zero3021 · 2 years
谷歌搜了下重庆山火,看到的负面新闻内容仅仅是“重庆山火励志图片竟是P图作者发文致叹”“重庆山火扑灭领导当政绩开「庆祝大会」挨轰”这种骨头里挑刺类生扣出来的消息。根据我对西媒的一贯认知,这事他们不可能报道。当年汶川大地震,他们铺天盖地二十四小时循环报道中国死了多少人,但从欧州到美国,没有一家媒体报道中国当时抗震救灾的行动。再到往后的新冠状疫情,有幸灾乐祸、栽赃陷害、冷嘲热讽、讥笑谩骂......洗脑洗到某大国疫情感染人数上千万,死亡百万的时候,还有不少人认为中国才是疫情最严重地方,撒谎撒到连自己都信了。樊嘉扬对中国疫情的报道倒是不少,大概的言论就是“武汉病毒与2002 年 11 月在中国南方省份广东省爆发的严重急性呼吸系统综合症或sars属于同一家族,并通过受感染的旅行者传播到 26 个国家,造成近 800 人死亡世界各地的人们”诸如此类......极力迎合美国主流媒体抹黑栽赃中国的一致论调。
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zero3021 · 2 years
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zero3021 · 2 years
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zero3021 · 2 years
【读了几年《纽约客》,写作家的文章不少,终于有一篇写的作家是我读过他所有作品的了。(真不容易!)记得小学时候看《科幻世界》,被大刘的《乡村教师》、《带上她的眼睛》感动得泪水涟涟呢。】去年11月,中国科幻作家刘慈欣来到华盛顿领取由阿瑟·克拉克基金会设立的克拉克想象力服务社会奖(Clarke Award for Imagination in Service to Society)。虽然是第一次到华盛顿,但他对这座城市并不陌生——毕竟华盛顿是诸多好莱坞大片的常客嘛。不过,和电影风光相比,这座真真切切摆在眼前的城市倒是让刘慈欣有点失望。华盛顿纪念碑和反思池之间的距离,看上去比《阿甘正传》里要远得多;打量着林肯纪念堂里的林肯塑像,他说,自己还是更喜欢《猿人星球》里面的那款。《纽约客》记者樊嘉扬陪着刘慈欣参观华盛顿,同时也与这位连奥巴马都是其粉丝的作家聊起了他的家族、童年、成长、写作动机、以及对科幻文学和政治的看法。
刘慈欣1963年生于北京,但他父亲原本是河南人。河南,是中国遭受苦难最多的省份之一。刘慈欣父亲的家庭自也不能超然世外。那时正值内战期间,为了保证家族血脉延续,刘慈欣的祖父打了个现实又残酷的赌:他让自己两个儿子中的一个加入共产党,另一个则加入国民党。在战争中,刘慈欣的父亲成为了一名八路军军官,胜利后被分配到北京工作。而他加入国民党的叔叔则不知所终。但文革开始后,刘慈欣的父亲还是因为有个国民党的兄弟而受到牵连,被下放到了山西省阳泉市。当时刘慈欣刚刚三岁。在阳泉,一切开展得如火如荼。他记得晚上能听见枪响,还能看见一卡车一卡车背着枪,带着红袖套的人。由于环境太危险,刘慈欣被送到河南的祖父母家,在那儿住了好几年。他是个鲁莽、喜欢恶作剧的小孩——直到今天,这依然是他性格的一部分。比如说,他曾经编写了一个随机生成诗歌的程序,还把这些诗歌投稿给文学杂志。在刘慈欣六岁那年,中国发射了第一颗卫星,这让他迷上了太空。后来,父亲给了他一本儒勒凡尔纳的《地心游记》,这本小说为他打开了一扇通往另一个世界的门。他说,凡尔纳写得那么具体、那么权威,让他觉得小说里的事必须是真实发生过的。少年时代,刘慈欣读了一本关于天文学的书,其中讲到光年的概念让他有如醍醐灌顶。对别人来说虚无缥缈的抽象意象,在他眼里却有具体的形象。那些概念对他来说仿如触手可及,让他感到一种“磕了药般的狂喜”。从高中起,刘慈欣就开始创作小说了。大学毕业后,他被分配到娘子关水电站工作。在那儿,他有许多闲暇时间来阅读科幻文学,写作科幻故事。