outside perspective, it seems like a waste of precious life.
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Zoro promising never to disappoint Luffy when he's on death's door clearly makes Sanji reconsider, though.
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The next time Sanji and Zoro really interact after Zoro's defeat is when they go after Nami at Arlong Park.
And the first thing Sanji learns about Zoro is.......that he's willing to hit girls!
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To Sanji, Zoro seems like he's willing to turn on someone-- and worse, willing to hurt a girl-- just because he's angry for an apparent betrayal that no one has any concrete proof of yet. What a jerk! Surely that earned him the dig Sanji makes about his loss to Mihawk.
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Unbeknownst to Sanji, however, Zoro has already bet his life on Nami's friendship being genuine by almost drowning himself.
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Zoro doesn't want to bother explaining this to some stupid new guy who's willing to side with a stranger purely on the basis of her gender. Clearly, Sanji doesn't understand ANYTHING about this crew, and should just stay out of things.
And so their initial mutual dislike is born!!!
They tend to bicker a lot after this, but I think the next time Sanji brings up Mihawk is in Alabasta.
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Once again, Sanji is hitting below the belt because he's convinced Zoro's done something nigh-unforgivable: doubting Luffy. It's a reminder that their rivalry at this point is still built on genuinely misjudging each others' character.
Now at this point I've run out of my 100 daily shounen jump chapters so I can't find for you the PRECISE moment thet are mutually like "yeah ok fine you're a DECENT guy I GUESS" in Alabasta but I think it's the clock tower maybe? The point is that the whole crew has to work together VERY HARD to defeat Crocodile and it shows Sanji and Zoro that they can count on each other to support the crew, at least.
Their improved relationship is apparent in one of my fave downtime scenes so far: Sky Island jungle dinner :)
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I...don't think we've seen Sanji ask for help cooking before this point?? Much less from Zoro. So I fucking love that. And Zoro goes along with it, even though he complains!!!!! It shows perfectly how they now trust each other to help take care of the crew.
Another one if my fave examples of them counting on each other in a kind of funny way is when they're fighting Zombie Oars.
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Zoro pushes Sanji's buttons on purpose to get him to go along with it, and it works. But it also shows that Zoro was counting on him to give him a boost! The middle panel could even imply Zoro jumped before Sanji agreed to anything, which really proves how much they're willing to couny on each other now.
Which of course brings us to the conclusion of Thriller Bark and a WILD curveball in their relationship: thes self-sacrificial x2 combo.
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What Sanji does here floored me. At this point not only does he trust Zoro as a part of the crew, but he considers Zoro a more irreplacable member of the crew than himself.
And Zoro refuses to let him.
Now, we know from his initial fight with Mihawk that Zoro being willing to kill himself doesn't mean he considers his life unimportant. Zoro and Luffy are both unafraid of death, because they have to be willing to die to even have a ghost of a chance of achieving their dreams.
That's why Zoro chooses to take on Luffy's pain and why he is able to survive it.
Zoro's sacrifice obviously means a lot to Sanji. When Zoro refuses to acknowledge his sacrifice, Sanji goes along with that and covers for him.
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And of course he understands. The pain Sanji mentions here that Zoro is trying to spare Luffy from is the exact same pain that lead Sanji to give up on his dream of finding the All-Blue in favor of trying to repay his life debt to Zeff. Sanji wouldn't wish the guilt he feels for Zeff's leg on anybody.
Sanji shows a lot of concern for Zoro after this point up until the time skip!! He calls Zoro a hero to Brook, and tries to help Zoro deal with his excess injuries without drawing attention to them. Zoro is of course surly about it, because he's frustrated by his own limits. He got a taste of what Luffy goes through and it just made him more desperate to become strong enough to lighten Luffy's load.
I find their sort-of reset after the timeskip hilarious.
Sanji was already feeling deeply insecure when he got sent to the island of question your gender and sexuality-- things Sanji clearly considers very important to his identity. Since he can't bear to question himself, he relies on reacting combatively to things that challenge his masculinity. Kicking them, mostly. I'm sure he picked that up from Zeff.
