nouverx · 10 hours
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The hottest couple in Hell 🍎😈
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nouverx · 8 days
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More Lucilith art because I fell in love with them and I can't get up
They need to reunite and be a happy couple by the end of the show or I will cry
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nouverx · 9 days
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Lucifer and Lilith sketches to familiarise myself with the characters 😇 my first time drawing them both!
Don't ask me why they're naked on the last pic I just thought it looked cool. I have no idea if this is ok for tumblr or not, we'll see
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nouverx · 10 days
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If loving you is a sin, then I'll gladly become a sinner
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nouverx · 10 days
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I haven't touched a pen in 2 years but I had to draw Angel Dust, I love Angel Dust, I love him with pure love.
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nouverx · 11 days
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Radiostatic week 2024 illustrations compiled in a single post because I like how they look all together
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nouverx · 14 days
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Day 7 of Radiostatic Week
First fight! But surely not the last :)
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nouverx · 14 days
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nouverx · 15 days
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Dancing (I'm super late for this.) They are happy in my dream and I want them to dance to electro swing🥺
Struggling with coloring again and yes, they are dancing in the void cause I suck at drawing backgrounds👻
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nouverx · 15 days
OK I have to say something about it, the whole theme of these drawings is that Vox turned purple because he is in love with Alastor so he mixed Alastor's red with his blue, but since Alastor is aro/ace he can't fall in love so he can't turn purple like Vox :')
BUT on this whole illustration series, I used a greyscale coloring technique, where you paint everything in greyscale and color it by using overlay layers. Alastor's palette was made using BLUE undertones and a red overlay on top of it, so even though he's not able to turn purple, he is still a mix of red and blue in his own platonic way and cares for Vox secretly.
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It's such a stupid detail that absolutely no one was going to notice but that's how far I took this whole concept :'D I just needed to talk about it because that's how brainrotted I am about this ship lmaoooo HELP ME
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Day 5 and Day 6 of Radiostatic Week
Free day (Picture) and one sided attraction. Seems like purple doesn't suit Alastor...
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nouverx · 15 days
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Day 5 and Day 6 of Radiostatic Week
Free day (Picture) and one sided attraction. Seems like purple doesn't suit Alastor...
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nouverx · 16 days
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Radiostatic week day 2! Unspoken feelings 💔
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nouverx · 17 days
Relationships are about compromise.
This is how Alastor compromises—by occasionally getting so inebriated that letting Vox touch him feels like the usual colony of fire ants have strapped on wool slippers, leaving behind a neutral warmth on his skin instead of a repulsive, burning itch.
​or: radiostatic week day 4, drunk. in which i write the most saccharine queerplatonic fluff you've ever read in your entire life about two unrepentantly evil bastards
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nouverx · 17 days
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nouverx · 18 days
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Day 3 and Day 4 of Radiostatic week!
Dancing and Drinking in a bar! Damn they seem to be going along so well, surely everything will turn out fine right?
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nouverx · 18 days
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nouverx · 19 days
Please tell me you'll make a follow up to that Alastor/Rosie comic.
I want to see them have an extremely drunk fist fight and make up afterwards.
I *need* itttttttttttt.
(Obviously no pressure, do it only if you want to)
Hello! Well I don't really want to make a follow up to that comic I have more ideas to work on + I genuinely don't know how to continue it I thought it was pretty complete? I didn't even think of a follow up when I made it so.
Tho just for clarification, they were not going to fight! They got their demon form out of anger, but not for an actual physical fight. Alastor didn't have any counterpoint after Rosie's "yes, and?". That's why he calmed down and understood that this was going to turn into a conversation about feelings (which he hates) and paused it to get some alcohol first ahah.
The end is pretty open for anyone's interpretation so ofc if you want them to have a fist fight go on buddy, but I'd see them sit down and have a long conversation about feelings, and that's not interesting to draw for me ahah. If you want to imagine what the rest of the conversation would be, feel free to write a fic inspired by my comic tho!
And if you'd really like my take on it, here's an attempt dialogue under the cut:
"- Al.
- Rosie.
- You know that I don't need any man in my life right? You included.
- Hmhm.
- I just keep around the ones who's company I enjoy. But as soon as I get tired of them, or they do me wrong, I'll throw them away, no second thought and no remorse. You included.
- Hmhm. I know. Same for me.
- I threw my husband away because I didn't like his behavior and I don't regret it because I never needed him in my life in the first place. Sounds fair to you?
- Hmhm.
- I'M NOT SIDING WITH HIM!! I just don't understand how you can think so highly of me!! It's the same for me, I don't NEED anyone, I don't care about you or anyone else down here, and you just threw away the one person who genuinely loves you, over ME, the actual douchebag who doesn't care about anyone. How does that make any sense?!
- I don't care if you don't genuinely like me. I do like you, and I don't expect you to return it for me. I just like your company so I keep you around. It's that simple.
- I still don't understand.
- You don't have to. You just have to accept it."
And I think that would be the end of the conversation and they'd move on. Alastor ends up not thinking much about it since he can't yet grasp her logic, but maybe in a few more decades he'll get it!
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