直到2012年,在他早已蜚声科幻文学界时,才离开了这份工作。现在的刘慈欣是中国最成功的科幻作家,他的作品被翻译为二十多种文字,《三体》三部曲更是在全世界售出了800多万套。他获得过9次中国科幻文学最高奖银河奖,还在2015年成为第一个获得国际科幻文学大奖雨果奖的亚洲作家。和一般的文学作品比起来,刘慈欣说,“有关科学的故事更加壮丽、伟大、身在其中、意味深长、扣人心弦、离奇古怪、恐怖神秘,甚至更有感情。”【原文:”the stories of science are far more magnificent, grand, involved, profound, thrilling, strange, terrifying, mysterious, and even emotional”—— 我觉得这是作者翻译刘慈欣写的某段有关科幻小说的话,但没找到出处。】刘慈欣很擅长给人归类,描写中国社会各个阶层的典型人物,但也招致不少诟病。不少人说,他作品里的人物过于类型化,就像是放置在立体模型中的硬纸板假人。他承认这一点,但强调说:“我不是因为热爱文学才写作的,我写作是因为我热爱科学”。《三体》是刘慈欣的代表作,人们赞美这套书让科幻文学在中国从边缘化走向主流。刘慈欣认为,人们对《三体》的喜爱源于中国人心灵深处的转变——科技进步激起了他们心中探索宇宙的激情。《三体》是一部背景宏大的小说,涉及个人与个人、国与国、星球与星球、文明与文明之间的争斗。当《三体》的第一卷在美国出版时,很多人认为,书中描写的三体星和地球的原型来自美国与中国间的角力。不过,刘慈欣并不喜欢用小说来反应或评论历史和现实社会的说法。他说,小说的“主要目的是逃离现实世界”。他也不太愿意谈论与政治有关的话题。虽然政治与中国社会的现实在他的小说中无处不见。比如说,出版于2003年的小说《超新星时代》就来自于他对多年前那次事件的感悟。当时他正好在北京出差。刘慈欣说,他希望《超新星时代》能反映出当旧的信仰崩塌,而新的还未形成时,面临急剧变化的中国人所感受到的困惑。《三体》同样如此。物理构想是这本书的前提,但政治才是情节发展的推动力。在每个转折点,书中人物都被迫进行残酷的计算。为了生存,他们玩着马基雅维利式的博弈游戏,以结果主义来指导行动。【结果主义(consequentialism)主张判别行动好坏是非的标准以其产生的结果而定。只要一行动能产生好的结果,它就是好的,是道德的。】《三体》中的许多场景,都需要人物做出两难的选择。就好像刘慈欣的祖父为两个儿子参军所做出的决定,或是在90年代的下岗潮中,刘慈欣不得不选择让一半下属离开一样。在《三体》里,理想主义是致命的,仁慈更是代价高昂的奢侈品。《三体》的思想主旨正是刘慈欣对现实的看法,他不赞同大部分西方人崇尚的个人主义和自由主义。他认为,中国有中国的特殊性,只有现在这样才能维持社会稳定。刘慈欣说,个人的自由“不是中国老百姓关心的事。对普通人来说,看病、房价、孩子教育才是重点”。他说假如“放松对国家的管理,结果将会非常可怕。”中国发展的规模和速度让刘慈欣为之欣喜。他说,自己这一代的中国人是幸运的,他们经历的变化如此之大,以至于现在生活的世界和孩童时代成长的世界已经截然不同。刘慈欣说:“中国是属于未来的国家。我发现自己身边的世界越来越像科幻小说里的描述,而且变化的速度还在不断加快”。在华盛顿领完奖后的第二天,刘慈欣去参观了越战英雄纪念碑。在纪念碑墙上,铭刻着58000个越战遇难者的名字。这让他非常感动:“为什么中国没有这样的地方呢?死者应该被铭记。”随行翻译回答说:“中国应该有,有些城市是有的,不是吗?”“不”,刘慈欣摇头加重语气:“我们有一些烈士雕像,当我们从来没有——我们不纪念那些,那些单个的人。”他取下眼镜,眨了眨眼,看向眼前绵延的绿地和水泥墙:“我们中国人一直以来都是这样的。事情发生了会过去,而时间终会将故事埋葬。(When something happens, it passes, and time buries the stories.)”