Meanwhile, Zoro is THE most traditionally Masculine member of the crew besides Sanji by a long shot (Franky is in 3rd place as a self-professed freak with blue hair and pronouns who refuses to wear pants). Zoro is buffer than Sanji. And seemingly more stoic than Sanji. And Zoro has cool scars and uses three swords and his muscles are bigger and half the time he's not even wearing a shirt.
This masculinity contest between them was present before the timeskip too, but it's really the only good explanation for the extremeness of Sanji's sour attitude the moment he lays eyes on post-timeskip Zoro and remarks, aloud, "He's back. Like I really care..." after how much appreciation Sanji showed for Zoro's sacrifice before the timeskip.
Sanji WOULD be annoyed at his crewmate's seemingly effortless, unshakeable masculinity after two years of doggedly avoiding non-consensual crossdressing and constantly fighting for his life to outrun gay thoughts.
Zoro's side of things so far post-timeskip seems a bit less wound-up than Sanji. Zoro never takes an insult sitting down, and also just enjoys making snide remarks, so if Sanji's going to argue with him there's no reason for Zoro not to argue back.
This is why I am a gay Zoro truther, even if that gayness has nothing to do with anyone on the crew. Because its fucking hilarious if Sanji is one-sidedly trying to out-hetero-masculinity a literal gay man.
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gingernut1314 · 6 months
'Tis the Season
Straw Hat Crew x GN!Reader
Summary: You share your holiday celebrations with your crew aboard the Going Merry.
Warnings: fluffffffff, some (very little) mentions of alcohol
Word Count: 1.5K
A/N: Soooo I've gotten into the holiday spirit and needed to write this, so I hope you all don't mind too much! @fanaticsnail thank you for contributing to my holiday cheer with your wonderful x-mas works! (go check them out if you haven't already! Very good!!) I hope everyone has an amazing holiday or can find joy in something that brings you happiness this month!!! 🩷
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Luffy: 🍖
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As soon as you tell him anything about the holiday you celebrated back on your home island, he would insist on doing it right then and there
Festive and colorful decorations? He’s stopping at the nearest island to gather supplies and doctorate the Merry to your liking
Hot chocolate and food? Yes please.
Turkey, roast beef, or ham for dinner? Why not all of it?
The food is the most important part of this new holiday, he thinks
He’s getting Sanji to whip up every delicacy you can possibly think of
Fun holiday activities? The crew will be dragged along and they will have fun
He’ll want to double--no triple check that Santa is going to visit the Merry because he sounds super cool and he wants to recruit him onto the crew 
I mean, come on! The guy loves cookies and milk and those are some of Luffy's favorite things!
…and he will be very skeptical of you telling him Santa is, unfortunately, not real 
Luffy is dead broke so he goes to Nami to beg for berry so that he can get you a gift
Nami, of course, refuses to give him a single coin and tells him to make you something
So he would spend hours making you a gift
He would hand you a drawing of him hugging the life out of you on the Merry
And you would have to have him explain to you what is happening in his creation because all you can make out is the colors red and blue and what looks to be his signature straw hat
You love it regardless and hang it on the wall next to your hammock
Luffy will want to recreate the picture of course, and you’ll be more than happy to hug your captain back
Will leave cookies and milk out for Santa (and will eventually devour what he left out) and will try (and fail) to stay up all night to see Santa
You would find him dead asleep half an hour later and would be sure to leave a few gifts under the too-large tree he had Zoro set up on the deck for him
Luffy will get that guy next year, just you wait and see
Zoro: 🗡️🥦 ⚔️
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He is uninterested
None of it is his style
Too flashy and too loud
He’s good to take a nap during the festivities
You will be able to entice him to come and eat the food Sanji was kind enough to prepare
And you’ll entice him further with some spiked holiday drinks
Luffy is all over the holiday, so it won’t take much convincing to sail back to your home island for the day
And while the rest of the crew is partaking in the festivities your home village is throwing in the snow-covered street, you’ll slip away with Zoro’s hand in your own
You will tell him how this holiday isn’t just about joy, food, and festive songs, but about life and death
You showed him back to the ruins of your childhood home, which he had been in mere moments before the villain you had been helping them fight set fire to it
The scorched front lawn was covered in clumps of candles, garland wreaths, rocks, and food, just as you knew it would be
You explained that your village had done this in celebration of the life your family had lived--to remember them and keep their souls filled with joy in whatever afterlife they might have entered
He would watch you light a candle and pull a small trinket from your pocket, placing them both on the blackened steps of your home
Zoro would light a candle and place it next to yours, sitting there with you for as long as you needed
He would even wrap you up in one of his strong arms, holding you tight
Later, you would gift him a bottle of sake 
He had no clue gift-giving had anything to do with your holiday, so he would insist you share the bottle with him
He will be sure to get you a gift next year
Nami: 🍊
