niharikaslernings · 11 months
Why am I not posting?
This blog is so important because I am going to share everything what is happening and why am I not posting.This is going to be the first time when I am going to share my feelings with you. I know you may can think, no it's not the first time and yeah it's not the first time but it's the first time when the whole blog is on my feelings. That's why I am considering this blog as the first time I am sharing my actual feelings. Let's start:-
Let me explain you my aim a little bit- My aim was just to share my learning, philosophies, mindset, thought, ideas with millions of peoples so that they can improve their life and can able to overcome every problem present in their life by comparing their incidences with mine. I also wanted to develop a habit in peoples, a habit of thinking critically & logically to solve any problem. I wanted to talk upon the topics and problems of a human being which is faced by everyone on daily basis. But there is limited content available on those topics. In simple words, I just wanted to form a society of intellectuals but there was a problem that was I was not a technical person. I know nothing about blogging, I was not aware of how to write a blog, how to do keyword research, how to optimise my website/blogs so that more and more peoples can get benefitted from my blogs, I was not aware of on & off page seo. I didn't know anything. But I thought just to start with a mindset that I am more a creative person than a technical person and that's my strength. I kept writing blogs, I kept doing hard work but I was not getting views. I didn't took views too seriously at the beginning. But it has never rised so far. If I am writing blogs and no one is reading it. So, why am I writing, as because my end goal was to improve other's life and it was not happening.So,why to write?
2 months ago, I digested that my views are not increasing and I thought it will rise, if I will remain consistent at writing blogs and I started writing again. But 5-6 days ago, I thought to do a course of blogging in which the person was also telling 'the reasons of why your views are not increasing' and you know what, everything what he had said 'not to have, not to do in your blogs otherwise your followers will never grow', that everything was on my website and blogs. After watching that course, I found that I have a lot to learn in this field. I have realized that I should have learned a lot about this field before entering it. After watching some more videos, I came to know that my views are not going to increase, if I will not work on seo and other technicals. I researched on different sites and I found peoples start getting views & followers after writing maximum 20 blogs. But My case was abnormal, I had written around 100 blogs but I have 4-5 followers on WordPress with no comments & around 50 likes (from which I had done 43-44 likes on my own blog. So, 6-7 actual likes by others), on blogger 0 comments, 0 views after writing 100 blogs, on medium 0 followers with no comments, on Tumblr 0 notes, 0 followers. It was not a good number. This all made me reconsider my decision. As it was a very big decision, I took time of 5-6 days and now I came with the conclusion that there is a necessity to work on technical parts of the website, I had to learn a lot in this field. Therefore, I must need a break from posting blogs. It doesn't mean I had dropped the idea 'to form the society of intellectuals', I will come again with more logical philosophies. With this desire in my eyes, I want to end this blog here.
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Meet you soon.......
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niharikaslernings · 11 months
Teachers as evils (Nowadays, toxicity is on peak)
For new viewers, let me give you a quick information of what I write. So, I write blogs on what I learnt from the whole day because every day has it's unique sense and it always taught you some tiny lessons but in pressure of your goals, you forget those micro learnings. In simple words, I write blogs on everyday's learning. This particular blog is about what I learnt from today. Therefore, be with me till the end and most importantly enjoy the blog of today.
My hindi handwriting is very good. Till class 8th, no teacher had told me your handwriting is very poor. But when I entered class 9th, my hindi teacher started taunting me about my handwriting, except her everybody likes my handwriting. I can understand that everyone has different perspective of looking at things. Just because something is liked by the majority of people doesn't mean that everyone will like it. My handwriting is good, well understandable but because she doesn't likes my handwriting , she taunts me, whenever she checks my notebooks. I don't want to face that again and again. So, I have made a lot of effort to make my handwriting the way she like it. But she don't liked all those techniques. I tried writing short, big, normal, with light pen & with dark pen but she didn't liked any of these techniques. She kept taunting me that "when you will improve your handwriting". I don't know how to make her realise that I am working on it, but I am unable to make my handwriting the way she likes it. I was frustrated today. So, I thought to ask her directly about it (Here 'it' refers to what type of handwriting she likes). So, that I can make my handwriting like that. At this point, I was getting very angry that why the hell I will change myself for a teacher. It was very hurtful because I am not a variable (I never like to change myself for anyone, I am a person with so much values. I never like to bent or to change my values for anyone). But sometimes in life, we have to be like a chameleon in order to get our work done. I know very well that she can deduct my marks of practical for no reasons, if I will make my relationships bad with her. So, I controlled myself and decided to talk to her in the recess. I gone to talk to her with one of my best friend. She (hindi teacher) was in the staffroom, I entered into the staffroom and I sat down next to her. I started with "my handwriting is not that good, you had given this remark lot many times on my notebook. I am confused that how to make my handwriting beautiful and I want your help in this. Please suggest me a way". I want to say more but she stopped me and she said that "I am eating right now, I will talk about this matter later on, you can go back to your class". She was actually ignoring my words. By her reply, I can feel that she was upset because I sat next to her. How I know? I cannot explain 'how I know' in words. Her facial expressions cleared everything. Sometimes, you get the idea of what anyone is feeling. I had just thought about it or I had just predicted, suddenly my suspicion turned into reality by a incidence. What was it ? Let me tell you:- Another senior teacher stopped me and my bff 'noori' (imaginary name as I cannot reveal her real one) and started saying "there is general common sense that childrens cannot sit in the staffroom with teachers". As soon as I heard that, I left the staff room without listening her whole sentence. Because my ego was hurt, I don't want to listen her lecture. Today, I realised a very important thing.