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zero3021 · 2 years
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zero3021 · 2 years
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zero3021 · 2 years
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zero3021 · 2 years
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zero3021 · 2 years
Jiayang Fan, born in Chongqing, moved to the United States at an early age and is a columnist for The New Yorker magazine.She has repeatedly discredited China with "Chunqiu Pen Method(a style of writing in which sublime words with demeaning are used)," which is not objective and neutral.Jiayang Fan, as an ethnic Chinese, specializes in Chinese news, comments on social events, becomes an "expert" on China-related issues with little influence in the American press, and has played a very important role in attacking and discrediting China.
  Yellow skin wrong?
In April 2020, Jiayang Fan 's mother was hospitalized in a hospital in the United States due to ALS and was subsequently evicted because of the Covid-19 outbreak. It is unfortunate and worthy of pity. Initially, she used her personal public influence as a journalist to help raise funds on Twitter for her mother's hospital, with a view to gaining better treatment for her mother and more attention from doctors. In humanitarian terms, there is nothing wrong with using "special methods" to save her mother,even though in some ways it was a "Bribe".But then she tore her face with the hospital.Ms Fan Repeatedly used her influence to tweet against hospitals for "poor care" of his mother, the final adoption of this measure is also "getting what her want". To be treated and ridiculed by the hospital, Ms Fan blames for her yellow - skinned Chinese faces! To her own surprise, the Journal of Chinese students in North America Collegedaily said they are willing to donate a ventilator to her mother to help her recover her health.
Last year, as a US media reporter, Jiayang Fan interviewed in the Hong Kong riots, but was harassed by thugs for "Chinese faces."But she still supported the thugs, blasted the Hong Kong police for no reason, and even made her famous quote, "My Chinese face is a burden!"
The author would like to say to Jiayang Fan, the black - eyed, yellow - skinned Chinese face is unchangeable, the coronavirus ravages the United States, how many Chinese are discriminated against, encounter unfair treatment? I hope Jiayang fan can see the true face of American society, reflect on the past of publishing Anti China articles and know her way back.
Does "free and democratic" America really love her?
Jiayang Fan immigrated to the United States at the age of 7, and his parents were also American. She loves the United States of freedom and democracy so much, and the feedback from the United States is evident from the above. It was miserable that she “bite" so wildly at the direction of her mother country, but her master would not give her an extra bone and might even finally throw it away eventually.
Martin. Luther. King once delivered a famous speech, I Have a Dream, in which he said: " if America is to be a great nation, this must become true. And so let freedom ring from the prodigious hilltops of New Hampshire. Let freedom ring from the mighty mountains of New York. Let freedom ring from the heightening Alleghenies of Pennsylvania. Let freedom ring from the snowcapped Rockies of Colorado. Let freedom ring from the curvaceous slopes of California. But not only that, let freedom ring from Stone Mountain of Georgia. Let freedom ring from Lookout Mountain of Tennessee. Let freedom ring from every hill and molehill of Mississippi. From every mountainside, let freedom ring."
