zombiebabyddollblog · 5 years
how & when to cleanse your tarot cards ✨
how to cleanse:
shuffle - shuffle your cards for some time with cleansing intent.
sort the cards - put the cards back in the order of the major arcana from 0-21, wands, cups, swords, and then pentacles. let them stay like this for a short while, until you feel they’re cleansed, and then shuffle them again.
crystals - choose a crystal with your intent and place it on top of your deck, or create a crystal grid around it.
smoke cleansing - pass your deck through the smoke of burnt sage or rosemary, or through the smoke from insense.
sunlight/moonlight - natural light sources give healing energies to your deck. sunlight is more masculine, while moonlight is more feminine. keep this in mind when choosing a light source and what’s best for your deck.
meditation - meditate on the cards. this may be one card at a time or the whole deck at once.
yoga - do yoga with your deck, this will soothe and cleanse you both and create a stronger bond between you and your deck.
sound - use a song, a bell, or an instrument to wash vibrations over and through your deck to release energy.
salt - sprinkle salt gently over your deck or put your deck in an airtight bag and submerge it in a bowl of salt and let the salt absorb pent up energies.
sigils - write a cleansing sigil on a slip of paper and put it in the box or bag with your deck.
fresh air - set your deck on a windowsill by a cracked open window. allow the movement of fresh air to cleanse the pent up energy from your cards.
close contact - keep your deck beside or under your pillow as you sleep to both cleanse and build a close relationship with your deck.
when to cleanse:
brand new deck - if you bought or have been gifted a new or secondhand deck, the best way to sort out its energy is to cleanse it before the first use.
after each use - this is the best way to upkeep the health of your cards.
every day - a great way to take care of your cards, routine cleansing is a wonderful daily ritual for you and your deck.
when someone else touches it - energies can get muddled when someone other than the reader touches a deck.
after a complicated reading - your deck can run out of energy quickly when you ask it to do a complcated reading, and the best way to replenish these energies is to cleanse.
after not using it for a while - stagnant energies will build up in your deck if you go a while between uses. the best way to counteract this is a thorough cleansing.
with your life cycles - whether moon cycles, menstrual cycles, or sleep cycles, cleansing your deck when your energy is high can be a good idea.
whenever your deck tells you - sometimes you will be able to feel when your deck needs to be cleansed. a good cleansing and recharging is helpful when shuffling becomes difficult, you’re getting the same cards repeatedly, or you feel your deck run low on energy.
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zombiebabyddollblog · 5 years
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zombiebabyddollblog · 5 years
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zombiebabyddollblog · 6 years
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Graveyard art nail by kimberlykitty. 
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zombiebabyddollblog · 6 years
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Happy Halloween! @sixpenceee this is for you and your halloween aesthetic~
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zombiebabyddollblog · 6 years
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zombiebabyddollblog · 6 years
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zombiebabyddollblog · 6 years
The Signs as Greek ‘Gods’
The obvious choice would be to say Ares, the God of war. Ares’ Roman name is Mars, coincidentally the name of the planet that Aries is ruled by. Impulsive, aggressive, impatient and hot-tempered. Ares isn’t known to be very kind and has a lot of pride, doing everything with all his might. This is quite accurate since Aries is a primal sign with strong emotions, a lot of them showing through anger, which is often a misunderstanding from passion.
In my eyes, Taurus could be most associated with Hestia, the oldest sister of the Olympian Gods and the humble Goddess of the hearth and home. She was humble when she decided she didn’t belong on Olympus as one of the powerful Gods, but was admired by every single person who owned and wanted a safe home to stay in. She brought protection, warmth and a safe haven. Very grounded, much like Taurus, and loyal to her admirers, like Taurus is to loved ones.
Gemini is assigned to the planet Mercury, the planet of communication and the Roman name of the Greek God Hermes. Hermes is the god of thieves, mischief, the messenger of the Gods and guide from earth to Hades (God of the Underworld). Hermes was exceedingly clever and quick-witted, very likable, but not one to fully trust. Others have to adjust to him and are usually very confused and taken aback at first by his overwhelming personality. All traits a Gemini shares. 
Cancer could very well be associated with the Goddess Hera, the Goddess of marriage and fertility. She stood up for the people who felt love in any shape or form. People whose love was one-sided, mutual love, passionate love, unanswered love, you name it and she felt an undying passion for it. Married to Zeus, she had to have quite a strong personality. People mostly feared her, because she had a jealous, unforgiving side to her which showed a lot. Zeus was often unfaithful, but if he even looked at another man or woman the wrong way, Hera would have revenge ready. 