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Nowadays, teachers are not deserving of respect. They just care about themselves, they don't want the success of their students. They are so selfish. They just want all the childrens to greet them, to respect them, to say sorry to them, to bent in front of them. They (teachers) had nothing to do with your education. They just want to hurt your ego and wants to low your self-esteem, your confidence. In other words, they are preparing you for being a employee at someone office. Why I am saying this? Because 'the concept of benting in front teacher' teaches you how to obey your master/your head from the childhood. Hence, it is not for boss, it is for general peoples. We will discuss in details about the concepts later on.
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niharikaslernings · 11 months
Breaking the cycle of a misguided student mindset
For new viewers, let me give you a quick information of what I write. So, I write blogs on what I learnt from the whole day because every day has it's unique sense and it always taught you some tiny lessons but in pressure of your goals, you forget those micro learnings. In simple words, I write blogs on everyday's learning. This particular blog is about what I learnt from today. Therefore, be with me till the end and most importantly enjoy the blog of today.
I went to tuition today and it was my first day. He (tuition teacher) was trying to explain me a question. I was just nodding my head because I want him to consider me as wise person rather of considering me as a average student, even if I am not understanding the sums, I was nodding my head in agreement. It is also because I want to form a good image in his eyes. This is all about incidence. When I came back to home, while analysing my whole day. I realised a very important thing which is in learning section.
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While analysing the day, I realised that I never ask so much questions to the school teachers related to any topic. Reason is same, I want to be smart, I want them (all the teachers) to consider me as 'I know everything'. Because I am not getting, what the teachers are explaining in the school, I am taking 'tuition classes' and now again, I am trying to form a good self image that I know everything in my tuition classes also. If I will keep saying everywhere that I know but deep inside I don't know. So, it's a waste of my parent's money. 
Therefore, the only solution is don't care about your self respect and discuss about your doubts, ask questions freely and confidently. Let your self respect be down as it can be, nobody cares. If In future, you will become anything, everyone will say you were good, nobody remembers your failures except you. You are your own enemy. 
The universal truth is we all have to die one day. Every living organisms who exists on this plant called earth will die one day. So, why to be oversmart? Why not to be average if being average is benefitting you in some ways. 
A little talk:-
Most of the students are studying in the same way but they must understand that they are on the wrong path. This mindset is completely wrong. You cannot even count the negative impacts of this mindset upon your life in long term. Comment me below, if you can relate with my learnings. Thank you
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niharikaslernings · 11 months
Flaw of mindset
For new viewers, let me give you a quick information of what I write. So, I write blogs on what I learnt from the whole day because every day has it's unique sense and it always taught you some tiny lessons but in pressure of your goals, you forget those micro learnings. In simple words, I write blogs on everyday's learning. This particular blog is about what I learnt from today. Therefore, be with me till the end and most importantly enjoy the blog of today. [Today's blog does not include incidence part].
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Today's blog is a self realisation of something strong. I was just sitting and I realised that whatever I want to be or anyone wants to be whether it is to be a billonaire, to clear any exam, to be a topper, getting a specific job according to your interest or anything that you can think is not that simple to achieve. You think, you imagine the outputs or the result part only, you never think about the process. Let's say, you want to be a billionaire. So, for sure, you will imagine luxurious house, successful company, expensive clothes & your most confident self. You will never imagine, the first day of starting that successful company which is full of struggles, you will never imagine the struggles of being that strong & confident which came from everyday's conversation with peoples. That's natural, to not imagine. We as humans focus so much on results and outputs. Many peoples were confused that what I am trying to explain. So, have patience, be with me, believe on me. At the end, I will make sure that you get my point. So, we focus much on results that's why our mindset had also becomed result oriented means it (our mind) only thinks about results, it do not thinks or knows about the process part. What's wrong in just thinking about the outputs? Let me tell you, what's wrong :- Suppose, you are starting your business, the very first day you will go (Of course, because of your mindset, you will think that I will be serious, confident, I will give savage replies and so on) but it is the reality that it (the day) will not go, the way you had planned. In fact, everyday which you will plan, will not go like that. It will go totally unexpected. When this starts happening, peoples get discouraged and when the courage part is over. It means your energy is over because business is a game of risk which demands courage. Courage is over means energy is over. Then, even one failure can make you feel depressed and unfortunately you will give up on your dreams. At beginning, the person who had a strong mindset that he is very strong and he will not give up even after failing so many times had gave up. This is how one's dreams shatter in front of their eyes. Who's mistake is this? Is this your mistake?
No, it is the fault of your mindset.
We must try to understand our belief system because the deep you go inside, it start becoming that interesting.