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She would be a little on the uninterested side at first
But after watching how excited you got as you explained to the rest of the crew about the holiday you celebrated, she would warm up to it
She would even warm up enough to allow you to doctorate her tangerine trees with lights and tinsel
The lights were pretty enough, she supposed. The tinsel shiny
And she does love shiny things
Once in the holiday spirit, she would let it fully take her over
Nami would dock the Merry on the closest island and go searching for the best gift she could find you
When it came to you, she hardly thought much about how much berry she was spending
You and your joy were more important to her than a number
You had commented on needing a new pair of shoes a week ago? Bought.
Commented on wanting something so offhandedly you had forgotten the moment you stepped away? Bought and wrapped in whatever wrapping paper she could find that screamed your holiday in its bright colors
She would be very excited to watch you unwrap everything she had gotten you (which you had been very shocked at, but had been told strictly to just unwrap everything and not worry so much)
You would feel a bit embarrassed at how little you had gotten her, but she wouldn’t care because your gift was thoughtful
So thoughtful it nearly brought her to tears
After everyone else had gone to bed, she would take you back up onto the deck and hand you a cup of hot chocolate she had attempted to make (which she had done a pretty good job at creating without the help of Sanji)
The two of you would sit, snuggled up next to each other under a heavy blanket and watch the dancing, multicolored lights adorning her trees late into the night
Usopp: 🤥
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Will get into it right away
He loves any excuse to celebrate, so your holiday is already perfect
Usopp is quick to make colored lights to hang up around the ship
And he’ll want to make everyone a stocking, which will be color coordinating and have some sort of special technique that didn’t need to be added in the first place
He loves all the different holiday-themed stories and songs 
Throughout the day, he’ll randomly burst into horribly off-tune song and you will be expected to join in
The traditional stories you tell him get the typical Captain Usopp spin to them
But it just makes them that much better in your opinion
They become your crew's stories, making them so special
While the crew eats and drinks holiday drinks, he’ll tell the stories and have everyone, even Zoro, entranced by their colorfulness
You made the big mistake of telling him about Krampus
And now he is utterly terrified of getting kidnapped and beaten by the goat-demon
Though he won’t say he’s scared
He'll be very admit that he isn't
But a loud stomp of the foot against the deck floor from Zoro has the poor storyteller jumping out of his skin and using you as a shield
Usopp is a very good gift-giver
Not only is it handmade, but it is also functional (for once) and it will help you out loads
You give him his gift and he bursts into tears, thanking you and hugging you profusely
Everyone will go to bed, the lights hanging up everywhere only adding to the cozy, homeyness of the Going Merry
And you’ll just be nodding off when Usopp comes crawling into your hammock, begging you with tears in his eyes to keep Krampus away from him
You’ll laugh at him at first, but end up promising to keep him safe while you hold him tight
And he’ll hold you back just as, if not more, tight
Sanji: 🧑‍🍳
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Of course, Sanji gets into the holiday spirit 
It's a holiday you celebrate and one that makes you happy
And all he ever wants to do is make you happy
You’ll sheepishly bring him your family's old cookbook full of recipes passed down from generation to generation
And he’ll be more than happy to cook you whatever your heart desires
Nothing is too much in his eyes when it comes to you
He’ll insist you help him cook everything, seeing as you are the expert when it comes to these recipes
And you two will share bits and pieces of everything before it all disappears into the void that is your captain’s stomach
He will also be very interested in this mistletoe tradition
He makes it his mission to not only hang the green sprigs everywhere around the ship
But to get you under as many of them as he possibly can, for as long as he possibly can
You find yourself purposely wondering under the mistletoe and lingering there until Sanji notices and rushes over
Though Sanji wants to get you the best gift he can possibly buy, he’s not the best when it comes to gift-giving
Food and physical touch are his love language after all
So he bakes you a sweet treat you had once told him about, one you hadn’t had since your childhood
And it’s the best gift you could have ever wished for because he made it just like how you remembered it
He loves whatever you give him
It could be a stick you say reminds you of him and he would be over the moon, mounting it and hanging it up in the kitchen
Though you are sure to get him a very nice gift, one you had spent weeks thinking over so it was just right
He doesn’t need the mistletoe to show you just how much he appreciates the gift
Sanji makes you both hot chocolate and holds you tight as you two talk in the abandoned and cleaned kitchen
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yukishirostar · 3 months
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Because of what's happened with Zoro's character the past few chapters in relation to him being called a 'burden', I wanted to discuss Zoro's character in relation to his position and sense of worth as a person and why this is particularly painful to see for me as a Zoro fan.
