#bpd abandonment poetry
bxrcodebxtch · 4 months
oh shit oh fuck it’s getting bad again time to smoke weed until i pass out every night for the foreseeable future until i can tolerate being sober again
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dearinnerchild · 9 months
“everything i’ve ever let go of has claw marks on it”
david foster wallace, infinite jest
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snarlingteeth · 7 months
Would you like me better,
with blood on my teeth?
Under my claws,
In my fur.
Would you want me then?
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howlovelyhana · 6 months
The borderlined life excerpt seven from my poetry book:
Somewhere within time the cord between us got cut, you stopped replying and I stopped pretending that I didn’t care. Everything hurt more after, I couldn’t pin point where the blood was pouring out from, it felt like I was a whole wound. I kept the memories though, I think you should know that.
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rottedtitz · 5 months
i want to run away,
like a scared dog.
My tail tucked between my legs
my beady eyes staring at your anger
my nose smelling your danger
when the front door opens,
i bolt out between your legs.
you chase me around all over the yard
just leave me alone!
when you corner me sooner or later
i will have to bare my teeth
showing you the ripped flesh between them,
the dried blood on my mouth
belonging to my last owners.
you will look in fear
but i will look in fear,
i will remind you as i have reminded others,
i am a mutt.
a feral dog.
i bite.
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margotphosphene · 3 days
Emotions from a Stormy Night
It began storming as soon as I was upset,
The irony of lightning striking with my hurt,
Mother nature knows how to create scenes,
I expressed my feelings to someone in a sentence
"The storm is making my pain deeper."
Their reply was one I expected,
"It will pass."
"The storm or the pain?"
-A.M. 5/29/24 9:31pm
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graveyard-poetry · 10 months
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i'm terrified that i'll fall asleep next to you and wake up all alone.
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ragdollunravels · 6 months
I want only you.
That's all I've ever wanted.
I thought I had you.
The joy I felt to finally be chosen was unlike anything else.
You held me.
You said every sweet word.
We celebrated our victories together.
And our failures didn't hurt because at the end of the day we would go to bed and share our heat beneath the covers.
I don't know when it started.
You stopped holding me.
It was like pulling teeth to get a kind word.
You never were unkind.
But you stopped being mine.
And I was okay with playing pretend.
I love you.
I love you.
I love you.
That was never pretend.
I can handle it.
I can ache inside every day.
I can cry because I miss you.
I was okay because you still chose me.
I was okay because you kissed me.
I was okay because at the end of the day you were there.
That's love, right?
And I promise I held on.
I held on tight.
But I knew I had to let you go.
It hurt more than anything I've known before.
It still hurts every day.
But suddenly I found you again.
The fire in your eye ignited.
The passion that I've missed for so long.
I thought it was love.
I thought you realized your mistake.
I thought maybe if you held me again you'd remember.
And everything would be okay.
The fire is gone.
It's my fault for being so stupid.
It's my fault for trusting my gut. It's my fault for letting myself get hurt again. It's my fault for tricking myself.
I can't fuck you into loving me.
I can't cry you into loving me.
I can't love you into loving me.
I just wish you did.
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drowninginred · 7 months
I know you probably had a lot of reasons for the things you did or didn’t do. I get that.
What I don’t get is what I ever did to deserve this?
Because when you really think about it, you haven’t been my friend for months now…
You gave me nothing, you were never there.
And I needed you. I needed a friend. But somehow that’s not a concern of you anymore. Not even when I was at my lowest, you always choose yourself. And I always got left behind.
After all the times I choose you over myself, helped you get through another day, made sure you survived… really? Thís is what I get?
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small-but-mightyy · 2 years
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jasminesuntrell · 1 month
Mycophobia Pt. III (22/30)
In March I told a man I was terrified of mushrooms and because I've come to realize people really love mushrooms, I hastily explained that the fear is rooted in my obsession and severe trauma surrounding death and that, I view mushrooms as the product of death. He probed more and eventually I let it slip that I feel that I am essentially a mushroom and really I'm terrified of myself- a creature who thrives in darkness and only exists because of death.
And he said but mushrooms live. Mushrooms are alive. And some other scientific shit about the complexities of their makeup or ecosystem. Don't ask me, 2002 was the last time I took Biology.
But it fucked me up because I've been so focused on the death and the rot and the murk that preceded me and succeeded me I had not realized being a mushroom doesn't make me the symbol of death, rather the proof of life after it.
I am not saying I'm no longer scared of mushrooms or that I'm now fully comfortable with myself. Just that there is something to be said for the ability to grow in absence of light. To be able to nourish yourself off decomposition.
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bxrcodebxtch · 8 months
i’d rather be burned by you than warmed by somebody else any day
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darkness-in-love · 9 months
24 November 2022
the fact of the matter is,
you were supposed to stay.
you were supposed to be there for me
when things went bad.
i stayed, i would have stayed through anything.
but you were different.
you saw it getting bad
and decided you didn't love me anymore.
decided this was too much for you.
and left.
you left me to fend for myself.
a puppy who didn’t know the way,
stumbling and clinging onto whoever feeds it.
getting tricked into giving my all
only to be kicked by those who find it funny.
i trusted you,
now what?
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kindacuteandcrazy · 2 months
i honestly enjoy and love seeing people happy, achieving their dreams or finding love and friendship. but it does also trigger a deep wound within myself, fearing i will never get to experience the same.
i become bitter, thinking what makes them so special to achieve everything i want? i have no answer, it's not about comparing situations or lives of the individual. I'm just bitter, sad and lonely. i work hard so that i can one day become happy with the people around me that i cherish and live a life i actually enjoy living.
but the way to the destination is a lonely one and I've never been good with patience.
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ddogdeath · 1 year
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fawnmechanism · 9 months
I think love in itself is abundance, but when you love someone in that all consuming way, where it eats away at you, and they're all you think about from when you wake up in the morning to when you go to sleep at night, and when they're the topic of all your dreams inbetween, when you love someone so hard because you hate yourself and are trying to squeeze them into the massive gaping space of nothing that lies under your skin, thats not abundance, its the opposite of abundance. Thats something terrifying, when you love so hard you have absolutely nothing, no soul, just that feeling. I deeply fear it and I plan to never experience it again.
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