As a living organisms, we also had some flaws. One of the biggest flaw is our mind is result oriented. I am not saying, don't think about results rather I am trying to aware you about this. I just want you to control your imagination. You must logically think that what you are thinking. Try to divert your mind, if you are making unnecessary fantasies which do not have any connection with reality. While doing it, never pressurise yourself, have patience, it will take time. But most important is consistency. Otherwise, you can also be the one which we had discussed above in that 'billonaire story'. But Is it only your mindset fault? . No, there are other factors as well. One of them is so popular 'instagram', which provides you with reels and those reels give you access to millions of imaginary things, moments, situations. Currently 95% of youth & tennagers are day dreamers. They had 'imagination' in their addiction list. Many of them, doesn't fall asleep if they didn't imagine unnecessary things. It is a very big problem but I am shocked that nobody had written & made video about it. For all those who are badly in control of their imaginations, I want to suggest a solution called 'try finding logic in imaginary thoughts, if it doesn't exists, try to neglect that imagination idea'. It's hard, So don't try to be quick, you have to be patient, you cannot remove it in a second. I think starting with 1 hr of logical thinking everyday is a good idea. Make sure that in that particular hour, no unnecessary thoughts disturbs you.
At the end, I want you to accept that nothing is so easy as you imagine, no matter what path you chose, there are problems. It is hard to face them, to deal with them but it's not impossible.
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niharikaslernings · 11 months
Yes, learners made mistakes
For new viewers, let me give you a quick information of what I write. So, I write blogs on what I learnt from the whole day because every day has it's unique sense and it always taught you some tiny lessons but in pressure of your goals, you forget those micro learnings. In simple words, I write blogs on everyday's learning. This particular blog is about what I learnt from today. Therefore, be with me till the end and most importantly enjoy the blog of today.
I didn't go to school today because I was not feeling like to go. Also, today's classes were not important ones. So, I hadn't gone. This incident was of morning, when my mother told me to go and pluck some holy basil leaves for preparing healthy tea. I gone, that's when my landlord and landlady saw me. They were looking at me with big & broaden eyes, I felt strange but I ignored it. Just after me, my landlady came to my rent rooms and she asked to my mother, "why she hadn't attended school?". My mother replied, "it's because today's classes were not that important. So, she choosed to be at home and study sincerely". She after that started giving lectures to my mother that a student must be regular at school, everyday is important, there is nothing like not important classes, my children also make excuses like that but I forcefully sent them to school (she must understand that her childrens are in 2th & 5th grade and I am in upper class and sometime teachers don't teach in classes. So, a sincere student don't attend classes of that day because he/she knows, how to save her/his time). Anyway, this day taught me a great lesson.
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Peoples were so interested in your life more than their own life. Because they need topics to discuss which they try to find by you or simply, by your life but it's fine. Don't take that pressure upon you that if I will make any mistake, my parents had to listen for it. Just be relaxed & chilled and don't be afraid of making any mistake. Make mistakes and keep learning from it.
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niharikaslernings · 11 months
Is situations matters?
For new viewers, let me give you a quick information of what I write. So, I write blogs on what I learnt from the whole day because every day has it's unique sense and it always taught you some tiny lessons but in pressure of your goals, you forget those micro learnings. In simple words, I write blogs on everyday's learning. This particular blog is about what I learnt from today. Therefore, be with me till the end and most importantly enjoy the blog of today.
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Today was debate competition at school. I was from audience side, the topic for debate was deforestation. One has to speak for planting trees and other has for cutting trees (they both had to give valid points and they had to prove themselves right). I was damn sure that the one's who are in favour of planting trees will win. Not only me, even teachers believed that what can be the consequences of planting trees. So, team B will easily defeated by team A (I had listened talking two senior teachers). But when the debate actually happened, the results were shocking. A boy of class 10th, who was against planting trees, gave proper points with confidence without stopping for a moment and he won the competition. Sorry, his team won the competition. That man was not stopping for a moment, he start just after the opponent finish, it's like he is a computer and everything is already fitted in his mind. Everyone was shocked that how can a person be that quick to prepare answers. This day made me realise of something new which was beyond of my imagination.
I learnt that to win any negotiation, knowledge doesn't matters nor does the situation matters (like in this case, he was in opponent of planting trees). What matters is, fluency at the language, high confidence and strong negotiation skills. So, that you can use the points of opponent in your favour by changing their actual meanings. If you have these skills, you can easily negotiate with anyone in any cases. These skills are not genetical, one learns it by continuous involvement in social events. Here in his case, he is brought up in the families of leaders in which almost everyone has a involvement in politics including his mother. He had also gave speeches in front of villagers and he is in continuous interaction with so many peoples, who came at his home to meet his parents (as they are leaders). The peoples with different problems & issues, after interacting with them from many years. He became a problem solver which helped him in preparing instant replies during the competition. Therefore, believing that I cannot is a stupidity, you can but it demands time to negotiate like that.
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niharikaslernings · 11 months
For productive screen time users
For new viewers, let me give you a quick information of what I write. So, I write blogs on what I learnt from the whole day because every day has it's unique sense and it always taught you some tiny lessons but in pressure of your goals, you forget those micro learnings. In simple words, I write blogs on everyday's learning. This particular blog is about what I learnt from today. Therefore, be with me till the end and most importantly enjoy the blog of today.
