#arctic monkeys
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act-data-western-away · 22 hours
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daddy-long-legssss · 2 days
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Don't Sit Down 'Cause I've Moved Your Chair
"I couldn’t think of a worse dance to in the devil's lair, you know what I mean? It was going to be the Congo for a minute. Hokey Kokey - it would have been. Might be that live sometimes. Macarena - I dunno, it just feels like it just flows better ... If you can’t sit down 'cause I moved your chair, then what sort of ridiculous list of things can you do? That were a lot like that Brick By Brick, [we] just spent the next few weeks like thinking of things you shouldn't do."
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turnersverse · 17 hours
and if you're thinking of me, i'm probably thinking of you.
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you and alex wind down after an exhausting week of concerts
just purely fluff !
you watched from the side of the stage as the boys performed. you loved nothing more than seeing alex do what he loved, where he was himself. you would always remember how nervous he used to be before going on stage, and now you watched with a smile as he strolled around like he owned the place.
you could tell he was tired though, he wasn't prancing and dancing around as enthusiastically as he usually would. it had been a long tour, and you could tell the comments about his voice were bothering him. you had told him time and time again that he should sing at whatever pace he wanted, it was his show after all and the thousands of people watching had paid to be there.
they were doing their last song in the encore: r u mine. this always got the crowd excited, and you could see how crazy the mosh pits were from all the way back where you were.
the last few minutes went by quickly, and the next thing you knew the monkeys were waving goodbye to the crowd. you had a huge grin on your face as you waited for alex.
he beelined straight for you, pulling you into his arms and burying his face in your hair. your arms went to his neck and the two of you rocked side to side as you embraced.
"it was a good show. the crowd was very enthusiastic." you said quietly, your voice slightly muffled as your head was buried into his chest.
"mhm." alex said, pulling back from the hug. he gave you a soft smile. "i'm really tired, baby."
"i know, i can tell." you said, a small pout on your face as you held alexs face.
"can we go back to the hotel room?" he asked softly, his hands squeezing your waist.
"of course we can!" you said, smiling at your husband. "lets go tell the boys and then we can go."
alex just nodded, letting go of your waist so the two of you could walk but immediately grabbing on to your hand. you walked further back stage, going down the steps and winding round the corridors to the little room you had all been having a few drinks in prior to the show. the rest of the band were in there, music already playing loudly and drinks poured.
"we're heading off." you announced. matt nodded, looking from you to alex seeing that he wasn't in a celebratory mood. "alright mate, see you tomorrow." he said, mid pouring himself a beer into his glass.
alex pulled you away from the doorway and you followed the exit signs to leave the place. the air was cold and crisp, making you lean into alexs side more. he dropped your hand and snaked his arm around your waist as you walked.
the hotel was only a 5 minute walk away, and the two of you were walking fast to get into the warmth again. once you had reached the hotel, your walking pace slowed as you made your way through the lobby and to the elevator to your room.
alex pressed the button for floor 5 on the lift as you stepped in, and the doors closed. stood in a comfortable silence, you moved from being at alex's side, to infront of him, placing your hands against his chest. his hands latched on to your waist, pulling you even closer to him.
you stayed that way, looking into eachothers eyes as a way of silently communicating. the elevator dinged, alerting you that you had reached your floor. you stepped away from alex, his hands dropping from your waist but immediately picking up your hand as the two of you exited the lift.
it only took a small number of steps until they were in front of their hotel room. you fumbled in your bag to find the keycard, alex watching you with gentle eyes. a small, smug smile grew on your face as you sang softly, "i'm going back to 504.." you look up at alex, bursting out in a fit of giggles at his straight face. you had been making the same joke for the past two days, you had almost rejoiced when the lady at the reception informed you of your room on the fifth floor. you were only slightly disappointed to be in the room right across from 505, but you still sang that line anyways.
"haha, very funny." alex says in one of the driest tones you've ever heard. you just smile at him, kissing his cheek lovingly before pressing the keycard against the lock on the door and pushing it open.
you walked inside, leaning against the wall to take off your heels. alex shut the door behind him, slipping his shoes off a lot easier than you could. he moved over to you and you heard him let out a small laugh watching you struggle to even unbuckle the straps on your heels. you huff, and before you can say anything else, alex is already kneeling down in front of you and carefully unstrapping the heel you were struggling with, and then doing the same with the other. he gently pulls each heel off your foot one by one, and once they're off he stand up.
his arms immediately snake around your waist and pull you to him. you look up at him, tender love clear in his eyes. wrapping your arms around his neck, you pull his head down for your lips to meet.
the kiss is a slow one, a way of you both expressing your love. you break the kiss, your breathing a little heavier than previously. "i love you." you say softly, dropping down from your tiptoes than you hadn't even realised you were stood up on.
"i love you too, sweetheart." alex says, dropping a kiss on your forehead, the pet name making your heart melt.