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We all know this was a significant moment for Zoro's character. In particular because it marks how he went from a character who was singularly focused on wanting the become the strongest swordsman to someone willing to give up his own life and dream for his crew.
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With a gentle smile and tone after everything he went through, Zoro tells Brook 'the crew is a handful'. It wasn't something he asked for, but this is now his family and one he is responsible for protecting even if it means giving up everything he's worked for in his life so far.
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But despite being successful in protecting his Captain and his crew and surviving, Zoro has fears and insecurities after Thriller Bark. From his perspective, they had been lucky that Kuma accepted his terms and he was lucky he survived. But either of those things could have gone another way and Zoro is well aware of that fact. Zoro is someone who puts his value as a person into his strength, and if he doesn't have that then he isn't worth anything. To him, because of his weakness, his crew were in danger and he would have failed his life dream just like that.
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Not too far after during Saobody, Zoro is yet again in a helpless situation. Zoro is too injured to run and the other members are trying to protect him. Zoro wishes to sacrifice himself (again) to hold them off so the others can escape, even if it means his own death. He sees himself as being useless in the moment and weighing his crew down.
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Zoro begs Mihawk to train him, and as Mihawk recognises, he gives up his own pride by bowing before him. While some including Zoro himself might argue that Zoro's sacrifices so far are because of his ambition and he can't be the strongest if he can't even protect his own captain and crew, I think Mihawk's monologue proves its not just about that and its because well Zoro genuinely cares about his crew on an emotional level. (that should be obvious but some ppl really treat zoro as if he's an emotionless solider so i just wanted to point it out...)
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Zoro even goes so far to sacrifice himself for people other than his crew, though you could argue its because Luffy was there, I think its just in Zoro's nature to protect others through sacrifice. While I think it shows resolve and a will to protect, I also think it shows how little Zoro values his own life sometimes when he's so quick to give himself up. We also see this later with how quick he was to take the drug so that he could fight King despite the consequences of doing so.
These reasons is why not just an enemy but a STRAWHAT calling Zoro a burden to his crew is really hitting a sore spot for Zoro. Zoro doesn't get easily affected by anything but having his will to do anything to protect and help his crew being questioned is in my opinion one of the worst things to do to him. Zoro always gives up his everything for his crew, including his own life and dream.
I just hope his crew and others would tell Zoro how valued he is and how he doesn't need to sacrifice himself all the time to be valued as a person.
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beomoa · 1 year
( monster trio. )
request \\ Can I ask for Platonic Yandere! Luffy , Zoro and Sanji with Isekai!Y/n ? By that I mean , Y/n is from real world but got teleported into their world?
a/n // whoever was this person, when are we getting married.
Cws // dark content?, possessive behaviour, kinda proofread?, implied drugging.