I hadn't attended school today because I was not feeling well at morning. After deciding that, I thought to make this day a productive day. So, I planned my day very strictly. I worked for 8-9 hours with little breaks of 5 minutes in between of the slots. It was a very productive day but at evening, my eyes started paining. I realised that it is because of long hours of work on screen. This day made me realise of a very important lesson which is in learning section.
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I realised that it's very important to have a 'green time' in the schedule of peoples, who have long hours of screen time (For example:- work from home and schemes like that). What does I mean by 'green time'?
'Green time' means looking at greenery of nature:- trees, gardens, grasses. If that's not available, so enjoy the pleasant morning of everyday, breath oxygenated air, look at sky, listen to bird's songs, do meditation, try pranayam, yoga, do breathing exercises, go for walking etc. It all falls under 'green time'. But the question is, when to practice 'green time' and for how many hours?
The best time to practice 'green time' is at pleasant mornings before sunrise, 1 hour of 'green time' is enough for making your eyes relax and being prepared for having screen time of long hours. It's very important to understand the importance of 'green time' because looking at screen for long hours in long term can damage your body & eyes badly. It can cause many problems like asthenopia, sleep deprivation, obesity, eye strain, behavioral disorders and so many. 'Green time' can protect you from all those problems. I can understand that there are many peoples who cannot stop having screen time for long hours because it's their medium to earn or it's their profession. Also, there are many students, who are completely dependent on smartphones for studying. Therefore, I came up with a flexible technique which can fit in schedule of students as well as of professionals.
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niharikaslernings · 11 months
Richness dilemma
For new viewers, let me give you a quick information of what I write. So, I write blogs on what I learnt from the whole day because every day has it's unique sense and it always taught you some tiny lessons but in pressure of your goals, you forget those micro learnings. In simple words, I write blogs on everyday's learning. This particular blog is about what I learnt from today. Therefore, be with me till the end and most importantly enjoy the blog of today.
At evening, I gone to visit a very crowded temple. When I arrived at the temple, I felt suffocating because there were so many peoples. My mother wants to enter into the temple and wants to perform the religious activities that was performed by peoples to make god happy and things like that. Priest strictly rejected and said nobody is allowed to go inside. I felt bad that I cannot fulfill my parent's desires but my mother was okay okay. She even touched feet of that priest who said that, she told me to do so but I didn't because it was like disrespecting my own soul. It was beyond my values. My father doesn't like all this, he is also like me, my sister is also like me but my mother is so much in superstitious beliefs. Anyway, after sometime, we saw that a vip person came in car with his family and that same priest was touching it's feet and he was allowed to enter the temple. He and his family worshipped god for so long, performed all the religious activities. There is no time restrictions on them, they worshipped for more than 2 hours. Meanwhile, I was eating samosa on the street, waiting them to came out but they didn't. Then, I came home with my parents. I arrived home at 10:30 pm, then I realised that I had forgotten to write a blog of today in helter-skelter of going to the temple. Without changing my clothes, I started writing my blog because I had to post it till 12 O' clock. But I was very tired and because of that words are not coming in my mind. I realised that I write blog, So that other's can learn from my life. So, I cannot make it done like a work or task. Important is to write it creatively. Therefore, I take break of 15 min and started writing it again. I completed the blog creatively at 1:00 am. But it was not completed entirely, editing was left & giving suitable titles to the blog was left which is I believe the most creative work. But till then, my mind was frozen, it was not in a working state. So, I slept and decided to complete it in the morning and post it in evening. This was the reason why I hadn't posted this blog yesterday. Now, let's try to understand the learning of the incidence I told you.
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I truly felt that I am not special, I am general public, I do not have any identity, I am not famous, I am not rich. There are biggest consequences that one's has to face if he/she belongs from this category. They had to compromise with everything. Nowadays, everything is corrupted, you can get everything by money. It is very important to overcome or to get out of the richness dilemma as soon as possible maximum till your 30's and to focus on the other things which are important rather than money. If not, so you will have to compromise in everything and you will get stuck in this dilemma for whole of your life (your whole life will revolve around how to be rich) and you will never get time to work on yourself and one day, you will die. Sad ending but true and it is the reality. It is the reality that you are not special and for being special, you have to work more than the peoples work, who aren't special. So, work hard next 5-6 years and make your whole life secure & respectful and then enjoy.
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niharikaslernings · 11 months
Negativity all around
For new viewers, let me give you a quick information of what I write. So, I write blogs on what I learnt from the whole day because every day has it's unique sense and it always taught you some tiny lessons but in pressure of your goals, you forget those micro learnings. In simple words, I write blogs on everyday's learning. This particular blog is about what I learnt from today. Therefore, be with me till the end and most importantly enjoy the blog of today.