Another Goddess that could be associated would be Artemis, twin of Apollo and Goddess of hunting and the moon (planet that represents Cancer). She’s feisty and caring, standing up for pregnant women all over the world after she watched her mother suffer through her brother’s birth because of Hera’s revenge (ironically), though she devoted her life to being a virgin herself. Cancer is caring and very resilient, traits she shared with both Goddesses.
Leo, to no one’s surprise, is ruled by the sun and because of that could very well be associated with Apollo (Greek: Helios/Apollo; Latin: Apollo), the God of light, music and athleticism. Unconditional love for family (together with his sister Artemis), appreciation for music and talented, strong sense of responsibility (making light appear all over the world) and a strong, unfaltering passion for the things he’s infatuated with. Pride is his strength and his weakness, very much like Leos.
Virgo is very easily connected to the Pallas Athena, the Goddess of war strategy, wit and cleverness, and precious daughter of Zeus. Virgos are funny because of their quick wit and are known for their strong advice based on logic, strategy and being simply grounded. Athena was loved by many and was the Goddess who was sort of the sane conscience, whispering in everybody’s ears in times of stress or conflict.
Libra is ruled by the planet Venus, planet of love and the Roman name of the Greek Goddess Aphrodite. Aphrodite is the Goddess of love, beauty and romance. Libra is flirtatious, known to be gracious and carry an unusual beauty with them. Aphrodite is admired by everyone and is well-known to be most beautiful of all the Gods, though she was not driven by looks at all and married the charming and humble Hephaestus, who was the ‘ugly‘ and crippled God of Olympus.
Scorpio is assigned to the planet Pluto, which besides being the planet of power is also the Roman name of Hades, the Greek God of the Underworld. Hades is a dark and powerful individual, but is also very misunderstood. Like the story of Hades and Persephone, where he loves her deeply and is willing to something as awful as trapping her in the underworld to get her to stay with him. I suppose you could say he saw something in the beautiful, forgiving goddess.
To me, another Greek figure Scorpio could be associated with is a Titan called Cronus, father of the Olympian Gods. He was a quiet, brooding Titan who has been through a lot and is (much like Hades) very misunderstood. He did awful things like eating all his children, but did it out of love because he was scared of the cursed fate that was waiting for them.
Scorpio shares a lot of traits with these two powerful figures. Dark, powerful, misunderstood. Sting like a scorpion, fight like a God.
Sagittarius is associated with the planet Jupiter, the planet of optimism and expansion, and the Roman name of the Greek God Zeus. Zeus was charming, restless and arrogant, much like Sagittarius could be. However, as the ruler of Olympus (the home of all Greek Gods), Zeus possessed natural leadership and fought for justice. Even though he was “married” to Hera (as far as marriage was a thing back then), he was quick to get infatuated by immortals and even other Gods. Infidelity wasn’t uncommon under the Greek myths, but Zeus surely took the crown. Sagittarius are known to avoid commitment and jump into things with full excitement, but always have a strong sense of responsibility and justice.
Besides Zeus, Sagittarius could also match well with Dionysus, God of wine, pleasure and festivity. As chaotic and loose as a God could be, Dionysus was just that, but very well-liked and free-spirited. 
Capricorn could very logically be associated with Demeter, the Goddess who lives on earth and the ruler of corn and harvest. Just like Capricorn is associated with being grounded and earthy, so is Demeter. Unfortunately, Demeter’s daughter Persephone was taken by Hades and spends every other half year with him in the underworld, causing the half year of bad harvesting that we refer to as Autumn and Winter. Her daughter being taken caused Demeter to be awfully sad half of the time, which connects to Capricorn’s well-known pessimism. 
Though Demeter is a strong fit for Capricorn, Gaea, mother of everything, is also very fitting for the zodiac sign. Gaea isn’t known to be very human-like or anything like we imagine the Gods and Titans. She was the first one to be. The first ‘thing’. She’s also known as Earth. The serene power that gives Life and give us a solid ground to walk on, literally, but sometimes figuratively, too.
Aquarius is ruled by the planet Uranus, which comes from the ‘God’ Ouranos, also known as Father Heaven. Ouranos was the son as well as the ‘husband’ of Gaea (Earth). Unfortunately, his fate was almost deadly as he was castrated by his son Cronus and ‘put away’ since he couldn’t be killed. Beside not knowing much about him, Heaven is a logical association with Aquarius since they’re known to question all that is real and imaginative and are quite the idealists.
Another Greek being that could be associated with Aquarius is again not a God, but a Titan. Not any Titan, but the only Titan that Zeus trusted to be his right hand, namely Prometheus. He was known to continuously defy the Gods by helping the mortal humans (even creating them). Against Zeus’ demands, he gave the human race fire and that caused him an awful, almost eternal punishment. Besides his fate however, Prometheus was known to be wise, a wonderful craftsman, calm, forward-thinking and generous, much like Aquarius.