"come on, let's go watch a movie or something." you say quietly. alex nods, letting go of you, and the two of you make your way to the bed. you clamber onto it, hearing alex laugh behind you as you crawl further up the bed. you turn around as you sit up against the headboard, alex still laughing softly and shaking his head.
you pat the bed next to you, a way of saying "come on". alex moves around the side and sits down, also sitting up against the headboard. you reach for the controller on your bedside table and turn the tv on.
you flick through netflix, which the hotel tv surprisingly had, not seeing anything that good. "what are you feeling?" you ask alex. he takes the controller from you, having a look for himself.
whilst your hands are free, you take the opportunity to move closer to alex. you shuffle down the bed a little, resting your head against alex's chest. he automatically lifts his arm and wraps it around your side, pulling you even closer.
he hums, and you feel the vibrations of his chest, "that's better." you look up at him, a small smile on your face but his gaze is on the tv.
you find yourself admiring him for a few moments, his perfectly straight nose, his soft brown eyes, the slight stubble peppering his chin and the wrinkles just starting to appear. "this looks good." his voice brings you back into focus, and you look at the tv. it was some sort of true crime documentary, and you nodded your head. he put it on, placing the remote on his bedside table.
you were watching the documentary for less than five minutes before alex shifted, pulling you even closer to him, his arm wrapping around your waist. you were now on your side, him lying on his back. you kept your eyes on the tv screen, a smile creeping up on your face. the hand that was resting around alex's waist was suddenly picked up. you felt alex's thumb caress the back of your hand, before he picked up your ring finger.
he hummed, before very quietly saying, "one day, there'll be a ring on this finger, baby. and then everyone will know you're mrs turner." he pressed a kiss into your hair, his other hand that was around your waist moving up and down.
you felt a blush creeping up on your cheeks, as you shifted to look up at alex. "i really hope so." you says, just as quietly, and you're met with a grin on alex's face. "i love you, al." you add, your heart warm.
"i love you." he says back, before mumbling into your hair. "more."
you giggle softly. "no you don't, there's no way you love me more than i love you. there's no way anyone can love anyone as much as i love you."
alex shakes his head. "no. although your heart is big, i don't own it all. the cat owns.. lets say... a fifth."
you laugh more, you did love your pet cat, but nowhere near as much as you loved alex. "yeah i love tiger, but not as much as you." you express your thoughts.
"yeah but tiger still owns a bit of your heart. you have my whole heart." alex says, his smile growing as you laugh.
shaking your head, you sigh. "okay fine. i still love you more though." you move your attention back to the tv.
alex doesn't say anything, but you feel him shake his head. his hand strokes through your hair, and you feel yourself growing tired after a while. you shut your eyes, not planning on falling asleep, but the next moment, you are.
alex looks down at you, smiling at your sleeping form. he kisses your head, his heart full of love for you. you had been together for almost ten years now, and the feeling never got old for alex. he hoped after the car tour finished you could settle down, get married and have children.
noticing you were still in your dress, he carefully and slowly moves you off him, not wanting to wake you. he climbs off the bed, unzipping your suitcase and pulling out your pajamas. he walks back to the bed, slowly removing your dress.
after about five minutes, he finally manages to get it off, with you still fast asleep. he pulls your t-shirt over your head, having to lift your upper body a little bit to do it. he then lifts your hips carefully to put your pajama trousers on. finally, he puts your fluffy socks on for you, knowing you can't sleep without them.
alex changed into his pajamas quickly too, before gently lifting you up, pulling the duvet cover down, and placing you on the bed. you curl up instantly, and he watches a small frown appear on your face. alex smiles softly, and gets into his side of the bed, pulling you to him straight away.
he kisses your forehead, whispering the words: "i love you the most, sweetheart." before closing his own eyes, a smile on his face.
⋅˚₊‧ 𐙚 ‧₊˚ ⋅
a/n: i'm sorry if this is a bit boring, but personally i love soft the car alex.
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cherries-in-wine · 3 days
Alex Turner is my favourite coquette girlie
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musicandotherstuff · 11 hours
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Alex Turner and Ben Chappell at Columbiahalle Berlin, 2016
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angelonthew3b · 2 days
this house is a circus berserk as fuck yeah ur right
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aghsed · 1 day
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I’m imagining going back in time and showing this emo teenage girl Alex the Miracle Aligner video and asking him for his hot take. I’ve got a feeling he might not be thrilled about his future hair or choice of clothing.
Also on the agenda today? the wellies and the hooded pea coat and the angsty look on his fetus Al face
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dancingshoess · 17 hours
a little cheeky hip movement
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lily061208 · 2 days
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cluedoenthusiast · 3 days
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owoatmilk · 2 days
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Library Pictures
We did this sorta like the old way, I guess [how] we used to work out a lot of songs. There was bits lying around and we had this quite chaotic sorta tune going on where it was slowing down and the riffs and everyone is taking a solo at once or whatever – and they’re all fighting with each other. And then, I kinda just wanted the words on it to subscribe to that chaos as well … That were probably the most fun tune to do, everyone were feeling a bit ropey that day and quite ungoverned … [the] guitar lead is called the 'thunder suckle fuzz canyon’.
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that-i-like · 19 hours
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He is so pookie 😍
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