At school, teachers were distributing test papers of periodic test-1 which was held before the vacations. Not every teacher distributed the papers. Only maths, hindi and science papers are shown by the subject teachers. Maths paper was very hard, because of which everyone had scored less marks. One of my competitor, let her name be fhulki (imaginary name as I cannot disclose her real name). So, fhulki scored much marks than I had scored. This was all about school. At evening, when I was doing my workout. A notification poped up on my phone, it was her on whatsapp. She had written ''hi'' and she was online because she had seen that I had seen her message, I replied back otherwise I never reply anyone while working . After my reply, she started saying that maths paper was so hard because of which I had scored less marks. In my whole life, I never had scored that less. You may can have a confusion here which I want to clear:- Q.I had said that she had scored higher marks and I had scored less. So, why she is saying that she had scored less marks.
Ans. Maths paper was very hard because of which all students had scored less. She had also scored less marks but comparatively to me, she had scored much (It's just a 3-4 marks difference). Confusion cleared! Okay, let's move forward.
When she said I never had scored that less marks in my life ever. I replied, same pinch. After which she start saying that I had definitely got more than what I had scored but sir had cutted my marks on minor mistakes. When the conversation move forward, I realised that she actually want to show that you had scored less marks. That's all. She kept saying things like aren't you feeling bad about your marks? etc. That was all about incidence. This incident gave me a life lesson which applies on every aspect of life.
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I learnt that everyone is so selfish around. They just want to show you the ground, they just want you to feel bad about yourself, they just want to decrease your confidence that's how they feel good. When they are trying to do that, you must ignore their awful & negative words. Because it's not true. It is the reality that In life, ups and downs are common. Many times, you are working hard but still you had to face failures. It doesn't mean, you cannot do it. You can do everything. On your negative days, be positive & guide yourself, pity on yourself and motivate yourself, that is very important. Thank you
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niharikaslernings · 11 months
Are you going to fail in life?
For new viewers, let me give you a quick information of what I write. So, I write blogs on what I learnt from the whole day because every day has it's unique sense and it always taught you some tiny lessons but in pressure of your goals, you forget those micro learnings. In simple words, I write blogs on everyday's learning. This particular blog is about what I learnt from today. Therefore, be with me till the end and most importantly enjoy the blog of today.
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Today was the first day of school after summer holiday's. So, no teacher had a mood to teach anything. Some were checking projects and files in the classroom and some were giving lectures on life. My science teacher, she told us that she was a topper, she had got 95% in 10th and 12th. After having such a great marks and percentage. She got no job because of which she choosed to be a teacher by profession to run her household or to be financially independent. She also told us that some of her students which are performing outstanding in their studies, got no job after their graduation. So, to be financially independent, they became tuition teachers to run their house. She said, it's because of high competition. Therefore, she want us (all the students) to work very hard to get a job. She had a very wrong belief system:- she thinks that because competition is high, all the students must have to work hard for securing a 50000-60000rs salaried job. But I seen her ignoring the fact that there are plenty of opportunities available in the academic field. In this world of competition, if someone wants to get a job by graduation, it will be so hard. But there is another way too to get a job, it's a field of technical skills, where you can get a job of above 1 lakh per month but the condition is you have to be consistent while learning the skill and you have to give it a minimum time period of 3 years. Even now, I had seen the society, teachers saying engineers & doctors are the best career options. They literally ignore the number of students applying, they know that their child will not qualify but then also they sent them to kota and other places. They know the rate of unemployed engineer but still they ignore all this. It's like closing our eyes to not face the truth. They gave their belief system to their children which causes lot's of problem for a child. If the child is not able to qualify the exam, he/she feels himself/herself a failure that's why the suicide rates are increasing in india. I asked from many of my classmates, "hey, what do you want to be?". Most of them replied:- doctor, engineer, ias or banker, they were all taking name of any competitive exams without realising that most of them are going to fail according to the fact. But why they are ignoring the real fact? They are the future of india, they are youth of india. How can be our next ruling youth be that narrow minded or blindfolded?, But Whose fault is this? Is it of that innocent child?
No, the fault here is of our society, relatives which pressurised the child so much badly that the child ability to take decisions, to understand the logic, to think critically, to realise a pattern or a fact declined because of which the child is not able to think logically. It's the fault of the society that they are not prompting or changing their perception and giving the same mindset and logic to their childrens as well. That's the reason of failures. They are destroying there childrens careers and they are making them unemployed. I realised one more pattern here which bursted my mind and I just want to stop this massive destruction, that's the reason of why I am writing this blog. The pattern is right below in the learning section.
After having such high percentage in school, she didn't got a job. So, she start teaching for earning and she is teaching her students to study to secure a job. Her students didn't got job too and they become tuition tutors or teachers. Then, there students will also become teachers after getting no job as you know that the population is growing, competition is increasing, number of seats are decreasing. What you are observing in this pattern? Do you find something strange here? Let me tell you if you hadn't:- The strange part is the one's who are failing are becoming teachers and those failed peoples are teaching our young youth, how to get a job which they hadn't got themselves. Tell me how can a person can explain you the things which he hadn't achieved in his life and if they are telling you means, of course, you are going to fail. Are you alone? No, you are not alone, the same teacher teaches your classmates too and may can be in some cases at coachings too. So, there are 500+ students which study from the same teacher and there are going to fail. This is the cause of massive failures of students or this is the flaw of indian education system. In Indian education system, peoples who fail become teachers and then they produce massive failures. This burst my mind, I just want to stop this to make you realise the seriousness of the problems, I written this blog.