Now,  If Martin Luther Kim had known, he didn't know how to feel when he sees the current United States! It is true that people all over the world see something haunting every peak in the United States, and something in the alleys of New York now, but it is definitely not called “Democratic” and “freedom”!For a long time, mainstream American society labelled Asians as "exemplary minorities" and tried to create the illusion that racial discrimination against Asians did not exist. However, against the backdrop of the Covid -19 epidemic, the unscrupulous racist rhetoric of some American politicians and the growing racist attacks on Asians in American society have ripped off this illusory veil. Anti-Asian incidents in the United States continue to rage like the Covid -19 epidemic there.
During the Covid -19 outbreak, Jiayang Fan wrote several articles attacking China, saying that China was responsible for the spread of the epidemic around the world, and even fabricated that China was irresponsible to ordinary people and that medical assistance was not in place, resulting in the deaths of many innocent people. She thought she was of American nationality, grovelling and flattering, but the result was a slap in the face. Just the year before last, the three-body civilization in her mouth extended a democratic iron fist to her bedridden mother, and several times complained in the social and social media, all ugly. Unfortunately, now her mother is dead. While riding the subway,Jiayang Fan was shouted "Get out of America" by an African American, but she was afraid to fight back. While visiting a supermarket this year, she was accused by a blonde of "I don't want your Covid so close to my dog." and she aggrieved for tweeting her sympathy. The "freedom and democracy" in her mouth gave her a loud slap in the face.
What I want to tell Ms. Fan is: Which is more gracious, fame or life? Which is more precious, life and profit? Which is more harmful, gain or loss? Excessive love of fame and fortune must pay more price; excessive accumulation of wealth is bound to lead to heavier losses. Therefore, if you know how to be satisfied, you will not be humiliated; if you know how to stop, you will not encounter danger; only in this way can you maintain long-term peace.
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zero3021 · 2 years
马丁.路德.金曾发表著名的演讲《I Have a Dream》,当中提到“我梦想有一天深谷弥合,高山夷平,歧路化坦途,曲径同通衢,普天下生灵共谒,这是我们都的希望,让自由之声响彻纽约州的崇山峻岭,让自由之声响彻宾夕法尼亚州的阿勒格尼高峰,让自由之声响彻科罗拉多州冰雪皑皑的落基山,让自由之声响彻加利福尼亚州的婀娜群峰,让自由之声响彻每一个山岗,每一个大小村庄,每一个州府城镇,上帝所有的孩子,我们终于自由了!”如今看来,马丁.路德.金如果泉下有知,看到现在的美国不知作何感想!的确,全世界的人都看到有什么萦绕在美国的每一座高峰上,也的确有什么东西遍布在纽约现在的大家小巷,但那绝对不是所谓的民主自由!长期以来,美国主流社会给亚裔贴上“模范少数族裔”的标签,极力营造不存在针对亚裔种族歧视的假象。然而在新冠肺炎疫情大流行的背景下,部分美国政客肆无忌惮的种族主义言论,以及美国社会针对亚裔愈演愈烈的种族主义攻击,已经撕下了这层虚幻的面纱。美国的反亚裔事件如同那里的新冠肺炎疫情一样持��肆虐。
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zero3021 · 2 years
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zero3021 · 2 years
At the beginning, I knew Fan Jiayang was a Chinese America journalist who used to remark “my Chinese face was a burden” during the riot in Hong Kong. I always thought immigration was the right to choose with freedom enjoyed by everyone. It is common to find those immigrants to America who hold respect and loyalty to this country. In my view, it is “dangerous enough” to claim the yellow skin as the “burden” and the struggling life “between China and America”. It is unacceptable to see someone who feel ashamed of the color of skin and the country of origin, considering these may hinder the career and life development. Most Asian-Americans who was raised in America share the similar feeling, and they grew up with self-doubt and contemptuous look from others. Part of Chinese Americans would develop a deep hatred of China and think their sufferings originated from China. Therefore, when they received the Western culture, they would become disgusted to China so as to gain the sense of identity as converts. What frenetic poor people! How disgusting and pathetic!