Pisces’ ruling planet is Neptune, the Roman name of the powerful God Poseidon. Poseidon is the king of the sea and is known for his unpredictable anger. Pisces is fluid like water and powerful in a less obvious way. Pisces is a water sign and is ruled by emotion, much like Poseidon. It seems obvious as to why this God should be connected to this zodiac sign.
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zombiebabyddollblog · 6 years
The Signs as Boyfriends:
Aries: Generally high maintenance. Needs lots of energy and attention. No bones. Supported by sacs of helium. Explosive when ignited.
Taurus: Quiet and clingy. Just wants to be by your side. Pays for things without asking. Extremely high resistance to radiation. Glows blue in the dark due to intense cobalt saturation. 
Gemini: Moody and impulsive. Lots of adventures! Long phone calls. Makes you laugh. Bone structure fluctuates with the phases of the moon. 
Cancer: Buys you coffee every morning. Protects you from the world. Buried out by the train tracks.
Leo: Playful, but a bit of a brat. Accepts dominance but only after a bit of teasing. Concerned about your safety. Old radio circuitry implanted in their skull. Spends their spare time frantically writing down incomprehensible transmissions. Embarrassed by this. 
Virgo: Empathetic and touchy. Always wants to hold your hand. Big sweaters and rainy days. Largest predatory mammal in north america. 
Libra: Talkative, funny and sassy. Saves up to take you on weird dates to interesting places. A bit to competitive for their own good. Old jackets and beanies to cover the colony of mycellium that runs along their skin. 
Scorpio: Clumsy and caring in the most endearing way. Modest but heartfelt gifts that really mean something to you. Fiercely protective. Black market weapons dealer. Holds you. Enjoys being held in turn. 
Ophiuchus: Mysterious past. Covered in unnatural burns. Odd inhuman eyes constantly scanning the horizon. Hates the sound of beating wings. 
Sagittarius: Really fuckin cool. Popular but treats it like its nothing. Secretly likes the attention. Eyes only for you. Busy, but somehow takes time out of their schedule for you. No eyelids. Barbed, prehensile tongue.
Capricorn: Solitary and thoughtful. Loves deeply but never the best at showing it. Enjoys just spending time with you in silence. An introvert to the end. Poor eyesight, tracks your movement with an electrosensory organ. 
Aquarius: Voracious learner. Texts first. Makes plans without exactly telling you every time. Bit of a hassle but always a fun time. Requires a new host every six months or so.
Pisces: Artistic and a bit of a weirdo in the best kind of way. Dangerously lovable. A bit clueless. Extremely affectionate. Likes it when you’re rough with him. Cannot leave the ancestral territories for more than a few days at a time. 
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zombiebabyddollblog · 6 years
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zombiebabyddollblog · 6 years
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zombiebabyddollblog · 6 years
Types of Pendulums and Uses
It is easy to become familiar with pendulums early on in your craft/practice. They are the easiest form of divination and have been utilized for thousands and thousands of years as both divination and dowsing tools. Despite their popularity and ease, I see more people talk about how to use a pendulum and not a lot about the different types of pendulums. While all pendulums can be used for divination and dowsing some are more attuned to one thing over the other, respond to energy differently or have extra uses. I will explain.
1. Gemstone Pendulums
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These are the most common and they are the best for those who are first starting out. These pendulums are balanced. Good for both divination and dowsing, they are great tools to practice both techniques. Their properties and purposes might change slightly depending on the stone i.e amethyst for guidance, rose quartz for inquiring about love, but it shouldn’t matter too much. If you know you will be asking mostly about love or guidance then go with the stone best suited. If your questions will be all over the place, go with what pulls you and don’t worry about it.
2. Chakra Pendulums
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Much like gemstone pendulums they can be used for both divination and dowsing; however, the presence of stones that correspond to each chakra gives it the added bonus of being able to align the chakras, work with them, and attune to them. This is good for someone who does chakra work or Reiki. It is good for finding issues in the chakras and helping to balance them out.
3. Angel Pendulums
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These pendulums are perfect for communicating with spirits, guides, and loved ones who have passed on. They can be used to call on the presence of the divine as well as seek protection during a reading to ensure that no negative presence comes through.
4. Metal Pendulums
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Copper is the number one best conductor of energy thus a copper pendulum would be ideal for a beginner. If you are having trouble getting a stone pendulum to work for you, copper is the best choice to go with. Nothing will have trouble communicating through copper. Different metals, on the other hand, may not be as beginner friendly. When looking into metal pendulums be sure to look into the metals they are made out of, pay specific attention to it’s conductivity. A metal that is less conductive should be reserved to users with more experience. These pendulums are usually good with both divination and dowsing. You can look up the properties of the different metals to see what subtle vibrations may influence your pendulum as well.