[Note:- I do not have any intent to disrespect teachers. I just want the peoples to open their eyes. But there are always exception. In this world, there are some generous teachers as well which provides education for free and are real strugglers, they had seen the struggles and they are telling everything from their real experiences through what they had faced.]
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niharikaslernings · 11 months
Concept of time
For new viewers, let me give you a quick information of what I write. So, I write blogs on what I learnt from the whole day because every day has it's unique sense and it always taught you some tiny lessons but in pressure of your goals, you forget those micro learnings. In simple words, I write blogs on everyday's learning. This particular blog is about what I learnt from today. Therefore, be with me till the end and most importantly enjoy the blog of today.
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Today's incidence was not verbally, not physically, it was a self realisation. I opened my album at morning. I was asking from my parents, who is this young lady, who is that, who is the person standing behind me and all those things. After looking at my old pictures, I realised how fast time passed. Some years ago, I was born and now I am at my teenage, after some years, I will be youth, after some years, I will be old and one day, I will die. Life is too short. It also made me realise of a great thing which is in learning section.
I realised that we must have to achieve our dreams, goals, desires, ambitions as soon as possible. We must never have to look for the perfect moment to start any work. We must have to fit it in our mind the principle of just do it, just make it happen. Don't wait, just make it done. We have to understand the nature of time. The nature of Time:- time passes slowly like tortoise, when you looking at the clock and it runs like a horse, when you are not looking at it. This day made me realise that time is limited. Therefore, we must need to use it to improve ourselves. Along with that, we must need to have patience. Just remember this mantra, "keep working at your full capacity without wasting time but with a patience" and that's how you will get success.
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niharikaslernings · 11 months
Be a solid
For new viewers, let me give you a quick information of what I write. So, I write blogs on what I learnt from the whole day because every day has it's unique sense and it always taught you some tiny lessons but in pressure of your goals, you forget those micro learnings. In simple words, I write blogs on everyday's learning. This particular blog is about what I learnt from today. Therefore, be with me till the end and most importantly enjoy the blog of today.
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Today, at evening. I came on terrace just for relaxing because it was a pleasant day. On terrace, there were many childrens playing different games. From all the childrens, two were of my landlady and rest were their friends. When, I was lost at my imagination, they locked the door of terrace. When I realised it, they all were gone downstairs. I knocked hardly on the door, I shouted, "Hey, please open the door". But no one listened. It had been 15 minutes, I was shivering out of anger. I screamed with my full potential, "Open the door or I will break the door". That's when my landlady felt that someone is stuck on the terrace. She came and said, "Wait, I am opening the door" and she opened the door. When, I saw her face, she was laughing and she said "who had locked you?". When I replied your children, she said, "they are small. They had forgotten that you were there and they had locked up". After saying this, she started laughing even more. I was bursting with fire inside myself. I said, "make them understand, or I will give smooth slap on their faces to make them understand". After listening this, she made her face. Then, I came downstairs. When I entered into my rent rooms, after looking at my face, my parents understood something must had happened. I told them, the whole incidence. I was very shocked by their reply, it was the unexpected reply that I never had expected. They were trying to make me understand that it's okay, no need to shout. Then, they started trying to find out my mistakes. They said, where you are lost, when they were locking you up? After listening this, I hadn't said anything because I was broked up. It was shocking for me that my parents are trying to find my mistake even if I hadn't done. My mother kept saying things like, "you must need to mind your language while speaking. How can you shout on her?, She is elder than you". I kept listening every words of them, it was a heartbreaking moment. But I learnt a very important learning today.
I analysed the whole incidence again because I was unable to interpret that what's happening?, why are my parents blaming me?
I analysed it and I found the cause.
It was their helplessness that it's not there home. They (landlord & landlady) can easily say, you can leave my house which can be insulting for my parents. So, that's the reason, why they want me to be silent. Actually, they want me to be compressible. But I am a proper solid person which can never be compressible. I am rigid, I never can change myself for anyone. I do not have my own house just because of that I can never compromise on my boldness. At last, I want to say speak less but never compromise with your self respect because the one's who are trying to compress you must needed a reply from your side because they deserve that.
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niharikaslernings · 11 months
A update of "Be a solid"
The incident which had happened with me yesterday hitted me harder. While writing yesterday's blog, I distracted many times because I was lost in my own belief that why it happened?. The much I was trying to complete the blog, the much I found myself distracted. Somehow, I managed to complete it. When I read it for publishing, I found it a very negative blog which can even harm the day of my viewers. That blog really needs a edit and polishment of positivity which made me took more time. I am publishing it today without erasing my emotions but with a polishment of positivity.
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niharikaslernings · 11 months
A struggling story of a man
For new viewers, let me give you a quick information of what I write. So, I write blogs on what I learnt from the whole day because every day has it's unique sense and it always taught you some tiny lessons but in pressure of your goals, you forget those micro learnings. In simple words, I write blogs on everyday's learning. This particular blog is about what I learnt from today. Therefore, be with me till the end and most importantly enjoy the blog of today.