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It has been a while since you've been sent into this "universe" you're starting to get used to this "pirate life" But every time you try to tell them "Please drop me off on a town or maybe a village, I'll be fine-" You instantly get cut off by the captain himself, luffy frowns. Everytime you try to leave the ship, he gets upset, your new to this kind of things! Let him guide you till you can go back alright? You don't need to fight, just sit still and have fun. Don't try to leave. You don't get to have this everyday in your world right?
"Where are you going?" Luffy said, with curiosity, but not that curiosity you usual see this time.. It feels like it's an order for you to answer his question. "Im leaving here! Thank you guys for taking care of me.. I know I was careless sometimes but-" There it is again, getting cut off by him "you don't need to leave y/n. You can join this crew! Don't you want to stay? Do that town have something we don't?" He "responded" With such.. You don't know.. Sarcasm? Is he mad? "I'm just.. I don't like it when people attack this ship alright? It's just sudden.. It's a thing I can't get used to.. It's stressing me out, my body is fragile, I'm aware of that, thanks for not letting me fight or just straight up told me I can do nothing when people invade the ship but.. It's just.. I can't handle seeing this kind of things.. It's normal for you guys because it's your world! Not mine! If this happen to my world I don't know how to even survive..!" You slightly yelled, yet hes still staring at you, confused? Shock? What?!
"Then I'll put you in a room. When we fight, your gonna stay in a room. A room where it's silent, and relaxing when I fight enemies, just for you.. I'll make Franky build it. Stay." There he goes to his reasonings why you can stay. "But-" Please let me say something.
"You'll stay now right? Right y/n? After the room is made, you can put your things in that room.. if you want something I'll buy it. You'll stay now right? Please?"
You didn't believe that your life became this way, you sat on the deck watching the sea, it's relaxing, you wanna leave.. But you can't. Why, why can't you leave? Zoro, the former pirate hunter is stopping you, it's been almost 9 months since youve been in this.. World. And it looks like zoro, you catched his attention. "..i think I'm going back in my real world after this month.. im feeling the same " Symptoms" When I got here..ahh.. Can't wait.." you said, in a tired but excited word. "Hah?" Zoro, that acted like your older brother responded, he was clearly not happy that you're finally coming back to that..world you live in. "I'm coming back to my own world! I can't wait to go back.. I think I have.. About 3 and a half days till I get back" You giggled, happy, excited, zoro was the opposite. He wanted you to stay a bit longer..wait no, actually he wants you to stay here. Like you actually was born to this world except of that.. World you live in, he wants you to keep trainibg with him, nap, eat. Just like any big brother would.
After 4 days you didn't come back. At all, when you opened your eyes, excited to see your room, your.. Really own room. But except you woke up in his room, seeing his three swords really work you up. What happened? Why didn't you come back?
"Your awake, glad. The cook said breakfast ready, come on get up" Why is he acting..so normal? Your so confused. A lot of question filled your mind that was left unanswered. What.. Happened..?
"Y/n-chan, it's time for snacks! Here you go.." He's so gentle with you, he's like a brother to you..but everytime you try to go to an adventure to anyone especially with luffy.. He's always with you. saying that he wants to come with you, just so you and the person you were with doesn't get lost.. except nami or Robin. He covers it up with wanting to protect you guys.
"Sanji.. I feel so.." As your vision blacked out. Your head fell on the counter, he slightly bit his bottom lip. He left the stove, and looked at you, with care and gentleness "I'm sorry.. I don't want you to come back on that horrible world." while he caresses your head, he positioned himself and lifted you up.
you woke up in your room, tucked in.. Feeling so comfortable.. ".. S.. Sanji.. Where.." You were panicking. No person cane through your mind except sanji, only sanji is the one who saves you from troubles somehow. "Y/n..Your awake!.. Don't worry, your just in my room. You missed breakfast... We're you okay my dear?" He asked with such gentle voice. Caring and gentle voice. It feels like.. Something was wrong. What happened? It feels like something was erased but what?..
".. y/n-san.. Are you feeling alright? Is something wrong?" You were starting to look around. "No nothing.. I.. did something happened..?" You asked, he tilted his head and shakes it. "No dear..probably a dream that was wrong wasn't it? It's okay, come on, let's not miss lunch alright?"
What.. Was it? Why we're you doing?
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