5. Egyptian Pendulums
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Usually metal these pendulums are perfect for dowsing. Traditionally they were used to find precious gems in the earth, land, and water. Today you can use this to find lost objects or whatever else you may be searching for. While you can use this for divination, its most suited for dowsing. 
6. Wood Pendulums
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Wood pendulums are considered neutral because wood does not take on the subtle radiation that stones and metals do when they are in the earth. However, this pendulum is not idea for the beginner. Wood is not a good conductor at all and for someone just starting out, it can be frustrating to work with. Wood is good at attuning with the natural environment, use it for dowsing or divination. Personally, I like this best for outside uses because I feel it harmonizes with the natural environment. For additional energies within the pendulum look up the specific wood it is made out of.
7. Chamber Pendulums
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Chamber pendulums may be made from a variety of materials such as stone, metal, wood, and even glass. These pendulums allow you to place something inside. You may place stone chips inside them to add additional properties. If wanting to channel a loved one or your ancestral line, put in some strands of hair. To channel a lost pet, maybe some claws or something they left behind. Be careful with liquids as they may erode some material. Water will ruin wood and some metals rust. Perhaps placing some moon water inside a water safe pendulum will help you tune in with your intuition and communicate with the other side. You can even use a little bit of blood to commune with ancestors. The nice thing about chambers is that you can also change it up and repurpose the pendulum. Their use as divination and dowsing tools depends on you and what you put in it. Though you could leave it empty and use it as is, that works too.
The Pendulum That’s Right For You~
I’ve complied a list of many of the different types of pendulums you’ll come across so that you can better choose something that suits you; however, remember to go with what your drawn to as well. If you do it that way, than you can’t go wrong. Oh! And remember, you can even make your own pendulum. Perhaps a personally hand crafted one will suite you best. Good luck!
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zombiebabyddollblog · 6 years
STOP saying “I want ___”. START saying “I am ready to receive ___”.
The Universe responds greatly to the words you say and the energy behind them. Give the Universe permission to work for your highest good.
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zombiebabyddollblog · 6 years
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AHS Apocalypse directed by Sarah Paulson.
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zombiebabyddollblog · 6 years
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The Seven Wonders
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zombiebabyddollblog · 6 years
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He is A Badass! End Of Story
(The Supporting Shadow)
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zombiebabyddollblog · 6 years
✨ how to send good vibes! ✨
In the spiritual, metaphysical, and witchy communities, you’ll hear a lot of people say things like “sending love” or “sending good vibes”! fun fact, most people don’t know how to actually do that haha. with a little bit of practice and basic understanding of energy, it’s actually very easy to send simple healing energy to someone. before we jump in, it’s important to note the ethics of energy work. A L W A Y S ask for permission before doing any kind of energy work on someone.  even if you’re only sending positivity! there’s a difference between praying for someone/keeping them in your thoughts and actually sending them energy. you never know how your energy will affect them. maybe they’re not ready to heal. or maybe they’re doing their own healing and your energy might throw theirs out of balance. only do energy work on people who are open to it! 🌙  ✨✨
set an intention of positivity. this is vv important! make sure you make it clear that you only intend to send positivity. I like to say something along the lines of: “may this energy be filled with nothing but love and light” or “my intention is to send only that which is pure”.if you want to send bad vibes, just set the opposite intention (not that I recommend sending anything negative lmao)
get into a meditative state and positive mindset! you can’t effectively send someone good energy if you’re not in a good mental state, first. take some time to breath, meditate, listen to some relaxing music, eat, etc.
visualize that the person is in front of you. Imagine every detail of their appearance as if they’re physically in the room with you. it might take a while to create this image so take your time and breathe through it. don’t rush!
imagine a ball of bright light glowing and expanding from the center of your heart. this is referred to as your heart chakra! feel free to play around with different colors while visualizing. green symbolizes healing energy, pink is the energy of love, and white is cleansing energy. these are the main colors associated with the heart chakra.
next, hold your hand to your heart and imagine your hand absorbing that healing/loving/cleansing energy. at this point, you might physically feel a pulsing or warmness in your hands. make sure you’re still breathing and taking your time!
extend your hand towards the person you’re visualizing and imagine that the energy is flowing through your palms and into their heart center. the pulsing sensation may get stronger at this point! If you don’t feel a pulse, it’s fine. I promise it’s still working!
keep sending the energy until all of that light is drained from your palm!
to close out the session, visualize a waterfall of white energy washing over you and replenishing your energy.
congratulations, you just completed some basic energy work bby! there are so many ways to go about sending energy but this is my favorite way. It’s quick (should take 10-15 minutes) and perfect for beginners!
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