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Today, at evening I was sitting with my father. He was telling me about his struggles which he had faced while finding job. So, he told me that he had done his schooling from his village and from hindi medium and his graduation from a very cheap college of his city. That's the reason why he was not so familiar with english and on that time, there is craze of english. Peoples who know english, they get jobs so quickly and easily. But for non-fluent english speakers, there are plenty of opportunities available. My father found it very difficult to get a job. He gave many exams but he failed because he finds it difficult to understand the question paper as most of the papers are in english language. After failing many competitive exams, he decided to go in army because he was very energetic & fearless person. So he found himself fit into that role and he started working so hard. He describes his preparation period as the hardest phase of his life. He runs or covers meters of long way by carrying a clock with himself (because he do not have wrist watch, it's not because he don't have money but it's because he had a stubbornness that now I will buy whatsoever, it is with my own money). He woke up daily at 4:00 am, follow the same routine of running. This was also the period when his relatives are laughing at him, they were trying to discourage him my saying you will not get a job. He was working so hard but still he failed. But he had made his mind to join army, so he applied again but he failed. This happened several times. Once, he had qualified everything but the duration of the qualification was of 6 months and because of his bad luck, there is no recruitment happened in those 6 months. It was a depressive moment of his life. A time came, when his age was about to over as army recruitment had age limits. It was the last attempt, he could make for his bright future. He was hopeless but he thought to try it with a belief that if it will happen it's okay, if it will not happen still it's okay. When he told everyone that I am going to apply again, my grandmother said "It hadn't happened in 5 years, So it will not happen. Don't need to apply, it is destroying your health". My father replied:- it's fine if it will not happen but I don't want to leave any chance from my side. He gone there, he founded that crowd more than he had ever seen in his past attempts. After looking at the crowd, he thought that let's go back home, it is not going to happen. While he was pondering about it, while submitting documents of crowd, the documentaries collector snatched the documents from my father's hand. It means he is registered in the running competition. He with no hope started the race and got 5 or 6 rank from 300-400 peoples. He passed the examination, physicals and He got selected for the position of army man. He told me that I learnt a lesson that day which is learning section.
He learnt that never be hopeless in life. Accept all the challenges, chances and opportunities which are given by your life. Because you never know which of your decisions can be life changing. Therefore, be optimistic.
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niharikaslernings · 11 months
Is nature worths money?
For new viewers, let me give you a quick information of what I write. So, I write blogs on what I learnt from the whole day because every day has it's unique sense and it always taught you some tiny lessons but in pressure of your goals, you forget those micro learnings. In simple words, I write blogs on everyday's learning. This particular blog is about what I learnt from today. Therefore, be with me till the end and most importantly enjoy the blog of today.
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My summer vacation holidays are about to over. So, my parents thought to visit at our village for once because after when the holidays will over, we will not get sufficient time to come here. It was a perfect decision. The weather was also fantastic. Let me explain you, today's weather a little bit. So that you can feel my words. It is a cold, stormy, rainy & cloudy weather in which we were traveling. Whenever we move from a city to a village area, it feels like we are going nearer to nature. When you start the journey from a city, you see pollution & vehicles everywhere, there is no sign of nature, no trees anywhere gradually crowd of peoples, vehicles, markets, pollution starts vanishing. The only thing you see on the road, when you enter into a village area is trees and a little quantity of peoples. Honestly, I was feeling like I am in nainital right now (If you belongs from India's village. So you can better relate with what I am saying). I had felt this many times that nature increases our productivity and creativity. Nature feels like home. For writers, musicians, artists, creators nature is the most suitable place but unfortunately I have to go back at that crowded place (city) again. While analysing this awesome & charming day, I realised about a great learning.
Before, this day I believe that travelling needs alot of money, being in touch with nature will worth high. But I learnt that for being in touch with nature, it is really not a necessity to pay. You can waste your money by paying for looking at nature, if you are soo rich but it is not necessarily important. After researching I came to know that the places which are famous and are listed in top 10 tourists attraction, there beauty is getting depleted day by day because of extreme interference of peoples 24x7. Another reason for this massive depletion is local peoples. Inhabitants are trying to find new ways of earning money by doing experiments with nature, they are doing it carelessly without pondering about it's harmful impacts on nature. We always have a agitation to visit famous tourist attractions which worth lots of money but I realised today that the places which are not globally famous are the real gems. At last I want to say, don't be stagnant in life with your old belief systems. Make changes in your perception, when you find a truth. This is the real mantra to improve your life.
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niharikaslernings · 11 months
For all the bloggers who are beginners
For new viewers, let me give you a quick information of what I write. So, I write blogs on what I learnt from the whole day because every day has it's unique sense and it always taught you some tiny lessons but in pressure of your goals, you forget those micro learnings. In simple words, I write blogs on everyday's learning. This particular blog is about what I learnt from today. Therefore, be with me till the end and most importantly enjoy the blog of today.
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Incidence & learning:-
A important thing which you must know before reading forword: [I had included learning part into incidence part because today's incidence was very short. Here's a question arises:-
Q. You also had included yesterday's learning into incidence part. Does that mean, you are going to include learning into incidence part always.