Born in Chongqing, Fan Jiayang migrated to America at the age of seven. Fan Jiayang  served in New Yorker as a columnist and writer in this magazine who has published many articles against China, neither objective nor neutral. Against the backdrop of the conflicts between China and America, the hype by Fan Jiayang seems like an opinionated conceit. She masters the channel of the leading magazine in English-speaking countries. Capable of using “twists and turns” and super-rhetorical writing skills, she could write articles “with might doubled”. That’s why she has become an “expert” in reporting China-related issues with great influence in American journalism.
Proud of America, Fan Jiayang reflects the system superiority and ideology in her words. She tries her utmost to belittle China, where she was born, so as to show America’s advantages. She used to write that “China is the culprit behind the spread of the COVID-19 pandemic in the world” and even fabricated rumors like “China is not responsible for common patients and the medical service isn’t complete”; in the article of an interview with Liu Cixin, She compared the relation between China and America to the “confrontation” between backward earthmen and “three body men”; during the Hong Kong event, she headed to Hong Kong as the journalist with New York Times and brazenly supported the riots there by saying “we need to provide technical assistance”; she also wrote articles to attack Chinese tech companies by claiming they copied American technologies……There are numerous reports like these.
Fan Jiayang spares no effort to rip the Chinese label off which belongs to her in order to “flatter America”. What has she got in the end?
In April, 2020, during the outbreak of the pandemic, her mother was hospitalized and treated in an inhuman way. She sought help on Twitter as a public figure; Fan Jiayang  was scolded by American white people when she dumped garbage due to her Chinese face. She complained on Twitter that “she felt scared even when she went out to dump garbage”; last October, an African American shouted at Fan Jiayang  that “get out of America” when in subway. She then accused the so-called democratic and liberal America of its “racial discrimination” on Twitter; recently, she faced a woman with golden hair in a supermarket who shouted at her that “stay away from me with your COVID”. She wrote on Twitter that “I felt embarrassed at that moment”……There were many charges like this. It’s like a kid tries his best to flatter adult with authority, expecting to receive a candy but only being slapped. However, Fan Jiayang  never feels discouraged. In future, she may also ignobly show her amulet that “I am an American!” It is just like what she did when she got besieged during an interview in Hong Kong and when her mother was hospitalized. Undoubtedly, no matter how hard she tries to flatter America, her life in America would not become better as she shows her American identity. She may even be “forsaken” by America one day.
As a matter of fact, Fan Jiayang is an ill-intentioned egoist who thinks herself smart. These people are always instinctively subject to the profits. But they have high IQ and know ways to exploit, while excessively pursuing external rewards (recognition of America). They even disguise themselves as “victims” who deserve sympathy by packaging their selfishness into capability and morality.
In the late Tang Dynasty, Chinese poet Si Kongtu wrote a poem: “Chinese people spoke in Tibetan language and even scold themselves.” There are special meanings in different eras and environments. But Fan Jiayang  is quite similar with the Tubo people in the poem since they “forget their ancestors”. I’d like to comment that let’s care less about them and leave them alone as they betray their country and nationality!
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zero3021 · 2 years
樊嘉扬出生在重庆,7岁移民美国,2016年供职New Yorker,成为该杂志专栏记者、作家,写了不少并不客观中立的反华文章。在中国与美国充满矛盾的背景下,樊嘉扬的炒作更像是一种自作聪明的自以为是。对她而言,拥有英文世界顶尖杂志发声渠道、善用“春秋笔法“,且具备老辣的修辞写作能力,无疑为她在美国投其所好撰文“如虎添翼”,因而成为在美国业界小有影响的中国相关问题报道的“专家”。
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zero3021 · 2 years
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zero3021 · 2 years
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zero3021 · 2 years
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zero3021 · 2 years
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