Ans:- A big no, the only reason for me including learning part into incidence part is shortness of incidence part]. Anyway, let's came to the main point:- Today, I listened a audiobook of a book named "Mind management not time management". It was a worthy book, I loved it. So, today's learning was based on that book. I am not going to tell you the whole book (because it is not possible) else I will focus on the most important part of the book. First a quick introduction to the book :- The concept of that book is 'don't focus on time management, focus on mind management. If you will focus on mind management, time management will automatically improve. Further, david kadavy (author) classify time into two parts:-
1. Clockwise:- means doing a work according to the clock. For example:- Ramu is a boy who follows clockwise time. Suppose, he is making his schedule, so he will make it like this:-
6:00 (woke up)
6:00-6:45 (fresh up)
6:50-7:05 (eating breakfast)
He is planning everything according to the time. So, he is clockwise person.
2. Event wise:- means doing a work according to the event. For example:- shyamu is a classmate of ramu, who is a event time follower. So, he will eat, when he will feel hunger. In simple words, he will do things whenever he feels like to do it. Not every work can be done by following event time. For example:- going to school or office. You cannot go office or school at your terms. It is a necessity to attend school or office everyday.Therefore, for general peoples it is must to indentify the clockwise and eventwise works and maintain a balance between them. [Note:- Some works can only be done in event wise and some in clockwise]
Doing work according to the event is most suitable for artists & creators who are somehow indulge in any kind of creativity. Creativity can never be done in a specific period of time. You cannot predict when you will be creative. Hence, creativity must be done event wisely. Write when you feel the ocean of words inside yourself, draw when you want to express your feelings into a picture, compose music when you have to express the sounds & tones of your inner self to the outside world. I had seen people making blogging a business but it is actually a emotion and way to improve other's life. As a writer, I can feel his words. I agree that you can never write at a time. Writing a article is a task of whole day. Whenever you feel something important, you go and add it. That's how a article becomes a masterpiece. People who are new to blogging as a beginner they done this mistake. They set time for writing a article like I will write a article [6:00 pm to 8:30 pm]. This is a wrong approach, you are making a mistake change it as soon as possible.
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niharikaslernings · 11 months
Get sticked to the goal
For new viewers, let me give you a quick information of what I write. So, I write blogs on what I learnt from the whole day because every day has it's unique sense and it always taught you some tiny lessons but in pressure of your goals, you forget those micro learnings. In simple words, I write blogs on everyday's learning. This particular blog is about what I learnt from today. Therefore, be with me till the end and most importantly enjoy the blog of today.
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Incidence & learning
I putted today's learning into incidence section because today's incidence part is very short. That's why, I associated learning part with it because I thought, why to waste your time by separating it. Today, I worked 8-9 hours on my goals. At the end of the day, I realised a important thing which is must for all the achievers. People who hadn't worked hard in their life believe that if I start working for 16-17 hours, my life will change. But they must read this blog which is based on reality. Note:- I am not saying that number of hours doesn't matter, I am saying that number of hours is not only the thing that matters. There are other factors as well to succeed in life. I realised that it is equally important to get sticked to the goals. The first question that will arise in your mind after reading this will-What do you mean by this? So, let me explain this by telling you a story:- sima worked so hard today which increased her confidence. After completing her work, she felt she can do more than she was doing which made her do other's things too. Because of this, she hadn't completed both of the things. There is a proverb, "neither of here, not of there". The proverb applies on the following situation because sima hadn't done her task neither the other tasks with efficiency. Because she had taken extra work load more than she can handle out of overconfidence. When you work so hard in life. Suddenly, your mind processes or programming start changing, you start believing that I can do whatever, I want. You start believing that I can do everything, your confidence rises drastically above than the mountains. When this happens, you strongly feel to do many things. For example:- if you are working on digital marketing. So, you will start feeling like let's do data science, let's learn python, let's learn web developement, let's learn video editing or let's learn animation. Because of this feeling, you started learning, for example animation. So, you changed your path. Then, you will feel again to learn anything else. Look at this carefully, what's happening here:- Earlier you are focusing on one work but because of the over confidence generated by hard work formed you a frustrated person because you kept shifting your goals. After sometime, let's suppose you realised your mistake that I was doing wrong, I must focus on one thing. Let's back to the story again:- when you go to start the course of digital marketing again, you know the pain of re-starting anything which was left by you. (you know the pain of the things which you had left and you are re-starting it again. It is always hard. For example:- A chapter which had studied a little bit but then you had left it, but now you are re-starting it again). This cycle will waste your time & energy. When I was working so hard at my goals today, my boosted confidence was trying to make me start other work's too. But I controlled myself because I had wasted lots of my time earlier by getting stucked into the pattern/ cycle. That's why I thought to aware you about this because you may can be new to the professional world and you are not aware of the cycle.
Conclusion:-It is very important to decide the goals wisely and after that it is very important to get sticked to the goal and not changing it until you complete it. That's how results came. If you will run for trying different things daily, chances are very high that you will not get success. Therefore, get sticked to a goal.
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